Ingrid Mattson – The Story of the Quran its history and place in Muslim life,

Ingrid Mattson
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the challenges of the current political climate and the potential for negative consequences of actions such as violence and terrorism. They emphasize the importance of finding a way to create a sense of morality and the need for collaboration and sharing of beliefs. The speaker also mentions the potential for negative consequences of actions such as war and nuclear weapons.
AI: Transcript ©
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So one of the things that has focused

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this discussion

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in, such a powerful way is, of course,

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our daily habit of waking up to still

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another story of some

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atrocity somewhere in the world,

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almost always committed by some zealot. In fact,

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in the case of Islam,

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the question is often raised,

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is there such a thing as a moderate

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Muslim because these extremists, these crazy people in

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our vernacular,

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threatened to obliterate

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the possibility

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of a moderate

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So that's why I invited Ingrid Monson, who

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is the first woman,

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the first non immigrant, and the first

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convert to be elected head of the largest

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Islamic group for social outreach

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in North America. Ingrid Maxine.

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My statement of faith

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begins with a negation which is that there

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is no God

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and then an affirmation but God.

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The Islamic statement of faith is la ilaha

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So it's impossible to embrace faith, it's impossible

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to embrace God

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without first refuting

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what is not God and stating that

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probably most of what we state is God

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is in fact a delusion,

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a self delusion,

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and so we cannot

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be faithful unless we first do that. What

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I don't believe in is a simplistic

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idea of creationism,

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The Quran, in fact, has a presentation of

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the origin of life that many Muslims believe

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is wholly consonant with evolution,

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describing explicitly the transition of life from water

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and then a creature on 4 legs and

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then an upright creature on 2 legs.

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So this is possible and that my argument

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belief in God is not based on intelligent

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design or creationism.

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I'm an unbeliever

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in so much of what I hear presented

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as Islam,

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what the Quran says, what God wants of

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In fact I spend probably most of my

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time saying what I don't believe in these

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days and

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that's my responsibility.

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I need to do that,

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although I want to also tell you what

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I do believe and I'm going to do

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But let me say that the challenge of

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who use religion

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to oppress others, to tyrannize others,

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to commit violence is not a new one

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but we have a special challenge today that

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really we have to thank our scientists for

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because there's a technical problem.

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And to explain that to you, I need

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to go back to the 1st century of

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Islam, when there was a group of people

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who believed that

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you had to believe

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a certain set of beliefs or you had

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exited, you had left the community of Muslims.

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These were known as the Khwararij, the secessionists

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who left

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the beloved caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, who

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was revered by both Shiites and Sunnis

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when he agreed to arbitration,

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when there was a conflict, and he said,

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we have to submit to arbitration. I don't

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want to cause bloodshed. And they said, no.

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God has determined,

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predetermined that you are in this position and

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so by submitting to human

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you have now become a disbeliever.

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And Ali said

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said to them, no.

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You need to understand

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that we, as a human community,

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to work this out together. And they went

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and in a literal,

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extremely, completely

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literal way,

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held the Quran up on their spears and

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said, no, we will judge by the book

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of God.

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And Ali said, but this book is just

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some papers between two covers. It cannot speak.

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We need to speak on its behalf.

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And they weren't convinced and they went out

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and they killed, and they murdered, and they

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And they declared anyone who didn't agree with

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them and agree with their political philosophy

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to be an unbeliever.

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Now, it sounds familiar,

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very familiar

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and there has always been a stream of

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those kind of extremists, political extremists

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throughout history

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in my community and in others.

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But what's the difference now? What we're facing

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here is a struggle over ideology,

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but not one that is particularly new,

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just particularly

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problematic and threatening.

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And that's the same with terrorism

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and it's the same

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with our own military power.

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The nuclear threat

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that we, and I'm speaking from an American

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perspective now,

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that we present to the world, the

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capability that we have

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to defend ourselves in a way that would

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destroy all life

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is something

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that is new to modernity.

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And what that means is that it requires

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a new ethics.

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in theology and law and the religious sciences

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gave us some tools for, but we have

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different answers

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Because the risk and the benefit

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of warfare

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and combat

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and military operations is very different.

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The potential for things spiraling out of control

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when we take a military action

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is so much greater now than ever before

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that we have to say,

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what really can we do instead?

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And it's not an easy answer. It means

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long term,

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slow work of working together.

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So it's a challenge.

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We have the potential to repair or to

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destroy the earth. That is a theological statement

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on my part but it's simply the reality.

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And so, we do have

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this power to create

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and a power to destroy which is godlike.

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And my belief is that

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God created us

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with this potential to reflect

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His attributes.

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The Quran does not talk about God in

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an anthropocentric way at all. It's not

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But the Qur'an talks about God as

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and Destroyer.

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and the ender,

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the compassionate,

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the loving,

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the peaceful,

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the giver of peace, the acceptor of repentance

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all of these attributes.

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And our humanity

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is enhanced

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and develops the more that we try to

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capture these qualities

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as individuals and as communities

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in a way that is constantly

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self reflective and balancing.

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Knowing that,

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it would only be arrogance to say that

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we've captured it all.

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And I believe

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that there is an innate sense of God,

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and this is where my belief in God

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comes from.

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The prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said

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every child is born with fitra,

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an innate sense

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the divine and right and wrong,

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but it is their society,

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their parents and communities

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that shape them into be a particular

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religious community or an understanding of religion.

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What does that mean? What it means is

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that as a Muslim

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I am not surprised to find morality

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in people who do not believe in God

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because I believe that morality is placed in

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us by God,

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that it is, in fact, innate

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and that is something that scientists now are

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in fact, to discover.

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That there is an innate sense of morality

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and that people when they do

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something good they even feel better.

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Their immunity is better, it's good for us.

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So, that awareness of God is something that

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is in us

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and we can either accept that as real

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or as a delusion.

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The fact that

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there is an innate

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sense of right and wrong,

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a desire to do right means that

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there should be no

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of the believer

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and the unbeliever to live

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in an ethically constructed society.

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So, we have hope, we have grounds

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for living civilly,

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for living

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productively and allowing

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our beliefs

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to be

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shared in a way that benefits all of

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us, but also so that we don't have

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to give up the most dearly held beliefs

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do not impact others in a negative way.

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And that is the end of my talk.

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Thank you.

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