Hosai Mojaddidi – I Want to Wear the Hijab But I Am Not Sure I Can Do It

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of embracing one's fearless behavior and not giving up on one's friends' needs. They also mention the use of the "byproduct" of the culture to propel people closer to Islam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not giving up on one's friend's needs and offers advice on how to make it happen.
AI: Transcript ©
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On a final note, positive note is what do you say to someone who is

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on the fence? They want to do it, they feel it in their heart. But

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they're nervous. They're afraid. How are my friends dinner tower,

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my family going to react? What advice do you have for those

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people beautiful Michelle, just like you're looking at. And, you

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know, as I mentioned, we may have people here who are in those

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crossroads and kind of not sure. It's part of, you know, life that

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we're going to be faced with choices and every situation,

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right, we're always at a crossroads of something. But when

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it comes to what will propel you or draw you closer to Allah

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subhana, WA, tada, you have to kind of, you know, start thinking

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that that should the answer of that choice should be pretty

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simple, right? And hijab is one definite way that we draw near to

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Allah subhana that because any action where we obey, Allah draws

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us closer to him, right? But as I said, it might be a matter of time

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for you, of when to do that. So you want to, you know, pace

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yourself, but just make a lot of dA. I'm always telling people,

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like, if you're really, really confused about something, where's

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the istikhara? Where's the tahajjud? Get up and cry to Allah

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subhanaw taala really show the sincerity of the crisis you're in

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or the confusion you're in. And watch what happens. Because when

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you do that sincerely, like you're confused, ALLAH SubhanA will start

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to make things very easy for you. He'll make it very obvious for

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you. And all of a sudden, you'll realize you know what, this is,

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this just feels right. And also, this is a follow up to that. Don't

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look at hijab as something you either have to wear permanently or

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never wear at all. Please don't do that. Because for some people like

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prayer, it comes incrementally. So some people start praying like

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Fajr, and Asia, and then they add on the HUD offset, and some people

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do all five at once, with the hijab, the best thing to do, and I

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actually learned this from one of my closest friends who for years,

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everybody thought she was a hijab, but she wasn't. What she did is

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she wore it most of the time, in places where she felt very

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supported to wear hijab. And she became a hijab, you get it,

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because as she wore it more and more like to the grocery store to

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Trader Joe's to, you know, the gym, to the doctor's office, the

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identity of becoming a hijab, he became one with her identity, but

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she didn't have this rule that said, Oh, I have to wear it, or I

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don't. And I think that is a very detrimental message that women

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get, because you would never tell someone who's struggling with

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their prayer. You can't pray any of the prayers until you pray all

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five would you do that? Of course not. You would say pray make, you

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know make the best effort possible. And in sha Allah in your

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prayer and then the action of doing your prayer consistently.

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Allah subhana will then begin to facilitate for you and next thing

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you know you'll be praying all your prayers Same with the jab. So

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where it like to the masjid where it to gatherings of, you know,

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where you feel supported, where to places where you feel safe, wear

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it in the car, if you can just become infused with the hijab so

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that one day you wear it and you don't ever take it off inshallah I

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mean eventually but you know what I mean?

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Vertical FAQ, Allah, masha Allah Baraka, Luffy Costanza.

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