Mufti Menk – Emotional explanation of Makki and Madani Surahs

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of learning to be an umironic person and the use of the Quran in Makkah where individuals are instructed not to listen and show no interest. The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of "will" and "will" in language translation and the importance of learning the title "the ACARA." The importance of learning the Quran is emphasized, and people should learn to love one another.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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Smilla he will Hamdulillah he was Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Heba ala alihi wa sahbihi wa Germain,

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my beloved brothers and sisters in Cape Town and across the globe.

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Indeed, it is a blessing of Allah

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to be studying anything connected to Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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prior to his birth,

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during the time that he was with us,

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and later on

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to this particular day,

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anything to do with Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Be it the movement of his lips,

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or the way he placed his toes,

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or the way he spoke,

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the way he moved, the way he walked, how he treated people, no matter what, all of that is an act of worship,

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to study.

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One of the biggest gifts that Allah has bestowed upon us is that we are from the ummah of Nabi Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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We bleed when the people of Philistine are bleeding,

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we will not stop rendering assistance to them, until the day they are liberated.

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And we ask Allah to grant them that liberation and victory. And we ask Allah Almighty to protect them every single day, as an ummah, you and I know we have failed them.

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May Allah forgive us for this?

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Nonetheless, we belong to the same Ummah, the ummah of the Quran, the connection between you and I is that of la ilaha illa Allah Who, Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So shaytans job is to make you feel after the shahada that we are not connected. That's shaytans job.

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And Allah tells us that the bond of la ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is thicker than that of blood.

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What does shaytan do? He makes us want to fight each other. After we've said the shahada, calling each other names removing each other from the fold of Islam are usually say, the minute someone has declared the shahada, they have entered a door, that door qualifies them to be a part of this Dean, we may have differences, all the differences will be within that door. Don't just kick people out. Subhanallah in the past, I remember in this Masjid saying

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there are times we do others to the degree that we think nobody's going to be in Jannah. You will be surprised when you get to Jana. Hey, how did this guy make it here? SubhanAllah. That's if you made it there in the first place.

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Similarly, the way some operate for them, Jana is just for them and their little clique.

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If it was up to people, Jana would be empty.

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Just as well Allah kept himself as the owner of Heaven and *, he will fill it with all of us by His will. May Allah grant us Jana through his mercy.

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My brothers and sisters in Makkah, the kuffaar. Were not interested in Islam initially.

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in Makkah, they did not want to listen to Revelation.

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in Makkah, they were not even interested to the degree that anyone who showed interest was persecuted by merely showing an interest while ca and levena. Kufa Rula does ma only have an annual gang fee law I let him tell only Boone Allah describes the condition that the kuffaar used to say, don't listen to this Quran and whenever it is being recited, make noise so that no one else hears it so that you can be overpowering, you can overcome you can be victorious and so on because the minute someone hears it, they are going to be impacted by it.

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So Allah says to the believers, why either Puri Al Quran with istemi ruler who Oh seem to lie I like him to Rahama

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look at the advice to the believers the instruction to the believers, where Allah is saying when the Quran is being recited, listen attentively, and be silent. Be quiet.

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In order for you to achieve mercy, you want the Mercy of Allah when the Quran is recited, Pin drop silence, listen attentively, it will change your life, whether you understand it or not, it has an impact. But if you were to make an effort to understand it, it will have an even greater impact.

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Our carry moments ago read beautiful versus

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beautiful verses.

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And do you know what? These verses even those who did not understand them, were impacted by them?

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Imagine those who understood the verses what type of impact I was hoping he went on and on, but inshallah we'll have that opportunity on another occasion.

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My brothers and sisters, Allah's divine plan was such that in Makkah, he revealed a unique type of verses, mostly if you find the shortest sewers of the Quran, were revealed in Maccha 86 sewers were revealed in Makkah, according to the most correct opinion, the other 28 were revealed in Medina, what is the difference? The verses are the surah as revealed in Medina, well, long, very long Surah Al Baqarah. And so on. Surah Nisa, these are Madonia here in Cape Town, it's the city of the Quran from among the cities of South Africa. We know that hands down, and by the way, we're in Lansdowne.

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So, you know, it's the city of the Quran from among the cities of South Africa, you would know that macchia and Madonia is something you and I are taught from a young age, you come across a surah when you're memorizing it, they tell you Surah Al Baqarah Madonia. And it has so many verses, and so on and so forth. And then you start off Bismillahirrahmanirrahim early for

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me, notice the citta Harakat. In Cape Town, they know what Sita Harakat means, right? Some of the places they don't have a clue. But the sad part is some of you are looking at me like you don't have a clue.

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May Allah Almighty grant us goodness. So these are unique verses revealed in Madina Munawwara long sewers. What was the reason to do that?

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There are so many reasons it's part of the study of the Syrah because the Muslims were persecuted. There was a time when they said don't listen to the Quran. So Allah says, You know what, I have revealed short verses, they will have no option but to listen to them. By the time you make a noise, the verse is over. It gives you an opportunity to concentrate on the meaning of the verse. And Allah came up with something divine unique, the most powerful word in existence is the word of none other than Allah Rubble is that you will Jalil.

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Yeah. Are you muslim? In where was that? So where was that verse revealed? You can close your eyes and say Maccha it's a very short verse. To get the point. Very short, verse Maccha. The verses in the Sutras of Medina, although they are only 28, according to the most correct opinion, but they take up so much more in terms of the pages of the Quran that it's more than double that of the 86 sutras that were revealed in Makkah. tomoka Rama most of the sutras in in the last Jews of the Quran, were revealed in Makkah. So from now on, if someone were to ask you was this surah revealed in Mecca or Medina, I can give you a tip. If you follow the tip mostly you will be correct. You have

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a surah with short verses and a short Surah usually it was revealed were in Makkah, and you have a long Surah someone says Surah Baqarah. Where was it revealed? You got to say Medina, because in Medina they were already Muslim prepared to listen to the long messages in Makkah, they were not prepared to listen to long messages. short verses Thumma sebelah. Sarah,

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Mata HuFa oppo bada boom either Aisha

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Shara can

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totally my mana, all that is revealed way.

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How do you know short versus all rhyming on the topic? What were the subjects addressed in Makkah? What was needed? What were they doing? They were burying their daughters alive. So if Allah says we're even met Oh, that was so ill at where was that revealed? Maccha Allah is asking about how they how when the little one will be asked why were you buried alive? Where was that happening in Makkah short verse. They start thinking why did I bury my daughter? Look Allah saying that the daughter is going to be questioned. Why will you bet it

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be a

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continual at what crime did you commit so that they killed you? What either so

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Whoa, whoa no Shira and Wendy Soho when the books are laid open Subhanallah what books are they talking about in Makkah, they never believed in the hereafter. So most of the verses were mentioned is made in a short verse about something to do with the hereafter. Part of the Sierra was that these were revealed in Makkah, the people didn't believe in the hereafter you go to Medina, they were already mashallah ready to embrace Islam, many of them embraced it, even prior to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam himself doing the Hijra you and I know he sent Musa with Nora mayor of the Allahu Anhu earlier, and they went to Madina, Munawwara and so many of those who are ready to welcome

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people, they did not know the connection between them and those who are only La ilaha illallah, who Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that was the connection. So with that connection, they opened their homes, they welcome these people, it was amazing and unique. These are the verses that Allah subhanho wa Taala has indeed favored us by revealing different verses in different places with different topics dealing with different subjects based on what was going on.

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And it's part of our duty as a Muslim, slowly but surely to learn some of this. Some of you might not have heard this before, and some of you may have when I spoke in Cape Town, I was here for advanced the whole month of Ramadan four times. If I'm not mistaken, maybe a fifth one. I don't know. If not, we'll come back inshallah.

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And we've addressed these matters. And I even read the verses and showed the crowds to say, Do you know what these verses were revealed in Makkah, these revealed in Medina, we studied them, and we know them and we understand. So the topics discussed in Maccha were more to do with belief, faith, they were worshipping sticks and stones and everything else. And Allah says,

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you're worshiping this, how will it benefit you? Will it help you and so on? Later on in Madina? Munawwara you have the Stories of the Prophets, mashallah the Stories of the Prophets when you read the stories of the prophets, in most cases, those verses were revealed in Medina, Medina Subhanallah, Allah in most cases, those verses were revealed in Medina. So when you hear the stories of the prophets of Allah in detail, you know that this was revealed in Madina Munawwara in most cases,

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because the topics that were dealt with in Makkah, were to do with the persecution as well of the believers. And Allah Almighty says to them to the believers to hold on. They were young and weak in terms of number.

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But in terms of faith to Allah, He there was strong. Notice the issue of hypocrisy was never dealt with in Makkah. So when you hear verses regarding the Munna fakin mostly you can close your eyes and say these verses were revealed in Medina, how do I know I didn't know what no one needed to tell me the details because there were no hypocrites in Makkah. Subhanallah How come they were no hypocrites in Makkah, because it was very hard to be a Muslim. If you wanted to be a Muslim you were you prepare to almost be killed if not killed.

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Persecuted like the family of Yasin persecuted like beloved guna Raba have the Allahu Anhu Jamia May Allah is Peace and blessings be upon him. A hypocrite is not prepared to go through that. Do you see the point? So in Makkah, when it's very hard to be a Muslim, and they said, I bear witness there is none worthy of worship besides Allah and they were ready to be persecuted. They would not they would not be hypocrisy there. The issue of hypocrisy came about in Medina when the numbers were large. People wanted to just be Muslim because they said you know what, if we're not we're going to lose out they're going to treat us like this and like that they started lying that they are Muslim and

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they're not.

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So Allah subhanahu wa taala in Surah Al Baqarah, which was revealed in Madina Munawwara addresses the matter of the munaf 18 Right at the beginning, right at the beginning. Similarly, in mercato, Kurama, as the verses were read, and matters were being discussed, the condition of the people was being laid bare. Allah asking them questions, teaching them Aqeedah Okay, the belief Who is Allah your Lord who made you? How can you be against your own Lord Who made you and worship things that you are making with your own hands?

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When you ship your Lord alone, think of the day you're going to go back al hisab is a topic that was discussed in the Mackay verses. He said, meaning accountability, you cannot just do what you want. That was discussed in Mecca.

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Be warned of a day that is going to come where you're going to face your Lord and answer for all your actions. Where was that revealed in Makkah?

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered his comb his people on Mount Safa

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and ask them if there was an army behind here, if I told you there was an army behind here, ready to attack you, would you believe me? They said yes, you

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haven't lived. He was known as a surgical Amin he says, Well, I'm warning you regarding a punishment that is about to befall you if you don't turn in your ways and habits to that which is correct worship Allah alone. They got upset.

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They didn't want to change their lives. So those were beautiful verses there was a reason for those verses to be revealed.

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Later on, in Madina Munawwara you and I know that when the prophets Allah Allah Selim went up for Mirage physically.

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He was given the gift of Salah

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came down

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and Salah became compulsory after that, before that there was prayer, slightly different and it was not compulsory, voluntary.

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Later on, it became compulsory in stages. Initially, I should have the Allahu anha says, a one OMA on Zillow does Salah to methanol, methanol, when Salah first was made compulsory, it was made compulsory two units, two units, two units, then

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it remained that way on a journey when a person is on a journey. But it was increased in units for those who are not on a journey. Therefore, whatever you have for Assad, you have four I'm talking of the Arab Maghreb, you have three Russia, you have four, when it started off, it was two two. So this gradual

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revealing of the instructions to us is something worth studying.

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What happened in Madina Munawwara when alcohol was made, haram, it was made haram in stages, because the people were dealing in it, trading in it, drinking it, addicted to it, whatever it might have been, when Allah Almighty revealed the prohibition of it, he revealed it in a few stages. Initially, he said, Look, they're asking you about alcohol, about gambling and so on. There's some good and some bad but the bad outweighs the good. So the intelligent from the Companions knew that means it's a bad thing.

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Today I have young people say, Well, you know, I'm in it because of the good of it only. Come on, come on, where did you get that from? You can't say that. Verses are abrogated. What's the meaning of abrogation we need to learn?

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We need to learn because if we don't learn, we may never know you might pick up the Quran and read a verse and say, oh, there's good and bad shocks. I didn't know that man.

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What do you mean good and bad? That was a verse that was revealed in one of the stages where Allah says the bad outweighs the good. Why did he reveal that in order to prepare people for the next stage where he said, Oh, you who believe do not come close to prayer in the condition of intoxication? Yeah, I knew how levena Amanullah that horrible solid our tombstone Cara had that lamb Alma del guna on are you who believe, do not come close to prayer in the condition of intoxication until you know what your uttering what you're saying. You come you come too close to pray. You can see 50 People in the masjid when there's only five Come on.

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It can't be.

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I wonder how it is I've never been intoxicated. Imagine tarawih guys are making the first two units. He says I think we done

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lazy buggers. May Allah Almighty grant us ease nonetheless, it is worth learning. Similarly, the next stage Allah Almighty says, Oh, you who believe. And there are beautiful verses at the end of this verse. Allah says, It is the handiwork of the devil for * to moonta Who are you going to quit it give it up. And just prior to that he says, fetch a tiny boo hoo it means stay away from it. For Allah to say stay away from something. It means it is prohibited

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when it comes to adultery, which was always prohibited anyway. Allah says a lot that honorable Zina Don't come close to adultery. You have some wisecracks today saying, well, Allah didn't say is haram. I want a verse where it's clearly saying this is haram.

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Allah if you had to study revelation, you would know that he uses the term don't go close to something that is totally prohibited. You're not even supposed to come near it, let alone do it. That's the meaning of it. The hadith confirms it everyone confirms it. other faiths also have the abomination of adultery and fornication, not just Islam. It's something against fitrah. May Allah Almighty protect us all.

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You want to fulfill your sexual desires, you shall do so in a regularized way. If he there is no way of regularizing what you have in terms of your lust and your desires. You shall remain with patients until the day you meet with Allah and

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He will reward you no matter what it was for the patients you endured because you did not participate in something displeasing to Him even though your heart wanted it.

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That's a very deep statement. It cuts across the entire spectrum of desires and lusts.

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May Allah protect all of us. That's the Syrah that's the Sunnah it was revealed in a unique way Subhanallah the Quran every discipline of it is an ibadah. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was receiving revelation, did you know that he received it? The Maccha sutras and verses first, then there was the Hegira. Anything that happened after Hegira is known as the Madani sutras are verses and every Ramadan. Gibreel alayhi salam used to come to Him, consolidating whatever was already revealed, giving it the proper order of the most half the Quran, the law him for that which is in the Preserved Tablet starting from Surah Al Fatiha and ultimately it ended the Torah to nurse

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the final year they revise the entire Quran twice Gibreel alayhi salam with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so the order of the Quran is sacred. It starts at Surah Al Fatiha then Surah Al Baqarah, then surah Allah Imran then Surah Nisa, I could rattle all of them for you until the 114 one that says Surah Tumnus.

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No Muslim has debated that or argued it from the beginning to this day. It hasn't happened. Similarly 114 sources, that's it. No one argued that there is more or less, it hasn't happened. No credible argument not at all.

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So for us to learn this and to know it and you see when you want to read the Quran, you have to recite it from the beginning to the end. When you want to read your Salah, the Imam is always told in the first raka make sure you read something such that the second one will be after it in order in which order in the order of a low hill my full the order of the preserve tablet the order of the most half the order of the Quran it sacred we know it I'm half it since I was a little boy. I'm sure many of us are Cape Town. Like I said it's Medina to Quran

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in South Africa.

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Many who fall beautiful recital I found that was in Cairo a few minutes ago listening to our Kati recite.

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Many of us have what is known as ijazah or isnaad.

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Where we have a chain of narrators between us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam such that whatever we read of the Quran, we can guarantee you this was what was revealed. I haven't in ijazah, that is quite high, quite high, meaning the number of people is one less than a lot of others.

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May Allah protect us? We don't blow our trumpet, but sometimes you have to let people know listen, you know what we also have ijazah. May Allah grant us ease. People think we're fools at times talking. They think What's this man talking about? We will teach you in sha Allah, and we will teach you with a chain all the way going back to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam by his will,

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the will of Allah. So my brothers and sisters, that's the Nabhi of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I follow him, you follow him? He faced persecution, any verses of jihad where where they reveal? Medina? How do I know? Because in Medina when the Muslims increased in number, and they had greater power than Allah allow them to fight back jihad.

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People say, these verses of jihad, are they valid or not? Valid validity will always remain up to Qiyamah. But the method of application is not left to the lay man.

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There are rules and regulations verses in the Quran. It is our duty to learn, but you need someone to teach you you cannot just apply. You need to know where the verse was revealed, why it was revealed, how it was revealed, when it was revealed, what are the meanings of the words? What are the rulings derived there from and what exactly the entire verse means. And on top of that, is there any other way of reciting that verse? Because the art are also part of the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what Akira art you will hear Tari recite Cape Town, probably you all know almost all if not all.

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I gave an example yesterday in my speech about when I was little, the first time I heard a little boy, small boy I think about four or five years old. The Masjid because I was born in the compound of a masjid just across where we were living the masjid

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recite came and started reciting he says what No. Hey, I thought to myself, this guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

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To me

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It matters worse. He says, well lately either as Jay, I looked at my friends, I said, this guy is maybe an Indian or some, we don't know where he's reading from and what's going on and so on. You know, he probably has one of those accents. Later on. I told my father what type of a person was reading he doesn't even know what

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he was seeing here here and my father had to explain to me Listen, son, what do you know? That is a proper mutawa till recital? Correct? According to the teachings of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What are you serious, obviously, that I'm learning.

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And then I found out is not just to there's more, there's different ways of doing things in Xero about what's going on. This guy is reading the way he's pronouncing the site. So that's a pronunciation. You got to learn. You got to understand and appreciate it isn't Ibadah to learn it, it isn't a bad idea to know it. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam says hey, Eurocom Manta Allah Al Quran Allah Allah who the best from amongst you are those who learn the Quran and teach it. It's not just about reciting No, it's about reciting Yes. Improving your recitation Yes. The pronunciation Yes, the intonation which means the tune Yes. On top of that, the different recitations and Kira

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art, yes. On top of that, the meanings, the different meanings, what can this mean? What does it mean because the English language translations not a single one of them is perfect, they will never be perfect, they will always have blunders in them because the English language is not the language chosen by ALLAH to reveal the Quran, which is his Kalam His Word. So no English translation on Earth can claim perfection. Perfection is solely and only for the word of Allah, the Arabic untouched and will never be touched until a Yama

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so in the English language, you might have to understand look into it and see, this translator says that this one says that what is exactly the meaning you're going to have to go and study deeper if you want to know it might not be for blind for everyone to know every detail. It's not compulsory on every single person to know every ruling, but you need to know the bare minimum. I mean every one of us seated in this Masjid. Do you know Surah Al Fatiha please if you do know Surah Fatiha off by heart which is a chapter of the Quran. The first one in terms of the order of the most half please put up your hand you know Surah Fatiha put up your hand.

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There we are Mashallah. No one has their hands down. You bear witness. Only the young boy at the back put up both hands. Surah Al Fatiha by the way it was revealed more than once I don't know if you're aware of it.

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See, I just touched something you can go and learn.

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But my brothers my sisters, let me explain to you we have all contributed towards protecting the Quran by the fatherland, virtue of Allah and the favor because we've all learned something in the Arabic language whether we've understood the language or not in order for us to be part of those whom Allah has chosen to preserve the Quran. If someone reads Surah Fatiha and they make a blunder in it. I promise you the little boy sitting at the back will be able to correct that because he knows Hey, this is something is wrong.

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Does he speak Arabic? No, he doesn't. How does he know? surah Taha it's a miracle of the Quran. Allah Subhana Allah Quran Ali the key for Helmy decade we have made this Quran easy to memorize to understand is anyone going to make an effort to memorize it to understand it? Here we are.

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So my brothers and sisters remember anything to do with the Quran. And it studies is part of what we have been asked to participate in and we have been promised a reward. If we do participate in

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learn the Quran and teach it it makes you the best person if you can rattle out the sutras in the order of the most half. Mashallah, we will congratulate you. Just like how the youngsters come in and recite the 100 names of Allah you should be able to recite 114 The Surahs by name one to the end. You love the Quran, you part of the ummah of the Quran. Do you respect the revelation that came?

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Via Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to us the most important message in existence. The most powerful word is the word of Allah. While we can make an effort, it's not compulsory to know it, but it's a bonus. It makes you a person who's connected with Allah. If you know which surah was revealed first, if I were to ask you today in this masjid, and I want the answer, what was the first word of Revelation?

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The ACARA almost the whole Masjid says, Hey, Cara, how do you know that? Someone somewhere told you that? Is it the first Surah of the Quran? Now, but it's the first word that was revealed.

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Does it make you a deviant to know that

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If I told you what's the second surah to be revealed, you might not even know what about the third, fourth? And would you not like to know? Well, if I told you does it make me a deviant? If I told you let's study that,

00:30:13 --> 00:30:41

does it make me a deviant? No, it doesn't. We are only engaging in a study to learn exactly what I said today. Why were the verses revealed? Where were they revealed? How were they revealed? What were the topics discussed? Why were those topics discussed? How did Allah address the issue of people who don't want to listen to the word of Allah by revealing short verses I told you so many subjects today that are discussed in Medina only and topics that were discussed in Makkah, we learnt it.

00:30:42 --> 00:30:56

It is an important part of the Syrah to know this. Do you not want to know that what Nabi SallAllahu Sallam went through? Do you know the Battle of butter is mentioned in detail in if you hear about the battles in any verse, you must know those verses were revealed in Medina.

00:30:57 --> 00:31:36

It's an ibadah. To be a master to be able to rattle out the sutras in the order they were revealed as well not to say that that's what we're going to do in Salah not to say we're going to worship Allah by changing the order of the Quran now the biller but we are definitely going to study what order there was when Quran was revealed for us to know the topics. It's merely a study. Nobody would ever have the right day come up with a new Quran now the biller Oh claim Oh new Quran someone's come up La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah. If you don't know it, you'd rather remain silent. We are not fools. Like I said, we have ijazah in Quran

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perhaps one higher than a lot of people.

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But we don't talk about it. We need to understand.

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May Allah Almighty grant us ease? If I were to ask you today how many suitors were revealed in Makkah? Mashallah, I think everyone now knows 86. Did you know that before today? Maybe you did. If you're on Twitter.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:08

And perhaps, if I were to tell you how many were revealed in Medina, you will say 28 According to the most correct opinion.

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That's because we learnt it.

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And it would be very beautiful for you to know and to teach others. It is part of the learning just like you have Pirot just like you have everything else just like you have small volumes where all the rub bananas are written. Have you ever seen those? You have a haze where certain sewers are written? It doesn't mean they don't believe in the rest of the Quran. This is only volume one or perhaps this is only a book that gathers a specific topic of learning the two hours of the Quran doesn't mean they don't believe in the rest of the Quran, the outcome of the Quran, it's your duty to learn. It's part of your love of Nabina Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to know the two hours that

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were mentioned. Why not? To know whatever it was, I've come across a book that mentions Isaiah to jihad, Phil Quran. The idea that the talk about jihad in the Quran, like I said, verses are always valid, but to draw lessons and to be able to apply is not everybody's job.

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When we were taught what is in the Quran, we were taught three things are in the Quran. Number one rules and regulations connected to our lives. There are certain number of verses.

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Those are gathered also in a book, they say I will come fill Quran, it's there. The verse doesn't mean they don't believe in the rest of it. They only teaching you one subject that's it. Secondly, there are verses

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number one, like I said, the rules and regulations between us. Whatever happens between us Allah has judged already and given decision and so on. Number two, Allah has prophecies of that which is to come after us, the Yama and so on, what's going to happen and so on. All of that is mentioned in the Quran. And number three, Allah has mentioned stories of those of the past. One day I explained this in another Masjid in the same city.

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Later on, people said, Oh, the Sheikh said that the Quran is just a storybook. Why don't you listen? We said there are three types of verses in the Quran. They are stories of the previous nations we draw lesson from obviously, they are prophecies regarding the future and we have to take heed, and there are rules and regulations connected to our living and we shall apply. So all of this is part of the Quran. It's not just one thing. My brothers and sisters, the OMA is bleeding. The only way we're actually going to succeed

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is by us turning back to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet salaallah alayhi salam, and this is why it is an honor to stand here and discuss the Quran and the Sunnah. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the greatest man ever to exist, there shall be no one greater to come, and there was no one before him who was greater

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are members of the ummah. The enemy would love to see us fragmented. It's your duty and mine to do the opposite. Learn to love one another feasable Allah

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Learn to care for people who say the shahada, you may have a few differences many a time. It is something that is resolvable. Sometimes it's a misunderstanding. Sometimes it's actually something that was, you didn't even realize was wrong on your part.

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So much of hating the Ummah, so much of readiness to bash one another, so much of readiness to sway one another, so much of readiness to discourage people from goodness. Don't allow that we love you. And we should be loving each other. I for one, I bear witness. I bear witness that anyone who says the shahada has a place in my heart. May Allah make it easy for us. Even a few people who I really have had some form of dispute with but they have a place in my heart they are meaning at the end of the day, I will not easily take someone out of the deal. No way. No, if I have a difference, I won't just say no, this guy's not a Muslim. No, we won't say that. We won't say that. We will try our best

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to bring people in rather than to take people out.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:21

May Allah Almighty forgive all of us and grant us ease. 35 minutes was my time. I spoke for 36 minutes. Nonetheless, the one minute we were just asking a question. See how I found a good excuse, but I love you all for the sake of Allah insha Allah I hope to be back a bit later. Akula kolayca wa sallahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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