Ismail Kamdar – The Religion of the Fitrah

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The concept of Islam is discussed, including its Hadees, Prophet, and natural way of life. The importance of deep thinking and consulting the fit minor is emphasized, along with the importance of learning and developing one's thoughts to become a better versions of oneself. The importance of knowing one's own morality and appeal to people with natural beliefs and values is emphasized, as well as the need for simple sharing of the message.
AI: Transcript ©
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from Dr. Li da, da da da, da da

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This is Part Four in our series on the descriptions of Islam.

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And at this point, we should be developing some kind of idea of what Islam is all about.

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So in our previous three footpaths, we looked at the Hadees. Again ideal user, the religion is he is a demon does he have the religion is well wishes the religion is sincerely wanting good for others. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said our sin to perfect

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and so we know that this religion of Islam is a religion of ease, a religion of sincerity, and a religion of good character.

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Today's topic is not taken specifically from one hand these would work similar to the others. But it's a concept that the Buddha had derived from various IDs and various personas.

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This concept comes primarily converted to to Rahu which will let us have a handle on that is his walking watch aka the deal diva that turn your face towards the correct religion,

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or the wrong Dasani the natural way that Allah had created people.

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This is the only verse in the Quran you're watching my channel data describes Islam as

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the future of humanity. And that is the topic of today that today inshallah we will learn what do we mean? When we say that Islam is the fitrah? Islam is the natural way of life, we will inshallah take a look at what is the meaning of interest?

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What does this mean for us as believers? And what is the practical implications of this in our lives?

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So to begin, the word withdrawal is generally translated into English as nature or natural disposition. film, we say that Islam is the fitrah we say that Islam is the natural way to live one's life. Right? What does this mean?

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In the context of Islam, it means that Islam is the only religion that is 100%. in tune with our data.

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We believe the loss of a handle a dialog is created within the souls of every human being a natural understanding of good and evil.

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Right, there are certain things that come to us naturally, once you think about this, think about this, think about the concept of justice.

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Where do we derive the concept of justice from?

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How does he did a two year old know when his parents are being unjustly?

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How does he know this?

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It's something that is naturally part of our soul. How do we know that stealing is evil?

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If you steal a chocolate from a tribe, they know you've done something wrong. How do they know this? without ever having studied scripture, without ever having studied the laws of any land? How do children know that stealing is immoral? That line is immoral, that somebody betraying you is immoral. This is called the future of human nature, a lot has placed within us a natural understanding of what is good, and what is evil. And from this fitrah number one, the most important part of the visual is the belief into the belief that there is only one part. And what this means is that we believe that any human being who honestly looks inside of themselves and thinks about the

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heavens and earth and thinks about who created everything they already have deep within the soul, this understanding that he is one all in one creator, that we don't need revelation to tell us that. But the relation tells us how to evade and how to please a call and how to live a life in a way that he has chosen for us, but the actual belief into he

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is natural

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in the early times of Islam, for other times, but we're looking at about 500 600 years after the time of the prophets, the value was certain. It was a lot of debate about how do we prove

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a lot? How do we prove the existence of Allah, similar to our times, right, this debate was going on, except today the debate is coming from the atheist. But then the debate was coming from within themselves, right, because the Muslim world back then was a very intellectual piece. And so there was a lot of debate on how do we prove the existence of a wall, and even many different theories going around. So when a Muslim would develop a philosophical methodology of proving the existence of God, they will also look at the creation, design indicates the existence of the design argument. And then, in the seventh century scholar came along with a very profound and simple, deep explanation.

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That's probably shuffled Islam, even to people who explained that we really don't need to go into philosophy or science or deep thinking, to prove the Alliance's because we have the picture. Every human already knows in a picture devices. So the version of truth is the person who says he does not exist, I will have to prove his existence. Somebody who says God does not exist is the one who needs to prove this. So this understanding of the oneness of Allah comes from the depth of the money is not the only thing that comes from the beginning, from the fitrah, the concept of morality, morality, understanding what is warranted in one, this also comes from our fitrah. And this is one

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of the struggles arguments Islam has today against other ways of life. You know, if you look at morality in in the modern world, it changes everyday. I want you to think about so many things today that are considered moral, that were considered immoral.

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Case, right? And it's only things that's the opposite, as well, as when you try to figure out what is the basis for the idea of morality.

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It doesn't come from any basis, it comes from the ducks, it comes from wherever we want to do at the moment, whatever pleases our desires.

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But Islamic concept of morality is grounded in human nature.

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And very often, when we are reaching out to other people, it's important that we reach out to that partner into that picture. So for example, you know, if somebody is trying to prove that you don't need religion for morality, you return to the picture. And you live there. No. Okay, how do we decide what is good and what is evil?

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without religion? Right, so our morality comes from the fitrah. Something else that comes from the fitrah is our sense of justice. We just know when something is just, just, it's just naturally because another interesting thing as part of our fitrah is a desire to have the purpose in our lives. And we see this across humanity. People who understand this love, have this sense of inner peace, because their life has a purpose. But the rest of humanity

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if you if you meet people who are billionaires, or millionaires,

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and many of them are agitated and irritated with their lives. And when you ask them why is important on purpose, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with my time with my money with my life. Because in our fitrah is a natural inclination to figure out what is the purpose?

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So all of this makes up defeater.

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And this question is,

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what do we do with this knowledge? Okay, Islam is the religion of the fitrah. How does that benefit me? How does it help me? Is this all theoretical? So I want to share with you a few ways in which this knowledge can benefit us. Number one, it helps us to deal with our doubts about Islam.

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And now we live in an era where a lot of young people, and even older people, especially without exposure to the internet, a lot of people experience downtime.

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And very often, you can solve your own doubts by consulting.

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And one of the producers that we discussed two weeks ago, in Providence alone, even Southern was asked what is righteousness? And he said, A below pushman full of righteousness and good character. I didn't complete the second half that relates to this topic, the prophets logging, someone also asked what is evil? And the Prophet salallahu alaihe. Salam replied, that which you feel inside of yourself that is controlled, meaning your fitrah tells you that something isn't. You just know in your gut, this isn't right. There's something wrong here. And so consulting the fitrah What does this is

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Joining us is if you don't have exact evidence on whether something is good or evil consumption feature, the feature knows the feature of hold on this isn't right.

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And so the first benefit that you get out of knowing that Islam is the religion of the fitrah. He said, we learned.

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And we learn to consultative, and we learn to look inwardly.

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And this brings me to a point that I really want to emphasize today, and that is the importance of deep thinking.

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One of the problems that's unique to our times, is that we don't think you know, what do I mean by this? We are living in the first generation ever, we are constantly online,

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right? We have our phones, we have our mobile devices, or tablets, or computers, why my connections everywhere. And because of this, we are always, always connected to other people. And this goodness, and his values, the goodness that we live streaming this right now. That's good, right? The value of this is that we don't ever spend time offline. And with the younger generation, this is happening more and more. And this is very dangerous. Because you cannot completely formulate your own thoughts and ideas and develop your own mind. If you are constantly bombarded with information online, you need time to think you need time to process we need time to be alone disconnected from the world.

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Many of us now these reschedule this

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has happened recently, I will always teaching some young people about this topic. And they said, but we're not alone. thoughts come to my mind and scape.

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And you've seen this happen, what happened a lot of young people easily sitting alone. And they either get bored, or they get the thought that they don't like what they do. They pick up the phone and start scrolling through Facebook, what you're doing is you're distracting yourself, you're not solving the problem. This is a distraction. The dot stays in the back of your mind it festers in growth, the longer you ignore it, the longer you don't try to deal with it, the more it grows in your mind. And we see a lot of times when we deal with people who have doubts about Islam is because of these kinds of things, that they don't really take the time to think about things, they read

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something online, that makes Islam look bad. And instead of doing the deep, the deep thinking about it, they just leave it there and they move on to something else. Right. And so the thought stays here and it grows and it grows. So my advice is, when you have these thoughts, take the time to contract.

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The contract them using the article that word has given you the fitrah that Allah has given you and the washi that Allah has given to the Quran and Sunnah. Using these three things, we can overcome such roads, don't be afraid to be alone with your thoughts. And so what are the practical advice I can give today is that each and every one of us need to make time every day to be disconnected. Even if our jobs demand if we are connected all the time, at least an hour in the morning, when we have no phone, no internet, no family, just you alone.

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loss of a loved one you can take this as a student that needs to be divided. This is the time when you get intuitively. This is the time where you get to deal with with the downside of this is the time that you get to develop your thoughts and mature as a person and grow into a better version of yourself. And our alone with your thoughts is one of the most important and productive things you can do for yourself. So this would be the practical lesson that we take from this Boston Tawana and you have to live

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in an

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era when we need

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to be truly unfussy now for me see,

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idea to allow people

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to log in solo it was

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removed who you

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were in Ghana was Nina Ramos

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because a lot of Muslims in every child is born on the beach.

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But it is his parents who make him a Jew or make him a Christian or make up for Austria. And if they had been Muslim, he also would have been Muslim and what this means is that every child is born with the natural understanding of the oneness.

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All, in the purpose of life, in a sense of, of having said some means of donation to us, and in a sense of morality and, and justice is all ingrained in human nature. And it's only our social engineering that takes us away from this to what is.

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And this brings me to the second main benefit of understanding Islam is the religion of the fitrah. But that is the importance of using this as a tool for doubt. And very often, when it comes to Dawa, we want to go into debates, you want to go into comparative religion, we want to go into philosophy, all of this has its place, all of this has its role all of this important. Well, not everybody can do this. And there is a much simpler way to do doubt. And that is simply to appeal to the bedrock of people.

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A few years ago, I did some research into the lives of people who had accepted Islam.

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And then read the biographies of over 100 people in our times who had accepted Islam, I am not going to use the word called good or evil, but know how can you get me when people say convert into other

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people? So I'll just need to, like people who had accepted Islam. I went through life, looking for common threads, what's the one thing or the common core values of religion? Or is it the guy hanging out afterwards? Or the marriage? What was it? The number one thing I found in more than half the cases that I read? Was the future? What do we mean by that more than half of the cases that I read the people who first they look inward, and the developed in natural understanding of, of good and evil, and then they look for religions that match that, and they study the different religions of the world. And all of these people came to the same conclusion that the only religion that we want

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100% match the natural beliefs was Islam.

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These are people who should look inwardly alive at the belief that is one God, it must be a prophecy, right? He must accept revelation, there must be an afterlife, there must be a moral code that we live by. And when you look for a religion that encompasses all of this, they found the one, Islam, and this became the main reason that I have found in hundreds of stories of people who accepted Islam, I have found number one reason was the picture. Even in my own experience, I have seen this a few years ago, I was teaching some classes during

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your undergrad and there was a Christian random while attending these classes, very sincere seeker of the truth. And he attended every class. And then in the fifth or sixth lesson we had in class on the victim, what the Muslims believe about. It was when we got to that lesson that need to be shut up. Because the concept of the vitra inches, it just be like this is it. This is what he was.

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And this happened a few weeks ago as well. I was at the masjid. And we had an event for non Muslims to come and learn about Islam. And we answered all of the questions about Islam. And the one thing they got most interested in asking a lot of questions and even deeply what we like brought up the concept of Demeter.

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When I brought up how Islam agrees with our natural beliefs in morality, and justice and purpose in life, and the oneness of God, that was one.

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So my second main lesson today

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is that when we are reaching out to people with the message of Islam, we don't always have to go into comparative religion, we don't always have to go into philosophy, we don't always have to go into reputation and debates. Most of the time, we just have to keep it simple. Just appeal to the person spectrum. And one of the things I like to do like to ask the person, what do you naturally be? What do you what do you believe in your heart? What does your heart tell us the truth. And then they'll say things like, there must be a god, there must be a purpose of life, there must be an afterlife.

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And that becomes the bridge to which the dialogue is. So don't underestimate the role of the finger up and down. This is one of the most powerful power tools that we have. And it's one of the most underutilized our tools that we have also time to retreat for dialogue. We want to know for everything else, but we don't know for what is simple and what is required. So the next time you're talking to someone about this level of sharing the message itself, and so one, appeal to the victim and inshallah that can be reached for the

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maker for those who are writing guidance and guidance for others.

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On the street Park maker, so the people have to hear those words and beliefs and needs are always in line. The picture from Bernardino Petunia has an app What are you working on

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as well?

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let you know

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how you did which

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was to love and how did you learn

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