Mohammed Hijab – The Rohingya (The Forgotten People) Vlogumentary

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary ©
The recent storm in Bangladesh has killed over 250 people and left many others vulnerable, including the Miami "sICH and parts of Bangladesh's land. The use of military techniques to kill and leave people is also discussed, as well as dangerous housing practices used by the military to help those affected. The need for people to be at peace and not be silent about certain topics is emphasized, along with the need for people to be aware of the global
the global
island crisis.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is Otto

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25 years old 45. Okay.

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Once again, what was her story in Burma? What was she witnessed? He see what can a Japanese

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to the show

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crossing the area where the magma army torture, particularly firing the different houses and also throwing the children in the fire for burning hot children also bound by the bomber army. And that time, he was the Miami scepter and then tortured again physically. That's why he was just

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leave the lip the place.

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So what's what's happening? Okay, so you guys can see the map on the phone. So we are the blue dots, basically. So we are right literally there on the water. Already over 250 people have died in Sri Lanka. And it's already hit India and there's a lot of rain in India, it's going to be moving up north. So by five o'clock in the morning, it's going to hit Bangladesh and Myanma. Now, obviously, our strategic location probably isn't the best for any severe weather, because we are right on the beach.

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So it's going to be coming around here at five o'clock. And it's going to affect all the way from Cox's Bazar up to Chittagong, which is

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there. So all of that because it's all on the water, this is all going to be severely affected by the storm and the water.

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So basically, it's in La La, la, la, la, la.

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what's the what's the severity rating? 10 out of 10. So what does that mean?

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Right now we're just literally filling up this car because of the cyclones. So this is an emergency appeal. What we're doing is we're giving people the essential things like dates and rice, things like soaps and oils, and things that will basically keep them going because what happens with these cyclones is it destroys people's crops. So what happened last time. And so what happened this time. So with that weapons is that people can't actually live because a lot of what's going on in Bangladesh in countries like it was on Burma, even in these countries is that there was subsistence farming so people actually live on their own kind of fun. So here what we're doing is since the

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crops have been destroyed for the most part, and a lot of these areas and we're trying to supplement these individuals with something which will let them continue going for a while until they are able to grow their crops once

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asked about the stories that because we hear that they do bad things to women that they * women and these kind of things all these stories true as well. I think a Yeah, money

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in the Meraki design Marana Zamani,

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Nigel and Yang is it Tara

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By chosen

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dejan by che Dijon by

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heart to sister along with another three young girls, the murmur and army, kidnap them and then just escaped in your room and sexually harassed, raped. And then among the five, they killed three and one two women and to just get rid of from the photo

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the woman

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Monica Harvey Garber for a bomb Tara, Tara

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There is a technique used by the army to kill the women. Yeah, the city strategy. There are some bamboo. There are some bamboo and techniques. Yeah. And their way they hang.

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From the underground, they find they start fighting

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in the bamboo. Yeah. And then totally fine.

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What does she What does she do to cope with this? What does she do to cope? help herself with like she witnessed her son being killed. she witnessed all these things. How does she help cope? What does she do?

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APNIC you have a

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definition Kiba here of Miranda passage.

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The incidents were happened in front of in in her house. Yeah. How South Indian house house. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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This morning. The storm has been absolutely raging all night long. Here Alhamdulillah. We okay, because we're under cover, we don't want to go too far out because the camera is gonna get damaged and wet. But over they have been out in the trees have been ripped out of the ground, there's no access onto the roads, there's loads of debris that's fallen all over the place, is really dangerous to go out. But we're waiting for it to calm down so we can make our way out. And we can go and see the people that need help. Absolutely no doubt that homes have been absolutely shredded apart, maybe even blown away the slums that we were in earlier, you know, they're flooded anyway. So after a

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storm like this, after the cyclone, I just can't bear to think what the state of those slumps might be. So we've even extended our trip out here at the moment. We're gonna try and go out and help as many people as possible. We're here we're on the ground, and we're ready to do whatever we can to serve the people. Tell her ask her, did she see any presence of any international army or anything like that, or the UN or anything like that to help them or not?

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There is no presence of international or UN agency to help them in that time. The only the Border Guard, the border guard, they take off all the materials and all the resources from them, and then push back to Bangladesh who has helped her so far. That's my question, who's helped us so far? In her in her transition to Bangladesh and in Bangladesh, and in Burma, who's helped us over

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Basically the local community when they when she crossed the border, then then only local community extended hands to help them. Yeah. Then with the help of the community, particularly some of the

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Bengali community, they reached,

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only otherwise no international no even they didn't receive any cooperation from them. Thank you very much for cooperation. I tell her also that to remain calm and to remain at peace because Allah subhanaw taala tell her, that Allah He will reward her for what she has been through. And also that she will see her son in sha Allah in the hereafter Canada's

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initiative initially Allah poquito de casa de Cortes a democratization, tanta maracas a Nisha Allah subhanaw taala a shadow, Baruch College a Misha la Erica doublestar bollocky Sunni schodack Sinhala, Jonah

00:10:53 --> 00:10:58

Tamara de for a host of a yo bombs Amara Kumara Yeah, a lotta lotta

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lotta lochia Kannada decomposed,

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Allahu camino de

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la just to keep patient and never despair from the mercy of God. Yes.

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It you know, don't you Dawson,

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Aberdeen, Nisha la COVID COVID masculine, para la Riva.

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Thank you very much, Polly Kumara was Allahu

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wa here in one of the centers that give food to basically the people that have come from Rohingya, or from Burma, the Rohingya individuals Africa. And today, I've personally witnessed some of the most incredible sites, some real desperate sites of people needing just basic necessities in order to live. Now, the thing is, I just want to make a real point here about the geopolitical situation. Or you can just say generally how we conceive minorities in different parts of the world. And just generally about the media narrative that especially exists in the West. I've personally believe that having seen this stuff firsthand, that there's a serious crisis that is on enormous, you know,

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proportions, who were the Rohingya, I've only seen a small, glittery glimpse of it. But I've been able to see and witness firsthand the desperation. Now the question really is why is everyone silent about these things? Why is it not the case that we see these things on front page newspapers on a daily basis? Why is it not the case that this is not emphasized as a point of news that we should consider?

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Is that because the minority group happens to be a Muslim minority group? Is it because the western elites, this has no, basically it doesn't serve any economic functionality for the western elites? Is it because basically, Western intervention wouldn't solve any interest whatsoever?

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I think the answers to these questions are basically patently clear, so I won't give the answer. Instead, what I will do is talk generally about double standards in the media narrative. It seems to me that really, if you think about how things are conceptualized on a worldwide level, has to be the case that you have what you call, didactic representation, or this is what Ed was side called it in one of his books, which is where you have really a good guy and a bad guy, wherever it's the case that you have a good guy or an underdog or a victim, that happens to be Muslim. And in the case of the ring, get actually conservative Muslim, most of them practice their religion in an orthodox way,

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when you have a underdog or a victim that has those kinds of characteristics. It doesn't seem the case that those things should be emphasized they should be swept under the carpet from from a media perspective. Why? Because it doesn't once again serve the media narrative. It doesn't help anything. It doesn't

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serve any functionality from an economic perspective. So it's ignored

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as open people. And we're just speaking about Muslims here, Muslims or non Muslims alike, as open people of understanding and people that want fairness and justice in these kinds of principles to be actually actualized on a worldwide level, we really should be thinking about

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what it is who are the most exploited? Why are they the most exploited? And how can we help them? How can we change that? Now, one of the main tools is raising awareness. Anyone watching this video, I want to really share this message because we need to raise awareness collectively, about the situation here

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with the Rohingya in Burma generally. Okay. And just because it happens to be, let's say, a Buddhist majority and a Muslim minority, it doesn't mean that we should just sweep it under the carpet. That is extermination going on. There is genocide going on. That is mass immigration going on. This part of the world is underreported. This part of the world is under

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reported the UN, even the UN has statistics which indicate to us that these people are the most exploited and possibly the most exploited people in the world. With that, I just want to conclude and say that it's impossible, it's impossible for us to understand what let's say terrorism, the word terrorism, what it actually means without analyzing different aspects of it. So terrorism has to take one form, according to the media narrative, it has to take a form or someone, let's say looking like myself, committing some kinds of evil deeds. If it asked you a question, guys, if it was a Muslim majority in Burma, would we hear more about? It's a simple question. And the answer is

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yes, we would hear more about it. If it was the Muslim majority in Burma,

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exploiting a Buddhist minority, let's just turn the tables on what would happen? How often would that be on our front page news? How often would that be cited by detractors of Islam? And let's say people that are opponents of Islam as a reason why we should eliminate Islam or attack Islam or all of these things?

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I think the answer once again, is patently clear. So let's be fair here, guys. And let's understand the real severity of the worldwide situation. Salaam Alaikum.

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