Ismail Kamdar – Inspirations From The Righteous – 9

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers cultural and political impacts of the Middle East war, including the loss of women and the rise of the woman of great wisdom. The speakers emphasize protecting women and learning from them, as well as the need to learn from women and their families. A woman named Helen is upset because she didn't receive her Christmas tree, and they discuss details of the situation. The conversation shifts to a Christmas party and a Christmas party for Christmas. The speakers also talk about a woman named Janae who had a bad Christmas experience and is upset about her phone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam wa rahmatullah al Ameen momento via de la COVID sN Illa Yomi Deen. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala and asking him to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the last day. Today inshallah we are going to be looking at one of my favorite stories of one of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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a woman who had

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all of the qualities that people of this world

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look for, as well as all of the qualities that we look for in the afterlife.

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woman who Stoney we are looking at today is oma Salama. Raja LaWanda,

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whose full name is Hindi bindi Abby omiya.

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Now ami Salama Raja what's interesting about her life is that she had in her every quality that is that is praiseworthy in a woman. He has everything that someone can be given in terms of this world as well as the afterlife. So as far as her worldly qualities were concerned, woman, Salama rhodiola was one of the most beautiful woman of the courage. We know this because of the Hadees in which I shall Roger law states that when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam married woman Salama Ayesha was jealous, because of how beautiful was the description of woman Salah. But when she saw my Salah for the first time, she said that her beauty was even more than the description of Rasulullah

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sallallahu sallam. So she was a very beautiful woman. And she was a very noble woman because she came from a very high ranking tribe in Arabia. Remember, Arabia at that time had was a tribal society. So what tribe you came from very much affected your status in society. So I'm Solomon was the daughter of Abu omiya. Even Iran, who was a very noble man, he was known as his adult or even the provider of the travelers, because when he used to go on journeys, anybody who traveled with him, he would not allow them to take anything with them, he would provide to anybody, if you are traveling with him, he provides for you. So she came from a very generous household and from a very

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high ranking tribe of Arabia. So she had a very noble lineage. She was beautiful, she was intelligent, but those are not the qualities that we are going to focus on. today. We are going to focus on the more important qualities, we are going to focus on the fact that woman Salama, not only did she have these worldly qualities, but she also was very knowledgeable of the deen, very brave, very steadfast and patient and she was a very loving woman. And really dystonia woman Salama dystonia, full of love, Allah, Allah subhana wa tada and his messengers that allow the love for her family, you see a woman who was loving in every sense of the word. So we begin her story right from

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the beginning, the very beginning and early days of Islam. masala rhodiola was initially married to Abdullah even Abu acid and he became known as Abu Salah. Right to basically when she got married, she and her husband had a son called Salima she Her name was when she became known as oma Salama, which means Mother of Salama, and he became known as Abu Salah, the father of Salah. So

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if you trace her age back, she's a she and her husband are like teenagers at this point in time. And because back then people used to get married, as soon as they attain puberty, anybody should wait till they were 20 or 30. So she and her husband got married at a very young age, they had a son, and they were amongst the first people to accept Islam. She was the distant cousin of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, she grew up with Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, she knew his personality she knew his truthfulness. And so when Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam became a prophet, whom salah and her husband were amongst the first people to accept Islam, but because the way from a from one of the

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leading tribes of Arabia, and they will know by the way, nobility and even the use of the nobility, they found themselves facing a lot of hardship from the people, because the tribes would just not tolerate any of the nobleman and noble woman accepting Islam. For those who have been older, like Hamza and Abu Bakar they could defend themselves right because they were regarded as respected elders of their tribes, but for the youngsters, like him, salah and her husband, it meant they had to face a lot of hardship on the people. And this is why only the best of Muslims we amongst the early converts.

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Islam there was a time when Allah subhana wa tada separated the best from the rest because only people who had the ability to handle that level of hardship, and that level of rejection from their community accepted Islam at that point in time.

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Solomon also holds a special rank of being amongst those people who need to dress to immigrations, just like most of you will male we discussed last week. In fact, her story in many ways mirrors the story of Gustave, again, remember, we said that he was amongst the first people to accept Islam, and then he had to move to Abyssinia and then he went back to Makkah and then he had to go to Medina. Right. Well, her story is very similar, as soon as the opportunity opened up for the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia, Huma Salama and her husband were amongst the first Muslims to do so. Right? So she and her husband moved to Abyssinia and again just like Musab even Amir. When the rumors spread

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that Islam was spreading in Makkah, they came back to Makkah and they realized the situation was not true. So Rasulullah sallallahu Elisa gave them permission to go to Medina. Now note that this is very early on the Sierra, this is like two years before Rasulullah Salonika moves to Medina. So this means abou Salama masala Maria amongst the very first people to move to Medina, right very early on in this era. So they are given this permission by Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam because the family is treated very badly, and so they get ready to go.

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And what happens next is that Osama and Abu Salah as they are getting ready to leave for Medina, he puts her on the horse and he puts their son Salah on the horse in front of her. And as he's about to get on the horse, the camel, as the about he's about to get on with them, her tribes her tribesmen show up her tribe, her cousin, her brothers, uncles, they show up and they literally grab her and rip away from her husband.

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And he told Abu Salah that you can do whatever you want, and you can do whatever you want, but you're not taking our daughter with you. Now I want you to just look at this from a family perspective. Abu Salah mama Salama loved each other a lot. And you can see this in the story. Because if a husband and wife are going through hardship for 10 years together for the sake of Allah, there is nothing which brings people closer together than that. That is like one of the things that can that can cement the strongest bond between a husband and wife were together, they're going to hardship for the sake of Allah. And so Abu Salah has this very close relationship with his

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wife and with his son, because really, they don't have anybody else in terms of family, the rest of the family are not Muslim. So imagine that after 10 years almost have difficulty or more than 10 years perhaps of difficulty in Makkah, they are about to leave, they are getting ready to leave and to go to Medina. So it seems like the trials are over. And a good time is about to begin. And just as that is about to happen. Her family come and grab her and take her away from her husband and force her husband to go to Medina by himself. And no sooner does this happen, that his tribe also see this. And what does his tribe do? They come and they grab her son and pull her son out of her

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hands and tell her that and told him that he belongs to our tribe, not to your

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and so my Salama within a few moments from being a woman who's about to embark for Medina with her husband and son. Suddenly she finds herself all alone. Her son is taken away to her husband's tribe by himself. He's still a small child like four or five years old, very small child separated from his mother and father. And the father is forced to go to Medina by himself because the Makkah the Muslims did not have the power or the authority to call to oppose such things. This was something that they have to just deal with on their own. And home Salama is left all alone, the non Muslim child.

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And so she now undergoes one of the most difficult tests of her life.

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Now goes through a period of time, which is she is separated from her family. And so she used to go every day to the same hill where she was separated from her husband and son. And she used to sit on that hill from noon until night, just crying and thinking about her family.

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And this didn't happen for one or two days. Normally we think that the other tests us we expect the test to be over in five days, 10 days one month, but Allah subhanho wa Taala when he tests us, we don't know how long or short the test is going to be. And so on Salama rajala one ha she is tested for a long time.

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She finds herself in the situation where every day she goes and sits on this mountain and cries for husband and son for one year. For one full year. She does not see her son for one

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For years she did not see her husband imagined the son growing up without your parents, you know, surrounded by disbelievers. Even the child is being tested with his mom in this situation. So Salama rajala. One how she is now facing this test. And her son is facing a test and a husband is facing the test. But we know more about what she was going through because she was the narrator of this Heidi's right. So in Salalah is now spending a year in this in this in this circumstance, and I want to reflect on something a lot of us think they will test us it's it's wrong to cry. Many of us think it's wrong to cry.

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Well, Rasulullah sallallahu Elisa himself cried on many occasions, when many of his loved ones died, he cried. Right. And the sob asked him, you know, you also cry, and he said the eyes flow and the heart feel sad, but we don't see anything which is displeasing to Allah. So he taught us how to feel sad the correct way that it's okay to feel sad when bad things happen. It's okay to cry. It's okay to express your emotions, but not anger at all. You accept Allah cuddle and it's okay to feel sad. And I mean, even Yusuf alayhi salam, when he was taken away from his father, jacoba. Islamia, Cody, some cried, he cried so much and even blind. So there is nothing wrong with crying when you're

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facing difficulty. It is not a sign of weakness, or masala. This story is quoted about her to show her patience and a cottage despite the fact that she cried every day for one year. You know, in our society, a woman is crying every day for one year. No one says she's patient. Nobody says she has college, they think she's depressed. The thing is something wrong with her is nothing wrong with the tears as long as you're still steadfast in your Eman and in your worship of Allah subhanaw taala and she remains at stake. So after about a year of this very traumatic experience, one of the non Muslims of Makkah, felt sorry for her. Right. And he pleaded with her family, to let her go, stop

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torturing a little girl. And he tried to soften the hearts and just let her go. And finally they listened to him and let her go. And then this man went and pleaded with her husband's family to let the child go as well. And they listened to him as well. And she was reunited with a child now want to reflect on something. Yeah, a lot of us have this misunderstanding that the non Muslims of Makkah were all evil. We think that all of them were the bad guys. He was Muslim versus coffee. It's not that situation. in Makkah amongst the disbelievers. They were people who have good character and the people are bad tarika Abu Talib is a good example of a non Muslim who supported the Muslims and

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assisted him in every way but he did not accept Islam. So somebody just because they're not a Muslim is not label them in a certain way. Many of us have this black and white criteria, that whoever is not with us is against us. It's not always the case, the way in Makkah, non Muslim who were decent and good people. And so this man, he helps him Salah. So what happens next is amazing. On my Southern my Raja LaWanda when she is freed from her people and her son is free from people. The first thing she does is she gets a Campbell and she gets ready to go to Medina by herself. I

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know that she's in her 20s at this time, we're talking like a 2425 year old mother willing to travel with her son to Medina alone. I want you to think of it properly in those days. Many of us when we think about the hijab, when you think about Mecca to Medina, we imagine sitting in the back of an air conditioned bus who's in your eyes, and you wake up in the next destination. In those days traveling the aedra meant leaving your hometown, leaving your family leaving all your wealth not knowing if you're going to reach your destination or ever come back going to the desert for days on end on a camel, having to deal with bandits having to deal with people who might hunt you down. It

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was a very difficult thing for the men to Do you know whom Salama is the only woman I know who is willing to undertake this journey by herself. No, this was her level of courage that as soon as her son was freed, she said I'm not waiting for anyone. I'm taking my son and going to Medina in case they changed their mind. Now why do people change their mind and decide to take my son away again. So she gets ready to travel by herself with her child to Medina with nobody else.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala provides a way out to her. And one of the non Muslims of Makkah at that time. He later becomes a Muslim man even called her he sees her. And he asked her where she's going and and she says she's going to money not to be with her husband. So we asked, isn't anyone traveling with you? And she said, Nope, there's no one traveling with me besides my son. Right? So she said so he replied By Allah, I will never I will not let you travel alone and he takes it to Medina himself. Now, just to give you an idea of who's smart, even though he is smart, even called her was the keeper of the keys of the Kaaba and about eight

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years later, he himself converts to Islam and the in Rasulullah conquers Makkah he keeps the keys of the Kaaba with smart even tala and tells him It will remain in his family until the end of time. And today, if you go to Saudi Arabia, it is his descendants, who still keep the keys to the Kaaba, from the time of Rasulullah was up until today. So this is no ordinary man. And, you know, the the Sahaba was such many of them that even before Islam, they had this amazingly good character, right. And so, even told her, Mr. Lama says about about him, while law he, I have not seen a Arab would more noble character than him. When he took me to Medina, he used to kneel my camel down so I could get off,

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and it used to go and rest in his under a separate tree, so he can be away from me. And he never did anything to offend her in any way. Because remember, this is a woman traveling in the desert with a man who is not related to her dog, they are alone in the desert. You know, it takes a man of extremely good character, you know, to be completely non offensive, anyway, completely respected or respectful to and he's not even a Muslim yet. He's not even a Muslim yet. So she was amazed by his level of character. And this is the type of character which eventually led to him becoming a Muslim. And the thing is, he had no business in Medina. He literally took this woman who was not related to

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him in any way and her child and accompany them from Mecca to Medina. And as soon as she got to her husband's house, he turned around and went back to Makkah by himself, meaning this was a completely completely selfless act. No, there was nothing in it for him. All it was, was he as a man, right, as a noble man could not

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think of the idea of allowing a woman and her child to travel alone, that is, he couldn't live with the idea to him, it was unmanly of him to let her go alone. Right. And this brings us to the issue of traveling with him.

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A lot of people ask about the issue of traveling with or without immigrant. Why did Islam have this idea of traveling with a macro? Now the difference of opinion on the peak of it, you know, it basically three schools of thought the most dominant opinion is a woman can't travel more than a more than the travel distance without a macro. I personally am of a different opinion. I am of the opinion that a woman

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if the journey is the route is genuinely slave, if you say it's a safe journey, a safe route, then it's okay for her to travel without a macro. Right? If it's going to be dangerous, and she needs a macro. That's an opinion I follow. And there's a third opinion, Mama Sharpies opinion that if the woman are traveling together as a group, then you don't need a Mahara. And the reason for the opinion that I follow comes from the context Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam stated that a woman should not travel out imahara and some of the scholars they say that when did he say this? He said this when the people of Makkah were at war with the people of Medina. So can you imagine if a Muslim

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woman was Champa Medina was traveling alone at that point in time in a warzone, what's going to happen to her. So he didn't want to risk that. And so the maharam the Muslim was instituted that you need to travel with a Muslim, but Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam also stated as a sign of the Day of Judgment, that the time will come when there will be so much peace that a woman could travel from Somalia to Yemen, without anyone harming her as a photographer at that, in his time, when he was the color of woman used to do that. They were able to travel from one city to another without anyone traveling them because of the level of peace and justice that existed in the time of human. Now, the

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point I'm trying to get to is in the time of

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the annihilation, the indicate woman used to travel without a macro. Why? Because it was safe. So that's why some scholars have the view that the issue of traveling with or without a background has to do with safety. Right now only solomos case this is a situation where there is no Barbara. She has no family members who are Muslim. Right, her family members are pressing her. Her only maharam is in Medina, she needs to get there. And so she is willing to brave the desert and breed this hardship on her own and get there. But let's not even tell her he has this personality that he cannot allow this to happen. And so he takes selflessly, he takes it to the very village in Medina

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where husband stays and leaves her at his house and then he goes back to Makkah, and Omar Salama is reunited with her husband and they live in Medina for a few years and they have three more children. So they have Salama and now they have Zainab, Dora and Omar and now oma Salama and Abu Salah, they have four children, they are amongst the leading families of Medina Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and also migrates to Medina Medina A few months later, as to the rest of the Sahaba the Muslim community is established and then the Jihad begins. Right. The Jihad begins because the disbelievers of Makkah did not allow the Muslims in Medina to live in peace.

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So, the war between between the disbelievers of Makkah and the Muslims of Medina begins and

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oma Solomon's husband, Abu Salah, he becomes amongst the leading fighters of the of the Mujahideen.

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And so it comes to the Battle of overt. And we spoke about the details of the Battle of last week, where Muslim Amir was martyred. And Hamza was martyred. And in the same battle, Abu Salah, the husband of whom Salama was critically injured, fatally injured, actually, he was injured very badly. And when he gets back home, she treats his wound and it heals on the outside, but what he doesn't realize it's not here on the inside. And he goes off on another expedition, and the and the wound opens up again in this expedition,

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and he comes back home and he knows that he's going to die.

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So if you look at how Allah subhanaw taala tested him Salama. First, it was all the years of hardship in Makkah. Then there was a separation from our family for one year. And then there was the Hydra Hydra was not easy, but Allah helped introduce him to the hijab in Nova Scotia use rock with difficulty, the ease, and the easier was it smarty Matala help the truth. And then she had a few years of peace in Medina having more children raising her family. And now husband is like, super low in Abu Salah is like this man's own. His thought is that his wife who's going to take care of his wife and kids are feeders. That's what he's worried about. And really, this is what this is what the

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real man thinks about, right, the real man.

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He's not afraid to die for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's not afraid to sacrifice himself to protect others. But at the same time, he is worried about who's going to take care of his family. And so as he is on his deathbed, and masala is taking care of him remember, they really really loved each other on another level. And he tells his wife, he tells me that he hadisha

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he tells you that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasalam said, Whoever loses something and says in the learn you were in La raggio to Allah we belong to Allah we return, Oh Allah, reward me with you for being patient with this calamity and grab me something better than it right see what you make when you do someone, something you love. He said Rasulullah said, Whoever makes this dua. Allah will give them something better than what they lost.

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So look at look at what he's teaching his wife and again, reflect on the lives of the righteous people.

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That righteous Muslims, even on their deathbed, the raging Hades teaching their family members who are teaching them to put the tawakkol in Allah teaching him Allah congratulated me. No, I mean, how many men will actually want the wife to marry someone better than them after they die? Right. This is his level of selflessness. He's not worried about himself. He's worried about his wife and kids. And before he dies, according to another generation, he himself makes too I said Oh ALLAH and trust my family to someone better than me. Right and trust my family to someone better than me. And so Abu Salah passes away. And now for the second time in her life, Alma Salama finds herself alone.

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But this time she's alone with four children to look after. As you noted, a family she's no stranger to Medina. She has no family in Medina. And so during her during the four months, attendees waiting period, after the death of her husband, she's making this dua, and she narrates that she used to make this two Oh Allah, Grammy patience or reward me for my patients with this calamity and Grammy something better than what I lost? And she said every time she made this one, she used to think to herself, but who is better than Salama? One of the first men to make Isha for the sake of Allah. She couldn't imagine anyone visiting Abu Salah? No, I mean, she loved him. He remember he was one of the

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first Muslims. And he wasn't the first people to make Hinduism. And he was one of the people who made to he just to Abyssinia and to Medina, and he was from the Mujahideen. And he was from those who fought in the Battle of butter and over, and he was from the martyrs. So this is a man of a very high ranking and caliber, and she can't imagine how someone better than him would end up marrying her. No sooner does her in the end the proposal standpoint.

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And she gets proposals from the likes of Abu Bakr and Omar, but she does not accept anyone's proposals. Now, there's so much to reflect on in the story.

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And one point that really strikes me about huge difference between our community and their community, in our community in general, if a widow has four children, what's the chance of her getting a proposal?

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Yes, yeah, in the time of Rasulullah Salallahu salam, there will be a woman who would be widowed three or four times and every time as soon as it was over, someone will ask for the happy marriage. Why? Because

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The men of their time Rasulullah saw some lead by example, in his harbor followed him, they understood the verse of the Quran or rajakumar. Mona Lisa, men are the protectors and maintainers of woman. And so they regarded it as their duty as Muslim men to take care of the woman of the oma. And so this is why, amongst the sahaabah, you know, there was no stigma about divorced or widowed woman, you know, if a woman was divorced or widowed, nobody held it against her, even if she had children, right? People would still marry her. And it wasn't like whenever there was a divorce that one woman was blamed. No, it was the guy that couldn't get along, if they do get married again. And so

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oma Salama now finds itself receiving proposals from all these different men. And then she receives a proposal that she can't resist Rasulullah sallallahu himself asked her to marry him.

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But she doesn't say yes. She didn't say yes. Why.

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masala, when she received the proposal from Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam. She flies and says, oh, Rasulullah

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I don't think I'm a good choice for marriage. Meaning roses are the perfect guy to marry. But I always tell them, I don't think I'm gonna make a good wife. Right? And, and then she lists the qualities and the reasons why she thinks she will make a good wife. Right. And just right there, I want us to take a very important medical lesson. Most of the time in our communities, when a man or woman is going for a proposal, they put on their best face, and they hide all the bad qualities. And they leave it as a surprise for after marriage. Right? The Sahaba were not like that the Sahaba from the from the time you come to the proposal, they let you know what you're getting into the let you

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know what kind of person you're marrying. So there's no surprises you can decide for yourself if you want someone with these qualities or not. So almost Salama, we're not afraid to say that I have certain qualities which I think might affect the marriage. So you know, you need to consider that before you consider marrying me. So what we have

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issues, why didn't she wants to get married? The first thing and the most important thing she said that I am a woman who is hi rah rah means I have a lot of jealousy for my husband. So basically saying Rasulullah Salaam at that point in time, he had three wives, soudha, Ayesha and hafsa, Salama marries him, she'll be the fourth. And she not sure if she can compete with hafsa, and Ayesha, who are like 10 years younger than her, right. And she knows that she has a lot of jealousy. So she's afraid that you're going to get jealous towards I have so Ayesha, and she's afraid that if she gets jealous, she might do something that that upsets Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and more what she's

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worried about is not that she says, I'm worried that I'll do something to upset you. And Allah will be displeased with me for upsetting His Messenger. I look at how she's looking at it. She's not looking at the issue of polygamy, she's not looking at the issue of CO wives, she's looking at the fact that she doesn't want to make a line. That's the issue with the she's afraid that if she does something displeasing to her husband, or co wives, who are the wife problem, and his wife, she's afraid she's going to make a lot angry. And so she says that I've got this jealousy in me, and I don't want to do anything to make other angry. So this is gonna be a problem if I marry you, right?

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that's point number one. Point number two, she says that I am all I find is really strange, because she was 28 years old.

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But again, hafsa was like 18, or 19. I was like 13, or 14 and the same. So I think what she's trying to say is I'm older than you otherwise by at least 10 years, right? So in her view, she was in her mind. She was old. I think, generally, there's a difference between men and woman, a man when he's 28. He thinks he's younger woman at that age thinks she's old. Right? It's a different way of

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looking at the world. So she feels she's too old way. And she also says, No, no, I don't have a worry. I don't have a guardian present to conduct the niqab. But finally, she says one of the main reasons why she doesn't want to get married, is she says, I have a lot of children

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who loves himself and he got four daughters. Right, he got three wives. You know how you do look after me and for my children as well. I mean, that said, You don't just manage one person. Yeah. You imagine you do a family of five. Right? So it's something to consider. So she's very open with Rasulullah. About her concerns, and one is, and this is how the premarital meeting between a man and woman is supposed to be and is supposed to openly discuss these issues and these worries and these things which might be a problem after the nega is not supposed to be hidden away, and then suddenly when you get married, you discover the problems in your spouse. Right? So she was really open about

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it. And she told us he was alone that I have these problems number one, jealousy. Number two, I'm older than you. I'm old. And number three, I have a lot of children.

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The response of Rasulullah

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First of all your salon is hot melting. Really, it's one of the most romantic proposal I've ever heard.

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He replies and he says amaku, Hindi Moroccan Hydra

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gel for you.

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He says, As for your saying that you are a woman who is very jealous did not make dua to Allah, and you remove your jealousy.

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And then she said, As for your saying that you are getting old? Well, I'm much older than you. So that's another problem. So someone was about 50 years old, and this time he's in his 50s, she's in her 20s. He's like, you know, not much older than you is not a problem. And number three, he says, that he says that, as for you, seeing that you have a lot of children, while your children belong to Allah, His Messenger, your children are my children. Right, I will take care of them. And when he says this, he clears up all of our concerns and all of our worries, and she sends the reply back with her son, Homer.

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she marries Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and becomes from the mothers of the believers. Now there are so many points that we can extract from this story of how Russia can propose to her and she married him and what they said to each other. Just a few points I want to look at Firstly, when Omar Salama, made the dua, Oh Allah grant me better than what I lost. Allah answered her dua, by marrying her to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Very often, we find ourselves in that situation we we lose something that we feel is irreplaceable. Right? Let us take the lesson of him Salama, and make this to our because we never know from where Allah will provide us with something that we never imagined, which would be better than what we lost. Right? So we need to have yaqeen. And conviction is why like she had, right. And then we see the power of the number two,

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again, the power of when she said that I'm a jealous woman, what is Rasulullah? So Sam's response, his response wasn't to control the jealousy. His response wasn't, you know, okay, I'm not gonna be mad at you because you're jealous. His response was something I wanted to reflect on. His response was, I will make dua to Allah to remove your jealousy from your heart.

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And what I learned from this is that even the internal qualities we have within us, which we think are bad qualities, if you make dua to Allah, he can remove it, you know, we can't make an excuse. For example, some people get angry very often, they say, Oh, I'm angry for I have a bad temper. Right? Well, did you ever consider asking Allah to remove your temper?

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asking Allah to help you control your temper to become more cool. Do you have a better temperament? Do I can change that, you know, you're a jealous person, ask Allah to help you control that, right to help you get rid of that. You have a lot of greed for money. ask Allah to remove it from your heart, Allah Subhana Allah is the one in charge of our hearts. Right? The condition of our heart is between the ears in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so if we really want to change, change begins would do our sincere due to Allah, Oh Allah, I have this within me, help me change it. Right. And so Sam gave a very simple solution you if you feel you have internal quality, which is bad,

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which is holding you back, which might make you commit something wrong, ask Allah to remove it from you. And that's what he did here regarding her jealousy, and she never really well, delta jealousy, you know, we have the stories of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu. I'm getting jealous of each other occasionally. Very important to note, the other people grow and blow the stories out of proportion. You know, when Rasulullah sallallaahu wife got jealous of each other, some people with a lot of us do is we blow these stories out of proportion. And we make it look like this was the norm that his wives were always jealous of each other and fighting each other. This was not the norm.

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These are like occasional things. You know, if one of his wife broke a plate out of jealousy, it happened once in entire life. Meaning once she allowed the jealousy to get the best of her, and she made a mistake, and she repented and she never did it again for the rest of your life. So let's not take these stories out of context to justify jealousy and doing bad things in the name of jealousy as a lot of people do today. Right? This is taking the story out of context. Right. So although the other wives of Rasulullah saw some they occasionally slipped and commodities mistakes, we don't see such variations of Salah because of the law of Rasulullah sallallahu Salah

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the second point to look at is the issue of him saying I'll take care of your children. And really there is nothing

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that a woman who has children much more than someone to help with the care of children, right? Every young man or young woman growing up needs a father figure in their life. I know that because I grew up without a father myself. My father passed away not eight years old, and I grew up without a father. So I know what it's like to be a child.

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We have our father and so for men to take care of someone else's children and it only does exactly what Rasulullah solo son did, you know this is something which is very praiseworthy in our religion. This is something which the religion encourages, you know, and really dystonia amin Salama is often quoted by the scholars as an example of why did Islam or why does Islam allow a man to have more than one wife? You see in this story, you know that all of the men who proposed masala were already married. And a lot of people don't like to talk about this topic, especially South Africa is a very controversial topic. But the reality is why what is this is society like the society was such that

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they wouldn't leave a widow or a divorce he unmarried, they wouldn't leave a righteous woman and married when she was widowed, divorced or single, whatever the case may be build a righteous woman in the community, someone who's married, right. And so polygamy played a very important role in the society and the structure of that time. It provided women with families, it provided security network for them and their children. It made sure that nobody had to live a lonely life. Right. And at the same time, it also helped men control their desires. So it was something is definitely something which was very praiseworthy, even though it seems to be almost dead in our times. It's

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another thing to look at with Rasulullah Islam. Now I said that he took care of a child what do I mean by this? We have a very interesting duration. We once Hassan and Hussein when they were children, they came home to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and he made any hugged him and he made dua for the bait. right he made dua for the bait. What is bait and bait as a family of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam as some groups say that bait are only has seen and we'll see

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for Nikki disintegration when rasulillah loads of me do alpha beat omean Salama started crying.

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She's crying.

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Why are you crying? he said she said you may do it for your family. But you forgot me am I God is enough. Let me go and watch. You look at Asia but you're a part of the aggregate.

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Remember Xena, the daughter masala is the daughter of masala and Abu Salah, not the daughter of Rasulullah sallallahu. But he says that she is also part of the alluvial meaning what even the children of his wives on previous marriage they are part of a movie right he incorporated them into his household he took care of them like his own children. He raised them like his own children. So we see that the children are masala they grow up to become amazing people her son Salama grows up to become a great warrior, her daughter Xena, Hassan Omar, they grow up to be scholars of Islam, right because they are now growing up in a stable environment. And now she herself can flourish, Omar

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Salama for the most of her life, until this age of 28. She pays difficulty upon difficulty. Now suddenly she is part of the family of Rasulullah Islam, she now has the opportunity to grow and to flourish. And so she becomes a scholar of Islam. She becomes the habit of the Quran, she memorizes the entire Quran, she learns the Hadees of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. In fact, she is the second greatest female the reader of Hades, who has the greatest

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eyeshadow, Angela masala was just after Ayesha, she become the scholar of Pepsi, right I shall become the scholar of Hadith scholar of the field of the Quran, she becomes a scholar of In fact, a lot of the fields of family law that we have today comes from her because she was part of this family dynamic, you know, dealing with her husband and her children and her co wives and all of this, she learned directly from Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam family law, and so a lot of the Pico family law came from her. And so she became one of the leading scholars amongst the Sahaba. And she became a woman of great wisdom as well, not just knowledge, but wisdom as well. And her wisdom was

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such that even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would take her advice and listen to have opinions on issues. And one of the best examples of this is the Treaty of Arabia. So now this is like many years later, when Rasulullah Sahaba. He has a dream or Susan has a dream that he's making. And he's going to the Kaaba, and so he and the Sahaba including in sala de Li Medina to go to Makkah to perform Umrah. Note that this is during the time when maka Medina was still at war with each other. So they taking a risk to go home. And along the way, they meet the Quraysh at the police called who davia and design a peace treaty for the peace treaty was very oppressive to the Muslims.

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And one of the conditions was that the Muslims had to go home back to Medina and they were only allowed to come home right

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one whole year later. Now, can you imagine this especially with a Mahajan? Imagine you were born in Morocco raised in Makkah, and you had to flee Mecca to Medina. And now you have a chance you reading the Quran, you only read to Makkah would Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam who had a dream that you're going to make oma. And suddenly you're told you have to go back home. Right? And so this is one point where they just couldn't handle it. They just couldn't handle

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it, aren't we on the truth? Isn't he the Messenger of Allah? What's going on here? They couldn't handle it.

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Just shave your head.

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Lucky animal and let's go back Oh, nobody listen to the Sahaba just set a complete depression, complete sadness completely still, they could not understand what was going on why Rasulullah saw me agreeing to these conditions of the non Muslims, why they couldn't, they couldn't understand it. And they were hoping that they don't do anything. Maybe Allah will reveal something to help them go for the ride. And so they are waiting, and for him to do something. And he asked him a second time, not a single Sahabi moves. And he asked him a third time and still not a single Sahabi moves. Now, we're talking about the Sahaba to Libya. We are talking about Abu Bakr and Omar and Ali, we're talking

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about the best of the Sahaba. And not a single one of them is shaving the head or listening to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and he doesn't know what to do. This is like the first time that the two new ones are being him. And so Rasulullah selasa, what does he do? He asked me Salama for advice. He turns to me Salama, he tells you what happens. And she says, oh, Rasulullah Don't tell anyone anything. Just go out there.

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Take off around, shave your head and slaughter your animal. Don't say anything to anyone. Now what does he do? He listens to his wife. He listened to him as he goes out in the shower, see him shaving his head, and they see him changing all the way around, and they see him slaughtering an animal. And no sooner does he do this. Everybody does it. The entire group says shaving their heads and slaughtering the animals. And they realize that it's over, we have to go back home.

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Now what happened here?

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Firstly, the Sahaba understand that they always follow Rasulullah sallallahu Salah. But one principle of leadership of any important principle of leadership is that the followers, they follow the action of the leader more than what he says if a leader does something, then the followers are more willing to listen to it than if he says something. And so Rasulullah sasami always lead by example. And so in this situation, may Salama reminded him to do just that, that your Sahaba not understanding the situation. They don't receive revelation. Right? The Sahaba? I'm not sure who's going to do it first. I mean, which is going to be the person whose chief of his head, all the other

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ones are going to do with what you're doing. Right. So they don't know what to do they need the leader to lead by example. So this is exactly what he told us that he led by example. He shaved his head, and he took off his era, and the entire situation was resolved. On the advice of Ursula. She saved the day. Right literally she saved the day.

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So the Sahaba competed with each other

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in and they completed it and they went back home dystonia masala

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we learned a lot of lessons from it. And what we see in her eyes is that once she found herself part of the household of Rasulullah saw some she completely flourished.

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And of course, Rasulullah sallallahu himself passed away a few years later, which means she became a widow for the second time. But we know that the wives of Rasulullah they are not allowed to remarry after he dies, right? So they can be with him eternally. And because they are our mothers. Right? So amin Salama for the rest of her life, she does not get married again. And she spends the rest of her life doing exactly what I should spend the rest of her life doing and that is teaching the Sahaba so she becomes one of the leading scholars of Medina, men and women alike so how the entire been alike come and study under masala she taught them Tafseer and she taught them Prince etiquette and manners

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of Islam. And she taught them the fit of the five pillars in a family life. And she taught them this and she taught them Quran. Men and women alike the Sahaba and I've been studying study under under even magic studied under her umbrella even above studied under her and these are leadings of I will say the hoodoo he studied under her babina

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and studied under her she became one of the leading scholars and she lived a very long time. Right now, again this look at the age right Omar Salama became

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Islam which was in her teens. So that means the entire teenage years were spent in a difficult time serving Allah in her 20s were the same. When she was in the 20s. She had all of her difficulties that she in Abu Salah went through together. And then at the age of 28, she married Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and now come the period of ease for the next few years until he passes away, where she managed to learn and to grow, etc. So what we see in her life

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we see, to me the hadith of Rasulullah saw so how Allah on the Day of Judgment, he shields the youth who spend the youth in the worship of Allah and the history. And really when you study the lives of the Sahaba, the majority of the Sahaba will flourish. We see them going through great difficulties in the youth and very often with dystonia oma Salah is mentioned, age is not mentioned. People forget that she was young. She was really young, right? I mean, the fact that she was a widow with four children at the age of 28 tells you how young she was when she accepted the Islamic community and had the first child. Right, so she was a very young Sahabi. And that means when Rasulullah Sosa

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passed away, she was in her 30s. So this is a woman in her 30s, who had been widowed for the second time.

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And from that, right until she's in her 80s, she spends the rest of her life teaching Augustine

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and she became the second greatest female body scholar of the eyeshadow on how it is it is mentioned that there are over 370 pieces that we have with us today from masala over 370 pieces, as well as all of our teachings when it comes to physical and he comes to the field as well. And her students became amongst the leading scholars of the web, and she lived a very, very long life. In fact, oma Salama, was the last of the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to pass away. The last, she only passed away in 61, age 61 he very famously of the of Karbala, right. And we know that she passed away that's your budget, at least we know that she looked at long, because when who sees Ronnie The

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one who was heading off to Karbala, she was one of the Sahaba who tried to stop him. Right? Because the story goes Devon Hussein radula, who was leaving Baka to go to Iraq, all of the Sahaba advised him not to go because it was a bad idea to go there. So this narration explicitly stated in my Salama, advise him Don't go. So that means she was alive in 61 age, which means if she was alive in 61, he was in the 80s. So from the 30s until the 80s. She never married. In those 50 years she dedicated her life to teaching philosophy. her own son Omar became a Greek scholar of Islam as in her daughter, Xena, other students in Abdullah even Abbas and even Malik, Abu Salah who decided we

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don't need to mention how great scholars they became, they are known for the scholarship. Right? And she taught men and women alike. And again, we go back to what you mentioned the Sahaba in their time, they did not regard scholarship as as something of the men.

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I don't know when it started, but if you study history, they will always female scholars teaching men, essentially we always female scholars teaching men, even humbled studied under a woman, Mr. Mani, even Mr. Bahari, even husband, even the near the aunts had female teachers, right? female teachers was a norm back then. And he was nothing wrong with a man to study under a woman as long as the job was observed of a woman to study under the man as long as the job was observed. It was equal. Nobody regarded as the knowledge of a woman as being lesser than the knowledge of the men and we have to talk about this. Because in our community, the idea is being passed around that you

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cannot take your deen from woman right? We be told you can't take your deed from woman we thought they are not essential aka they have this deficiency in the internet. You can't they can't study the religion properly they can understand it properly. You can't take religion from them. And anybody who tells me that I tell him how he did it you following Islam, when the vast one third of what you follow me comes from Ayesha masala. A woman, the Sahaba has absolutely no problem learning from a woman not only learning from her, but praising her you know when you read the biographies in Arabic of woman they call me Solomon Ayesha. The praise that the scholars the scholars give to them

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is another level compared to the praise in English. You know, amin Salama, they talk about the intelligence that she was one of the most intelligent people of our time. Those who are the most intelligent woman is the wonderful intelligent people, right? They don't they don't look at gender when it comes to intelligence. We will never ever thought of the police in that way that women have less intelligence than men. The Sahaba never had this understanding. That is the determining This is a new interpretation of the Hadees that came much later to put on half of the oma and so this however didn't have this and they had no problem taking knowledge of masala and Ayesha and the rest

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of them. So I shall reveal on her when she passed.

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The way masala became the leading female scholar amongst the wives of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam because he had now passed away, and Mama Salama remained in that position for over 20 years. She was also the advisor to the whole APA.

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When Ozma rhodiola who was attacked in the masjid of Medina, right, I know if you're familiar with the story, or smart rhodiola one when he was a believer, there was the first time that the Muslims faced a major rebellion from other Muslims. A lot of rumors and slander had spread against him. And a lot of Muslims now started to hate him, and they wanted him to step down from the Philippines. And so they marched to Medina to attack him, and he tried to attack him in Masuda, nabawi. And Omar Salama herself stands up imaginable way to defend him.

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Right? So again, you know, even in her old age of courage, he never went away. The same condition is true in a huge he still has immature and older that same outspoken nature the same previous same. Standing up for justice is still new when she's older. She stands up in my seat in the movie and she defends him. Right and another point you can take from that is that that means woman you're still going to machine the movie The time of a smart. Some people claim that the time of humor. He stopped the woman from going to the masjid. This is afterwards that you can use later omashola muscle in the masjid. I shall still in the masjid. Right. That's a must. That's a misconception. Woman never

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stopped going to the masjid of Rasulullah saw or the machine Haram in Makkah prior to today. Right into today woman's to go to the mosque. It's the idea that women are not allowed to enter the masjid or that

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woman we abandoned the mercy of a woman. This is not true. This is not true. What he used to do is if a woman was not dressed appropriately, he had to go back. But the other woman still used to come to the masjid and so in the time of Guzman masala is in the masjid when the rebellion breaks out. And she not only in the masjid because she's able to take a stand and to stand up and to defend Huisman right to defend his motto Delano. And he doesn't seem Ayesha is in Makkah, not in Medina, but she goes by the Kaaba and she delivered a lecture in front of the Kaaba calling the people to go to Medina and defend and, you know, Avengers man. So they had this outspoken personality, they were

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part of the society, they were hidden away. The job was not meant to hide them away from society. They were part of society. And of course, they were in full hijab and niqab at the same time. So we have to go back to the balance understanding of Islam of gender interactions, and the role of men and women. Yes, in Islam, the primary role of a woman is of a mother, and the primary role of the man is of the provider for the family. But that is the family relationship outside of the family relationship, they both can have a lot of other roles that they can both take up equally, right. So that's just when it comes to the family structure. So Amina Salama, she did give priority to that

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she did give priority to her four children and raising them to be righteous scholars. At the same time, it didn't it didn't stop her from accomplishing so much else with her life as well. And so in the year 61 Ah, at the age of 84

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messala Roger law passed passes away.

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And she's buried in Albuquerque, in Medina. So when you go to Medina, and you visit Albuquerque, remember Alma Salama Hynde, with the abaco mayor, and remember her sacrifices for her. Now, I would have spoken about another lesson you can take from a life is that Allah will test everybody in different ways. And Allah will always test the believers. But we've spoken about that with almost every story we've narrated thus far, because that is the recurring theme in every story in Islamic history. Any human being throughout history, any Muslim throughout history, who stood up for Islam who embraced Islam, opening practices and opening a lot yesterday. So no matter what story we learn,

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we are still going to see the same thing happening everyone you cannot hear a story of a single Muslim in history, who became someone great, but Allah did notice that it just doesn't happen that way. It just doesn't happen. Right. And that's the part of the story is we enjoyed the most. We enjoy using the parts of the stories where they be tested, and they show us the strength and they show us the courage, right? Because that gives us hope and courage with our own lives, because inshallah we know based on the level so our tests are much smaller compared to this. So it gives us the courage. So remember the brothers and sisters we have to remind ourselves that every week this

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world is our testing ground. Right Lena blue, Allah created this work to test him. right this is this is the purpose of the job. It's a testing ground. It's our example. The test will come in sometimes we are tested with ease sometimes we are tested with difficulty in times of ease allies if you want to worship you will get distracted by this world. In times of difficulty Allah is going to see we are going to be patient or we are going to say things which we are not supposed to see anything we are not supposed to do. So either way we are always be tested at home as calamari de la be the role model of a woman who Allah gave everything in this world. She was a noble lineage. She

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was intelligent. She was extremely beautiful, but she had something far more better than that. She became a scholar of Islam.

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She was courageous and brave she was extremely loving to her husband both her husband's right the first one and the second one and to her children. She was the example of what a true what a Muslim woman can be. You know, if you look for a role model, someone you can aspire to be like, aspire to be like a masala, a woman who had all of the qualities which Allah loves in a Muslim woman, her taqwa tawakkol patience,

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intelligence, her wisdom, her knowledge, her courage, and her love for Allah for his messenger and for her family. And that is really the way every Muslim man or woman should be. Well that will conclude for today, Allah help us to follow in the footsteps of the righteous and to be able to pass the test of life. Baka Dawa, and hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Biography of the Mother of the Believer Umm Salama

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