Irshaad Sedick – Surah Yusuf 2

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The use of language in children is not just a matter of whether a child speaks certain language, but also how they address their parents. The success of parents' ability to navigate language usage and find appropriate practices is highlighted. The responsibility of parents to ensure children receive the best out of their experiences is emphasized, along with the importance of parents' ability to set boundaries and communicate clearly with children. The use of La Salatu and Shaper are discussed, along with the use of "come and go" and the importance of knowing the rules and regulations in one's home.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
What was it that number Yusuf alayhi salatu was Salam said to his father on that day.
Number Yusuf Alayhi salat wa salam says in ayah. Number four, Alvin will administrate on the regime is called I used to fully Avi remember when you say to his father, yeah Betty in Neeraj A to A Hydra ashinoko GABA was shumsa while camara for a tomb Lisa g Dean, oh, my beloved father, verily, ISO
11 stars, I saw the sun. And I saw the moon. And I saw all of them are prostrating to me making sajida. And to me. So, of course, at this point, we know nothing about the dream. And as I said last night, the story becomes a sort of unraveling of this dream throughout. And then right at the end, you actually see this dream being being realized. So I'll let this gives us the introduction here of this particular story. But what do you want to draw from this right now is just to look at the way that we use is addressing his father, he doesn't say
you owe father, or even my father, none of those were good enough. He says, Yeah, Betty. And in Arabic, the only way we can really translate this term into English is by giving it the phrase, oh, my beloved father, in Arabic, it's one word. But in English, it would be Oh, my beloved father, oh, my dear Father, almighty spected, for the use of at this time was a very, very young boy. Right. Some of us even say that by the age of five or so, five, or seven, or lower them, the point is, look at the manner in which he addresses his father. Now, if you compare that to the way children are addressing the parents today, so behind the law, it is a world apart, right? Today, a youngster will
feel it is completely fine to say to his father or mother, you will come here to do this on now. Hola, Lakota, 11 Leilani log in. And I think most said, in observing this, what is more sad is not that the child speaks like that, it is that the parents accept that type of address from the children. Because as we know, the child is coming into this world with no knowledge, the knowledge that he or she receives is what we allow for them to receive, whether it be through ourselves, or through the schooling or through the internet, or through the television, it's always at the parents discretion as to what knowledge that child is being accessing, or that what what knowledge that
child is accessing at this present moment in time. So if we then allow that to come to them, that number one sets the standard, then on top of it, if we allow such language, if we allow such address in our homes, you know, parents to kids, kids to parents, if we allow such bad manners, then we are saying that it's okay. And you know, the data means the aspect of this is not just to be found in that present moment, it is that you've now set a new precedent as to what is acceptable, so the next generation is going to be worse. And then the following generation is going to be even worse than that. And if you want to know the difference between how children speak to the parents now compared
to how they did yesterday, or just simply ask our senior members of society and ask them, if parents would have tolerated the way children speak to their parents today. And it's not cute. It's not cute, because you know, whether we think it's funny or cute or, you know, they're just young, all of these cliches that we make up, what we are actually doing is we are making the path to Jannah difficult for them, and we are making the path to jahannam easy for them. Because the one path that Allah has made most accessible to each and every human being to attain His pleasure and to attain gender is through honoring the parents. And if you lose the honor for the parents, the nice thing to
go is losing the underfall lurks behind him that we know this because Allah juxtaposes honor to him with honor to the patrons in the Quran in several places. And here we see a sturdy example of our inner VR guru Elisa wassalam. had given the tarbiyah that nurturing that nurturing of Eman with interviews of La salatu wa sallam. So Furthermore, what we can also comment on is that whilst it is our duty, to make sure we do our bits as far as nurturing the kids are concerned, we know that not everything is within our power.
Once you have done your best, you can only bet interest that Allah Subhana Allah will continue to guide the child, but you do not have full control over the outcome. Still, we can find examples and we are about to we are about to find such an example of way that children receive the best out of BM, but still shaitaan manages to get a hold over them. But this is not meant to be an
excuse for parents who have, you know, children with bad manners? Because they need to ask themselves all parents need to ask themselves, am I actually doing the best for my child? Am I giving them the best? Now when we say this, most people think the best school, the best clothing, the best of equipment, you know, accessories and technology and so forth. The question you should really ask yourself is, am I giving them the best genda that I can possibly give them? Am I making sure that after I leave the world that they will be sorted?
Or am I making sure that after they leave the world, they will be sorted? We have to think about that. Most of us are only concerned with what happens after I die. But what we should really think about is what happens to them after they die. And that's the responsibility of the parent. So nonetheless, WCC saw these 11 stars the sun in the moon bowing down to him making sajida to him. Now VR cube responds and says call a boon a year old Oh my beloved son. He doesn't say he will he
he says Yamuna our beloved Son, now we can get a glimpse of why any of us have had such beautiful manners. He had such beautiful manners because this is the way his father spoke to him. We cannot experience expect that the next generation must do what we tell him to do. If we don't set that example. A parent who smokes current expect that the children should not smoke. For example, a parent to Swayze cannot expect that the child is not going to be a parent who treats his wife badly can't expect that he that that child is going to treat other people in a good way. A parent who speaks with bad language or bad manners to the kids. Listen very carefully. A parent who speaks with
bad manners to the kids will find that those kids will speak as bad manners back to the parents. So it is it is absolutely our responsibility to take control of this year we see Nabi aku, Yamuna I used to when I first learned the surah I was so impressed by this type of speaking and I thought to handle I wish and my own father had known Arabic. So you could have come across this and learn this in one day, Kumi by this term. And in some of the other, you know, in in the very week that he passed on to Hannah. Jana, he actually walked past my room and etc. The Abuja in a sense of a handle us the word the same way. And I was very impressed by this, you know, and this is this is what we
need to do. We'll leave that impression with our kids. I find it so beautiful. When I see kids going to the parents, the fathers and mothers and kissing them when they come into the homes kissing the Father's hand kissing the father's forehead, when they leave the home doing the same coming in making sure the first thing they do is to greet the parents. We might think that this is trivial and we living in the year 2019. Now we have to move on but no, this is laying the foundation of the man. Now looking at this the Daya even says to his son, la takasugi, aka Allah aquatic, don't tell your brothers about your dream.
Do not tell your brothers about your dream. So that ground now we are qub had 12 sons, Nabil Yusuf was the second youngest of them. She had 12 sons, these 12 sons would eventually become the 12 tribes of Israel, because labia qubes nickname was Israel, Israel Israel. Now the use of La Salatu was Salam had a special significance to him because number Yusuf was very beautiful inside and out. From the inside we can already see his manners and from the outside, we know from Islamic knowledge Quran and Sunnah specifically, and now via the use of Alexa to Sarah was given half of the beauty of all of creation. So if all of creation has off of the of the beauty of the use of head the other
half that is on the outside, so that'd be cool Valley salat wa salam now years that he received this dream, and he knows because he's a prophet, that this is a significant dream. Let us pause and ask, is our dream significant in Islam? The answer is sometimes, sometimes, nightmares are not significant. They are rules and regulations. They are Sooners with regards to if you have a nightmare, for example, you shouldn't speak to anybody about it. How should you deal with it? I'm not going to get into that. But find out what are the Sooners for when you have a bad dream? Right? So that's one side that's from shape on the profits or some say that's from Shay thought, then you
get dreams that are based on nothing that you've seen during the day past memories just mixed up things like that of the horse, mixed up dreams jumbled dreams, they have no significance whatsoever. When you get righteous dreams through yeah saleha righteous dreams. Now of course, righteous dreams are dreams that have a very good nature in dreaming of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam dreaming about love Suhana without dreaming of the dreaming of course and dreaming of gender etc. These are very significant dreams are everything interpretation of these dreams are very difficult to come across. Because that is a very special knowledge that not many people possess. I myself have never come
across anyone in my lifetime during my studies, who can genuinely claim to be a an interpreter.
teams, whilst you could walk into a bookshop and buy dream interpretations that is attributed to one of the Barbarian who was known to be the master of dream interpretations. There's no proof that it's actually from that particular TBI. Now,
dreams are significant because the prophets of the lion is seldom see that there are one of 46 pots of noble,
righteous themes, one of 46 parts of Nevada, if you calculate 23 years of his life, and so that was one of his prophethood, six months before that, it started out to dreams, this is before the summer of the color the color six months before, and he said he would have a dream and the next day would come through.
This is part of prophethood it was part of the opening up of gratitude. This type of dream is possible for other believers, to also receive, it's possible for others to also receive right now be yet never use of is received in a very special dreamier. But his father says to him, don't tell your brothers about this dream. Now we might ask, why not? He says fire can you do like a Qaeda, they are going to plan a very dangerous plot against you. They are going to plot against you and listen to speaking about his own science.
But now we might ask now how does this work?
So remember, just a moment ago, he said, you can do your best, but you still don't have control over the outcome. You can be raised in the home of an abbey, but you can still become a Garfield.
It's it's absolutely the truth. It comes in over and again, as we know is another example that we know son refused to get onto the ark was Nabina of La Salatu was set up and refuse to believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So here we find that his sons are refusing to obey Him. Sorry, not the physical way they are refusing to be loving towards the brother. Because the moment that we use is to tell him about this dream, to actually going to plot against him. And when abeokuta says this, he means something very dangerous, actually might murder you. They might murder you.
But notice,
he does not speak evil about his children. He doesn't say because they are evil. They are bad people. They don't listen. Listen to what he says in the shaitana Lillian Cerny, I do movie, because she thought is an open enemy for mankind. That's why you shouldn't tell them about your dream. So he knows his children. And he knows that if he's going to tell them about this dream, there's going to be trouble. This is don't tell them about the dream. But it doesn't say because they evil people. He says because shaitaan is going to lead them astray. Now we can use the same principle in our lives. Perhaps you trust your kids, say no shave my son, he's got to go for him. But it's okay. I trust
him. They're not gonna come and Xena fine, you trust them? Because you believe them to be good people. But you will miss a thought is an open enemy for humankind. That's just one example. Of course, you say no, I trust my child and they can go out to two o'clock in the morning boys, girls, etc. I know they're not going to go this place. They're not going to that place etc. I trust him. No problem, trust him, but you trust shape on the cushion on his off to them. So even if you trust them like you trust yourself, do not trust a thought. And that is how you should deal with with the rules and regulations in your home safety rules. And don't say Well, you know what? I trust them to do
that. I think No, no, you can trust them. But don't trust shaper. Yo, we have already discovered many principles just from these if we've reached out the first idea and that's the end for tonight, we will find out now. what exactly happens often the use of 1000 robots a dream is the topic and guidance with our family that we can be of those who raise the families in the way that will be pleasing to Allah. And we do our duty when it comes to our children and our parents will ask you to that 100