Ibrahim Hindy – The Importance of Jumu’ah

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The upcoming date of July 1st is the beginning of the year and the importance of remembering it is crucial for Muslims. The importance of rushing to the restaurant and not forceing others to do things without their permission is emphasized. The importance of social media and staying quiet is also discussed. The segment ends with a discussion of mental health and school work.
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La La La
La La La La La
La La
La La La
Good morning
zero my disease
while he was
a student and he selected Dr.
for forgiveness,
and under
his own servant and His Messenger.
Week after week, we gather on the day.
And we listened to the smell. And we meet our brothers and sisters in a snap.
But most of us are not aware of the blessings of the scene, or the importance and significance in the nature of the date of tomorrow. Why it is unfortunate. And it is a sad reality that many Muslims do not even attend.
And even many of those who attend this is not being aware of the significance in support is so
tied together, we'll talk about the importance of the safety and the importance of itself. And the date of tomorrow is one of the
in which the sun has risen, and
gives many features of the sale tomorrow is a sci fi
industry created.
And off the stage, he was taken out and sent out to the earth.
And on this day, his repentance was
And so these days, really talk about the original
the original game time and the creation of it, and the end of the
day of judgment and another
And he says,
He says we are the last, and the first. What does he mean by this? We are the last
a prophet of revelation that
he says, but
what does he mean by
the prophet says, We will be the first few on the Day of Judgment, the first to be judged. And the first entry genuine.
He says, even though they received the revelation before us, and we receive
meaning even though the other receive,
receive the revelation before us, we will know first
we have a level of prestige and honor.
Why is that the case? continues? He says,
He says because they differ
over matters of truth, and alone
towards the truth. And so he says
he says
these issues are the truth. And
is the difference of a witch day was a holy day.
And a long guy that a Friday and afterwards came in the Jews and the Christians. And this is meant to be an example. But the previous nations disagree on not as a truth and
the truth and no matter what they're always
the truth and examine what the truth is.
And just like our
Friday, and then on Saturday and Sunday, so on the Day of Judgment
How do you send them in first, and then the other ones will come afterwards? And another How long do you send them says, say you do?
That the master of all days is the day of July and say it means the one of greatest perceived greatest nobility
and so they have
all the days in fact in another
Have you
the problem says not only is
it is the greatest insight in the law.
Now we know this.
So how did we get
the scholarship yesterday,
but there's only one day.
One day, thank you for being here.
And so a person who disrespects or then slightly worse is in the same.
As you mentioned earlier, the profits of
the sun has risen as
an event mentions it.
In its
place. What's interesting
is a new beginning, a new start
the creation of a new start a new beginning.
To the earth, there is a new
beginning a
new chapter in our lives, and the beginning of the judgement. That's the end of this
And so just as this
shows us,
new beginnings, it is important that the Muslim realize that Friday is a new beginning for him.
That just like gave it to all these new beginnings, there is a new beginning for each of us every Friday. We tend to think because of the country religion and the way that we're gonna be kids. The Friday is the end of the week. Muslims
this is a
this is a
How can I
your family life and all aspects of your life finally, to
this day, to the rest of the days for us to focus on this day? And to feel excitement in this day? And the Prophet calls the day of July Do we need to feel a special This
is also the day that
Yeah, you will need
to do it.
The lesson Oh, you believe it's a call for prayer, decrease
and leave your money in your trade and your business.
What's interesting about this verse,
Allah says,
rush to remember.
First of all, a lot of calls.
He calls
but the law also tells you to rush rush hour rush to
remember is
yet another idea of Congress law where it tells the Muslims why.
When you go for tomorrow and you go to the restroom, go with it.
maybe not. So why is
Russia and the Prophet telling us to go?
And the scholars talk about this? And they say that? The answer is that as the body of the person in physical states should be called, when you go to the restroom, you should have a calmness and tranquility, as you're physically going to the restroom. But your emotional state, your spiritual state, should be rushing to the message, you should feel and excitement to come
in the depths of your heart, you should feel excitement to be at the restaurant. It's
just like when you're so excited for something you can't wait to come up. That's a feeling our our hearts to have that feeling of wanting to be in the first hour.
So rush towards is rushing your spirit to be that.
Indeed, this is better for you. If you only do and there are pluses related to this day of fighting, there is a time and fighting and wishes to be rejected that person makes will be accepted so long as they know.
When is this time the scholars differ? One opinion is
one down until the apama. And this is why when
there was a time of
prayer, and this is one opinion, the stronger opinion is that it takes place an hour before nothing. So the last hour of Friday, an hour before Melbourne, it is a time to meet.
The province
also says in it
he says Muslim, male or female.
It says
she does a great
He says how fire
in flames. It becomes inflamed. You don't want to fire fire because your rises and cleans itself. He says the * fire in flames. Except for the dawn.
This lever and our fire feels the lesson of the Firebase is aside to calm down. And the prophet SAW a lot where it was also mentioned
on the day of the
market marketplace, and apparently lobbyists and beautiful symbolism here because the believer abandons the marketplace, the business of trading for too long in this euro. So he says
enable smart please. a breeze will come a window
and you will straighten the faces of all the people. And each person looks at the other one and say some Hello allies means you're beautiful. And not one guy and single allies we even were uniform. And
the symbolism you take from this that a lot so that you can find the person in the next row because of what they did by attending drama in this room.
And there's a force reverse
disease that engender
and increase what they want to believe in desires and a solid.
Consistent what is the extra law is our normal shoulders racing to the leavers agenda.
And then, as the day reveals, to believers will be the day of your life than a muscle.
So how do we achieve tomorrow? And how do we sell on this day of July? The first thing is I realize all of it is a bust. But the middle of
the height of Joomla is the fight of the husband and the prayer. And it is not how some people think I'm gonna do it.
No actually is a completely different career which
sorry, July replaces
Google career, right people think
replacement entirely for the prayer of zone because it is different in the number of rocks and different in a beaver sightsee to allow, and even according to the opinion of some scholars, the timings of July is different than the timings of softball, it is a completely different prayer, which replaces the prayer. And July is
on every capable man who's not traveling or sick.
And only those who have legitimate excuses are permitted to not attend. Obviously, in today's day and age COVID mentality, people's situations are different
capacities, and etc, etc. However, with
all things being equal, every able bodied person who's able to attend most of the times
are seen as a sign of hypocrisy for someone to be able to attend.
learn some people. And he said the people who neglect Friday must stop
or along the way, as many as those who are in blood flow, and it was the only thing that must be done.
And it is a sign of losing community. And it is not unreasonable to conduct trade and business during July, unless the person leaves their business to someone for whom dry is not an obligation. So if you have a non Muslim running your business, and you tell them to bind the store, while local democracy permissible, or if a Muslim woman, and it's not obligatory for her, and she is minding the business.
But we can tell another Muslim man's mind the store, and he has to do dry as well. It's not the lesion on him.
Right. But the priority is we find our business in order to 10th July, and it's a danger the cost of salt lower it was sending her maintenance to appear our best
performing posted on the day and tomorrow is a luxury. However, the scholars
interpreter does
not necessarily my job has an obligation, the person will be sitting otherwise. But as a highly, highly recommended ask, the person should do
listen for the day of July. And other idea that the person should perfume themselves putting themselves out there that requires or needs to be removed to groom themselves for the sake of driving just operate the policy
that no man takes a bath
and purifies themselves as much as they can and reveal themselves with what is available, at least to the minister and does not force themselves between two people or two people today to securely force yourself off between
and he listens to
his sin this will be forgiven from one side to the other. So parallel a very beautiful way, easy way for our drama to cause our sins.
To just
respect your mind.
And to do this in
your senses. It is important to mention that the food is a necessary part
of the ritual. Jamal allowed himself to do that. First of all,
to attend
he does not say
he doesn't say a prayer he tells you want to be
and this
is how
you are going to do it yourself. And so it's important to listen to
our audio set it up for me
First and foremost speaking German,
even if he is speaking,
his otherwise
meaning wants to respond to sit down
is a way
to respond.
Right. But in general, if someone says,
You're not allowed to respond, if a person sneezes, it says,
it is an obligation for you to respond.
Because the priority of remaining silent, Angela gj higher status, because of the time. The Prophet even says, If you hear someone speaking,
he's he says,
because you, even though you're telling someone else,
this is how important it is for the person to remain silent. rather use a hand motion to remind Morrison's remain quiet. And the
prayer pebbles realized.
So there will be some pebbles on the ground during the
pebbles and the process.
Now, what is the purpose of
social media? If that's what he says about the person playing with the cameras? What is it?
Like we think we have a loophole here. Because
your business and
business, do you think,
to the end of July, there was so much, and this is incredibly important for people to realize, this is our word, this is something that erase all of our sins from what
we have
to realize this is something
and if someone enters and the footprint is occurring, they should shrink.
But then enter the measurement.
Did you break the medicine No, stand up and pray to us.
giving respect to the messages by praying takes precedence over
a short and not a lengthy two hours, also from the blood to take the blessings of Darius
on the day of Friday, so from federal
to the President, the person should try to visit to the Capitol offices always says it will be from one week to the next.
is worthless if the given charity on other days. And also in this day and
age, we must send some lots of our profits civil law.
sense that the best Is it easy to do. So increase in it.
And the power says you're
presented to me and another
with the witness by the angels. And this is an indication that there are no strangers on the day of tomorrow, on other days, and also to attain the blessings in July is to attend early. The Prophet says whatever overcomes excesses in the earlier it will be like giving a candlelight charity and whoever comes afterwards it's like giving a kid a cow with charities and overcomes afterwards will continues until he says that chicken in charity and until he doesn't have insurance. And then he says when the man says said to
the angels, close the books emphasis
and this is very powerful for a couple of reasons. Number one, the angels realize the importance of the
Secondly, the angels are recording who is attending
until the man says,
To begin,
and they stop recording.
And this tells us 30th
of July.
So we can see now,
of course, if we said if a person can't, if they have a legitimate reason, inshallah Allah forgive me, but there are many people who would not have reasons, or people who schedule meetings to bleed into drama and the
time. So we know, each of us knows very well in our capacity
and what is not. And so we need to realize that
and to try to take advantage of it.
Mr. Notice what is
the purpose of the law it was an observed, so it comes
to fella from lima beans,
talks in Kelowna, that the province of him says our 5 billion rains and draw out to
all of the cities, major cities, and so let us take advantage of this thing and try to increase,
increase, increase descending upon the profits on the lower end or send them in order to attain the blessings of the state of Georgia in the long
end with Sima, along with
Mohammed, alongside via Allah Mohammed Ahmed after otaku Runa abroad. Personally, I have a year of better mental though I miss school if I suddenly had a yellow pen so that someone sent me a menial medium. Why then he was hired to up me unemployed. Well, I know what I mean, why me? No, it doesn't lead to solid here, along with a few more points upon me and I hadn't even been in love before. But
whatever you
want me
to do without
a moment's notice, everyone will see me where are we from? The defendant doesn't have to be in a lot Miami Dade and the man was able to move you know what Kevin have been in our portfolio for so far? It was young, which I remember watching me in the life of the Graduate Center. It says a bit about why I had to refresh a
little later on was more widespread for school and dividing up your work.