Urgent Uighur Protest – 13th November 2021

Mohammed Hijab


Channel: Mohammed Hijab

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A speaker discusses the upcoming event in Washington where participants will protest and be activists in the fight against oppression and racism. They also mention a window of opportunity to protest and activate individuals in the Uighur issue.

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00:00:05--> 00:00:46

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh How are you guys doing now many of you already know what kind of oppression our weaker brothers and sisters are facing and East tech is fine. I don't need to go into details now we already know and we should know and if we don't know we have to get to know. We're on the 13th of November, Saturday at 1230 Outside the Chinese Embassy we will be there to protest and to be activists in the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala aiding our brothers and sisters on the Uighur issue. Now I'm sure you're not going to miss this window of opportunity does that does not present itself every day and you're going to be there because I am going to be there and

00:00:46--> 00:00:50

inshallah we can make the difference was Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh