Mohammed Hijab – Do THIS Before You Die

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of preparing for death and giving charity to cause good afterlife. They explain that death is not one of the things people know, but rather the beginning of a new life. The speaker also mentions a sponsor called Islamic Net, which is a fast growing and powerful online project.
AI: Transcript ©
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See, I knew you'd be back because you

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got nothing better to do. Now you come

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over here and do something for your akhara

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instead. Click the link below and establish the

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house of Allah. Get yourself a house in

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paradise with a superb high level sadaqah to

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for yourself that will continue.

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Click the link below.

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How are you guys doing? I'm here

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in the Muslim graveyards

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of Oslo,

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And I was walking around seeing some of

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the people,

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people who have died, obviously, and you can

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see some of the ages of the people

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that have died.

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And some of them have died as young

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as one. In fact, there was one child

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that was 1 years old, and some toys

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were there next to the graveyard. And it

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just shows us that you just don't know.

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You just don't know when you're gonna die

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or when someone you know or love is

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going to die.

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That every soul shall taste death.

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We differ over so many different things as

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humankind, but death is not one of those

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things we differ upon.

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We are going to die.

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What have we prepared for death?

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One thing that we should prepare for death

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in these special moments and days

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is we should prepare

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a good afterlife for ourselves with the true

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Because the truth of the matter is that

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it's not gonna end here. This is not

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the end.

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This is the beginning.

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This is when Al Hayatul Barzakhayyah starts.

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This is when you start a completely new

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and this is the life of the grave.

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And this is one stop away

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from Yomul Qiyama,

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from the day of judgement, and then your

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final abode in either heaven or *. And

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we hope and we I'll make du'a for

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you and for me to go to heaven.

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But one way we can do that,

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prepare good deeds,

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but also give in charity.

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And as you guys know, I've been sponsoring

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Islam Net,

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which is the fastest growing and the biggest

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dawah organization, Islamic organizations, Muslim civil rights organization

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in the whole of Scandinavia.

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I think it's a fantastic project to to

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fund and to invest in and to donate

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to. I just wanna leave you with one

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a of the Quran,

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which is really powerful and striking and tells

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you why it's so important

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to donate to causes like this. Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala

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That spend from what Allah has provided you

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come to one of you and you say,

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why, O Allah,

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if only you had given me some more

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I would have given charity.'

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Say that again. I would have given charity.

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It doesn't say this one, doesn't say it.

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It says charity.

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I would have given charity.

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We would be in a state of regret,

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and Allah says the person will be saying,

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I would be given charity, and I would

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have been one of the righteous ones.

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And then look at this next part of

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the ayah. Look at this thing.

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That Allah does not delay

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death for a person if his time has

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Whether the person died like this child over

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here, 1 years old,

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or whether that person over there, 70 years

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old. If If it's your time, it's your

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And you don't know when your time's gonna

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be, but Allah knows when the time's gonna

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be and it's the right time. Do you

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think it's the wrong time? No, it was

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the right time.

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as Allah is all aware

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what you

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So instead of facing that regret, click the

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link below and donate now.

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