Mohammad Elshinawy – Best of Stories – Study of Surat Yusuf 26

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of being recognized as Islam's parent and not just being born and born. They stress the need for parents to recognize their role in society and the use of Islam as a means of pride and deification. They also discuss the historical use of shay input and the weak scheme of shay input, as well as the importance of shayjo's workings and the need for him to be considered. The speakers emphasize the importance of not forgetting Islam and keeping it in a state of good health until the end.
AI: Transcript ©
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And he was a huge marine will begin the name of Allah All Praise and Glory be to Allah ma it's fine His peace and blessings be upon us messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his family and his companions and all those who tried his path.

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May Allah azza wa jal beautify our hearts with his book and illuminate our graves in the graves of our parents with his book, and protect us and shade us and secure us on the Day of Judgment by virtue of our commitment to his book and better us in that commitment and forgive us, for our falters in that commitment to his book alone. I mean, we welcome everyone back to

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the best of stories, the study of sort of the use of this being the culmination night not the last night we discussed the surah but the climax of the story essentially, in the 99th verse, the first verse we recited tonight, Allah azza wa jal says for LM, the Hello, Allah USofA our la here by the way,

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when they all of them now the whole family enter into the presence of use of

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our la he pulled towards himself he brought to him he embraced his parents. And he said to them all do hello Misurata insha Allah Who am in in answer Egypt, by Allah's permission, God willing, safe and secure.

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And so first of all, you know, when a believers parents visit, he waits for them outside. And there are narrations, though not explicitly stated in this idea from the Sahaba and others, that they went out with a huge crowd of people to receive the great profit the whole valley Salaam and the rest of the family that was with him.

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And a believer personally, doesn't send someone to do it personally gets, you know, his or her parents comfortably situated. And that is explicitly stated in the I, our ELA he, he expressed joy over their arrival, not just by embracing them in the hug fashion, oh, he embraced their visit, not embrace their bodies, you know, because you know, parents panela, especially older parents, they often wonder if their visit is burdensome, like, Am I intruding or crowding my child's New Life, adult life Is there still room for me because I don't want to be that person.

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And perhaps this is why Islam teaches us to be extra pronounced in our celebration of our parents when they're attending,

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meaning visiting us or we're attending in their presence, you know, visiting them, and there are so many extrapolations or extensions we can make of this to be extra pronounced in celebrating our joy with them being present. You know, be careful when they call you up that your tone does not, you know, give them the message at all man, you know, now's not a good time or

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this is extremely boring, I got better and bigger things to do, and so on and so forth. And they're at your energy levels in general, whether it's over the phone or you know, when they are around in the same room. And of course,

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attention, you know, is even a more basic request, which is even more necessary than enthusiasm. Some people not only don't show enthusiasm, they don't show attention at all their parents, you know, could look forward to all week seeing them or all month seeing them in either house, your house or their house. But then your your eyes are glued to the device for so long. And they're just so they want to just look into your eyes, the eyes they stared in for so long in your childhood as you grew stared at you as you slept and they just want to look into your eyes. And we are not

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cognizant of this. So use of Ali salaam certainly was and he was sensitive to this and he embraced them meaning pulled them towards him comfortably situated them himself, despite his his rank in Egypt's

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autocracy or government.

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And then he said to all of them, even those that stripped him of security as a child, enter all of you into Egypt, meaning come dwell in Egypt reside, relocate to Egypt, in sha Allah, by Allah's permission, you will find full security here. You know, he is speaking in the name of Egypt's highest authority, and yet he's still saying in sha Allah, because that is the edit of the believer, that the believer,

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you know, understands full well Allah has full control over all things, and uses valet Sam in particular, he learned from life right?

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The decades of his life, that nothing is except as Allah subhanho wa Taala wants it. So this insha Allah who say needs to always be said, but it needs to be said with intentionality. It needs to be said

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With this firm conviction, this renewed conviction that, you know, it really is about Allah, if He doesn't want it to come my way, I'm not gonna get it, even if it's already, you know, between my lips, as one of the scholars said, And if Allah wants me to get something, or something to happen, it will happen. Even if it's stuck between two mountains, he'll make it happen subhanho wa taala. And we are all as Muslims familiar with the phrase in sha Allah, but many of us we use it just as, you know, a culture thing. Or sometimes we use it to elude a commitment, right? Let's just say in sha Allah, so that I'm not lying, even though deep down inside, you don't have any firm intention to

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make sure something happens. So I'm appreciating you know, in this idea that in sha Allah of use of La salaam, you would think at this moment, it would mean it would, you know, be easily overlooked. I hereby grant you security, nobody can violate the security of the king, or the authorities but he sang in sha Allah because he is no king, he has no authority. He is a prophet of Allah azza wa jal in the next if Allah to Baraka with Allah says, that use of said

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or whatever either way, he allows it, it begins by saying he raises his parents onto the throne with him.

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And he doesn't just, you know, leave his parents down there and go go back to his seat, he

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puts them at an equal place with him.

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And that is also of the ad that we must have with our parents. No matter how old you get, how much you've grown, how much you've achieved, you don't stay on top of your throne. When your parents arrive, you don't stay behind your corporate desk and have them sit where you know,

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you know, an interviewee or an apprentice or a an intern or a customer sits. You don't sit there reclined on your couch while they have a less comfortable seat or without them first choosing you know where they want to sit. Do as you said valet said I'm did here you put them at equal or higher altitude than yourself. And you you know, assert by that your recognition to them, that you are kings and queens in my eyes. That's what Islam taught us to do. You know, that notion of parents are Uncrowned royalty in Islam is very true. And in so many, you know, places you can find it. Abu Hurayrah for example, Radi Allahu anhu, the great companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam he used to say about your father led to send me he beats me he, while timesheet Mm hmm, who will attach this cobbler who make sure you never call your father by his name, meaning something better than his name. Do you know, because your dad is supposed to be friendly with you, but he is not your friend, he is your friend. And then some right. And I don't mean that. And then so many more close to you than your friend Yes, but also deserving of something your friends don't deserve, which has certain degree of reverence.

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And that's a long story, right? Parents also need to recognize that just because you're going to be friends, your kids do not for go that distance that will allow you to be a parent, while being friendly with your children.

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Allow you to guide them to direct them, you know, as much as possible.

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So he is saying Don't ever call your father by his name.

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And don't ever walk in front of them. Because no one walks in front of a cane, right? That's how you perceive your parent. That's how you treat your parents. You don't ever walk in front of them. You're on equal footing with them or behind them. Unless there's a need, of course, like you're gonna go open the door for them. But otherwise you don't just stroll in front of them and they catch up. No.

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You don't walk in front of them. He said, Well, attention is Pablo, and you don't sit before him. And again, like a judge, think of a judge in court or a king, you know, in, I guess movies. Nowadays, No one sits before the king, the king sits, makes his role sits and everyone you may be seated. That sort of regard for parents is absolutely Islamic and needs a revival. And so use of Allah Selim was being sensitive to that here. He was being sensitive to the you know, the timeless instructions of Allah to us regarding our parents, you know, we find they get in the Quran wokefield Lahoma. Jana had voluminous Rama, lower for them, your two parents the wings of humility, out of

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mercy for them out of mercy for them, you know, hide from them. The fact that they're aging hide from them that you're on the up climb and they're on the decline.

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Out of mercy for them, be humble with them out of mercy.

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And then the verse continues say he raised them on the throne and then everyone makes a Jude to

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use valets Salaam.

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ceremonial salute, you know, a sujood prostration. Of, of respect, you know because a person knows every Muslim knows that sujood prostration is only for Allah Subhana Allah Tada. It's a deep expression of humility and subservience that is only offered to Allah. So how could use valets Salam, except that his parents extend that act of worship to Him? And how could you have globally his salaam who is a prophet do this? This is not worship in the past sujood had different connotations. Prostration meant different things. For example, it's just like the angels prostrating to Adam Alayhis Salam, by Allah's instruction. Allah was not telling them to commit yet he was not

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telling them to worship at the money center. This was done to salute the superior creation that was created by gods to hence and now it was just simply a customary salute to use a valet Salam, considering his, his office is positioned. And it was permissible in those times. And in that sense, it was neither contrary to honoring one's parents. It was not demeaning it salutory It is not, you know, like, humiliating. So it's not contrary to honoring their parents nor because it's not worship is not contrary to Tawheed singling Allah Subhana Allah died out in worship. But of course, that no longer exists. I said that's in the past, in the Sharia of Muhammad, the law of Muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam until the Day of Judgment, to close the inlet. So shit to people conflating respect with, you know, deification and

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polytheism. Basically sujood prostration was deemed an act of worship. So God equals worship in the shadow of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and therefore it is impermissible to make the do to anyone but Allah, you're right for thinking how could they? Because this is the rule in in our Sharia. But in the Sharia prior prophets, they were all Muslim, but the laws could have had some some variance

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and that is how we reconcile. Okay. You know, I will cache the Rahim Allah, Allah says about them all making sujood here and he says, you know, this is an important lesson that Allah who wanted to capture in his Quran that Allah has sudo ly assumed that the envious person will never come out on top. He says when they envied Yusuf alayhi salam simply because his dad gave him preference over them, Allah insisted on nothing less than them all falling prostrate, including the dead, falling prostrate to him, so that the world may know that the NVR never comes out on top. And that the people with the longest grief in this life are those who try to hold back with Allah sense forward

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or pull forward that Allah is holding back. You see, the brothers of use of iclm wanted to hold him back. They wanted to demote him and place him at the bottom of the well. And so Allah lifted him and erected him upon the throne, the throne of kingdom here. And so when you envy someone, you only hurt yourself, and you actually shoot yourself in the foot, you send a person forward.

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Because your fight is not really with that person, whether you realize it or not, it's with Allah and so you cannot win. And so, you know, you actually help the one that you envied by envying them

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and also of the lessons in this is so he raised his parents on the throne. Well, hello Sujatha and everyone prostrated to him. And then he said to his father paella Ebert's, he had that leader. Yeah, I mean, cabello Khadija, Allah Ha, Robbie, Hakka. This is the interpretation of my dream from prior prior years ago, my Lord has made it a reality. And so a believers dream this is an important lesson does not necessarily have to immediately materialize. It could take decades to unfold. And so sort of use of years teaching us no matter what to never give up on our dreams. You know, use of asylums, father spent 40 years making dua that Allah bring his son back to him to the point that his you

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know, his sons and their families. We even made fun of him for how hopeful how low, how long. Last thing his his hopes work? And so you continue to dream you continue to ask Allah you continue to pray to Him, you continue to beg to him. And you know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us explicitly in the Hadith of the oppressed, that Allah azza wa jal uplifts raises up the DUA supplication of the oppressed person, the victim, beyond the clouds or by the clouds, and he says he declares in his universe where exactly where Gela Lee I swear by my mind and my majesty Alonso Ron Nikki, I will surely give you support, I will assure you shortly. Event you will LVAD the hen even

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if it's after some time

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So the time factor is not relevant. Your believers dream of believers do they keep making it and hope with Allah azza wa jal is endless.

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God the Jalla Hora be healthcare My Lord has made my dream a reality my good dream right sun and moon and stars frustrating to me

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he made it the realities of Heinola to Allah and notice what he's gonna about to remember and this whole idea he's gonna remembering the good things you know what Santa be and he's been so kind to me. It Rajani message when he pulled me out of prison would be communal bamboo and brought you from the desert life from the Bedouin life mean bad the Anessa shaytaan Albania Albania hottie after Allah after shaytaan had, you know, stoked, you know, a version between me and my brothers, meaning Allah made it better

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in our ability, if only Masha Allah, my Lord is so subtle and gentle and delicate with whomever he wishes towards whomever he wishes. But notice what he's remembering the dream coming out of the prison bringing you all here to me. We choose he could have said some very dark moments like you don't know what I went through. It's been so hard. He didn't say that. And we need to learn from this, that we choose which memories to recall, that we want to remember. So let it be the good moments. Even if their dreams, right, even if they were just dreams and choose not to remember the painful moments, even if they were life threatening. Like the well he didn't mention the well,

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right? We'll talk about that in a second. But this helps us you know, choosing what to remember helps us quit making life's problems bigger than they have to be. Because if you do then who's behind life, it's going to affect how you perceive Allah who we should never associate with negativity as the prophets of Allah who Allison said in his opening door out when he was Salah when he would make Salah he would say where she will hydrocolloid Sofia de quoi Chateau Lisa Lake and all good rests in your hands. And evil is not attributable to you. You know, a brother may hurt me a relative may insult me, business partner might betray me. And admire someone who's in love with me,

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might throw me in prison, but Allah but SRB he has never done anything but good to me. Allah will never never bring about anything except that it's good for you. And any good that I've experienced, it was actually from Allah, like us, or at least dilemna mentioned these things. You know, he didn't mention either. He didn't say like the Butler was the one who saved me from the prison by remembering me. Or it was the king who saved me by acquitting me clearing my name, or it wasn't the wife who, you know, finally came clean and confessed for me. But accent IV, it was Allah, all the good came from Allah. And then the good that he lists here, here's another lesson. Why didn't he

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mention being saved? From the well, he only said either Rajani message being saved from prison scholars spoke about this a lot.

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And they offered like several possible reasons why he mentioned the prison and not the Well, first of all, so as not to shame his brothers out of consideration for their feelings, because he already declared that he had forgiven them. And so this is a testament right to the nobility of his character yet again, how can I bring it up in front of everybody when I've already said I forgiven them. They said number two, being cast into the well was far more difficult than being can't be I'm sorry, being cast into the prison was far more difficult than being cast into the world. Because being cast into the well did not mar his reputation. He wasn't like accused of something and thrown

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into the world. He's just thrown into the world. And the well was somewhat momentary it was a night and day, whereas the prison being he was trapped in there for years. Right. So considering the reputation that was marred considering the duration of the sentencing, this is, you know,

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very different than the experience of the well, the allegations that sent him to prison,

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hurt his reputation and kept him there for years. There was no accusation that sent Him into the world. It was just cold blooded betrayal.

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The other third reason they said is because leaving prison was a blessing, because he went it sent him to a leadership position, in the worldly sense, right, he was the king or the Kings advisor, right. Whereas being removed from the well was still on the way down. He went from the well to slavery. He only got delivered from the well to the sale block, as they say in the, in the slave markets.

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And then another thing he said, Allah has been so good to me for pulling me from prison, he said and bringing you from the deserts. What is the lesson here? Many, many scholars actually are

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I was surprised to find this in so many different books at this area. They said it is so noteworthy to remember

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why use of Alehissalaam felt it was worth mentioning in this monologue of Allah's blessings over him that he brought his family. They said, it may be more than just the fact that he simply brought to you to me, because he mentioned he didn't say bring us together, he said, brought you out of the deserts. So it's not just the reunion element. And it's not just also that cities are better than deserts in the comfort of life, the less hardship the amenities, or amenities

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that are available in city life as opposed to the desert.

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They said, this is a subtle distinction with what we take from his mention of bringing his family relocating them from the desert. It's an indication to avoid Bedouin life.

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And you know, there's many like I asked about a lot of our shadow from one you felt like the better ones or have a greater like propensity for like, you know, rebellion and rejection of God and hypocrisy and otherwise, because the desert life

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is a hindrance to human excellence. Basically, that's what it is, the environment being distanced from the Centers of knowledge and education, having to to grapple with the coarseness, the heat, the arid, pneus of desert life, the climate, this all keeps you back because it actually affects your personality. Even there's a hadith where the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is reported to have said, Min bed that Jaffa whomever goes to the bed dia that the the desert, Jaffa Beda Jaffa he became has this differ, it develops a harshness.

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And yeah, maybe nobody listening to me right now lives in the deserts. But there are spiritual deserts that we live in called social media, there are also like, just religious deserts, when you know, you're in a very materialistic world, when you're just in the grind of your occupation, your career day in and day out, you know, for example, United States, that is something I do believe in, and I see everywhere I go, that the communities as they develop, they develop as an afterthought, like we came to the United States, you know, for the dream, the milk and honey, so on and so forth. And then after we pick the place where we want to live in the hospital, we're going to work out or

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the, you know, the field, we're going to climb its corporate ladder, that we said, Yeah, where are we going to raise our kids? Where are we going to, you know, pray July anyway, you know, it was an afterthought. And so if a person doesn't rebound from that fast enough to spend too long away from the Centers of Revelation, and the behavior that is, you know, refined by revelation,

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the it will certainly rub off on them, it will certainly impress on them. So whether you reside in the desert or not, at least take from this the necessity of being selective with your environment.

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And aware of the influences of your environment.

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And where you want to situate your family, so have consistent exposure to Revelation and good role models that are influenced by revelation.

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Then the next thing I have so many reflections on this is this is probably my hair dye and the whole surah and I'll try to keep it under 45 minutes today. I cannot possibly do it in 30 use of La salaam then said, you know and brought you from the desert mean bad. Yeah. And NASA shaytaan, Albania, Albania Swati, after Shavon has, you know, caused estrangement caused a version conflict between me and my brothers. So what is he not saying here? He didn't say and Allah brought you guys after shaytaan misled my brothers. He's not saying that. He said it's as if he sang che Athan pushed them equally, even began with himself, right? No, that's not shaytaan shaitan you know, poked between me

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and my brothers. As if they were both equally pushed. And they arrived at this bad place in the middle of somewhere with of course, like this is not the case. He was grabbed, thrown into did nothing wrong with this politics whose beautiful wording here after shaitan you know, started a problem between me and my brothers is noble manners, once again, driving him to be considerate of his brothers his feelings. Also, he says NASA NASA means basically to poke and that also shows you the weakness of the human being when it comes straight on. See all shaitan can do is poke. But look at what this one poke that shaitan did to them actually to the brothers. What shaytaan did to the

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brothers. All the pain and suffering and evil that ensued from a poke

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And so, what did we learn from this understand Understand the proper equation that, you know, the schemes of shaitan are weak. Allah told us indicate the shaytani Coronavirus. And this assumption is that the plot of shaytaan the scheme of shaitan is weak, but you are weaker without Allah subhanaw taala because a simple Pope can send you home or with a villa not home, but to a very ugly home can send us to the hellfire. That's how weak we are one of the setup one of the early Muslims he said, It's as if the human being is just laying there exposed between shaytaan and between Allah subhanaw taala I don't mean it like this to physically indicate.

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He's saying he's in the middle between God and shaytaan if Allah takes him in shaitan can't reach him. And if Allah leaves him, then shaytaan devours him, meaning he's nothing on his own and he's no match for shaytaan let's say the line is no match for Allah subhanho wa Taala simple poke from the shaytaan that is how fragile we are. That's why another one of the cellphone and other one of the early Muslims are righteous predecessors he used to say about this latter one Nana I do have Hola Hola, Qin. And have you ever.

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Don't ever think that the enemy has triumphed against you? Rather the Guardian it was the Guardian, Allah subhanho wa Taala at half of the Hatfield, it was the guardian who turned away from you, who refused to help you. So may Allah never forsake us never allow us to do that which infers that

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we are not desperate for his aid and his protection and shelter.

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You know, a person can say he didn't mention the well out of consideration for his brothers. This is moving on now to another lesson. He didn't mention the well out of consideration for his brothers, then why did he even mention shape on here?

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with relation to his brothers? Well, first of all, we said he said us and them so he didn't throw it on his brothers. Second of all, is again as this point Rahimullah in his in his beautiful to see it on bottom rail. He says he only mentioned this tidbit of his brother's affair in a because it serves a positive light, it will not shame them, it actually helps realize this magnitude of the blessing.

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Because the blessing is a greater blessing after tribulation, right? You taste the sweetness more once the bitterness is there. And so he mentioned it because it adds to the moment not because you know he wished or that it would detract from the moment. And so after he lists all of these

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pulled me out of prison brought to you from the desert life after shaitan has come between me and my brothers in Nairobi Latif only my Usha My Lords panna cotta, Allah is so subtle towards whomever he wills you know, these grand events that we're standing in front of right now they started with extremely subtle beginnings. And that is the meaning of Allah's name a lot leaf, you know, a lot of the most subtle, the most delicate, the most gentle, he is a hobby you know, love life and career are always tied in the Quran, the best acquainted, he knows how to do this, no one can no one knows what we need, and no one knows how to deliver it to us. Some of us know what each other need, we

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don't even know how to get it to them. He knows and knows the pathway to it in the most gentle, perfect, finessed way. You know, as they say that he hid for use of Alehissalaam the glory of Kingdom in the guards of captivity, he had to become a captive and a slave to get up the ladder to to becoming king essentially.

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And that's why Dr. Allen Fifi

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Have you the whole law he says that this entire Surah really is about this statement. The look for the gentle, subtle workings of Allah. He says whoever reads suit use of and does not feel the look of Allah in his bones and flowing in his veins and he hasn't read the surah he needs to go back and read the surah again, like imagine the flood of memories that just erase the use of Ali salaam or must have raised the use of Ali salaam here, you know, sending him into a deep reflection how any small step from this journey would have prevented it from culminates in here. Shaping Yusuf Ali Salam into the hero into the

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the great that he is today. Like imagine what he was thinking like what if you know Allah Latif had not inspired my brother to suggest the well instead of killing me murdering near just you know, leaving me in the desert sun. What if Allah leave Allah had not subtly you know, relocated me to Egypt to protect me in Egypt He was being protected in Egypt from what his parents could not protect him from which is the brothers right? And then to protect the whole world use of now protecting the whole world from the famine that was about to happen.

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You know what if a lovely if had not allowed for us

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Scandal to happen to send me to prison to meet the Kings Butler

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to exhibit to him my forte in dream interpretation, and when his favor and do him that favor so that he liked me and do me a favor later, you know, and what if a lovely if the more subtle had not caused the butler to forget, use valet salon once he left prison, so that the king and we spoke about this only heard of use of sname at the moment of his greatest need for use of a salon. So that use of La salon could now come and demand that is innocent surface, from the highest authority from the King himself. But this is all of our life. By the way. You know, the concept of God works in mysterious ways, beautifully mysterious ways. And the believer that knows with certainty that Allah

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is wise, Allah shows him some of these strands of the you know, like every achievement we have is choreographed by his lot of his gentle subtle workings. 1000s of invisible strands come together to you know, produce that picturesque that picture perfect conclusion. Allah shows you a few of those strands. So that you would recognize if you are certain that he has a lot if so that you'll recognize that, you know, once you do you realize, man, I'm standing in front of a miracle. This is an absolute miracle. How could this be? My he's so amazing Subhanallah thought and he works in such mysterious ways.

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The last thing I want to say about this, I'll close.

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Actually, we still have a 30 day to cover along Stan, forgive me people.

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Maybe you want to hear the video in two parts. But he says My Lord has settled towards whoever he wishes in now who who will ally him? And Hakeem, certainly he is an ally in the most wise al Hakim, the ally in the most knowing and Hakeem the most wise, told you you have to know this to feel that he is subtle to see some of the strengths. But I want you to catch that, like 90 verses ago, where I thought 100 So yeah, 94 verses ago, his father said to him, your Lord is going to raise you.

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And perfect His favor upon you in Arabic Allium, and Hakeem your Lord is knowing wise, and now you've got a salon saying back to his father, just so beautiful, saying back to his father, that everything came out great. And you know, my law is so subtle and so gentle, in that who who robbed him of Hakeem, he is the All Knowing he is the all wise.

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It's as if his father carved these two names of Allah into his soul into his heart, into his conscience, or, I'm sorry, his consciousness.

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And it is those two names of Allah that carried him through this story, his knowledge of God, you see, we will not always be there for our kids, but instilling in them, a solid understanding of Allah will always be there for them.

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And then he said,

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are up to date and even al Maliki the next verse now? Oh, my Lord, You have granted me such authority.

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Where I am turning him into we did a hadith and you taught me of the interpretation of dreams. Like there was not a dream that came to him, by the way that no one knew how to understand it except that he had the interpretation for it. But as humility with Allah He understood that Allah just gave him a bit of the ocean. You know, you've taught me from not the interpretation of dreams how to interpret dreams, you taught me how to interpret some dreams mean from the interpretation of dreams a bit from the interpretation of dreams, felt that are similar to a lot of the you are the Originator of the heavens and the earth.

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And totally ye for dunya and akhira You are my guardian in this world and the next

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telephony Muslim meanwhile How can you be slightly Hain allow me to die in Muslim someone that submits to you and join me with the righteous? You know,

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as one of the the commentators on the Quran says about this idea that you know, before the the curtain falls on this finally final, emotionally charged scene in the Surah, Yusuf Ali salaam, he pulls himself away from the reunion, like he steps aside and says this, it's pretty obvious right? Talking to Allah, he's not talking anyone anymore. He says, Oh, my Lord, right, he steps away from the reunion away from the joy away from the chair away from the celebrity, away from the authority, the power, the luxury, the guards the security that

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he turns to Allah and He glorifies Him as someone who is truly grateful, truly mindful, and like his soul requests in the middle of the splendor of power and seeing his dream materialize.

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Is to have his Lord, allow him to die as a muslim. May Allah Azza did allow that for us and you

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and to join him with the righteous as if he feels left behind as if he feels you know, like I need to catch up. I haven't really done anything yet.

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And so all you have at the end is everything gets cleared.

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And you have this lone slave pleading for Allah Zildjian to safeguard his Islam for him until he takes his life upon that. And that he grant him the company of the righteous when he stands in front of Allah subhanaw taala. And this author say it says about him, Allah, honestly, he says, and I know he's a controversial figure, but I don't care. To be honest.

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The only person who's infallible is our Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says, you know, and it is with that by doing that, you know,

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he passed the final test.

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And so think about that the use of Alexa and went through so many tests in his life. He went the test of the well. And then more difficult is when he went into the prison by choice, he wasn't forced into prison, he chose it to keep his relationship with Allah. Because he had to stay away from the haram. And then he passed the test of forgiving his brothers, which was not even mandatory, it was like, above mandatory, it was part of excellence. It's not mandatory. It's not only to forgive, just this is only mandatory. But then he passed the fourth test right now, which was the hardest test, and most people don't notice it. This was the test of not forgetting Allah and your

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successes. That is actually the hardest test the person will ever face in their life. It's not difficulty. You know, you're the worst person on earth if you don't go back to God and difficulty because even evil people go back to God when they're stuck. But going back to God when you're prosperous, that's the biggest hardest test. And so in the middle of that, he speaks of Allah's favours in a humble way. This is recommended right when it's not in boast to speak of Allah's favors.

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And he mentioned that dying Muslim is his greatest ambition. This is the greatest ambition of the prophets, you know, doesn't cross the minds of many people, but this is the greatest ambition of the greatest people.

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And he says, Oh Allah, you are ye li for dunya mal oleifera. You are my guardian in this world and the next you know, his father is standing there. Imagine that your father is your guardian Islamically linguistically, while he is guardianship custodianship, but in that moment, there was nothing left.

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And you are my guardian in this world in the next.

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And so he wasn't necessarily wishing for death. Some may say that he said this at his deathbed or otherwise, what?

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Because how could you wish for death?

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But it doesn't necessitate that he was dying or that he was wishing for death. He was just saying that day that I die. Oh Allah, you know, there's nothing left for me to gain in this world. All I can gain here now is you know, Jana

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and of course, if he were wishing for death, that would only be allowed for a Muslim. If they're fearing fitna

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when he's not really fearing fitna in a sense, because he there is no sign of death in the Surah You know, you don't wish for death out of despair. You fear it, you may wish for death, fearing that you will go astray. That's all but the Prophet SAW Salem taught us that a believer never wishes for death if he's a good person who increasing good he's an evil person until you know another opportunity at redemption. And he said no, no one of you should wish for death because a believer is lifespan only increases him in goodness. And he said no one of you should wish for death little green NAS Ella de due to any hardship or you know harm that befalls him. If he must wish for

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something let him say oh Allah grant me life so long as life is good for me and put me to death whenever he knows that that is better for me.

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I will stop here in sha Allah Allah asking Allah azza wa jal to allow us to benefit from the surah

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and allow us to meet use of Elisa Lam and his father.

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Allow us to seal our lives in the best state allow us to die Muslim,

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and not pull Islam from us.

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Until the very end, let us keep our Islam until our moments here are done. Subhanak Elohim make sure that Allah Allah Allah and Minister Farrakhan until we like someone like everyone

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