Mirza Yawar Baig – Lessons from the Life of Rasoolullah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the benefits of being in person instead of online chat, including the importance of faith and commitment to a cause. They stress the need for gratitude and a desire to turn from the past to the present, as it is crucial to differentiation between words and actions. The speakers also emphasize the importance of knowing who has a culture of greatness and learning from experiences and people. The speakers stress the importance of speaking the truth in leadership and emphasize the need for results rather than profits. They end with a message of gratitude and a desire to turn from the past to the present.
AI: Transcript ©
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saw an article what I want to label got

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rid of the law for this wonderful introduction. And it's a great pleasure to be here on zoom with you with all of you. And let us hope that

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for too long, we can actually meet in person, it's been too long since I've met all of you, in person. That is what

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I'll have to do in that hour to get started and put out the format to our listeners. And to our viewers, for the first 25 minutes. Hopefully, there'll be a discussion with younger vegan myself, that often will be opening up the chat for him to talk directly. If you have a question you can put into the chat, if you want to talk directly to Chef.

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So chef Yang tones, Leadership Lessons from the life of

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leadership, can I if I can say one word, as far as the questions are concerned, what I would suggest, and I found this in the best in, you know, all of these years, which is that if people can type their questions into the chatbox, and then I will pick them up from there, and I will answer them, I think that thing works the best rather than people speaking, because usually that takes a long time. So it's much better to

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do it in the chatbox if I if I if they are agreeable to it.

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I think we're done with that suggestion, because it's a good one. Now, I want to reveal with a quotation, which I learned from what is the effect of being alive.

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It really caught my attention because one of the best effects of being high the ability to lead and the ability to write. So let's begin, what was the inspiration behind this? And that's a precursor to our formal question that we have because that is what the listeners need to understand inspiration to something they should.

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Yeah, the the inspiration to this book has a name. And that name is Brian

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Maloney, Brian

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May Allah bless him and may Allah reward him for what he inspired me to do.

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In one of my visits during during one of my visits, one on one told me people talk about leadership of you know, this person, that person and so on.

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And you also are a leadership consultant and what so why not look at the leadership of Rasul Allah Azza. Now, that was the idea that he planted in my mind and the rest of this is history, Allah subhanaw taala caused that to germinate. And then in 2008, I was invited to speak at the International Hajj conference in, in Saudi Arabia.

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The Ministry of hygiene has this annual conference to which they invite people scholars from all over the world. So I was invited in 2008 as the person from India to speak at the International Health Conference, and that's, that's a long story. Anyway, that's, I won't take your time for that story, though. But the point is that when I went there, after we finished the conference, and then we finished hedge, and after hedge, we were going for the era to Mercy, the WH Sharif, to Medina. And as I was sitting in the I was in this big coach,

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I made sure I was sitting right in front. My wife and I and as we're sitting there, I saw the closer getting closer to Medina, I saw the minutes of the hunt.

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And when I saw the mirage of the Haram i The question that kept me alive and which came to my mind was then what was this? What did they see? What it was sort of see when he walked on this road because and that road was is quite literal, because that particular road, which you take from Mecca, Medina is the actual

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road, which relies on Salah Vinson and our workers for the runway and their companions, that's the road that they took for Hijra. The road was actually laid at that time, it was King fat, it was laid exactly on that track.

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And there is a there is a saying that we are the struggle when we drive you find you cross a very, very deep ravine and they say that the the architects went to the king and he said, Look,

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building a bridge across this ravine is going to cost so many million. If you don't mind I suggest

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We, we bypass it, we skirt it, and it will be so much cheaper. And I believe he said no, I am paying for this road from my personal funds and it will go the way wrestlers are from it.

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So they build that bridge.

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So as we reached as we're coming close to Medina, I remember looking at

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the Menards and thinking myself, what is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sorry, because obviously he didn't see them in order. And I said to myself, what is it that was that happened in this little village? Literally will village it was it was a small oasis in Little Village, with date palm orchards and some fields and so on some bit of agriculture, what is it that happened here that quite literally changed the world.

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And that is the genesis of this. And this is what got me thinking. And then of course, it took a few years of reading and research and whatnot. And Hamdulillah I was able to write this book and we ask Allah subhanaw taala for his acceptance of this work, inshallah.

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Digital lock in to the Fed, this book

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is sold, because what you're seeing is what you've experienced as well, because many of us have been on the same road trip, thank you for that wonderful chapter in London,

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the following my deep attention, then I'm going to

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begin my extraordinary quality

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link service,

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exemplified and success

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is also fully fledged with was able to forge a team, the likes of which the world has never seen, from the collection of tokens, try our best to feel

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they became benchmarks to the world, and both guidance was implemented. Now, yes, we will be providing extraordinary inequalities. But I would like to share the five extraordinary qualities of the visceral our industry, because in essence, it was the inspiration to the book as well.

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You see the before we go to the five qualities I want to and I know you're going to ask me that question later, perhaps the reason I say extraordinary, because that is the to use our modern day terminology.

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The extraordinary is the platform, that is the OS, the operating system on which everything has runs.

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Everything else is worth only if it is extraordinary, because what is extraordinary stands out what is extraordinary stands out and what is not extraordinary

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falls by the wayside. So it is something

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to think about, and say what what is extraordinary.

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And that's the reason why I use that as the

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as the framework now in the

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qualities themselves. So we're looking now at the qualities themselves are a faith. It is the goal that he was engaged in accomplishing his commitment towards that the kind of team that he built and had and the quality of the work that they did. But not just these words. It's not just faith, it is the extraordinary faith.

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It is the extraordinary goal. It is the extraordinary commitment. It's the extraordinary team, and it's extraordinary quality of their work and their effort. So I think that is a very important point to

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to keep in to keep in mind. Because without that extraordinary, you know, it just works. So we are sitting here, it's not just words, it's a lot more than words. And the what makes it more than words, is the fact that it is all extraordinary. I think that that's the

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thing that I want to Yeah, the essence that

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yes, how to deal with that, because extraordinary goals, as I've always been, you know, inspired extraordinary action results because the people

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ended up being a grain of rice in effect.

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So, again, the key is to do more than others think and

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think and read his wife, but I'm intrigued by the story of the soldier in World War Two. Now it's very amazing that

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To be

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perfectly honest, I believe us

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the quality of faith and making it real with events we can relate to, in context of what we feel the world today was all of that show, repeat, we're going to really take us through that you drinking something a World War Two, connecting it to the fear and contextualizing take us through it, because people, sometimes in most cases,

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you know,

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and they want to see it, but you have managed to look at it.

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the issue here is not so much World War Two, but the example of the soldier itself. And I use that because

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I mean, I'm completely totally anti war, but in in terms of examples,

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is soldier is quite literally, a sign off the maximum commitment that somebody can have to a cause. Because a soldier is literally putting his life on the line, like everyone else, whether it's a business person, or whoever it is, they are talking about things at a different level,

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then they're actually their life itself is not on the line, but for a soldier, the life is on the line, it's live or die. Now, in that kind of commitment situation, first of all, the thing to say here is that unless we have that kind of comica of commitment, then success is is not possible. Because as I say, you need to differentiate, differentiation creates brand brand enables loyalty, loyalty enabled influence, and without grant you are a grain of rice in a sec. So that is the framework we are working on. So, as a soldier, this company commitment and part of this commitment is to understand that everything will not always make sense in a logical perspective.

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People have to, you know,

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talk, so it may not make sense in a logical perspective, but then that is where the leap of faith comes. So you still do something, even though it logically may not makes immediate sense to you. But you still do that because of your belief and because of your commitment to the cause. And that is what we see in the life of Rasul Allah is always Allah many Sahaba. That if you

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at any point in time, the Zerah, if you look at it, and say, for example, Jake, take the number one example of him standing on suffer and announcing the issue of Islam when he called the people was Baja and people came running. Now, logically, I have this conversation with myself and say that I am a management consultant. I'm a leadership consultant. And if Rasulullah Solomon come to me, and he said that this is what I plan to do, what is your advice, I would tell him, I would fall at his feet, I would I would form my hand and I would say, I will do anything but this, right, do anything but this this is not how you want to announce something like a complete change of life. We are not

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just talking about worship or not. That is the core of life because as far as the people of Makkah, were concerned, it was not only as far as the Quraysh were concerned, it was not only about theology, it was very little about theology. It was even more about social norms, it was about business, it was about their lifestyle, everything revolved around the kava and what was happening in the kava and also the salon was intending to turn that thing upside down on its head. So I would say Arizona, please do not approach it in this way. Do not go and stand on the on the hill and do not make this announcement. Please don't do that. Do it in a different way. You know, let us go

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gradually talk to individual people, maybe approach it from a social activist perspective. Let us look at it from a moral teacher perspective. Here are the evil this society don't talk about Allah subhanaw taala don't talk about the heat. say here are the evils in society alcoholism is evil. Yes, we all know it's an evil and so on and so on, approach it from that side. And once you have some kind of support and so on, then you can think about announcing this, this new religion or this way of life, I would never say do it the way he did it. But he did it because he is guided by Allah subhanaw taala he is guided by Allah subhanho wa Taala and he knows

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what he's doing, and therefore his way was the best way.

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Because of, you know,

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the because he's guided by a loss route data. So the whole point is that we are looking at something here now, where,

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you know, it is within what's not logical. And that is where the faith of it comes in to say that I will still do it because I know this is the way and this will succeed. And that's where the story of the soldier he was, he didn't know what that his friend was willing to be willing to be alive, he this was fit, he fall is much more likely it was what is his offers have said to me, he said, Look, the battery's dead. I mean, why are you doing that? But then when he went there, he found his friend was and I went to friendship, I knew that you would not leave me alone. Right? So the the thing is that that happened only because he took the risk of putting his own life on the line here is a man

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whose even if he's alive is going to die, because that's how it seemed to be. Whereas he's thinking he's dead. When I am alive, I'm empty. You know, what sense does it make? So it's something which doesn't make sense in the in the, in the in the tradition or the logical way. But he still does that, because of his commitment to his friendship. Now, if that is his commitment to his friendship, I asked myself, What should be our commitment to our faith and our deen? And this is what sort of sort of sort of did and you can see this, this trend and this thread throughout his blessed life, were in place after place and thing after thing, you find that he is

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he has demonstrated this level of commitment. Yeah. And so did the sahaba.

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No, thank you for that. Again.

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So, leadership was based on real things that we ourselves

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now to leadership,

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that leadership begins with self was a person. Now, why is it a shared significance? significance?

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In discussing the word go, solver, so you can consider it because in the main booklet,

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we deal with the Groundworks attitudes go forth,

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to filthy rich, and

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reading a book.

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The worker, Toba spacious and

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yes, it is, you know,

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first of all, the reason I am saying these things is because this is what we see in the blessed life of Rasulullah salah and

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the sequence that it goes really is to build when we say build leadership, we're looking at

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building a connection with Allah subhanaw taala. We think, well, why must you lead at all in the first place? Right? What's the need and resource? So what if I say that, look, I'm not interested in leadership period, I'm willing to go with the flow, whatever is happening in the world that had happened, not my not my problem. So one could say that, but we are saying here, that we are not saying that on the on the contrary, on the other hand, we are saying that leadership is not something that is even,

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you know, it's not not something which is even recommended, we are saying here, leadership is something which we are saying is practically

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forth in a Muslim must lead. Because this is why Allah subhanaw taala sent us into this world, for our model of an airman to enjoy and gold and to forbid evil, and therefore a Muslim must lead. Now how do you do that? And this is the this is the first step

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or the continuum for that. And it begins really with gratitude, which is sugar to Allah SubhanAllah. So now we say we take sugar Allah subhanaw taala

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and be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala and ask ourselves, what are we grateful for, and there will be a number of things that we are grateful for. One of us have handled that. And this is where we are because ask ourselves,

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what are the things that I'm grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for

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once we have that clear in our mind, and approach the approach life and approach the world from a concept from a perspective of gratitude, we come across difficulties in life, and with there is where we have sub. Now difficulty some of these difficulties are maybe environmental, but a lot of those difficulties from a leadership perspective, are difficulties because you have chosen a leadership stance. Now many times people have this illogical expectation that just because you have a good intention and you want to lead that

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The that life will be easy, and that people will welcome you. And people will say, Oh, fantastic, what a wonderful thing. And that is not how it works. It's our, it's almost the opposite. When you stand up there when you when you want to lead, you will find that you are now a target. And people use you for target practice. So you will find a lot of people, you will get a lot of criticism, you'll get a lot of people taking potshots at you, a lot of that will be unjustified. Obviously, something will be justified that you have to look at, but a lot of will be it will be unjustified and that will still hurt. So how do you get through all that and that is where the patience and from

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the from the zero is a seller? If you take the whole incident instance of dive, his journey to dive which was he asked as a developer and as I asked him, What was the most difficult incident incident in your life you are a source of Allah. Tala Salah began this he asked him this question after odd after he'd been injured and so on. So, she said even keeping that also in mind, which was the most difficult part of your life and he said it was when I went to die. Now if you look at the type of incident, the seriousness of physical injury was much less in our heart It was far more in order it was literally life threatening, whereas in time it was not but the injury to the individual to the

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heart, the injury to his old what should be in our time we would say to your to your self respect to your self concept. I mean that was was was huge. But at the out of that what came out of that came a

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feeling and and awesome. A determination to do what Allah sent him to do even more and even better. Because he's he said he's easy. Oh Allah, I will. I will work to please you had thought of that until you are pleased.

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And for a for that is Rob geladeira loser. What are so far you will take rabuka Hautala. Tomorrow, meaning in the ACCA your rug will please you.

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In sort of the dark water sofa, Utica rabuka fatorda say that I live every day with Ellen who used to say that people say that the Ayat of greatest hope. In the Quran is where Allah said, Yeah, Eva da la Zina asafo Allah and fullsteam la doc not only Rama dilla and that or I say that Ali said that people said this is the idea of greatest hope. But we meaning the family of Rasulullah sallallahu he said we say the Ayat of greatest hope is one on so far you tikaram buka fatorda Because he's promised him that he will please him and we know that he will never be pleased until every single one of those who believe in him isn't Jana.

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Absolutely. Now that that came out of this summer that came out of this patience now. Yeah, now taba is the is the foundation on which everything else works again like like we talked about being extraordinary, so also Toba to turn towards Allah subhanaw taala always to turn towards the last marathon even though as we know, just the word one word is used, it also means it's the fall. So we looking at is the far which is to apologize, which is to seek forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and Toba is to turn towards Allah subhanho wa taala. And that is the the base on which we are doing all this. And Tawakkol is again we go back to our the soldier's story, which is Tawakkol is where

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the greatest and the best example of our call, or in this era, in my view, is the daughter of Rosa Salem, just before the Battle of of butter, where he stood, and he raised his hand and he said, Oh Allah, this is you promised me your help, give us your help. And if this small band of people is perish, then there will be no one to worship you on the face of the earth. Now this is a classic example of taco because our call comes out of Saba, which is patients and somebody in Islam is not just sitting around expecting things to happen, but Saba is the is a state where a person does the maximum that they can possibly do. And then they stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala and there is

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their hand as I say all the all my effort is worth nothing without your help. So I'm seeking your help.

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Tawakkol is the head of the heart Tawakkol is what makes a board ensures that you do not come in the shape of thinking that your effort achieves anything by itself. Right? So no matter what that's why I call it I call it our call to Doritos art because otherwise it's very human tendency that if I'm making effort I'm investing I'm doing this I really that when the

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that's come that I feel okay this is mine. But what it was one of the teachers and laws around it that I said that when the people enter Islam in, in groups in her room, right, either Jah Nasu Allah he will forget what I eat and NASA the whole Luna V de les of why when you see when the help of Allah comes and when you see people enter the Islam not in ones and twos, but in in human in crowds in multitudes, what do you do for some baby hammed it up because stuff in Nogada Wahba make does be of Allah subhanho wa Taala make Hamed of Allah subhanho wa Taala remember Allah subhanaw taala glorify Allah subhanaw taala and make is the fact that think about as you ask for the help of Allah

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subhanaw taala you're doing the work of the of the deed, and you are seeing success. What is this the fatwa

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I didn't come in and he said, I mean, I'm doing I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. But I'm gonna say no making stuff up. Because if you do not make a server, then you will have given you will have to code you will feel Oh fantastic. This is my job. I'm getting 1000 I'm getting 1000 shahada per month in my organization, right? So I put it on Facebook, and I put it everywhere else. And I say Oh, this is successful, my organization, this is what I'm doing. People are accepting Islam, this is our work and so on and so on. In Allah when Allah you because you are committing shield, you are ascribing to yourself, what was actually the, the the help of Allah subhanaw taala. And without the help of Allah

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subhanaw taala none of that would have happened. So Allah is saying for stuff for me.

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For some me behind the Arabic was stuff where we know Ghana Dawa. He is the One Who forgives. And that's why the issue of Toba and it's the fourth, and this is where the issue of our company shall

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remain important.

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People are driven by

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the leader must be committed. But commitment must be extraordinary as well. Now, let's continue on that trajectory because the book

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is also

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meant for staff members, because medical personnel may leave each organization in question, extraordinary commitment, and explore teams.

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The book called already that respect for these two qualities as credibility.

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You know,

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nobility of action, character and refining the speech, amongst other qualities demonstrate for us, the need for leaders to use the Bissell allow us to see examples

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in these ways, because we're always comparing ourselves to the leaders that we see in the corporate world. And they biographies and autobiographies are dominating our shelves. But little do we realize, for example, that we know how to bring them

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you know, I, I agree with you. We see, first of all, the issue of taking corporate leaders as leaders, and you're right. I was doing a workshop here in our budget here in America. And it was in house for all young people. And I asked them I said name for me three global leaders, three leaders that you look up to, and they said,

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You Elon Musk,

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Bill Gates, and you know, our Amazon guy, right. So Jeff Bezos now this is in a budget and it's a completely Muslim audience. Now I'm not blaming them I'm saying that this is the trend of this world and I can I can really, I can probably take a safe bet and say that randomly if you ask any group of Muslims in the world saying name for me three leaders, they will name for you three white male billionaires.

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They will not name for you a scholar they will not name for you. You know, a great artists they will not name for you. Anyone they will name for you. Three white male billionaires. This is our standard.

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And I'm saying that this standard must change.

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Because Take for example, salsa, salsa.

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I always use this, this quote from

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the history of Turkey by Alphonse de la Mattei because it's one of the one of the most beautiful courts and he says and I quote, If greatness of purpose, smallness of means

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astounding results, he's talking about three things. If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who would dare to compare any great man in history with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi, WA he was I was Santa. And this is by Alphonse de Lamartine, who is not known to be a friend of Islam or Muslims. He was a very highly creative as a historian. He was a political philosopher. He was a very highly critical man of Islam and Muslims. But that man is saying this. So the the praise of an enemy of praise our critic, is the most sincere praise. You know, if we have somebody like me saying something good about ourselves, and you can

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say, well, you know, what do you expect? He's going to say that, but if you have somebody like Alphonse de Lamartine, saying that, then it's something to take seriously. So I'm saying here is somebody and I can bet you that that statement, I don't think anyone has weighed about anybody else. So I'm saying here you have got an example of somebody who is seen as someone with an extraordinary goal, right greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results. Now you can see these two things. For example, greatness of purpose as one as a means is a very common thing happens to a lot of us. And the result of of that usually, is that you are you are left with a dream, and there

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is nothing to show at the end of it, and you die with your dream. There is no astounding result. Right now, in the case of Rasulullah, Salah, you are not only looking at a great as at the greatness of Babis, you are not looking only at small means you're also looking at results. You're looking at actual results on the ground. And who can I hear you said Who can dare compare. He's not a statement of, you know, love of Amazon seller. He's saying in actual physical terms, who can compare the results that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam achieve, which is a billion and a half people in the world today 15 Centuries later, take the name of Muhammad, and this is Allah Allah Allah He while he

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was Musa.

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Right. So the issue is that who has the scandal? So I'm saying that if if somebody says, Why should I look at Mohamed Salah Salem, as a leader, and as an example for me to follow, especially if I'm not even Muslim? I would ask him, why not? Because here is a leader with this kind of a track record. Where are you? Where else are you going to find this? Number two is he's the only leader he's the only human being, for example, whose life has been so beautifully and so reliably documented in every intricate detail? Because that's the other thing. We don't want to follow leaders who are in, in the realm of some biology, for example, right is the sound stories are good,

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but did it really happen? The question was, was this person really does this actually happen? But with the with the in the case of Muhammad salallahu Alaihe? Salam, that question need not be asked? Yes, it happened. It was documented and it was documented in such intricate detail. When I when I talk about this here. I tell people I said I challenge you. I said I challenge you think about the person that you love the most whoever that is maybe your friend, maybe your spouse, maybe your child, your parent, whoever the person you love the most and describe for me the under the bottom of their feet. What is the bottom of their feet? What are they like? I will guarantee you that you have

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no clue.

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Describe for me, how do they clip their nails? which finger do they begin with? Or begin with their thumb? Do they have a system? Do they follow a system? Or do they clip anything? Do you know that can you tell me describe for me if this this thing how does that work? I bet you that nobody can do that. But with Rasulullah Salaam. Both of these as well as many other things have been actually documented.

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Abdullah bin Abbas is the one who documented this this thing about the feet. The unset the heat the whole point here is that here is a person who was so beautifully. Who was who was an amazing amazing leader. By in very concrete terms. We are not are we are not talking here. fan mail. We are not saying this oh we are saying this because we love him. No, you love him. You don't love him. Here is concrete information about the results of his leadership and

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and how he did that who he was, has been so beautifully documented, why would you not follow Him? That is the question.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:13

I want to get to the question on the chat but are doing something which is 360.

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degrees the following Monday

00:35:22 --> 00:35:23

errors don't break.

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So the key to the full loss No, no. And he went with them

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and flipped the bolt on lightning flash along with this particular segment, can rank and flush together and set the level and then started the third page, given the boulder disintegrated segments of

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the hour. So what was the end by introducing

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what I want the listeners to

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know, way chef describes

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it's easy on the mind really engages you it is not dense, really, it is working together such that any person can make sense of it in a way, that

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intellect to the spending and context. So I want to congratulate share in the book is well written, the words are well chosen, it is asking scholarly, it is not too academic, it feeds the mind contextually relevant, perhaps, if I can use example, for education perspective, if a teacher wanted to learn how to teach leadership, this is an example of how we can read to the children. So let's get to the q&a. We have the question from

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Yeah, let me let me let me deal with this. I will take the question and I will read out the question the answer. The question is wrong. From my very close and dear friend, Omar, Abdullah Al, and in his his question is in the chef's eyes, what is the biggest challenge facing leaders now? And how do they overcome it? I think this is also advice to choose your friends because if you have a friend like out of the aisle, you can be sure that he'll ask you the most difficult questions. So I should I should re evaluate my choice of friendship. May Allah bless him and may Allah bless you our

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the biggest challenge facing leaders now is to stand up for the truth.

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There is no other challenge. This is the challenge to stand up for the truth. And how do they overcome that by remembering that one day they will be questioned? Because when we stand before Allah subhanaw taala, we will not be asked what happened, we will be asked, What did you do.

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And I think the remembering that is very critically important. As a leader, if you want to stand for the truth, standing for the truth has never been easy, will never be easy.

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And if anyone says you know today's world is is so bad, and so on, so forth. Well, the world of Rasulullah Salam was equally bad, if not worse, is nothing nothing, we have nothing to claim with respect to our word. Yet he stood for the truth, he did not hesitate, he stood for the truth. And that is the challenge. That to me is an eternal challenge, which will be there for all leaders of all time. Are you willing to stand for the truth? Are you willing? Now, having said that, is there a way of saying the truth? Is there a way of approaching it in a palatable manner? Yes, there is. But also, is there a boundary where it now goes into compromising and into in the name of hikma and in

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the name of saying it positively? You don't speak the truth you're actually telling lies is that both are possible. Both are possible. So it is very important to stand for the truth. And how do you overcome that challenge? Meaning how do you overcome the hesitancy to stand for the truth by remembering the day of judgment that one day I'm going to stand before Allah subhanaw taala no matter who I am, no matter where I am, no matter what Big or small, powerful or weak, I will stand before Allah. And when I stand before Allah, Allah will not ask me what happened because Allah knows what happened. Allah will ask me, what did you do? And that is a very important thing for us to keep

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in mind that we have I think, two questions from Dr. Saavik. May Allah bless him number one is non Muslims by question. If Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem had such a charismatic leadership and skills and teaching why no country on the earth claimed to be an ideal Islamic State? I think that's a very valid question. And that is really not a question that I can answer because it

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There should be I mean, there is no doubt about that. There should be people who say and who when we say that we are Muslim, then we have to be

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willing to, you know, to,

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to stand for our religion, right.

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Otherwise, what is the point in saying that we are we are Muslims. So, to stand for your religion is very much part of,

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you know, part of our deen itself. Why is there no country?

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I can ask that question. I mean, the there should be I completely agree with you. Why there isn't? I don't know. I think that's something for us to think about. Now, I would say that you might say, well, you know, this is I also don't want this to be a completely hypothetical discussion. We're talking about countries. I'm saying the way to narrow it down again, is to say, am I living by the teachings of Rasool Allah as a result, so if I'm living by the teachings of Surah, Surah Selim that I can think about this too, with a in the context of a country and say that, if I ran a country, I would like to run a country on the basis of Islamic teachings, right. But if I if I do not apply

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Islam in my own life, then really, you know, I mean, the country or society is a reflection of the individual and the individual is a reflection of society. So this is what is happening in the world. The second question also from dogs every Muslims respect and are ready to die for us processor and but rarely benefit from his teachings. How do we fill the gap exactly the same thing? By understanding that Allah subhanaw taala created or Surah Surah salam for a purpose and Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this to us. He said lack of Kerala confuse us what on Hazara, he said the permanent messages are Salam is the best example for you to follow and to follow his beautiful Rosa

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Kusa. Also to Hazara livan garage Hola Hola. Hola. Kira was aka laka sera for the one who looks forward to the meeting with Allah subhanho wa Taala and the day of judgment. So what must we do is to inculcate this in our lives. The reason we do not follow we like to talk about the sorcerer and we will think we will sing not and that she that we have a you know, the gel says and and congregations and gatherings and, and so on are in radula well, and this and that and we talk about oh, I'm usually such a blessed month, forget when we will have a look at yourself. Look at yourself. Are you following the Sunnah Rosanna if you are not on the Sunnah there is a sentiment doesn't

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matter whether I will I will is blessed or not blessed because you are going to be judged in with in the Presence of Allah subhanaw taala not on the basis of our beloved you will be judged on the basis of your your own personal action. And that is where we need to look at. Then there is a question from Brother Muhammad sallahu Wa alaykum Wyrick was Rob, please list the most important habit action characteristic character trait you think a successful leader should have? I think I've said that, in answer to the question of brother Omar Abdullah Al which is truthfulness, to speak the truth rasuna. Salah was distinguished by his beautiful title, Assad equal Amin away even before he announced his

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law, the truthful and the trustworthy. Being trustworthy is an outcome of being truthful. Nobody trusts somebody who tells lies. We have the beautiful Hadith or Salah where a young man came to him and he said to Mr. Salim Issa, Yasser allah sallallahu Sallam I have I do many wrong things, but I am it is not you know, I understood this is wrong, I should not do that. But I'm addicted to so many wrong things. So many things which are haram. So please advise me, tell me to stop one thing only I cannot stop everything. One thing only what should I stop? I will do that. And as soon as Ron said to him, stop telling lies. He said, Speak the truth.

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Speak the truth. Now this man thought well, you know this easy because just one little thing. He didn't say Stop Drinking Alcohol stop gambling, whatever else he was doing. He said no. This so is this good. Now, the story goes that That evening the man wants to go out and sit with his with his drinking buddies. And suddenly he thinks to himself, What if I meet Rasul Allah is a restaurant tomorrow and he asked me What were you doing last evening? What do I say? Because I promised that I will not speak lies, I will not tell lies, I will speak the truth. So now if I'm going to go and I am, you know, go to Delhi Am I gonna say to the horse seller that I was that I was drinking? I can't

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do that. So he stopped drinking. Now that one thing which is to speak the truth, completely changed his life. So what should a successful leader have? What should anybody have? Number one quality is to speak the truth. Speak the truth to yourself and speak the truth. Well, you need to speak the truth. Then we have a question from Sobia

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eram salovaara One common platform should be adopted by Muslim schools where they can introduce Muslim achievers and Muslims and the moms or Salah as a great leader or example to live every act of life because everyone is running in his own direction.

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You know,

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I say to people,

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what does a lamp do? Listen to the words, what does a lamp do to light up a dark room? What does a lamp do to the room to light up a dark room? The answer is a lamp does not do anything to the room. The lamp does something to itself, which is it lights itself. A lighted lamp spreads light and unlighted lamp can do nothing. So I think the thing to do here is to say how can we introduce this? How can we in Muslim schools? How can we introduce the examples of rasa Salem and Muslim achievers is by personal example, by emulate emulation is possible only when you have people to emulate not when you are talking about people, when the children can see teachers who will look and walk and

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talk and deal like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam with Salam used to do and that is the most critically important thing because as I say, children, listen with their eyes. Children listen with their eyes, they don't care what you say until they see what you do. They don't listen with their ears and not only children, everybody, the whole world listens with his eyes. Today the whole world is saying to the Muslims, the question that

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that our brother asked earlier, which is to say that if the example of Mohamed Salah Salem is really so powerful, how come your countries are not like that? How come your lives are not like that? I think that's a very painful but a very valid question.

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And that's the question we have to answer. So it is no good talking about Baba salah, no good writing books and having gels and singing songs and whatnot. We have to look and walk and talk and deal like Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and then like the lamp, light the lamp and you don't have to do anything else. It is it is natural, logical for light to spread. That's what light does. But it does that only when it is lighted.

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Absolutely. Now.

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Yeah, I go quick. Let me try to quickly.

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Brothers the first question at alpha college we intend to make this a compulsory reading for grade level students by creating a module course on Yes, Angelica, please do that. I may have sent it to you. But if I haven't, I will. There is a series of lectures of mine on each of these modules, I'll send that series of lectures to you most welcome to use that in your, for your teachers for your teachers training. There is also a diploma course on the international online university IOU on this book on the leadership lessons of resource SLM, which is a free diploma course. Students can enroll for that and they will also get a diploma in this from the International

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online the Islamic online university. So that's, that's a free resource. That is there. And then we have a question here from against Soviet era at Unity International School, we also introduce Euro course for grade four. Okay. Hamdulillah.

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In your opinion, is there a link with entrepreneurship in business and leadership? Of course, there is absolutely without a doubt, entrepreneurship in business and leadership. There is no difference see, and this is one of the things that we must get our minds our minds the host muted me, okay.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:03

Who muted?

00:49:05 --> 00:49:05

All right.

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Is there a link in entrepreneurship and business leadership? Yes, there is because in my view, there is only one way of leadership. There is this this is a fallacy that we think that we can we can lead in one way in this place. And another way in that place, that is a sign of the fact it's a sign of hypocrisy, because if I speak the truth, I will speak the truth everywhere. I mean, you know, I can't be speaking the truth. And I have a business in which I'm doing a bunch of lies and and I have this false advertising.

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We have in India, Brian, which have bottled water, which advertises as 300% Oxygen. Now, how is it possible? I mean,

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h2o is the formula. I mean, how do you have 300% Oxygen, right? So this is the issue. There is one way of leadership and that is the leadership based on truth. And no matter which area you're talking about, whether it is

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Parenting, whether it's teaching, whether it's entrepreneurship, whether it is running a country or running your own home, it be the basis is the leadership of truth, which is the leadership of Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam peace be upon him.

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To take the last question. Okay, let's go to that, by Keith ready, what I mean by this,

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differentiate between the

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concepts of that one and then cannot be closed? All right. I mean, I, as I mentioned, I think I'm going to leave

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a brother get ready to answer that question for himself. Because as far as Islamic leadership is concerned, this is what my book is about. Right? And I will say, Well, why don't you answer that question yourself and see if there is a difference between Islamic leadership and the leadership concept. But to answer this question, also, which I want to do, which is that the

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whole issue today of what passes in the name of, of leadership, and not just entrepreneurial, or leadership in entrepreneurship, or any but basic leadership, is to compromise everything for the sake of so called results. So we accept anything, we will say or do anything, as long as it gets us results. Now, this is the exact opposite of what Islamic leadership is, we do not compromise principles for the sake of results. Like yesterday, somebody asked me this question, we had a q&a session, somebody asked me this question. If I have to give a bribe? Is it halal? So I said, What is this have to give a bribe?

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You don't have to give a bribe. You choose to give a bribe? Because there is a price of not giving a bribe? I said, Give me an example. He said no, if the if AI in our countries is talking about, he's not talking about America is talking about different countries, in our so called our countries, he says if a policeman stops me, if there's a traffic stop, if I have to give a bribe, to get out of that, I said no, you have to drive properly not to get into that in the first place. You don't have to give up right, right. So, this is what we do to ourselves we say well, I must I make it I make Halal on myself something which is haram by itself, because I want to achieve some result. I said

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that is that is where the issue of

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of leadership from an Islamic perspective comes in to answer brother kids question

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exhilarating discussion, to say the least assume

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to be on the map side doing all the work for them. You can think that

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by saying

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the life of

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complete certainty, no compromise putting himself on the line, resilient face to face and having absolute faith in success goals come first before personal preferences, loving his message and risk taking sacrificing short term or long term mentality and forgiveness towards the person

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and succession planning and leadership development

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must be met I must mention that request this afternoon from us again other people's

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children grow in it shows

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if people are willing to get people who are willing to gauge

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what comes through the

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experience of not What do you like to do women? What happens to you what happened?

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What are you going to take out or get? We will ask for shifts.

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And then after we close

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those increments.

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So thank you very much everybody who attended. And we really thank you for your taking all the time, and being alone from the Global Program.

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Going forward and so thanks very much.

GAIS Webinar Leadership

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