Mirza Yawar Baig – Reminders La Ilaha Illallah Part Ii

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The importance of gratitude for helping others achieve their goals is highlighted in various ways, including the need to remember that gratitude is not a means to achieve the whole meaning of solute. The speakers also discuss the history and importance of acceptance of Islam, including the man who found fault in a Quran but quickly found it to be the truth. The responsibility of Islam is also discussed, with speakers emphasizing the importance of opening hearts and changing one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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salat wa salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah,

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Allah yesterday we spoke about the issue of the caliber to favor

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the law of left.

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And in the in a lava spoke about the issue of

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the issue of worshipping no one other than Allah

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and of obeying no one other than nothing.

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Because the word Allah, and the word is either

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has a really extensive meaning.

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And it does not only refer to making sense,

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in reverse to making it the first of the whole meaning of solute

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is the physical prostration before Allah subhanaw taala. It is also the symbol of obedience.

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That is why the label Muslim must always been such an interesting

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today we'll talk about two other aspects of the kalama.

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The aspect of sugar of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And the aspect of asking for help

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from Allah Subhana Allah,

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the fella, when we say la ilaha illa Allah,

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we also are saying,

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the fact that there is no one who must be thanked,

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other than Allah,

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that even when any good comes to us from someone else,

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essentially, we must remember the fact that that person or that agency, or that source from which this good came to us, it could not have come without the fear of Allah subhanaw taala.

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It is this whole issue of bringing Allah Subhana Allah into our conversations, and into our daily life, which has become missing in today's life.

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For example, if a man does good to you, it is common to hear people saying that, you know, we are so thankful to so and so. And he has a great laugh. And even though he's a non Muslim, and this is how he helped me, and this is how we help so and so. And he said, a wonderful person, and he's so kind and so on, all of which is correct. And there is nothing wrong in being grateful as a matter of fact,

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the one who is not grateful to the slave is not grateful to Allah. So to express gratitude directly to somebody, or to speak well of somebody who has done good for you, this is from Aflac and this is very good. But somewhere in this conversation, it is very important to remember and recall and reaffirm and remind yourself and others

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that all of this happened because of the

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fear of Allah subhanaw taala to that person. So we must say Alhamdulillah

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the Nila dalla, because of the who Allah so and so was good to me.

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Now when you tell people to remind them of this discipline, a lot understood it.

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Both Oh, ah,

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I always meant that. But seriously, you asked yourself that question, I can assure you, when you were saying all of this, Allah was nowhere in your thoughts.

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You only said it. And only when you get reminded the New Zealand Naoto high hyperbola young.

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If that is a fact, if it was there, how come it doesn't come out come out on your lips, that your tongue doesn't say it why.

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So very important for us to always thank Allah subhanho wa,

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and to tanglers Ronald L and not by implication, not as something understood, but to actually say it in so many words. Alhamdulillah all praise and all thanks is for Allah subhanaw taala all brief,

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not part of the brace. All thanks. not part of the thanks is for Allah subhana wa Alhamdulillah.

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And this is the help of the kalama that when we say la ilaha illAllah. You're also saying Alhamdulillah.

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The fourth aspect of La Ilaha Illa. Allah is and I'm saying what I'm only counting I'm not saying in terms of priority.

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The aspect of asking help from a lot of panel data alone because there is a Illa Illa is marveled. And Isla is also the one who fulfills all needs.

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When you say la ilaha illAllah we are seeing the higway ibaadat GIF I will show like

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They're also saying the E. coli hajah taraba. Like, there is no one worthy of worship except Allah. And there is no one who fulfill our needs other than Allah. We worship Allah because Allah subhanaw taala fulfills our needs. If there was someone else who fulfilled our needs, other than Allah subhanho wa Taala then why would we worship Allah subhanaw taala. So the reason for worshiping Allah subhanaw taala is also because Allah Subhana Allah is Kali for Malik Allah, Allah.

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Allah Subhana. Allah is the one who created us. Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one because of all hokum we function and everything around us functions. Allah subhanho data is a Rosa has a report inverted is Rajat and he provides and fulfill every need of ours.

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And Allah subhanho that is Malik. He is the owner of us, and all that surrounds us. And he is the owner of everything that we know and don't know, man, he is the Owner of the Day of Judgment, Maliki on Monday.

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And therefore when we say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is also to acknowledge that there is no one who can fulfill any of our needs, other than Allah, Allah, Allah.

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And obviously, Allah subhanho data can only fulfill our need, then why would you ask for your need to be fulfilled from anybody else?

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There is no NaVi, no malloc

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no gin, no macros of any kind, living or dead, who can fulfill any of our needs, the smallest to the largest, except Allah Subhana Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala may use some agency in order to fulfill a need of our but the actual one who is fulfilling it is Allah

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and Allah subhanaw taala may also fulfill the need without any agency.

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It is a holder of Allah Subhana Allah if he wants to do something, he does not need someone or something in order to make his Hong Kong happen.

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That I choose to use someone or something to make it happen if he wishes.

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And if not, Allah subhanaw taala does it by himself.

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It's the will and Isabella monitor. So we ask the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. How many people have come to Islam, just like that?

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One day that had turned

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some people who are the greatest enemies of Islam, just one day they had, and they became the greatest friends of Islam, and the greatest supporter of Islam. We know this from history, we also know it from our contemporary times.

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Who went and gave them their who presented Islam that nobody?

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absolutely nobody.

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There's a man I know who was studying in the in a seminary in Maine,

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in the US.

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And he was reading the Quran or using a translation of the Quran with the idea of finding fault in it that was the track given to find the fault in the Quran reading a translation of the Quran.

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And suddenly it occurred to him that this is the truth.

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Just like that,

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he's on his own. He is on his own sitting in a Christian seminary reading an English translation of the Quran.

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Obviously, it's overdue, giving him that suddenly out of the blue, he didn't even read the Bible is reading and English translation. Suddenly out of the blue

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is our turn.

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And then he said to me, he said this happened like midnight.

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And I had this thought that I must accept Islam now.

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That I have no idea how to accept Islam. What should I do? is I have no clue. either. I have no Muslim friends. I did not know anybody in May and I don't know who is there. So I did what is required, I started driving.

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I started driving well to go he went from Maine all the way to Boston.

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Other was

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looking for some Islamic center.

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And in Boston by the very was money. By the time we reached it was a miserable father.

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And then he found an Islamic Center and he accept Islam.

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Allah subhanaw taala guide who he wants, he has the Mega illustrata masterpiece. And so also in many other things I don't want to give you example after example, I think we know enough.

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So when we ask for help, we ask only and only from understand.

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Just as a worship only Allah

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without any partners without any intercede or without anyone in between.

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Then we make sense that makes us at Allah

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alone. So also when we asked help, we

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Kept only from Allah, not from anybody else, living audit. And when we praise Allah Subhana Allah and we tagged Allah, Allah we praise and thank only Allah.

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This is the heart of the karma.

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This is the class of development, that we worship no one other than Allah. That we ask for help from no one other than Allah.

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inshallah, tomorrow we look at the second part of the karma. Muhammad Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what does that entail? What are the responsibilities with regard to that? For today, this is enough We ask Allah Subhana Allah to open our hearts, to his Kadima to his story, and to keep us on the path of service all our lives and to change our life in a state of the heat where we are

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where we worship only Allah. And we asked, well, only one for Salahuddin Abdul Karim, Allah Allah He was heavy is made

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