Mirza Yawar Baig – Wisdom of Luqman AS #1

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of the Quran in driving and listening to the GPS, as well as the importance of good manners and good manners in influencing one's behavior and promoting their own success. They stress the need for parents to provide guidance and support to children, and emphasize the importance of practicing good manners in their daily lives. The success of advising parents on what to expect in life, building relationships with children, and creating a "slack man" session is also highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hola Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam Allah

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Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this livan cathedra from abajo.

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My sisters

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Welcome back to our classes,

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which we are starting, once again after Ramadan, we believe we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make them follow her and Baraka for all of us. And to enable us to change our lives, thanks to what we learn in these classes.

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I think the biggest and most important thing that I want to

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emphasize on is this, which is the fact that these classes are not meant to make you all ama, because I'm not an alum in the first place. And they are not meant for us to gather some more information, they are not meant for us to have some talking points for

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for conversation. They are meant for one reason only. And that is

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and that is to enable us to implement what we learn in our lives. And that's why I keep on emphasizing that I keep on sort of, you know, harping on the same thing again and again. And forgive me for that. But that is the core purpose. The Quran Al Karim came for us to implement it in our lives. The Quran didn't come for us merely to, for us to memorize it or to recite it in a beautiful tone, or to write it in beautiful calligraphic scripts. Now, it didn't come for us to treat it like some kind of charm, to ward off evil or to bring good luck or to carry across the threshold when we enter a new home. Or to hold it on travels the head of the bride or groom when they get married. May

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Allah protect us we treat the Koran in every way that denies the actual, the value of the Kalam of Allah smart Allah, which is Allah subhanaw taala speaking to us.

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I mentioned this incident before,

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but I'm going to mention it again today.

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I was in, in London, in 2014 for a conference in

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conference and education on faith based education.

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And I was speaking at this conference. So while I was in London, I asked to see various

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famous schools of London.

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So I went to Harrow I went to a couple of other

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top schools of London, and one of the schools that I wanted to see, because I wanted also to see faith based schools and how it was not a faith based schools.

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One of the schools I wanted to see was a Jewish school called the J cos Academy.

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So and it's a very famous school. It was a decent school it was, if I'm not mistaken upon, I think in 2005 or something like that. Around that time. So this was I wanted to see the school so we went there. And they were very, very nice the the management of the school they agreed to,

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they agreed to host us and my wife and I went with our, my very dear friend

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who was the head of the

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Association of Muslim schools of UK.

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So we went there we were the principal of the school was we were taught before and that we will be received by two teachers and then we will be taken to the principal's office. The principal, interestingly, of the Jewish school was a an Anglican priest.

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So he would receive us and they said that you will have tea with the principal. And after that, we will do a tour of the school.

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So I felt really good. So we went there we were greeted by a man and a woman, both Jewish teachers. The man shook my hand and bowed to my wife. And the woman shook my wife's hand and bow to me. I found that very interesting. So I asked them I said, I noticed that you didn't shake hands with a person of the opposite gender.

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What's the reason? And so the lady said, For the same reason that you don't shake hands with a person of the opposite gender, gender, as a Muslim. So as a fantastic I didn't know this, that the the Jewish laws, as far as this is concerned, are the same as the Muslim laws. Interestingly, there are many such commonalities between

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Jewish laws and Muslim laws, in terms of food, in terms of behavior, and so on, and so on. So with, with some of the Christian law, the basically the law is Jewish or Judaic. And the Christians take from it, they don't take the whole thing they take from it.

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So we, and I'm not going into that aspect of it. But this is very interesting for me anyway, so we met them, we went to the principal's office, we had tea with the principal, the principal said to me,

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this is very interesting. He said, I'm very happy to meet you.

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And I noticed that you're speaking at this conference. Yeah. He said, you know, we have a common problem. And that is with Darwin's theory of evolution. So I said to him, why is that a problem?

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He'll be surprised. He said, What do you mean, why is why is it? Isn't it a problem as far as Islam is concerned? I mean, to teach Darwin's theory of evolution, I said, No, absolutely no problem. So we have no problem teaching the Darwin's teaching Darwin's theory of evolution.

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He said, I am very surprised to hear this is the first time that I've heard a

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Muslim scholar saying that, to teach Darwin's theory of evolution is not a problem. So I said, Maybe because I'm not a scholar. So you know, it's not a problem. It's another one, right? He said, Please, I mean, I'm not joking. I'm seriously asking you a question. Why do you say it's not a problem? I said, Because teaching a theory is not a problem. Teaching that theory, as a within courts, religious dogma is a problem. Right? Teaching Darwin's theory, as if it is fact which even Darwin didn't claim. I mean, think about that. This is the whole theory of, of evolution of, of the

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transformation of species of one species, converting into another species, evolving, so to speak into another species. I said, this piece of the theory, even Darwin didn't say it is a fact. This was a theory he was postulating, he said, Maybe this is how it happened. But over the years, this is what propaganda does, which converts a theory into within courts, now a dogma into a belief system, which now you are compelled to believe, or at least to pretend that you believe and if you don't do that, then you are castigated, you are rejected. So I said, this is something for us to reflect on and say that why are we doing that? As a theory? Absolutely no problem. And I said, I pointed to his

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desk, and I said, I've got no problem.

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Thinking about a theory, that maybe this desk is my grandfather. I mean, I evolved from this desk, right? I mean, theory, I can have a theory. I mean, it's good exercise for the for brain cells to postulate, and to theorize and to, you know, think about hypothetical things. It's a very good thing. But if I'm going to take that, and I'm going to now pretend as if this actually happened, then there is a problem. So I said this is so we had a good laugh. Anyway. Anyway, we had tea and all that now I'm coming to the talking about the Quran. So we then

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were taken on this door, and one of the teachers who hadn't met us also, she was a teacher of religious studies. So she said to us on your tour as you walk around the school if you come to my class, and if you'd like to step in, you're most welcome. No, I absolutely.

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I absolutely. Welcome that because this is my idea also to talk to some of the children. So as we walked around the school, we came to this particular class, and we knocked on the door you walked in, and it was this class, these teachers class, religious studies, children were about seven to eight years old.

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So the teacher said, if you'd like to speak to them, I said, Well, I mean, I'm not going to lecture to them. Let me ask them, I said to them,

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what do you know about Islam?

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So one little girl put up her hand. And she said, Islam is a religion which is based, where you worship only one God and nobody else you do not join anybody. in worship with God, you worship only one God. And incidentally, that is also Jewish. Jewish theology that's the Jewish principle of, of worshipping only one God.

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So I said, you know, you know the name of I said, thank you very much wonderful ad. You know, the name of

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God we worship she said, Yes, Allah.

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I was very impressed. I hear the seven or eight year old girls saying this.

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Then I said, What else do you know about Islam? So she was about her answers, but somebody has put up his hand little boys I, I pointed to him, I said to psps. He said, Islam is a religion, which is based on a book.

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That's just one I mean, this is, you know, even even better. I said, you know, the name of the book. He said, Yes, the Koran. Yeah. I said, What do you know about this book, and the third one, put up your hand, she said, This book is holy, it should be treated with respect. And we and Muslims

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put it in a high place.

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Now, believe me, I had trouble controlling my tears. And the reason I had trouble controlling materials is not because of the answers, but because how true that last piece was, to what we really do with the Quran. Between the Quran as if it's a ceremonial piece, which is to be treated with respect and put in a high place, we do not read the Quran as it came to be treated as a map as a way of life. You know, today we have become used to,

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using GPS is and so on, and so forth. And we enter the destination, and

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the woman talks to you and tells you where to go. But I remember the time when I lived in the US in the late 90s, we didn't, we had no GPS, we used maps. So if you went anywhere, you carried a set of maps, you marked out your destination,

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on the map to begin with. And then you as you went along, you consulted the map, if you had a driving partner, if you had somebody in the passenger seat, they looked at the map and told you what to do, which turn is coming when and which exit to take from the highway. If you didn't have that then you pulled into

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to a gas station or something like that some convenience place. And you looked at the map, if you needed to consult it again, you made your little notes about which exit to take and so on and you went on. So these maps were absolutely critical, as far as your journey was concerned if you were interested in getting to the right place. So the two things we learnt from the map was to have our destination clear in our mind to say where am I going, and then to follow them up, right not to do any magic on the way and say, Well, you know what, this turn looks like a nice one.

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greenery on this side or something or this exit looks nice or something wrong as the app goes, you then end up getting very badly lost and you can't find your way back again. So this is what we were, we were used to doing. And that is what the Quran came the Quran came as a map. I remember this lovely incident which happened at that time when I was living here, one of our brothers in the masjid, who was a at that time he was a newly reverted person to Islam. He came to the chef one day and he said to him, Chef, I'm going somewhere I'm driving it should I take a copy of the Quran with me. And the chef asked him

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Do you take your map with you? Do you take your roadmap with you? And this brother said, I got your message. Thank you very much. I got the answer. Right. And that's ours in the eyes, who am the chef who Sam? who answered our brother.

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So this is the husband Kelly that was that's the name of the brother Hassan Kelly. I know he asked him this question. And she was I'm told him Do you take do you take your map with you? And he said, Yes, of course. I mean, that's the point. The whole point is that do I take the karate meaning not just take physically the Quran with me but do I follow the Quran in my life, this is what the Quran came for. Now today we have we have got to a stage where May Allah protect us. For most of us the Quran is a means of Baraka, which it is. The Quran is something we treat with respect which we should do. The Quran is something that we should read, which we read different people read the Quran

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in two different extents some more, some less and so on so forth. We focus on the pronunciation that as we the Karnataka on that side should sound nice, it should be correctly pronounced all the Maasai, all of which is perfectly correct, should be done. no quarrel with any of that. But that is not the purpose for which the Quran came. The Quran didn't come to be resided in a nice way the Quran didn't come for us to do this or that with it. The Quran came for one purpose only and that was for us to live by the Quran. For us to live by the Quran. I think this is something that we seem to have forgotten and this is something that we really really, really need to wake up.

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up and

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and start doing. So when I heard this statement of this little girl who said, Muslims put it in a high place I really had trouble controlling material we are loving this little girl

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is telling She doesn't even know that but she is telling me to my face what we Muslims do with the Quran.

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We take it and put it in a high place instead of keeping it in our hands and living by that

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also told me that you know, the the integrity of the teachers of that school of Jacob's Academy who are not indoctrinating those children against Islam, they were not, you know, doing propaganda against Islam, they were teaching them reality they were teaching in fact, and they were teaching them the truth. The children were Jewish, the teacher was Jewish. They were talking about Islam, but what they were taught them was was correct. And, Michael, my questions to them were completely unrehearsed. This is not a this is not a put on. Show. I just walked into the class I pointed randomly at somebody and we got these answers. May Allah subhanaw taala guide us all to that which

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pleases Him. Now, the beauty of the Quran lies in its simplicity, right in the way in which the most significant matters are dealt with clarity, yet brevity is not detailed explanations and no, you know,

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no, no, no profusion of words and verbose kind of dialogue in the Quran. It's very, very simple. And it's, it's very,

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and it's very easy for us to understand. Now it's visible in almost all parts of the Quran. But most impressively, it's visible in the advice that is given in sort of the llama. This is the advice that laquan Elisa Lam gave to his son. And this is advice which is eternal in terms of its application, in terms of its of its goodness, that, that it that it comes with

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the advice

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centers around 10 things. The first one is to hit it is the worship of Allah subhanaw taala geladeira, who alone actually before that is sugar is to his thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala then the heat which is the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala gelatin Allah who without many partners, because he has no partners, the second one is obedience to

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as to the two parents. The third one is to understand that Allah subhanaw taala knows everything. The third fourth one is on Salah is to pray and to pray properly and on time the fifth one is manners is to speak softly and to to his other, it is respect it is manners it is dealing with people.

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The sixth one is to enjoy and good and forbid evil, our will Morrow have one here munkar the seventh one is patience always to be patient, the eighth one is to remain humble. The ninth one is not to be arrogant, and the 10th one is not to have pride. So these are the

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the gems of sort of the logmar. What we are going to do inshallah, in this

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in this set of lectures,

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is to go through all of these,

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these lessons that Miley Salaam, taught to his son, and gave his advice you give to someone, I think about that, that lovara li Salam was, and I'll talk I'll tell you a little bit about his history that we know from

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the earliest sources from Qatada and others. We, here's a man who was we say we call him we use the term alayhis salam, which we use only for the unveiling of Salam for the prophets, because this is what we Saracen taught us to use. But he was not a dubby as in the list of ambia that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran. So he mentioned Omar Ali salam, but he didn't mention of man Ali Salam as one of the ambia of Allah subhanaw taala even though we use the honorific in respect of love Monalisa

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but so he was a man whose wisdom was such Allah had given him such wisdom that Allah subhanaw taala quoted him and mentioned him in the Koran, not just for these beautiful pieces of advice, to be recited in Salah, but for them to be followed, and this is what I

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remind myself and you, let us do that, let us ensure that we, when we listen to these lectures, that we focus only on one thing, which is to see how we can follow these pieces of advice that Allah subhanaw taala gave us now, who was laquan Elisa laquan been uncovered when saddam or as stated by so Haley from the jury, and katavi lokman Emily Hassan was among the people of Iran, which is Jerusalem. He was a Zahid who exerted himself in worship who worship Allah subhanaw taala a great deal. And he was blessed with wisdom. So this is what Allah subhanaw taala gave him and the one who Allah blesses with wisdom, truly Allah blesses him with something which is which is,

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which is which is completely incomparable. Sofia natori ravintola narrated from a shot after Nkrumah being Abidjan or Bella Ando on the authority of Mar bus or the alano that lokman Elisa Lam was an Ethiopian slaves. He was a black African man who was a slave and who worked as a carpenter. Qatada narrated from Abdullah even as the buyer of the Allahu anhu Omar that jabber with Abdullah or Golan who, when asked about laquan alayhi salam he said he was from New BIA. So he was Nubian. In terms of his race.

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A lot of I know that you mentioned a lot Monterrey Salaam, and he mentioned some specific advice that he gave to his son. I will decide for you the specific I at first and then we will look at them from in our classes one by one. Allah subhanaw taala said I will immunoassay Tania rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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nakada t nandakumar Manor haik meta anish query

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my score for in your school enough see woman Guevara fine a la una Jaime the way the Cora loco Manali Boniva, Hawaii oh yeah boon a la Toshi Kabila in Shell Carlos de Beauvoir sign aliens Nava e Hamada tomo

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wafi Solovyov Armenian Escuela de vida de de la casa de

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Bie Malaysia Allah

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for Allah Tutera, Houma was a Bahama dunia Aruba whatever it is ob la mana la from LA Mr Jiro como una bucum Bhima tom tom alone. Yeah When a

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comb is called the minha DeLeon buttock on visa hora de novo is the Overlord. Obviously some our do Villa or the Viva La in LA Latif on Javi Yahoo a gimme sala de Moura Bella Maru Fiona and illman car was when Allah saw back in another leka Amina azami more, while at Casa de haut de kylene

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Villa de Mara, in a la la bucola mata Lin Soho La Casita v mochica, homeodomain. so thick in Carlos and in Kerala, Swati De Soto Jaime,

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Allah Jalla Jalla Allah who mentioned in these Ayat of surah, Lockman.

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From 12 to 19. Allah And indeed We bestowed upon lokman Allah upon lokman al hikmah. That is why Ludmila Salam is also called Luqman Hakim laquanda wise and hikma his wisdom it is understanding of the religion it is filled up with Dean, all of this. And he said, Give thanks to Allah subhanaw taala and whoever give tanks, he gives tanks for the good of his own self. And whoever is unthankful or ungrateful, then Verily Allah subhanho wa Taala is all rich meaning alleghany meaning free from every need. Allah needs nothing. everyone and everything needs Allah

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Hello Dennis, and Allah is Worthy of all praise honey Yun Hammett.

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And then he said and remember when logmar said to his son, when he was advising him for my son

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to shoot, he could be left in the shitter, colossal monazite he said, Oh my son, do not join in worship others with Allah. Verily joining others in worship with with Allah

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is a great zulum It is a great wrong, it's a great oppression.

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And we have enjoined on man. And remember wherever we use the term man in, in these translations of the Quran or the audio Hadith, this is not gender specific man meaning mankind meaning men and women.

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So it doesn't matter that I said and we have enjoined on man to be beautiful and good to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship. And his weaning is in two years, give thanks to me, Allah subhanho wa Taala, and to your parents, and unto me is the final destination that is the return.

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But if they bought meaning, now Allah subhanaw taala is saying here, be good to your parents, be beautiful to them, obey them. But there is a caveat there is a condition. But if they both strive with you, if they struggle with you, if they try to force you, to make you join in worship with me, others that have which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them. But behave with them in the world kindly and follow the path of Him who turns to me in repentance and in obedience. So be beautiful to the parents, be kind to them, be good to them, irrespective of anything, obey them in everything except if they tell you to disobey Allah, except if they tell you to join partners with

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Allah. But even then, don't be rude to them. Don't be don't hurt them, don't harm them, still be beautiful to them, still be respectful to them, but do not obey them in this one matter, which is to disobey Allah or to join others in partners with Allah Subhana Allah. And then Allah says, and and then to me will be your return and I shall tell you what you used to do.

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I am number 16 Oh my son, meaning This is logmar alayhis salam speaking to a son, call my son if it be anything equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed. And though it be inside a rock, or in the heavens, or anywhere in the earth, Allah will bring it forth. Verily, Allah subhanho wa Taala is subtle and well aware of the place. So rivers to rain, it refers to everything. Allah is aware of whatever he created, wherever that thing might be.

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And then he says, Oh, my son of me Salah, he says, establish salah and enjoin Alma rove and forbid al Mancha and join everything which is good, which is Islam and all that is good, and forbid people from Al bunker, which is disbelief in the oneness of Allah, all kinds of polytheism all kinds of shit and all kinds of evil and everything which is bad, and bear with patience, whatever befalls you in this process. It's a strange thing in the world. If you ask people to do something good, that is when they attack you. And then it continues Verily, these are some of the important commandments ordered by Allah subhanaw taala with no exception. Number 18. And do not turn your face away from

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people with pride

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in the body language, he was like No, Allah says do not turn your face away from people with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Don't walk with arrogance on walk with pride. Verily Allah subhanaw taala does not like the arrogant boast and be moderate. And do not show insolence does not show arrogance in your working and lower your voice Speak softly. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the voice is the brain of the s it is the voice of the donkey.

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My brothers sisters.

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This is the

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bizarre the I had. inshallah, I'm not making the Tafseer of this that we will discuss them we will talk about them and we will see what we

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can learn from these ads. And the first therefore the lessons

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First one is sugar is thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala in every matter in every way in every situation Alhamdulillah he, Allah, holy *.

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And then the second one is tawheed which is no ship, which is the fundamental principle of Islam. Number three, is being dutiful to parents, but obedience only in good. Number four is accountability, that nothing is hidden from Allah subhanaw taala. Number five is the establishment the importance of Salah, the importance of establishment of salah and all the beauty of Salah what Salah can do for us and does for us. And number six is our social responsibility. Mr. Will maruf and near and monka We are not allowed in Islam to simply sit in silence and watch and watch operation happening. We are not allowed to simply sit in silence and watch dishonesty and, and deception and

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lies and cheating and people's rights being usurped and taken away, we are not allowed to sit in silence and watch that happening, we are supposed to do something about it and that is the meaning of our will Morrow and Moncure. And then obviously, as I mentioned earlier, the the unfortunate situation of of life is that if you do that, then people attack you, Allah says behave with them with patients behave with them with patients. And the seventh one is good manners, which is to be soft spoken, it is not to have any arrogance, and because that is the the the fundamental principle of convincing the fundamental principle of influencing is to be liked, you cannot influence if you

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are yourself disliked, dislike people, maybe if you have authority, maybe you can enforce that to some extent. But definitely you cannot be influential, you have to be like the more the most beautiful example of this, have good manners and influence which lasted over time is the example of horizontal lines. rasilla is the example of the Prophet alayhi salam, whose manners was so beautiful that Allah subhanaw taala himself praised the manners of rasa Solomon insalata Naja, and Allah subhanaw taala.

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That hula hula de m, which Allah mentioned, this was so beautiful that 1400 1500 years later today, we still talk about that people talk about that he has no executive or no formal

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authority today on a bird in the world, but he has authority over our hearts. And that is how there are so many Muslims, and so many people are even coming to Islam today, even though there is so much of Islamophobia simultaneously.

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There is so much of hatred against Muslims and Islam. There's so much of false propaganda against Islam. Despite that people are coming to Islam, we need to think why is that? How is that and that is the charm of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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my brother and sisters, I

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want you to think about this about this whole issue of advice that we give to that liberalism gave to his children, before we go into the world into the issue of what the advice was, and we do that in our series of classes. Just think about this. Do you advise your children? Do you sit with your children and talk to your children as teachers or as parents, and you advise them to tell them you know what this is, these are the things in life that are important. These are the things in life that should be important for you to do that. Do you do you advise them also by your own behavior by your own nature? Right, do do that? do you advise them to teach them how to how to treat people?

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What must you do? I remember I got married and then I was going back to

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the to the gardens where I used to work in those days in Coimbatore district in the animal is so my wife and I. We stopped at ingen Navy. That's how the train was Chenin in January took the nilgiri express the next day to Komodo and then from Coimbatore you went up the cart 47 bends to the animals. So when we were staying we went to stay one day with my aunt Johanna Auntie Rahmatullah Harry hemiola. From our we know, she and Mama girl, her husband, may Allah fill his cover with Noah and May Allah grant them Jonathan for those who are very sad to have the most wonderful people. And I'm talking about these are these were my elders. These are the people who taught us and who gave us

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advice many times without even speaking about. So I'm I was supposed to

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We were supposed to stay stay overnight at her place.

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So when we saw she said, I will send the car to pick you up. When I got off, my wife and I got off the train. As we came onto the platform, who do we see standing there? We see my my grandfather, my grandfather's brother,

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peratallada, he was standing there, with two big columns in his hand. And as we came he garland and me and he got on my wife, I imagine this is my grandfather. That is no earthly need for him to come to the railway station, and stand on the platform waiting for the train to garland us. Because we have we were newly married and we had just come now he was staying with my he lived in a zoo back in our ancestral house, another one. But he was staying with his daughter, my mother. So there was no need to be this could have been done at home. Perfectly except, but this is how elders advice. This is how they teach us our manners. This is how the teachers, how do you treat guests? How, what do

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you do with them. But then, of course, when we got to Jara displace jannetty, I invited all my friends, I have a lot of an agenda. So john invited all my friends for dinner that night, for them all to to meet my wife. Now, no need for her to do that. But she did that. Then my

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grandfather asked me. So what gifts are you taking for your friends up in the plantations ambalaj been brought up by parents who also taught me the right things. So I told him, I said, this is what I'm taking for my immediate boss, a big man. And this is what I'm taking for. so and so. And my grandfather says,

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He says, Your parents brought you up? Well, now, this is the point I'm saying, what advice do we give to our children? Do you give advice to children use it with your children? Today, I have found that in most places, of course, I'm more than happy to be wrong in these cases. But in most places, I've seen that parents and children have purely a transactional relationship, nothing else.

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I have not gone into anybody's heart to see whether they really love their parents or not, or the parents of the children or not. But I'm just going by behavior. And my I look at two parameters. One is for the parents asked you, do you make drama for your children in tahajjud? Like, do you make dua for your children in the hatchet? If you are not doing that, then I seriously doubt that you love them. Because you don't love them? If you do love them, then how is it that you are not making dua for them in the head? Secondly, I asked the children the same thing, do you make dua for your parents in tahajud. And if you're not doing that, while your parents are alive, while you are living

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in their house, while you are eating what Allah provides you through them,

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you're not even making dua for them. And while that is happening, what hope is there that you will make dua for them after they did?

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Right? But think about that? What kind of thing is that? What kind of

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what kind of behavior is that? You know, that they are signing up all they're signing all your bills? Right? These are the people who change your nappies for you. These are the people who stood who stood stayed awake in the night when you were sick. These are the people who worry about you.

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And you don't even have the time to make dua for them in that job.

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And ask Allah to preserve them. ask Allah to give them good health, ask Allah to keep them independent and not dependent on anybody, least of all you. You don't make this the why. And then you claim to love your parents. Really? Seriously, ask yourself this question.

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And second thing I ask people is, what advice do you give your children? Do you sit with them? Do you have a relationship where you sit with them? And you advise them? Do you have a relationship with with them that they come to you asking for advice? I have 100, Allah subhanaw taala has freed me from children. I'm very happy that Allah has not given me children. I think children are highly overrated

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liability, but they are good for the species. The species wouldn't increase if people didn't have them. But I don't have to contribute to that. So I'm perfectly happy with that. But my point is that I have a lot of children of other people who come to me for advice, and I hope I give them good advice.

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Many, in many cases, they don't go to their own parents, they come to me.

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Maybe they feel more free to speak to a stranger. I mean, I'm not a stranger to them. But still, the point is not their parent.

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I don't know if they're making the offer me or not. I hope they are. Many of the parents telling me that they make more value than they make for us. Voila.

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But that's because I invest myself. I invest my time.

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My energy, my thoughts in their welfare.

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I don't say this publicly and I'm not going to sit here either I don't I'm not gonna name the ones but I make dua for them by name in the head.

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Every single day,

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every single day.

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I don't know if their own parents make law for them every single day. I do.

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so I'm asking you as parents, do you make Darfur children and I'm asking you as children, do you make dua for your parents?

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And I'm asking you as parents and teachers, do you give advice to your children? This is what lumonol is surrounded lokman Elisa Lam gave advice to his son last Ronald Dela preserved that for us, for posterity for us to learn from this beautiful advice.

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And Allah subhanaw taala gave this to us and Allah subhanaw taala enabled us to learn from this beautiful advice. Yeah,

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you do that? Do I do that? No, we have the opportunity to do that.

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Do think about this, work on building a relationship with your children where you can talk to them and they can talk to you where there is enough freedom between you where you are close to one another, where you make dua for one another.

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This is the whole point of parenting. Parenting is not just feeding children and throwing gadgets at them and throwing money at them and hoping that everything will be fine. No, it will not be why it will not be fine.

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I want to end this today. The opening session

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with this reminder to myself a new build a relationship with your children, which will make those children sadaqa jariya. Continuing means of goodness for you long after you're gone. Believe me It won't happen just like that.

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It will not happen just like that.

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It will happen if you work for it. ask Allah subhanaw taala too pleased with you and our to be displeased. I see a lot of my friends on this session live this is what happens when you call when you subscribe to the channel. You get an alert and so you can listen to this live. But this is the premiere for the first of the

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wisdom of low man sessions which will be on the eighth of June which is next Monday at 7pm PST Eastern time. And those of you want to come back into that session at that time even though you have listened to part of it all of it now, most welcome because after that session we will also have a q&a session and I'd be very happy to talk to you was Allah Allah will carry while he was savage man Bharati, gamma amin

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Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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