Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 25 – Equal Opportunity

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various narratives and their meaning in WhatsApp, including the use of the operator's name in narratives, the use of negative language in narratives, and the importance of keeping intentions pure. They stress the need to be mindful of one's actions and not to give the wrong impression, emphasizing the importance of keeping intentions pure. They also touch on topics such as marriage, family, and money. The transcript is not a conversation about a specific topic, but rather a series of disconnected sentences that contain personal and cultural experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

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wa salam ala Susana say he did receive a 40 million be up on early Hill Ischia. It was hard to hit up the AMA.

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inshallah Today we are starting from Hadeeth number 25.

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On a Bizarro the Allahu taala on Avon and the NASA Venus hobby Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Kaoru Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Yasuda la they have 100 to 30 jewelry. You saw Luna Kamala solly we assume una C'mon assume where the owner be fully Mr. Li him for a while a cerca de la hola como su de hoon. In w colitis we had in South Africa, of equally tech v rot in South Africa will be equally tell me that in South Africa, what we call Lita Lila in South Africa, will be maruf in South Africa. Wanna hear on Moncure in South Africa wolfy Buddha de consolata. Call, Yasuda la

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De La Hoya Kula houfy Hassan cada atim la wa happy Holloman a cannon Ali who Islam funkadelic you know what I have in Halle, Canada who

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this hadith is near narrated by without it as if it were the loved one. Some people from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, on messenger of Allah, that people with wealth have taken all the reward. They pray as we pray, and they fast as we fast and they give charity from their wealth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, has a loss of heart of without giving you that with which you can give charity. For indeed every supporter law is a set of every Allahu Akbar is a set of every 100 law is a set of every law Illa Illa is a set of a commanding good is set of thought preventing someone from

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an evil is sofa. And even in your intimacy with your spouse, fulfilling your desires is subtle thump. They said our messenger of Allah, one of us fulfills his Cardinal passion and there is a reward for it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, had he not fulfilled it in a hot arm way would there not be a burden upon him. Similarly, when he fulfills his desire at a holiday, there will be a reward for that person. The Hadith is narrated by Mr. Muhammad Ali.

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This Hadith

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is a hadith that teaches us the lesson of equal opportunity.

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Equality doesn't mean that every person has to do has to do the exact same thing.

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equality is equal opportunity. If I came to a room and I told every person in this room that give me 100 push ups, that's not necessarily equal. Because each person has their unique circumstance. Someone may be ill someone might be healthy. Someone might be old, someone might be young. Someone may be regular at the gym and is strong and healthy and another person may be weak. So for time for me to tell every person

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to exercise in a particular way or to run a certain distance isn't necessarily equality. equality is understanding each person's circumstances and then commanding them or giving them an opportunity to do accordingly. This How do you come up with another thought about your loved one has many lessons and we'll cover them inshallah. Mr. Muslim along with Allahu Allah brings us Hadith. Also from the era of yahia bin Yama from us with a dually from the father of the last one. And similar narrations have also been narrated by another part of me along one of the different chains be zyada demonic son, some narrations have a little bit more in their wording in some narrations have less than their

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wording, but the message is intact, the exact same?

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Well, that was a party that the loved one says that indeed, some people from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the NASA some people, the scholars of Hadith, they commented on this and they say that anass Here are the NASA the people that he's referring to whom forgot all al Mahajan. These were the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who migrated from Mecca to Medina. And they were now in Madina munawwara and they will pour just yesterday while they were in Makkah, they were wealthy, and they had so much opportunity available to them. Now that they arrived in Medina Manoa obviously they're competing

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in good deeds with their brothers in Islam, the unsought are doing good, the Mahajan are doing good. But the answer the module see that they have a disadvantage. And what's the disadvantage that they don't have wealth, like their fellow unsightly companions do because the Saudis retain their businesses that will ha Joon were the ones who had to leave their businesses behind the unsought he still had their houses, the muhajir don't have to give up their houses, the unsightly is have their flocks and all their other wealth while the muhajir don't have to leave everything behind. So the scholars of Hadith say that this this group of NASS, that's being referred to in the hobby, they are

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the * rune, the poor Mahajan.

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Then, the final of the last one, he says that they not only were they people, not only was it a group of people, but he says in the NASA anana submit us hobby rasulillah. He uses the term as hub, which we translated in English as the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Scholars, for the most part, agree on the definition and the definition of what is a Sahabi.

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They say as a hobby is someone

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who lived with the prophets of Allah while he was seven, and believed in the province of Allahu Allah who was sitting, and also died in the State of Belief. Who wanted to be Mohammed instead of long while he was still involved in the Buddha will fit he moved me in and be a person who met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the Prophet was granted Prophet, meaning the person believed in him. And he remained with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that person also died on their email, that person left this world on that email. This person is considered a as a hobby, regardless of whether this person narrates Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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or not, there are many Sahaba who actually don't narrate it for the purpose of a long while he was sort of

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dimensions within avahi while discussing this issue, how many Sahaba actually narrate from the Prophet sallallahu it was said them. He says there are a number cannot pass more than 2500 there are no more than 2500 Sahaba in total, whose narrations we actually have from the purpose of the audio system. But is that the total number of companions? Absolutely not. We know from the hydrated without the feral Hutch from conservative estimates, there were 90,000 companions there. on the higher end we have close to 120,000 companions that were there. So many Sahaba met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in passing, the last happy to leave this road, who was very young when

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he met the Prophet that alone while he was sent him, he shares his story. He says, I saw the Prophet said Allahu Allah, He will send them in hajj. My father was going for * took me along with him. I came for the farewell Hodge. And I saw the province that Allahu la was set up and he was lecturing the people and I heard so and so from him. One of the people said to him, you were in that gathering, but was there any connection or bond with the prophets of Allah while he was said, and what did you feel at that time? So he said, there were so many people, but there was something special about meeting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even as a child, as someone might

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say, and nobody in the group there were so many people, he was just another person. He said, however, the love and affection I thought and that that brief interaction I had with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was no less than than the love the mother of Musashi Salaam had for her son.

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That's how much love I felt from the purpose of a long while he was in that brief interaction we had. So whether that person spends a lot of us a moment with a professor long while he was sitting

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for an extended period

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now this Hadeeth we look at the words, the companions, they bring this concern to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and it's your messenger of Allah that have the fubu the Allah gufu have gone on with the Juju remains the the rewards, they've taken all the rewards.

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What is Allah before?

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him I've never would have met the law Holly while commentating on this word at the food, he says a guru with a myth Dolly. General deathrun be fat here at the food is the plural of the RV word definitely.

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Well, while model caffeine and that means having abundance of wealth, so that the fool the wealthy companions, they have taken all of the reward.

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So right off the bat and this Hadeeth, we see that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were so greedy on doing good deeds. When they saw someone else doing a good good deed, immediately, they wanted to do that as well. In their heart, there was a burn that I want to accomplish, but that person is doing. And if they found themselves incapable of doing that good deed, they will blame themselves for it, they will look for another avenue. How can I accomplish this? And it's interesting because we have that same desire and greed as well. But it's just misplaced. A person sees another person driving to the parking lot with a nice car and everyone

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says, Wow, look at that person's car. I wonder what it takes to get a car like that. You go to your friend's house, they invite you over for dinner, you walk in nice, beautiful long driveway. You know, you walk into the foyer, and it's so beautiful. The tile is great, and the chandelier is great. And immediately you start thinking to yourself, I wonder what I need to do to get this house. Maybe I should invest in the Bitcoin to

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every person is thinking how can I compete with the next person. The Sahaba had that desire as well, but it was properly placed. They weren't interested in competing for worldly affairs. Their concern more was regarding competing for the, for the hereafter. They were completely okay. They had no problem at all with someone beating them in the dunya. In worldly issues, they actually took it with pride. That person has more wealth than I do 100 law in honor of your loved one when he saw abundance of wealth in Medina, Managua, he said Medina will never be the Medina of the prophets type. He said this Medina will never be the same again. Now look at these people. They have nice

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wealth phenomena of your loved one visited sham.

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During this khilafah he was passing by to go to Philistine Palestine for the conquest. He visited Sham on the way and I'm going to be a long one walked inside and he saw the city. He saw everyone he finally came to the room of

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the last one. And he said VEDA everyone that joined you in the army to conquer Syria Sham has changed. He's an even the better ones are rain fine cloth

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or not one of your loved ones say even the better ones. They're weighing find material. But he says oh wait, the only person that hasn't changed is you because

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your loved one live with the very same simple life with the same simple garment that had its patches on there. And then I'm going over the long one with tears in his eyes. He said I understand that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called you now I understand that the Prophet said a long while it was sort of called you will amino Javier Ouma. I will obey the image of Ra that the amine that one who holds a trust of the soma, as I will obey the law that his concern was for people and he had no interest in worldly pleasures himself. This save a lot of the Allahu wanderings. Khalifa when the wealth came from Persia to Madina munawwara I'm not only allowed one walked around that wealth with

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tears in his eyes. And once the hobby according to one narration, there was sovereignty among one another aeration system upon which there was no name mentioned. as a hobby said.

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Why are you crying? Oh my god. I mean, a yo yo, Farah, today's a day of joy. No tears, look at all the wealth we have. So I'm gonna have your loved one walked around the wealth with his staff and he said in the heart and love it. He loves hula hoops. Ahmed Illa Allah tala who beta Hamada well, Baba that this wealth right here, wherever it goes, it takes hatred and animosity with it. I am worried that the Sahaba who loved each other so much and were willing to share the little they had no other unforeseen one Oh, can I be him kasasa

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I'm worried that they won't be the same anymore. Things will change and within a minute or

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so this habit they have the desire to compete with one another as well. Even the wealthy Sahaba they had the desire to compete but they always competed in good. Allah subhanahu wa Tada. He tells us that compete with one another with Saudi Arabia ammo for the middle become run towards, you know, in a competitive way towards the forgiveness of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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says sudo on the TOEFL, or fi vatika failure Tanaka simultaneity soon and it's an issues like these that people should compete with one another that competitors should compete with one another. What is Wolfie that is referring to the previous verses. It's all talking about gender in Avalon and a few nyeem on em Varun 3040 would you know in his corner when I hit him off to Sidamo misc and then Allah says, or fee that he after all of that description of Jelena Allah says if you want to compete in something that compete in that compete in gender, don't get caught up with competing in your worldly affairs, while neglecting your alpha. In today's time, the flip is here. We're very content

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with competing in worldly issues. But we're completely okay if someone beats us in the Sahara. We're completely content with that. As long as I you know, as long as I've done a little bit I'm okay content with a little when it comes to the alpha greedy for more when it comes to the dunya in the Sahaba were the exact flip

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this particular Hadith and similar narrations with similar meanings

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are narrated by multiple companions of Lovato And finally, the last one that we see in this narration audio the long one narrative similar narration of with a lot of your loved one narrates a similar narration, it would be a long one has a similar division in our bus with your loved one and also has a similar narration. And the very famous narration that's similar to this one is by avoiding out of your loved one that's narrated and

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the last one, he says in the full color aloha Jerry you know how in this narration or just said nice people and avoided or their loved ones narration What does he say very clearly in the footer Oh, my God, and indeed the poor from amongst the Mahajan. I thought it'd be said a lot while they were selling. They came to the office that alone while they were set up and they said they have good food with dorayaki Allah when EME Elmo calm and within, that the people of wealth have taken high rents in Paradise, and they will enjoy the boundaries of a law which will be forever. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said How so? And then the Hadith continues in a very similar fashion.

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However, I will share with you a lot Juan's narration has a little adding at the end. He says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us all these forms of Southern law, we started doing them, but then we had a problem. The problem was

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the Sahaba, who were more wealthy, they came to know of these things, and they started doing them too.

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He says, some of the I don't know, maybe my far left a final myth law that the wealthy Sahaba heard about the forms of Southern law you taught us so they're doing that and they're giving settled law with their wealth. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to this responded that he could father in law here to him, he shows that this is the favorite of Allah, Allah gives it to who he wishes, do more, do whatever you can, Allah will reward you.

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Allah subhana wa tada in the Quran. He shares with us a very beautiful ayah in this ayah depicts the Sahaba when it came to their inability to do certain good deeds because of their circumstances. A law says that one lower you know whom the fee Lumina definitely has an Alaia to do my report.

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This is according to some narrations. This is regarding his hobby, who came to the office of the law. It was it was gathering and he saw all the Sahaba giving, but he didn't have anything to give. According to one narration, he said a messenger of Allah, I only have two sheets on my body. I'd like to give the top one if it was permissible, I'd give the bottom one too. But I have nothing to give the prophets of Allah who it was said and said, keep your two sheets, you need them to cover yourself. He sat on the machine waiting and watching everyone giving, giving and giving. And when he he didn't have anything to give at the end, and he got up from this event from this fundraising

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event. And he walked out with tears in his eyes. So what are you doing with a few minutes the tears flowing from his arms has internet of grief. He was sorry? Why allow you to do my own because he didn't have anything to give in the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And where do we stand in comparison to this ayah when we're asked to give we start crying.

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We have all sorts of statements that the massages are money making machines. You know, these relief organizations they pocket more money than they give to the poor all sorts of slanders all sorts of backbiting all sorts of accusations are made against people who are just trying to do good. And these were people here when they weren't given the opportunity. They were start climbing the wall No, you don't feed them in a dump. How's that allow you to manage?

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Now when it comes to sebata because in this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us a hardware setup. Every supplier analyzes every Allahu Akbar every language, every 100 law is a circle.

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I won't talk in too much detail about Southern law today. We'll cover supply in more detail in our next class inshallah under Hadeeth number 26. The definition that I mentioned the different types of stuff and so on. But today briefly, I will touch on a few points, called the Riyadh and Maliki he

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Generally when we talk about Southern law, it talks it means to discharge your wealth for the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Therefore, the scholars have said several classes of two types llotja and nothing, that which is mandatory that which is voluntary, Southern halwai Jeeva or thought of that which is mandatory, is that set the clock which we also call zakat. 2.5% of the person's wealth, who owns a who owns and he saw for over one year, Okay, anyway, he's a lot of technical terms there, but this is not as a cop class, so we'll just leave it at that. That's what socket is, then there is nothing that voluntary which is whatever it is beyond that, whenever you want to give

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for a good cause. You can give that seven o'clock that semicolon Daffy Duck. So he questions? Why is it that in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam uses that very same word that generally and most commonly is used to discharge wealth and the cause of a law to

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to signify certain a bad like Suharto law handler of God and so on. Why does the prophets have a lot of them use the word supply here? So he says,

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Yeah, tomato, one possibility is, the reason why the puffs that allowed us to use the word solidify here is to, to imitate the reward that you'll gain at the end of it.

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On one side, you give your wealth to get reward. On one side, you read some heinola, you'll get reward. So the end result is that you're being rewarded. Therefore, from this perspective, every good deed you do is considered a some form of Southern law or the other for that funkadelic society, the thought

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that explain every good deed that you do, that you will be rewarded for ultimately, that's also considered a form of self apply as well. Some say that the reason why he used the word setup I mean, he

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called the IBM Cloud, there you have it, Maliki himself says, the macabre was the genesio column, that the reason why the Pops that are alive is that I'm using the word setup is because their question was regarding sulfur. So the Prophet said a lot of money was sent him to comfort them. He made reference to certain of God and certain forms of Vicodin also called them a sebata. saw at the end, the Sahaba, who would do these would feel comfortable, and also feel that they had accomplished a similar reward as the others did.

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Now, there are many different methods of giving some thought, and one narration of a Muslim, the publisher Allahu alayhi wa sallam opens the door of South Africa. And this explains,

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further emphasizes plot area, the Maliki takes support from this sort of a heavy, which is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said kulu maruf in South Africa, every good deed is a southern law. And just as he was saying earlier, that might have been the teacher then when you see some kind of law you're being rewarded when you give certify you're being rewarded so that the end result they shared that the fact that you're getting better, you're getting reward at the end of it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says good Luma roofing Southern

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even even Roger Bell humbly and other scholars, they say that saga thought that is other than that of wealth, a southern quarter, was it Molly Milan, there are two types of Southern thought that don't involve off my fee. He thought the sun is number one, that which the beneficiaries are other other creations of Allah subhanho wa Tada. This is the first one to set the clock. So we're not talking about wealth, we're just talking about other than wealth, different forms of giving charity. He says the first type is that in which the beneficiaries are other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then he says, what Obama can avoid I'm in southern Minnesota to build man. And sometimes this form of charity where you benefit other people can take a higher rank and be more virtuous than giving sadaqa with your actual wealth. And what are some examples of this?

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The first narration that I want to share with you I'll share a few narrations I'll just read them and translate them for your benefit. The first narration is narrated by even most of the way and this narration has weakness in it but it's not in fee of often he narrates it from the Allahu anhu narrated from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mankind Allah who Maroon folio, the sub document, Mali, whoever has wealth, then the first method they should adopt for charity for Southern law is to give that wealth in some of them. Woman Canada who were to fall into South America what he and whoever doesn't have wealthy yet they have strength,

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then use your strength for a good cause. Well, my God, finally at a sub document me and whoever has knowledge to let him give charity with his knowledge, will Allah Houma * and this narration is also narrated, as a multiple narration a statement of the phenomenon with your loved one. Similarly, there's another narration from month abroad Isla de la YALI is not in vivo often on similar a narration that also has a weakness in there from someone or their loved one.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a little subtlety is subtle. Dr. Lee Sang. The best form of charity is a charity done with the tongue. They lay out a sort of law or Masato, listen a messenger of Allah what is giving charity with your tongue. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I shift out to the foot could be held a seal, that an intercession through which you can set free a prisoner

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what they will be had done, and you can save blood from spilling, what the Jews will be held Marouf one

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way that I think, and you can bring good to your brother, what up Korea and you can prevent any harm coming to your brother all of that can be done simply by using your tongue. Similarly, there's another narration from Ahmed bundeena. He says Bella had a lot of sort of loss of love while he was sort of called

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The Prophet said Allahu Allah He was sort of setting this up narration is about to be hot and

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now I'm in southern a hub in a la he mean Colin, there is not any charity that is more beloved to Allah than a statement. I love the smile not only heat Allah Oh, tomorrow former Philippine halal min se bajada Have you not read the verse of a love statement of Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala says it's sort of up to 63 that photo model of a good statement well model fit atone and forgiveness Hello, I'm in Southern California is better than a charity which is followed by harm. Sometimes people will give charity and after giving a role they do

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that look to go south a particle will money while other doesn't remind you remember I gave you that charity? The throw it in your face. You show up in front of people and they'll say yeah, I was the one who bought him this car. You're shaming this person? So what good is there and giving that subtle flaw? Have a good statement? Speak good. Speak good to people.

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Mother of your loved one. He said Dalai Lama Allah Allah moussaka for you to teach knowledge to the one who doesn't have knowledge is a form of sebata anything you know of this Deen anything you know, in general for the one who doesn't know if it will benefit them? Go and convey it to them. That is also a form of cellphone and the high either that'll fit with the law one narrative I do I'm getting ready. I'm going to be some allow it to sort of follow the rest suka fee was he a fee cassata. to smile in front of your brother is also a form of Sonata what your shadow radula fee Arvid Valley laka sebata. And if there's a person who's traveling and they're lost, and you guide them to the

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right direction to the right pathway, that is also a form of soda for you what immortal token Hydra our shoka what I look at like a sonata and remove a stone or a thorn or a bone from the pathway is also stuff o'clock. In our context. You're driving you see a rip tire on the road and there's no traffic they move it or maybe call it in at least if you see something on a highway that's hazardous. Call it in at least. So this is a form of Southern law. you're engaging in a good deed. What if at all vuca mean del wicker Fidel, we Africa like a sebata you've just filled up your your bucket with water and you're walking back home and another brother is going to that wells to fill up

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water. And you say to that person, you know what, take my bucket, you pour your water into their bucket, and he said I'll go get more water. That's also a form of Suboxone here, take mine. I'll go stand in line again and I'll go get the wire and go get the water. Let me make your day easy for you. That's also from South Africa. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us that spending on your family, on your own wife and your own kids. We learned

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from a woman in Saudi Arabia law one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said either amphicar rajwada Ali Baba the Cebu ha for who Allah who suffer when a person spends on his family while hoping for a reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala then that is a Sabbath for you. To have you from saburo Casa de la Juan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in McAllen, Karnataka cantata VB hawala Illa. Allah, that there will never be a time that you spend on your family, while hoping reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But you were but you will be rewarded by Allah subhana wa tada have to look matter for her in a fee erotic until the point where you lift a morsel to the mouth of

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your wife, a kind gesture where you take a morsel, and you put it into the mouth of your wife, that's also a form of sebata. I remember once I mentioned this in a lecture, and I said When was the last time we saw our, our mothers and fathers putting a morsel, you know, in each other's mouth. And there was one young kid at the front. He said never.

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And you can see his father, his father was glaring at him. And I said, you're gonna meet a lot of trouble when you get back home. He said, That's why I have 911.

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I was like, well, that escalated quick.

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A quick tangent, and I'll come back to this in a moment. It's important that husbands and wives show affection to one another in the presence of their kids. I'm not talking about like, you know too much as well.

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That's another issue. I'm talking about balanced. There's no one's gonna hurt you, the other 200 will not hold you, if you praise your wife every now and then, or praise her for her looks and say she's beautiful, or appreciate her for her kindness, nothing will happen to you. And similarly the other way around, you know, for the wife to say every now and then come to her husband and say it shouldn't be every now and then I'm actually saying it wrong. Every time you should do it all the time. Actually, let's not lower the bar that far, you know, go to your husband and say that I appreciate it. And go to your wife and say I appreciate it. You know, praise one another, give a

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good word to one another. This is also a form of sebata. When this happens, you will see that the kids in your household that are grow up, they'll grow up loving and looking forward to getting married because they've seen a good example of marriage. But if the whole all their life, all they've seen is father bully's mother or mother Billy's father or mother goes around dad's back and spends his money. Mother's always backbiting dad, dad's always backed by the mother, if that's all they've seen, then you're going to have a generation that we have like in today's society, where youth are saying that I'm not interested in getting married parents say multisoft Can you please

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talk to my daughter or my son? Ask them to get married? And I asked the daughters, why aren't you guys interested in getting married? You should get married. Now that you have, you're ready to be settled down in life. You finish your education, you have a career, go ahead and settle down. And what will the sister say many times many times it's the sisters. They'll say All my life I saw how my father treated my mother. And if that's what marriage is, then please spare me the slavery. I'm not interested.

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When I follow up with a lot, we look for the problem. What all we need to do is look in the mirror and we'll find that problem.

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How do you didn't say he Muslim from Philadelphia, the last one he narrates and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam avoided

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the non union people who Roger to Allah YALI. The best dollar spent is $1 spent on your family. What do you not earn for people who follow us in fi sebelah and $1 spent for a horse that will be used for the cause of Allah subhanho wa Taala while the nada rune peoplehood rajwada as hobby heafy Sevilla and $1 spent already not spent on his companions while they are in the path of Allah abou Colaba. While narrating this, he said he bought a book a labyrinth rewired he hasn't had it, but I believe

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he started off with mentioning the virtue of spending on your family. What are you Rajat an ottoman agilon min Rajan Yun fukuhara Yahoo. CRM, you ask yourself for whom Allah who be He, when you need him? Allahu be he. He said how beautiful is it which person it can be greater than a matter lady who spent on their children and because they spend on their children, their children don't have to go and beg other people. You save your child from disgrace. You saved your child from becoming dependent on other human beings. Allah subhanaw taala used you and that's a great favor from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Whenever your loved one shares it narration, he said a messenger of Allah.

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Actually, I'll come to that narration later on. The prophets that Allahu Allah He was said I'm sending this message. This is the alarm ones anyway, it's another derivation of your loved ones anyway, narrated by also by Mohammed. The prophets have a long while he was said and said to the men, the sub the cool gifts avatar. So a person said in the Dena messenger of Allah I only have $1 I only have one Dina. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, That sucked up to be he Allah and then use it for yourself. So giving sadaqa does not mean ignoring yourself. Where does the Prophet said a long while he was summoned start off here. If you're in need, and you have wealth, who should

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you spend that wealth on first?

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I don't know yourself. That's all I have to say. I only have one dinar. The Prophet is saying go buy yourself a sandwich, go get yourself a drink, go get yourself self a pair of shoes. Go buy yourself a soap bar, whatever you need, go and spend it on yourself. He said when the dinner or have another dinner too. Now, what do I do now? The Prophet said a long while it was said and said the sub got to be he Allah zoetic spend it on your wife.

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For Carla in the denominator. Now I have another Deena let's say I had another the amount a third of them want you to know. The Prophet said a lot of it was that I've set the subject behind I want to spend it on your kids for color in the dinner. But if I have another one, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the subject be he Allah Hajime, then use that dinner and spend upon your servant. He said, we're in the dinner after let's say I have another one. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said of a sudden, then at that point, you should choose where you want to spend it. You get to decide at that point where your vasana takes you where your insight takes you. Where is

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the need of that time, go and give it there. Just because you want to give to one cause don't demand the rest of them might give to that cause someone might feel more comfortable giving it somewhere else. Someone might get feel more comfortable giving it to another cause that every person go where they want to. The problem that a lot of us sit on when talking about Southern law teaches us the virtue

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of giving time and spending not financially here again, we're talking about other than financially and we were talking about six o'clock when it's not financial is of two types the first one was spending on or dedicating to giving to helping the creation of a law so we're still talking about that. the welfare of humanity the process of awesome says as narrated by mumble hardly any mums came from Australia long one mom and Muslim and yesterday suhara son Oh yes, Rosetta on for yakko men who insaan altoid on Oh Dad button Illa Canada who sebata there is not a person who puts a seed into the ground. But when a human eats from it, or a bird or an animal eats from there, that person will be

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the beneficiary of that subtle club. And one narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Elijah who Allahu Allah yonathan but Allah subhanahu wa tada will reward him until

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the end of times as long as someone who's benefiting from that tree, that saga will continue this this form of saga is called silica jatiya a continuous

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sub as for the second type of silica that isn't financial, mana, mana for who pass urine RFID it is that charity are that action in which the beneficiaries are not other people. Rather, the beneficiary is only the one who doesn't cost it will not fit meaning it's restricted to the person who does it. What's an example of this? There are many examples mentioned this heavy Subhanallah when I say so patola do you benefit from it? Who benefits only I do? When I say 100? Love you benefit? No, I benefit from it. indirectly. Maybe you might benefit but directly I'm the only beneficiary of this. And in regards to this episode, a lot of your loved one said a polar Allahu

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Akbar Miata Moroccan a hub boo la amine at a sadhaka beam et de na, that for me, I prefer to say Allahu Akbar 100 times than giving 100 Deena that's how I feel personally. I enjoy giving doing a lot of Vica and if God I'm giving and praising Allah subhana wa Tada. My favorite hobby in this chapter is that of their loved one when it comes to the virtue of Southern law. Sorry, when it comes to the virtue of giving Southern law through your Vicar. Our shift when he would do the Jamaal hood button, the mother of stuff, he read this, he read this, how do you think about maybe every single Friday? I kid you not he used to read this Hadeeth as a part of his football and the reason why he

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read this howdy is to remind the students in the mother saw that we're studying heavy books and dedicating yourself to reading and engaging there, this is where your money needs to be. This is where your focus needs to be. And that will not be accomplished at armonico skaha in America commodify happy karate comm hydrilla calm in fact, one of the PCB law

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photographer aka homeboy

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tadoba Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam de la

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sharara Allah. Ahmed Bihari Malika Sharona tell you have the best of your deeds, while skaha nobody can in the most purified and the most beloved de to Allah subhana wa tada Why are you happy that are jatukam and that deed will elevate you the most into the highest ranks of Jenna will hide in a committed Falcon Heavy well what if he said vanilla and it's better than spending golden silver in the path of Allah subhana wa tada we're hiring local mentor kawada Welcome, and it is better than you meet your enemy in the battlefield photography will

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come and you engage in battle. Shall I tell you something better than all of that? The Sahaba said, Allah. Allah of course what is it? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the court of law has on the decline of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's one of the greatest forms of decay. this very same narration that's narrated by Muhammad Anyway, I'm telling me the from I will do that all day long. One is also narrated of a mathematical hookah law. He is what water However, in my mother in law had a narrative mobile phone a little bit of data via law and he narrates it as a narration of as a statement of a Buddha not as a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However,

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your good deeds will only be a form of subplot, regardless of whether it's something that affects other people or benefiting yourself. They will only be a southern thought if your intentions are pure.

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If your intentions are not pure and you're doing something, let's say for example, you're helping someone but your intention isn't for the sake of Allah, rather, you're doing it to flirt with that person. Let's say if someone from the opposite gender, your intentions are not pure, which means there's no subtlety involved here. You have to keep your intentions clean. I'm giving let's say I'm even giving my wealth I'm even giving stuff actually I'm giving wealth in the in that at a fundraiser and the cause of a law, but my intentions are not pure, and there's no reward for it at the end of it. That's why we have to always focus on keeping our intentions pure. Well, I'm either

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follow who the and as for a person who does the above, showing off for into who you are, then it's very possible that person will be punished by law somehow to him without him

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I will show Mr. dharani he says

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this is a very beautiful point he makes actually. He says ma Mila Amara Hayden Mina lady Nia kapha, who Nia strt heated Islam, Allah highly human idea. This is a very beautiful point he makes, because the question comes right? Let's say for example, I'm driving

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and I see something on the road, I pick up my phone, I call for some sort of road clearing group to come in and clear out the road, you know.

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Now, when I did this, that I get a chance to make an intention. It was just a knee jerk reaction, right? I just on my phone, I told the passenger give a call. They called we called it in and they cleaned it. So I didn't get a chance to actually make an intention while doing it. So he says when a person does when a Muslim does a deed, that's good. Even though they didn't get a chance to make a specific intention, they will still be rewarded for it because they made an intention, the moment they accepted Islam and the fact that they made an intention to become a Muslim means that they accepted all the good and they chose all the good that comes in the package of Islam.

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So you really opens up the door of intentions here. He says, Man, Amina I'ma holla it i mean is it and Ethan Kapha honeyeater Strv heated Islam, Allah Holly he mean at the end, meaning choosing Islam as your religion, inshallah will suffice and will then make up for all the lack of intentions, you may have verbalized or may have internalized, that will be your reward for all of it in sha Allah Aziz.

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Now, towards the end of the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentioned that when a person is intimate with their spouse, there is a southern law for that too. There is a reward for that to

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the word to use in the Hadith is Buddha. Buddha before Melba Wescott, avadh nojima Kenai attune Anil Jima, that this means Buddha means to be intimate,

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will also do who Allah to Allah to the Quran kind of origin. The actual usage of this word refers to the private area of the male or the female. But when it's used in this context, right here, it's not referring to the limb of the body, rather, it's referring to the act of intimacy.

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Now the Sahaba when they heard this, they sent a message of a lot, how can a person be rewarded by fulfilling their lowly desires? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives a very beautiful answer? And the answer is that Allah subhanho wa Taala would punish you if you fulfilled your desires in the wrong way. So don't you think that your Allah is merciful, that he will reward you for doing the right way for doing something right. And if a person isn't intimate with their spouse, which is their halaal companion,

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then they will think of being intimate and other places, their mind will wander. That's why regular intimacy between married couples is very important for healthy marriages. A lot of frustration is caused by this. Sometimes it may be one person, sometimes it may be the other person, the scholar as well commentating on this, they may not have a lot of data when commentating on this, he brings a very beautiful point. He says, and that will either Allah who forgot us, Allah, Allah Allah, that when a person is intimate with their spouse, not only are they doing themselves a favor, but they're also being kind to their spouse as well. Why is that you end up in the hamster chahatein regime,

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because just as a man has carnal passion, the wife also has carnal passion. She also has desires. Well, he had this the Harajuku garage that he had, and she also desires him as he desires her. for you that I thought ha SATA, SATA, monkseaton ha ha pasado radical sabaton. And when he is intimate with her, not only is he fulfilling his own desires, but he's being kind to her as well. He's being compassionate and loving to her as well. And it's the act of being kind and compassionate for other people. That is a form of subclass, such a beautiful Latif point that he brings.

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Now, in some narrations, we learn as the narration of him, suggests and there other narrations, some scholars they bring, that they say it's not just being intimate that's rewarding. However, they add one thing they say, either nawabi healer Avada when a person intends good while being intimate, when a person makes an intention of doing good, what is the intention of doing good? Well, we'll call that Hopkins Xhosa, which is to fulfill the right of the spouse. That's a good contention. They're well thought of what are the inside if and to hope from a law that you are blessed with a pious child, way fast enough to save herself from the filth of society will go hand in hand and to save

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her and yourself both from

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engaging in haraam. These are all good intentions. When a person makes that intention, then you're rewarded as well

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but errors

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Without without your loved one is in motherhood, the lion is Muslim. It's a longer narration, but inshallah we'll leave that for now.

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They had this last part of it that's interesting. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to the Sahaba, that by being intimate you will be rewarded. What asked why? The Prophet said a lot while he was said and didn't say why Rather, he did something we call

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the US will x,

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the x one x, which means reverse logic. The Prophet said a lot of them didn't say why you'll be rewarded by being intimate with your spouse. Rather, he answered by flipping the situation over flipping the scenario over what a lot not punish you have you done hot on? What did that person say? Of course. So if you reverse the logic of Allah would punish you for doing hot on that one, a lot reward you for doing good. You guys understand this? This is a form of Ts.

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Using your sound intellect to come to a conclusion on an issue that may not be clear in this situation is clear because the purpose of the law Davison was making the statement. But the concept of the US, which is sound analogy in religion, the concept of a sound analogy. I'll give you an example. When a person is confused regarding something they have an issue they're not sure of what should they do?

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The question, someone has an issue they're confused on what should they do?

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Some of you might say read the Quran with a similar No, consult a scholar, what does army's person supposed to do? When you're confused regarding an issue? First, athletically inclined to Natal moon go to the people of knowledge, let them guide you. Now, once that issue reaches that scholar, depending on the methodology they follow in Islamic law, they will follow a procedure. So for example, in the Hanafi school of thought, what we do is, you first look for your answer. And

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if the answer isn't in the Quran, then you go to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. If it's not an incident, and then you look for a consensus Now, what does consensus mean? Unfortunately, there's no consensus on that. But nonetheless, you look for it, hmm. And then after you can't, whether, depending on whether you find something there or not, the last form last step that we take when crafting the legal ruling, is what we call the US use your, your intellect, while it's not just using your intellect and coming up with a bogus answer, that's not what they ask Is this a lengthy procedure ups, you look for an indirect connection, or direct connection to the

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So for example, someone asks you regarding what's the Islamic ruling on I don't know, Facebook, communicating through Facebook communicating to the internet. Now obviously, we'll look in the Quran, you wouldn't find anything, you will look in the Hadith, you wouldn't find anything. Because this, this means this mode of communication didn't exist. So what would you need to do now, you will need to use and it's not image mode. There's no consensus amongst the Sahaba on this. So now you need to draw an analogy. You need to ask yourself, what is social media? And how do people interact with social media craft all of the details to it?

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And then see where can we find a similar scenario occurring during the profits time? You guys follow what I'm saying. And then once the to line up, you would call this a healthy proper accurate PS meaning the analogy is now sound. And based off this, you can extend the ruling of what you found during the Prophet's time on your modern issue, failed to immunize, understand that issue, this is what you call it, the US. Not all legal analogy, or CPS is correct. People unfortunately, do a lot of faulty faulty DS, right, which we call as modified. While they're where they'll think that they're that analogy they're creating between the modern issue and the classical issues correct. But

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the truth is, they're nowhere near one another, you've missed the point altogether. That's why establishing proper analogy

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is something that requires a lot of training requires a lot of training. When we studied if that in the mother saw, this was one of the key themes that were trained in doing establishing proper thesis and not making faulty analogy because if your analogy is wrong, your result is also going to be

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it's going to be up.

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So there are different types of Ts. So there is the astral x, which is reverse logic like we just studied in this hadith right now. And this is actually something you can find this in many ahaadeeth one another. Another example of this is the hadith of a bloodless rhodiola one that is narrated by monks, nothing like it to say, this Mandala. We actually studied this heavy this week in our class, my mother in law you should the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, my mother in law usually could be learned she had a gentleman, that whoever dies in a state that they don't hold any partners that Allah will go to gentlemen. So even the most rude says, Well, I now call it and I say he

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presents the reverse 50 s das will have to suffer if you prefer to be prevented. He presents the reverse logic and what's that? If the province that a lot of them says that whoever dies in a state that they do not make shit up will go to gentlemen, what's the reverse of that man? Whoever

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Does the shipper go to the firehouse so when he would narrate this headache, he would add at the end? Well, I put my motto, you should equal bill, you should have Kobe and da. And whoever dies while making shit up with a law will go to the fire department.

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So one type of an analogy is what we call theatrical acts. And the other type is what we call the US thought, thought, thought of means uninterrupted, meaning it's a very straightforward, very clear analogy, then, what it's about to Okay, anyway, that's the thought I won't go into too much detail. Well, I left that out. There are three types of tasks. But I will again, I won't go into too much detail, I'll just point it out. For those of you who have a desire to study it forward, you can build a structure from here and continue to study it. I asked them on three types of thought is on three types. But as a law, the law in shaba. Right, there's a law means that the aspects in which

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there are two issues, and both issues have a common factor between the two that connected both, okay, a common factor between the two.

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An example of this is

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there's some new wine or alcohol that hits the shelf. And the issue comes Can I drink this sort of a beverage? So the answer the very clear if they asked would be this sort of a beverage is not fun on the planet. It's not fun on the hobbies. But the payoff is the Prophet told us anything that intoxicants is hot on and visit intoxicated. So the common factor between the two is what intoxication therefore, this is how you guys see how that analogy works. It's a very clear analogy. The second type of analogy is the ladder, the ladder means

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that there is a shared context between the two. So there really isn't there, there's a shared context between the two.

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And then the third is the shadow, which means that there isn't a clear context. But there is a general similarity between the two. These are all technical terms, and we have to define each of them and then give examples. That's how you'd be able to understand them. We'll leave that for another class. inshallah, this is something that you study in a more advanced class of, sort of, not just a sort of fifth, but this is a more advanced study of sort of feel free to come to this.

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There's a question here now, after setting this heavy in its totality, and coming and going through all the points that need to be discussed, there's a discussion here that the scholars have

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chef Muhammad shall TT Hello, Hola. Hola, Allah.

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He says that, is it better to be wealthy? Or is it better to be poor? He raised this question.

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But is there more felina and having riches and being funny? Or is there more virtue and having less and living a life of simplicity? Without wealth in this world?

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You can imagine this is going to be a very interesting touchy discussion.

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We'll discuss it we'll go through it but I'll tell I'll give I'll give you a little like, you know,

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what do they call it?

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that disclaimer?

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When you when you share the end of the story before the story starts. Spoiler, there you go. Spoiler alert. Here's a spoiler alert for you, Mr. McWhirter to be nailed it.

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Unfortunately, he does a very beautiful job of explaining this issue. But before we get to him on both of you, let's go to the story. Now, chapter number one.

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He says Abdullah bin masroor. He says calama Nassif will ask us fill us with masala tea masala, that when it comes to this issue of how to live your life in a more wealthier state or more poor state. He says the scholars have different opinion on the issue for me to whom and

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from them there are those who give preference to live a life in less wealth, woman home alphabet, Alina. And then there are those who give preference to live in a life with more wealth, or been home and father aka fat. And then there are those who give preference to living a life which is in poverty. It's not in wealth, but it's in the middle where you're taking care of yourself.

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There are many benefits of living with less wealth. For example, when a person has less wealth, they're well their heart won't be too consumed by what to spend the wealth on.

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Therefore their heart will be more open and more fathers as they would say.

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Well, you know, let them when they say a person who has less wealth will also enjoy speaking more to Allah subhanho wa Taala because they'll constantly be in need to all constantly be asking Allah subhana wa Tada. They won't be consumed by working day and night.

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Yesterday whom in total is up, they won't have to worry about lengthy accounting with a loss of 100 without on the Day of Judgment.

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And they continue on and they say that if you study the CEA the biographies of the sulfa salehoo and sort of a solid in the earlier predecessors, the earlier scholars from the earlier generations, you'll find majority of them spent their life living in simplicity. They didn't live in luxury. They didn't live in a grand lifestyle. They lived a simple life

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and then he closes this discussion off

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By sharing the Hadith that a Muslim Rahmatullah in areas with sovereignity will pass the law one Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the law, you hibel honey Tati ALLAH hafiz that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves the

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the wealthy person who is conscious of a law and also huffy means, like

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doesn't have much respect amongst people like someone who's, it doesn't mean that person is disgraced. But it doesn't mean this person is not like at our lofty position where they're very high. Actually, this Hadeeth can be used for the second group of people. But there are other narrations that he quotes in this above, too.

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Well, how do you look above and other narrations to establish the virtue for example, the Have you it's a very narration but it's a narration of perhaps a lot of sunset. Aloha, my name is skeena or like keep me alive as a poor person. Well, admittedly, Myskina let me die as a poor person. Why shouldn't feasel Mattila Misaki and resurrect me with the poor people on the Day of Judgment, and there are many, you'll find in the books of Heidi, that they'll have a Bob, Bob will father and forgot the chapter on the virtue of football, they will enter into paradise 40 years before the before the wealthy, and so on. So there are narrations like this, then there is a second group of

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people who hold the position that it's better to live a life of wealth, meaning where you have wealth, it's better for you. You know, I'm a bit humble admit Allahu Allah who himself was known for living the life of simplicity. He would ask this question

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that should I spend time, more time in the masjid? Or should I go and earn my money? Should I go earn a living? So remember that Hubbard responded to him by saying it is a mistake to go and spend your time in the market, go and earn your money. Similarly, he said to another person, that it's better for you, for you to work and free yourself from asking from other people. So that you can be totally dependent on Allah subhanho wa Taala is still not enough. Be free of being dependent on other people fallen out of mythical honey. Because there is nothing that's more beautiful then a person who isn't dependent for other people's wealth. He's independent. I don't need anyone's

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anything. That's a beautiful sight

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and that's why the scholars who say it is appropriate that a person relies on Allah subhana wa tada for risk through working that's how you're relying a lot through working through getting a job through getting an education to going out there to going and working hard and giving time putting the hours in while in the parlor Vitara castle

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and whatever it says that you should stop working. They say he is what does that mean?

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He is a foolish person. The statement is never as attribute to a bucket of model was he

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and the other scholars they said another group of scholars they said it was you know to Tallinn without a hub boo la middle Jews in tivity Mk eight in us that I prefer to take money for learning and teaching over waiting for people to come and give me money. What benefit Do I have then what respectful I have in their eyes?

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castable fee body shape hydro mineral hydrate and us again the same thing say to say it was a famous study when he was passing away.

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He said to the people he had while he was leaving? He was so the people started looking towards him that you know this person has wealth and he's leaving isn't that very? Why does he have so much wealth? So say to them say if he responded back by making this to allow me in the katana Manila, Jamal Illallah asuna be hidden, or law. You know, the only reason I gathered this wealth was to protect my Deen. So I wouldn't have to sell out to the wealthy people, I will be able to get very legal things my thoughts while with this stuff, not not being worried about their paycheck, not being worried about whether they would be able to support me or not. However, then comes a third

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degree in which this cutoff cutoff is what where you live a life in mediation, the prophets of Allah who it was said I'm actually made this law for his family. He said Oh Allah give the family of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Kapha where we live in a middle of brown email called to be Rahmatullahi Ali when defining the word Kapha he says alchi faia to Villa zyada. What an axon that not living with too much love or living with too little wealth. microfluidic hijack, that would save the person from needs wildflower Little Rock and pushes away those things that are necessary meaning you're taking care of

00:59:30 --> 01:00:00

the profits of a lot of money alayhi wa sallam he made he said as narrative ever heard of your loved one that be happy with what Allah has given you? The Covenant nurse you will be the most wealthiest of people. So that's the medium ground and that's where everyone should hope to be. Yeah, Allah give me enough from this dunya give me enough. even put the grant Allahu Allah wrapping this whole discussion together. He writes in his work, I love him. jurmala huhtala Lena V and highlighted for us that when we studied the Prophet's life, we find nothing

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One of the three but we find all three of them. We find all three in the Howdy. What is that alphacool world in our world. Sometimes the Prophet was wealthy sometimes he was poor. And there were times where he wasn't that median ground, foot down and oh holiday he, the first of the three meaning poverty was the first time first phase of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his life for pharma, Big Daddy coming Mujahideen Mujahideen nefs the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam dealt with that phase in his life through Mujahideen knifes meaning struggling against himself living against that grind, living in a hunger or living in poverty not having enough that's what the

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prophet live that first phase of his life from a footy hot alcohol photo

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facade with Alec if you had the idea that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave victory to the Muslims. And there was an appointed share for the messenger of lust that allowed instead of from all of the the spoils of war. So the Prophet said allow this and then reach the rank of those who are more wealthier in Madina munawwara for karma biological static and the purpose that allows it was seven fulfill the right of what a person should do when they're wealthy. What does that mean? Well, more isotropy Elisa, the purpose of a lot of sort of distributed in amongst people. When he was wealthy, he distributed his wealth amongst people.

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My wife decided he mean who am I so do the route the route is he and the purpose of the law system and the wealthy phase he distributed everything except for that which was needed for his family. Well, he assumed a total cost which led him into the third phase of life when you're wealthy and you spend everything and the only thing that remains is what is needed for you and your family. What stage are you in now?

01:01:34 --> 01:02:10

Cut off that medium face. Well, he is Sudoku Luca Latina Talia, and this was a state of prophecy loss of a passed away the Sudoku Kapha. And you will find a footprint will be shudehill arbaeen. What are the de la huhtala ajaya ma MBA he was to be under hood I asked him without whom he lobby of the aroma comment. He says that you will see that the messengers of Allah will not leave this road until they reach the highest point. And the purpose of law instead of passing away in a state of cut off that median state shows us that that's the best of all three, that a person lives in this road with Gotha.

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To summarize this, have you some lessons that we learned the first thing we learned, as I mentioned at the beginning, is the hills of the companions, the greed of the companions, when it came to doing good deeds, they weren't jealous of the wealthy companions don't think of that for a moment. Rather, it was a healthy sense of competition that we want to do good like they're doing good. We learned that sebata is not exclusive only to wealth. Rather, there are other avenues of Southern thought. You can either also give some thought through benefiting other people, or benefiting yourself through different forms of God and remembering Allah subhanahu wa Tada. The Hadith also teaches us

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the importance in the virtue of the smear that can be made daleel ordering people to do good and preventing them from doing evil. This house also teaches us where our mind should be. We shouldn't be sad and depressed when it comes to giving in the cause of Allah. We should be generous and excited we should run forward when it comes to giving him the cause of Allah subhana wa Tada. We also learn

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from this hadith

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that how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so kind and loving and calm to every person that came to him, how he encouraged them, and didn't let them let people walk away without a solution. He gave them a solution, they came with an impossible situation because they didn't have love. But the props that allowed him to them gave them a very beautiful probable solution that they can easily practice and they can implement in their lives. And the last thing that we learned in this Hadeeth is the importance of being fulfilling the rights of your family members, or people that are

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fulfilling your rights and obligations to your spouse and to your children. And don't think that because I'm taking care of my kids at home, that I'm not somehow spiritual and I don't have a special place. Many women they think that they think that I spend my entire day cleaning and cooking and running errands and picking the kids up dropping them off. You know, I don't get time for it by the I understand the need for and the desire for spiritual spiritual upliftment which comes through the salah and Vicodin reflection and halaqaat. I understand that. But along with that for create time for that and that's something you need to speak with your spouse and find a way to create it,

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whether it means dedicating some time after the kids go to sleep, or waking up earlier before the kids wake up. But that aside, don't think less of what you do for your family. Because know that you are being rewarded for that too. That is also sort of a pray that Allah subhanaw taala gives us stuff to practice and understand what sort of love without and as soon as he was hungry, he said I want to light Allah work.

Also on the authority of Abu Dharr (r):
Some people from amongst the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (s) said to the Prophet (s), “O Messenger of Allah, the affluent have made off with the rewards; they pray as we pray, they fast as we fast, and they give [much] in charity by virtue of their wealth.” He (s) said, “Has not Allah made things for you to give in charity? Truly every tasbeehah [saying: ‘subhan-Allah’] is a charity, and every takbeerah [saying: ‘Allahu akbar’] is a charity, and every tahmeedah [saying: ‘al-hamdu lillah’] is a charity, and every tahleelah [saying: ‘laa ilaha illAllah’] is a charity. And commanding the good is a charity, and forbidding an evil is a charity, and in the bud`i [sexual act] of each one of you there is a charity.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, when one of us fulfills his carnal desire will he have some reward for that?” He (s) said, “Do you not see that if he were to act upon it [his desire] in an unlawful manner then he would be deserving of punishment? Likewise, if he were to act upon it in a lawful manner then he will be deserving of a reward.”

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