Mufti Menk – Don’t Make Accusations Without Evidence

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The speaker discusses the importance of acknowledging accusations of immorality and not becoming a fan of g-cost. They explain that false accusations can result in severe punishment and that one of the major sins is the one that causes people's behavior. The speaker warns against being a fan of g-cost and suggests that carrying tales is a major mistake.
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The last one is
To falsely accuse the believing
who are innocent of the sin you are
accusing them of, primarily immorality.
People today come out and say, that one
is having an affair with this one. This
one is having an affair. What did you
see? You just saw them talking together.
What else did you see? You saw one
message on the phone. What else did you
see? And you know how far your accusation
went? Subhanallah.
I'm not condoning messages on the phones, but
I'm telling you, if the prophet
says, be careful about accusing others of immorality,
then you need to know it's a serious
It happened at the time of Rasulullah
Surat An Nur has in it verses that
have clarified accusations against our mother Aisha
That was not for nothing. Allah says,
The one who started all of it, the
main man who was behind the accusation
against Aisha
he will have a severe punishment. But more
than that,
Everyone who spread the tale, everyone who enjoyed
the gossip
is going to be punished because of what
they have done, what they have earned.
So there are 2 things we need to
know. Never accuse someone
of something,
especially when it comes to immorality. Because false
accusation is something major. And secondly,
a person who enjoys gossip because then you
will be carrying tales. And when you carry
tales, naturally, you will carry something that is
wrong. And you will earn an equal portion
of the sin based on what you have
So that is the one hadith
that speaks about the major sins or the
sins that we have been warned about.
They will destroy you.