Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 14 – The Honor Of Human Life

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam is highlighted, including the implementation of Prophet sallama and protecting human life. The importance of strong messages and protecting religion and privacy is emphasized, along with the negative consequences of actions that cause harm and struggles with Muslims. The importance of learning from the model of Muslims living in the United States and strong personalities in addressing difficult situations is emphasized, along with the negative impact of actions of others, such as the Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Family Law family law the Rockefellers alumna

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Susan rcvd. MBA early in his career was hybrid he left to my dad.

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inshallah Today we are starting with Hadith number 14

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this hadith narrated by Abdullah husband was rude or the last one.

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I didn't elaborate on the student or the loved one

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karrakatta Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Leia filou them in slim in your shadow Allah Illa Illa Juan near La, La La Via de Saracen, a fable zanni when NASA Venus see what tariku Lydian II and mafara cordage avati.

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This Hadith is narrated by the great companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abdullah havens rather the last one. He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is not permissible to spill the blood of a Muslim except in three instances. The married one who commits adultery alive for a life and the one who forsakes his religion and separates from the community. The Hadith is narrated by mama hottie and Mr. Muslim.

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So this particular narration as we just learned, is never to bite them on the potty any Muslim Rahmatullah honey

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narrated through the path through the chain of Amish from the love and Laura from Ruth who narrates from Hebrews rhodiola one some narrations have different wordings. The narration of Timothy and nessa Univ imager has a slight variation in the language. Also between Bukhari and Muslim instead of Lee Dini he in one narration is still Islam.

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And in some narrations, other words are using some narrations, different words are used. For example, in some narrations, you'll find as a fable as me and other ones and other ones will find a fable as any within without the other words any human No, we don't like it, he says that the Messiah, the pronunciation of the word zanni. Without the yeah at the end, not as many as any mean lady in body noon. Well, he alluded to this, he hadn't. This is the correct pronunciation. But he said the more common pronunciation is, as Annie with the after it, that's just a small little pointer for you, mainly to highlight that this Hadeeth it's the same concept, same structure, same

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core, same skeleton, but the word is used in this Hadeeth. Sometimes it's expressed in one way in one book, while expressed in another way in another book.

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Now, the background to this, it is important to understand.

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before the arrival for Islam, there was little to no value for human life.

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Human life was taken over silly and small things. So for example, the two tribes of Hosea and Bhanu Bukhari they fought and fought and fought with one another over something that was done not in their generation or their lifetime, but a generation or two before them. One person had a bad dealing with another person, which led to a fight that broke out, and they killed and they fought and killed and fought. Until Not only did one generation perish, but the second generation also started to perish. What save these two tribes from killing one another was the Treaty of Westphalia when the Treaty of idibia took place one tribe during the Muslims while the other tribe during the pradesh

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so that meant the battle was supposed to stop.

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When the treaty during the treaty period where it was clearly stated that neither of the two sides would fight or aid in a battle against one another. These two tribes blue fossa and blue bucket got into it again. But no bucket in particular, they thought to themselves that we've been fighting against these people for decades. Finally, they've put the weapons down, then they're not expecting us to attack them, what better time to attack them than this time. So what

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They did was they went to the parish, and they said to the parish, lend us your weapons in the parish, give them the weapons and then attack the

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facade during the hours of the night. And it was a nasty bloodshed. It was so bad that none of us are realized the only way they will live is if they ran to the harm that they ran to the sacred land. Because amongst the Arabs, even before Islam, it was known that you do not shed blood in the sacred land. So they ran to the sacred land. And when they came in the boundaries of the atom, they said to bonobo, that you can't kill us anymore. And but obachan response said to them, why not? They said, because of our Lord because of a lack our Lord and your Lord, because we're now in the sacred land, and we honor our gods in this land. And blue bucket in response said, which God, which Lord,

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it's as if they were denouncing religion altogether, just to get that blood that they wanted to fulfill that hunger that thirst they had for years and generations. And this this wasn't in one situation or in one context, it was actually quite a broad issue. You went to Madina, munawwara, you had husbands and O's, again, two tribes fighting there for generations fighting one another fighting one another before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam arrives in Medina menorah, they have this very * battle, the Battle of life. And at the end of that battle, it was then when some of these people came to Madina, munawwara and met the prophets that allamani was set up, accepted

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Islam, and then invited the prophet to move the move to Madina munawwara after having this very,

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very disgusting battle, known as the Battle of bluff. So these sorts of battles were common Actually, it's not just one or two instances, I'm just highlighting one or two. But this was a very common thing among startups that if one person violated another person, they would take their life for the sake of honor.

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And not only that, out of honor, not only in the battlefield, but at home too, as the Quran itself tells us that one common practice amongst audibles as a sign of their honor was burying their daughters alive, the idea of them being put to let what is alluded to suey that he then been quoted at were the, the one the girl who was buried alive, she, she will ask, she will be asked which for which sin for which crime of hers was she killed? Was she buried alive. So this is a very common thing, killing newborn girls killing out of shame, killing for the sake of superiority of tribes. So Islam comes in

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and stresses the value and the honor of a human life.

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And what is that stressing that human beings cannot be killed because of your petty rivalry? human beings in their lives cannot be dishonored, due to your, you know, artificial definition, this fake, super superficial definition of what it means to be to to serve one's honor that you can't, you can't impose those definitions, or those ideologies onto innocent human beings and take their lives or take away their right to live and imprison them for life and torture them. Islam is very openly the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam starts off this hobby by saying that the honor the blood of the human being cannot be taken. So it starts off with the negation that it cannot happen, this idea

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that you have for every small and petty thing, I can do whatever I want to that without absorb the bullies, and we can go and push him and shove anyone down as Java vitalant. He described in front of the Joshua king, he said that, yeah, quote, all human life, the strong one from us would eat from the weak one, it was all about how much strength you had, how much you can hurt the other person how much fear you can put into their heart, for the purpose of a lot of money was sort of delivered this message to the people. He emphasizes the honor of the life of a human being, how it can't be threatened unlawfully, unless there is a serious violation if there is a serious violation that

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again, that person is a criminal, and based on the crime, the punishment can be given. And without criminal justice, there is no peace in society. So the balance between the two, Islam isn't a religion where everything is forgiven. But at the same time, it's not harshly punishing people for every small petty thing, or every small petty mistake they make in life. There is a balance there.

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Some people they view this heavy opponents of Islam in particular, they view this heavy in a very negative light. They read this, how do you think they say Islam is saying that you can be barbaric, and you can kill people over X, Y and Z crimes they commit therefore Islam is a barbaric religion.

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You can look at it from a negative life light, or you can flip it over and look at it from a very positive light. And what is that Islam is saying that there is no way to take the life of a human being. But in three circumstances, if you were to go online and perform a quick search on which crimes in the United States of America can lead to a death penalty across the states. It's not three things. It's actually way more than three things like obviously there's a lot of scholarly difference of opinion.

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even amongst the lawyers and the in the judges, but it's not a restricted or limited list of things, there are actually a lot of things that can lead to the result of a person losing their life, from things like espionage to treason to, to murdering key people, not all people, by the way, that every human being has the same value, you can kill one person and have X amount of years in life in prison, and then you can kill another person but because that person has a political positioning or because that person may be a judge, or because that person is a juror than them in that scenario, you're the punishment is different because of the circumstance.

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I'm not gonna sit here and bash a law or a system of another country or democracies across the world because each democracy, each system, each country has laws that they fit to be suitable for their lens as long as those laws are not unjust. In Islam, similarly, there are also laws in place and we'll talk about them and examine them through the class. However, I prefer that we study these not through a negative lens rather through a positive lens, understanding how Islam is honoring life, not dishonouring or selling the life of a human being for cheap blood, where you can go and kill people for the sake of your financial benefit. You can go on colonial eyes the world and and take

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over lands and steal their gold for your own financial benefit and tell and tell the world the story that the orientalist shares which is what that colonialism is the key or was that this was the narrative, okay? colonialism was the key to liberating mankind from injustice from ignorance, it's as if the white man had to save the world from an oppressive marriage.

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When you read orientalist, and their works, you have to understand Orientalism is a lens. Okay, you have to view it as a lens. And when you're reading through that lens, you have to understand that there's a lot of baggage in that lens is very loaded. And that lens has the ability to take any country in the world. And if you were to look at that country or those people through that lens, you would see the narrative that the orientalist wants you to see that country through. So when you were to look at if you were to look at Africans through the lens of the orientalist, what would you see? The poor, broke, corrupted, hungry, starved, doomed nation, that's the lens that people look at,

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when the truth is that if you were if you were to examine the same adjectives, to the lens of the orientalist to the west, you will find a very similar description, you know, the broke the corrupt, the poor, tell me these things don't apply to the west that's using these very same adjectives to describe the east or different parts of the world. So you have to understand the law.

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And its implementation is very subjective. Okay. And as Muslims, we understand that the law that we implement, first and foremost, it comes from a divine source, it comes from Allah subhana wa Tada. So where we will make every attempt to understand it intellectually and see its place within society. Ultimately, like all other religions that believe in divine guidance, our ultimate submission lies with revelation.

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So if I were to compare a man made law, against a law from Allah subhana wa Tada, my heart will always feel more confident with the law given by Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanahu wa tada because that that law isn't manmade human beings make laws based off of circumstances our laws are constantly developing. They're dynamic, they're growing with our experience and with our knowledge. However, when it comes to the law given by Allah subhana wa Tada, it's timeless. And it's also beyond a place it's not confined to a community, it's beyond human boundaries.

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Now before we go into the three points mentioned in the Hadith that actually result in a punishment of life, of the loss of life and death. Before we go into that there are a few introductory points that we have to understand. The first thing is that in Islam, there are certain things or certain principles, points, known as the Mikasa, the shediac Mufasa, the Shetty are what the goals and objectives of the religion. So if someone says to me

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that Sharia law has no place in the United States of America,

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or I'm terrified of Sharia law, my first question to that person is Do you even know the goals and objectives of Sharia law? Either we can study Sharia law once again through the orientalist lens and make an assumption of what Sharia law is. All we can do is we can ask Islam and we can ask Muslims what are the goals and objectives behind

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under Sharia law

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once we understand the goals and objectives behind them, then we can also get a feel for the means that Islam uses to achieve those goals and objectives. So what are these goals? What are these mocassin

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um, different scholars through history through Islamic scholarship have defined the mocassin or the Rubaiyat of the of the Shetty in different ways. Some have said there are seven Some have said there are eight. The more common understanding is that they are a little reactive comes that they are five objectives behind Islamic law. What are these methods? The first one

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is to protect the religion to protect the deen.

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The second one is to protect the life.

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The third is

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protecting honor.

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The fourth, protecting wealth,

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and the fifth, protecting intellect.

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So these are the five things that Islamic law is trying to achieve. Protecting, protecting, protecting, protecting, protecting, religion, life honor, knowledge of sorry, wealth, and intellect. These are the five things

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but as we study these three things mentioned within the Hadith, we will find the three things that actually result to a penalty of life and death are rooted in the corruption of one of these five fundamental objectives of the religion. So for example, I said that the first goal of the Shetty is Tomic law is to protect religion, to protect religion. When a person chooses privately individually as their own path of life is their choice. As we all know, the Quran itself speaks la econavi Deen, that there is no compulsion when it comes to religion. You can't force someone to accept Islam, anyone that thinks that it's Islamic to force a person who is not a Muslim to accept Islam is fooled

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and diluted, once again, your your understanding the Islamic faith through non Muslim sources, because the verse of there is no compulsion in religion is actually embedded within the verses of the Quran. It's right after I had, of course, the end, which is the the verse of the throne, the most one of the most honorable, most respected, most virtuous verses in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says right after that, like I don't have to do that there is no compulsion when it comes to religion. And I'll talk more about this later on. Also, when it comes to, why is it that Islam gives a punishment of a purse of life and death to a person who leaves the religion? Why does that

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punishment exist? I'll talk about this later on in a little bit more detail. And we'll also study some examples of people during the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, who left Islam, there were those who are Muslims, and they left Islam, and what was the outcome? What happened in those scenarios, I'll touch on three or four different examples there, and in a few months,

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the second thing we find is the preservation of life. And that's why we see the second thing mentioned that this idea is enough. So bidness life for life, because preserving life is a part of the mocassin literally are the goals and objectives of Islamic law, and Islamic preserving honor. And what happens when people fornicate openly when people commit adultery openly is and are crossing married couples are stepping out on their marriages and committing Zina getting involved in adultery, that honor is being destroyed. And Islam is here to preserve that very same honor.

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So we see that in Islam, the right of society has more importance, and it's far greater than the right of the individual. Okay, one thing is what one person does as an individual that's in one place. But when you violate the right of society, the punishment becomes much more grave, much more serious, it becomes much more intense. So for example,

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if a person were to hurt one person, privately, I can, let's say, for example, two people got into a fight, they punch each other, they fought each other. And that was the end of that. That's one thing. But the other thing is that a person walks around town and is happy slapping everyone, you guys want the concept of happy slapping? You guys remember that? No, it was a thing that was that was very common in particular in the UK, where they had these guys who would who would jump on the bus and they would see someone sleeping right before the bus stop would come, they would slap that person on the face, catch it on camera and run off the bus and then upload that video on YouTube. It

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was called Happy slapping, right? Not really happy but a lot of slapping going on. So the punishment for that sort of crime becomes very different because it's no longer a private crime. It's not a crime being committed against the public and putting the people in

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Fear. And fear is a place where human beings cannot exist. safety and security are very important. That's where every society has found their mechanism, their own private mode, what they feel what they seem to be the most appropriate. I say private because it's theirs. They're not willing to share with others. They don't view it as a universal method, safety and how tribes give safety to their people within the tribe, or how countries will give safety to their people, each country and each people. Each civilization has their own method of giving safety to their people, because without safety, there are no civilians, there are no people who can live underneath you. And we

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talked about this, I believe, two weeks ago in class. It wasn't an alibi, no B class, it was one of the classes that I did in the middle because of my bad health, where I quoted the IRS.

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I love the Obama human juhayna no human health, that the one who gave them prosperity and gave them safety Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who gave them prosperity and safety, because prosperity and safety are two key ingredients for the existence of mankind.

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Now there's this discussion amongst the scholars

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that the three things mentioned in the Hadith, that result in the death penalty in Islamic law? Are these three exclusive? Meaning Are these the only three things that can lead to that punishment? Or are there things other than this too? Are there other crimes mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that lead to a similar penalty or not?

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So when we study the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, we actually find there are other crimes, for example, the punishment of someone who is

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found guilty of engaging in, in in magic, or similarly, the punishment of someone who is found guilty in engaging in an office is very nasty, but it is what it is right VST ality having relationships with animals. So there are these sort of punishments that are these sort of actions that people

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people engaging in. There are punishments in Islamic law for these actions. So there are two groups of scholars, they are the first group of scholars who say that these are all inclusive, meaning it's these three things, and the other punishments are actually tobon. They're kind of underneath these three. So we go to the adultery point. And we see that in Islam, if two people outside marriage, both of them were not married, okay, they're, they're both young people, they're not married, and they engage in fornication not I'm making a difference between the two words, adultery and fornication. I'll talk about this later on, they fornicate, they engage in sexual *, the

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punishment is very different from a person who is married, right. And the reason is, because once a person is married, and they have access to an avenue or a spouse, a companion that they can fulfill their sexual desires with and yet they're still stepping out for this person, they are truly corrupting society, the corrupting families, therefore, the punishment is much higher, as much greater. And this isn't restricted only to Muslims will, as I'll share some examples during the class of a very same very similar ruling being given in the Old Testament, and also found within the Jewish community and in their tradition to

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Ming Jin soo Jima. That's the point that I want to make, which is what if a person is given the death penalty for an Islamic law under in a Muslim country with a Muslim judge, you know, I want you to understand that whole context. And again, we'll talk more about it in class through the class, if a person is given that punishment, okay, then the punishment of for some scholars homosexuality for some scholars, VCT ality these all of these things fall in that same greater category of sexual misconduct, if I may say, you know, engaging in sexual activity beyond in a very aggressive in, in a in a way that's transgressing the the command of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And similarly, when it comes to the safety of people, we know in Islam, the Hadith is mentioned that life for life. So if a person engages in using magic against people, that again threatens the safety of people, therefore that hokum or the ruling of that act will fall under that category. And there are other scholars who are of the opinion that these are the three more common scenarios where these punishment of these punishments will be seen, well, this punishment will be seen, but there are others other examples too, that can be found through the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Okay, now that now that we've dealt with now that we've dealt with that, I want you to keep one principle in mind. And that principle is in Islam, the default method of dealing with sin is private.

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Personal repentance.

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We don't publicize our sins, we don't share them with anyone, you privately repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Unlike in some faiths, where confession is a thing where you go to a religious figure, and you confess your sin, and then you seek redemption. In Islam, there's no such thing. you commit the sin. Your Lord is accessible to you. Whenever you want, however you want. You call out to your Lord with a sincere heart, in your Lord your Allah will most definitely forgive you what he said about the unbelief in the body. When my servants asked you, oh, Mohamad, regarding me, how they call upon me how they should pray to me, for me, sorry. So indeed, I am very close, who gee without the diary

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that I will accept the call of the caller when he calls upon me. Okay? So that's the concept in Islam. If a person commits a sin, where he violates the rights of another human being, you get the forgiveness. And if you commit a sin, where you violate the right of a law, you've done something that Allah told you not to do, you seek repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that is the foundation that is what our religion wants from you. However, why does private sin converts into promoting a sin, or when does private sin converts into violating the soul of another human being, or it becomes a matter of treason, or political rebellion, then it's no longer a private sin. And no

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longer is it you violating a person, it becomes a communal issue. And if there is a Muslim judge, and if there isn't some country, and if there is a Muslim law, if there are Islamic, Islamic Courts in place, and Islamic law is being implemented in there, then there are certain certain repercussions to the actions that that the person will take.

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So I've been repeating this again, and again, and I want to just clarify it now. So that we have for the record, that anytime we talk about implementing Islamic law, or we talk about implementing Sharia,

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when it comes to a personal implementation, that is up to the individual to uphold. So for example, before I pray, I need to wash myself I need to perform Lulu or in English, we translate that sometimes as ablution. So upholding that mandate is a personal mandate, therefore, I need to uphold it as an individual, there is no need for a court there's no need for a judge, there's no need for a Muslim

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system to to oblige upon me or to force me to perform although it's a personal act, it's a personal act of worship. It's what I need to do before I pray my prayer. So I will perform will do and it's something I need to bring upon myself. However, there are some issues that one that if they need to be brought to the court, to the Islamic judge, to to be to be dealt with, then in those cases, you have to understand Islamic law will be implemented. But in order for these rulings to be implemented, again, there is a need for a Muslim court, there is a need for a Muslim judge. Some scholars have even gone as far as saying there's a need for a halifa that's debated, but

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nonetheless, it is an issue that they've brought up. So there is so these rulings that we're talking about whether you're talking about the ruling of cutting the hand in Islam, or I for an eye as the Bible itself, and the Quran itself also speaks, or when it comes to

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the ruling of punishing someone who who falsely accuses a lady of committing adultery, even though she had nothing to do with it, any of these punishments, someone who is who was caught in the state of intoxication, any of the punishments that are allocated by Islamic law, you have finished and those punishments will never be carried out in lands where there isn't a Muslim judge where there isn't almost important, and that is not a Muslim land you can start with. So those are not those are not up for discussion. So when people say the Muslims are implementing Sharia law in the USA, there's a confusion. The confusion is they're looking at those elements of Islamic law that require

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a full blown Islamic system. And they're worried that Muslims will implement those in a non Muslim land, which is something that we can't do and neither are we even recommended to do. There are examples clear cut very clear, distinct examples, but I'll share with you today of Muslims living in non Muslims land in non Muslim lands during the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam committing a crime that they generally would have been punished if they were in a Muslim land committing that crime in a non Muslim land and not being punished for it at all. You guys understand that? Muslims living in non Muslim lands, committing crimes, that if those very same crimes were

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committed in Madina, munawwara, for example, right, or after the conquest of Makkah, in my karma, karma, for example, there would have been clear cut punishments, they would have been held accountable for the sin or for the mistake, the violation the transgression, they would have been held accountable, but they were for the

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Were not held accountable in in a worldly sense in the rafters between them and Allah, but in a worldly sense why? Because there was no Islamic quarter because these were not Muslim lands.

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And the most common example of this the most prominent example of this is the

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the companion obey the law have been Josh, who was married to a lady by the name of Roman law.

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Anyone know who Ramallah is?

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Who's What was that? Sir?

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Ramallah No, she's a Malik's mom. That was Mr. Lane. I will soufiane daughter.

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You guys remember a little while ago, I was telling you that story about Photobucket and vernal pools are those two tribes that fought a lot. You know, those two tribes violating that contract that was signed at the idea by the Muslims of Medina in the operation of Mecca. When they violated that contract secretly Quraysh was was aiding them in that battle to kill Balu facade. When the Muslims found out you know what they did.

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They basically broke the contract and they said you violated the contract. And now the contract no longer remains, which then ultimately led to the conquest of Makkah. makara when the police found out that they violated the contract, and the Muslims found out and Medina, Abu sufian, who was a leader of Mata he freaked out. He's like, Oh, my God, that contract was so important because we agreed that we would not fight against each other for 10 years. And now we just violated that contract, which means that the Muslims can march against us now. And the flourish hadn't grown in number. On the other hand, the Muslims had grown in number. The Muslims have fought many more

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battles after that they fought the battle of labor. And you know, there were other smaller expeditions here and there that they that they engaged in and the Muslims and their numbers were increasing. Subbu Sophia freaked out and his concern was that the Muslims are going to bring their army to Morocco. He rushed to Medina when he arrived there, his daughter, Ramallah been a piece of yarn, he went to her home, and there was a sheet on the ground, he sat down on that sheet.

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She said to him, stand up, don't sit on that sheet. He said, Why? She said, this is the sheet that belongs to my husband, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I think it's unsuitable that you dishonor his sheet by sitting on it. So he then he becomes angry. And he says to her, that since you've left me You've only become a corrupted person. You've only grown and gone down the wrong pathway. So Ramallah bin Debbie Sufyan, more commonly known as Viva la Vida is from the Mahajan meaning she is from the honorable wives of the Prophet of Allah, Allah He will send the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon

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her and her husband, her first husband obey the law been Josh. They were from the earliest to accept Islam, and they migrated together to avicennia.

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Obey the love and Josh even before Islam was from amongst the very few people in McComb, Oklahoma, who are known as the one alpha. Are you guys aware of that concept of Hoda, the hunter for those people that even before Islam, they believe in one God they did not engage in idol worshipping from amongst them a lot of nofal away love and Josh Othman did Hadith zeva nama but not been no fail. These were four or five known people and a beloved obey the love and Josh was one of those people. He is introduced to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he accepted Islam, his wife and him they migrate to Abyssinia. When they come to Abyssinia, he is introduced to the faith of the lab,

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the religion there, and he's intrigued by it. He then accepts that faith. And not only does he accept it, but he remains on that faith until he passes away when he accepts that faith. He leaves his wife, Rama lab and a piece of yarn on the Habiba de la de Park. And the reason why they part is because they realize that their lives are no longer compatible. She's on one religion, he's on another religion, things are not going to work out. So he leaves her, she leaves him and he dies actually outside the fold of Islam and is also buried in Abyssinia. He's buried inhibition. Oh my god, Allahu Allah then comes to Madina munawwara and when she comes to Medina, Manila, she then is

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married to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I remember once there was a scholar who delivered a lecture and are measured in Chicago and he said something very beautiful. He said that we talked about how, as Muslims living in the United States of America, should we look up to the role model we should we look up to the model of Muslims in Macau or Muslims in Medina, Muslims in Medina are much more governed, much more developed. They have their systems and they were, you know, there were more organized because now they had safety. But the earlier days in the early days of Islam, Muslims and MCC, I didn't have all these things.

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Because they practice them secretly. So he said that, do you view America for example or the West as hostile

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mcca or secured and Muslim governor Medina. After he said this, he then said neither,

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we shouldn't view we shouldn't look up to the example of Mecca or Medina because America and the West isn't hostile, they're not going door to door and torturing Muslims, because they are Muslims. That's not what's happening. And that's exactly what happened in Macau, actually. And in Medina and the Muslims are majority so they have their they have their legal system. And neither do we have that here either. He said if you're looking for a good example to go back to and to relate to the perfect model would be for Muslims to relate to the example of Abyssinia

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How did Muslims live in Abyssinia? How did they live in Russia? What did they do Muslims coming to the courts and presenting their case you know, Muslims engaging in with with the with the with the non Muslim merchants in Abyssinia and so on, which is a very interesting case study for someone who would be interested.

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And then also amongst the people who left Islam during the actually not during the left the Prophet some of them during sending some of them after is another person by the name of Dr. Bill may have been obeyed and

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he accepted Islam.

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On the conquest on the day, the Mocambo Cardamom was conquered during the conquest of Makkah. And he is one of the people who actually stood right underneath the saddle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he delivered the farewell sermon, you guys know that narration, the prophets of Allah audio cinemas delivering the hedgetrimmer da, which is known as the farewell sermon that he delivered in front of 1000s and hundreds 10s of 1000s of Sahaba. He was a Sahabi, who stood right beneath the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saddle. And he, he repeated the flip of the Prophet out loud, he amplified his voice, so people further away can hear the speech of the Prophet that a

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lot of them so think of him kind of like being the mic system that day, he was the mic system that they that it'll be the normal human obey.

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However, after that, perhaps a lot of them passed away, he remained Muslim during the flat of La Casa de la one, remain Muslim during the life of Amara Viola one. And during a lot of your loved one, there was some sort of an issue that came up, he

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he consumed a lot of alcohol, as a result of which he engaged in some violent acts on one of your loved one became very upset with his his attitude and the way he was conducting himself. So he had him removed from the city limits of Medina moto when I asked him to go outside Medina, to an area known as hybrid he had him removed to play but and he became very angry, at which point he left Islam and then migrated from there to the Roman Empire and live there and also died there outside the fold of Islam. Then you have the example of, of the love and Hudson, and, and,

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and other examples, too. These are people who accepted Islam and the left Islam, each of these people, they not when they left Islam, it wasn't just a matter of them leaving Islam, but they became very loud, opponents of Islam. And it's not Islam is not about opposing a voice that standing against it. That's not what Islam is doing. There are people who stood against Islam during the prophets life and the prophet and kill every person that spoke against Islam. It's a matter of rebellion that undermines authority, and causes the civilization under that authority to rebel against this leader, that becomes more of a greater problem, because that causes a loud ripple

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effect of treason and unsettlement within society. And these people were involved in exactly that.

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So since we're talking about leaving Islam, and how that becomes a, how the punishment of that could be a death penalty. And again, notice I said could be okay, based off different factors. So there are some, some points I want to bring up. This brings a question. And I know, this Hadeeth is much more technical and very 15 in its nature. And that's probably what we're expected to talk about under the commentary of this. I need a very technical legal discussion. But I want to step away from that discussion for a moment. And I want to bring up the issue of

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diversity that in general, why is it that people feel the need to turn away from religion? Why is our religion Why is our community? Why is our society losing its religion? Why is it that people living in let's say, for example, in the East are people living in Africa, people living in Asia, how even though they may have been very religious, but we're very confident in their faith, but that very same person that very same specimen, you bring that person to the to the west, and what happens is that there they are a religious

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But at the same time, they lose their faith in the process too. So when they step away from their religion, their practice, they lose their faith in the process too. So what's the cause and reason behind it.

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So after speaking to many people, and reading about this extensively, I've come to a realization that for most people becoming an atheist, agnostic has little to do with the creed and theology, and much more to do with the attitude that people take towards religion. So for example, for some people, it's an attitude of laziness. They're just very lazy, they don't want to practice. And they're tired of people telling them to practice and it nags them and bothers them so much. Imagine, let's say, for example, you're a Muslim, and you're supposed to pray five times a day, and you're not praying five times a day, and your husband, wife, mom, dad, brother, sister, friends, whoever it

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is, keeps telling you, hey, you need to pray, hey, you need to pray. It builds this heavy dark guilt on your conscious, and it drags you down. And it bothers so much that you just want to find a way to get out of there. So the easiest solution is you say, I don't believe in religion anymore. I'm since I don't believe in a religion, I can't be held accountable for the rituals that are related to that religion. For others, it's a simple way of expressing their rebellion. That's how they are rebelling to society and culture. So for example, as an immigrant, when I come to the when I come to a new country, being a Muslim is something that people did from my culture now that I'm in a new country,

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in new culture trying to fit in, the easiest way for me to do that is to step away from my culture, and step away from my religion, and then

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assimilate step right into the culture that I'm trying to get into. So there's actually studied on this, that when

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immigrants migrate to a new culture, new land, new society, the first thing they lose their language, the second thing they lose, the second generation loses their culture. The third generation very commonly loses their religion, because their religion is actually an annex. It's an appendix to their culture, it's an extension to their culture.

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For some people, it's actually an academic. It's an it's an academic exercise. They're in college studying classes on philosophy, studying different theologies, different ideas, getting involved in politics, and they see a clash between the ideas that are appealing to them and their culture and the religion that they belong to. So how do they reconcile between the two?

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So there are a few points first thing,

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if you're going into uncharted waters, with any science in the world, be it theology, or science or math, it's always good to have someone to monitor and tutor you through those uncharted waters. So if someone wants to study philosophy, and they come to me, and they say, hey, Schiff, I want to take a class on philosophy in college, what are your thoughts? My answer to them is, Hey, take it, it's a good idea. But while you're studying that philosophy, it's important for you to know your own theology first. Because if you don't know your own theology, and you're going to go study, philosophy, and study theologies of other religions, what little you know of your religion, what

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you're assuming you know, of your religion, that little base, that little foundation you have is going to shatter and break, which means you're going to be lost without any religion at all. If you know your own religion, at least when you're being taught new theories and when you're studying new ideas, you cannot understand them in proper, proper perspective. You can put them into context. And that's why the opening verses of the Quran the first revelation that comes to the Prophet that a lot while he was certain, that that the first verse that's revealed to the Prophet doesn't stop with read. That's not where it stops. It's not just what does the whole ayah

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is put up bismi. crop the color, the HELOC, read in the name of your Lord ask Allah for guidance while you're reading. I love the HELOC The one who created you. Allah has all power allocated your intellect. You need to ask your Creator your Allah your God, God Allah give my brain the ability to properly understand things the way you want me to understand them. And there's a beautiful love that I'll share with you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make and for those of you who are students of knowledge and like reading and like studying this dwara here is very important. What is it? Allahumma Idina haka, haka. What is alternativa? What I mean little bartylla bartylla was

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open SDN Allah, Oh Allah, allow me to see the truth as truth. And let me follow it.

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And allow me to see false that as false.

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Don't let my perception be mixed, that I see false truth as the truth and the truth as falsehood.

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Because, you know, once a person is blind, then no matter how much truth you hang in front of their eyes, they're just not willing to accept it. Just yesterday, I was watching something online. It was this short documentary of a man who went to South Africa. And he went to a small little village in South Africa and in this village, it's a it's a white village. It's a pure white village means that black people are not allowed to come to that village.

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socialize, they can't come and mix with people. They can't come and buy and sell there. However, black people are allowed to come and work there.

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Literally, the guy asked, he says, Oh, they can work here. And the lady says, Yeah, they can work here. They actually build all of our houses, but they can't stay here. So the guy says, so the black guy built that pool there. He puts the water in that pool, but he can't swim in the pool. They said, Nope, he can't swim in the pool. The interior of all the homes are painted white. They don't allow black to be the interior of the homes. silliness. You know, when you when you when you

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what's really interesting is the guy says to the lady, what kind of music do you like? And she says, Oh, I'm big Michael Jackson fan. And he says to her, don't you know, he's black? She's like, Yeah, I know. So he said, You will listen to Michael Jackson's music, but you won't allow you wouldn't allow him into your home? And she says, Yes, that's true. He said, but you're allowing his voice into your home.

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So why don't you just allow the rest of his body into your home if he was going to ask you for that? And she said, there's no way I do it. So once a person's mind is locked, once you somehow view that it was God's plan to give supremacy to a particular race, or a particular culture, if that's really where your brain takes you.

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And you're convinced that That's right. I don't know what to say. There are some times where the allegation of the claim is just so absurd, that providing a adequate response is difficult. Because the claim itself is so absurd. How do you explain to someone the absurdity? How do you show to someone the absurdity of something that's absurd from beginning to end from middle to that India?

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Okay, two more points I want to mention regarding this.

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Don't go to search for dirt online. Okay. And this goes for any religion. If you're going to go online, let's say for example, you're a Muslim, you're saying what to atheists say about Islam. You're asking for silliness, okay? Because the person who's going to be sharing their aggression, may use language that is much more emotional than intellectual. And I say this confidently as a Muslim, that the theology of Islam is very intellectual. It's very intellectual. And if you want to get an exposure to this, go to read works of madness, if you don't have to log on a go and read the words of the models. azadirachta labiatae going to read the works of Mr. Rossi Rahmatullah Holly.

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And you'll see how intellectual these people are when they talk about their religion and the theology and the philosophy that is in that is intertwined, healthy philosophy, good philosophy that's intertwined within the religion.

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And if someone asks me, why is it that I think that atheism is at an all time high? I my response to that is that because atheism of today's time has little to do with theology and has much more to do with

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materialism? If someone says to me, you know,

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what is atheism and have a tough time explaining it because most religions identify, they named themselves by what they are. atheists are a group of people who identify themselves by what they aren't. So for example, a guy walks to the door, he said, Hey, who are you? You say? He says, I'm not Chinese. That doesn't help much. Who are you? I'm not Indian. Okay, I get it. Who are you? I'm not African. Okay, I get it. Who are you? So that's the idea of atheism. There's no establishment of what what the theism is actually, there's no theism. So you caught me there.

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But it's more of a concept of atheism. So you're telling me what you don't believe in and not telling me what you believe in, sorry.

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And I remember once one of my teachers shift, I mean, he said something very beautiful. He said, an atheist in reality is a materialist. Because to him, God is a philosophy and everything else around him is a reality. Well, for a believer, God is a reality. And everything else around us is a philosophy. So the the concepts are very different. And when you live in a society that's hyper materialistic, you will find people who will be attached exactly to that ideology, because they don't interact with God. They don't sit and look at the stars that give it to him. And he did. They don't sit and look at the moon in the sun and reflect. They don't care about an eclipse or

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reflecting over that or what the interacting with the wind and reflecting over the hereafter or the punishment or mercy of God. They don't see their crops growing. They don't see their animals. Everything is a very materialistic world and in a world of materialism, there is no space or need for God.

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Now someone can ask why such a harsh punishment for a person who leaves Islam. Let's come back to the sore discussion. Why is such a harsh punishment for someone who leaves Islam? Now keep in mind, this punishment does not apply to everyone that leaves Islam I made it very clear this applies in a city or in a community, a country where the Islamic law is the law of the land. The Muslim government is the government of the land in Islam

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All Muslims have a loyalty and a level of submission to the law of the land, whether you're living in a non Muslim land or in a Muslim land, so and in a non Muslim land, even though Islam doesn't tell me to stop at a red light while I'm driving on the road, but I am obliged to do so as a Muslim because my religion obligates me to follow the law of the land, okay, therefore, I have to stop, I have to stop at the traffic light, because my religion obligates me to follow the law of lead. So similarly, when I'm told to follow the law of the land outside, I'm also told to follow the law of the line inside.

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And Islam views a person who steps outside of the religion, okay, and then propagates the idea, or this or their confusion within the people as a sort of a rebellion against the state. Because what happens is that people who were underneath the party, the judge, the Muslim government, are not turning away from that system. And when they turn away from that system, it creates it, it could possibly lead to

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I'm trying to explain this in language. That's, that's understandable. But okay, you know what, I'll explain it to you in a very simple way. Islam views this not as a religious choice. But when a person does this in a Muslim government against in a Muslim, non Muslim land in the Muslim land against the Muslim judge, it's seen as a sort of a treason, a breaking of a buyout. So the tricky part is actually this. I'm trying to, I'm trying to walk him around the idea of VR to the halifa. When a person accepts Islam, there is a beta and allegiance that's given to the Muslim leader, the Muslim ruler of the land. So for example, a person comes to the Prophet along while he was Solomon

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accepts Islam, and he takes Bayer. He then says to the Prophet sallallahu, it was set up I wish to break my allegiance, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, No, he wouldn't allow breaking of an allegiance because that's something that was unacceptable. You don't break an allegiance once you make it. You don't have to make the allegiance By the way, you don't have to stop making the legions. But once a person gives a visa and makes that allegiance, following through with that is, is really important and something that Islam gives a lot of importance to.

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This is not something that a vigilante needs to take upon themselves to go and start beheading people who are leaving the religion in our choosing the pathway of eternity, that it's something that requires a very serious consideration. The clarification needs to happen, the determination needs to happen by a body of scholars, and just as democratic countries through the world have their punishments of espionage and treason. Islam also has its punishment for irsie dot for a person who leaves leaves the fold of Islam.

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The second is life for life. So we're actually working backwards, I'm the one who leaves a religion in the teeth is listed as a third. Now we're going to work back to the second one.

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Live for life. This is a concept in Islam. And it's not only restricted to Islam, it's actually found in other religions as well. And also how to what Allah tells us in the Koran, the grave

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weight, the greatness of the sin of a person intentionally killing

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another Muslim or another human being, without any right at all without any permission at all right? The person committed no crime and you're just going and you're on a rampage of killing people. Allah subhanaw taala says, amen. You have to meet up with Ahmed and Johanna Mahal didn t ha ha ha the below Mali he wanna know who Abdullah who Adam and Adina. And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment will be the fire of *, he will he will remain there in forever. And Allah anger and Alas, curse will be upon him. And what are the WHO ARE THE MAN Allah has prepared for that person a great punishment. Allah subhana wa Tada, while describing his true servants in the

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Quran says what I have to learn unnecessarily harmala who elaborate hockey what is known that they do not kill any soul that is innocent without its right meaning if they violated a crime, if they've committed a crime, that's something else, but otherwise without violation.

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They don't touch the soul of another human being. Allah subhanaw taala says that in other places they'll put on

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Mankato ellefson. Beside enough sent off the southern

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border and messaged me on killing one soul is that killing all of mankind? I'm gonna hear how Africa Anima Jamia and whoever saves one life is as if that person is saving Well, at that time, there was this billboard that went up in Chicago and many other states. Did you guys hear about it? They had it in Dallas to that billboard it said.

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I think to the closest words, there was a quotation from the Quran. Save saving one life is seeing

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From all of mankind, and then it said hashtag real Muslims. So and then I think it was like, from real Muslims and then it said hashtag ISIS sucks something like I don't know it was it was kind of like mocking the concept of how ISIS has made a mockery of life and just killing people at will.

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And now we have many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that encouraged us that remind us of the honor of the life of a human being. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that for the world to perish, is much more easier on Allah subhanho wa Taala than the crime of killing an innocent human being, killing an innocent believer. And one narration the profit or loss of money was offset as narrated by your loved one, that the final hour will not come until knowledge is lifted.

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Earthquakes increase, time will become short. trials and temptations will become common. And bloodshed will become abundant. And in one narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the companions, I added a little female total Warlock to the female put in that one killing one will have no idea why he's killing and the one killed will have no idea why he why he was killed. Everyone's just killing for the sake of killing one person is shooting the other. The one shooting has no idea why he shot the one shot has no idea why he was killed. In one narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to the companions, avoid the seven things that will destroy you the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, What are those seven things he said to make partners the law magic, killing an innocent soul consuming usury interest, eating the wealth of an orphan running away from the battlefield and accusing innocent pure women of acts that they did not engage in.

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In one narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was doing kill off of the Kaaba and while doing so off of the Kaaba. He said, Oh, Kaaba, how pure are you? And how pure is your scent? Oh, GABA, how great are you? And how great is your honor, by the one in whose hand the soul of Mohammed lives. The honor of a believer is greater than your honor with a loss upon him without a meaning a lot of saying acaba you're awesome. But the honor of a believer is even greater than the honor of the Kaaba. Killing the heat killing the human being killing an innocent human being is the ultimate violation of humanity. Right. One thing is you curse at someone, you push someone, you stab someone,

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you amputate someone's limb, but then it comes to the point where you actually kill them. Once a person reaches that point, oppression has progression. That is a progression of depression, which means that when a person oppresses after they settle down and their oppression, they'll want to push it up a notch. And once they settle down there, they want to push it up a notch. Once you kill a human being, there's no more going beyond that that's kind of like the ultimate crime killing an innocent human being. So what happens is rather than increasing in the crime itself, what the person will end up doing is increasing in the not in the quality, but now the increase in the quantity of

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the sin. So rather than killing one, so want to kill again and kill again and kill again. And that's where you get your serious serial killers and in this is a big problem. Once a person kills once and gets away with it, what are they into themselves, I can do it again. And then kill and get away with it. I can do it again.

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Now this how do we study the heartbeat that's in front of us this habit that we're studying in this as Have you thought of a 14 exam nobody's ever been? No to hear he says Neff seven minutes, that the one who kills a soul soul for in retaliation to a soul. There's no mention of a believer, there's no mention of a Muslim there. So this, this, this ruling of killing one person kills another Muslim, according to there is 50 difference of where it applies and one of the restrictions of it. But the Hadees actually makes no mention of religion, meaning killing an innocent human being will result in this punishment and a Muslim court, meaning that persons that person will also be given the death

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penalty, and what have you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever kills and why and why hate is someone who is at peace with the Muslims who has a contract with the Muslims. The one who kills a Wah, wah hit without any right he's not a Muslim, the person that's not a Muslim, but is at peace with the Muslims and has an agreement understanding what the Muslims, the prophet said, Whoever kills an innocent lie I have heard from Allahu Allah his agenda, Allah will make paradise haram upon that person. In one narration, the prophet said a lot of money with some said, Whoever kills from the Zima. Again, a group of people who are not Muslim, but they have an agreement and

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understanding and are at peace with the Muslims. Whoever kills them, let me do the rehab agenda. That person will not be able to enjoy the fragrance agenda.

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When establishing a murder in Islam, there are very strict

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circumstances and conditions in place. I won't go through all of them. But I just want to highlight here that there are there is there are two witnesses required who saw the crime with their bare eyes, who saw the crime happening, not heard the intent of the crime or heard about the crime.

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They need to have seen that person take the weapon and injure the person in front of them until that person's soul left their body they had to have seen the whole action from beginning to end. And once that person is convicted, the Muslim the Muslim judge will then ask the family of the victim, if they wish to forgive the person option A, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, the Jewish lady who tried to poison the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forgave her zenobia who the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgave her.

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However, that lady was later on killed, but she was killed in retribution, not because of her attempt to poison the Prophet, but because she poisoned another companion who was eating that meal with the prophet and that person died. And his family members refused to forgive, they said, We want her punished. So the first first option that they have is if they wish they could forgive or if they wish, they can accept blood money. So in Islam have a concept of a deal, which means you pay them a certain amount of money, so that the punishment can be waived. But if the family says we don't want money, we have enough. And we don't want to forgive this person, we want that person brought to

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justice, then the Muslim court will carry out the punishment. I know we're a little over time, malicious at nine o'clock. So we're a little over just give me five more minutes. And let me finish up we have a few more points. One more point I want to mention so we can finish off

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the whole audio. And the third

01:01:27 --> 01:02:17

part of this video relates to adultery. Now, there is a difference in definition between adultery and fornication, fornication, connotates, to unmarried individuals having sexual *, adultery connotates, that these two people are married, there are married people who are involved in in sexual * is not the most Xena comes in different forms in and is of different types. Okay. So for example, there's a sin of the hand touching someone unlawfully. There's a Xena of the ear listening to something inappropriate in modest fysh zinnov eyes. So there are different forms different degrees of Xena. The Zener that we're talking about here is not the Zen of the eye, the

01:02:17 --> 01:02:32

hand or the ear, this is talking about the zinna of the private area, which is for a couple to have sexual * with one another. That's the zinger that we're talking about who are married. So the adultery we're talking about is exactly that.

01:02:34 --> 01:03:07

You will think yourself that once someone is married, they wouldn't engage in Zina anymore, you would think yourself because now Allah subhanaw taala has given them a companion who they can share their intimate moments with, because they have that companion, you would think yourself that they will not engage in what is for forbidden and what is wrong, they won't step out on their marriage. But the truth is very far from that. Unfortunately, you'll see this, I'm sure each of you have your own experiences of this through family through friends, people you're counseling people you work with. But it's become very common culture for people to be married and step out and their marriages

01:03:08 --> 01:03:28

step out on their on their spouse. And then and before you know it, you have marriages that are breaking apart. There are many harms to zinna. Some of these harms relate to the individual and some of these harms relate to the society, for example, divorce races, Divorce, Divorce rates, the rise in a society where adultery is very common.

01:03:30 --> 01:04:03

Your abortions become very common in societies where adultery becomes very common. Similarly, you have many unwanted children on the streets. In Islam, there's a concept of marriage. The reason why marriage is so important to us is so that every child brought to the world, there is someone responsible of taking care of that child, there's a father, there is a mother responsible for taking care of that child, if they're an orphan. There are family members that are relatively responsible. But for a child born outside of wedlock, no one is willing to take the responsibility, which means that there's going to be an uncared his soul on the street. And this is something that Islam is not

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willing to accept. Every person needs to take responsibility of their actions. So if you're going to engage in intimate actions, it's important that you need to have a spouse, someone that's committed to you and someone that you're committed to him. The data says that Xena encompasses all evil characteristics, the actives that are it consists of all evil characteristics, there will act the lack of religious commitment, the lack of chivalry, the lack of protective jealousy, treachery, lying, betrayal, lack of awareness that Allah subhanaw taala is watching lack of chivalry, lack of modesty. He says it darkens the heart It removes the need from the from the from from the from the

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01:04:48 --> 01:05:00

You lose your respect in the sight of a law and also in the sight of people around you. Your family members lose respect in you. It leads to a life of distress and uneasiness. You no longer are

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are listed from amongst a solid hain for whom Allah has preserved high ranks. He said your family members will lose respect for you too once they find out what kind of acts are involved in people will regard you as a trader.

01:05:14 --> 01:05:15

He then says that

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he quotes a narration from even Mr. Udo deola. One who said that once a river and Xena become common amongst people, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives punishment gives permission to the angels to destroy that community. The permission is given by Allah subhanho wa Taala to destroy your community, once the river and Xena become common amongst the people. And similar to the situation of killing, how I said the conditions of convicting someone in an Islamic court of actual murder are very strict. In Zima, it's much more harder and adultery this those conditions are even higher. So convicting someone for murder requires how many witnesses to convicting someone commit, Zina requires how many

01:05:56 --> 01:06:35

witnesses for and not for people who heard it, not for people who heard that person bragging about it. But for people who actually witnessed the act with their own naked bare eyes, they had to have seen it, you know, if they saw a curtain and on the other side of the curtain, there was a silhouette that will work, they had to have seen the act itself, the actual * occurring, and not just to people in their bodies touching they had to had seen that private area. This is a very, very explicit, but that's exactly what Islam once because unless this unless there's four people seeing that act with their bare naked eye, the exact act occurring between a male and female,

01:06:37 --> 01:07:08

that the ruling will be given. And the only way that can happen is if these people want for people to see them otherwise, Who in the world can be seen by four people on public committing such an act. From there, we learned that this is no longer just a private act, as I was talking about earlier, this is not a public act, this is not an issue of the public domain. This is now you, and a very you know I'm going to extend I'm going to stretch this issue. But I'm going to just so you understand. This is a this is where the development of the progress industry comes in place where now you're not just engaging in a harm act privately, but you're promoting it, you're displaying it, you're

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encouraging other people to be involved in it, you're beautifying it. And people who had nothing who had no interest at all, are now going to be sucked into the sin as well.

01:07:18 --> 01:07:39

So either they have to be convicted of it. And if these four p if a person comes forward and says I saw X, Y and Z person or mixing acquisition X, Y and Z person come in at zinna, they committed adultery or they fornicated. And the judge says gives me four witnesses, eyewitnesses who saw the act without any barrier, who saw the actual act without any barrier. And if he can provide the four witnesses, what happens now?

01:07:41 --> 01:07:42

He gets punished.

01:07:43 --> 01:08:01

He gets punished, punished for false accusation this will stop takes his very seriously accusations and conviction in court. And what's the ruling in Islam we have a ruling that the Hadoop are pushed away through chahat. If there is a doubt, if the judge is convicting

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a criminal in a case and somehow there is a doubt that comes up. his responsibility is to not give the penalty or not give the complete penalty. Why is that is because the having doubt is enough cause to push away the penalty of a person.

01:08:20 --> 01:08:30

The word you use in the Hadith is a fav zanni a favor as any not as someone who who engages in sexual * but a failure. What does a thank you mean?

01:08:31 --> 01:08:39

Someone who is married I'll pick a roll back here back here ah is someone who has unmarried faith is someone who is married.

01:08:41 --> 01:08:46

And you're first to both men and women even though generally it's used. They say rogering 31 or

01:08:47 --> 01:08:59

31. They don't say thank you, and they'll say thank you. And that's also how they use it. They're What if Allahu Allah TX are generally it's used more as an adjective for a lady, but it's also used for a man to

01:09:00 --> 01:09:20

there is an example from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam of a person coming to the office that allamani was sudden, after having committed Zina, he was married a thief, he engaged in sexual * with another lady. And they were both married. And now he comes to the puffs that allowed them to confess.

01:09:22 --> 01:09:57

What is the Prophet said along what he was trying to do? And I want you to focus on this because what you'll learn is that when people came to the Prophet said a lot of money was sent in with their crimes. His primary goal was to somehow get them to privately repent to Allah, what did I tell you guys at the beginning, the default way of dealing with a sin is to privately repent to Allah subhana wa Tada. It becomes an issue of the court if a person privately leaves Islam and in their home lives a private life of another religion. I don't think there's a cause he was gonna go after that person. It becomes a problem when he comes to a public domain when it comes to a public area and starts

01:09:57 --> 01:10:00

turning people against Islam. That's where the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:36

problem comes. If a person, you know does something in their private life, the judge really doesn't care about that. But if a person brings it to the public domain, then it becomes a problem. Okay? So this hobby he comes to the office of the law while he was settlements as a messenger of Allah. In the present, I committed Zina. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to him, go back home, repent to Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive you. He then goes back home and on his way home, he thinks to himself, what if Allah doesn't forgive me? What if I'm punished for the hereafter? I'd rather just deal with the punishment in the world and not have any punishment in the hereafter. So

01:10:36 --> 01:10:43

he comes back to the Prophet a second time and he says, a messenger of Allah purify me, I've committed Zina. What does the Prophet of Allah do?

01:10:45 --> 01:11:20

He turns away again, go back home, repent to Allah. After three times after the Prophet turned him away, he comes back the fourth time, it's as if now he's coming as a fourth witness against himself. And he says, that I committed Xena. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the companions, check, that does he have junoon is is my genuine meanings, insane. This is mine sound, the companion to sort of lesson of law he sound, the prophet said Is he intoxicated, then examined and said he's not intoxicated. So at that point, the prophet said a lot of money was to them said, then give him the punishment prescribed for such an act.

01:11:22 --> 01:11:36

Now when, after he was given the punishment, when he after they were a group of Sahaba, with a profit of a law, they were walking past and someone said, someone said, Call them, somebody use foul language towards them. So they look at this man like a dog. And they walked past him.

01:11:37 --> 01:12:12

So the purpose of allowed is to know as he was walking, he saw the the body of a donkey on the ground, and it was just eaten away being away by the sun. The Prophet said a lot. While it was it was, it had rotten, the sun had been beating down on the Prophet said to those two people, we'll call those two guys who were talking about that Sahabi in that particular that with that language? And he said to them, yes, those people that man committed a mistake. He made a mistake in his life, but he repented to Allah. And the way you talked about him, you might as well go and eat from this donkey, that here, the the meat, the meat of which is rotten, because you just backbiting your own

01:12:12 --> 01:12:35

brother, the prophet said, a lot of them became very angry, and then not to linger not too long later, as we know, how do you then say a Muslim is there in Morocco comedy at the lady who he committed that act with? She comes to the Prophet of Allah, she says, a messenger of Allah, I've committed a sin purify me, the prophet turns away, she says to him, are you going to turn me away just like you turned away my eyes. My eyes was other companion my husband meticulously.

01:12:36 --> 01:12:39

So the Prophet says, Are you the lady? She says, Yes, the prophet said,

01:12:40 --> 01:12:59

You're pregnant, go and deliver the child, then we'll see. He's trying to push off the case. she delivers a child, she comes back, the Prophet says, we can't stone you now you have a baby, the baby needs you nurse the child. So after two years, she comes back, the baby has a better hand. And then at that point, the props that allows him give the ruling that she should be, she would be punished for that.

01:13:01 --> 01:13:04

So this ruling of punishing

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of stoning or the death penalty for someone who commits adultery. By the way amongst the scholars is debated. Majority of the scholars say the ruling is Makkah, meaning that that ruling is in its place. But there are a group of scholars who argue against it and say that the ruling itself is challenging. it's debatable, which is a discussion for another time. Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran, Yaki Tabitha Giacomo Susana Unicom cathedra, metaphor, Nikita are people of the book, the messenger has come with you to clarify a lot of what you hide in your book, there's something in your book that you're hiding, and what is this thing that the Quran is talking about? The Quran is

01:13:38 --> 01:14:04

talking about. There were two Jewish people in Madina, munawwara, who were married and they engage in adultery. And when it came time to give the verdict, they came to the Prophet Muhammad said a lot of them and they said that what's the verdict, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The reason why they didn't go to their own court is because the Jewish rabbi will tell them stoning to death. So he came to they came to the Muslim judge at the Prophet Muhammad and said, What's the ruling the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the ruling is the exact same that's in your book.

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2213 to 22 or sorry, 23 sorry, 22. And then verses 13 to 22. If you were to read them, the laws on the laws concerning sexual immorality. I'll just read the passage. So you understand that this ruling of stoning to death for adultery is not something restricted to Islam, but it's actually in in other books as well. The Book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy, sorry, pronouncing that wrong, is the fifth book of the Torah. The laws concerning sexual immorality, If any man takes a wife and goes into her and then hates her goes into a meeting after they marry when they sit with each other that night, when they when they, when they see each other. He hates her and accuses her of misconduct and

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brings a bad name upon her saying, I took this woman and when I came near her I did not find evidence of her virginity

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if he said

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I don't see that she's a bucket or she's not a virgin. She said she was but she's committed adultery. So then the verses continue on to say that the people of the community will be brought forth and they'll, they'll be they'll asked to testify on her behalf. And if they can testify on her behalf, and prove that she had not engaged in anything wrong, and it's a false accusation, then the elders of the city shall take the mat and whip him. And they should, they shall find him with 100 shekels of silver, and give them to the father of the young woman, because he has brought a bad name to the Virgin of Israel, and she shall be his wife, he may not divorce her for all of her days. But

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if the thing is true, that evidence of virginity was not found, and the young woman, then she shot them, they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of our city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done an outrageous thing in Israel, by whoring in her father's house. So you should purge the evil from your from your midst. If a man is found lying with a life of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman and the woman, so you should purge the evil from Israel. You can Google this by the way, if you're not if you're if you just want to read in your own and read up on it, the book of Deuteronomy 22, verses

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13 to 22. And you can read about it yourself. It's just read up on it and see some scholarly discussion. There's a lot of discussion amongst scholars on these verses. So to summarize everything we say, so we can put it all in place. Islam brings these rulings in a context where human life has no value. And Islam is putting in these rulings to uphold moral value to uphold the macapagal shediac. The goal is behind the object, the objective behind Islamic law, and the three things that Islam brings in as death penalty that can result in death penalty. We have to understand these are in a scenario a situation where it's not a private sin, but it's public. It's arousing the public

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against against Islam and taking them away from the teachings of Islam. And it's in a situation where there is an Islamic law a Muslim country, there is a Muslim judge in place and ultimately, this is the law of Allah subhana wa Tada. So we are not going to be apologetic about it. I tried to explain it try to use language that was appropriate. But at the end of the day, this is an unapologetic explanation, because it's the command of Allah subhanahu wa tada and Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed it. So we pray that Allah

Ibn Masood (r) who said:
The Messenger of Allah (s) said, It is not permissible to spill the blood of a Muslim except in three [instances]: the married person who commits adultery, a life for a life, and the one who forsakes his religion and separates from the community. (Bukhari & Muslim)

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