Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 32 – No Harm Shall Be Caused

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the origins and history of Prophet sallavi's use of the title as reference to the sixth and seventh centuries of Islam. They stress the need for clear intentions to avoid unnecessary waste of time in court proceedings and discuss the use of punctuation and the importance of having a clear intention to avoid unnecessary waste of time. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding harm and avoiding fire, and emphasize the need for students to learn to appreciate regulations and regulations surrounding Islamic law.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahim

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Al Hamdulillah Heyoka wa salam O Allah Allah everybody Ladino Stofer

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Susana sudo su Mahato Milan via wa early hilus Kia was Harvey let's clear up my bad

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today inshallah we are starting with Hadith number 32

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on IV salad and sadly Malik Nissinen Allahu de la the Allahu Taala

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and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call la vara wala the Aurora, Hadith and Hassan rockin the merger with the put me a little homearama Snowden what our humanity can fin water and Ahmed bin Yahya an IV and inhibition Allahu alayhi wa salam Mursalin first quarter of us Eden Allah who took on your call with Baba Baba.

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The hadith is Narrated by Abu Seidel foolery. So the Allah one, that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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there should be neither harming nor reciprocating heart. This is a hustle Hadith, related by Edna magia and I thought of gluttony, and others as a Muslim Hadith.

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It was also related by Imam Malik Allahu Allah in His motto, as a Muslim in the form of being a morsel narration from Ahmed ibn Yaya from his father from the Prophet of Allah, while leaving out I will say that uploaded into the Allah one in the chain, and he has other chains of narrators

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that strengthen one another.

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So as I read the Hadith before we go into the text itself, right off the bat, you see him I'm never gonna come to LA he really engages in some discussion regarding the authenticity of this hadith. And that's what the last part of the translation was about. It's a hostile narration, who's narrating it and we'll come to that shortly. However, firstly, I wanted to start off today's class as usual, by discussing briefly the narrator of this hadith. This hobby who narrates his Hadith? His name is Abu Saeed Al Hadi Radi Allahu Taala on Imam shamsudeen Avahi. When introducing him, he used the following words he said Al Imam Al Majah had moved to Medina that he was the Imam, the great soldier

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and warrior and the Great Mufti of Madina, Munawwara Sagna Malik bin Sinha and Bin Thalassa been obeyed been observed. When I have been hard it's been coverage.

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So when he gives his lineage, there are two things to point out in his lineage. The first thing he says been husbands which means that I will say the Hadith of the Allah one was a Hazaragi companion. Else and husbands were the two great tribes in Madina Munawwara many of the companions were from OHSs and a large number of them were from positive and I will say the holier the Allah one was a Hazaragi companion he was from Medina, not from Makkah.

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The second thing, what is small AB Jerry Hydra, because he's commonly known as Abu Saeed Al foolery. So there's a question where does he get this name from where does a liquidity coming from? Oh, sorry, we understand. But where is a hoodie coming from

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So then the scholar is explained by saying that in his lineage, his name was Saad bin Malik bin Sinan bin Thalassa bin obeyed bin Abijah Abuja and the scholars regarding this person and observed they say what a small object Hydra to that this object his name was Hydra and when making reference to him for that I will become so the D right so when you make this the called yeah and Misbah so when you make miss but when you make reference to something an American becomes somebody key someone from Saudi I will be called Saudi so cuddly while making reference to one of his forefathers and abjure whose name was Qudra Mattila Malhotra to hear omole abjure. Some scholars, they say it was an

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object that was Cauldre rather it was his mother whose name was caldera and making reference to that lineage again, he is called uncoded. This hobby, as mentioned was from Madina, Munawwara. Born in Madina, Munawwara 10 years prior to the migration of the Prophet sallallahu, ala he was

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he had a brother, who he shared the same mother with his brother's name was Qatar. Qatar, Qatar took no no a man of the offeree but other been not a man a daffodil. He was a brother of his that they shared mother with this hobby Tata been Nama and is considered as one of the companions who participated in the Battle of Bhutan. So you see from his family members, there were those who were very close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they put their life on the line in some of the greatest battles alongside the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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His mother's name was when ASA bint Ebihara

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when a serbin Ebihara Min bernia RDAP in the job and she was from the people of the even the job.

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How we know that this hobby was born 10 years prior to migration is because of a very famous narration.

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The son of I will say the who deliver the Allah Who on whose name was Abdul Rahman he narrates from his father will say it he says

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to Yama ohada in Ireland the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam will Anna iblue Thalassa Ashura that I was presented to the province of Allahu Allah, he was Salam on the day of odd when the soldiers are being mined up and people were enlisting himself as warriors in this battle. My father also presented me as a warrior. And at the time, he says regarding his age that he was 13 years old, and the battle that took place in the third year after hijra, therefore he was born 10 years prior to hit it off.

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So he says, Fajr Allah every year for the big way a full year rasool Allah in Hua Abdullah Islam, he said, O Messenger of Allah. He said, My father took me by the hand of the Prophet of Allah and said, O Messenger of Allah take him. Now in one narration, he actually says that I was a shorty. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam saw me being so short, and saw my young age, it wasn't the habit of the Prophet sallallahu it was set up to send kids into the battlefield, he would actually reject them even if they wanted to go. So my father said, O Messenger of Allah, don't turn him away. Even though he may be short in height. He's very strong. He's big boned. He's someone that will

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he'll stand well in the battlefield.

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While you're out on the beach, and Allahu Allah, He was telling you certainly to be another were you so we will who? He says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam gave me that deep look. He looked me up and down. For McCall, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said rude the who turned him back home Ferragni I was turned away from the battlefield. And I lost the honor of participating in this great battle.

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The first battle that he participated in

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some scholars they say it was 100 others he was going to masala. We do know that he participated in conduct the Battle of the trenches because he himself says that he was one of the companions who participated in the Battle of hunter. He was a companion who had great rank amongst the other Sahaba a very knowledgeable person, young in age, but very knowledgeable. Everyone knew about emissary decoded or the Allah one. He is one of the Sahaba who narrates abundantly from the McCarthy rune. He narrates over 1000 narrations 1170 narrations are attributed to Abu Saeed Al Hadi Radi Allahu Taala and

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there's a famous incident

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that one time Abu Musa Allah shouted at the Allah one came to meet

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Amara, the Allah one during Amara, the Allah Who wants Khilafah he sought permission on what are the Allah one was occupied, so he didn't respond and Musa or the Allah one sought permission a second time. Amara, the Allah one was busy he didn't respond

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He sought permission the third time I'm out of the Allahu Allah again didn't respond because he was occupied Abu Musa Allah shot he left the gathering and headed back home after some time on what are the Allah one he remembered that oh Abu Musa was seeking permission so he asked someone that is I will Musa still waiting outside for me they went outside and they check in Abu Musa wasn't there so I'm under the Allah one summoned Abu Musa Allah Allah Allah Allah one when Abu Musa came to honor the Allah one Amara, the Allah one asked him you came you sought permission I didn't say go Why did you leave?

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You should have waited for me you know that as a Khalifa I have so many responsibilities you should have waited for me. So Abu Musa Allah Sharia law Juan said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying seek permission three times and if you are not granted permission, then head back

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on what are the Allah Juan said to him? prove this hadith to me. Otherwise I will make an example out of you

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know, Musa Shatila the Allah when he was caught, he was in a tough situation. Not that he was attributing a lie to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but he had to find proof and who How was he going to remember who was there who wasn't there when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the statement. So Musa Shalini Allah who came into the masjid, the Sahaba they saw him and they all started laughing at him. They said something happened to this guy. He looks like he's in trouble. The hadith is insane Muslim, one of the companions asked him what happened? So he said, Well, I just had an encounter with Almighty Allah one and I told him I narrated this hadith with

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him. And I'm going to be Allah Juan said, I have to provide proof otherwise, I'll be in trouble.

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So they all give a little giggled and laughed a little.

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And then they said to him, don't worry, there's nothing to be concerned about. Not only will we send someone who has heard this hadith, we will send the youngest companion amongst us who's heard this hadith to prove to Allah or the Allah one that even the kids in Madina Munawwara know this hadith. And they sent I will say the holy grail of the Allah one. And I will say the holy day with the Allah one who was young at the time, he came as a witness in front of Almighty Allah one, and he give testimony to hearing this Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what which is very beautiful, this narration the scholars usually quoted and reference it when talking about the

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authenticity and integrity of the chain of Hadith.

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Muslims are always very particular about preserving their narrations right from the beginning, Allah subhanahu wa Tada taught the Sahaba that they had to preserve the Quran. This was taught to them by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Sahaba took the took the responsibility of preserving the Quran very seriously. And then they carry that responsibility over to the Hadith as well. A lot of the Allah one without doubt

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didn't question Abu Musa Dasha, the Allah one for being a liar. Rather he was trying to set an example that we will question the Senior Companions and also the junior companions. If you make an attribution to the Prophet Allah Azza wa sallam

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be sure that you can support it and make it properly integrity within the science of Hadith. So this Abu Musa law Sharia law, one was a great scholar amongst the Sahaba

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100 Rabinovich, Sofia, and he narrates from his teachers, and the who lemmya. Couldn't hadn't met Dotty as hobby to suit Allah, Allah Muhammad irbesartan and pudiera, the Allah one. He says that he narrates from his teachers, that there wasn't a person from the young companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was as knowledgeable as Abu Sayyaf and hoody or the Allahu taala. And some scholars have listed his name amongst the US hub sufa That he for a period was one of the companions who spent his day and night in the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam outside the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just next to the Prophet of Allah

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learning from him absorbing more and more benefiting from that companionship on a very premium pure level with him day with him during the night as well.

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And the top your own, and those who followed. They had a lot of respect for him, until the point that people who are not you no too friendly to him. They knew that he had a MACOM that he had a position and that position had to be honored because of how knowledgeable he was in his closeness to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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there was an incident that took place in Madina Munawwara in the 63rd year after Hijra. It's called Yeoman Hara

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are also known as herbal Hara. The Battle of Hara. The reason why this is called the Battle of Hara because this was a battle battle fought in a place called Alhambra on the 26th of the ledger

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63 After hearing

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Hara is in the northeast corner of Madina Munawwara this was a battle fought by the Sahaba

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of Medina, the Companions who lived in Medina, under the banner of Abdullah bin Zubaydah, against the armies of yours even more Alia, who was the Romanian Khalifa of the time, and a little backdrop to why this battle even occurred, there were a few few things the first thing was yes, he's been where are we? Where are we are the hola Juan was a companion? Yes even more Alia was the first person to have governorship over the Ummah and was not a Sahabi. Therefore his integrity could be questioned. The Sahaba were the Sahaba they had companionship from the prophets of Allah Islam. No, have you ever questioned the integrity of another companion?

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However, what they did do was they sent a delegation from Madina Munawwara to Sham and they said we want you to go and examine this person. Who is this? Yes, he's been where are we? What kind of person and he is he? What kind of personality does he have? So when this Sahaba arrived in Madina, Munawwara and the people from Medina, the delegation when they arrived from Medina to Hashem, they sat with him, he took care of them, he gave them a lot of gifts. He you know, give them nice comfort seating and you know, gave them the top treatment.

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When they came back from his company, they came back and told the people in Medina, this person is not a good person.

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He wasted the money of the ummah. He lives in lavish palaces. he consumes alcohol, he womanizers he's involved in gambling. We saw all of this with our eyes, and this is the type of person that you've given Baotou. So the people that Madina Munawwara unanimously agreed that they would no longer be under his rule. That was one thing. The second thing that caused the Battle of Hara was that was the incident of Karbala, for saying that the hola Juan had been martyred by the armies of us even mafia, and the people of Medina were hurt by this just as the entire Ummah was hurt. That beloved family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was slaughtered in Karbala. So the people

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of Medina now they became very upset. Abdullah bin Zubaydah and mukah had openly renounced the fifth alpha and debate of us even while we're and people started giving Baotou Abdullah bin Zubaydah who was a companion of the Prophet Allah while he was Saddam, who was the grandson of Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah one.

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So the people started coming to him and giving by the people that Medina also align themselves with him. They said, we align ourselves with the Levin's of eight, all the Romanian governors and all their people who are in post in Medina, they gather them all together and take them out. Some narrations say they locked him into one home, and they said you guys stay here you're no longer in charge. And another narration says that they dished out to them all from Athena Munawwara. When they did this,

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ma we use eBay mafia. He sent an army of 10,000 fighters 10,000 Soldiers from Sham towards Medina.

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And the general of this army was a person by the name of Musleh sorry, Muslim Bill Akbar Al Murray.

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One of the soldiers in this army was a man by the name of hijab and use of he was a young man at this time. Later on, he would play a very powerful and pivotal role in the Omega Khalifa Calaca. But at this point, he's still young, he's still in his development, and he comes as a soldier in this battle and the battle takes place. I will study the Hadith of the Allah one was one of the companions who was in Madina, Munawwara during this period, in one narration, he actually fought the battle, along with other Sahaba and many Sahaba died in this battle, many Sahaba were killed by the Romanian army. So there's a particular narration that Imams Imam shamsudeen Allah Rahmatullah. He

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quotes that a person there was a particular Shami, a shammy person he narrates he says that duckula Abu Salah Eden, Yeoman harati horn that I will say the leader the Allah one thought for a bit and after that he went into a cave to stay away from the battle too many Sahaba were dying too many innocent people were dying. So he went into a cave for Dasari he fee he Rajon for Maharajah for call a little German and a sham. A De Luca, Allah Raja didn't have to who so in person came and saw him sitting in the cave, he went back outside. And then he saw a Xiaomi soldier. And he said to him, let me take you to a man. You should kill him. He's from the opposition army, you fight for the omegas

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go there and kill him. So that Xiaomi fell into her a Xiaomi you Alibaba will hurry or fear or be sorry that a safe orderly herbicide approach. So that Xiaomi person came to I will say the hoodie and I will say it was inside the cave. This person was standing right at the mouth of the cave. I will say they'll hold the data the Allah one had his sword hanging around his neck. The Xiaomi man said to him, exit this cave.

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So he responded, Well, I want exit. We're in touch the whole afternoon. And if you come inside or

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instead hold up Tolka and if you do come and said I will kill you.

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So the Shami man for the Hello Xiaomi, Allah He, the Xiaomi person entered into the cave. Now, I will say that according to the Allah Juan said he would kill him. But it was this feeling that he didn't want to kill any more innocent people that he actually came to the cave. So he took his sword and put it on the ground. And he said to that person, I'm not going to kill you. If you wish you can kill me and take my sin and your sin both back to Allah take meaning take my burden and your burden, the burden of killing me, and also the burden of all the people that you're going to kill.

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Take my responsibility and your responsibility. But it's me What is Mica? What could members have enough and be from the people of the fire of home? That person when he heard this the Shami person he asked unto Abu Salah you didn't include any? Are you able to say that at the Shangri person who was here to kill him? He asked him Are you included into the hola Juan? Kala Nam nom? Yes, that's me. So the Xiaomi solar said, for stock FedUni ask Allah to forgive me. I've made a very, very big mistake by withdrawing my sword against the great companion of the Prophet Allah Allah He was.

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And then I will say didn't do the Allahu unset to him Allah for Allah, who may Allah forgive you. And that's where this incident ends. And the reason why the Scholars quote this narration in his biography is to show that not only was he revered and loved by the Sahaba, and those who are, you know, from that group of traditional, you know, companionship, those who are aware of the companions and whatnot, but he was also beloved by the people who actually weren't so kind to other companions and those who actually had an intent to even kill someone like him.

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His teachers and students. His greatest teacher, without doubt was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that's who you narrates most of his narrations from, but he also narrates from other companions like Abu Bakr so these were the Allahu Allah, the Allah one, and others from his students. There were other companions Jabba bin Abdullah the Allah one narrates from him of love and Amara narrates for him.

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Zaytoven Sabbath or the Allahu wa narrates from him. If an ibis never eats from him, if it's obeyed, it narrates from him, I'm gonna love him. And that's the magic of the Allahu omnaris from him from amongst you to have your own, say to them and say, I will sell him up in arms ramen, Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah he he Bnei Ortega, an autobid Yesod and many more the list is very long of students who actually narrate from him and this his students they described him as being a very righteous pious person, someone who was very particular and punctual and practicing the deen of Allah and min Shoemake Ellis Island he says a dated Medina Fontana tequila be Sorry, didn't have

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vida de la one for the hull to La he for either Shifen Kabira Usili fina Zaneta Shamsul more autonomy than Allah Jerry that in

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that I came to Madina Munawwara and when I arrived in Medina I went to visit double site and hold the data the Allah one now he was a senior companion. I will say he was not older in age. He said When I entered into the room where I was there it was for either chiffon Kavita, and there was this very old man. And he was praying Salah right after ZyWall meaning the sun had just passed. And he was praying his he was praying his salah, and while He was praying he was leaning against he was leaning against something. He was very old at the time. Either Tama automata Allah wa raka Castaneda tibula. That when he would, when he would stand up, he would use that that pillar or this this this

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branch, if you wish to say to push himself up, and when he would go into court, he would put it in front of him and then bow down because that would help him balance when he would go into court.

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When he would do such that he would lean on it and he would go into such the way that I started that Jaffa metaphor okay he Anjum V had the araba that you play he, he said when he would go into such that he would move his arms, his side of his arms away from the side of his body. So there would be a gap between his body and his arms and you would be able to see his underarms his armpit area when he would be in such though another one of your students. He said that we said terrible sorry the Lord we are the Allah one. Allah adoptable, MINUSMA amik should we not write down everything we hear from you you narrate so many a hadith. So he said to do the integer Aloha Masahito for Domina karma

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fildena. Instead, what you want to write it all down and write a journalist write a journal journal or something. He then told his students rather than writing it down, memorize it just as we memorized it from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam because when a person memorizes something, the only way to truly retain it is through revision and practice. If you write it down who revises their notes, you just know that you know, you know that you wrote them down. There's somewhere in a book, you attend a weekend seminar. You take these very detailed notes what happens to the

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Those notes then

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they get filed away into some cabinet. But when you memorize something, what do you know? Since it's not written I have to revise it. And the best way to bring it into true preservation is by practicing it. So he's giving them that exact same model. If alumina coma have that retained from us, just as we retained from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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from amongst narrations of a grocery delivery with the Allah one, he says, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Leia, mahakumbh Maha Fatah nurse and yet the Calama will happily era who? Oh Alima who tolerable sorry then for harmony Dadda Illa Allah and rocky to Allah ma here, from electrical DNA from Allah, JAXA that I once heard the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam saying that you should not fear people and remain silent. One of you should not be held back from speaking the truth out of fear of people, after you've seen something wrong. If you've seen something wrong happen, don't be afraid of people that will vote people are going to say speak your mind with wisdom, but speak your mind. How long will political correctness keep people silent? Will we not let our minds you know speak? Will

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we not say what's in our heart? Will we not say what's wrong? Call a spade a spade and what's right, encourage it and say that's actually right. When you remain silent, you give someone else opportunity to come and speak into the mic. And they can say whatever they want. If they fear Allah, they'll speak good. If they have no consciousness of Allah, they'll make a mess out of it. I will say that according to the Allah one he says it was this hadith that motivated me to travel all the way to meet while we are the Allah one. And because there was a dispute between Mahabharata The Allahu Allah and Allah the Allah one. He said I came to Ravi or the Allah hawan for Hamid Ali,

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Danica and recover Allah and we'll keep to Illa Maria from Allah today he, I gave him an earful. Well, I had a lot of things that I wanted to say I said an ultimate hobby out of the Allah one mommy Rhodiola one was a leader. And he was also a hobby. And this was common amongst the companions that they would, you know, speak openly to one another. We'll start with the hood we have the Allahu on marriage and another Hadith as narrated by Muhammad and others, that he says Butina Abbey Yama Shahidan that my father was martyred on the on the in the Battle of what Allah cannot be a lady man. And he left us with no wealth at all. For Tito Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew who I

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came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe salam to ask him for some wealth, because we were in need.

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For Hina Ronnie when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw me called he said, without me even having to say but I have to say, without even having to ask what I had to ask the prophets that Allahu Allah He was sort of turned to me and he said to me, Minister gonna have an Allahu, Allahu Allah who are going to Staffa, Europe for hula. Then whoever lives a chaste life, a life that abstains from asking from other people, a person who is independent. A person who lives a life like that Allah will grant that person independence. Allah will keep that person chaste. Allah will save that person from asking from other people. And whoever lives a satisfied life, they're content with

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what they have. estafa can mean also, that person doesn't go around begging other people, the one who holds themselves back from begging from other people. Allah will keep that person pure and Allah will take care of that person. I will say that hooded or the Allah Juan says I heard this from the Prophet of Allah photo Josue, I went back without even asking the prophets of Allah when he was sitting for anything, because I knew he was speaking to me. If I believed in Allah, if I trusted Allah, Allah will take care of my affairs.

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Handle robbing me Sofia narrates got him and actually, I quoted that hadith that he was the statement that he was the most knowledgeable from the young companions. Healthy body says that he was one of the companions who narrates the most Hadith, bajada Hadith and cathedra what have you the headline cathedra Hadith and considering he had memorized many a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Mamoon Mohammed bin Abbas bin Salman sad narrates from his father who from his grandfather who says, I will say the holy God, Allah Juan says, by autoinhibition, Allahu Allah was sort of Anna will there were other than Sarmad or Muhammad Mustafa will say the hottie was sads that there were six of us. He names five of them doesn't mention the sixth person. He says five of us we took allegiance at the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the allegiance was that we would not fear any person. We wouldn't fear people accusing us or people speaking bad of us or people, you know, giving us a guilt trip Loma Tala and anyone that had anything to say. We wouldn't fear we would say

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the truth if that's what was required.

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So he said, We all took that pledge at the hands of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. First of all, Assad is the sixth person, the one who he didn't name. He said the sixth person came back to the Prophet of Allah and he said, O Messenger of Allah.

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I took this allegiance at your hand, but I don't think I can follow through with it. I don't have it in me. The other guys maybe they can be very bold and they can see it. It's I'm not sure if it's something that I can do first Attala Attala means to seek a return for a color who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said you are relieved of this commitment and promise that you made do the best you can.

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As I mentioned earlier, I will say that included into the Allahu wa narrates 1170 a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, out of which 34 Sorry 43 are narrated by both Imam Bukhari and Muslim Muhammad Allah Holly independently married 16 of them. And in my Muslim Rahmatullah Allah independently narrates 52 of those narrations.

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I will say the heartbeat of the Allah Juan's daughter narrates she says that when my father's death came, the Mahalia the INF Romanus hobby Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When my father's death came, he called some companions for him ignore Abbas webinar, oneness with the Malik which I would have known Abdullah, that amongst the people who came to my father, while he was on his deathbed, were the likes of Ivanova, the Allahu Akbar. If your alma mater the Allah one on NSmen Malika the Allah Juan Javid, Abdullah the Allahu anima and he said

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that when I die, either and I moved to for cathinone fie theability con to also live here when I die, bury me in those garments that I used to pray Salah in was good Allah huffy ha and bury me in those garments that I used to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala and watch me know Allah Yahweh opiate in his

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pajamas are much more he then says take some fragrance you know as its practices well, when a person dies, you apply some fragrance some behold to the body to make sure the bad stench isn't there until they're buried what I was told that it will Allah cover the first thought and don't erect any tent on my grave. And then he says Well, to be Rooney be not and don't let a fire follow me. This was a practice they had people would walk behind the deceased with fire. He said, Don't do that.

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While you don't rush the money for that money back here, and when you take my body to the graveyard, don't let a lady follow me who will be who will wail over my death will cry, you know, these are professionals. Don't let any of these people join.

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She then says that far. Luma Amara Hungee they did exactly as he said. I will say that according to the Allah who wanted what year did he pass away and there's a difference of opinion. One group of scholars they say he passed away in the year 74 After Hijra.

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Another group of scholars they say that he passed away in the year 63 After Hijra Imam Muhammad Allah Allah and Eric's family, Rahim Allah Allahu taala, that he passed away, not 63 After hijra, rather he says Matt abadal harati beside him. He died after the Battle of Halal by one year. And if you recall, the Battle of Hara occurred in 63 He, therefore according to this opinion, he passed away in what year 64 After 80 Now we come to the Hadith itself.

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First thing, this hadith is a very special and unique Hadith that scholars have actually mentioned. Virtues for this hadith especial rank of this hadith. Imam Abu Dawood Rahmatullah Ali. He says,

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Khattab to our Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Hamza me at the Elfi Hadith I have written from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 500,000 Hadith. Imam Abu Dhabi, the citizen, I have narrowed I've written how many a hadith

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500,000 Hadith in the hub to minha matalon Munna who have al Kitab Yanni Kitab sunnah Jamal to fie arrabbiata Allah Finn laughing with a man yet with a man he author man Emirati Hadith. He says out of those 500,000 I selected 4800 a hadith to be a part of my book. The Sunnah of Imam Abu Dhabi, Rahmatullah YALI. So don't worry, though, he said, then we actually insert only Dini him in Danika, Arbitron, and out of these 4800, a hadith for a hadith are such that if a person preserves these for a hadith, they've basically taken the summary of my half million, a hadith.

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And those for a hadith I listed for you multiple times already in this book, because we covered each of those four, a hadith in Irvine now, even though we included each of those four a hadith one by one in this collection,

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but just to refresh your memory. The first Hadith was the first hadith of this book in the Malama, Lavinia the second Hadith, which is also a hadith in the urban minimum every month. No, we mean Hosni Islam and Matakohe Humala Yanni for the beauty of a person's faith is that the elite

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If that which is not concerned them. The third hadith is that a person is not a believer until he loves for his brother when he loves for himself and the fourth Hadith, the halal is clear The Haram is clear. So these are the four Hadith well feed the wire through Quran. However, there is another narration from Imam Imam Abu Dhabi would that instead of these Imam Abu Dawood Rahmatullah. Here they said, another narration will feed the wire to Quran who Anna who called Al Fukuyama due to Allah hum Satya Hadith. Imam Abu Dawood Rahmatullah. Haley said Islamic law is based on five a hadith what are those five ahaadeeth

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The first one is

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in the Malama Lavinia

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actions or by intentions, the second one a demon Naziha, their religion is sincerity.

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The third one, Mata hate to command who fetch the new boo, I'm honored to be here for two women who master data what I have told you to stay away from avoided and what I have told you to do, do it to the best of your ability.

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The fourth one is Al Hello. beggin well haram over here the Haram is clear, the Haram is clear. The Halal is clear The Haram is clear. And the fifth and last one is this hadith, la vara. Wala the rora.

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There's a book called a lemma Swaby Rodial Hadith. It's a very beautiful book because it's a book that consists of the stories and incidents that occurred in response to which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said certain statements of his So regarding this particular Hadith Allah Allah Allah will have it or he quotes from caught up the result from sunnah. He quotes from Imam, Imam Abdullah zakenna The Messiah, saying that there was a de tree, carrot vein, Alhaji Laney foster sama Thea, there was a palm tree that was disputed by two people.

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They brought their case for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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One of the people he said that how long will we continue to fight over this tree? Who owns a tree who doesn't own the tree? So you know what, let's just cut the tree in half.

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So in response to the other prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, Love, I don't know what that is no harm or reciprocating harm. What that means is that if we do cut the tree in half, who benefits from it?

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You cut a tree in half who benefits from it? No one does. There's no There's no benefit of that. You know, growing a tree requires effort. You know, the land taking care of it so much time, money, and effort goes into it. And you're just saying that the way we deal with this is just chop it into half. Two people are fighting over a house and they come to a judge and they say, Well, the best way to deal with this is we take a saw and we saw the house and a half. We go down the middle and we cut it. So in response to that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, now that you're harming yourself and you're harming others in doing this what's the benefit of doing that?

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I'm the result narrates this narration as the sub will route in his Musonda.

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Now this particular Hadith comes with different language, different wording in different books of Hadith. So in one narration,

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as if I'm hacking Rahmatullah Alinea, it's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah Allah, what are the Torah while I'm on VOD, raw vulnera hola who Amen Chaka Chaka Allahu alayhi that there is no causing of harm or reciprocating harm. And whoever does harm another one, Allah will hurt him and whoever hurts another person, Allah or whoever makes it difficult on Chaka, Chaka, whoever makes it difficult on another person Schuck Allahu Allah, Allah will make it difficult upon him.

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And another narration that's been narrated by Imam to me they don't have to Allah He Ali, from Abu Bakr Siddiq for the hola Juan be isnaad and fee he's often with a narration with a chain that has weakness in it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, maroon Mandara Meenan Omaka Ravi, that cursed is the one who harms a believer or tries to trick him. Cursed is the one who harms a believer or tries to trick him. And this particular NARRATION The word the wording is lavora Wallah.

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However, besides the Hamza and another narration narrative by Imam even imagine that Whitney it's allowed Valhalla, Iran all so there's a different little difference in the in the language. As we mentioned at the beginning of the class, Emma No, we don't need to lie. Yachty afternoon reading this hadith had a very brief discussion regarding the chain of the Hadith. He said that it's a hustle of narration. But then he then said that emoticons Allahu Allah narrates it as a mercenary via a monastery the wire is that narration which does not have a continuous chain, back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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Someone is missing their right Musa is a type of iniquity there is a discontinuity at some point in the chain. So the scholars have then looked at other variations of this hadith. And it seems as if in each variation in the Senate, there is someone there who was questionable. Even Roger will humbly discusses this issue at length that he takes all the narrations that actually narrate this particular text. And he goes through each chain one by one and he says in this chain, there's this person and this chain, there's this person and I want to I want he dissects these chains, and Allah reward the automa for going through this effort of going through each chain piece by piece and very

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carefully, dissecting and examining them.

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However, even Roger but humbly after going through all of the different chains and criticizing them, he then closes off by saying, Welcome, welcome, Dakota chef Rahim Allah and about a third of the talk will be about him that even though each chain has weakness in there, when you combine all of these weak chains together, it gains a sort of strength. There's a strength that comes into existence when you have multiple weak narrations. And each narration is unique. It's not the same person in each narration, because then that's a problem. But there is a weakness in one narration because of a particular narrator. The second narration it's sound all the way through until another

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narrator has a problem, but that that narrator is different from the first narrator. Are you guys following me? So there are independent weaknesses in each chain and there are multiple chains lined up, you can bring them all together. And then this week narration will be upgraded into what we call Hassan, Hassan Delaney he actually it will get an upgrade where it becomes like a hassle narration so that's what he's saying right here. We'll call it Claude obey Happy Body or Hadith the cathedral cathedral Abdullah masani. Okay, so that's, you know, he continues on that. And it even says Allahu Allahu Taala regarding this hadith he says something very beautiful. How that hadith so the whole

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dar Coatney Minwoo when he says Imam dar Whitney, who was a master and Hadith, even salaam says, Imam dar cook knew who was a master and Hadith narrates this particular Hadith to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through multiple through multiple avenues. Well, much more Rohan, you call will Hadith where you have seen who. And when you gather all of those paths together, it creates a strength in the narration, it creates a beauty it becomes Hussen it's an acceptable narration what the Kabbalah Bella who Gemma hero, this narration has been accepted by a large group of people of knowledge that Juby he and they've used this hadith to derive legal rulings from while

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only at will Obidos and you remember at the beginning, I quoted that that statement of Imam Abu Dawood, how filth revolves around five a hadith. So now even salah has making reference to that statement at the moment without he says in the whole middle of Hadith allottee due to Foucault Allah usually do bicone he is either even Allahu Allah, the fact that Imam would do the same this is one of the fiber Hadith that film revolves around, teaches us that Imam Abu Dhabi was the master of Hadith did not view this hadith to be unacceptable. And therefore, the scholars Hadith have always accepted this hadith, and they've narrated it. So this is a discussion that they have regarding the

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particular chain. Now, we come to this hadith.

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Before I go into the details of this hadith and we dissect it down linguistically, break it down and address what this hadith is actually saying.

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There are a few things.

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The first thing is this. This hadith is one of the Gaida. This is one of the collides with here, one of the Acolytes here. Okay, so what is tied? I mean, anyone know, not Al Qaeda, we're not talking about them. We're talking about a filthy spider. What are the filthy ICARDA

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a filthy Maxim or principle Acorda is hookman shudder a human. It's a legal ruling

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which repeats itself as a reference point again and again through the dean. That becomes a principle.

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So it's a maxim that is regularly frequently made reference to you'll find that the scholars for example, they'll have a discussion and fit and there are some some Maxim's that they'll commonly mentioned, for example, they'll say in the Malama Lavinia that's one of the Maxim's, and a lot of people classify that's actual language. So while they're discussing fifth, it's very regular, very common for the folk AHA in the middle of a discussion to say, and our reference point is what

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a movie matassa or inner Malama Lavinia the constantly make reference to it. This is a principle and from this principle, think of the Allied kind of like a mother. It gives birth to many rulings, many legal rulings. It's like the ocean it's the sea, where many streams will take birth from understanding the coverage for PR

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It is mandatory for anyone who wishes to appreciate and understand Islamic law. Islamic law is not at least the schools of thoughts that relate to Islamic law, the humbly Maliki Shafi Hanafi or in chronological order to Hanafi Maliki shatter it humbly schools of thoughts are not necessarily about the rulings that are within them. These schools of thoughts exist because each one has a set of rulings that they rely on to derive their rulings to derive the answers. These are called Little suit, they have principles, they all have principles. Each motherhood is unique from the next in its principles. Because their principle is unique. That's why their research is unique. And I always

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give this example to people whenever someone comes to me and says to me, that the Quran is one the hadith is one why do we have multiple practices in the deen people say this all the time. And there was a time where if someone's made a statement like this, people will say, Wow, that's a very intellectual statement. You know, that's a hardcore question right there. If the Quran is one of the hadith of one, why do we have multiple schools of thought?

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Personally, I find the statement to be very silly and foolish. I feel like only this person, only a person will make a statement like this, who has never engaged in research or taken like a psychology class in their life. If you've ever taken a psych class, or you take a class on research methodology, if you've ever written a thesis or a research paper, one of the first things you have to establish, are your parameters of research your method of your research methodology. How are you performing this research? If you have four people researching the exact same body of data, but different methodologies? Can they come to different conclusions? Absolutely. It's the most obvious

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thing that happens in every science. The data is one, four different research methodologies, what's going to happen?

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You will surely have four different conclusions. And if the conclusion is one that happens to be coincidental. The reason is because they came to the same conclusion. But the routes they took became their work, they took the come there were very different. I'll give you an example. According to the Hanafi school of thought, when you're doing Tammam, you have to make intention.

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When you're doing well do you don't have to make intention. So according to the Hanafi school of thought, if someone was walking, and their friend pushed them into a pool, and they got out they have little

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you guys understand, the guy didn't have a little What did his friend do?

00:47:32 --> 00:47:33

Go ahead.

00:47:34 --> 00:48:12

He pushed him into the pool, this guy is so kept to toe, he gets out his will that was done. Because according to the Hanafi position, will do is not necessary for our model has Matsuda right, which is a more technical issue. But for simple for simple, a simple issue simple discussion will do. It does not require an intention, according to the Hanafi school of thought, according to the shotgun at position wevu does require intention. So if they were to share three buddies walking together, and one person pushes the other one inside the pool, and he didn't have the loo, when he gets out, this is what will count. It doesn't count. Why doesn't that count? Because he didn't have intention. So

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that's one Massara. Now the one I want you to focus on for a moment is the second one.

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But young is a practice that we commonly translated English as dry ablution, it's your blue without water. When you don't have water, you use soil to purify yourself, you dab your hand into the soil, kind of remove the soil and wipe your hands over your arms and walk them over your face a family thought about that. So

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now for titanum do you need intention or not? The Shaeffer a school of thought maintaining consistency with their wudu position. So for will do what did they say? Do you need what do you need intention? Yes, for so forth. And what are they going to say? Yes, you need intention. The higher the fee is what did they say? They say you needed attention for them. Now, it seems like the shock phase and honeybees agree here. Would you guys agree?

00:49:05 --> 00:49:06

Yes or no?

00:49:08 --> 00:49:46

They're both saying the same thing. That fourth day um, you do need we do. However, note that I said it seems like because in a result, they agree how they came there is two different journeys. The shaft release came to this conclusion by quoting the Hadith in the Malama Lavinia because they say that in the Marcus Halal Armel vignette, that indeed the acceptance of a deed or the correction, the validity of a good deed is based on the intention. So if there's no intention that the action is invalid, the will would be invalid and the family would be invalid. So how did they come to this conclusion using what? The Hadith of the Prophet Allahu Allah was sort of in the Miranda vignette?

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The Halloween school of thought they said that for Madalena Matsuda, Amanda Matsuda, or Eva Matsuda refers to those acts of worship that aren't worship in themselves but they are an avenue for another act of

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worship to occur so if you decide on the blue area and did 100 will go straight would you get rewarded for that?

00:50:06 --> 00:50:45

If you sat for three hours in the blue area and you just kept doing blue after blue would you get reward for that yes or no no you would not get blue you would not get reward your blue account. You wouldn't get the reward though because Woo is only an act of worship because it connects you to Salah the main Rebbe is actually what Salah so they say for for a brotherhood Matsuda which isn't a an A Baba and it's not the intended anybody that will intended anybody that is Salah will do is an avenue to pray Salah you don't need to you don't need intention. Now someone can say but then what about the emblem the emblems a bobblehead Matsuda? Would you agree? The emblem in itself is not a

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worship it's a it's a it's a worship that connects you to another worship. So the answer to that the Hanafi scholars is see the reason why we need an intention and fandom is because of the legal meet the literal meaning of the word family. The literal meaning of the word lamb anatomy means a Tammuz will cost a tam and Nia the word the MO means what? To make an intention. So therefore the intention is necessary. Allah says Fatima will Sidon a that you know make a custom making Nia towards doing your when you're going when you go to for for your dry ablution. Now, don't get caught with the filthy ruling. This isn't a fifth class. I'm trying to help you understand how it will suit work.

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Every mother has a different set of suit. The Maliki's have different soon the hammer is have different or soon to shuffle these have different will soon the Hanafis have different soon

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as a practitioner or someone who practices a mud hub. If you are someone who's looking from the ideal way to do it would be to go to the mud hub and study there will soon what's actually happening here. How many of us are actually Hanafi shafr He's Malik He's humble he's and we have no idea what will suit our how many Saturdays will you'll find who will have no idea why Imam Shafi Rahmatullah he changed his whole motherhood when he arrived in Egypt. Why did he why did why did why did his mind change? Why did he go from the old Khadeem to Oh God, this is this is a turning point for the Shafi brotherhood. Imam Shafi he moves arrives in Egypt, what happens to his fifth the whole thing

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turns, why does my malegra What Allah He it gives certain rulings that are not common amongst people like Imam Shafi Muhammad because his methodology is different. The 100 Thieves have a different methodology. So each madhhab each legal school is based on methodologies, this is important for you to know. Now there are five major principles five collide, Cobra they call them. So there are principles within each madhhab. But then within these principles, there are five collide five principles that are very important. Okay, and these five principles will help you navigate through your entire religion. What are these five principles? The first one, as I mentioned, a movie Mahasi

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idea that actions are based on their

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intentions. And this is based off of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in normal Amaru. Binya the first Hadith that we recorded. The second one

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is the Hadith. The second maxim is the statement, chi, the Eliakim lie of Zulu bishop,

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and Yaqeen, Leia, Zulu Bishop, that certainty cannot be removed by doubt.

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Certainty can only be removed by certainty itself, a person feel some rumbling in their stomach, they feel a little movement in their stomach, their will won't break until they can be certain that they passed when this is something we've discussed already in our classes previously, so I won't spend too much time on it. The second the third one is a bundle user, which is based off this hadith about la tierra, that any sort of harm that's in play will be removed, a verb to use than any sort of harm that's in play. If the Sharia notices that someone's getting harmed, if there's a party or a judge, he noticed that someone's being harmed if there is, you know, someone in a position of

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responsibility. A person who manages a business, the head of the household, this person notices that someone is being harmed. What's the principle? What's the immediate knee jerk reaction? A veteran who use on the harm must be removed. If someone's in pain, you have to go and help them. The Shediac must find a way to accommodate a person that is struggling. A veteran who uses the fourth one is Elijah Malcolm, which means that

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the norms of society are legislated. So what is norm? What are the norms and the practices in society? As long as they don't violate the Sharia? They will be included as a as an extension into the Sharia.

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You guys following the norms are considered in Islamic law.

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Okay, if there's something that's, that's a common a common practice in Sharia, the scholars will include it and they will be very considered. And that's what makes Islamic law timeless. That's what makes us Sharia applicable to all cultures and times and all places in the world. Because our Sharia does a very good job at adopting culture a phenomenal job. Every time I go to an event where I see a flyer, and I'm speaking on Islam versus culture, the first opening statement I make is that this is not there's no versus there's no boxing match happening here. Islam versus culture, they don't hate each other. Religion is not against culture. If anything, Islam as a religion does a phenomenal job

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at accommodating culture. This is not some sort of Ken versus Raju where they're just constantly fighting one another. This is our deen does a very good job at being broad and accommodating culture. And the last one, Allah Masha cutters really what they see which is very which is kind of similar to a volatile user and mature potentially but they see what that means is that if a person is in a situation where there is a difficulty, the shut er will create an ease for them again, there will be some ease that will come into play. So that difficulty can can can can be removed. And then with within each of these

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Maxim's there are sub guide us so there are these five major cards with the cobra, the major 50 rulings, and then within each one, there are smaller legal rulings that fall beneath them. I won't go through all of them. The reason is because if I go through them, this will become a very detailed and lengthy class. For example, regarding a moral Bhima qasida that

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actions are by their intentions, one of the kaleida one of the collide underneath that Gaida is the statement length awaba 11 Yet in that there is no reward without an intention. That's a maximum that's a principle.

00:57:00 --> 00:57:15

The Shaeffer easy ma'am suited Akintola Holly, he writes in his alegebra one night that a Nia to shorten the Seattle Amel, another sub principle that he brings underneath here that intention is a condition for the validity of an action that was That's the shot for the position.

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And your team is gonna be shocked. That certainty cannot be removed by doubt. This is a maxim and one of the sub Maxim's underneath this a slew Baka Omaka Alhama. Can that whatever was certain until another certain thing will come in move will change the certainty or change the ruling? You will continue to practice this the way you did. I know that sounds very confusing, because I think I said it in a very confusing way. But I'll give you an example. A person who was certain that they had a blue a slew but all my Corolla Maka, that the person a person was in the state of blue, they have doubt Did I break my window or not? So the doubt doesn't change certainty Do we agree on that. So

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therefore, a sub principle will be you will continue to practice the certainty which means you have little go into the Quran. Go and do your throw off. Go and pray your Salah you're the way you were

00:58:16 --> 00:58:19

okay, I mean, I don't want to go through all of them.

00:58:21 --> 00:59:00

Let's go to the Hadith. There are so many callide either either battle armor or larger battle lodges that are used for oral cultural Incan that are much of the tnbhse Kirby dinar Houma. These are all colliding principles and there's a lengthy discussion for each one. You know what's interesting and beautiful about this particular Hadith that Imam no we don't have to lie here Ali brings in this hadith collection is that this is one of the first times where Imam No, we're gonna hit the law here. Ali is diving nose into fifth. So far if you've noticed him I know we haven't gone into fifth in this hadith collection. A lot of spirituality, a lot of intention stuff. But we talked about, you

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know, there were different things that he touched on. But this is one Hadith that he goes right into fifth. It's as if he's trying to show us that fifth is a very important part of the deen. And in order to understand fifth, he doesn't just bring a 50 Hadith. He brings a hadith that relates to soon that you have to understand soon. And the principle of this deen is Allah vol. One of Iran, you should not bring harm to yourself, neither should you inflict harm on anyone else. And this hadith is so beautiful because when you think of it,

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it teaches us that the deen isn't only interested in preserving the individual.

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But it's interested in preserving society. So not only can you not harm yourself, not only is the religion preserving you as an individual, but it's telling you you have a responsibility to preserve society. You have to make sure your actions do not cause harm to another person. Anytime your actions cause harm to another person. What you're doing is now wrong. You have to stop doing it. Remember what I

01:00:00 --> 01:00:19

Sit to you, if there is harm in the picture, a vulnerable user, if there is harm that can be seen by any person, the knee jerk reaction is what? How do I get rid of this harm? I have to stop it. You know, you're driving on the highway, you cut someone off, and you cut them off very tightly. Did you put that person in harm?

01:00:20 --> 01:00:58

Yes or No? Sure. Which means that action of yours was now not permitted, it was a wrong thing to do. Not only are you not supposed to put yourself in harm, you cannot put other people in harm. Someone drives very fast without wearing their seatbelt. They're putting themselves in harm. Someone drives irresponsibly. And you know, they have passengers in the car seat not only passengers in the car, not only are they putting themselves at harm, what are they doing, the people next to them are also put on harm. Love another one. Anytime you see harm in society, you will see this, you know, you can't harm yourself, neither can do harm or the people sometimes what will happen is that a person

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wants to harm themselves to help another person that's not permitted now, you can't harm yourself and at times, love it or, you know, a person is benefiting themselves at the cost of harming other people. And this is very common actually. People becoming wealthy off of the sweat and blood of other people. After you sweat a blood of other other individuals love God you can't harm another person. So let's come to the Hadith itself what is happening in this hadith? So

01:01:25 --> 01:01:30

Imam Al harati he says as narrated by Imam and will now work with Allah He Ali Innisfail, Khadija

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that other room of the room prefer to have them my ulemas here Mineralogists me, what am I up to my Yokosuka my Soucy Heafy macabre till other Wahoo our fee la wa Hua Isla de la ma next on my after Shinobi Aquila. So he says, in order to explain this word, he brings two words, he brings the word vibrato. And then he brings the word other

01:01:59 --> 01:02:12

which both can be translated into English very loosely as to cause harm to another person, either to cause harm or pain to a person. However, hearing from karate says that there is a difference, either.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:15

Either is that

01:02:17 --> 01:02:55

which is that pain or harm that's caused to the feelings of a person to the inner self of a person? It doesn't leave a physical trace. You curse at someone? Is there any physical bruise on someone's body? No. That's why the Quran says that typically louzada Thought you can build money when other but don't void your circle your charity through other? What does that mean? Through words that you keep reminding that person remember I gave you charity? Remember that pizza? I got you remember that pizza? I got you. You keep saying it. Now the nature of other is that when you look on the body, are there going to be any any marks there? No. But if you look into this person's heart, will you see

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marks they're very deep. As for Varada?

01:03:00 --> 01:03:33

My youth number Vitamina jism vara? Is that pain or that Ill which leaves a trace on the body? It's very physical. It's not just we're not just talking about emotionally saving your brother from abuse, which you might know what we have already covered. Mankind ain't going to be liable human asset failure qualified and oh yes, smart. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak good or remain silent that he already covered. So that's not what he's talking about here. Here. He's talking about physical harm now but you can't cause physical harm to yourself what other art and you cannot cause physical harm to other people.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:46

Now regarding because in this hadith, you'll notice if you focus on the Arabic, you'll notice that the the Nikita form is used. There is no

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it's not a specified noun status specific now that's a very general common noun. And because it's a common noun, the dean is negating all types of all types of harm is prohibited. Scholars they say.

01:04:01 --> 01:04:28

Well, he hit the honeymoon. Saturday, Anwar Evora, Ellerbee the leighlin, the Anunnaki, Rafi Seok and Nephi thermal because in the language, there is a general usage of the of the noun and the verb. Therefore all sorts of harm are absolutely prohibited. In that'd be the leading until you can establish through a proof that this harm is permitted. For example,

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a person commit Zina, now the colleague gives her permission that these people will be lashed out someone can get up and sit with a coffee, that lover or whatever or you can't harm yourself, you can't harm others, and you're going to lash these people. In the Dean if we see any harm, we have to stop it and you're going to hurt someone physically. We can't allow this to happen. So the Muslim judge the body will respond back by saying elaborate Delila unless there is proof for it, and this sort of harm punishing someone for this

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Zach is proven. And then he will quote, cite the Hadith and cite the verses of the Quran. Now, this raises another question, which is a very big question. The monster Zilla raise this question, actually, it's a very old debate. Can Allah subhanahu wa taala legislate something on mankind that will harm them?

01:05:19 --> 01:05:28

You guys, you guys understand the question? Can Allah legislate something on human beings that will harm them? So the answer to this is this.

01:05:29 --> 01:06:07

If there is something that apparently seems to be harming to the human being, then the benefit will always outweigh the harm. And therefore that's what Allah has told us to do it. Someone might do research and say, fasting can harm the body, let's just say I'm just making this up. Someone might do research and say what fasting can harm the body. The response to that will be that there may be one element of fasting that can harm the body, but there are 100 different elements that benefit the body, spiritually and physically. I recall, I was at a naturopathic clinic in India, and the doctor that I was speaking to,

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he made the statement, he said something along the lines of people who have acidity, fasting can never be good for them. I don't know why your religion is saying this. He was kind of taking a jab at me, you know, I don't know why your religion tells people to fast. So my answer to that person was exactly this. That from one perspective, from your research, you're saying that it harms people, which I'm not sure I agree with or disagree with, that's not my place to agree or disagree. But what I can say is that in our deen, we have a large PA, we have a very robust Islamic law system. So you can't just pull one ruling and throw it at me and say that why don't know why religion says fasting

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is a good thing. Well, from my research, your type of fasting was wrong. First thing, fasting is generally good for people, there's a lot of research your physician going read it. Secondly, you're claiming that if someone who has acidity, that fasting can harm them and increases whatever, blah, blah, blah, and it hurts them, then in that case, our city has a concept, Alma shock, potentially, but they said that if a person has an illness, which causes difficulty, then Islam doesn't force them to fast and die in that process. What are the stump tell them different fast, either do it at a time or it's more suitable for you in the days that are shorter, or give a fairly on behalf of it,

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you know, you would give a a charity on behalf of your fast. So Islam as a very foolproof, the stomach law is very robust. If there's one place that there's difficulty, there is another solution that comes right into place. There isn't a place where there's just a hole, there's no black hole in the religion. Our deen is very full, like that of Hamden, when hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. So the scholars they say, if at any point, there's a ruling given that seems to be harming a person, the benefits will always outweigh the good. And that's why Allah subhanaw Matata is telling us to do this. And the Quran says, regarding this

01:08:00 --> 01:08:38

I saw an Takara who shaitan Well, Hua, hydro, Nico, there are times that you will dislike something you'll feel like you're being harmed, when in reality, it's good for you. Someone can question what good could there be in Pinilla? Islam is penal law is very strict, you know, lashing at times, there could be the death penalty. At times it could be, you know, a prison up to the choice of the party, the judge, there could be amputating of a limb. So someone can say what kind of peaceful religion is this? So Allah subhanaw taala regarding the sauce and who dude in the Quran says, Welcome filthy, saucy, hyah tinea.

01:08:40 --> 01:08:47

Oh, people have intellect. In these punishments. There's life. You give someone a strict punishment. What does everyone else learn?

01:08:48 --> 01:09:22

Don't do that act, you will be dealt with very seriously. You go to these countries, many of the countries where Islamic law is being implemented and a lot of the countries in the world were slammed with laws being implemented. It's all biased. So I'm not sure if there's any country that I can make reference to and be confident of. But let's go to a hypothetical world where there was a world and we're not talking about a country. We're thinking we're talking about an idea now. Okay, let's go back to Madina. Munawwara the prophets time in Madina Munawwara Did you have any now this is not an idea this is a reality in Madina Munawwara Did you have any police walking around a

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handcuffing people? Yes or No, no, there was a constant of Taqwa consciousness of Allah subhanaw taala. People were well versed in the Quran, those who violated the law of the Quran well dealt with according to the Quran, everyone knew that actions had consequences. They fear the consequences, therefore they avoided those actions. The Medina society was a very safe community. It was one of the safest places in the world. Amara, the Allahu Allah has a Khalifa had a total number of how many guards protecting them 24 hours a day.

01:09:56 --> 01:10:00

Take a wild guess. 100 200 500,000 people, they say the president

01:10:00 --> 01:10:18

And for him to, you know travel, it takes cost almost like a few $100,000. Everyday His family lives in New York it cost a million dollars and taxpayer money because that's how much security is given on what are the allaahu and how much security was dedicated how much money was dedicated how much of the budget was dedicated to his security,

01:10:19 --> 01:10:32

a whopping Zero. Nothing, because Madina Munawwara was a very safe place. To who could Taqwa because when you're just that will bring people to the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa taala.

01:10:33 --> 01:11:10

Now, sometimes Varada harm can occur while knowing and sometimes you may harm someone without knowing both can happen. Sometimes you may harm someone without knowing. If you harm someone without knowing unknowingly you harm someone, then without any doubt that person is not punishable by Allah subhanho wa Taala and is not accountable. rufiyaa an almighty alhaja witness yet, because Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mistakes and forgetfulness are pardoned from my Alma from my nation, Allah will forgive us. So anything that's done unknowingly.

01:11:12 --> 01:11:13

An example of this

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person has a tree.

01:11:19 --> 01:11:41

And his trees are all lined up in his farm at the edge of his farm right next to the next person's farm. And that person at the edge of his farm, he also has some crops there. They're not trees, he has a different type of crop. In our example, it's going to be a crop that's water sensitive, not too much water needs a little water. And trees, we know, do they need a little water or a lot.

01:11:42 --> 01:12:07

They need a lot of water. So this person has trees that require a lot of water. And right at the border of his property line and the next property line, that person has some vegetation or some crops that require minimal water. He's dumping water on his trees as a result of that the water is hitting the plants and what is it doing it to those those crops? It's destroying them. So he's causing Varane he's causing harm to that person? Is he doing it willingly or unwillingly?

01:12:08 --> 01:12:39

He's doing it unwillingly. So as I mentioned, he won't be accountable by Islamic law, he won't be accountable by Allah. However, the are the the judge, the two individuals must find a way to end the Quran, the harm must be removed. The knee jerk reaction to Sharia is if someone is being harmed. We don't just say it's your problem. Because someone could say that he can say I'm watering, I'm watering the trees on my land on my property. Is that a fair statement? Can he make that statement? Yes or no.

01:12:40 --> 01:13:14

He can make that statement, the trees on my property. I'm watering my tree. If your crops get destroyed, move them. None of my business, he can make that statement. But it's as if this hadith is going beyond just what's halal and haram. This hadith is teaching us accountability within the halal that just because it's halal doesn't mean you can do it, the colleague can come and put a stop to these trees, you can uproot them all. He can send people in and uproot all these trees, either you stop watering them, or you guys come to an agreement where you maybe help finance that person, you know,

01:13:15 --> 01:13:52

to cultivate and to put some trees right next to your trees so that way he's props don't get destroyed. Or if you don't stop and you continue doing this, that Avi can, in some scenarios, do what command that the trees be uprooted and removed from there so that the neighbor isn't harmed in any way. So this hadith love a lot of what I did, or it takes us into a new dimension of the halal it's a dimension of you can just do whatever you want. If you're doing something to harm someone, if you're listening to, you're watching TV and you have that volume cranked up and you're in apartment building, someone is on top of you, underneath you to your right to your left and in front of you.

01:13:53 --> 01:14:19

And you've cranked that up. Can you say that? Oh, it's my apartment. It's my property, I turn the volume up. You can't do anything to me. Can someone make that claim? Maybe they can. But it's Nam says Ravana. You can't do that. Because you're causing harm to your neighbors. And you need to turn that volume down. If you want to listen to something loud, go put your go buy yourself some nice bluetooth headphones and sit in and crank the volume up and go deaf if you want to, while listening to whatever loud thing it is that you're listening to.

01:14:20 --> 01:14:22

And sometimes the person causes

01:14:24 --> 01:14:30

intentionally. And there are so many examples of people causing verbal intentionally. You know,

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you get into an argument with your neighbor.

01:14:34 --> 01:14:44

You get into an argument with your neighbor. So what do you do? You wait you know that your neighbor takes a nap during midday? And right when your neighbor goes to his room you start mowing your lawn?

01:14:46 --> 01:14:59

So in your mind, what are you thinking? Not that I need to cut my grass? It's actually a bad time to cut my grass. It's the midday who cuts their grass at 12 o'clock fullness that you're supposed to cut your grass in the grass in the morning or towards the evening. But why is he doing it in mundane now

01:15:00 --> 01:15:12

Because the grass needs it but because he wants to bother his neighbor Okay, so this sort of vara is is disliked and actually absolutely haram you actually account a little bit Allah for doing this because your intention is to harm another person

01:15:16 --> 01:15:22

now this particular Hadith love Allah Vera has been interpreted by the scholars in different ways

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there's I'm not sure if I should go into this.

01:15:37 --> 01:16:19

Okay, very briefly, the way I've been translating this hadith so far is the most accepted interpretation of this hadith. I've been translating this hadith in a very particular way. Yeah, but I've been translating as no causing harm to yourself and law there are no reciprocating harm no causing harm to other people. That is a particular definition of Tila a bottle and Nutella Allah rady he verhalen Bhima interferer whoever he was, there are a Nutella Allah Lady He Varane Bella nonfat in LA who? So one opinion some scholars they say valid means another this is so there's another opinion this color is the same vote on means to harm another person for something in a way

01:16:19 --> 01:17:00

that you benefit. So vada is a harm which actually brings a benefit with that I benefit from harm harming that person. Therefore, Lovato the Prophet is saying don't harm someone at the cost of benefiting yourself. And there are they say, and you're ready he Varane Billa manfaat Illa who is to harm someone just for kicks? I'm turning the volume of why that's gonna bother that person. I just want to annoy them. That's why I'm doing it. You know, I'm ordering pizza for them and making them pay in cash so that they have to pay you know, I'm just pranking them for no reason. salovaara According to one interpretation is to harm someone while benefiting yourself. Now there are means

01:17:00 --> 01:17:13

harming someone while not benefiting anyone at all. You're just doing it for the sake of doing it. This is the why don't ya the old boy for 10 minimum if not Abdullah bar what masala even salah and Abdullah bar have chosen this particular translation

01:17:17 --> 01:17:45

what kala Verado and Euro women lie over who was the Roero and Euro women cassava Robbie He Allah wa Reja is they say another interpretation of the word love. And what they say love is to harm someone who hasn't harmed you. Again, you're just harming them for the sake of it. And love it our means to harm someone who has harmed you and a haram when someone did something haram something impermissible to harm you. So you harm them back. That's called Vera

01:17:46 --> 01:17:51

Vera means to harm someone Verado a Lura Beeman lie of

01:17:53 --> 01:18:10

Verona is to harm someone who hasn't done anything to you. According to another interpretation, what there are a lot of human cadaver Rabhi here, what's your hidden rate IJA is m varad is to harm someone who has harmed you and an impermissible and inappropriate way.

01:18:17 --> 01:18:20

Okay, now, regarding this letter

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as I mentioned earlier, there are two types of data.

01:18:35 --> 01:18:40

The first is that you're doing it just to hurt someone. What's the first intention behind it?

01:18:41 --> 01:18:44

You're doing it just to hurt someone.

01:18:47 --> 01:19:23

The second type of level is you're not doing it to hurt someone you're doing it for your own benefit. But while doing that someone else is getting hurt. I don't care about you getting hurt or not hurt not being hurt. I'm doing it for my own benefit. So there are two types of buttons. One in which which is with intention, you're trying to hurt someone and the Quran when Allah talks about Vera it's usually in the first context where you are revengeful and you're just hurting someone for the sake of hurting them with the intention of hurting them. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran, Minh body will see it in you saw behind ordain Ramadan.

01:19:26 --> 01:19:28

The Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Nisa, verse number 12.

01:19:30 --> 01:19:59

That was Lena Movado don't cause volare to people when distributing your will sia when distributed the inheritance don't cause harm to people be just the context context to this particular verse, As narrative Applehead under the Allah one he narrates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an Abdullah Yamalube authority last Athena Centerton. Sometimes a person does good deeds obeys Allah for 60 years, how many years 60 years of personal bass Allah so my I have little word of mouth and then when death comes

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

was for you bought a refillable car for you.

01:20:03 --> 01:20:42

And then where before he dies, he does vote on it in Basia was car maintenance in his inheritance. He does done, meaning he messes around. He doesn't distribute according to how Allah told him to. He messes around in that and he did 60 years of good deeds, but because he bunches up right here in plays with the Quran right before his death and violates the Command of Allah right before his death. The result of that is such that he will go to the fire of * from Allah and then he says the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the ayah tilaka huddled Allah, the verse of Surah Nisa, verse number 13, all the way until, I mean, yah, c'est la hora suta, who were the WHO THE who

01:20:42 --> 01:20:54

the 100 and hotter than Thea, and he recited this verses. Well, all these verses were then recited that this is a form of withdraw. So causing pain. What are examples of this? I'll give you two examples of harming people when it comes to inheritance.

01:20:56 --> 01:21:30

Whatever autofill was see at Tarleton Jacobi, Enya, Husa bottle of water 30 busier than Allah for the hill at the follow the hula hula who fired the bottle bottle water 30 with a cc while he had a Colin episode Allahu Allah wa salam. In the logical artha Kula the Huck and haka who for Allah will see, I'll tell you everything that a person has three sons and a daughter. He loves his daughter more fathers always love their daughters more. So he says to his sons, you guys are scum. Forget you guys. I'm only gonna give you guys 10 bucks each, and I'm gonna give $80,000 to my daughter.

01:21:31 --> 01:22:00

So what is he doing? He's giving his daughter more than the sons. And because he's doing this, the where's the butter, where's the harm? The sons they're losing out. And in many cases, it's the flip where the the Father is saying, I'm going to give him the money to the sons, but I won't give it to my daughter. So who's losing out the daughter is losing up. What this person is doing is absolutely haram. It's wrong, this person will be punished by Allah subhanahu Matana for doing this, because you're causing harm to a person. Another example.

01:22:02 --> 01:22:10

There is a person who you want to request money to in Islam, there are people who inherit from you because the Quran has given them a portion

01:22:11 --> 01:22:49

you want to give money to your friend, is the Quran is a friend and inherited in the Quran. He's not one of the Quranic inheritors, but there's a friend of yours, you want to give him some money? Can you leave him some money behind? Of course you can. How much can you leave behind, up to 1/3 of your remaining wealth, up to how much when I say sort of up to 1/3 and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a thorough thorough walkthrough through cathedral 1/3 is you can give up to 1/3 and even 1/3 is a lot. You know, ideally less than 1/3. Now this guy loves his friends so much he gives him eight tenths of his wealth. He gives them all of his wealth more or less. Now again, there's a lot

01:22:49 --> 01:22:59

of there the veteran is you favorite, your friend, while harming all the other family members, that action? Is it permissible or not? It's not permissible. You cannot do that.

01:23:00 --> 01:23:10

An example of vital when it comes to revoking revoking divorce. This is a very common example the football hockey a very common example. In Islam when a person when a man divorces his wife,

01:23:11 --> 01:23:14

the lady goes into something we call a duck.

01:23:16 --> 01:23:29

The ADA is a waiting period, which usually is through menstrual cycles. So for the sake of math, to make calculations simple 90 days, how many days waiting period is she going to go into

01:23:30 --> 01:24:10

mine zero 90 days. Now the husband and wife didn't get along. They got into a lot of argument and the husband gives her a divorce. Now Allah subhanahu wa Tada tells us in the Quran, in Sakuma, Ruth Oh to speak MBSR either live appropriately together or separate in an appropriate way. Don't do volume and don't oppress one another. What are two SQL 100 Iran Lita do and don't hold them back, trying to cause them harm so that you oppress them? What outcomes you couldn't have Iran, don't hold them into your marriage, don't hold your wife or your husband into the marriage, harming them be thought to do so that you can oppress them and transgress their right when when you file Vatika

01:24:10 --> 01:24:43

Donna Manasa and whoever does this sort of an act where he doesn't divorce his wife and he prolong the marriage unnecessarily. And he knows the life he's trying to get hold on, but that's going to take a while. If the wife wants to exit the marriage, she has to go through a process. She has to apply for a marriage annulment with the alumni and the community. The scholars will review the case and then they will end the marriage or get them through counseling and encourage the marriage to go on. So this is a process. The husband he doesn't want to be a part of the marriage. He's made it very clear he actually hates the lady, but just so that it increases her in suffering, he refuses to

01:24:43 --> 01:24:59

give the divorce. What does Allah say regarding this? Well mania father Vatika Faqad vana Mana aniseh Whoever does this to his wife, in reality has oppressed himself. One at a time you do I Atilla he, who's hula? And don't make a joke out of this religion. Allah has

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Watching you you are accountable that Allah subhanaw taala. Now, when a person gives his wife divorce, she goes into a waiting period. Regarding the waiting period, the husband has the right to now take her back into the marriage. If he thinks that the marriage can be, it can be salvaged, it can be saved. Allah says in the Quran, what ruler to win a hug Cobra The Hiner feed Alika in Colorado is law if both parties think that we can be conciliator and fix the problem, then there is permission for them to revoke the divorce and continue the marriage.

01:25:31 --> 01:25:32

Now this is the scenario.

01:25:34 --> 01:25:46

This was commonly practice prior to Islam. And unfortunately, some people even in Islam, Muslims practices, what do they do? He gives his wife divorce. How many divorces can a husband give to his wife?

01:25:47 --> 01:26:04

In Islam, it was three it is three. Before Islam, we have other Danika berating higher, people will do this unlimited, because in pre Islamic days, they weren't limited to three divorces, a husband can divorce his wife 100 times if you wanted to. If he revoked within the waiting period, guess what?

01:26:05 --> 01:26:17

She's back in the boat. She's back in the marriage again. So what they would do and what some Muslims do, unfortunately, they divorced their wife. They make her sit in the waiting period for 89 days.

01:26:18 --> 01:26:26

How many days is that it is supposed to be according to our rough calculation 90, on the 89th day he comes and says I take you back into my marriage.

01:26:28 --> 01:26:37

Are you understanding? And then what does he do two days after he divorces her again, makes her sit in the waiting period for 89 days again? And then what does he do?

01:26:38 --> 01:26:48

I divorce you again. And then after two days, what does he do? He divorces her third time. And this time he makes you sit on the whole 90 days. So the waiting period that should have been how long?

01:26:50 --> 01:27:07

Three months ends up becoming what? A whole pregnancy, it becomes a whole nine months. This is what this is the this is an example of virtual in Ada, where a person is causing veto. If a person does this sort of thing, what happens?

01:27:08 --> 01:27:12

So first of all, it's very clear, based on this hadith is this permissible to do?

01:27:14 --> 01:27:49

Yes or No? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. This is haram, this is not permissible for you to do, you will find love. I don't know what happened in marriage so much. In particular, when things are falling apart. You know, husband and wife they bully each other. They'll say it's permissible, what they're doing. But in reality, what are they actually doing? They're just bullying each other. Husband and wife go through a divorce. The wife finishes off her waiting period. She has some kids, because she had with the two kids from the marriage. And now she wants to get married again. The husband says Islamically if you get married again, I get custody over the children.

01:27:52 --> 01:28:18

So he's threatening her so she doesn't get married. She says that if I get married, I'm gonna lose my kids. Now this, I don't use language, but you guys can fill in language this person. He has no capability to take care of kids. He has no interest in taking care of the kids. He knows the kids drive him crazy when they spend the weekend with him. Are you following us? But what is he threatening the life? If you get married? What will I do?

01:28:19 --> 01:28:23

I'll take the kids is this Nicola and Sam going to take the kids?

01:28:24 --> 01:29:01

He's not going to take the kids. He won't last with the kids. But the wife is so terrified for her kids that she says that if I get married, this person will take my kids away. You know what I'm just gonna stay without marriage and he forces her in that manner to two terrifies your scares or scare tactics. Again now Valhalla, there are absolutely haram and impermissible. Coming back to the first example. If a person does this to his wife where he makes her wait out the ADA and right before the bear right before the ends, he revokes it and then it makes her wait out the waiting period and right before it ends. He revokes it. What's the ruling on such an action? Well, I have a Malecon

01:29:01 --> 01:29:13

Isla and Amanda Raja irata Who Cobla in regard that you hear from Metallica, ha minutes at Mercy sin and who in Casa Vidal, Lika Murata bitit we learned the lamb tested NiFi like that.

01:29:14 --> 01:29:20

He says a funny way manacles off such a beautiful ruling in my Malik says that if a person

01:29:22 --> 01:29:44

divorces his wife, those 85 days passed by, you know that 90 Day example 80 died 85 days passed by 85 days later, he revokes the divorce. And now he divorces her again. So in my mind, it says she won't have to start 90 all over again. What will she do? She will continue from 85 And how many days will she have to sit in

01:29:45 --> 01:29:59

five more days. Her ADA ends the married has done she can go get married. However in order for this to happen in my mind. It puts two conditions two very important conditions. What are the two conditions? The first one is from Metallica, Harmon Rainey mercy

01:30:00 --> 01:30:19

him, he didn't touch her meaning they didn't have any sexual intimacy during those five days or during those two, three days, because if he revolted, and then they were sexually intimate, the idea will be needed. You will need to do it all over again, to make sure there is but also to him that there is no pregnancy involved. Okay. And the second thing he says

01:30:20 --> 01:30:49

in casada, with Alika Madala Taha that he intends to harm her, but if he doesn't intend to harm her, if he has no intention like that, while I'm here with Alex, is that an effort? I didn't, I didn't, that if she if he had no intention to harm her, then she will need to, if it was just natural, that's what happened. He thought that he could make it work. They tried. Two days later, they realized it wasn't gonna work. He divorced her again. The technical Islamic ruling will be what? Because he issued a new divorce, what will happen to them?

01:30:51 --> 01:30:54

It will be reissued and it will start all over again.

01:30:56 --> 01:31:09

Well, Tila Tapani McLaughlin, who are called Auto Qatada, or Shafi Phil Kadeem, Ahmed vide white Muhammad Imam, Shafi portada. And they all say regardless of his intention, she will start from 85 and move forward.

01:31:11 --> 01:31:43

What did they say? 70. What a 70 mean? She will continue on from where she left off, she will continue on from where she left off, regardless of his intention. Obviously, if they had intimacy, then she will have to start again and making that very clear. So you don't misunderstand the 50 ruling here. This is about the intent of this person. But certainly for McLaughlin, well who are holder x 13x 13. Mean whom are Bukola Colaba Zuri authority? Well, honey, if our Shafi filter did well, I'm gonna feed you it was hot, global obeyed will hurt him. And the majority of the scholars, they say that she will need to start again because if there's a new divorce issued, what will

01:31:43 --> 01:31:57

happen, she will need to start the ad again. However, what this person is doing is absolutely wrong. And the lady can actually take her case to the coffee and the coffee can give a ruling to to minimize the difficulty on her.

01:31:59 --> 01:32:11

Now, there are some examples of I'm going to give one or two examples of letter where a person causes harm to another person without the intention of causing harm. They're just doing what they need to do. And Coincidently, what happens to the next person.

01:32:12 --> 01:32:18

They're getting hurt. I'm driving a car that's cheap to drive. The planets dying, I don't care.

01:32:19 --> 01:32:24

Are you guys following? Is this person driving this car because he wants the planet to die?

01:32:26 --> 01:32:53

That's not why he bought the car. Why did he buy the car? Why did he buy this particular fridge? Why did he choose this particular source of energy? Not to break the fat not to break the pilot but because he wants to benefit himself. And in in hindsight, while benefiting himself, What is he doing to that climate and the rest of the world? He's destroying it. So this is another example of La vida wala, there are harm is being caused, what's the knee jerk reaction in Sharia to harm guys

01:32:54 --> 01:32:58

remove it, we have to remove it instantly. So what's an example of a person

01:33:00 --> 01:33:11

who causes harm to another individual without intention without the intention of harming them? If possible, humbly he gives he gives a beautiful example he says from in Saudi radica. And an example of this would be

01:33:14 --> 01:33:34

that a person has a house. Okay. He decides to add Oh, yeah, Bunny Bina an ally. And usually for Allah God, he while is true, that a person has a house. He adds a second Florida with house. He has a home. What does he add to his house? A second floor. Now his neighbor

01:33:35 --> 01:33:36

doesn't have a roof.

01:33:38 --> 01:33:53

People have this sort of houses. You know, some people they have houses where they don't have a roof in there. Maybe they might have like a few, you know, something, some kind of streamers something but there's no, there's no roof. So he doesn't have a roof, not a proper roof. That he comes to the body and says that this guy build a second floor. I don't have any privacy.

01:33:55 --> 01:34:04

Are you following? Yes or no? I lost my privacy. The Javi is going to ask this guy. Why did you build a second floor? He said, Well, I built the second floor because I needed

01:34:05 --> 01:34:32

love. I don't know what I did. There was no intention here. I have no intention of harming this guy. I have no interest in looking at this guy's house. I just need the second floor of my house. This guy complains he says but because he built a second floor. I can't get the wind in my house anymore. I'm not getting proper sunlight proper moonlight inside my house. What Can I lick Well, canonical coleauxv authority Burnett II woman SGMC will come up to this person built a tall home then because that I don't get you know, light inside my house. So what will happen here?

01:34:34 --> 01:34:56

Now the principle is here. Love. I don't know what I did wrong. No harm should be caused. Obviously by building a second floor. He's not harming himself. He's reciprocating harm. He's causing harm to another person. So now what will this person to the football have different opinion? Again, this is not a fifth class. Otherwise I would dissect the issue. It's a very interesting issue. But what I will say is that the ends the summary of the answer is

01:34:57 --> 01:34:59

minimize the harm to this person.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:11

And the second thing, so there's three things, minimize the harm to this person, ensure that there is no intent of harming this person. And the third thing, allow what is socially acceptable?

01:35:13 --> 01:35:25

You guys understand? What are the three things? minimize the harm? What does that mean? minimize the harm, the body can tell the person who built the second floor, that you are responsible of financing the roof for this guy

01:35:26 --> 01:35:31

by putting a roof on this guy's house and building your second floor now, is there any harm? Yes or no?

01:35:32 --> 01:35:42

No more harm. Or the hobby, you can say if you don't want to build a second, if you don't want to put a roof on this guy's house, then what you need to do is make sure the wall that's facing his house has no windows.

01:35:43 --> 01:35:50

What's another thing he can say? Make sure the wall that's facing his house has no windows. So step number one was what?

01:35:51 --> 01:36:29

minimize the harm, minimize the heart step number to ensure that it wasn't done with the wrong intent. The person who built the second floor, make sure he wasn't doing it to hurt his neighbor. If he's doing it to hurt his neighbor, no building plan, no building permission, don't give it if he's doing it, because he genuinely needs it. And he's not trying to hurt someone, then give him permission. The third thing, allow him to do that, which is socially acceptable. So in this community, two people have two floor homes. That's the question. No one has it. This is the only guy who has it. Let's not do it. Everyone has a second floor. Everyone has a second floor. This guy

01:36:29 --> 01:36:56

wants a second floor, he needs a second floor, he's willing to mitigate the harm and cut it down and bring minimal harm to this person. Therefore Locati will give permission that he can build the second floor. Are you guys following? Are you getting an appreciation for fifth now? Yes. How this will soon be simple principles. lovella Vera, what a beautiful Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salam, so many examples of this. There are an example of being a well next year neighbors, well, you suck the water from their

01:36:58 --> 01:37:10

lover or whatever, or you tap into your neighbor's Wi Fi lover or whatever. These are all examples of people harming each other in the back home. People they tap into their neighbor's electricity.

01:37:11 --> 01:37:29

Are you guys aware of this, the common practice stuff at a lower level, rather than paying their own electricity bill, they'll tap into the next door neighbor's electricity wire and the leech off there. When that neighbor finds out things get really bad. Usually, they actually I'm very bad. But until they don't find out free electricity.

01:37:32 --> 01:37:58

Then the province of Allahu Allah was set up in relation to this level. Well, Abdullah, he teaches us a very beautiful principle. Sometimes the law is done by doing something. Sometimes that is caused by preventing something. Thank you guys understand. Sometimes data is done harm is caused by doing something like building that second floor. I had to build the second floor to cause harm Are you following? Sometimes vada is done by withholding something. For example,

01:37:59 --> 01:38:06

there's only one body of water in the whole village. And that body of water happens to be surrounded by my land

01:38:07 --> 01:38:24

are you following, there's only one body of water in the whole village, and it happens to be surrounded by my land. Now this is the second example because I'm not doing something to harm anyone. It's not like I did something to harm people. I'm just telling people, nobody can step foot on my land. So I'm preventing. And by preventing what's happening now.

01:38:26 --> 01:38:27

By preventing what's happening,

01:38:28 --> 01:38:44

people don't have water, what are they going to do? So la vara once again, you need to get access to the water. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said three things are such that people should not be prevented access from three things or such that people should not be prevented access from these three things.

01:38:47 --> 01:38:48

What are these three things?

01:38:50 --> 01:38:59

A NASA should aka Fetullah. ALMA will not or will color Water, fire. And Kedah is

01:39:00 --> 01:39:01

what did he call it?

01:39:05 --> 01:39:43

In order to call it chatter, what animals graze off of it's sort of the tip of my tongue. Father flutter call it fire, right? Fire. You know what animals eat the grass that animals eat fodder. So you shouldn't stop. You shouldn't stop anyone from water, fire or water. So what that means is that there's water there. People want to come drink and let them come and drink it. You can't charge someone to drink from water. The only time you can charge someone to drink from water is if you put money into preserving that water. You understand? You put money into bottling the water. You put money into cleaning the water. You put your own money into digging the well now I can charge people.

01:39:43 --> 01:39:59

But if the water is naturally there, it's just natural. There's a pond that's naturally come into existence. Can I charge animals from drink from there? You can't charge animals. Can I charge human beings who drink from there? I can't charge them. Because I didn't do anything there. The water just came Allah gave it to me. It happens to be in my leg.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:39

So again law federal law regarding not regarding fire, the scholars they say, Well, I'm gonna heal on Monday now for Hannah, who taught you for 10 minutes behind Allah nahi rlfc bassy Mina, what that means is that I have a fire, I've lit up a fire I'm traveling, the I was the one I got some of the you know, whatever bark I needed to in the birch I needed to put the build the fire I built it. Now everyone else that comes there trying to build fires, but all the things that were needed to actually ignite the fire. I use them all up. Are you following the example everything that was needed to ignite a fire, I used it all up. Everyone else has wood, but they only have one log one

01:40:39 --> 01:41:16

log one log, I use 10 locks, I got their first I use that I built I use 10 logs. There are three other parties, everyone else has one log, you shouldn't stop them from fire the scholars that say what this means is you don't have to allow them to take your 10 logs. You don't have to allow them to do that. However, you shouldn't stop them from bringing their own log, taking from your log and walking away taking from your fire, because by igniting their fire through your fire, are you being harmed in any way at all? If you let someone come and ignite their fire from yours, are you being harmed in any way? Absolutely not. So these are all examples of Bhutan. Similarly when it comes to

01:41:16 --> 01:41:35

paid a payments paying back a debt, Allah subhanahu wa Tada says in the Quran, we're in Canada, we're also at infinite Puritan Illa Mesa, someone owes you money, you know that you know that they're in a difficult time. lavado well as rod you shouldn't cause harm to them. One demanding the debt. What that means is

01:41:37 --> 01:42:07

that victimhood Alama, the majority of scholars, they say what this is saying is that someone owes you $10,000 They're having a rough patch in life, financially really struggling. You want your money back, you go to that person nice, and you say give me my money. That person says I don't have any money to give. All I have are from what's my basic from what are amongst my basic necessities. I have some clothes, some basic food. What this person does is that you know how you have these debt collectors. What are they called?

01:42:11 --> 01:42:12

There's a more harsher word.

01:42:14 --> 01:42:18

Loan sharks, loan sharks, they don't just collect debts. What do they do?

01:42:19 --> 01:42:52

If you don't pay what happens? They give you a piece of them. They beat you down. They'll take your stuff though. They'll take everything from your house. So what ends up happening is that what are you colorful Medina and Yak of em in Malay hippie rugi him in milky Varun. Katya behavoir, Moscone here. Al Motta delay, that you take away his basic necessities to pay back instead, you take away his clothes so that you can pay your debt off, you take away his house, you've taken his clothes away, you've taken his food away, you've taken his house away, to pay back your debt, you got your money back, but did you harm someone on the way?

01:42:53 --> 01:43:32

We're not talking about taking away his luxury, he has a Ferrari sitting there, reclaim it and get your money out of there. We're talking about what you're taking away. He's basic, basic necessities, things that he lives by things that he needs. So in closing, like I mentioned, this is a fifth he Maxim. And the thing with fifth people soon is that the nature of Azul is that they can be repeated in 100 examples or 1000 examples because there are principles, you know, there are books written on these principles. The Shaeffer is have the famous algebra wonder why don't you I'm still at the Hanafi is have a very famous algebra, algebra one divided by even loujain al mystery. This is a book

01:43:32 --> 01:44:11

that we studied as students during our the hustles fulfilled program when we specialize in Islamic law did the Iftar program. They taught us even though Jim and Mrs. Alicia Juana live, and what they usually do in these books is that they'll establish a principle and they'll give you examples of how rulings are derived from these principles. So as a student of Islamic law, you learn how to derive rulings for the average person for the person who's just trying to get get through the day. These are Hadith let them humble you. Let you let yourself learn to appreciate what the foot Maha go through and what kind of processes they have in place before they derive legal rulings. How deep our

01:44:11 --> 01:44:49

deen is, how robust it is to school in the dean or what keeps the entire team together. If you wish to be a student of Islamic law, you must become acquainted with the School of the deen you must become acquainted with the laws of the deen there are some laws that relate to the Ischia, spirituality, there are some laws that relate to fifth, legality. There are some laws that relate to Washtenaw human to human interaction, that once you learn the principles, the issues are copied or copy and paste because the issues will keep changing. You just have to know what the principles are, what the rulings are, from this hadith. There's three one or two basic points. The first thing is

01:44:49 --> 01:44:53

our deen teaches us just because it's halal, does it mean you can do it?

01:44:54 --> 01:45:00

And many of the examples I gave above, if you wrote it on the wall and asked Is it halal? What what

01:45:00 --> 01:45:05

To answer me, technically many of these things were Hala. The guy was watering trees that were in his land.

01:45:07 --> 01:45:47

Yes, when we remember that example, he was watering trees that were in his land is that Hala short? This hadith is teaching us just because it's halal, doesn't mean you should do it. If you're harming someone knowingly, Allah will punish you on the dangers for this. If you're harming someone unknowingly, the second you are informed that you're harming someone find a solution, find a solution that gave you the different methods that scholars use to create these solutions. I'll ask a little bit of double Alia, with a flat Father, that as inside as human beings, we should always have good character, we should never want to hurt and harm anyone. And when we say harm anyone, maybe

01:45:47 --> 01:46:26

this entire lecture you've been thinking I'm only speaking about humans, the full kaha under this hadith speak very clearly. They say it refers to us job Haiwan the out of this everything they say that don't cause harm to animals to trees to water don't cause harm to anything or anyone harm should not exist in the equation of the life of the believer. And if it does exist, it must be justifiable when asked up to five people will be with him a little clip to me, someone harms you, you can seek retribution, but it has to be justifiable. You remember in lobby the kneeling as I said earlier, it has you have to prove that this retribution is justified and obviously the judge has to

01:46:26 --> 01:46:48

give permission for it. It has to go through a process before any harm can be caused. Otherwise, by default, there is no harm in the deen we pray that Allah subhanaw taala makes us from those who stay away from harming others. Allah subhanaw taala protects us preserves us and makes us the people of justice, mercy and forgiveness was that Allahu Allah see them Hamid Salam Alikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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