Jamal Badawi – Muslim Beliefs 10 – Signs Of The Hour

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The importance of peace and the Day of Judgment is discussed, including the spread of economic and social morality and the potential for genetic imitation. The speakers emphasize the significance of peace as a powerful moment for individual and collective success, including signs like incest, sexual Last sight, and tomorrow. They also discuss various interpretations of the Day of Judgment, including the use of symbols like sky, river, and road to indicate the presence of God, and the history of the legal system and the potential for a solar explosion. Viewers are encouraged to attend the upcoming program and discuss schedule.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the creator and Sustainer of the universe, I greet you with the greetings of all the profits from Adam to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. Assalamu Aleikum, which means peace beyond you. I'm your host Hamad Rashid. Welcome to Islam and focus. Today we begin our 10th program and the series of Muslim beliefs. And we'll continue the discussion that we started last week dealing with the description of what will happen on the Day of Judgment. I have with me on the program again today, Dr. Jamal Badawi of St. Mary's welcome to the program, brother Jamal.

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We began our discussion last time of the day of judgment. Could you perhaps just quickly highlight the main points that we discussed in the beginning program on this? Sure.

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We were addressing first the question that's common in many minds as to how could we come back to life after we are dust in our bones decompose and the earth? And we indicated how the Quran responded to this question that after all, it is he Allah or God who created us from nothing of virtually nothing to start with, and who who he who has the ability to create us from this microscopic

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state of being into fully grown human beings is able to return us. The Quran even emphasizes further that returning things is easier than creating it in the first place. And the analogy also was given in the Quran between giving life to earth which is barren, and giving life also to bones that has been decomposed that he who created all that is definitely able to, to do that with a great deal of ease.

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we addressed the question also that some people may have in mind as to whether the punishment of the wicked an unbeliever is simply that he will not distract them. He said, according to the Quran, according to Muslim understanding of justice, that this is not the case that everybody good and bad, believe that unbeliever, righteous and wicked would all right so that everybody would get his reward or punishment. At this life is not long enough to get the full compensation for ones on dates and attitudes.

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The question then started into the discussion of the measure of the minor signs,

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that signals the approaching of the Day of Judgment. We discuss some of the things that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him prophesied 1400 years ago, which has been fulfilled already, in terms of technological change in terms of the spread of new means of transportation, he described that in some detail

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about objects speaking, referring to the possible media that we know of today, we discussed a little bit about the spread of economic life, the discovery of resources in the earth. We talked also about the spread of skyscrapers, which he also prophesied, especially those that will be built by people who used to be sheep herders in the past and poor, which are quite interesting and revealing signs. The last question I believe, that you raised was on the question of health conditions. And we said again, that there was prophecy of the spread of drinking and similar intoxicating stuff and the spread of serious diseases

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and the sudden death or possible reference to heart attacks and strokes becoming more frequent and

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continuing then with our discussion of the some of the minor signs,

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an area that most people might find interesting is this area of morality, both individual and collective. Is there anything

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in the moral situation which might give us a clue as to the approach of the Day of Judgment?

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Well, there are um, I have to be quite frank on this because the sayings of the Prophet on this particular show are very clear and quite numerous.

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For example, if we summarize in terms of individual morality, one of the things that he prophesied that

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the there will be a spreading of provocative clothing, especially

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Among females, and one of the saying you said people would be closed, but I'm closed, which means that the claws, the kind of material, the way it's designed and the extent of covering of the body would be so provocative that the body appears as if it's not covered at all because of tightness or other reasons. Could also referring to bikinis, I suppose Well, I think that could be part of the economics, the bikini covers of the body. Not only that, also, the extremely tight clause that describes the exact shape of the body, especially the parts of the body that

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really should not be exposed, would be quite spread, at least should not be according to Islamic teaching. A second prophecy that was made is that women will emulate or imitate men and men will imitate women, which could mean imitation in terms of behavior, appearance, way of dressing, even. And again, I'm not to make a lengthy commentary on that, because I think we see some of this in our day and age.

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A third sign that the Prophet peace be upon him mentioned is that there will be a spread of homosexuality both between males and females. Actually, these times they said that

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everybody would feel every * more or less feel self sufficient, in a sense, or giving a metaphor, a polite method for what goes on. In terms of sexual life. More specifically, even he described the state where adultery and fornication would be so widespread, not only widespread, but specifically even he referred to the fact that it will no longer become a private thing, it becomes almost something that's exposed.

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In one of the saying, for example, he says, it's almost happened other people doing it in the, in the street. Well, I think of that, and I wonder whether that might be an allegory even of so called x rated movies where you can just go to any drive and and watch

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things that really

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used to be very, very private type of domain of only marital relationship.

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Actually, in one of the single the property said, it'd be almost like animals, just whatever, whatever. However, person pleases,

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we may do it.

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In terms of social morality, there were also a number of signs, one of which is the lack of care and attention to other relatives, like parents and close relatives. He described that in one Hadees. And in fact, in another Hadith, he even specified that sometimes people will be more obedient and listen to their wives, and disregard their mothers, a person will be quite generous with his friend in terms of all these parties, for example, and would be generous with his friend, but does not provide any help to his father, especially if the father is all unable to earn a living, that people will be so indifferent. And I wonder in my mind, again, about people who insist on sending their elderly,

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the parents to a nursing home, because they don't want to take the trouble of taking care of them and just like wanting to get rid of them, and the attitude of people not even asking about their parents or relatives, they just leave and go faraway lands and never care to even inquire or even get a phone call and occasions, I mean, the lots of programs like this, that appear once in a while on TV that shows the kind of cruelty that has been perpetrated on the elderly, and lack of consent for relatives, that was all predicted 1400 years ago.

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Secondly, an interesting thing that the Prophet mentioned, is that people would hate to raise children, and in one specific Hadith are saying, he says, there would come a time where a person would prefer would rather prefer to bring a dog in his house rather than a bring a child.

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Third sign is the spread wide spread of hypocrisy, as expressed in one of the saying that people would say good words, but their deeds are quite evil. And I wonder in my mind, my mind, for example, that's my own personal

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reflection on this saying, as well as that has something to do also with the promises made by politicians and all the things that goes on, you hear lots of good words about human rights and other things, but the actual practice sometimes does not measure up to this.

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Another sign that has been repeated in more than one source of the collections of hobbyists is the spread of killing

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to the point that in one Hadith, he says that

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There'll be so much killing that a person would not know even why he killed his brother,

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which could again, possibly be a reference to

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despotic rulers who for their own selfish reasons, and their desire to grab somebody else's land or sources of wealth, tried to push their people into a fight where they're killing each other without really

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realizing that this is not really a just cause to get people killed. For all the spread of the words, in our century in the 20th century has been phenomenal.

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Many of which, of course, are indefensible, there's no good reason, actually for most of this killing to take place. Another sign also is that people would not be as charitable there would still always be people who are charitable, it says that for some people,

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charity would be like a burden on them. Actually, he made the prophecy in one Hadith, even about

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rulers that there will be too many rulers, but very few of them would be honest rulers or people in political offices or political power. And finally, one of the signs that he gave is that there will be a time where a person which could be a person as an individual or entity, like a nation, would be respected only because of its sheer brutal power, not because of justice, person will be just honored because of the fear rather than because of any particular good reasons why person or group of people should be honored.

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So these are some of the

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I hope,

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clear signs that to me, one can see a good deal.

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We've talked about the technology, we've talked about signs in the economic situation. And just now about morality. Are there any other

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areas or any other minor signs that we should perhaps touch on before we look at some of the major ones? Yes, there are a few more things that perhaps may not necessarily classify exactly under any of the previous ones, but they're quite interesting and revealing, too. That includes, for example, the fact that it will be too many false teachers and false prophets, teaching people and misleading them. As you know, for the Muslim he believes that all prophets were prophets of God, prior to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him that Muhammad is the last of those prophets. So the Muslim believes in Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, but it's very clearly indicated that Mohammed is the

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last prophet. In fact, in one of the sayings of the Prophet, he indicated that they will be close to 30 people, each of them would come and claim to be a new prophet and try to mislead people. And even some might claim that they have new holy books. And for the Muslim, the last revealed scripture was the Quran, that was 1400 years ago.

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It also indicates that some people would,

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even who used to be believers will no longer be believers, they will leave faith.

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And in one specific Hadees even are saying he says that some people would trade their faith for some material benefits

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that they might obtain.

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He also indicated that the social values will undergo certain changes, that a person who is pious was trying to follow the path of God and to be obedient to God would be belittled and slighted by other people. In other words, instead of people praising goodness, the opposite would be true. In fact, in one of his sayings, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him say that a person at one time would be

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be lessened because of his prayers, the same way that one could be less than or theists prostitute for example, for what she's doing, that the is a total reversal of the values of beauty of goodness of purity, that to be just regarded as the reverse like somebody for example now is trying to teach someone now to a girl that How come you don't have a

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boyfriend? How come you're still version at that age, just become the reverse of the purity, and moral values as preached by all prophets in all revealed scripture throughout history.

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There is indication also that in the same family, there will be people following different kinds of religions of faith which was acting up lots of

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people changing or moving around trying to discover the truth or untruth, whatever the activities might say. And, and

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there was indication also that people would not take a positive step to start to stop evil. That's in the Quranic terminology, called the American model of ordaining all that is good and trying to forbid or

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advise people not to do evil things that everybody would say, you know, mind your business. And that's an interesting thing in view of the many of the stories that we hear about people sometimes being killed in the streets with people watching from their bedroom windows, not caring even to call the police or help everybody's, you know, I don't care. I don't want to get involved, this kind of attitude of apathy would be in society, which would give more room for the spirit of evil.

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There was a prophecy also that of the spread of literacy and ignorance side by side, that they could be literacy in the in terms of scientific technical knowledge, but a dearth of knowledge that is more important than knowledge that relate to faith and relationship between mankind and the creator between mankind and other human beings. How does the human being relate to the universe that the big does have knowledge and wisdom in that particular field.

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In fact, in one thing, even he said that some of those even religious leaders, the religious scholars, will be unscrupulous that despite of their knowledge, they are crooked in their behavior. And that my face in question people who use religion as a means of obtaining funds or wealth for themselves, or possession, or people who we find all over the world who might support this particular order for some benefit, using their religious authority to come here to get people to obey a particular dictator or unjust ruler.

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There was also prophecy that some Muslims will imitate those who were before them, instead of following the heritage, the following the Scripture and Revelation, the pure revelation given by God, they tried to imitate this and that. But at the same time, the prophet also indicated that among Muslims, they will be a group of people who will always keep steadfast on the true path, regardless of whoever differed with them, or condemned them for their steadfastness.

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So in on the whole, you could say that there would be lots of commotions and temptations of people to

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deviate from the path of truth, not to follow

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the divine guidance in their lives and try to follow all kinds of false ways of life and philosophies. And materialism would be quite championed. When we began the introduction to our last program, I think we talked about

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both minor and major signs. I wonder if you could give us some indication of the, what these major signs are of the approach of the Day of Judgment. Okay. And some of those major signs are mentioned in the Quran. Some are mentioned in the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, but they total 10 signs this are rather difficult to interpret and understand because we don't know exactly whether the words are literal, or whether they might be allegorical of something else that may happen. But maybe I can go through the major ones that have been predicted, first of all, that three of the signs relate to three major eclipses.

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One Eclipse in Arabia, one east of it, one west of it. So that's three types of eclipses.

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And another sign would be the appearance or emergence of huge smoke in the sky.

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Now, whether that literally means smoke, or whether it might be a reference to me smog over smog or pollution, it's an interesting area that appears for example, in sort of, in a chapter of a brand called a decant smoke. Yes. And it says first Tucker do metallic is Santa Vito craney. Movie, yes, and

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that is wait until the day when the sky would be full of smoke, this would be really a tournament or punishment for people. So one of the meanings that could be something that's close to the Day of Judgment could also be referenced to pollution and the suffering that results from pollution. God knows. I mean, one cannot say that this is necessarily the interpretation of

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a fifth sign

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is that fire will come out of the bottom of the earth in the admin area, which is in the Arabian Peninsula. And I read one time that it actually is located on top of a volcano. But again, this is beside the point, it may or may not be a reference to that.

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Sixth sign would be that the sun will come from the west instead of the East, which could signify a kind of disturbance in the cosmic order or the axis of the earth that the sun would be rising from the west rather than the east.

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How many of these now six, six, the seventh

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would be that a,

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an animator would come out and speak to people again, we don't know exactly that that would be literally whether it would be also allegorical, in a sense that people would be so much ignorant in terms of wisdom, even though they might have all kinds of technological knowledge that even animals can tell them, you know, or speak to them or show them that they are really not

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prudent enough in many of their actions or decisions that they they take that appears, for example, in the Quran in chapter 27, verse 82, but we don't know exactly what's the nature or description of that particular animal. Another sign that might be familiar with many of the viewers appears in the Quran in chapter 21, verses 96 to 97. And that is becoming of Goku and Magog or in the Quran, yeah, Judo, McGeorge groups of people who would come and destroy everything that they can lay their hands on. Again, there are lots of discussions and interpretation as to what that exactly refers to. But there will be destruction that people will destroy, or engage in great commotion and warfare.

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Another sign was that the magic or the reformer with the Muslim whose name would be either Mohammed or admin would come also towards the end of the day, and he would establish justice, and peace on earth. But you will come only as a follower of Islam as carrying the message of Islam and trying to enforce it, there will be lots of peace on earth. Another sign is that during the lifetime of that magic, or the promised one,

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the false messiah will come down to us.

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The description are again, very difficult to interpret whether it's literal or allegorical, that he will be one night that he will impress people and even invite them to worship Him, whether he will impress them by Americans, or impress them by technological power. Whether that's false messiah refers to one person or a group of people like this is something that nobody can say for sure. But that many people have been misled, and they will follow Him and almost worship Him in the sense of blind and total obedience to that false messiah.

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But most importantly, it says that, at this time,

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the Jesus peace be upon him, was highly regarded and respected by Muslims as one of the great prophets, we come down to earth and join the Muslim ranks and join the malady in fighting the false messiah and killing him.

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After that, the the manatee will die. And after a while, also, there will be a number of years on Earth where there will be perfect peace. And then in one of the single the Prophet says, Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will die then and the Muslims would make funeral prayer on him. And then after that, a wind accord wind will blow. And we would not leave any person with the slightest faith in his heart, but technically soul. And only even people would remain on earth and this other people who would be there at the time when the Day of Judgment actually starts,

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by the way on the question of the false messiah, something interesting also in one of the saying of the Prophet that says that the world will take place where Muslims would be to the east of the bank of the Jordan River, and the false messiah and his Legion would be on the west part of the Jordan River. Then just the thing is that this had this was quoted from the Prophet 1400 years ago. And the narrator of that saying, even said, I don't know where the Jordan River on earth even the narrator said, didn't know where that might be located so that they might be specification even of the rough area, where the fight between the false messiah and his Legion, on one hand, and Muslim joined by

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Prophet Jesus peace be upon him. On the other hand, but again, the exact meaning is only known to guide. Each one of these

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explanations, really is food for thought and really whets the appetite I wish we had time to go off and do explore some of the inferences that one could draw from them, actually affect them as one one interesting thing about this Prophet Jesus peace be upon him because that has been mentioned actually more than one place. In one verse in the Quran in chapter 43, verse 61, it says about Jesus being the sign of the hour. Why not hula and Melissa, which was interpreted in two meanings that the verse the verse in verse of Jesus is a sign that the hour is true. That's one possible interpretation. The second interpretation that the coming the second coming of Prophet Jesus peace

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be upon him, to join hands with the believers with Muslims would be itself also

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And that the hour is eminent. This is one, another controversial verse in the Quran that has been interpreted also, in a variety of ways, appears in chapter four, verse 158. What it says about the people of the book, that none of the People of the Book will die, until he believes in Jesus.

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That was interpreted to mean one of the things that either every Christian, for example, before his death, would realize, at the time of death, the nature of Jesus and the fact that has been indicated in the Quran, that he was a great messenger and prophet of God and all the other things that are attributed to him are not true. That's one interpretation. The second interpretation is that the people of the book or the Christians would be living at the time when of the second coming of Jesus will at that time believe in Jesus as a prophet and a human being, that is before the final outcome. So these are also differences, particularly to this second coming of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon

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I just want to indicate that because I understand that our Christian Brothers also ancestors believed in the second coming of Jesus, but in a different way, that the second coming as a god to judge people, Muslim believe also any second coming but as a follower of Islam and all prophets, were followers of Islam, because Islam means submission to the will.

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In the brief time that we have remaining on today's program, I'd like to

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have you described the what the, the actual, the beginning of the day of judgment itself, what actually happens on that day,

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when the Quran gives us a sketch of the things that happens, like I said, After only even people are giving

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that first of all, there would be a blow of chocolate where the remaining people living on earth will die wherever the evil people would be remaining.

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Secondly, that there would be a great change in the cosmic order, there would be a cosmic catalyst taking place.

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Something that is totally unimaginable and absolutely terrifying.

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To summarize, because there are lots of verses in the Quran to deal with, especially in chapters 70 570-881-8284 89 and 99, are some of the chapters where there are lots of vivid description of the this cosmic changes that take place in the Day of Judgment.

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But just to give you some brief notion of what kinds of things happened, first, that the sky would be a cliff asunder or unveiled,

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that the stars will be dispersed and might even come and crash with each other. So they get the whole order of the universe's totally changed, the oceans will burst forth. In one verse in the Quran, it gives even the impression that it might even ignite, I wonder whether that has something to do with the component of waters, one of them, one of the components, hydrogen gets fired and the oxygen increase, I don't know there might be some change that might result in this chemical transformation, that the mountains will become like flakes of tissue wool, or card it would fly, that sword, the balance of the Earth is changing altogether. And one verse in the Quran actually

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talks about mountains, vanishing from existence and becoming like Mirage, the Earth would be shaking to its utmost convulsions. And another verse talks about the earth being pounded the sun and the moon would be combined, in the same become in one place. But above all, the description, the description of people coming out of the earth, the earth, you know, opening and all of those who lived

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since the creation of Adam, the first human being on Earth, will come back to face the accountability a day, as described in the Quran, where everybody would be concerned only with his own salvation, running away even from his most close relatives, parents, wives, husbands, children, this is the day where everybody stands in pledge of his or her own deeds.

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Okay, well, we've exhausted our time for today. We'd like to invite all of the viewers of the Islamic focus program back next week when we'll conclude our discussion of the Day of Judgment. Thank you for watching. Join us next time with you. Assalamu alaikum Peace be on

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