Ikram Sanaullah – Hard work pays off – Quran Hifz Completion

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary ©
The holy spirit of Jesus is essential in leadership, and protecting the holy spirit in leadership is crucial. The importance of honoring the Prophet Muhammad sallali wa sallam in leadership and leadership related to the time of Salah is emphasized. The title "has been made for you" to reflect the reward of the Prophet's family and individuals in leadership is also emphasized. The upcoming events, including the Islamist movement, involve hiring a new governor and appointment of an in charge. The title "has been made for you" to reflect the reward of the Prophet's family and individuals in leadership is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah enough muda who wanna start you know who wanna start a pharaoh who want me to be here one hour CardValet when all the villa him in Cerulean fusina Amin sejahtera Molina, Maria de la Philomel dilla woman you lil who Fela de Allah. When a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allahu Allah Shari kala one a shadow under se Eden our Molana Muhammad and Abu rasuluh Amma bar photo bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem in Luna Zela de Granada hula halftones sadaqa Allah Who Navin respected scholars, beloved teachers, beloved students, elders and brothers in Islam.

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Today you and I have gathered to witness the completion of the Holy Quran,

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which is indeed a great bounty of Allah subhanho wa Taala specially upon the two of us, especially upon these two youngsters, and then upon their parents, then upon their teachers, then upon the McKinney society and the humanity at large.

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On one side, there are certain youngsters you are going to find

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who has been the target of the curses of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and on the other side, you are going to find youngsters who are fortunate enough to gain the DUA, Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam said, not that Allah homerun May Allah subhanho wa Taala brighten the life of that young child or that youngster? May Allah Tala preserve the mela Tala protecting melotel elevating, who want to be of Allah who want to be of Allah.

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Man Samia, that person who heard from me my deen and then what did he do? He memorized it, he understood it and then some cameras and then he conveyed it to others the way he memorized it. So by the name of Allah, these two youngsters wherever they are going to be, whatever they are going to do. We do our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to be there for them.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from respected elders and friends, Allah subhanho wa Taala has

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has given many privileges to a half is a Quran many privileges.

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And it is not only in this world it is not only in the year after, but even in this world. For example,

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a half is a Quran takes priority in leading the salah. Right? It comes in a hadith the hadith is mentioned in Muslim Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when you are performing your Salah look for an imam who is the most knowledgeable regarding Quran and if they are equal, then you look for that person who is most knowledgeable regarding the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. If they are equal, then you look for that person who migrated first to Medina if they're equal, then you look at that person who first accepted Islam. And that is that is the honor that has been given by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to haffi the Quran. When the

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time of Salah comes, everyone is seated. Everyone whether it is an African whether it is an Asian, whether it is a doctor, whether it is an engineer, no matter what degree he has, no matter what diploma Yes, but when the time clicks for Salah everyone has to look behind and make way for the half is a Quran to come forward and lead Salah and no matter how the Imam is no matter how he looks, no matter where he comes from, no matter what he speaks or how he speaks. As long as he is the opposite Quran, everyone has to give way that is the honor given by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this honor even after

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someone left the world. It comes in the it comes in Bukhari Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ala mentions

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there is an incident mentioned that, that

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after the Battle of when many Sahaba passed away many companions of Prophet Muhammad Salah son passed away. Prophet Muhammad Salah some started burying them and when he started burning them he had to bury a few Sahaba together in one grade because there were so many jobs

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matters. So before putting his hobby in the grave, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ala some would ask the other Sahaba which one of them is a half is the Quran? Which one of them is the half is the Quran and the Sahaba would point out so first he would put a half is a Quran in the grid and then he would put other Sahaba that is the status of Africa Quran. And according to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam haffi the Quran even takes priority in leadership in matters regarding related to leadership, there is a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is mentioned in Muslim

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there is an incident or the trauma or the Allahu taala, who mentions tomorrow, the Allahu Taala and who came to visit her there at Nafi. And hazard na Fe was made a governor of Makkah by heterochromia mo Talon. So other tomorrow, the Allahu taala, who asked him that, oh Nafi, who have you appointed as an in charge for the people of Valley? Who have you made in charge? So that mafia, the mafia replied, that I have made a observe in charge of this place. So that Omar asked Who is this man? So I don't know reply. He is a freed slave. He was a slave before then he was freed by someone. So the Romans say that you have made a slave in charge a freed slave in charge, people are not going to

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respect him because of the background. So what did he say? He said that oh Amirul Momineen. He is the most knowledgeable regarding Quran. So then other tomorrow, the Allahu taala, who said Indeed the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke the truth. It is through this Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to elevate the status of many and it is through this Quran that Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to degrade many people.

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Now this was related to a half is the Quran.

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What happens to him in the year after? When half is the Quran is to live the world what is the status in the year after? It comes in a narration the narration is mentioned in Timothy that the Quran is going to come in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is going to tell Allah that Oh ALLAH adorn this half is a Quran. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to put a crown on the head of the half is a Quran then the Quran is going to say Allah give him more respect, give him more honor. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to put a garment of honor on his body, he's going to clothe him with a garment of honor. Then the Quran is going to say Allah Tala be pleased with him. So Allah

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Allah is going to say I am pleased with this half is a Quran. I'm pleased with him. And then Allah subhanaw taala is going to tell the half is a Quran that start reading the Quran and start climbing the stages of Jannah wherever you have to stop and where you read your last verse, that is your agenda. That is the agenda that has been made for you.

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What is the honor? And what is the reward of the parents or the relatives or the people who are supported towards this course. There is another Hadith it is mentioned by cabron.

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that tomorrow on the day of Yama of Quran is going to come in the form of a very bright and fair man. In front of the half is the Quran. And the Quran is going to ask, do you know me? Do you recognize me, the half is the Quran one recognizing so the Quran is going to say I am the same Quran because of whom you stayed awake the whole night. And you stayed thirsty during the day. So for the Quran, we know we know that at night when you used to wake up at three o'clock to learn your Sabbath.

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And then even in school, you know the students they go through stress that I have to read my revision to the molana we understand that stress or in Ramadan when you are reading your revision. And whilst you are fasting, we understand all that it is all worth it. According to the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now what is going to happen next, then Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to tell the Quran come forward, Allah Tala is going to put Dominion in his right hand. Go rule from today you are the ruler and Allah Tala is going to put eternity in his left hand, that from now onwards, you're going to stay forever and ever and ever. Then Allah Tala is

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going to put a crown on his head. That is the honor that is going to be given to him talking about his relatives, his parents, then Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to call the parents forward. And then Allah Tala will close them with the government of honor, which will surpass anything that is found

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In this world, anything and then the parents are going to ask that Allah What is this for? What is this for and Allah Tala is going to reply. It is because you taught Quran to your child. That is the status of Hafiz Quran respected elders and friends. So a big congratulations to these two youngsters. And a big congratulation to the, to the people of the community to their parents to their teachers. It is indeed a great glad tiding from Allah subhanho wa Taala and Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala guidance May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us like them? And may Allah subhanaw taala reward each and every person who was part of this force. I

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mean, welcome that one on

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