Muhammad Al Bizry – Hadeeth – The Virtues of Mustalah Al-Hadeeth

Muhammad Al Bizry
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning history and understanding the meaning behind the term "hamak commodity is emphasized in the discussion of the Prophet's teachings. The "has been" label is used to describe actions and words, and is used to protect words and actions. The "has been" label is used to describe actions and actions, and is used to protect actions. The "has been" label is used to describe actions and actions, and is used to describe actions and actions. The "has been" label is used to describe actions and actions, and is used to protect actions. The "has been" label is used to describe actions and actions, and is used to protect actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah while early he was a woman well

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we're in week four

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for Mr. Levin Howdy.

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How would you translate masala Han Hadith,

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the terminologies had these terminologies.

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And tonight inshallah, we're going to look at the following number one a quick revision

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of last week

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and that involves the definition of the science. And then what we look at after that

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the purpose of studying

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for the purpose of this science

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it's really important so we'll quickly revise that

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because repetition is a mother memory and then tonight we're going to look at the virtues of masala

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so if you wish to title tonight's lesson, you can title as the virtues of masala Hadith

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quick revision, we said the definition of masala Hadith was modified to collect a lotto out of obeah. Harlow senate one method

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malefor knowledge of the applied rules in which they had the state the condition of the center the chain of narrators and the meta in the Hadith itself that is by definition, what masala Hadith is alright, that summary on the board for you. So if someone asked you what is the science of Hadith all about, you would say, number one, it's knowledge, knowledge of the rules

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that identify

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we have

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we conditioned Noam Chomsky for Hi, Luca, how's your condition? Okay, how you feeling? What's your state, the *, the condition of

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the Senate, the chain of narrators.

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We don't just accept a hadith from the Prophet Mohammed without knowing the chain the background information of the men.

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And that shows you the justice. And it shows you the strictness when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed, we're not just going to accept anything, otherwise anyone will come. We don't know who they are. And so the Prophet Mohammed said this, no, this is about the noble religion of Allah, Islam, the religion of Allah, we don't just accept anyone's word for it. Rather, we have to prove that the Prophet Mohammed actually said it, the chain of narrators. And if you have verified the tenant writers, we also need to verify the actual mutton which is the words of the Hadith itself.

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So that's basically the definition of masala Hadith as we said, this is a revision of last week, knowledge of the rules that identify the condition and the state. Meaning is this hadith

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wayk honkala.

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Is this hadith Sahih. Authentic? That's what we say when we talk about the condition of a hadith.

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And then we look at two parts, no Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed can do without these two parts, it can't do without it. The chain of narration is what is that called an Arabic Senate.

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And the words of the Hadith meten essence in Arabic methods.

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And of course, the scholars of the past whenever they want to write their Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed Ali salatu salam don't mention these two things. And so if you read the original works of him, Nokia and other scholars, they mentioned the whole narration, right? It's so long half a page at times. It's mentioning the whole chain of the Raiders and then the Hadith itself. But today, what do we do? The Prophet Mohammed said, and we just say it. Of course, we're not at that level, at the level but usually when you just say it stated in our body, we understand if it's not Buhari, then of course it's authentic. So of course our situation today is not like the way of the earlier scholars

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that will memorize the whole meten and memorize the whole chain the whole sentence upon today how best to memorize one word from the Hadith.

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Or maybe Pilar Rasul Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. They say that in Arabic, that is it just shows you how the men of the the Salah for the men of the pious predecessors were in fact the women as well shows you how they were the scholars of the past compared to today. So that was the definition of done without What about the purpose of the science a person may ask you, why are you studying?

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to benefit?

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You ask him what do you study the fsid worry study after that, what do you study the Arabic language to benefit because you're not necessarily

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To produce new language, I'll say why are you studying was to learn how you're going to come up with new ahaadeeth? Are you going to come up with new ideas that are weak or no, you're not doing that necessarily, to produce new language, but rather so you can benefit. So we said, The purpose of this science number one, to benefit yourself, because the scholars when they put these masala ha these rules or principles, they did it for her.

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For us those of course for themselves first and foremost to benefit in the hereafter in terms of reward, but also for us. So it did for us so we can benefit number two.

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Correct? Correct. To have conviction, no doubt. So people don't doubt. And that's one of the reasons we said to protect the religion.

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They put these principles these terminologies in place to protect the religion from innovation, from corruption.

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There is no doubt a lot of people out there want to destroy religion you had in other faiths. Look at Christianity as classic example. You have these people narrating about Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke and john azote. He'll tell you all about it. He's been studying it intensively and extensively for last few months. Right? So these people they've come and they've said that Jesus said this, and Jesus said that, but of course, he didn't say any of it. Allahu Allah, if these people even met Jesus, right, Allah knows best. And you find they didn't, actually. So all of these innovations have come into their religions that esala salaam is free of his innocence of he didn't do any of this.

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Once I was at university, and I was having a discussion with this priest. And he says, It's time for prayer. So he takes out his little bag. He's the luggage bag, and he's got a horn. And he's got a trumpet. And he's got this wineglass I go, what is he, so we're gonna do something, some celebration, I'm going to do this, Jesus do this. He said, No. So the good boy doing it. And God is good. I think Jesus didn't do it, then why you should be following his example. So that's how, and so that's a good point. So he had, he had been, has been dying in Christianity. So innovations in his own religion either never know. So, in Islam, it's very strict on innovations. We don't do

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something that the Prophet Mohammed never did. When I say something that the Prophet Mohammed never said, because it's the religion of Allah, we don't mess with it. A person who says, you don't need the sooner you don't need the Prophet Mohammed, Jesus, do what you want. If that's the case, if Allah wanted us to worship him how we want Why would he send the messenger

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the messenger was said, because he's supposed to show us and explain it.

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Another reason?

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Correct, Mashallah. We study this science to understand the terminology

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of the predecessors.

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A scholar might say this Hadith, his wife, okay, what does life mean? He might say this is Hassan, what has happened mean? You may think hasn't means good. But sometimes, they might use huson to mean fabricated. So if you don't understand that, we're gonna look at that, I believe next week, we will, we're going to look at misconceptions, and particular terminologies, and Sharla. This is all introductory matters. By the way, it just shows you how deep the science of Hadith is, are we studying for four weeks is all introduction, all introduction to Panama. So you understand the terminology. Okay. When this Jay, when the scholar said, he said, What did he mean by it? So if you

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don't study this Hadith, you may think hassane here, man good, because that's what linguistically hassane means. But in fact, he meant hassane haori. It's hassane. It's, it's nice in the sense of people like to listen to these strange things. Rather, something's exotic people like it doesn't necessarily mean it's authentic. Big difference. What else do people study on? Why? Why else do we study?

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good. So to protect the religion, good, that would fall under there. They doubt it. You said that it's actually proved Jani that it is true. What else

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to worship a lot correctly.

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Like that priest, classic example. He's not worshiping a law correctly, because Jesus never told him to do that. Likewise, when we authenticate a Hadith, the prophet actually said it and he did it, then therefore, by implementing it, you're worshiping the law correctly. So you worship Allah by implementing the authentic and you avoid the inauthentic.

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And I believe you said one more Yes.

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To understand the Sharia.

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So we understand the Sharia

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via Hadith. You can't understand the Quran except via the Prophet Mohammed a hadith because he explained the Quran and the scholar said the relationship of masala Hadith to the other sciences is like that.

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relationship to the pupil to the eye. You can't see except via the pupil. Likewise, you can't look and view Islam and its sciences, unless it's via masala Hadith. That's very important also. So I added a couple more in there, you may want to add to your notes if you don't have them. From what you took down last week, that was all a revision of week three.

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As for the virtues of the science, that's new content tonight, new content tonight, does anyone need what's on the book, that's all revision, and that'll also be in the recording in the Student Services section.

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As for tonight's new content, the virtues of this science

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studying masala Hadith has many virtues I'm going to be limited to five as usual we like to keep it short and sweet. So you can remember number one, most often howdy deals with the best of creation Who is that? The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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It is sayings, his actions, his tacit approvals his way, the best of messengers, the best the prophets, the best of men, the best of worship is in fact the best of creation, you are studying the best. So if you want to be the best, attach yourself to the best. And the scholar said, the virtues of a science depends upon the topic that it deals with. For example, neurology is an honored science why it deals with the human brain, the human brain, the mastermind of the body, the human brain, the human computer, no other machine comes even close to what the brain can accomplish in a millisecond. Also, astronomy isn't on earth science, why it deals with universe outer space, something which is

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colossal, vast and magnificent to say the least. So, the scholar said, the virtue of a science you want to know how virtuous a science is, then look at that, which it deals with, look at the topic that that science deals with, therefore studying about Allah, our Creator, our sustainer maintain isn't that a lofty topic? It sure is. Therefore, the topic of the Hayden Akita is extremely virtuous and lofty, extremely important. Also, this is the science of how do you you are studying the sayings of the beloved Rasul Allah Himself, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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constant praise of the Prophet.

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This science deals with the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and whenever you read a Hadith, what are you doing? What do you say? You praise the Prophet, you say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or alayhi salatu salam or other ways of sending your salutations you could say or praises to the profile he selected.

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The scholars of Islam said

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I don't have easy access to nasty Salatin, the people of Hadith, the scholars of Hadith, those who are busy working with Hadith and the science of Hadith, x or NASA are the most people who are sanata. And what does that mean? nasty Salatin, they have the most solar

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they pray a lot know sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they constantly say that that's what I throw nasty. So Latin means so Latin here doesn't mean the Salah the prayer, it means to send your soul upon the messenger. That's what it means hamakua

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so that was a beautiful statement from the scholars join me right in Arabic for you. D

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xo nasi

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The people have had eath the scholars have had those who are studying science of Hadith.

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Those who send the most soul upon the messenger

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in other me fact that every time you read a hadith and you send your salon or Salalah, alayhi salatu salam ala Yanni, that suffices, that's enough of a virtue. If we were to just stop here. That's enough of a virtue for signs of Hadith and why you should study it. That's enough. Just the fact that every time you say something, Allahu Allah, you send them and the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said no authentic hadith. Men Sala la mala Jani merata wahida sallallahu alayhi ashran whoever is in this Allah to me once Allah sends the solid back to them multiplied by 1010 times over pan Allah 10 solo at bottom line. So what a virtue. Number three among the virtues of studying

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masala and Hadith, you are defending the messenger Allah salatu salam himself, you are defending him how you're pushing back. The fabricated a hadith that have been false the actual

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tema de Soto Silla, so you are defending him

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defending the messenger.

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All the people when they read the stories of the prophets, like a Sally's being persecuted by the Jews. So if only I was there I would have stood by Jesus and supported him. And this is not an musala Cinema Ben wiswell gay mahatama wait for hours after him all stood by him and fought also. And there would be all the profits, you'd love to do that. Well guess what, we can't be there physically, that opportunity has long gone. If you can't be there physically, to support and defend them with your bodies, then you can still do so today via the verbal defense. When people attack the messengers, they attack the prophets. And we don't just stand up for the Prophet Mohammed but rather

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all the prophets. Even when a son Islam is being mocked and they make movies about him, or they make Funny Cartoons about him. We also get offended as Muslims, not just the problem Mohammed but all the prophets. We stand up and defend all the prophets and that's why when they had those Funny Cartoons southpark mocking Jesus and Moses and that's something that hurts us as well. Lando Federico beinahe mercifully we don't differentiate in terms of the prophets. We believe in some and disbelieve in others No, we accept them all. And that's what's amazing is a lot of that says about the people of New nor Noah, the people of New beleid denied the messengers but wait a minute. No, was the first

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messenger How can I have disbelieved in the messengers? There was their messengers before him? What does this mean?

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Correct? Do you just believe and reject one we've rejected all of them beautiful? If

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so, how much more virtuous is it to defend and push back the lies against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and protect these people sooner? Number four,

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by studying masala Hadith, there's another virtue. You are aided by the angel Gabriel himself, you are aided by the prerelease himself upon law. What's my proof? The hadith of Hassan eco Sabbath, which is found another Buhari had his number 6152 where once a man was mocking the prophet SAW Selim, or Qureshi mocking the prophet SAW Selim. So once Hassan is a fair bit composes poetry, and he begins to recite it in defense of Rasul Allah, so the Prophet himself may draft for him he said, Allah hum a year to be rowhill odos. Our la eight assertiveness abit with rural kudos with the angel jabril himself upon Allah. So the scholar said, Whoever defends the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam

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gets a share a portion of the blessings found in this two hour where he said our law eight has said it the Sabbath with the angel Gabriel. So for you defending the prophets of Allah Selim, you have a share of that amazing job. We will also aided with debris rally center you know sometimes brothers, they get very happy I'll get the boys with me cuz to back me up. Bankstown boys happy boys, Liverpool boys. obon boys, they happy? Imagine having debate alley Sam as your backup as one of your boys cars. Debate alley Sara is so massive, so massive. We know the Prophet sallallaahu Selim saw him and his true form. He covered the horizon. Cover the horizon. That's how big is 600 wings? What

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did he do with one of his wings? He flipped and destroyed an entire village in town.

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He took the highest part made it the lowest part.

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What's the highest point in Sydney? center point our margin and that became the lowest part.

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We're not making drought and Sydney. You get that?

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Yeah, otherwise we'll go with it.

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So number four, you added with the angel jabril. himself.

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It could be protection. It could be extra support. It could be defeat, it could be many things. But he kept a general he said a tool. He didn't say assist him in this or assist him in that. In Arabic When something's general. It's called neck, your neck era. When Nikki Ross to Fiddler moon, something's general it indicates generality. It's broad in scope. And that's what when you say Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater rather than what? Everything so I mentioned it as Allahu Akbar minute dunya you don't restrict it Allah is greater than this world. As Allahu Akbar. Allah is greater than the next world. You don't say you're not restricted. You said, Allah is greater meaning the

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greatest. Allahu Akbar. I mean, cliche. That's what it means. Allah is greater than everything. So the scholar said, when something's not mentioned in Arabic, that's what it does. Arabic When you don't mention something, it's called Nikita. In other words, it's general it encompasses everything. So you will ated with the angel jabril Ali Salaam, himself. And as we said, it's a hadith founded on Buhari, a number of

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Although there are many more virtues of studying masala Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, not Dora la hombre and semia merpati fadda Kamara, Samia, my Allah azza wa jal brighten the face of the one who hears my a hadith and adapt he fulfills them meaning he implements them and he spreads them just as he heard them. You get this draw also from the prophet SAW Selim, and that's the fifth virtue of masala Hadith that Allah will enlighten your face with nor you will have an enlightened face.

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a face full of nose upon a lie around with a face full of note. Sometimes you see a brother and you say Mashallah, Mona what it is glowing, based on the Hadith of the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said Nagara la homerun nada Allahu Allah azza wa jal bring light to the face of her semia Makati you heard my a hadith my sayings for de haq msme Ah, and he delivered them he said he preaches them he teaches them just as he heard them. So that's a hadith which is motivated multiple generations you can find there so many books of sunon

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so if you want that enlightened face or when the sisters who decide yes I want this right and there's no need for the foundation and the makeup and the mascara anymore right this is the this is the sooner way and this is the halal way of having makeup right halal enlightenment of the face not foundation and all that rubbish alone was that sometimes you see a brother who just got that hay bales with that Norse Pollock Mashallah their brothers here. Sometimes you look at a person got horrible every his face right? That wrath and anger of a lot. I didn't have time to Tamia said if you want to see the verb of Allah the anger of a line a person's face. Look at that if it

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will let you just see their face the Shia, all I just heard that whenever they face Panama, and this happened one of the brothers you probably know the Saudi it gives studying Lebanon at the moment he came back in Ramadan. And when he came back to Panama, you just saw the note on his face. Why is he studying in the Faculty of Hadith? He just had this new even I was with a shake up the Salaam at the time and he said and he mentioned this hadith. He said Mashallah, Mona were emitting this hadith nadarajah homerun semi amakhala Tifa Dhaka, Samia. So karma is we saw him and it happens it happens upon Allah and whatnot. The Rock came from now on the dad doesn't know what happened, would you who

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he didn't know? On that day, the day of judgment, some faces will be brightened and full with light. Why?

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The next era Bihar now because they are looking towards the Lord, looking at Allah. On the day of judgment, you will see your Lord. As the Prophet Mohammed told us, you will see Allah Imagine that. Imagine seeing the one who created you, made you your Creator, that's amazing.

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And on that day, also, there'll be some faces that are black and dark. And that's of course the faces of the disbelievers because they denied the signs of a lion they rejected them, we asked a lot of which are the Most High, to make us among those who fulfill this hadith that a large region blesses us with an enlightened face in this world and the Hereafter, does that come low? Hayden's panic Lomo bionic eye shadow Allah Allah. Mr. fuuka wanted to go.

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Yes, no doubt, I said, that's what I like to share that will lie against the messenger. And you may want to add this as well. That's a very good point, those who do the opposite. They don't say the Hadith as the Prophet said at the no doubt they will have the, of course opposite result, which is a duck face. The scholars would also say, ma'am entirely be hiding within a lower fee and Adora B Baraka t dariah rasulillah. There's not a single student of ahaadeeth, a student who studies the Hadith of the Prophet, and preaches them and teaches him except in his face or her face is this nodata this enlightenment, this brightness due to the Baraka the blessings of the devil of the

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Prophet sallallahu sallam. So if you want a share of this enlightened face, then do what the prophet said.

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He the Hadith, spread them and teach them just as you learned them. In other words, the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed are meant to be sugar coated in the way where you change them, and you dilute them and you water them down to suit 2015 21st century Sydney, Australia. No, there's no need for that. There's no need whatsoever. For example, universities they teach about their teacher Sharia Yes, non Muslims teaching Muslims at times, the Sharia well, Islam, and sometimes they approach these a hadith and they'll say yeah, but look, now we're in the 21st century. What the Prophet meant was this who said that, who said the Prophet Mendez, if he meant that he would have said the Prophet

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was given concise, clear speech, as he said, concise

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Speech if he meant something he would have said it. The Prophet is meant to guide us not misguide us.

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He meant to guide us not confuse us. So if he was said something which was confusing, it would have clarified it.

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