Ismail Kamdar – Ramadan 2019 #10 – There will come a generation

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the historical pattern of Islam, where the majority of Muslims are following their desires and desire to becomelighted. The transcript also highlights the importance of not abandoning one's desires and working hard to stay evil to avoid punishment and punishment from thecutter in the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam on w Karim. So today inshallah we're going to take a look at a verse from Surah Merriam. So one of my favorite sutras in Surah Maryam Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about the stories of some of the great prophets of Allah and mudumalai salaam and it's really super about family that certainly was true Muslims about you know, it's the story of secretaria de Salaam, making dua for son Allah Quran seemed miraculous and in the form of era Salah is about mudumalai salaam being blessed with a miraculous and easily said he's a Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salam trying to do Dawa to his father, his father rejecting his message at a loss of $100

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blessing. Ibrahim Ali Salaam, with righteous sons and grandsons in the form of a smile on his heart he sent in your Kobe's his grandson, or the chemo Salaam. And then there's the story of Mousavi Salaam and his brother, you know, making dua for his brother that his brother also becomes a prophet. So the common theme in all these stories, is family. And worship, Hannah speaks about his family speaks about how they are beloved to Allah bless to Allah, how they are on the path to gender. But then after the loss of 100, I mentioned something about the opposite. Right, something that will happen after the time of the prophets that will come later after every prophet did a

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couple of generations that are righteous, and then the comes a generation or two that is unrighteous. So Allah Subhana Allah says in the next verse after talking about the stories of the prophets wahala from embody him hold on adorable schelotto whatever Shahada so for your cornucopia, after them, they will come a generation that will abandon Sala and follow the desires, and they will be thrown into the hellfire. Now, this is a very important verse because if you look at our property, lagier salaam, his generation, they wouldn't even think about abandoning this fellow,

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leave alone following their desires. But now 1400 years later, we look at the Muslim world today, the majority of Muslims don't pray Salah

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the majority of Muslims are following their desires. Now, you know, I won't say everyone is 100 it is still a distant millions of Muslims who pray five times a day and we're trying to be righteous. What is you know, the over a billion Muslims in the world, it's still a very small percentage that's actually fulfilling this. So what's the what's the worst time to teach us this verse, the number one, it's telling us of a historical pattern, and a cycle that this world goes through that the generations where the majority of people are righteous, and this is followed by generations, where the majority of people are not righteous. And, you know, we need to be aware of which generation we

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are in, because it may be easier to be a practicing Muslim, in the time where a majority of people are righteous. But it can be more than rewarding to be a practicing Muslim in a time where the majority of people are going to say because there are more challenges, there are more temptations, there are more things in your way. A second thing we can take from this,

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from this surah from this verse, is that these two sins are linked. Allah Subhana Allah mentions two cents together, abandoning solo and following one's desires. And you know, in another verse, Allah says in Surah, Uncle good enough Salatin Hani Pasha, he went one car, Salah prevents you from falling into immorality. And so in other words, Salah is the barrier between us and sin and following our desires becoming immortal. And so when we begin to go astray, the beginning point is abandonment of Salah. Once the Salah is gone, then it becomes much much easier to fall into sin and he the following one's desires. So what is the what is the one thing we need to focus on in our

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lives to make sure that we stay righteous to make sure that we don't fall into sin so we don't become people on the wrong path people headed towards, you know, the purification of the heart that takes place in the helper we don't want to be part of that group. We want to be part of the group that goes straight to paradise without having to see the Hellfire at all, you know, how do we stay part of that group is going straight to validate how do we work to be part of that group. We do it by meaning firm upon our Salah, ecomax Allah establishing the Salah, that's all that solar becomes a barrier between us and said that Salah becomes a means of controlling our desires, that solar

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becomes a means of keeping us on the straight path. So that's the message from from this verse that you know we need to be steadfast in our salah and in doing so inshallah we keep our desires under control. And if we abandon Salah, then we may end up becoming

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hedonistic we may end up becoming people of desire. And if that happens, then we are heading down a dark path which can lead to punishment from the lamonta in this world or the next Allah protect us and we forgive those who have fallen into these sins and guide them back towards righteousness. So we will end with that for today Joseph Caliphate and Africa 100 rupee alaminos salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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