Mufti Menk – Allah Will Help You By Hook Or Crook

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
A woman talks about her sister's weakened immune system and how her brothers and sisters are studying the Quran and the life of the Quran. She talks about her desire to be inspired by the Quran and how she wants to work towards Islam. She also talks about her loan to Allah and how she wants to work towards her deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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This evening when I was outside, a sister

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came to me and told me, pray for

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me. My Iman is weak. I said, sister,

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Allah will help you with it by hook

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or crook.

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May Allah grant her goodness and all of

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us, myself included goodness. May Allah grant us

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death upon La ilaha illallah.

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My brothers and sisters, as I speak, there

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are thousands of people who are not Muslim,

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who are studying the Quran and studying the

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life of Nabi salallahu alayhi wasallam and being

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by true Muslims.

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But you and I who are Muslim,

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what are we doing with the Quran?

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Are we going to read it? Are we

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going to be inspired by it? Are we

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going to understand

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us the ability to appreciate

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the status

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of His word.

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May Allah Almighty grant us goodness. Ameen.

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My brothers, my sisters,

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remember that if Allah has chosen you, Allah

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Almighty will make easy for you to do

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good. And this is Allah. Allah Almighty says

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when you have a good heart and you

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are generous and you care for others, He

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will slowly but surely make easy for you

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the deeds that are pleasing to Him. And

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when you are arrogant and haughty and you

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are miserly and you don't spend on others

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and you're only worried about yourself, Allah says

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He facilitates for you deeds that will result

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in you

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unplugging from Him and distancing from Allah. Read

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Suratul Layl

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verses I explained them just before I recited

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them. May Allah Almighty grant us ease in

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a way that brings us closer and closer

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to Him as the days pass. My brothers

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and sisters, many of us are struggling with

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Connect with the Quran. Read a little bit

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of it, A portion of it. Make an

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effort. Without making an effort, you're not going

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to get anywhere. Listen to what Allah says.

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Those who are going to strive

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and work hard and struggle,

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strive towards

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us. You strive towards Allah. You want to

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get Allah. You are serious and genuine about

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your claim

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that you would like to get closer to

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Allah. You want to strengthen your faith in

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Allah says, We will

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definitely guide them towards our paths. We will

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definitely open for them the doors that will

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lead them to us. So many doors lead

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you towards Allah. Your prayer leads you towards

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Your charity leads you towards Allah.

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Allah says lend Allah a beautiful loan. What's

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the meaning of that?

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Do so much of good and be so

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charitable that you'll have lent Allah alone. He

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needs to recompense it for you. Did Allah

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not promise you when you do salah, I

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will reward you. When you've given Zakah, I

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will reward you. When you struggle and strive

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towards pleasing us, I will reward you. Where

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is that reward?

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In this world we may or may not

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see it,

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but in the hereafter I'm waiting. Why? I

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lent Allah a good loan. I'm going to

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see it come back to me multiplied

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by the will of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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When you see the reward of the patients

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that you bore because you were terminally ill,

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you will say to Allah, why didn't you

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keep me ill for a longer time? This

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is an amazing,

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beautiful reward. When you see the reward that

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Allah has kept in store for you for

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standing at night in prayer, for getting up

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against all odds in the cold weather. You

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will think to yourself, I should have done

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this longer and I should have actually done

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this for a longer time and started earlier

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on in my life. May Allah grant us

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a turning point in the right direction. Amen.

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