Mirza Yawar Baig – HM Khatira #02 True success
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Brothers and sisters,
we get these reminders every day.
that one day we will also go on
the same path
that these other brothers went.
There is no doubt about this.
There is no doubt that
if we are born, we will die.
The mouth.
Allah said that every single soul, everything, every
living thing will die.
Human beings will die. Animals will die. Birds
will die. Trees will die. Gems will die.
Bacteria will die. Everything will die.
And on the day of judgement, you will
receive your true reward.
And we ask Allah for his forgiveness, and
we ask Allah
for reward
in keeping with his majesty and grace.
And then Allah
gave us a standard to judge who is
successful, who is not successful.
Allah said only the one who is free
from the hellfire and entered into Jannah, only
this person is successful.
Nobody else.
And then to reinforce that, Allah said,
this life of this world is deception.
So in this life of this world, you
find somebody who had great power and authority
and great name and fame and great wealth
and whatnot,
and you had somebody who had the opposite
of that, this is not a sign of
success and failure. Life is saying this is
not a sign. The sign of success and
failure is on the day of judgment.
gets Jannah and who gets Jannah? That is
the sign. Who gets Jannah and who gets
jannah? From,
the Banu Zakkiv
of Taif
was a man about who people said, why
did Allah choose Muhammad to
This was the real man.
He was the man who should have been
given because he's a noble man. He's wealthy.
very good looking. He's this, this, this.
And he came in. He came to negotiate
on behalf of the. He happened to be
in in Mecca.
So they said to him, you go and
So he came to
Hudebia, and he said to mister Salam he
said, yeah, Muhammad,
you have
surrounded yourself with the scum of the earth.
Who are these people? These are trash.
He's talking about the Saba. These are trash.
He was surrounded by himself with these people.
And when he was talking to Nabi Salazar,
he was he he would keep touching his
So there was another Sahabi
standing next to mister Salaam,
and he was
his face was covered. He was in jail
And every time
touched the beard of mister Salaam, this would
hit his hand with the flat of his
This happened 2 or 3 times, then he
said the next time it will be the
edge of the sword if you touch the
beard of the
So said, who is this?
He's a rammy or a navy.
The same
I'm talking about who is successful, who is
not successful. So the in the Allah gave
this man wealth and and power and authority
The same man came
and accepted Islam.
After Batawaka, he came. He accepted Islam.
And then he said, Ramesh,
I will go to back to
because Taif had not become they had not
accepted Islam yet. This is after
Hodein battle of Hodein. The Taif had not
accepted Islam.
said, I will go back to Taif, and
I will
convey your message, and I will preach Islam.
said to him,
be careful because we don't know what they
were. He said, no. No. They love me.
They are I am their leader.
I am their leader. They love me. Nobody
can harm me.
He went there, he preached Islam,
and somebody killed him.
So he was
This man who came and he said to,
what is this trash you have surrounded yourself
So how we are in this
dunya doesn't matter. It doesn't show anything. What
true is what is with Allah.
sees the arts.
He doesn't see the faces. He doesn't see
physical condition of a person. He doesn't see
their color, you know, which race. No. But
I like it. Everything. For the for Allah
everybody is
equal. Allah sees the
The one who goes to Allah with the
Kalvin Salim.
And therefore, I remind myself to you, focus
on this connection with Allah
Today, one of the traps of shaitan is
you have people who come into Islam who
become interested in Islam,
and the first thing they're going to is
So they don't worry about the connection with
Allah. They don't worry about Tawhid. They don't
worry about the sun or sunnah or mister
sallam. They don't worry about the seerah. They
don't nothing. For
instantly, first question,
should I cover my head when I'm praying
or not?
Should I move my finger in the or
So and so is doing it, and so
and so is not doing it.
Get the get the priorities. Get the
important things right.
I'm not exaggerating.
People ask me all these questions about this
complicated thing in the in the salah.
No one asked me, I don't have khushu
in my salah.
What should I do to get khushu?
And the only thing which Allah mentioned, which
salah is?
The only thing important to Allah is do
we have or not.
Not whether your head is covered, not whether
your finger is moving. What?
But we are concerned about all of those
things. The thing we are not concerned about
is Khusho.
And then we say, I saw this fatwa.
Let me clarify something for you.
There is a fatwa and there is a
Please understand this. Right?
There is a hokam
and there's a fatwa. What is hokom? Hokom
is the
A hokom is
complete in itself.
Hakom does not need anything else
to support it.
What is the Hakom? Hakom is the Kalam
of Allah?
The Hakum is the kam Kalam of Muhammad
Allah said about him.
He does not speak of his own volition.
He said what he says is revelation.
So for example,
said, Allah
permitted trade and Allah has prohibited
I absolutely
love this.
There are other around it, which come to
including the, which Allah declared war on the
people who deal with riba.
But this one particular piece,
I love this because this is the of
This is the glory and majesty of Allah.
Allah is saying I have permitted riba. I
have permitted trade
And I have prohibited riba.
Why is riba?
For the same reason, you did not eat
in the morning today.
Why did you not eat? It is Ramadan.
You did not eat from Sohore till Iftar.
Because my glycemic index needs to come down.
Because my bad body fat mass has to
be balanced.
it? Because my sugar has to be
you fasted for only one reason.
What's the reason? Because Allah said so. No
other reason.
I fasted because Allah said so.
This is the essence of Islam.
The essence of Islam is we do it
because Allah said it. That is the hook
of this is complete in itself.
Right? There is no there's no nothing. There's
no need any support.
Allah said so is the hokom, is the
complete Singh in itself. So Allah said, riba
is haram because I say so.
That's it. There's no other reason.
Trade is halal because I say so. That's
So now you got somebody with
a fatwa.
No. No. No.
That was the 7th century in Arabia. This
is America. We have Citibank. We have this
one. We have that one.
We have the WTO.
Does that change anything?
America. So there's a different godfather. Is it?
Please understand this. A fatwa is an opinion
of a mufti.
Can the mufti be right and wrong?
Of course.
The hokam
is the word of Allah.
Is there a difference between the 2?
Oh, like, there's a difference between the difference
the earth and the heaven.
No fatwa can cancel a hookah.
Even if every Mufti in the world gets
and they say from tomorrow morning, riba is
riba will continue to be halal.
Just like if somebody says pork is halal.
You say, my brother, you know, you make
life difficult.
You say you must eat only zabi halal.
Do you know something? You got people from
Egypt. Do you have this term zabi halal
in in Musa?
No. You got from,
Do you and in in Rabat in, you
have some?
Why not?
Because the only thing which is halal is.
what makes meat halal.
There's no need to say zabiha halal. Zabiha
halal is a redundancy of words.
But in America, they clearly disturb. Why? Because
they say no, no, no, no, no. There
is zabiya halal and there is halal.
Why? Because machines router is halal.
There are road
Right? You eat chicken crosses on the road,
I hit the chicken and I pick up
chicken, I eat the boy. Machine slaughter. My
car slaughter it.
So machines my car is a machine. Right?
Is the method by which meat becomes halal.
So we said no. No. No, brother. You
know, you're making life difficult. After all, you
this is so expensive.
So if you want to buy the cheapest
meat, you know what is the cheapest meat
in this country?
Cheapest meat in this country is pork.
And believe me, there are people there are
people who will give you what for this
also. Scholars for dollars. Right?
Scholars for dollars. Pay enough dollars, you get
us you get the.
In America,
pork is hala hala. Eat.
Does it become hala?
No in the world can make something which
Allah made Haram into halal or what Allah
made halal into Haram. Nobody in the world.
Don't fool yourself.
Because on the day of judgment, you and
I are going to stand alone before Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and the only thing there
will be the hokam of Allah, not the
fatwa of whichever
dollar complied moved to you found the fatwa
Doesn't matter. That Fatha has no meaning.
If the Fatha is going against the Hakum
of Allah Subhanahu.
Eat halal,
earn halal.
There are the two points. Interest as far
as earning concern. Food as far as the
beer is concerned. Eat halal, earn halal. For
god's sake, have some shit.
Have some shit. I come from a country
which have where the people are, some of
them are brahmins,
high caste Hindus. They don't eat meat their
entire life
to please their gods who we consider to
be false.
And I and we,
you're willing to sell your Iman for 1
one leg of chicken.
seriously? My Iman is worth 1 leg of
chicken Because on the one meal, I don't
get meat. It's like a whole oh my
god. What will I do?
Only a few of us can understand this
Anyway, so my brothers, let me not let
me not take more of your time. Please
understand. Let us get our priorities straight. Connect
with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Don't get involved
in needless complications. The 5th, do not divide
hearts. Join people together. Alhamdulillah,
the one doing Rafaydulillah is right. The one
not doing Rafaydulillah is also right. The one
moving his finger is right. The one not
moving his finger also is right. The one
Talawi, 20 rakat is right. The one praying
8 is right. The one praying 2 is
right. The one praying 12 is right. The
one praying 15 is not right. Okay? Because
because mathematics has some has some meaning also
So, please, get keep hearts together. Don't get
involved in these things.
Focus on the connection with Allah.
This is what we say every single time.
I belong to you. You are mine. You
are I am yours. You are mine. Right?
Get this one connection. Right? Inshallah, on the
day of judgement, we are through. Inshallah. No
no problem. Because if I say I am
yours, Allah says, yes, you are mine. What
else do you need? Nothing. Finish. I'm home
and dry.
Right? Get this one thing right. Don't worry
about looking at other people, pointing fingers, complications,
ignorance. No. No. Forget all this. Eat halal,
earn halal.
For these people who pass away, make dua
for us because their test inshallah is over
inshallah. We ask Allah for them. Our test
is continuing.
So we need to make sure that we
are on the right track inshallah.