Jamal Badawi – Muhammad 50 – Prophets Marriages 9

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The Prophet's peace and blessings are a source of satisfaction and a means of "monogamy" between his wife and his children. The importance of peace is emphasized, especially during the pandemic, as multiple marriages have contributed to the difficulty of marriage. The segment also highlights the reasons behind multiple marriages, including a desire for peace, a desire for reconciling history, and a desire for a new relationship. The importance of learning about the Prophet's private life and sharing insight to Islam is emphasized, and a statement is made thanking everyone for watching and inviting them to a future episode of the program.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to another episode on

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machine. Today we have our 50th program in our series to Muhammad Abbas special drama. And in today's program we'll be having our night program where we've touched on the marriages of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. I have joined me as usual on the program on Dr. Jamal battery of St. Mary's University, Bala salaam aleikum, WA to

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highlight the main points which are

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okay, we discussed the reason behind some of the exceptions in the cases of the managers of competency upon him, maybe because of his prophetic office. And we indicated that those exceptions are not are not self made, they were all indicated in the Quran. And we give some references, especially in Surah. Number 33, in the Quran. And we set for example, some of those exceptions,

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aside from going beyond the maximum number for other people,

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is that

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it was not

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to divorce his wife or replace them after that this was revealed.

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And we indicated that after all, his life was a life of struggle, constant effort, responsibility, and that precludes any notion of obsession with women or anything else, for that matter.

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And we mentioned that even in the Quran itself, we find a testimony to the fact that it was done in a very difficult, self imposed, you might say poverty, and self denial, not a life of pleasure.

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Can you explain to us perhaps,

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those events event that happened, that was particularly upsetting to the Prophet, yes, after even the Muslims were victorious, and the Muslim Treasury was in good shape.

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What happened is that his mind was still very much fixed on his responsibility as a prophet of God as the last messenger. His aspiration was not directed towards the life here after

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his pursuit, essentially, was to seek the pleasure of Allah, the creator.

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And this attitude, of course, need the pleasures of this life, something passing an insignificant God in his mind.

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his wives were able to endure this difficult for many years.

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But then after

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a while the situation was improved financially for the Muslim community, they thought that it would be reasonable to have some relief of this difficulty, to have a reasonably bit of additional allowance for living, just to make life a little bit more comfortable. So his wife's consulted among each other, and they collectively decided to make a demand to the pockets, that he should be, you know, provide them with more funds.

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The Treasury of the Muslim community was under his disposal, and he could very easily respond to responded favorably to the request or demand. But in fact, he was very disappointed and

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unhappy about this kind of request.

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As to why he was pleased with the demands, seems like a reasonable demand to establish person. For an average person, it's reasonable demand, there's nothing wrong with it. However, I believe that there are at least two possible reasons and we have an understanding why he was unhappy about

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that he wanted to give a good example, for rulers who are living in luxury at the expense of the people that should live

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an average life like everybody else, if not less, even. And big a ruler should not be taken as a privilege to enjoy life at the expense of other people, but rather being a means and a heavy and grave responsibility for God's for Allah.

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Not only unblemished integrity, but also the preparedness to sacrifice in the service of Allah, the creator and also in the elevation of the suffering of other humans. The second possible reason for that is that he felt that his wives, wives of the Prophet had his very special status as we called before the mothers of believers. And as such, they have to be role models for otherwise

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In general,

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to all Muslims even. And that's required them also to accept the sacrifice to accept a simple life and to shift away from the life of luxury, and to

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identify new, I should say, with with the poor.

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And it also gives a good example to whites who should appreciate puppy should not

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be too demanding from their husbands who may not have the means to respond to their, to their demands.

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Relations, and he was the reason behind

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having this special expired become expressed, if it's all well, he of course, was feeling very, you know, sad about it.

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To the point that

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Hamas and Ababa Abacus is to mean deputies, you might say, impulse and they know that he was very unhappy. And his wife's were around him. But he was determined to break that grin atmospheres and to bring a smile to the face of the Prophet peace be upon him. So I'm

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on messenger of Allah, addressing the Prophet Muhammad.

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I said, how about if the daughter of God, he referred to his wife?

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How about if the daughter of Zeid asked me for more money? So I twisted her neck

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was successful? Because the profit

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until his molars showed you?

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And then of course, an abacus since both of them of course, were like in loads of the profit being your daughters were married to the property, which one went to his daughter's? That's abubaker went to Asia Amara went to have and start to rebuke them say How dare you ask the Messenger of Allah for something which he does not have?

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Actually, the prophet expressed his displeasure even in a more positive way. And he kept apart from his wives for a period of one month, until even there were some rumors that the prophets decided to divorce all his wives.

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But the matter was finally resolved. When a revelation came to the Prophet, was part of the Quran, number 33, which gave the wives of the Prophet the choice

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between devotion to Allah, and acceptance of this life of self denial and struggling

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to enjoy a little bit of the luxury of might

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not be or enjoy the status of being wives of the Prophet peace.

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be interesting to explore that text. Could you share it with us? Sure, it appears in Sudan number 33. Verse 28, in particular, yeah, you know your code as well as you can continue to genealogy.

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Installation of the verse, the meaning could say is all prophets addressing this weapon him, say to your concerts, that's your device. If it be that you desire this life, that's the life of this world and its glitters, then come, I would provide for your enjoyment and set you free means divorce you

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and to divorce you in a kind manner. But if you seek Allah and His apostle, and the home or the life of the Hereafter, very, Allah has prepared for you,

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or for the will towards among you, a great reward.

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So the verse in the Quran was quite decisive. Make up your mind. You want to enjoy like, other people go ahead, you want to sacrifice. It's up to you. After this verse was revealed, the prophet began to apply it. So he started first with his first with his wife.

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And he talks about the verse that was revealed and

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you make up your mind, and you don't have to hide if you wanted to wait until you consult with your parents. Please do but he had the option.

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Ayesha immediately responded, she said,

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Do I have to consult my parents in a matter like this? Me? I only choose a law and the Messenger of Allah and the hereafter which means I accept that life of sacrifice. Then the Prophet went on to the various waves and gave them the same offer. All of them give the same answer that they choose, sacrifice and choose to live with the public even this hard sell to the 99 to

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That this episode is quite significant. And it's very much relevant to the basic theme of that segment of the program is that the marriages are the toughest, even though they were polygamous marriages in the last seven years of his life,

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signify what some people want us to give to them or interpret, and that he was the hardest person

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from being obsessed with pleasures or with whites or women who think this just to give them additional evidence of his integrity and the fact that his marriages have different kinds of reasons.

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Some people may attribute to them.

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But we spent

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a lot of time dealing with the marriages of the Prophet upon fairly extensive examination of them.

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Since we're coming to the end of the segment dealing with the matches of the proper guy, whoever,

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but perhaps I could ask you in the 30 minutes of today's program to, to sum it up for us,

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the segment on the marriages. Okay, I must first try to connect that with what we have been doing in this program, that we started to deal with the life of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. But we didn't go strictly chronological, just

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listing history, whenever it was necessary to elaborate on certain issues, we did not strictly follow the chronological order.

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And it all began when we came to the point of time,

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referring to the marriage of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him his first marriage from Khadija at the age of 25. And it was then when we branched and and that considerable amount of time to discuss the various marriages of the Prophet peace be upon him and some of the interpretation that has been given and to collect some of the possible misconceptions about about those marriages. I must say that it took nearly eight programs so far, more than eight programs are just dealing exclusively with the method of marriages.

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I would say that not all scholars agree with me to go into that detail, for example, Dr. Muhammad Syed Ramadan and booty in his book, soco sera

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made a quick reference to the melodies of the Prophet, but he expressed the view that those scholars will go on the

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discussion of the knowledge of the Prophet and explaining why and the reasons behind them, they have been really falling into this attempt to divert the topic altogether, and it is not covered in this detail. I have a respect, of course, for his opinion, but he lives in the Muslim world where the great majority of Muslims perhaps, I hope, would be aware, are aware of the circumstances of the madness of the Prophet and are familiar with this character. So they could not shake their faith and he may, you know,

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I do believe, however, that the justification that in a program

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which is directed not only to the Muslim audience, but to the non Muslim brother and also who may have not had the opportunity of exposure to authentic information, that is, to me justifiable to, to go into the kind of detail we went into and to discuss some of the orientalist type theories and explanations and try to respond to them. But in any case, if we were to summarize the marriages of the Prophet, we must begin again, with what we mentioned in the very early part of that segment, that he lived a life of unblemished purity as a bachelor, up to the age of 25. Not a single time was he caught of any act, that would blemish his moral character

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that at the age of 25, he married Khadija as his first wife.

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She was 15 years older than he was, she was 14, he was 25 and habituellement, his only wife for a quarter of a century 25 to 26 years. And that relationship as husband and wife was exemplary in love, faithfulness, and sincerity. And he died at the age of 65. He was about 50 or 61 years old.

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So this period of monogamy might say, with the first life Khadija did not even with this 25 or 26 years, practically it extended to five more years, because even though he contracted marriage

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While he was married to so that the marriage was not consolidated, and I wish I did not move to the household of the Prophet until years later because she was young at the time of the contract.

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And that brought the period of what I called practical monogamy really, that's one way in his household to affiliate of nearly 31 years. He was at that time already, in his

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mid 60s about 56. And you know that he died at the age of 68. He was really close to the end of his of his life. And the display words

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that are different that follow this monogamous, 31 years of monogamy

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represents only the seven years of his life, and that this period was in Medina, a period of the establishment of the new Muslim community and new Islamic State, a period of struggle and confrontation with various parties that tried to prevent Muslims from practicing their faith and emerging as a religion to prevent establishment. And these circumstances, they were confrontations and they were also martyrs, leaving behind their widows and orphans, who need attention more than just a handout.

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That means the polygamous marriages of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him most useful in establishing a number of principles and achieving a number of objectives ready for his personal sake but objectives to serve and strengthen the faith.

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And if you have the, what I referred to before again, and the orientalist

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Miss presentation of this, and the grave errors that they have fallen into and still carry over being repeated and many references, that this multiple marriages work for personal pleasures on his part, we went into specific and more detailed analysis of all the circumstances and all the information available about those smells.

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Now, having come close to the end of that segment, perhaps it might be useful to classify those marriages rather than to go again in detail. And they say that there were

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four you might say four categories of reasons or four categories of these marriages, multiple marriages. The first category was intended to give an example to other Muslims that they should look after the widows and orphans regardless of beauty or age. And that is quite manifested in his marriages to Dinah, the daughter of

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Elena and also the daughter of Abu Sufyan.

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The second category involves the strengthening of his relationship with those who supported him most were very close to him, and sacrificed a great deal for the sake of Islam. And that includes the marriage to our daughter, and the daughter of Ahmed.

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The third important category was marriages for the purpose of reconciling the enemies, who were very much antagonized against Muslims are those who have been defeated for the purpose of achieving peace, and trying to reduce that enmity to Muslims and as such, make battles unnecessary and save lives. And that included three sub categories. First, to the concern, Arabs, other people. And that included almost at the

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end, which we mentioned before, because she qualifies both as a widow as well as also

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a marriage that tried to reconcile the heart of Abu Sufyan who was a an arch enemy and a very powerful person among the unbelievers at that time, and includes also among the ABS maimunah. The second sub category is to consign some of those Jews who were, you know, fighting or antagonistic to Muslims. And that included three of them suffering Yeah, Julia and Johanna. And as we indicated before, as a result of those marriages, this enmity was reduced the guarantee and goodwill and better relationship was established with the Jewish community. And also Thirdly, it includes a subcategory of one that is Mary or Maria, the Coptic girl who was given as a gift by the ruler of

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Egypt. And the fourth category of those marriages are a particular manufacturer. It's one which was intended

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To change the bad habits and taboos that existed among the herbs, and to establish a new legal precedent, that was his marriage from Xena, the daughter of Joshua was the diversity of his foster child, foster son died. And we indicated in a way that does not leave any room for doubt, that within the text of the forum itself gives the very reason for that. And it shows that it was actually a command given to the prophet to break that habit, not that he wanted that himself or sought after.

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We indicated also that, in addition to this evidence, to show that this marriages, were for compassion, not for passion, we have given specific triggers and information. But many of those perfect marriage had multiple marriages were very old age, some had million orphans on machinima, for example, three or four children, some are not particularly beautiful, and the only virgin that he married throughout his entire life, in fact, was

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that of Abu Bakr. And this is definitely not a file of a man who is looking for marriages for enjoyment, especially in his very prominent and powerful position as the prophet and head of state in Medina.

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The additional point to remember also is that we indicated with numerous examples and evidence from history and from the Quranic scripture, that the way of life of the Prophet, and the women, duties and responsibilities he undertook, despite all of that was a life of devotion,

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self denial in a very simple life, but who used to spend all his time, either worshiping in training at night, or looking after the needs, responsibilities of the Muslim community in the state that you want to head up during the day. And obviously, that his pattern of life shows that he was the farthest person from being obsessed with women, or with any other joy of life.

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The objective analysis, the failed analysis of the marriages of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, multiple marriages, yes, in the last seven years of his life, indeed, it's not something just to defend. In fact, it is positive, it reveals a number of positive and noble objectives. it sheds some light about his character, and his loving and caring attitude, not obsession, with polygamy as such. In addition to this, it must be remembered that if we review the marriages of the Prophet peace be upon him, you find that he got married to people from different tribes, from different backgrounds, and that gave the opportunity to women who represent one half of society, at least,

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an opportunity to learn closely and directly about Islam, from the Prophet peace be upon him. They wanted to have a role model also. So that they can spend the rest of their lives teaching others and communicating to them how to live, a complete comprehensive Islamic life as we have seen the Prophet, so we can take that back to the various clans, and tribes and backgrounds from which they came.

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To see us 100% thought that some people would say, why didn't the Prophet simply teach women, they can come to his house and teach the mind to be his wife, I think it's a good point to remember. But I must say that, to begin with, men did have much greater opportunity to learn directly from the Prophet. There used to be always around him. Women by nature, especially in that culture, were a bit shy, they could not just squeeze themselves in the middle of men. So men wisdom and

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the Prophet more in terms of talking to him and asking questions. Actually, there's a historical evidence that at one point, some women said Why didn't you allocate special time for us to teach us, in addition, of course, to their participation with others, with men in the mosque, and other educational sessions, and he did agree to that, and he used to go to them especially. But the reason why you need more than just go and teach women that to learn about Islam is to learn about the private life of the person because this man is a comprehensive way of living that entails on actions on behavior. And if women in order to get to notice or watch the profit closely as a role model, has

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to keep coming to his house. Obviously, hypocrites, others enemies of the prophets would raise all kinds of questions about his moral integrity. Why are those women coming and going, his wives are not for sexual

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Typically, one of them will be 60 or 65 years old.

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The fact that they are legally wise nobody can take any question by reputation or hedge. And as such, you'd have close access to him, and learn directly from him and communicate to that, and indeed, many of the wives of the Prophet peace be upon him, were a good source of information and knowledge about Islamic living. I'd like to conclude that by quoting, a very nice statement that was made by Sheikh Hamad Al ghazali. In his book,

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on page 477, I just tried to translate it. And he says, moving, or if the use of guns on earth were to reach the farthest stars, that's in heavens, then and only then would the conditions of this world reach the pure heart.

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marriages of the Prophet, including the polygamous period for the seven years, lost

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the last part of his life

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are indeed a reflection of a great deal of nobility, self denial, and after all the pursuit of the pleasure of Allah, and the interest of

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mine, I want to thank you for a very interesting series of programs dealing with the emergence of the Prophet. we've exhausted our time and for today, I think perhaps we're concluding again in our new program,

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discussion next time and we'll talk about the period of the prophets life between his marriage and the receiving of the call to profit. So thank you once again, for various in series of programs. We want to thank you all for being our guest and watching the program and invite you back next week we will continue with another episode of assignment focus. Thank you very much for watching. Assalamu alaikum peace BMB

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