Mohammed Hijab – The Structural Miracle of the Quran

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The art of Islamic proof is a structural message that is not commonly spoken of, and is revealed in a workshop to add another layer of evidence for the Islamic narrative. The structure of the Prophet Muhammad's actions during peace talks and his actions during peace talks is also discussed. The future is predicted based on psychologies from the Jewish community, and the structure of the finance facility is also discussed. The surah is composed of multiple types of voice and that the structural composition is matched with the structural composition of the word " admit." The " admit" phrase is used to describe the speaker's truehood.
AI: Transcript ©
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Today I wanted to focus on another part of the

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Islamic proof,

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which is the structural coherence,

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which is something which is kind of not really spoken about too much the structural provisions. I personally believe that this offers another layer of very powerful argumentation for someone to promote Islam, and to basically add another layer of evidence for the Islamic narrative.

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Once again here, before we start, there's an important caveat to put forward, which is that the art itself wasn't revealed.

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So the problem was, he was 40 years old, when he

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was revealed to him in the workshop. And over the span of 33 years, he he received piecemeal, like piece by piece until he died at the age of 63. Now, this itself is interesting, okay, this is this itself is interesting. Why? Because the thing is, you realize that, despite it being completed in terms of its structure, and despite it being also something which we know ended when it needed to be ended. I'll tell you what I mean by that. And it says in chapter five, verse three, it says, A yo Mack meant to like to do well as methodical. Number two, all these will be disseminated to the affected your religion, and I've completed module two excetera. So in other words, the Quranic

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message was fully revealed that This in itself is an evidence for

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the validity of Islam.

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Why? Because in chapter five, verse 67,

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Allah says,

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it says, Yeah, you have Yeah, you have also been the wounded electromyographic what Atlanta find Delica forever laughter Santa will love we actually will come in and Nessie says that, oh, Prophet, basically, say to the people that which you have received, revealed revealed to you,

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from your roads, or has come down to you from your loads. And if you don't do this, then you have not put forward or you have not, you have not basically fulfilled your mission of sending the message. And then the interesting last part of the eye, is will love we opsi will come in and see that certainly Allah will protect you from the people.

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The Prophet Muhammad Hassan was engaged in warfare on a yearly basis, I think, if you count it, probably about two wars a year. Okay, so he had an equal chance to be killed at each time, each time each other saying hello protects you from the people. You get it. So the first point of interest here is how comes you didn't buy midway? How could anyone guarantee that you know, it's not like today's world, the profit actually, when there was because it was mostly for the most part, maybe 99% of it was defensive war. Yeah. So for the most part when the profit was going up, that he was going on. So it wasn't people going on his back when he went out.

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Each time it was a chance to be killed each time each, every time you need to be killed. How comes the Ferraris being so confident here and saying that alone, protect you from the people. And otherwise, you'll be protected, you will not be killed. This is an interesting thing. And a very confident thing to do is a fact is tantamount to a prediction of the future.

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And it shows you once again, the veracity and the validity of the Islamic message. Another thing that came to my mind

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was in regard to this whole thing, issue of death. In chapter two, and chapter 62, the Prophet Muhammad

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basically using his interaction with Jewish tribes at the time, and many of them, there was peace agreements, which were broken, broken and stuff like that with the peace in the Jewish people. So the Quran came to basically criticize those particular Jews at the time of the Prophet Mohammed. Yeah.

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And basically, as you may know, that part of the Jewish true belief is that they are the chosen people.

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So Allah subhanaw taala, he sends down the two popsicle on one party says,

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you know, if you think that you are basically the chosen people, except from Allah, sentimental note, so wish to death. Yeah. And this might sound a bit What's going on? There, we'll see what's happening. He's saying wish would that

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and then he says something interesting, and that's the secondary part of the eight chapters is what I get to know no evidence at all.

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They will never be able to, they will never

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be wishful hopeful of death, because of what their hands have put forward. And so

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what I had to know,

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without the tools, anyways, this is a message that they will never really asked for death. So why is it they never should have, because of what they haven't put forward? Now, what's this got to do with anything? Basically saying, making a prediction

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that those particular Jewish people were broken the peace agreement, would never say, I want to die. Basically, these words, I wonder if a Jewish person came out and said, this was a while he did it, is there really a, you know, Islam in this and this was clear animosity, because at one point, there was a breakdown of the peace agreement, they could have easily come up, that shows you because the process and other parts have been

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coming out from them now.

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They basically know him like they know their sons. So in other words, the brother was asserting that those particular Jews believed was true. Right, but that they would not never come out and say openly.

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In that way, when they claim that they will never come up and say that we want to die. That's a prediction of the future, which can easily be disproven, all it needs is one person to come out from the Jewish community, of those particular Jewish people and say, you know, I want to die.

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You know, literally, that's what I would have had to happen. And then the parameters have been discredited. But that didn't happen, which does show once again, that the author of the prime knew the psychologies of the people.

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And this, you know, this once again, other examples of this examples, for example,

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he mentioned, in the effect of

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this, this whole narrative of what we'll do in normal here, basically,

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the villain is saying, again, he's gonna go through the whole five

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is going to help, I mean, he's not going to die.

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So once again, he could have discredited Islam by coming before you say, Okay, I'm Muslim. Now, you know, and the same thing

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with this person, this person could have called for this as well for is saying generally that it's not going to happen. So this is something which we could possibly refer back to the old lecture, because it goes into kind of like a prediction of the future by also demonstrates that the author of the Quran, he knew the psychology of the human beings. And he's challenging human beings. I mean, think of this is something really which I find fascinating.

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It challenges human beings with great confidence to do certain things, or when it talks of the future talks very confidently.

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And you know, this could this is a part of the narrative here, or the evidence base we use to show that the firm

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has an author, which knows the future, basically.

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So this is

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point 1.2. Now talking about the structure of the finance facility, which I wanted to sort of highlight a little bit, which is interesting.

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As we said, before I came PC or didn't come along go, yeah. But despite the fact that before I came piece by piece, you will find that incredible continuity that exists within the Quranic discourse, from the beginning of the first half until the end.

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The source came at a time when circumstances which no one could have predicted because some of them contain questions inside of them, which the Prophet has kind of had to basically answer on the spot. So there are lots of questions that was asked and he had to answer in the form of different Yes.

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They asked you about the soul? Yes.

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They asked you about opening chapter 18.

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They asked you about drinking and gambling in chapter two of the Quran. Yes.

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They asked you about the new moons. Yes, aluna can this is they asked you about this.

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So each time for Allah to come forward and basically provide an answer. So it couldn't have been pre planned. Bear that in mind, when I tell you now that the Quran

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is composed of 114 chapters. If you look properly, you will find that the Quran from the beginning to the end

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is bunched into different groups. It's kind of like the stars in the sky. If you think about it, and I was reading a book written by a person by surprise this person had actually comes to a very good conclusion. The interesting presenter is Robert Robert Faria, in robocall destruction and I was quite interested that his his observation is something I think the most destructive

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and he was saying that the Quran has an interesting

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structure, and that basically you'll find that the Quran

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compartmentalize these different groups. And this is my language, if you think it's if you think of it, like, if you look into the sky, and you look at the stars, you will find no clear path, maybe on first sight. But if you look more closely, you'll find that they are arranged into constellations. Now, there's something similar, because if you look at sort of Bukhara, for example,

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sort of the buffer is very similar to Amazon, which is right next to it in the Cody sequencing. So chapter two is very similar to chapter three, and it's lexical phrases. And it's, and it's basically its composition, and style.

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All of these very similar, chapter three and chapter four are very similar. chapter four, so all of the sources that are actually arranged next to each other, you'll find that the taste or the flavor of the sutra is similar to the sort of that comes before as soon as it comes after. And this is very, very interesting on the crisis course.

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You'll find that also, in addition to this reality, and this is something I read this interesting book, once again, the the western

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Muslim, his name is Neil Robinson. Yeah, he has another book cover with

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the cover. I already read the chapter which talks about structure because I just wanted to get

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an orientalist perspective out of it. But basically, he says that, in his view, he looked at the works of Islam, which is one person I think, who's a he's an Indian person. And he says that each, each surah, he calls it dovetailing dovetails. The next one, which is shot to the Quran, is connected intricately with the next chapter. So the beginning and the ending of the chapters are connected. And the ending of one chapter is connected with the next chapter.

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Now, this is really interesting, because if you think about it, if you really think about it,

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how could it be arranged in that way? If you don't know what the future is going to be? Simple question, how is how can you spend your time a regular polite and that particular way?

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If you don't know what the future is gonna be, I'll give you an easy example of what I'm saying. So so the fun happens with

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guides to the shape of the path of view that those of you are familiar. Chapter Two starts with basically whodunit, which is the people your faith ends with good people as well, as it says, you know, we're moving on in the second chapter, verse, chapter 280.

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And chapter and it talks about the books as well the books have previously talked about before.

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And the next chapter, chapter three talks about the books.

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talks about the books, and the messages, which are connected, and that at the end of the surah, chapter three, it talks once again, about in a manner where the learning

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about a particular Prophet, which is Prophet Mohammed, so it's all dovetailed, you could say or connected intricately, in such a way as would resemble like a pole necklace, whatever it is intricately connected to the next part, or puzzle, really, all of it is put together perfectly, to create the overarching image. And the question that you can then ask is, and why is it like that? How could it be like that? When the author of the or if the author of the cloud was a human being, and these things are happening to him? situationally, circumstantially, and he was basically forced to respond on the spot, how could it be that he has the time, or even the ability to connect it

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together? In this way? This is a question and you'll find almost no, no exception that the following has this sequencing.

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You know, in fact, even

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if you look at sources of fat, you see chapter one of the Quran, which we believe is the most, despite his brevity is the most powerful syllable. If you look at this surah is composed of 7878

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and then the southern area to find that there are three different kinds of voice First, it talks about it talks about God in the third person, and then it moves to second person narrative voice. So there's interesting transitions, or what you call an Arabic effect, which is a restaurateur which we'll come back to this in fact is really interesting. And the second point is you'll find that there are three different types of

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this is gonna go into a bit of technical jargon here but if you can just be patient with me just a little bit.

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Basically, you have generally speaking two kinds of

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sentence type in Arabic a Abdullah is Leah, and Jimena fattier, you have a kind of like a noun or sentence and you have a verbal sentence. The first three is sort of the first.

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jewel is near. There are three noun sentences and the

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last three human failure

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verb sentences. The one in the middle is a Joomla is near the hovering or pandemic. Yeah, it's basically a normal sentence with a with a hover, which is meant to be the news of the, of the sentence, which is put in in the opposite place. What does this mean?

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And it goes back to whilst

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the Prophet was asked one time, who are those people who have been injured, because we get lost, but that's

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not the purpose of

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Jewish people

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basically, in Islamic theology

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is seen that

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the Jewish clergy of that time, and this trickle down, have a tendency to knowledge, knowledge, and not necessarily action. Okay. So there isn't any practical

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And that he was asked as the rate reliability and

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who are bullied, who are the ones who are punished? So he replied to the Christian sir. Why? Because it seemed the opposite that what they believe in the Trinity, and these kind of things are completely irrational. So they haven't got any physical knowledge. They they, they irrationally, deplete of it a substantive knowledge. Okay. So basically here in

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chapter three, so we have major, middle and baddest nation, we're not meant to be like all knowledge, and no, actually, actually the Lord. Therefore,

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going back to

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the structural composition, so the fact being three verses constructed of German Izmir

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and German This means that there are no sentences and in Arabic, you feed it basically, it's beneficial for, for his performances, sentences, so they give you knowledge. And the other ones, if you love it, because it's first.

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And the one in the middle was kind of like a combination of both.

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So in the seven verses, you've got, you've got three verses, which,

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which basically are knowledge based versus you've got three verses, which are verbal verses, which are doing kind of verses and you got one verse that combines two different thought process. And that way, the message and the the message, and the structural composition of the political of that particular surah

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is incredibly matched. Now, when you speak, you can't really think of doing this. It's difficult to do this. Think about it. Someone's just speaking, I'm just speaking about counting and doing this a lot. I don't know how many times as well.

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So it's very difficult for someone This is the kind of thing to find, incredibly difficult to replicate. And this goes back to our visibility challenge for two disorders.

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That gets us like a call your witnesses if you are in fact truthful. This is all the process. So the bottom

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