Muhammad Al Bizry – Scholar Series #2 – Al-Imaam Ahmad [Imaam Ahlus-Sunnah]

Muhammad Al Bizry
AI: Summary ©
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AI: Transcript ©
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He was born in the year 164 After hijra, his father was a Mujahid. And his father, of course, died when he was around 30, which left Allah Muhammad

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orphaned, and he was an orphan. And you'll find also many other LMS will often that young age, like I remember cheffing

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and I remember Buhari following in the footsteps of who

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the profile is

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slightly mad at him a chef very early on Bihari, the war, often following the footsteps of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. So being an orphan isn't necessarily a bad thing. In other words, because you're following the footsteps of these great men. In other words, it's a sign of great things to come, don't lose hope, said humbly learned, never doubt the Divine Decree of Allah azza wa jal. So he was an orphan.

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And those who took over the mother, and that's where you find in terms of his knowledge early on, or was the mother she was the one planting that seed of Eman and knowledge and growth in his heart, and if you have any questions, write it down, we'll take him in the shop.

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As always travel and knowledge.

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First and foremost, his teacher was his mother and you find many of the element of the Salaf the teachers were females, mothers, sisters, and it shows you the important role of women. So in terms of his travels and his knowledge,

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first and foremost, he was brought up by his mother, Sophia been to a Moana that was an A, what would happen was

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pre dawn, and then walk to Sahara. before Fajr. She would wake up, prepays, food is breakfast, get his books ready, and then she'll wrap him up. Because it was very cold in the mornings in Baghdad very cold. And she would take him to the masjid so he can print them out, and she'll wait outside. And after the pray go home note, she will wait until she'll walk. So you can sit there at the feet of the scholars gaining knowledge. The mother, she was the one that planted those seeds, and we're gonna see also, he did the same and did the same with his kids, Abdullah. Abdullah his son, he nurtured him really well. So when he died, his son Abdullah, also known as Abdur Rahman, but his son

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Abdullah took care of the Muslims. He nurtured him well, he planted that seed of Eman because when he died, LM O Muhammad Rahim Allah No mustard wasn't complete the manuscripts in the papers and not to everywhere. So he took over his son, what an investment to invest in your kids. Now let's give dower to the world and neglect the home. Let's give dower to everyone else and neglect the family and neglect your kids. Sometimes you find a person in Darwin is a chef or have strong student knowledge whatever the case may be, or is a volunteer many events, yet his family is neglected. The wife's neglected or the kids are neglected. What is this? So like having a dentist with bad teeth or

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a plumber with bad farming? Alright, it's a contradiction. Start in the home. The scholar said, an Austro nowhere Turing would stand up. The family is the nucleus of society. That's how we get victory once again among many other ways, of course. So his mother was the one nurturing him as the saying goes don't expect

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succulent strawberries. When you sown the seed of a cactus so

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sometimes parents hear they sown the seed of a cactus. What are you gonna get? You're gonna get a cactus so when he's 15 1617 You hype mushroom, I will show on him or you maybe you didn't raise him right. It happens is having

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a Austro Noire turn which is the family is the nucleus of society.

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So Elijah Muhammad is knowledge started at home with his mother she will take him to the masjid every single morning. However, he began his serious study of a hadith at the tender age of 1515. That's when he was serious. So he was doing everything before them. But 15

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Maybe I'm serious, some people get serious never.

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So when he was 15, that's when he started to travel. Colossi is a man now he went to and Bosler al Kufa and Yemen and Elijah's

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and he returned to Baghdad, his home city after approximately 11 years. So after 11 years of traveling,

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he returned home

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and where is he? Who does he find when it comes back to Baghdad? The great, illustrious I remember Shafi

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at us he becomes his student. Salima Muhammad studied under sherfane These were all great men and students of each other my dear brothers. You find today people that they have this his BM and

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Tality where they basically say, you know, if you're not on my way, you're and you're on Darla, this is the half bro and no other way is acceptable. And they follow a particular madhhab. And they think every other method is wrong, but little do they know their own email of that madhhab was more tolerant than them. The only map, you find the students due to the lack of knowledge don't even knowing the basic biography is a very basic zero by the way, I'm not giving you everything, but very basic things I didn't even know that I didn't know Muhammad studied under Alabama Sheffy. And his son he would always say I used to hear my father making dua family member Shafi always, always

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always mother would make dua for your teachers for your machine. If it's the people who teach you they help you shall try to get the gender. His sons heard, I heard my father constantly make dua for a Sheffy. This is why you're making so much dua for him. He says, you see the relationship and the importance of the son to this world. He says, Yeah, well, he said he is the son to this day.

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And that was after the Sahaba in our time. Now, I remember chiffre is like the Son to this Dean. Just like you have the importance of the sun to the world without it. Basically, everyone's dead.

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And that's why it was called shamsudeen. Literally, no, because the sun is a source of light. It's a source of guidance. So I remember Shafi was that he was a source of light and guidance for this Oma.

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So he studied and felt and also that felt under his chef Alma Shafi, and he continued teaching up until 214 After hijra, and this is when a storm of persecution erupted against the scholars of Hadith against Al Hadith throughout the best empire. Why?

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Because the Khalifa at the time, accepted the martyrs era Arpita and this is of course, a deviant Aveda we don't accept, so the Khalifa now this is in terms of new subcategory tests, the tests he faced.

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The Khalifa at the time accepted the Margiela Creed

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214 After he drove as we said, a storm of persecution erupted. And among the things that they used to believe, in claim was that the Quran is created hasn't is the Quran created. Of course not. Because the Quran is Allah's words can M and Allah is not created, so the Quran can be created. So therefore, therefore, they refuse to yield they refuse to submit to this deviant way, and among them Ali Muhammad. So in the beginning, this Khalifa.

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When most scholars refused to join him, he first read in them. When they didn't obey, he persecuted and torture them. Many like Elijah Muhammad who persecuted and tortured.

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He was thrown in prison.

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18 months in jail.

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Imagine that great email, great scholar in prison for 18 months.

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You think supermax is bad? Well, at least they that I taught you.

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Perhaps you say this psychological torture that's true. There is a psychological torture and suvmax but here all psychological and physical torture, he was beaten so bad at times. It was mentioned that he broke his wrist they literally they broke his wrist was that bad. And many times he would be knocked out unconscious, we beat him to the extent where they basically Kayode him a great Imam. So much so that his students said to him, Look, why don't you just Toria What's the idea? When you say something, it's not a lie, but you give the intent to the person asking that as though you intend something else this is called DoDEA.

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Like for example, I was mentioned that Yeah, even made and I highly abled Medini these are two great scholars, they use storia. An example would be for example, they were told to say that the Quran is created so they will hold the Quran up they'll say it is created, meaning

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the paper Yeah, this must have literally, the cover is credit, but not the Quran. That's Kataria. So his students asked him what introduced odia just like yeah, you've done mine, and I've been Almudena did. He said No, I'll tell you why. go to such and such place and tell me what you see. His student goes, what does he find? And even 100 Students with pen and paper waiting to see what photo is going to give what he's going to say so they can record it in the pages of history. He says that's why I refuse to refuse to give him

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a thought he earned the nickname of a man.

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Listen. Remember how the Sunnah is Alabama? So aka

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the Mount Madison.

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Look at him today. We mentioned him bye. Literally singing his praises and making dua for him. Rahim Allah, even the other great scholars in his time lived as well. Literally they were great scholars in his time.

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Perhaps maybe even more knowledgeable, but loss, sincerity a pure sincere intention and delicata Allah, that's what raises your ranks also, not just knowledge but it's applying that knowledge to applying the knowledge and that's why it was mentioned also another great story when he was in prison to people before him they were taught to say the Quran was created and they didn't what happened Their heads were chopped off and Lima Muhammad was next his next and who's next to one of the students of a chef a so this is an opportunity he asked him Do you have any a Hadith from the chef a on you know, wiping Messiah what your hair just about to get lopped off and you're asking

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about FIRK that was one of the stories of Elijah Muhammad shows you historical if I'm gonna get executed I'm gonna it's gonna happen and if I don't Well guess what I better use this opportunity to gain some knowledge because if this was executed I might lose that hadith

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so that's one of the main there any major stories mentioned about him and Muhammad in prison to show you this to work on in reliance you know, if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen at the local hollows and foreign law. Of course, he wasn't executed. And one another amazing story of Muhammad in prison that he was beaten really hard one day and he was brought some water after the speeding. He was given water he refused to drink he says I don't want to break my fast

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as fasting is in prison, and he's getting beaten his I don't want to break my fast look at these men, my brothers. That's why I love preserved the legacy behind we find us along with Stan is an authentic narration that's been mentioned about Alabama Han. And he lived approximately eight years after this big test. And this test by the way of the of you know, the claim that the Quran was created, what was it called?

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was called mana

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and mana the great test literally the manner of Muhammad and it was such a test that actually is extended into the time of remember Buhari. So he was also subjected to you know, such claims and insults. And of course, false rumors spread about Al Bukhari, which we're going to take also.

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So after the manna he lived for about eight years and most of his period in time was devoted to teaching while others was spent to just basically staying in the masjid Salah Victrola electricity. As for his lifestyle, now new subheading, his lifestyle

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was mentioned

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that he hated luxury he lived a very simple and sad way of life. Very Asti very simple. It was mentioned that he boycotted his son's just because they took a payment from the Khalifa that tells you hated luxury and lifestyle. Once Ramadan rock, he said, I came to LA Muhammad and I complained about poverty. Salima Muhammad took four silver coins, put them in my hand, he said this is all I got.

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He only had four silver coins at one stage to his name and he gave it to Ahmed al Warlock.

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He was one of Danny the contemporaries of Alabama.

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Another great scholar.

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So how would you live basically, he would live off his live off his father's farm mistake. His father left behind I found mistake. And he will live off that land basically from the fruits and so forth. But he wouldn't really work he would dedicate a lot of his time to Hadith and, and I shows us My dear brothers the importance of leaving something behind for your kids. If you want them to be scholars, you want them to be mushy, right? You don't want to leave necessarily a business behind where they're working 24/7 And they've got no life. Basically, they wake up go to work, they come back there to smash to do anything. Now, if you're going to leave something for them leave something

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so they can not work literally or something they can live off as well. So they can also study.

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As for his character, new subheading

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he was extremely gentle, honest, and just

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these were among the most outstanding qualities he had in his character. Gentle.

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He was extremely honest and he was just just to give you an idea of his justice. Once he was praying, salata nephila An optional prayer while he's praying, someone comes and steals his shoes and he sees it. What does he do? And Cottenham salata. He was Yara Khalifa hookah Ellen. Yeah, full acapella, full and half mil. So what is he doing? He cuts off his prayer. He chases him down. And he says, oh, so and so come back. So it's a comeback. Why? So I can beat him giving my shoes back? No. He said, day two like al Qaeda, day two like al Qaeda COVID will cover. He's saying, I've gifted you my shoes have gifted you my shoes. Say I accept sir. I accept why he didn't want that man to fall

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into sin. He didn't want a thief to fall into sin. Look at his gentleness, look at his o'clock. Who would do that today. When I told my dad the story has to chase him down right? And I'll build him so hard.

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And I built him with those shoes until they literally fall apart. Come in

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the football

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you can see you can see, ya know, hello, is your classroom my brother? So that just shows you. That just shows you a man's character amazing who would do that Rahmatullah who had mercy for that man, even though he's totally shoes. In other words, he stepped over his pride, He crushed his ego. And he humbled himself. Why? Because there's another believer, another Muslim. That is true love. True manners, is when you display them to those who have none.

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Anyone could show good manners to those who show good manners to them. That's easy. True. Even animals recognize that

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when you give a cat some food and you basically pat it, what does it do comes closer poses sits on your love animals recognize that relationship, to show good manners to those who have good manners to use easy, really your true test of character is when you show it to those who have no character. That's true UCLA.

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So that was Ali Muhammad. As for the Musnad Finally, we'll take this and his death. The Musnad was mentioned this famous book and that's why I mentioned the Muslim before and the matassa laughter repeat all these things and what they are. So the muslin, how did he compile it? He basically drew from his own personal library where in his mind, as well as the entire literature available to him on the subject. So he went traveling as we said, all those years. So out of 750,000 narrations, he sifted through 30,000. Basically he sifted 30,000, from 750,000 Allahu Akbar.

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Yeah, so he basically out of 750,000, a hadith. He went through them all, and he basically extracted the gems and he took out 30,000.

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It was mentioned he dictated various parts of these Hadith to his students, also his sons and nephew for over 13 years. So as mentioned, he compiled although it's unknown exactly how many years but you could at least it took him 13 years to compile 13 years, you find many of the elements do this. Like I remember co2 is horses. It took him 20 years to compile. So you find many elements, it takes them long. Don't just think that they just sat there overnight. You know what, let's put a Muslim together. Bang, here you go. So 13 years of struggling toil teaching

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the Muslims, the Muslims here.

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Now, he never claimed that all of the Muslim contexts were genuine and reliable. However, he claimed that basically a lot of them, a lot of them would be proven so hey, if they will put to the test. However, on the contrary, just to show you the loss and insincerity, he struck off and he deleted and omitted many a Hadith from his books, even from his book, even when he was on his deathbed. He told his son Abdullah, take out this hadith and take out the Hadith to show you that he was sincere it wasn't just it once it's gone to print a colossus the final version. Now these these men were searching for the truth, even if it went against their own opinion, their own knifes who would do

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that today. Sometimes you tell the brother fear Allah, you mentioned a hadith. And because he's proven wrong, he won't accept it. Why just to save face, though, saving faces when you humble yourself to the truth.

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And it's been mentioned, although he wanted to assemble his notes in the form of Musnad. He wanted to compile it like that death overtook him. So this task of arranging his notes and manuscripts was assigned to her.

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His son Abdullah, his son took over once again, as we mentioned earlier, what an investment, so much so that when he's this great a man passed away, his son took over.

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So anyway, Muhammad son Abdullah, maintain the scrupulous care and thoroughness of his father's work. When editing the material he inherited, he collected all of his father's huge but incomplete manuscripts with his own notes, which he had taken at his father's lectures, he would go there, you take his son to his lectures with with him,

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and other sessions of the Mahabharata and other elements. He then collected it from what he had learned from him and others are the LMR. During more, of course, any other periods of time, then, basically, he put it together and thus, the musona those compiled in the end by his son, something that many people don't know. And finally, this mustard occupies a very important place in Hadith literature, and as served as a source for numerous scholars works later on. Literally, they would use the mustard as either commentary or the source of their works. I'll give you two examples. Number one, even Hotjar. Use the Musnad.

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Basically, for his trough, we took what a tariff means. We've already discussed that so even harder to use the most net for is a trough of course other books of Hadith, but among them, use the Muslims and also a CLT assuta us

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A large part of the Musnad for his works,

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just shows you that this became a source ayanda or support for other element in the future. And as for his death finally he died at

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77 years of age 77.

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And his funeral was attended by a vast crowd, set to have contained approximately, at least 600,000 people to add most, two and a half million

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element Muhammad Allahu Akbar 600,000 At least attended

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77 years old.

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Other than ration, say at most, two and a half million so at best, at best, you could say two and a half million and worst case scenario 600,000 Just go try getting 6000

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at your funeral read 600,000 saying how Allah azza wa jal honors you in this world before the hereafter, it was mentioned this was an event like a which must have rarely been witnessed anywhere in the world at that time.

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Does that come Lochhead and my dear brothers for you attentive listening spanic Allah Mohammed ignition

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