Ibraheem Menk – IntaLIVE #27 Stories In The Quran – The Mother of Musa; The marriage of Musa, Qaarun

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various popular titles and quotes from various sources, including the use of "naive" in a title and the importance of finding a bond with a mother to feed a child. They also touch on the emotional connection between a woman and her child, the use of spy tactics to gain information and gain knowledge, and the importance of avoidingoppression and maintaining respect. The speakers emphasize the need for people to live in a healthy lifestyle and achieve certain goals in marriage, including finding a wife and being supportive of family members.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam albaraka ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Edmund, we welcome you all to another session but even in less Today we will be discussing some of the stories in the 20th Jews and Alhamdulillah we reach the 20th Jews, that's roughly two thirds of the Quran and that would mean that two thirds of Ramadan has also passed almost in most parts of the world. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from those who make the most out of the month of Ramadan, and from those who are able to witness Laila to credit and who have the greatest reward and

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we find the last panel hotel again mentioned the story of Musa alayhis salaam and quite a bit of detail from when he was young. He grew up in the palace of around there after he left Promethean map he came back to town Allah subhana wa Jalla mentions or let

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa Goloka

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Rilakkuma Sara Lovato, how are you? Shekinah Alhamdulillah How are you? handling lamb well

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hamdulillah today in the 20 of Jews, we find the last panel which I saw that will pass us mentions the story of Musa alayhis salam. Once again the story of Musa alayhis salaam, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions it he narrates it, this time, from a bit of a different angle. He mentions how, you know when he was young, and he grew up with his mother and his mother, basically, when he was still very young put him into the Nile or the river. And he then grew up in the palace of fear around Allah subhanho wa Jalla then mentions other stages in his life as he grew, what occurred how he had to run away to madeon. He then got married, he then came back, I think, before getting into the

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points what I found very interesting, yes, we all know that the story of Musa alayhis salam we've heard is mentioned many times in the Quran. But personally I didn't know that. It's mentioned so many times you know, when when you look when you start looking for certain things, you find that in almost every juice Musa alayhis, Salam masala Salah, and in a lot of detail, and obviously one of the only reasons for this thing Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the story constantly because there are so many lessons we can derive from it.

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Yes, and the angles also that we have, you know, they come from different different angles. So, I think embed itself is a lesson for us to learn that, you know, sometimes one story has so many different angles that you can look at it from so perhaps you may have seen it from your lens, it doesn't mean that the other person's lens is wrong, per se. But it might just be another angle looking at it another part of the story, etc.

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Very important point you know, the more you look at something, the deeper you're able to go into it studied in depth, especially when it comes to the Quran. Probably you derive more benefit. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how he inspired to the mother of Musa alayhis salam ohana, Isla Mimosa and of the re you know, breastfeed him look after him whilst his was still a baby after that put him into the river. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions a few things in that versus file tra for one ohioana 11 in Busan are very for either 50 allergy for LPG phillium while at the haffi while otter has an email at Vu, la caja alumina, muscly. I think what was interesting is one of them of a city

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mentions that in this verse, one verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions Amman, to Otis when again to you know, prohibitions don't do this, or don't worry about this, and we shall attend to glad tidings all in this one verse. So if we go over the verse, we would find our last panel which is our hyena, Isla Mimosa, and our very first order is that you know, breastfeed him look after him when he's still young, still a baby for either 50 ie for lp phillium if you fear you know, you're worried about him, you know, he's growing up now that people might come to kill him, then throw him into this river. So here we find two Amazon two orders are given by Lt. Helium. While at the Harvey,

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don't fear. Here's your nahan don't fear about him? Well, our destiny Don't be sad. Then he gives two pieces of glad tidings to promises in our do who he likey we will return him to you, you've put him into this river, the smile.

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Even though a person who looks at it, they will think that he probably it's more likely that he's going to, you know, drown. Or at a time where they were killing the young boys, it's more likely he's not going to survive. Allah subhanho wa Taala says not only will he survive, we'll bring him back to you in our zoo, la ki wajah Illumina

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More saline and we will make him from the MDF. And that's another piece of glad tidings or good news that Musa alayhis salam would become a newbie. And this was informed when he was still very young. So I found that very interesting.

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is absolutely and Allah, Allah there's so much to the story of Masada salatu salam, in this particular verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says of de Elena Illa Musa and our very

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own Mimosa and of the that we

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revealed or literally inspired, not revealed but inspired to Moosa, the mother of Musa that feed him. And after feeding him, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that, then throw him into the Nile. So later on Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we'll have run the alayhi monaldi, amin Pablo, and we made haram the or literally, you know, prohibited or prevented anyone other than the moon, the mother of mousseline, Salatu, Assam to feed this child. So, the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells her to first breastfeed the child, and then throw it into the Nile means that there's a bond that was created the and later on, he says, look, we've prevented or stopped anyone else from breastfeeding

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this child. So it teaches us the bond that is created when a person or a mother breastfeed her child is a special bond, perhaps that is created from this. Now, this is just an inference that we've drawn from the a loss of animal which obviously, he knows best.

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As you mentioned also in the sooner we find that in fifth, but there's a whole chapter on,

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you know, robba way a child is given to another woman and she breastfeed him, and as long as it's within the stipulated period, so that's two years or less, whilst the child is still you know, suckling. And it's enough so some say three, suckling Some say five, etc, whatever it may be that detail is 50. But after that, this child or this woman becomes a mom for this child, it comes the foster mother and this other outcome, or other rulings that then follow so there is a bond and Allah knows best. So kind of love that. That's also true, I didn't even think of that angle.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala then mentions or he then says, how, you know, Musa alayhis salam, he grew up in the palace of Freetown, right under, you know, the watch of the person who was feeling this specific boy. He then says, one of the days in the city, there was some sort of argument between somebody from the people of Musa alayhis salam from his, you know, clan, who people and from another clan Musa alayhis, salaam, hidden strikes this person not trying to kill him, but you know, out of defense out of helping somebody else, and this person eventually dies, Musa alayhis salam was a very strong man. Again, he comes the next day finds the same person, the one from his clan who had a

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problem he has a problem with somebody else so Sally Salaam tells him you just trying to you know cause facade in the land and most Alice leaves him after that, this talk in the city that people will want to catch Musa alayhis salaam. So one man he comes to Musa alayhis salam and tells him that you know what, leave the city Run for your life, basically. So Musa alayhis, Salam left and he went to Medina. Again, these are parts of the story which have so much detail so many lessons in them Shana, if there's anything you want to touch on, before we get to the points we wanted to speak.

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Sorry, yes, there was one or two points that I was looking at, before we move on to the next part of the story. So you know, where the wife of Iran says to fit around that corner, tiny lever, lead up to that, this, this child will be a coolness of the eyes for me and for you, she's telling her, don't kill him, as a foreigner, perhaps he will benefit us or we will take him as a child and yet they did not perceive Now, during this time around is listening and he accepts the opinion of his wife. And later on this child ends up being musala Salatu was Salam which who ultimately leads to the demise and destruction of their out. Now, the the point that I want to, you know, focus on in

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this in this particular instance, is that

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the wife of Farah own had this emotional connection to fill out and because she was connected to him in this manner, he accepted her advice and he took on musala Salatu was Salam. So the people around us the emotional connection to us can sometimes mess around with our judgment. It can, you know, blur our judgments, so to speak. You can

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Listen to them. And because you love the person that's talking to you, or you don't really like the person that's talking to you, then that can mess around with the judgment that you make in a particular situation. So it's important to sometimes divorce those emotions from a particular judgment that you make, of course, this was the decree and kind of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But the point is, what do we gain from this particular iron, which is telling him that, you know,

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he will be a coolness of your of my eyes and your eyes for what finally worked, yet it didn't turn out to be true for him. So something something interesting.

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This is very important for us, especially when we in that position, or you know, you're judging or deciding between two people, you have to be impartial. Another important thing I was reading, you know, a side note, a lot of times our perceptions of things, you know, we develop a perception, especially if we haven't experienced this thing, our perception is developed by how we were primed before we got to experience this item. So I'll give you an example. If you're going to meet somebody, and I tell you that you know what, I dealt with this brother Sue, you know, brilliant person, excellent person, I've already been in law, you've already been primed. So you expecting

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certain things? Are you more likely to, you know, be a bit more open with it, because you you've got a relationship with me, you know, me and you say that he trusts him. So I might not trust him fully. I don't know him, but you're a bit more at ease. As opposed to if I tell you, you're going to meet this person is a bad person, I've dealt with him, you know, there's no goodness in him. I've already given you that impression, and you've been primed to then go. And now most probably it may not be but a lot of the times your actions will be according to what's been said to you before you actually experienced that situation.

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So, yes, absolutely. That's an another angle on the same way. So Allah subhanho wa Taala also says work harder to see than the mother of musataha salat wa salam says to his sister, that's the sister of Moses, correct?

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That going look for him. Yes. So go and look for him. But also, let's be anunoby walking life on so she noticed them the enemy without the knowledge from from a side one side. So we'll allow to sometimes spy on a situation and in a situation and we need to make it very clear when it's absolutely necessary for our safety or to save the life of a human being for a valid reason. You can actually spy on people in order to gain some knowledge that will benefit you. And then you can perhaps, you know, remove that person from a dangerous situation or save that person like yeah, Musa alayhi salatu was Salam was being returned to his mother. So he's, he's, his mother tells the system

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that go and look for the child and see what you can find out. So she goes and she watches from a distance from the side. And then later on, when when Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam is now refusing to be fit. Allah subhanho wa Taala says something very interesting. Well, how am I Li Marathi? I'm going to put no further ado kumada elevating Luna, who? La como hola who knows Hoon? So she immediately stood up and she says, look, can I show you the home, or the people of the home that will look after him. And they are well wishes for him. So

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when the time was right, she struck.

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People might not accept what you're about to say. But because it was the perfect timing. She waited when he had refused all of the

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now she stands up and says right, I found the right family, they look after him. So it was the right time. So in our lives as well, we've got to make sure that it's the right time to strike for an opportunity, you know, don't just stand up in the wrong place, saying the right thing. It might be right what you're saying, but it might not be the right place and time to say it. Because I think you mentioned two very important points you had cut off a little bit. Basically, she was saying that at times for your you know, for some benefit to save a life etc. You know, the word spy, sometimes people associate it with something else. So we'd say that to gather information on a certain topic

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or what's occurring so that there's no confusion. Another thing is that he also mentioned that your timing, sometimes you have to wait you have to be patient. And then when you get your opportunity, you take it, the sister of Musa alayhis salam when she saw that most Ali Salam had refused all the people who are trying to feed him. She then took off

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opportunity and said we can show you somebody who, you know will be able to feed him.

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Yes, yes. I think you're right. the right word to use is gather information rather than things fine because you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala also says, let's just assume don't spy upon the people. So that's the general rule. You don't want to spy on people.

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Moving on Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions how Musa alayhis salam, eventually, you know, he leaves Medea is on his way. He's running for his life, literally. And he comes to a place where, you know, he's got nothing he's run for his life. And he settles down and he makes a do I'll be in demand center. Let me hide. In fact, here basically, I'm in need of any type of goodness, you send me Allah, and he finds that there are people you know, feeding the animals with the well with the water. And Musa alayhis salam then sees two ladies. He not giving them you know, long conversations, etc. He just asks, you know what's wrong, and they say that we wait for everybody to finish. And

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then we make our animals drink so mousseline semantics, these animals not asking for anything in return, you know, not striking up a conversation to Italian house this and that he does what he needs to, just out of his goodness is, you know, one of the worshipers of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He hadn't yet received why he and the moose Ali Salaam does this and he risks under or in the shade, asking Allah for any goodness, the girls then go home, they tell their father about this and the father wants to know more about Musa alayhis salam. So they bring him home. He then tells Musa alayhis salaam to work for him for a little while to work with him. And he also tells him that he

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will marry one of his daughters to Musa alayhis salam, I think there's quite a lot that can be said here. One of the points I will touch on when it comes to marriage. Look at Mr. Ali Salaam, his left his people, he's gone to another city or another country altogether. And yes, the marriage advice is not a one fit all. It's not everything, I'm just saying one part of it. Sometimes you've also got to consider maybe you might get an option, somebody in a completely different country in a completely different place from a completely different environment. I think we should look into it, at least, especially if you know there might be some goodness that comes out of it. Musa alayhis salam is

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being offered to get married in a different place altogether, two completely different people, they probably have, you know, different ways of doing things, different country, different setting different environment. So I think if especially the world we live in today, instead of just saying no, no, and no, sometimes we're not saying just say yes, we're saying, you know, give it a chance look into it, it may be it may end up being you know what it

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is? Absolutely So panela and I believe, I think it was at the time of hormonal support. But on the other hand, there were people who came, and they were very weak in nature, etc. And he asked them that, what do you do when you get married, and they said that they get married or in an intermarry, you know, in and amongst themselves. So what he, he advised them to do is go back and when they marry, they should marry out of the tribe. And this would create a stronger lineage amongst them. So I think there's a lot of benefit from from that. I may be mistaken when I say that it's the time of our model of power, the alumni who I'm not 100% certain on that, but the lesson is that, you know,

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sometimes marrying into, you know, in between tribes is something that will actually benefit the people who are in between different cultures and beyond borders. So Subhanallah that's a that's a powerful point that was derived, Mashallah, you know, what I find amazing is that Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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He is here,

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but was Salam afterwards, and she was walking with, you know, shame, she was bashful in her manner. So it's teaching us that, yes. The interaction that needs to happen between a man and a woman can take place, but they are guidelines in Islam. We do it according to the guidelines of Islam. We do it with bashfulness with a sense of respect, where you know, you don't go out and say things that are immoral, say that which is wrong, say that which is hurtful. You maintain that balance and that respect when treating the people or interacting with the people of the opposite gender. Here she was, and she's coming she speaks to musala salatu salam from what we can see it's only then it her

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and him you know, they obviously it wasn't you

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It's occlusion. But it was, you know, a respectful conversation because she came walking with bashfulness she came walking with shyness, it wasn't an open

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or a lewd conversation so to speak. It's I think it's an important point, you mentioned that sometimes when you've got, you know, something that has to happen, you go to a shop, the guy selling is, you know, a man or woman, somebody from a different gender in this certain things that have been permitted in a way it's needed with necessary and extra after that, and that is where, you know, we have to

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carry ourselves in a manner befitting for a Muslim.

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Yes, absolutely.

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Can I can I mention the next few points that I wanted to touch on? Yes. on the same path? Yes. Yes. So Allah subhanho wa Taala also says Carla in the redo and key hacker, mentor her team, I'd love to, you know, I want you to marry one of these two daughters of mine. This is the Navy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Telling Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam. So it's interesting that he's saying that I want you to marry one of these two daughters of mine, he had only asked him to hire this, this young man was musalla. His salad was Santa. So the father understood what the daughter wanted. And he protected her

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intent at the same time by just saying that I want you to get married to one of these Daughters of mine. So I think we need to understand situations beyond what is being said at times, the lady's saying hire him. But it was clear that the Father understood she was interested in him. And he immediately says that, look, I'd like you to get married to one of these two daughters of mine. Now, something interesting that this levy of Allah subhanho wa Taala, was it he said that he was incapable of at the time of really doing much, he was old, he was weak, he couldn't really do much. So you could say that he killed two birds with one stone by getting his daughter married to masala,

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his Salatu was Salam. So he achieved multiple things from this marriage. One was he got his daughter married to he, he had a person to help them out and be there for them, support them, etc. So sometimes you want to achieve different things from a marriage, that's okay. But it's important that everybody is on board. So it shouldn't be that the lady or the woman or one of the parties doesn't want to get married, and you're forcing them into that marriage. It doesn't work. You know, this happens in the business world where people,

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they get their daughters married to their partner's sons. And this is wrong. If that daughter doesn't want to get married, you don't go ahead with this thing, because that would be oppression, on you know, to her. So I think we can we can learn from this that yes, if there are multiple objects, object objectives that will be achieved from a marriage, then that's fine, but they shouldn't be oppression on any part at all whatsoever. I think two points that come out to stand out that I'd like to touch on. The first is when it comes to the daughter being interested in Musa alayhis salaam, unless you may have read it, I've never read it. And I've never had that. So maybe

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if we check that, because maybe they wanted somebody to just help with him in the first place after that when they got married is separate. So I don't know about that. The second part, somebody is saying that, are we allowing people to then go and you know, work together, we are talking about the interaction that occurs in a place where you can run away from it. We're not talking about anything else right now that has its conversation to be spoken about. If you go to a shop, and you find that the person serving you is somebody from the opposite gender, then, and you need something you need to buy something. And there's a way to carry yourself as a Muslim. You know, just doing what's

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asking for what's necessary taking what you need being necessary. We're not speaking about anything else.

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It is absolutely, absolutely.

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Moving on, we find

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a last panel which I love. At the end of the Summa he speaks about our own if there's anything else you want to touch on on the story of Musa alayhis salam, maybe we can mention it before we go to.

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Now let's move on to chapter

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one was from the people also at the time of Musa alayhis salam. And he had a lot of wealth. However, his wealth, you know it, it caused him to become arrogant. He didn't want to give his due right. He thought it was all from him.

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And his own doing, forgetting the light of Allah subhanho wa Taala forgetting the fact that you know this other people who he could give and help with this wealth, I think, is quite a few lessons we take from the story of our own. One of them being when the people advise him, they tell him what to attend. So I'll see that come in at dunia you if you're doing all this with your wealth don't become you know, don't lose your mind and forget Allah know, you've got to live in the dunya Don't forget the fact that there is the earth you know, so that's your main goal and your main aim, but at the same time was during the dunya you know, get your little bit on do what you need to do in terms of

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you know, living buying something doing some business. Another way of interpreting it is, well items that are super common opinion meaning Don't forget to do good deeds, whilst you are earning your wealth or doing something of the dunya

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Yes, absolutely. panela that's the first time I'm hearing that interpretation of the first so it's interesting. So kind of the second one that you mentioned, where whilst you're working, etc, don't forget your

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kind of look at something interesting.

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Allah some kind of water Allah also says, He says in that same verse, in fact, that same portion will allow some kind of analysis will protect the female attack and love down and seek that with that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has given you, the afterlife, and Darrell efia will attend, send it back, I'm in Estonia, and don't forget your portion in the dunya which, for me means that, you know, tell the people that they should go out and use what they've got for temporary was temporary, the temporary means that they have in this world, their businesses, their wealth, etc, to build that which is everlasting. But at the same time, they shouldn't forget their portion of the dunya meaning

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the general rule and the general focus and aim should be the alpha, but don't forget that Jr. as well. You need to survive you need to live so once I was sitting with

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a scholar and his son actually and it was interesting what he said to him, he said Look, son, we're not looking for a luxury in this world we are looking for comfort. So yes, luxury may be something that okay, if you really enjoy

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but at the same time, if you can be comfortable and happy in this dunya and get to the zero with that minimal comfort, you don't need to be suffering but with comfort Alhamdulillah that's okay, you know, taking it to an extravagant level obviously will be hard. But if people who love to, for example, fly first class, that's fine. That's okay. That's the business but if you can do with perhaps business class to put it so you know, in in a in a simple situation for all of us to understand that if you can do with business class then do with it and carry on why why do you need to be in first you can survive in business, you can be comfortable in business and live in business

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and that's okay Alhamdulillah you get to your destination ultimately comfortably you would have been okay and fine. Not to say that what those those people who take the first class are wrong. I'm not saying that at all. That's the business that's fine. That's totally okay as well. But sometimes living in luxury is it takes your focus away from the earth era, because you now start focusing on that on the luxurious things of this reunion, and how you know, to spend your wealth on that rather than building your earthier.

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It's ultimately your wealth is a means to do good deeds to attend the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Yes, you're allowed to use it, you know, for your some dunia way or some worldly things you need. And as you mentioned, there's no harm if a person who is not doing anything harm in to live in, you know, to have a bit of comfort and to get a few things and that's also okay. I think another interesting point that stands out for me at the end of the story, after our own is destroyed. Allah subhana wa Genesis was for her lady in ataman know McKenna who bill MCF Oh Luna way and Allah. The other sort of is Kali mania shatta. wale, basically those who are wishing to be like our own, our

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own was seen in society, as you know, being somebody who had a lot of wealth. He was looked up to for this and people were wishing to be like him. Then after he is destroyed, you find that the people who are wishing to be like him, they then say that, oh, you know, where you can analyze what happened. It's only Allah who gives this to whoever he wishes. I think something very interesting and important. A lot of times we forget, you know, when you see somebody in society today, they may have a position even if they may seem you know, very ritual, religious, a parent

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According to you don't ever wish to be like them. You don't know what goes on in their life. You don't know what you know, since they may have also some people make do and they say, Oh Allah make me exactly like this person. You don't know the whole, the whole

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the whole situation on the whole scenario, you don't know maybe that person has bad things they also do. Maybe it's better to ask, obviously ask for all the goodness that the messenger sallallahu alayhi, wasallam was given, and the other people will pious ask for that goodness. But as for wishing to be like somebody who's you know, just wishing completely and fully to say make me like this person? Well, you don't know that person could be having problems in their marriage, they could be having financial difficulty they could be having so many things that you do is just one deep road to say, Oh, I'm not exactly like how that person is Make me like that. So I think that's important

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to mention.

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So true. We're live in social media in this time of social media, where people are sharing their profiles and their pictures, etc. We sometimes look at these pictures and things Oh, I wish out my life was like this. But it's so true that this parts of a life that we have no idea to what's happening and what's going on in there. And Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala also says for her, definitely he will be there to heal up so we caused him and his home to be swallowed up. So something interesting, the earth swallowed up not only him, but he's home as well. Why does Allah subhanho wa Taala? Cause the home to be swallowed up? And why does he mentioned this as well?

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Obviously, the entire wisdom, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best, but perhaps there is a an indication in this that, you know, sometimes we feel that when the punishment comes down, it only comes down on the person, but your entire Empire can be swallowed up as well, if you

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ask him to grant us the ability to use it in that which is most beneficial.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:11

I mean, we only got the last under what you mentioned, maybe if you could recap quickly, because we didn't get what you mentioned.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:16

So panel, some kind of like keeps

00:32:17 --> 00:32:20

keeps breaking up. How's that now? Is that a bit better?

00:32:22 --> 00:32:28

Yes, you had mentioned that qarun was destroyed along with his possessions. Is that a bit better? Now? I think we've

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32

Yeah, we can hear you.

00:32:34 --> 00:32:38

Okay, no, so I was mentioning how Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the home as well.

00:32:40 --> 00:32:47

So, you know, the, the home and the Empire doesn't go down as well. And that's kind of what Allah saying, no matter how vast you Empire.

00:32:49 --> 00:32:55

So this is something that's interesting in that I hope you've caught what I said.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:25

We still didn't manage to get to what you mentioned, maybe a shelf life, we take it tomorrow, and from what I gathered is that our own, he himself was swallowed by the earth as well as his possessions. And I think what we learn from that is when the punishment comes, yes, it may have sometimes people forget that it not only afflicts them, but it will it may also take the whole empire with it, and it may also crumble all together. I think that's what you mentioned.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:29

Yes, yes. Yes. And that's the that's the point.

00:33:31 --> 00:34:14

Pamela, Jeff, is there anything else you'd like to mention? Allah He, I can't think of anything. Alhamdulillah at least we managed to get to the end of the session. And some people mentioning they didn't get it basically, our own was destroyed. Along with him, his possessions were also destroyed, they were also swallowed up. And from this we take that sometimes when a person's destruction is written, you know, not only they fall, but the whole empire may fall with it. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us, even in law tomorrow we go over the 21st juice, even in law, we asked Allah Subhana Allah grant us goodness, and yeah, I think we need to shift from Allah failing to see you

00:34:14 --> 00:34:19

tomorrow. Challenge. Allah here. wyrick masala level

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