Hosai Mojaddidi – Exercising Control and Willpower

Hosai Mojaddidi
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of protecting oneself from alcoholism and the associated anxiety. They emphasize the need to act like a professional, not just a casual person, and to resist drinking. They also mention the potential benefits of letting oneself be in a natural light and the importance of protecting oneself from falling into sinfulness.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's a beautiful verse Well, I'm in half, I'm a combat OBE when I

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had enough sign and howa over fears the station of his or her

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Lord, and prevents their themselves from their passion.

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It's not that they are, they can eliminate or extinguish their

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passion, it's that the passion is there, but they don't heat it,

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they don't obey it. And that's when the alcohol is in control.

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And the appetites are subservient to the opposite and a properly

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ordered person. And so, you know, that human inclination or desire,

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like for food, or for any of these, these aspects can be there.

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But they aren't. You know, I wouldn't say they're temptations

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in the way that they are for people who struggle with them.

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They're the prophets, I named them and the people who resemble them,

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and take their paths there. They're in such control, as

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Valentino Rossi said, it's, you know, even us the average Muslim

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Alhamdulillah, they see co workers and people eating in front of

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them, they're not tempted by it, even though they might be thirsty,

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they have that thirst, that that that exists there. But you know,

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they're Tuckwell during Ramadan, almost puntata blesses them to

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solve it. So that's, that's an important thing to keep in mind,

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is that go ahead. And I agree with everything Michelle, both of you

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stated, and I think, especially in Ramadan, the fact that we're

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exercising all of this, you know, control and willpower, and able to

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do it is really why we should just see that it's very possible, you

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know, even outside of Ramadan, and not to give into this idea that,

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you know, just because it's Ramadan, we have, you know, a

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protection is actually, I think, you know, for me anyway, I feel

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like was part of that gives us a, you know, a view of our own

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potentiality. Through the, you know, that poll, we, we, you know,

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we show in Ramadan in order that we, again, don't doubt ourselves

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because it bleeds and that's what will make us feel like we can't do

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it, or we, you know, we justify sinfulness or tend to fall falling

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into sinfulness because of this idea that we're just weak, we

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can't help ourselves. But if you can do it, and this month and time

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and time again, you can resist giving into something that's very

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natural and very normal the field and obviously, by extension, you

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should be able to do that as well, with the same tools which is God

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consciousness, you know, such above being in good company, not

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allowing yourself to be in these types of situations in the first

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place. There's a lot of, you know, basically ways that we can prevent

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falling but I think just the fact that again, we have this

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opportunity and hunter that in the month of Ramadan to see ourselves

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in the best light is such a blessing, you know, one month out

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of the whole year, Inshallah, I hope we're all again, may Allah

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protect us all, and give us a continued strength to do and I'm

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