Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Of Surah Nasr

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the conquest of Makiter by Allah and the importance of proving Islam is a true religion. The importance of testing actions and learning from history is emphasized, as well as the importance of empowering young people to grow in their own homes and teach them the importance of Islam. The importance of forgiveness and a strong mindset is also emphasized. The need for forgiveness and a strong mindset is emphasized, as well as the importance of learning from the Quran and working on one's own life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh this week hamdulillah we have a very, very important surah to look at the surah we looking at today is very closely related

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to the Sierra to the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and surah Nestor, which is the 100 and 10th chapter of the Quran, and is made up of only three verses. It is the third shortest surah in the Quran, only Surah Surah. Kosar is shorter than the sutra. But it is a very important and very powerful surah because this was the final surah to be revealed in its totality. It's important to know that this was not the final verse of the Quran to be revealed. No, they were verses of the Quran to be revealed after it. However, this was the last surah to be revealed. What do we mean by that? When we look at the revelation of the Quran, we should understand that the Quran

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was not revealed in one sitting, the Quran was revealed in pieces over a 23 year period. Whenever certain verses were relevant. Allah subhana wa Taala would at time sit down individual verses and the angel Jabra, he would talk Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam into which surah to place those verses, or sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala would reveal entire sutras. So when it comes to the revelation of an entire surah, in one sitting surah, Nasser was the final surah to be revealed. However, there were one or two verses which will reveal it. And many of them have a serene state that this Torah was revealed.

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Just three years or so just three months before the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So let's do a quick translation of the surah. And then we will look at the history behind it. And the Tafseer of its verses and the practical implication it can have in our lives Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, either a natural law he will put when the assistance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and victory comes are eaten una de de la hwacha. And you see people entering into the religion of Allah in large groups, but it's a bit behind the Arabic I was stuck

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there then declare the praises of your Lord and seek forgiveness in who Garnet awaba definitely He is the one who accepts repentance. So this short surah made up of three important verses was the last hurrah to be revealed in its entirety in the Quran. And

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what is the surah talking about the surah begins by mentioned that when the help of Allah and victory came, what is the help of Allah that the surah is referring to? We look at this era of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. From the time he became a prophet, until

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the time when he finally conquered mockup, it was over 20 years. For 20 years Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam faced obstacle upon obstacle in his tower. He called the people to Allah. But in the early years, very few people accepted of those who accepted many Wait, watch it. Many were killed, and most had to flee the city Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself. After 13 years of doing everything he could to spread the Tao in Makkah, he decided to make the hedger to Medina.

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And in Medina, the tests and trials facing the Tao Hua did not stop. Because then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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had to face other issues, the people of Makkah still we after him, they have to fight battles, the Battle of butter, the Battle of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam lost a tooth, and his face was bleeding at the hands of the disbelievers. And he said, How can people receive the mercy of Allah when they do this to the Prophet?

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and many other things happened? His wife Khadija passed away in Makkah, due to a boycott from the disbelievers towards him. His daughter, Xena, was killed. It wasn't she didn't die on the spot, but she was injured by a disbeliever which caused her to suffer from the damage that eventually led to her death.

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And his uncle Hamza was martyred in the hood and his body was mutilated.

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All of this was going on.

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And so finally, Allah subhanho wa Taala towards the end of the life of Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam granted him victory over the disbelievers of Makkah, then he became the Conqueror and the rule of Makkah. Now, let's

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backup. But before we go into the actual story of the conquest of Makkah, this top year to take a lesson, why? The question here is why why would Allah subhanho wa Taala do this to Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, when we know the Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, is the most beloved of creation to him? And the answer is found in the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Islam in which he said that the most severely tested people are the prophets, and then those who are closest to them in piety, and then those who are closest to them in piety.

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If you look at the world around us, Allah subhanaw taala has informed us that our purpose in life is to worship Allah.

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But the purpose of this planet that we are living on the purpose of this existence on Earth, is to test us. Allah Subhana Allah says, In surah alga, verse number six, verse number seven, a large 100 seeds in a number of other diseases, Xena de la, Nina blue, whom au Amala, we have created whatever is on this earth, as a means of testing you, or the means of testing them, so that we can see which of them is best in the deeds. So in this verse, Allah subhanaw taala is informing us that the purpose of this earth is a testing ground for the humans. And our final destination is paradise or *.

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paradise itself is not just one level, there are different levels of paradise. And if you look at paradise, and we are to try putting a price on it in terms of current market values on Earth, you wouldn't be able to do so because it's that amazing.

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So do we think we can get the highest levels of Paradise without doing something for it? No, we will face the trials of life. And the more righteous we are, the closer we are to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the more trials we will face. Many of us have this misconception that when we become practicing Muslims, or for the non Muslims, when we convert to Islam, then everything is smooth. It's not like that. The closer you are to Allah, the more tests you will face. Why, what's the purpose of the tests? Number one, the test makes you a better person, it makes you a stronger person. Because when you face adversity, and you overcome it, with subber, and with the hard work,

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and with the vocal, and with taking action, and being strong, you become a better person. And so if you are continuously throughout your life facing one difficulty after another,

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and you continue to worship Allah and you continue to do the right thing, you will become amongst the best of people. And we just have to look at the history of anybody who has made a difference in this world, you will not find a single story of a single hero of this world, whether it's Muslim or non Muslim, who did not face trials and tests and adversity. It's it's part of the nature of this world, that when somebody wants to do something good, when somebody wants to make a difference, they will be tested. And they will be put through these trials. And these these trials that made them better is these trials and made them stronger. And it is these trials that we remember them for. We

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don't remember the stories of any of the heroes of Islam, for the good time will remember their stories for what happened, what they did during the difficult times. I mean, we don't sit and we talk about how it was when they were sitting at home and enjoying the food and sleeping comfortably at night. No one tells the stories. Why? because anybody can do that. What makes the prophets of Allah and the Sahaba so important.

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What makes them so important? It is the bat, what makes them so unique? What makes them so

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what's the word I'm looking for? What makes them so special that we look at them as our heroes. That's the word I'm looking for what makes the prophets of Allah and this harbor and the righteous people of the past, so special, that we look up to them. It's that when they went through trials, which we feel might put us down might harm us. They went through it and came out stronger and better, and they rose above the situation. And so that's what we need to do as well. That is the nature of this world. That is the nature of life, we will be tested. The prophets of Allah we tested, we too will be tested. The prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala were helped. When they pass

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the test, we too will receive Allah's help when you pass the test. And so the conquest of Makkah, was alleged to be handled as help NASA to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after 20 years of difficulty at the hands of the disbelievers

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and what happened at the conquest of Makkah

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What made it such a special and grand event? What made it so special is not the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam finally conquered mockup amid enemies. But the peaceful manner in which it was done because we must remember this was the history of Muslims being tortured and killed and waged war against and you know, separated from the families and well to a stolen and everything bad possible happened to the Muslims of Makkah and Medina at the hands of the disbelievers of Makkah. And so, when rasulillah slowly some gained victory over the people of Makkah, and he walked into Makkah, a conqueror, they were scared, didn't know what he was going to do, because the normal human

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being in a situation like that, who does not fear Allah? Or even many of us who do fear Allah, in a situation like that we thinking revenge, right? We thinking revenge. And the way amongst the Sahaba due to a thinking about revenge, one of the Sahaba stood up and said, today is going to be a day of bloodshed. And Rasulullah colorscheme corrected him and said, No, today is going to be the day of mercy. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam marched into Makkah, at the head of a huge army of companions, with his head bowed down in humility, thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala, for having blessed him with this, knowing that victory is from Allah and help is from Allah, and we are not victorious in

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our own. And he told the people of Makkah that he has forgiven them and they are free.

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This is the highest level of righteousness and justice and mercy for the human being can reach the people who had done all of this to him. All of this to me now finally has power over them. And it takes no

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in No he doesn't take any revenge. Now the way a small list of this believers in Makkah, who Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam did not pattern, and which he had said that they have to be punished for the crimes against Islam. But you know what? these same people, he did end up forgiving them and they became Muslims. They became Muslims, and they became Sahaba. The people who are on his list, people like Hindi been the one who had mutilated his uncle Holmes's body. And it Karima the son of Abu Jamal was one of the commanders of the disbelieving army. and stuff one omiya was also one of the commanders of the disbelieving army. But he forgave them all. And they all became Muslims. And

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they all became Sahaba. And they fought for Islam, and he died for Islam, the Forgiving nature of her so the last lesson in this event should not be underestimated. This is one of the most powerful stories to prove the Islam was the religion of mercy and justice. When people were oppressing the Sahaba Rasulullah Salallahu Islam

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did not feel anything wrong with fighting to defend his people, and to protect them from evil. But when he gained the upper hand, it was mercy. It was forgiveness. It was justice. And because of this event of the conquest of Makkah, it showed the disbelievers a number of things. Number one, it showed many of them that Islam is indeed the true religion of Allah, how and why? Well, many of the people of Makkah, wind Rasulullah, David even Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam first clean prophet with over 20 years before that, and he saw a man alone in a city claiming to be a prophet, and only about eight or 10 people following him. And within a period of 20 years, that number has multiplied to

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10,000. And this men, when you can follow us we are pressed in Makkah, we now do rulers of Makkah and Medina and most of Arabia.

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And he didn't have special equipment, they did not have a lot of wealth. They did not have all the material things that we think are necessary for victory. Yes, they tried to have it and they gained it over time, but not in the beginning. When you first moved to Medina, the Sahaba had to leave whatever they had behind them.

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And you had to start from scratch, but they built the way up. This entire process seemed miraculous, or it was miraculous because this is unheard of in the history of humankind, for anyone to have accomplished this. And so we find the during the last few years of Islam, many people the Holly dibny Waleed anomaly they'll ask before the conquest of Makkah, and at the conquest of Makkah, people like Abu sufian and his sons yazeed. And where are we are and people like so haledon Yama, and supportively omiya. And it could even be johal and Hindi been the opa rhodiola, who and whom all of these people who were initially the enemies of Islam, converted to Islam and became the Sahaba

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and became part of the leading armies of the Muslims.

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It was a day hence, imagine that the same hands who fought or should have left lollies alone, and who said that the Muslims will never be successful, and who said that the Muslims are delusional in thinking they will conquer conquer Persia and Rome. It was the same hands who became Muslims to the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and became the conquerors of Persia and Rome was founded in a Walid who led the armies into Iraq and Syria. It was a Yazidi Abbey soufiane, mo soufiane, who amongst the first rulers of Damascus, it was American us who was the first conqueror of Egypt. It crema died in a battle of Yarmouk in Syria, fighting for the believers, all of these men, who at one

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point in time look to be the enemies of Islam, became the heroes of Islam.

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So in this, we learned another lesson, we learn about the truth of Islam historically, that Islam is the true religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala, through religion of God, and there are a variety of ways to prove it. Today, we look at a different way of proving it. And that is historically, historically, what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his companions accomplished within those few short years, was nothing short of miraculous. It became clear to those fighting against him, that Allah subhanaw taala was fighting on their side. And that's why many of those who were initially the enemies of Islam, became convinced that Islam is the true religion. I became the

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defenders of Islam. And so we can use this point in history, in our dour and in our discussions with those who think that Islam is, you know, a religion of violence, or religion of harshness. No, we see the mercy of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam first in number two, number two, we see how Allah subhanaw taala helped him Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So one of the factors which contributed to many people converting to Islam at this point in time, was the,

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the fact that this victory over Makkah, proved to them that he was indeed the true prophet of Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the second factor, which led to many people converting to Islam was the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam was now the dominant power.

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There are many tribes in Arabia, who are sitting back and watching and they were waiting to see who will win the war, because they thought to themselves if he's a true prophet, he will win. So we will look at this point inshallah, as we need to go for one more break when we return, we will continue with the Tafseer of Sudan. So Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We are looking at the conquest of Makkah, and what were the reasons and factors that contributed to people accepting Islam in large numbers after this conquest? We said the first factor was that this had proven that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam was the true prophet of Allah to many of the people that muck

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The second factor was the Divi tribes who were watching and waiting to see what will happen. It is reported in Sahih al Bukhari from Ammar Ebony Solomon. He said that when Makkah was conquered, every tribe hastened to declare the acceptance of Islam to Allah's Messenger, they were waiting for this to take place, saying to themselves, leave them to fight themselves, he would indeed be a prophet if he prevailed over them. So basically, what I'm hearing is Allah is telling us that most of the tribes of Arabia told each other that let's wait and see what happens between the people that Makkah, and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, if he is victorious, then he's indeed the true

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prophet. And if they are victorious, then he can't be a true prophet. And so they wait and waited, and they watched. And when the conquest of Makkah to place it became evident to most of the tribes in Arabia, that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was indeed a true prophet. And so many, many tribes across Arabia began to accept Islam. And so this is the second factor that these tribes were watching, and they were waiting, then we have a third factor, and that is the mercy that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed at the conquest of Makkah.

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Because this character, this level of good character, which he showed was something beyond normal human behavior, especially for the Arabs, the Arabs were known for revenge. I mean, if someone had to hurt a person from another tribe, did great grandchildren's will be fighting each other over the revenge for that issue. Yet Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam in a situation where he had all the power to take revenge on the people of Makkah, he forgave them.

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This was something new to the Arabs. This is something strange to them. That what level of mercy

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See and justice masters have this man have and Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the Rasulullah sallallahu lucem in the Quran, Rama RSL Naka Illa Ramadan al Ameen. We only sent you as a mercy to the people to the universe. And so this became an clear example of His mercy. And people across the world.

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Across the Arab world at that time, came to New about boaters. And from all different parts of the Arabian Peninsula, people began to accept Islam. They came in huge numbers, entire tribes and tri cities and villages came to accept Islam until Islam became the dominant religion of Arabia.

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And this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is referring to in the Torah, either a natural law he was

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when Allah's help and victory came or eaten, una de de la wacha. And you see the people entering into this religion of Allah in groups. The question is now what, what next? There was the mission of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to do the dour to get it rolling to get the message out there and secured and in the hands of those capable enough to continue. So what does he do next? Allah Subhana Allah tells him for some behind behind the rock because Stubblefield in Karnataka

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recite the glorification of praise of Allah and seek His forgiveness because he's the one who accepts repentance. Now, interesting story, which will give us an idea of why Allah subhanaw taala revealed the specific verse.

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I'm not too sure how many of us are familiar with Abdullah in a bar. So I'm just going to give a quick biography of him before mentioning the story because it's about him. Abdullah Abbas rajala, one who was the cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam from his uncle abass. And he was only 13 years old and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away. So when Omar became the holy homeowner photography allowed, who became the Khalid, Abdullah Ibn Abbas was still in his late teens, early 20s. And almost no hot tub would get all of the elders amongst the Sahaba to sit with him to discuss Islamic issues. But he would make sure that Abdullah Abbas was sitting amongst him even though he

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was still a teenager, or in his early 20s. And many of the elders irritated with this there what why is this?

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Why is this young man sitting amongst the elders? So they inquire about it and Omar regular on who said

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that you know that he is of high standing. Right, he said, You know that he's of high standing. Now, you're going to talk this is not about delighting your boss. But just a bit more about what we mean by heat by high heat up high standing up dinner in a boss was not just the cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, but as its child and in his early teens, rather as a child in his preteens, he used to spend many of his nights in the house of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam printed with him.

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And he learned from Iraq to the to the lungs and make dua for him to Allah gives him the understanding of the Quran. And so, we find that Abdullah Ibn Abbas, he became known as dermal farseer, the one who understood the Quran destroy amongst the Sahaba. But this was many years later. Now we go back to the early part of his life, and he was still in his late teens or early 20s. And the elders are asking, Well, why are you making this youngster sit amongst us? So I asked him, What do you understand from Allah? subhanaw taala surah Elijah and assala? What?

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What what what what what does this mean to you? This this, I want you to pay attention to the story because you see a very deep lesson here. He asked us a haba. These are the leading Sahaba at the edge of his heart. What does the story mean to you whether the sutra mean to you? Some of them said

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unless you have a hunter is urging us to praise him and seek His forgiveness. Whenever he helps us, or gives us favors. Many of the others kept quiet. So Omar, regular on who asked Abdullah Abbas, do you agree with this opinion, if they are bas, Abdullah in a bar said NO. MERCY is there. What is your opinion? Now this is a young man in his early teens, early 20s, talking to the elders amongst the Sahaba he said,

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he said that this surah It was a sign from Allah to His Messenger, indicating the end of his life in this world.

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When the victory of Allah and conquest come understand that the end is near, so please Allah and seek His forgiveness, because you're going to pass away.

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Omarosa, who said that, this is the correct Tafseer of the surah. And this is funny Sahil Bukhari now there's a lot of lessons we can take from that before we go into exactly what Abdullah said, and what we learned from that. Let's just take a lesson from the fact that he was the one who said it very often. We know we are very good

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to dismiss the opinions understanding of those who are younger than us, and we need to understand as Muslims that age is not the factor of what is right and what is wrong. Rather, truth is the factor is this what Allah subhanaw taala and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam taught or not. So if we are corrected by one who is younger than us, we should never take it personally we should never

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rejected on the basis of the age. Rather, we should look at it objectively. And if they are right, except correction doesn't matter how young they are. If they are wrong, then thank them for the advice. But you but explain to them nicely why you don't agree with them. Unfortunately, we've lost this entire culture of giving youngsters an opportunity to stay the opinions and to grow into the deen and to become scholars of the deen. The reason that so many of the young Sahaba became a llama was because they had this opportunity. It was not only Abdullah igneous, even Ayesha rajala on her. She was the leading female scholar amongst the Sahaba the men used to go and study tafsir and Hades

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and fig from her. But she was only 18 Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam passed away.

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And the same with many others. Abdullah ma Massoud he accepted Islam at a very young age. And he became one of the leading scholars amongst the Sahaba as well. Why How did all of this tribe Abdullah Omar dominate the hot tubs on sun, all of them were very young when they became Islamic scholars. It's because of the environment that was created around them by the elders. This environment that you can learn, you can be respected regardless of your age, we will take you seriously. We will give you a chance to grow and to learn and to become a scholar of Islam. And so Abdullah, Abbas, Abdullah, Ma, Omar and Ayesha and all these other great scholars trapped in that

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environment. We need to revive that environment in our own homes with our own children. Teach them the deen. But don't teach it in a way that if they ask a question, you hit them with a stick? No. They asked a question. I'd say it. If you don't know the answer, find out the answer.

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They will appreciate it. If they have an opinion. You don't silence them straightaway. But listen to them if the opinion is right. Alhamdulillah Allah has guided your child, in the opinion is wrong explained to them again in the nice way.

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We want our youngsters and children to love Islam, and to grow into Islam. Unfortunately, many of us the way we treat them and the way we speak about Islam and speak about the religion, it chases them away, and gives them a bad taste about what Islam is about. And that's not the way of the early generations, the early generations, created an environment in which young people loved Islam. And young people felt a part of this oma and they felt they could make a contribution and a difference. And that's why so many youngsters became leading Sahaba even in the future generations after the Sahaba if you look at so many of the heroes of Islam, even a sharpie, Mr. Malik, so many of them

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started off at a very young age, because of the environment to provide this environment in our homes and environment. We we nurture our children, teach them to think positively teach them to think in the right way. Create that love of Islam in their hearts, and inshallah we too can produce a generation who are righteous and knowledgeable of the deen.

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So getting back to what Abdullah Abbas had said, he said that the surah was assigned that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was going to pass away. How do we know this? How did he and Omar rajala who get this understanding? Well, if you look at the mission of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam it was to do the dour and now Allah subhanaw taala is revealing the final surah in the Quran, that it's done.

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well as helping victory has come people have entered into Islam in large groups. Now all that's left for you is true.

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Sabir say Subhanallah, the hum the Arabic Alhamdulillah was stuck there is stuck part of stokfella biggest a violin maker and prepare for the afterlife. If you look at what Allah Allah Hunter is not telling Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to prepare the armies and go after Iraq or Syria. No, that was the job of the Sahaba of the next generation, his role. And his mission was completed. All there was left now was to prepare for the afterlife. And in this is a lesson in of itself. Many of us even when it comes to our power, even when it comes to our community efforts. We think in terms of denier, like many of us who think in terms of dunia we look at success in terms of how many people

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are converting to Islam, how many people are listening to our programs, how many people are following us on Facebook, on Twitter, right? We look at that as success. That is not success. Success is when Allah subhana wa Taala accepts our deeds on the Day of Judgment. And so in this surah Allah is reminding us that even in times of the

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Evil will always help you on your side evil when everything is going well and you are now in a position of power. Still, at that point in time, focus on the Akira. Focus on your relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala focus on remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala focused on pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala focused on maintaining a close connection with him. Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam attributed the victory to Allah, Allah Subhana. Allah himself in the Quran attributes the victory to himself, teaching us that victory is from Allah. And so we should praise Allah. Many times in our Dawa and in our efforts with his business or whatever it is we involved in, we tend to attribute

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success to ourselves. And then we sit back and feel we've done our job,

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but allowed to handle the job of a believer is never done. The job of worshipping Allah and praising Allah and getting close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And being Allah subhanaw taala is good books

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is not over until we die, no matter what we achieve on this earth, even the conquest of Makkah, still, Sabir Can you and pleasing Allah subhanaw taala, he still far continue seeking all that forgiveness. So this is a very important lesson that we take from the surah.

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That even when things are right, even if we have victory, even if you can see the light on our side, we do not slack and in our ibadah we do not forget the purpose of our lives. The purpose of life was not to conquer Makkah. The purpose of life was not that other people except Islamic groups know that from Allah Subhana Allah guides the hearts. The purpose in life was to do job, the purpose in life was to do the Dawa. The purpose in life was to do whatever was pleasing to Allah subhanho wa Taala the purpose in life is to worship Allah to praise our Creator to worship our Creator as he wants to be worshipped until we meet him.

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And that is the main message and reminder of surah Nasir,

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his agenda follow one particular victory and and help Kim Kim and you saw the people entering into the Allies religion in groups. So praise Him

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and glorify His praises and seek forgiveness in Canada. Definitely He is the one who accepts repentance. Interestingly, one other lesson we can take from the surah

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Allah subhanaw taala tells Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what's the appeal? seek forgiveness. And we all know the Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam

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does not have any sense. It he would seek forgiveness 100 times a day. And you increase the increase in his dick file and seeking forgiveness after the shooter was revealed. If the one person who does not have sense, and he's guaranteed paradise would seek forgiveness so much. What about us, the average person who's involved in so many wrong things and so many sins? How much more important is for us to have this connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. To to you know, to always be looking into ourselves and seeing what am I doing wrong, what mistakes they do today what sins they commit today will not forgive me. And we need to have this mindset. We need to have this personality and

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attitude of being a of being someone who's always introspective, someone is always looking inside and seeing what have I done wrong and trying to correct ourselves. Because if Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam was told to make a stick far after victory towards the end of his life, even though he was sinless, that applies a million times more to us. We need to be making a stick for every day of our lives. We need to be seeking Allah subhanaw taala as forgiveness all the time. With that we need to go for one last break when we return we will conclude with the Tafseer of Surah Surah Salaam walakum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh we look to the Torah Nasser, it's the third shortest surah in the

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Quran. Only three short verses. It was the last hurrah to be revealed. It's only the first two rounds we memorize as a child.

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Right in preschool, or grade one whenever you started to take one of the first sutras you memorize. Yet it's such an important surah. The lessons that we can take from it are so many and today we spoke about many of the lessons from the sutra we spoke about the conquest of Makkah. We spoke about how Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam dealt with the people at the conquest of Makkah, he was not the only one to do so. This became the Sunnah, which was followed by the conquerors after him.

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We know Magna Carta rajala who conquered Palestine and Jerusalem. It was a moment that the Muslims were amazed by the Muslims were absolutely overjoyed that Palestine, Jerusalem, the land of Muslims to oxa the land of the earlier prophets, was not under their control

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and the Christian rulers of Palestine at that time

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The Christian police who are in charge of Palestine and Jerusalem at that time, they wanted Omar himself to come and collect the keys.

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And when he arrived, they could not distinguish him from any of his companions. They could Omar in the hot tub with a simple man who has simple clothes, and this league Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam walk into Makkah with his head down in humility, pleasing Allah and seeking forgiveness. In a more in a hot tub did the same and he conquered Palestine. And in doing so he conquered the hearts of the people of Jerusalem. And he began to love him and look at him as a true ruler. It was the same many years later, after the Crusaders had invaded Palestine again and butchered and slaughtered Ambassador blood many Muslims and Jews and Christians and let the blood flow throughout the streets.

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It was during that time of difficulty that Allah subhanho wa Taala sent to the oma another revival of the religion, Salahuddin Allah Ub rajala Rahim Allah

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and Salah Houdini UB was the one who conquered Jerusalem back from the Christian Crusaders, so that he could be open for anyone to come. And remember that before him when the Crusaders took over Jerusalem, they had massacred and killed anyone who has any Muslim, Jew or Christian. They massacred the people until the blood was flowing in the streets

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and into law who didn't walk in as a conqueror?

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What did he do? He did what Rasulullah Salallahu Islam did when he conquered Morocco, he led all the Christians go free. And he told them that they can worship Allah in peace, just as the Muslims will and the Jews will. And so and so the holding up.

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Everyone had religious freedom and peace and justice in Jerusalem. Should we see that the conquest of Makkah, establish the sooner the sooner of humility in victory, the sooner of attributing our victory to Allah subhanaw taala. The sooner Have mercy and justice with those who have power and control over now, none of us here are rulers of countries or conquerors or presidents. But we are, we do have authority over our families, over our employees, over domestic workers. And so the same concept of justice, mercy, and humility applies and how we deal with them.

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Because this is what we will be held accountable for.

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Every single one of us is a shepherd, what we'll look

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at each of you will be asked about his flock. Every one of us is in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala responsible for people and those people who are put under our authority, we will be responsible of how we treated and did we follow the Sunnah. and treat him with justice and mercy, did we because if you look at the social solution told us that your workers, your brothers, feed them from what you eat, clothed them with what you wear, if you give them too much work, help them to do the work. How many of us follow this? How many of us follow the instructions of the Saudis today, in the early generations, people would convert to Islam just because of this. Oh, someone was

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brought in as a prisoner of war to a Muslim man. And suddenly the man who's in charge of him, he's treating as part of the family and even giving precedence to the slaves over themselves and they work with over themselves. And this greed character, caused people to flock to Islam. How many of us today can see that we treat our employees as our brothers and sisters, that we treat them as equal to us.

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And so we need to revive The sooner, the sooner that we learned from the conquest of Makkah humility in victory, and forgiveness, and mercy and justice. These are the qualities of a Muslim who is in charge of another Muslim.

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Another lesson that we had learned from the surah

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is that our purpose in life is to worship Allah. And this does not end until we pass away. Even if we granted victory, even if we accomplish our worldly goals, even if we become whatever it is, you want to become in this world is not over. It's not over until we pass away. So don't forget that no matter what. No matter what you go through in life, no matter what level of success that you reach, do not forget Allah. And this is such an important lesson because it is more difficult

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for people who are successful and rich, to live a righteous lifestyle as compared to someone who is not successful or somebody who is not successful or rich is making dua all the time and praying Salah all the time to unlock and help them. But the real test comes when you are in the position where you've got the money, you've got the power, you've got whatever you want there. I mean, for many South Africa, Muslims, this is the case we've got money. We've got power. We've got good life. We've got nice

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Do you still remember law? Do you still pray five times a day on time? Are you still just to your employees? Are you still kind and merciful to everybody that you meet? Are you still doing the Dawa? Are you representing Islam in your character and actions?

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This is the question you need to ask ourselves, or has the money become our God, and that which we worship. So when victory comes, wherever the victory may be, your business was successful. That's a victory. You got your PhD, that's a victory. Right? You got married, that's a victory. Whatever it is, when that victory comes with Allah helps you remember, some behind the Robbie was stuck there. Continue to praise Allah, and to seek forgiveness for your sins, keep that connection with Allah strong, stay close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Because this is a test. This is a test, just like the difficulty was a test. Just like the difficult times in your life era test, the good times also a

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test. And that's when it is determined, who will be the one who will be the one who Allah subhana wa who will be the one who will remain close to Allah subhanho wa Taala, even in times of good and ease. And so this surah was three verses, the dirt shorter surah in the Quran.

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Yet well hamdulillah we have pulled out so many so many important lessons. And now it's up to us to apply to our lives. Because we will be held responsible on the Day of Judgment for all of this. If we are not worshiping Allah subhanaw taala as he deserves to be worshipped. If we are not fulfilling the rights of those who Allah has placed under our authority, if we are not focusing on our goal of gender and the akhira and the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and only focusing and prioritizing our worldly goals. And again, there's nothing wrong with worldly goals, but I already should be given to Allah subhanho wa Taala but if we are doing all of this, Allah will ask us on the Day of

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Judgment, did you not read his natural law he will but did you not read the sutra? Did you not learn this stuff here? Why did you not follow it?

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So let us take the next step Alhamdulillah every Wednesday, we are looking at the surah we are learning about it. We are understanding it is up to each and every one of us to put it into practice. Because in the Day of Judgment, we will be held responsible for what we did with our lives. Next week inshallah we look at the last surah from this back section of the Quran, and then we will move on to the sutras from what to her onwards.

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So next week, inshallah we'll be looking at surah Allah hub, another important surah historically dealing with the early Moroccan years, and

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Abu lahab, the uncle of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and his story. That's a very important surah would once again some very powerful lessons for each and every one of us as a result of the Quran. So I look forward inshallah to seeing you all next week. May Allah subhanaw taala make the Quran, the light of our hearts and the guidance of our souls and make each and every one of us ambassadors of the Quran. Welcome Davina and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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