Hosai Mojaddidi – Fast Reminders Everyday Practice

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of mindfulness and staying true to one's intentions in order to achieve spiritual success. They emphasize the need to practice mindfulness daily and to prioritize one's actions in order to achieve their spiritual goals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of taking the spiritual medicine through the spiritual art of continuous improvement.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Ramadan Mubarak,

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the purification process, also known as Teskey, Hatha knifes is

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something that requires constant work. Every day we must practice

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mindfulness restraint, and hold ourselves accountable. These

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things are vital to the process, to rid our hearts of spiritual

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impurities are every word or every action, and even our thoughts must

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be carefully considered and measured. And most importantly,

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our intentions must align with our desire to please God, and follow

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in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. In my

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own daily practice, I am committed to praying all five prayers on

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time, without exception in sha Allah. What I mean by that is that

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every day, I intentionally plan my life around my prayers, and not

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the other way around. So no matter where I am, what I have to do, who

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I have to meet where I have to go, I make sure that I can perform my

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prayers on time as a prerequisite, before committing to anything or

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anyone, of course, like everyone I to have my moments, and my ego

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gets the best of me and I make mistakes. But through this process

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of becoming more engaged with my thoughts, I try sincerely to

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commit to improving every day. This means that throughout the

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day, I check myself my intentions, my words, and my actions. In

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Islam, we would refer to this process as maraca, or Maha Sabha,

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which is observing, reflecting taking oneself into account. It's

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actively engaging in conversation with one's conscience. And I

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sincerely tried to put this effort in again every day. I also live by

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the principle that every bad action should be followed by a

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good action. So if I'm not happy with what I've said, done or

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thought, I tried to correct it, as soon as I become aware of it, my

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inner voice is one that shames me when I need it, but also empowers

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me to be better. When you recognize that you're unwell and

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need help than taking the medicine, no matter how bitter it

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may be, becomes routine and necessary. May we all take the

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spiritual medicine that we've been blessed with through this

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incredible text purification of the heart and never miss a single

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dose. Me, Jack Ma quit

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