Mohammad Elshinawy – My Son – Balance is Beautiful

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary ©
The importance of balance and humility in Islam is emphasized, along with the need to be serious about one's actions and avoid harming people and returning them. The advice is to be honest, observe the natural rhythm of the road, and be focused on one's goals. Deification and guidance are also key for achieving personal and spiritual success.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Heyerdahl and asthma don't want to start up he wants to stop federal when our Altavilla heater out I mean surely unforeseen. I will see you at our Marina Maria de la Huhtala Fela medulla homonuclear further ahead, yella Portia de la ilaha illallah wa Devo there Sherry calahorra Shadow Anna Mohammed an avid who whenever you who are solo? You're Latina. I'm Anna taco la haka Ducati. What are the Moto Neela and Simone

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Yeah, you're not to Taco Bakula the Halacha communists in Wahida haha caminho Jaha Westerman. humare Geralyn kefir on when is

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water hola hola de Tessa Adobe he will have him in LA who can add a camera Eva? Yeah you have Latina man otaku Maha Kulu Poland sadita your Slack Amana Allah calm. Well, filler convenor welcome my new perilla or Sudha, who forgot the first filter and I'll email All Praise and Glory be to Allah, we thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure and its forgiveness. And we turn to him seeking protection from the evils within ourselves and from the consequences of our misdeeds. For whomever Allah guide Lankan ever lead astray and whomever Allah leaves the strain on can ever guide.

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And we testify that no one is worthy of our worship and our devotion, and our love and obedience in the absolute sense of those words of Allah and Allah alone without any partners, the true supreme King at the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed his prophet, and his servants and His Messenger whom Allah has those incentives and mercy to the world.

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Allah terracotta Allah says to us and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would repeat every genre.

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And here I am reminding myself and you with it again today. Oh, you have believed, hold fast to the Taqwa of Allah, the consciousness of Allah that breeds generate a life of devotion and obedience and humility and consistency with Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah life of taco and the amount of taco that he deserves, or as much of that as you can possibly muster as a human being. And do not die not be caught by death except in that state of complete and total surrender to Allah state of Islam.

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To begin

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with, we conclude in sha Allah Allah this afternoon, the last of the advices of local man Alayhi salaam, the command of the Allahu and that we've been reflecting on and two weeks ago in our last appointment together, we recited look man's words to his son.

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When he said to his son, don't turn your face and arrogance to the people. And don't walk on this earth like you own it.

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Don't walk on this earth arrogantly.

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Certainly, Allah does not love those who are boastful. Those who struggle on this earth. The last word of advice. Look, man said that Allah captured in the Surah is wattleseed See machinic

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And be moderate in your walking meaning in the pace the speed at which you walk, and be moderate in your walking, while Gouldman fold thick and the lower temper your voice meaning your volume and lower your voice in Kerala, Swati la foto Hamid, certainly the ugliest of sound, is the sound of the donkey is the breaking sound of the donkey.

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And so what sets the machine and we moderate in your pace.

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Meaning don't just walk around in a way that seems out of control at a speed that seems out of control, nor at the same time, just walk around carrying aimlessly without any direction. But find the middle path between those two.

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And the middle path, the path of balance is the path of Islam always. Islam is always calling us to balance calling us to the beauty of balance. Look at that Iike Jannette coolmath anois football and thus we have made you a middle nation, a balanced nation. Islam told us to be balanced but it didn't stop there. It showed us how to be balanced showed us how to strike that perfect equilibrium.

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That perfect measure between the two extremes because every good quality is that fine hair between two extremes

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so being brave is the middle path between being reckless and being a coward

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and every other quality is like that.

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Including even walking like you think it starts all the way from the top in your Islam like even about how we're supposed to believe things. It

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Islam warns us against one extreme, which is you don't believe anything without fac you're not dogmatic. You don't believe in baseless notion. Just because people are saying them just because they've been repeated even for centuries, open your mind and think.

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But then it warns you from the opposite extreme and tells you don't you dare limit yourself to the facts of the physical world. Don't you dare limit yourself to the fact that only science can produce because science only deals with the physical world.

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You have rationale, you have an intellect as well. And you have your inner sense the knowledge that Allah pre installed and first of all human beings to recognize certain truths without needing certain without needing proof for them.

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And then you go to how we're supposed to live our lives. Islam tells you don't over emphasize your physical nature, and become this fleshy, animalistic creature that just like an animal, eat, sleep, make babies die. That's it. But at the same time, don't go to such extreme where you neglect your body, because that's your vehicle and that's your gift from Allah that He will ask you about and you will need to be able to live your purpose, wherever you will.

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Nowadays, left and right people are talking about the identity the personality of Reese Ali Salaam in the Christmas season. Our dean did not say that a Sally's salatu salam was an irrelevant human being that had shady origins.

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And the lies they accused his mother of that she gave birth to him outside of wedlock well as a biller, but at the same time, it's refused the notion that just because it's been historically established, and it has, especially through the Quran, that you raised Ali Salam performed miracles, that he's not a human being the middle path, don't swear from the middle, always look for the middle, but Allah will tell you where the middle is subhanho wa taala. Even in walking, it comes from that high level all the way to the speed at which you pace on earth you work physically, what is it famous sheet? That's the ideal to be balanced in your walking at a moderate pace. Why? Why is

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this the ideal? We know it's the ideal I want to reflect. Number one, the scholar said, because when you walk at this pace,

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it will be dignified for you. You will you will be composed in a way that you know when someone's rushing, when there's no obvious reasons to be rushing. It looks like they're immature, or it looks like they're suspicious. Right? Like just there's so hasty or what's wrong Do they feel something that they do something? And so when you walk like this, it's dignified for you. That's why even for * Buhari and elsewhere, Abu Qatada and also Abu Dhabi Allahu Anhu. They said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, either Sameer tamale, Parramatta, femme Shu la sala de la cosa kina at our car who are like Musa kina to our car, one to zero. When you hear the call to stand for

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prayer, then walk to the prayer while you are while present in you is Sakina is tranquility and luck or reverence. respectfulness, dignity 123 Rue Don't, don't read from a drop tomb for follow him as a team. Whatever you will catch you catch and whatever you don't catch you make it up being after the prayer is over whatever Rakhi you may have missed.

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So it's dignified Sakina and Walcott. Its dignity. Also, and this could be a subset of dignity, but of the wisdom

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of a person walking moderately with a moderate peace is that a person was walking in a moderate pace is someone who is focused.

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Like your momentum is challenged all in one direction you're driven, you know what you're doing and where you're going. You're not living pointlessly. It was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was always described as that when he walked forgetting them and help them and probably it's always like he was declining from an altitude so many a hadith about this. He was intentional in what he did. He, I need to do this, you turn in direction and you, you go straight to it.

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The people that do not have a clear direction, are not focused enough on their direction. They will fall for anything and everything, when they don't know where they're, where they're going and what they're doing.

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If you don't stand for something, they say you fall for anything. They don't they say this. This is the idea that you need to be walking towards something clear. You need to always be serious about your intentions and what you're doing with your activities. Don't just wander aimlessly, even if it's recreation. This is the time that I need to exercise. This is the time that I need to go to my family. I'm not just wondering, Hey, what's a good thing to do at the moment?

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We see life is more valuable than that. And so we channel our momentum in a clearer direction. They said the third reason is, when you walk at a moderate pace, not too slow, it helps a person lower their gaze,

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which has so many benefits, but it helps the buffer, it helps you lower your gaze when you're walking at a decent pace. You don't want to bump into anything. And so if you're looking in front of you, you're looking under your feet, checking that I'm heading in a safe direction, that will automatically censor you protect you from seeing inappropriate things, from seeing things that are inappropriate for you to see.

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Which are just presidents on your way. That's why I will say that for three are the Allahu Anhu. He said that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one time said to the Sahaba er como Juuso, Allah procard beware of just sitting there on people's way in the pathways, the roads, the pathways, the highways, whatever it is, the ways of people a body.

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So they said, Yeah, rasool Allah Milan, I mean Majelis in Abu Salah, we have to have these get togethers we have to meet convenient certain places.

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And that's it. That's it to fee how we have to talk like, communicate with each other, update each other, inquire with each other, relax with each other, we have to meet somewhere. This is the only place for us to meet. It's as if they're saying we must have these gatherings are very important.

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He said for Encana. Well are good for Otto Parihaka hubco, Ohio.

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He said if this is a must if you must do this and at least give the road to do right.

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And they said what is it to do right? What is the right the entitlement of authority of the roadways? Roadways could be hallways, it could be highway, the pathways where people pass by they said what is the right of the road? What is the right of the way? Carla Rob Boone buffer. We're careful as we're at will Emeryville model or the Salem

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will Ambu model for the Hanuman car. He said five things he said for you to lower your gaze, because that's the whole point. When you're sitting on the road, you're not walking fast, your eyes are gonna be going left and right.

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They're going to be hunting, exploring, looking for things. He says lowering your gaze and refraining from harming people. You're not going to be commenting about this passerby and that passerby, you're not going to be so loud and obnoxious. We'll get to that in lowering your voice that part of law commands advice, he says lowering your gaze and refraining from harming people and returning everyone Selim, ideally giving But returning everyone set out because they'll be the passerby and enjoying goods. When there's something good to be done promoted and forbidding evil, if something wrong happens, you need to be against it, not with it and not violent about it. Those are

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the five things. And so the idea is when you're on the highway, just wandering around, sipping on the road, you can see much.

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And as some of our scholars have said, this can very easily be applied on the information highway, the information superhighway and the online space because they call it a highway don't take the information highways, social media, this lawyer case, how many things is a person seeing the day it becomes automatic to just scroll through your feed you just send your eyes unleashed to just look at things because you're just pacing through this highway or just sitting there and letting the highway pass you by.

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There's so many things that we even interject and we're quick to comment on instead of refraining or harm sharing bad news. Using vulgarity

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inserting our religious opinions without due right, this is all part of what you just aimlessly being present on the road, the road of the information superhighway.

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And so remember that if you must be honest, then observe those rites of the road lowering your gaze returning the salam refraining from harm in joining good and forbidding evil.

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That is from the goodness of your Islam, to try to avoid it as much as you can and observe the ethics when you must.

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Did not Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say mean show Sunni Islam in Turku melayani from the goodness of one's Islam meaning the goodness that you get out of Islam, or it could mean it's part of you being a good Muslim, also, the goodness of your abidance by Islam, it's measured by Turku melayani a person just minding their own business.

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This is like burning your life away is the least of the harms of not minding your business.

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Speaking up and unnecessarily will likely be more than just burning your life away. It will cost you a great deal in the hereafter. Because you're not minding your business you're not tunnel visioned about I need to get here can't worry about these other things. I have my own achieve

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If I need to make I have my own floor and I need to redeem myself for I can be too busy about other people's achievements or lack thereof, other people's flaws and mistakes that I want to like talk about and socialize about. I'm focused. I'm too busy with what concerns me to have time for the things that

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do not concern me should not concern me and speaking about them, that's why oh my god, Allahu Anhu he said

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that men Castle Rock Kalamoon Castle risotto don't put yourself in a place where we're going to talk a lot because the more you talk the more you slip woman cathode ourselves onto who canceled on Google and whoever talks a lot will slip a lot

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whoever slips a lot will sin Allah woman Keturah Zulu boo For now I will have it

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and whoever sins are a lot the fire has an entitlement over that person. So don't subject yourself to places and subjects and information that will cause you to fall into that

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and if you are always doing this and you think it's no big deal, then quickly revisit the advice of Look man, why do I not know that I'm supposed to mind my business like ABCs Why am I not kind of why am I not focused on one thing in my life

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that thing could have many sub sets under it but there should be something very clear in your life that you have a plan you have a 10 year plan you have a lifelong plan and everything else needs to start getting either shifted under that plan or adopted under it it's part of the greater plan or need to get edited out of your life

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or else it could cost us a great deal and we should care about these things.

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And so this was the advice of look man to his son to begin with and work in a moderate pace keep it moving stay focused, help yourself lower the lower your gaze help yourself be dignified be guided even in the way you walk the way Allah would love for you to be a hola hola that will start from Allah Allah many welcome

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Hamdulillah that was salatu salam ala Milena we should have Allah ilaha illallah wa de Hodesh regular shadow anna Muhammad and I will do who whenever you who are solo

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and then he said to his son was Boardman salty and lower your voice in non Kerala Swati la salted Hamid the ugliest of sound the sound of the donkey wanted to break the brink of the donkey.

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So the our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as has been confirmed so al Bukhari when he would hear the breaking of a donkey. He would seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaytaan candidates I want them in the here Ken Ham. Here's why. He would say Shavon the donkey when it makes the sound is because it has seen a devil it has seen the shape on

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and when he would hear the sound of a rooster crowing.

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The Deke, the rooster crowing

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he would kanessa Allah him and probably he were full of medica he would ask ALLAH from His bounty because this is a moment when do I would be accepted or more likely accepted. He says because this is a time that they have noticed an angel there's an angel around they spotted an angel and so they make this sound.

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And so the idea of the bring of the donkeys what we want to focus on here, the donkey makes the sound in panic. He sees the trip and so he makes the sound

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and that is why it is a nasty sound and unpleasant sound

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made for an unpleasant reason.

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Or an unpleasant occasion. So the command is telling his son Don't be like that person who out of nowhere for no obvious reasons in front of us. This makes us a loud sound and annoys people are startled to people don't be like that.

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You teach your child teach yourself to lower the volume in your car, right? So not yell across the rooms. To not argue it aloud in a loud way to not startle people with your profane language, your inappropriate choice of words your cursing, your foul language, all of that is intended here.

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When you want to speak to someone, you walk up to them, and you speak to them in a way that they hear, but will not intrude on the conversation or just simply the peace and quiet of the people around you.

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In noncovered, Swati a photo Shamir because the ugliest of sound the sound of a person like that and it was recorded that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of the ways the previous nations who received these previous scriptures recognize him when he came is that he said Lisa will probably well luckily we have in our books this is our checklist that he is a man laser will have the value. He is not vulgar and he's not harsh. And laser sahab and Phil as well as well as her husband, Phil as well.

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And he's not someone who's boisterous, whose voice is very loud in the marketplaces. And this is interesting because that's when people raise their voice.

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And so he is known by being different in the good way. Even when people are loud, he's not loud. So how about when everyone is being quiet, and then you are loud, you are inconsiderate of the people around you. This is unbefitting of the behavior of a believer. And thus look man made a point to spell it out. The last thing I would like to say there's only a few minutes left in the hotel.

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How do we think about the advice of Look man, Ali Salam in conclusion.

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Notice how it went from the biggest, most fundamental things that everything else has to be built on regard for Allah above all regard for your parents, remembering the hereafter establishing the prayer in joining good, forbidding evil, not being arrogant, while you're doing that, not being arrogant, in the way that you walk, and then being balanced, you know, finessing every detail of your life.

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That's the idea. When the Sharia or Sharia is so blessed in the fact that it regulates every last detail of our life.

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What does that do for a person for sure our Shetty has not come to build bridges and perform scientific experiments and tell us we don't need to study medicine we can just use our deen didn't come for that. Our Deen came to teach us and guide us how to reach Allah and then regulate for us our lives so that our lives can be prosperous while we're here on our way to Allah subhanho wa Taala as part of our journey place regulations for our lives. But those regulations they exist in everything they exist in finance, they exist in person to person ethics, they exist in wherever you there are every passing thoughts in your mind. The Sharia has something to say about it acceptable

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or unacceptable.

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Ideal not so ideal. That's a blessed aspect of our deen. It is actually one of the number one reasons why Islam is the fastest growing religion in America by the way.

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So in the United States, they serve a wife that is the fastest growing religion. The number one reason by the way, and you should always remember this. Even more than that the miraculous nature of the Quran and the proofs of Islam is actually the simplicity of our deen the doctrine.

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In simpler terms, though, he's that is the number one reason why they enter Islam. It is what I believe there has to be one Creator, He must be all powerful, he must not be part of this very limited, very messed up world. He must be transcendent of this world, allowed this world to exist for wisdom that we will soon understand for us to live our life to the fullest. All of these very general concepts of Allah being in charge and being the most wise and being all in control. That's what does it for everybody, then some of the proofs come but one of the greatest reasons after that why people become Muslim, they say because Islam offers detailed guidance.

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Definitive guidance, defines for you how you should be because really, what is the point of a God that doesn't speak as they put it? What is the point of a religion that only exists in one hour a week called Joomla, or even Sunday church? What's the point? What value that adding to my life, but the fact that it helps me gives me structure and define sermon guidance. This is so liberating for me guessing.

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But it's not just that it frees you from guessing. Being connected with the heavens liberates you from all the limitations of this world. it liberates you from serving people, and liberates you from serving even yourself. And no matter what you accumulate of this world, you're not deluded by it, because you don't believe in this. You're connected with the heavens and more than you're connected here. Because your mind is always about how do I walk? How do I eat? How do I pray? Or how am I supposed to feel? How much do I fear? How much do I hope? How much do I love, it regulates all of this, even our emotions. And so it constantly keeps you thinking about the greater picture, the

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bigger world, the upper world, the hereafter, and Allah azza wa jal above all else. And so if you accumulate of this world, you're not deluded, because you're not really focused on this world, as if it's the by own Endor. And if you're hurt by this world, it doesn't break you because you know that you have a greater share than just this.

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And so it liberates you from every form of limitation on this planet. You're not even limited anymore by your lifetime. Your lifetime is running out. My lifetime is being consumed by diseases, or could be consumed by like, animosity and enemies and hard feelings and low flying. But this is not my life. It's not my life.

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It's so liberating to stay focused, and the rule day to day are a practical way to stay focused is such an AMA

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and you know that even if my entire life ends, my reputation, my honor, my payment my legacies with Allah

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And when you're like that, by the way, you enjoy even this life, it's not just the hereafter. Because whatever comes your way, like extra, I'm not really seeking get I'm seeking more than hereafter. So whatever comes with extra, and whatever doesn't come my way, it's no big deal. It's just the rest area, I'm gonna keep it moving. So you get to enjoy both worlds

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because you're tied with the heavens.

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And the greatest one who was ever tied with the heavens was our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and that is why he was not broken by this world. And that is why he was not forgotten. When his lifetime in this world ended.

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You know, you may have seen it and I'll end with this.

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Allah azza wa jal said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or a foreigner like Africa, we have raised through your mentioned, when he transcended climbed above the calling of this world, the demands of this world the limitations of this world, he was not blindfolded by salatu salam, he was the most the best of us in that regard. Allah that I raised for your mention. It continues to trickle down the reputation of our province, often them from the heavens until today. What I meant was that was circulating yesterday, a very large demographic research was released that said, for the first time in US history, Mohammed became one of the top 10 names given to newborns in the US.

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That's really amazing. By the way, you may not realize at first glance why that's amazing. It's amazing because Muslims United States are less than 1% of the population for us, so for us to be among the top 10 names

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means that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his legacy is so dear to people, even on those people don't exist, his name still shows up on the map, aside from the people in the Muslim majority countries, aside from the fact that Muhammad is the most common name on the face of the earth to happen here in the United States, shows you what life looks like when you're not contained by this life. When you live with clarity when you live with purpose when you live with balance, the balance that Allah drew out for our lives. May Allah allow us to constantly and you constantly reap the benefits of connecting with him subhanho wa Taala and beautify us through his guidance and the

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balance and the strength that his guidance affords us and our families and our communities Allah whom I mean, Allah Who Medina Have you been? Allahu Medina, Divina, which is necessarily eliminated. Allahumma Felina de Luna Kula the Kohala G Lucha Serato Allah Anita I want to have Robin I have learned I mean as well as you know how to react in a Kurata Are you robbing a Filipina as an opener okay for Anna say, Tina, whatever phenom al Abrar. Robin Allah to collude and validate her data and I will have learned me legend Khurana in cantle. Wahab Rebecca feelin as rubella is rough and FE M Rena was a bit up for them and I also have an alcohol mill caffeine about Benalla to keep an eye in

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the scene our partner Robin our Tamil Elena is francha Muhammad Latina mooncup Lena about Benalla to her minima la casa Nabi wa for an hour Filipina or Hamner and can we learn from surah Allah Coleman Catherine Where is Allahumma islam al Muslimeen works in Lana Mina Mina illa Allah wa sallahu wa Salam o Baraka, Anna Dena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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Allah Akbar Allah

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