Hosai Mojaddidi – MaryKathryn’s Shahadah (Declaration of Faith)

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of witnessing to the divinity of any church or member of the community. They explain that witnessing to the church's values and their actions is a fundamental part of their faith. The speaker also mentions a virtual campus tour and encourages attendees to renew their faith and receive a certificate of acceptance.
AI: Transcript ©
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your brothers and sisters, and we are so honored to have SR MK here

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with us. Thanks,

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Michelle, from what I've learned,

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amazing, she is a true seeker, I was actually reminded of the story

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of RC, which hopefully at some point we will share with SR MK

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just in terms of the evolution and the path and the seeking

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of her journey to be here today. She is joined by another as hard

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who was

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who also had a part in her being here today.

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As well as

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who is here to support her. And, of course, we have the community

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members here also who are ready to shell out receive her and to make

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sure that she is supported on her path, this critical phase of ours.

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So now Mk I get wrinkly over with you that this is a pretty simple

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process. The way that one enters ism is by testifying to their

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faith, and in a public setting like this or just in front of

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witnesses, so 100

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witnesses today. But the phrase that we will be saying is very

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simple. And I will repeat it in Arabic in a slow way so that you

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can repeat word by word. And then we will give you an English

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translation of it. I will say it three times. As soon as that's

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done, you have entered officially the beta of Islam. We of course,

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believe that the moment you accepted in your own heart, that

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God has won the public public is the messenger of God. That is when

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you have faith enter of your heart. So you are Muslim at that

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point. But this is just the 100. Again, thank you for honoring our

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community to do this. We are very honored whenever anyone enters the

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famous certainly wants to with us as witnesses. Thank you for that.

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So we'll go ahead and before actually begin, just to clarify

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your previous safe was what what?

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So you're in the evangelical Christian. So I'm sure in your

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study of faith in Islam, you are very clear that you do not believe

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in the divinity of any

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god is one

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prophet Jesus

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as a prophet and not

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okay, great.

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So now we'll begin so the phrase or the declaration of faith, we'll

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begin with Arabic so the microphone, speak into that so

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that we can all hear you

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and I invite all of your community members also so please renew your

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faith and repeat to shahada is always a good thing to do at any

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opportunity, but certainly when we're witnessing someone and as

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there's this mic on,

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that's all it is.

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So we'll recess right

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there that is

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in Allah, Allah wa

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rasul Rasul Allah Allah

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and less ilaha IL Allah, Allah wa s s

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Anna anna muhammadan Muhammadan rasul Allah rasool Allah, Ash, Ash

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And an

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era in Allah, Allah

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Allah, Muhammad

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Rasul Allah, Allah, Allah

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what was the meaning of what we've said said, I bear witness

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that there is no god

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but God and either witness or witness that will have met is the

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last and final messenger of God is the last and final messenger of

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Welcome to the Big Sister okay. I wish I could have

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COVID restrictions we are getting

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Virtual soul cuts show that one physically has a welcome to the

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campus now. We are all your brothers and sisters. This is your

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community. You are always welcome here we have an incredible team

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members here who are willing and ready to answer any questions

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