Mohammed Hijab – Ghanaian Actress Embraces Islam

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of finding one God and protecting one's bodies, while also acknowledging the value of finding one and being good to others. The use of tissues and false accusations has caused problems for women, including problems with their bodies and social media accounts. The importance of trusting one is emphasized, and the speaker concludes by expressing gratitude for the audience's support.
AI: Transcript ©
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How are you guys doing? I was here

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doing Amra in Mecca in Mukarama.

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And I met,

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a very famous person, a celebrity who was

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converted to Islam,

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and she's from Ghana, aren't you? Yes, ma'am.

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Tell us what you used to do before

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and what made you come to Islam.

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I used to be a video assistant

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Photo model,

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and also

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Does it gonna have, like, a Mollywood? Does

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it does it have something like Mollywood? It's

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a Gollywood. Is it Gollywood?

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Gullowood. Yeah.

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Okay. So I

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got through my photo shoot test to do

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that makeup photo shoot, and I did one

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of them

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my mom wasn't,

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surprised at all. What what made you what

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about the religion of Islam in particular attracted

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you about it? So you said, okay. Your

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the people, the the brothers and sisters, they

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gave you a good support. What was there

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anything else? The

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in Islam, I seek peace in it. Yes.

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I I used to be peace Yeah. And

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I did the church. Yeah. Though they said

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Allah looked into the heart

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of human. Mhmm.

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I didn't see that Christian could feel me

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down to me. Mhmm. But since I joined

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Mhmm. There are some things that I used

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to do before. I used to be loud.

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I talk about people issue.

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I'll be there. I'll wear transparent things. I'll

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be dancing, working on social media.

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It can cause issues. The kings and the

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chiefs of Ghana will be calling on me

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on radios. They

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at a point, they said I should change

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the name of Eklappin Polo because Eklappin is

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the name of one of the

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in Ghana.

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Mhmm. Polo. Mhmm. So because of my behavior,

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the chief ordered me to stop missing

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the people. I didn't listen, so I had

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issue with the with with the cops. Do

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you think Islam gave you discipline then? That

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that is what I want to say. Mhmm.

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Yeah. That's what very, because

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Islam has really take me down. Mhmm. I

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sometimes, I feel like if you put in

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on something,

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put on camera on me, then, no. I

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will post it. Even if I tried doing

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the video, I I can't post it. I

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will move. I can never put on anything

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showing my hands outside.

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How do you feel praying here in Becca,

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and what was the experience like? You came

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here for Umrah and prayers as well. How

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did you feel about it? When I was

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coming, I didn't know the feeling.

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So when I got here,

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that night, they said we have to go

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and do our own.

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Oh my god. So I

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so is more than

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Yeah. And no country, no religion can hold

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This is serious. It's

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Yes. No one is sleeping.

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I'm bigger than you. I'm rich than you.

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I have to sit here, and you have

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to sit here. You know, if if in

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Christian religion,

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if you have money, you have to sit

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in France. Really? The rich people,

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they have where to sit and the poor

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people, like, not that poor. You know, That's

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how they arrange in the church

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that were up up Yeah. People. So, yeah,

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it's not like that. Eco Ground sits the

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same place. Just that it's in Islam,

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they don't mix women

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with men. Mhmm. So in Islam,

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the women

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will be

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an an at different

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And then the men will depend

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how the arrangement is.

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That's really good. You've done really well for

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yourself, I have to say. And do you

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think that because you've seen both kind of

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lives. You've seen the discipline, spiritual life of

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believing and worshiping one god. Because Islam I

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mean, for people that don't know what Islam

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is that are watching this in Ghana and

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from West Africa and from Africa, from where

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else in the world,

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you need to understand that Islam is a

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religion where we only believe in 1 God.

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Yeah. We believe in Abraham and Moses and

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Jesus. We believe that all of these prophets

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with only one message, which is to believe

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in 1 god

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and to be good to your fellow man.

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So we don't believe, for example, like Christians

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believe that Jesus was god himself. Mhmm. We

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don't believe that he was part of the

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trinity. We don't believe in the holy spirit

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was god or that the trinity is true.

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So this is the main difference between Islam

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and Christianity. Because we would say, why is

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it the case that you have a man

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who's God anyway? How could you have a

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man that's God? Because a man is limited

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and God is unlimited. God is the creator

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of the heavens and the earth. Whereas a

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man, he had a beginning. Anyone with a

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date of birth cannot be God. Jesus had

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a date of birth. Birth. Therefore, Jesus could

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not be god. But we believe in Jesus.

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We believe that he's the messiah. We believe

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that he's the prophet. We we respect him.

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We respect Mary, his mother. So these these

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are the main differences between Christianity

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and Islam from a theological perspective.

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But I was gonna ask you now, imagine

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as people because you

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obviously, you're in touch with the younger generations.

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I mean, you you're very much, you know,

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Gen Z and Millennials. They know your work

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and they know what you're about, especially in

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your area.

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Do you think if more people took the

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turn that you took, done the things you've

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done, which is become a Muslim,

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embrace discipline, spiritual and physical discipline, do you

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think that

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the world would be a better place, that

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Ghana would be a better place? It will.

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With what I saw at the where the

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carvings, where I went to my this is

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like, the whole world will be peaceful. Mhmm.

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Very peaceful. They used to say that in

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Islam, there's no peaceful. But when I joined

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and I don't think anything is going to

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take me back.

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Sometimes my sisters, my friends, they'll say, Muslim,

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peace, so don't let anything take you back

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or don't let it me,

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So that should tell you that

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Christian, where I go is because I my

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son is with me. Mhmm. So if I'm

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going to church, my son's with him. We

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used to go to church, but

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my son is Islam.

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My father is Muslim. So I want

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to bring him up

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in Islam so that when he grow up

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and he say, oh, me, I want to

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be Muslim. That is his own

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Me. So myself, since I'm interested in the

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Islamic religion,

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I I took the lead. I thought of

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taking the lead, going to mosque,

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and going to the teachings. I think it's

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language and teaching with my son. So that

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when you grow up, you shouldn't You

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You lived a life before you became Muslim,

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you were saying half naked pictures in a

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dancing, but, you know, acting maybe.

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And you've seen all this kind of thing.

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Did that give you happiness?

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It didn't give me happiness because each and

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every day that I post something,

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I know that this stuff I'm going to

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post, they'll give me insults.

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Mhmm. They use tissues. Yes. It have What

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Mhmm. They use tissues. Yes. It have What

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kind of insults like you? I've been a

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troublesome person on social media. Yeah. Yes. For

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some, you

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if you have an

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issue, I'll pick on you. Like, if you

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get married, at least, I'll just say that,

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oh, you're married because your wife is pregnant.

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Oh, I see. And then defaming your your

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your your So you've been defamed before? Yes.

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That's what I've been doing to people.

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And so

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after aside that, I do

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bikini pictures. Mhmm. Yes. And when I do

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it, it change.

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Mhmm. Anytime I do it, it goes viral

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depending on how I do it. Mhmm. And

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I wear transparent something, and then I'll be

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and I'll post it. Mhmm. So it was

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causing problem. Mhmm. Yes. It it and I

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got attention of the president, even a president

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Mhmm. And the chiefs, and even outside the

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country, the celebrities

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outside the country. Because here's the here's the

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thing. Like,

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many people,

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many women across the world and some men,

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of course, but mostly it's a female dominated

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industry, would would post things like that, would

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post sexual pictures and stuff. And there there's

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a difference between

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influence and fame. Mhmm.

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Okay? Because some people think, okay, well, if

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they get a 100000 views, if they get

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a 1000000 views, that means influence.

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But really, that that person is being used

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as, sorry to say, a * entity, like

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a handkerchief.

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It's only that the person doesn't care

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about. You know? So what I'm trying to

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say is that

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when you leave

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that life That life. You're no longer being

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used as an object. Yes. And and And

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now you're a human being again. Yeah. And

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now some

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at first, some

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businesses and some companies didn't want to work

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with me Yeah. Because they say that,

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I'm not good for their brand

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with what I've been doing. And some of

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the celebrities

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were even saying that because of things that

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I do, I'm not good for their brand.

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They can't shoot a movie with me. Mhmm.

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Sometimes contracts will come. We know that the

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producer will send a script to me, and

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then he will let me know the movie

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that is on board. Later on, I will

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see the movie showing in Unlock.

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I see. Yes. Sometimes to some,

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wouldn't want to

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work with me because of, that

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I but since I stopped all these for

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the past 2 years now that I stopped

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all these things, if you look at the

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big man that came Mhmm. Just at first,

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he will not come to me because I'm

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too loud and no

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right person,

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no one in their right senses will come

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close to me and and behave there like

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that. Mhmm. Because everyone who cherish the Mhmm.

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And it behaved there like that. Mhmm. Because

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everyone the temptations and yes. So now that

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I've come, I'm able to enter some places

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that those days I'm not able to enter.

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And when they call big people, they call

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me to

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Mhmm. Do some brands that were giving me

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Mhmm. Because some likes skincare products because I

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was exposed to instill Mhmm. They were coming.

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Mhmm. But some big big companies like

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phone shops and, like, phones and

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You know, the prophet told us prophet Muhammad

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told us that if you do something

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to try and please the people,

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but it displeases Allah,

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Then Allah makes the people displeased with you,

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and he becomes displeased with you.

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Whereas, if you do something

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which it's displeasing to Allah,

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it's displeasing to the people, but it's pleasing

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Allah, then Allah makes the people pleased with

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you and Allah pleased with you. That's your

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story is a beautiful

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of that because now you have a whole

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family of 2,000,000,000 people, the Muslim

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people, brothers and sisters, who don't see you

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just as some kind of * entity or

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to relieve their desires. They see you as

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a human being

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with ideas

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who they have genuine love for, that they

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wanna be connected to, that they will protect.

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You're you're

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more than just the numbers on the screen

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or a 100000, 200,000,000 people, whatever it may

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be, but they don't care. Now you're part

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of a family.

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And, something else I wanted to say to

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you is that when you become Muslim,

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all of your sins in the past have

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been removed.

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This is, you know, like like you have

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born again Christians. We also, as Muslims, when

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you become Muslim and you say shahada, the

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same idea applies. So anything you've done in

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the past, whether it's half naked pictures, whether

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it's even worse than this, anything you've done

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even if you kill somebody,

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we believe

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that Allah, he removes and cleanse

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cleanses all of your purifies all of your

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and you become like a newborn baby.

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So you don't have to think about your

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previous life now. This is a new life,

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alhamdulillah. Well, tell me, find

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some things bother me a lot, especially the

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picture I took with my son.

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I've been taken when he grows up. Well,

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that was all you all you will say

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to him is that was in my past,

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and this is my future. Some of the

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greatest people and figures in Islamic history had

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a horrible past, but then they became good

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Muslims, and no one remembers them for the

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bad. They only remember them for the good.

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Like, the companions of the prophet, some of

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them. The prophet's friends, some of them, they

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had the hard lives. You know, they were

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a bit like gangsters and these kind of

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things and doing haram things, but then they

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became Muslim, and all of their sins are

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removed. In fact, even their sins can become

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good deeds.

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So you don't have to worry about that

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Now you are fresh and clean like a

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new snake. With that, guys,

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we are gonna conclude because we need to

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pray and do other things. But thank you

00:15:20 --> 00:15:22

so much, sister, for for that. Thank you.

00:15:22 --> 00:15:24

Thank you. Thank you. So this is like

00:15:24 --> 00:15:26

a new thank you because I've been watching

00:15:26 --> 00:15:28

you on YouTube a lot and following your

00:15:29 --> 00:15:29


00:15:29 --> 00:15:32

and I I didn't know a day like

00:15:32 --> 00:15:34

this would come. I'm so blessed. Well, I'm

00:15:34 --> 00:15:37

I'm blessed as well for having Mhmm. Met

00:15:37 --> 00:15:38

you and to hear your story is very

00:15:38 --> 00:15:40

inspirational, to be honest. It's very powerful.

00:15:42 --> 00:15:43

Guys, make sure,

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00:15:44 --> 00:15:47

anyone attacks our sister online or tries to

00:15:47 --> 00:15:48

say a bad word about her or spread

00:15:48 --> 00:15:49

mess bad messages,

00:15:50 --> 00:15:53

especially brothers and sisters in West Africa who

00:15:53 --> 00:15:54

are following that you defend our defend our

00:15:54 --> 00:15:57

sister because this is our duty to defend,

00:15:58 --> 00:15:59

our sister and to defend everybody.

00:16:00 --> 00:16:01

As the Quran says,

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