Mohammed Mana – How Many Pharaohs

Mohammed Mana
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the historical context and importance of learning from history and proving the truth. They touch on the history of the Egyptian civilization and the idea that the bubble of pride was created by the son of the father. They also touch on the lack of justice in his time in Egypt and the possibility of returning to Egypt after the commodity. They emphasize the historical value of history in understanding the past and the importance of proving the truth.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know, the issue of how many Pharaohs were there? Oh, yeah, that's one that people always people always think about. Because Because we mentioned the different opinions in the class. Yeah, we talked about, you know, was it just one person? Yeah. Was it? Was it two brothers? Was it a father? And so a lot of people are familiar with the narrative, you know, they watch a movie or read a book. Yeah, I think so. They, they, a lot of people come in familiar with the Father and Son type of narrative. But even that one, even if we were to take that opinion, there's some caveats. There are some things to keep in mind with that. So that section is really cool, because we kind of talked

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we kind of talk about some of the historical elements to the of the ancient Egyptian civilization. A lot of people hear this name Ramses the second. Yeah, you know, so we look at Oh, is there anything documented that we know about Ramses the second? Yeah. And how did he die? And who was his son? How did his son die? Yeah, what were some of the political implications after the death of his son, and we kind of piece the puzzle together. But what I what I like to emphasize to the students is, there's a reason why a lot didn't refer to fit around by his name. Okay, fit our own is not a proper name, right. It's a title. It's a title. It's a title. It's like president, Prime Minister, or czar

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or whatever it is, right. Yeah. There's a reason for that is because allowance to focus a lot wants us to focus on that personality, the personality, the position, the systems position, the system, what they represented, yeah, how they enforced their their their rules or their laws, how they dealt with people, how they divided people. That's what what really is the important takeaway, and actually, who exactly was a felon? Yeah. Which, again, is a miracle of the way the story is told in the palantir has absolutely no major bearing or impact on the morals and the lessons from the story? No, is there a value to trying to learn who the Pharaoh was? Yeah, I think there is a value to that.

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I think I'm good academic value, and it's important.

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But I think that we should be appropriate. Okay, be proportional. Yeah. We're not gonna spend and invest a lot of time going back and forth on things where we're talking about an era in history where there's some cloudy areas, we area, not everything is documented explicitly, right. So there is going to be some doubt there is going to be some back and forth between the different opinions and the scholars. There is going to be some historical debate. And that's okay. And I think the reason for that is because when it comes to history, and you try and draw conclusions on history, you're doing these conclusions based on incomplete information. Yeah, you're trying to piece

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together a puzzle puzzle. Yeah. And, you know, you sometimes don't have all the pieces. Yeah, you know, so you make the best of what you have, you know, and you make inferences and you make, you know, educated conclusions. And so scholars did that. And so they did arrive at different conclusions based on the proofs that they relied on. And well, okay, what's the conclusion that you felt based on, you know, your teachers and what you also brought up on is probably the strongest, strongest, most likely, Allah knows best, but but I find it very interesting, especially when we look into the aspects of history itself. Yeah. The history of the Egyptian civilization and the

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kinds of things that we do have passed on to us and recorded, I do find it very comfortable to conclude that it was a father and a son. Okay. Yeah. And, and what brings you to that conclusion?

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So a lot of things that are mentioned about the reign of Ramses the second, yeah, how long he ruled how long his son ruled, okay, and kind of kind of comparing that with the life span of Moosa. Uh huh. And his time outside of Egypt, you know, yeah, for pre Prophethood. And then returning back, and also asking certain questions like, why would he be on his way back to Egypt? Okay, even before the revelation itself. And then because because we know I mentioned about about the the political situation after the death of Ramses a second,

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how the sun died, how the father died, kind of piecing those, you know,

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bits of information together, and coming up with it with an educated conclusion. Because we know that, like, the reality is Moses that, um, he left Egypt because he became a fugitive, right, left Egypt, because, you know, he received inside information that the people are gathering, they're gonna come and kill you. Yeah. And he was not in a situation where he would be allowed any fairness or justice. Yeah. And so he had to plead it save his life, so it wouldn't make so it wouldn't make any sense. So if somebody is like, Hey, you know, there's a bounty out on somebody, right? They're not going to go back to where they ran away from. Yeah. So what would be the appropriate scenario

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for why somebody would come back, for instance, that that some of the historians and some of the scholars made is that perhaps, you know, perhaps news had reached him that there was a sort of change a change in the ruler, okay. And then also, after the passage of many years, you would expect that, you know, tensions settle and emotions, kind of settle down a little bit. And let's not forget

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He left family behind the truth, you know? Yeah. So it's it's logical that he would want to come back soon where it's logical to conclude that if you were to have received such information like this, he might have felt that, okay, maybe now there's some some amount of safety or some amount of security enough to, to go back and see his family, Allahu Allah knows best. Again, these are, these are historical inferences that we can make educated guesses. Okay. And I know you mentioned that one of the things that historians have looked at is how Ramsey's died and how some other Pharaohs might have died. That might lead to like, could you shed some more light on that? Yeah, so they they

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mentioned that that what is what is recorded is that Ramses second did not die by the way of drowning. But what's interesting is his son did, okay. And that's something that's mentioned about his son. So these are some some things that that give us more confidence in the opinion that we're talking about a father and a son. Cool. So Allah knows best. So this is cool. So basically, this is I would think it's things like this that are very interesting, because, yes, you're going foundationally through the port on about the same time, there's a lot of light being shed on the reality of Okay, how do we now attach that to something that, you know, questions that people ask?

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Yeah, right. Cool.

How Many Pharaohs Were At the time of Moses?


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