Hamzah Wald Maqbul – The Excellence of the Prophets 20 Ramadan 1444 Late Night Majlis

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the upcoming 20th Night of dashboards and a video about the book "by the light of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow of the shadow
AI: Transcript ©
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We reached this Mubarak, 20th night of Ramadan.

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People will start making katham in their dawe.

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Soon the people of will enter into their.

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give us Himma to take advantage and receive

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advantage from

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what's left in this Mubarak month

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and to finish it well.

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and Allah

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accept it from us

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and make our

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in truth.

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So we continue.

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He has

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the next

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discourse with regards to the nature of

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under the doctrine of the Hakimis.

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After spending a significant amount of time talking

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the idea of miracles and how we conceive

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of miracles and what the different types of

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miracles are, etcetera.

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Now he moves to a discourse on the

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superiority of the Ambia, alayhi, musalam to the

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Inshallah, in my most current iteration of teaching

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the, I'm

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teaching an online course,

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in 10

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Tomorrow is going to be the khatam. I

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think the khatam will be open for the

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public. So if you wanna log on, we'll

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post a link in the Telegram group. It'll

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be tomorrow at,

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at noon CST, 1 EST.

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But at this point, we're gonna cover in

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the as well. So, this is one of

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the things I I really appreciate for all

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really, like,

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sometimes at times challengingly strange stories he brings.

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He makes sure to keep everything real legit

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with with his, grounded in the kitab and

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the sunnah and grounded in the, Aqid of

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the Admisunna.

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So he says, you must know that by

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universal consent of the sheiks of the so

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of all the at

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our our at all times and in all

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subordinate to the prophet

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whose missions they confirm.

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The prophet salayhi wasalam

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are superior to the oliya

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because the end of wilayah is only the

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beginning of nambuwa.

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Every nabi is a wali, but only some

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are prophets

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and some are not.

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The prophet, s alaymusalam,

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are constantly exempt from certain attributes of humanity,

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namely fall fallibility,

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are exempt from certain attributes of humanity, while

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the only so temporarily at times.

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The fleeting state of the wali is the

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permanent station

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of the of the prophet. Meaning the fleeting

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state, the hal of the wali is the

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Maqam of the MBIA alaihi wa sallam.

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And some things which are to

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saints to the Uliya Maqamat

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may even be a veil, a hijab to

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one of the Ambiya

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This view is held unanimously

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by the Ulema of the and

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by the,

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but it is opposed only by a sect

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of Hashawiyah, the anthropomorphous of Khorasan, who discourse

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in a self contradictory manner

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concerning the principles of Tawhid,

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and who although, they don't know even the

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fundamental doctrine of Tasso, if they call themselves

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are indeed, but

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So he's

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letting his opinion be known.

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They maintain that the Oliya are superior to

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the prophets, and it is a sufficient proof

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of their error that they could declare an

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ignoramus to be more excellent than the Sayidna

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Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, the chosen one

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of God.

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The same vicious opinion is held by another

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sect of anthropomorphists

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of who pretend to be,

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Sufis, but admit the doctrine of incarnation of

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God and his descent in the human body

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by transmigration

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in Tikal

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and division, Tajziyah, the idea that Allah has

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The division of his essence.

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I will treat fully these matters when I

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give my promised account

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of the 2 reprobated,

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sects of the Sufis. So he mentioned he

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said in the beginning, there's 10,

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of which 8 are legitimate and 2, he

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disowns. He says that they're they're fake. And

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so he'll he'll give an account of who

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those are at some point in the book

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as well.

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The sects that I refer to,

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claim to be Muslims, but they seem to

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be more in agreement with the Brahmins,

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with the the Pandit class of Hindus,

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in denying,

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the special station of the prophet,

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and whoever believes in this doctrine becomes a.

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the are the ones who spread. They make

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dua, and imams

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and their

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followers. It is absurd to suppose that,

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the follower of a imam is superior to

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the imam himself. In short, the lives, experience,

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and spiritual powers of all the oliya together

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appear as nothing compared with one true prophet

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because the saints are seekers and pilgrims, whereas

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the have

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and have found and have returned

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with the command to preach and convert the

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people. If anyone of the above mentioned heretics

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urge that a ambassador sent by a king

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is usually inferior to the person,

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to whom he is sent, meaning Sayna Jibril,

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alayhis salam,

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is inferior to the prophet, alayhis salam, that

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he was sent to,

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and that this is against my argument. I

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replied that an ambassador sent to a single

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person should be inferior to him. But when

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an ambassador is sent to a large number

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of persons or to a people, he is

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superior to them,

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as are the,

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superior to the nations that they're sent to.

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And this is something that's also basically, it's

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the same point as there in the,

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the how we as well that when a

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pull on a be on.

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And say that one prophet,

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is is greater any one of the prophets

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is greater,

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than all the combined,

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that don't have at any rate.

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Therefore, one moment, of these prophets

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is better than the entire life,

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of the because

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when the reach their goal, they tell of

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contemplation of

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and obtained release from the veil of humanity

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although they are essential essentially still men. On

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the other hand,

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they cannot be judged by the same standard.

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Do you not perceive that according to the

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unanimous opinion of all

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that the station of union

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belongs to the perfection of wilayah.

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Now in this station, a man attains such

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a degree of rapturous love that his intelligence

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is enraptured in gazing upon.

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The act of, the act of Allah in

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his longing and divining for the, active the

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the divine agent. So he's gazes longingly at

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the of Allah

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while longing for the file.

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He regards the whole universe as that and

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sees nothing but that. Thus Abu Ali, Rudbari

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said, where the vision of that which,

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we serve to vanish from us, we would

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lose the name of

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of slavehood,

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and for we derive,

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the glory of worship Ibadah solely from the

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vision of him.

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This is the beginning of the state of

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the prophets, alaymuslam, inasmuch as separation is

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inconceivable in relation to them. They are entirely

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in the essence of union whether they, affirm

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or deny,

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whether they approach or turn away, whether they

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are at the beginning or at the end.

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Ibrahim alayhis salam in the beginning of his

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state looked at the sun and said, this

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is my lord.

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And then he looked upon the moon and

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the stars and said, this is my lord

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because his heart was overwhelmed by the truth

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and united,

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in the essence of union. Therefore, he saw

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nothing else, which is a interesting which is

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a interesting

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that wheel that he makes. Right? Normally, when

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people think about that, they think he Sayedid

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Ibrahim is making a process of deduction. Something

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must be Allah. It's not the statue. So

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maybe it's the stars, maybe it's the moon,

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maybe it's the sun moving up in higher

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higher progress, like, as a process of elimination.

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And, and so he his that wheel here

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is different. He says that, no, it's that

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he sees the the the the the file

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in the

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in the in the

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wherever he looks, which is interesting.

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And it's in some ways, it's probably Ashraf.

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It's a more honorable

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interpretation of

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of the words of Sayedid Ibrahim narrated in

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the Quran.

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Therefore, he saw nothing else, Or if he

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saw anything else, he did not see with

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the eye of otherness,

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but with the

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eye of union.

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And in reality,

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of that vision, he disavowed his own and

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said, I love not those that that that

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I don't love those that that that perish

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or go away.

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As he began with union, so he ended

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with union. Has a beginning and an end,

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but prophecy has no end. The prophets are

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prophets from the first, from the dawn of

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creation and shall be, forevermore until the end.

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Before they existed, they were prophets in the

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knowledge and will of Allah. Bayezid was asked

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about the state of the prophet sallaihi wa

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He replied, far be it from me to

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say, we have no power to judge them.

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And in our notions, of them, we are

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Allah has placed,

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their denial and affirmation in such exalted degree

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that human vision cannot reach, unto it. Accordingly,

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as the rank of the is hidden from

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the perception of mankind, so the rank of

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the prophets is hidden from the judgment of

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he says this is a qualitative,

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order higher of of magnitude

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in the court of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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Just like the normal people cannot conceive of

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the how of the,

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the how of the

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that that they're in. They cannot conceive of

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the from

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it. Bayezid was the proof of the Huja

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of his age.

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Peoples would see him and

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see that this is the Huja of this

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age that Islam is the haqq because of

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his state and because of his miracles and

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because of his

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and his spirituality and his knowledge and,

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how he reminded them of Allah.

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And he says, I saw that my

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my spirit, this is spiritual heart. I saw

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that my was born to the heavens.

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It looked

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at nothing and gave no heed, though paradise

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and * were displayed to it. For it

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was freed from phenomena and veils.

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Then I became a bird whose body was

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of oneness and whose wings were of everlastingness,

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and I continued to fly in the air

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of absolute

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of the absolute until I passed into the

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sphere of purification. And here, it translates as

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tan zee has purification, the transcendence.

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I gazed upon the field of eternally of

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and beheld,

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there the tree of oneness.

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There, I looked at myself.

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I looked I, myself, was all of those

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things. I cried, oh lord, with my egoism.

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I cannot attain unto you. I cannot escape

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myself. What what am I to do?

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And I

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saw that God does spake oh, Bayezid, you

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must win release from your own youness

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by following my beloved Muhammad.

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Smear your eyes with the dust of his

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feet and follow him continually.

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This is a long narrative.

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The Sufis call it, ascension or the mairajah,

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by Azid, this entire story that, that he

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gives us account of his rapturous experience.

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And by the turn Ascension denotes proximity to

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The term Ascension denotes proximity to God.

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The Ascension of the Prophets takes place outwardly

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and in the body whereas the ascension of

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the saints and the takes

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place inwardly and in the spirit. The body

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of an apostle resembles the heart and the

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spirit of a saint in purity and nearness

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Meaning what? Even

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the physical form of the there's a between

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the internal and the external. Whereas with

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the there's just something inside that's,

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some spark that's in their spirit, the

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and internally internally is the same. That's why,

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for example, the dreams of the prophet,

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they don't require interpretation.

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Everybody else sees things through metaphors. The prophet,

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their dreams are.

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They're and. They don't require that wheel.

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Whereas there's there's still this gap with the

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with with the that hasn't given to.

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This is a manifest superiority.

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When a while he is enraptured and intoxicated,

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he is withdrawn from himself by means of

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a spiritual ladder and brought near to Allah

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to Allah. And as soon as he returns,

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to the state of sobriety, all those evidences

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have taken shape in his mind, and he

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gains the knowledge of them. Accordingly, there is

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a great difference between one who is carried

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to their in person and one who is

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carried to their only in thought,

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for that involves some type of duality in

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Give us from the phase of the,

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from the

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dust of

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the, feet of the

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that can be the in our eyes that

00:13:45 --> 00:13:46

brightens the path for us,

00:13:47 --> 00:13:48

by our day and by our night,

00:13:49 --> 00:13:51

and make us from amongst the people who

00:13:51 --> 00:13:54

these are big, very big lofty things, very

00:13:54 --> 00:13:55

much. Don't try them at home type of

00:13:55 --> 00:13:56

things. And

00:13:56 --> 00:13:59

to give us from some that Allah gave

00:13:59 --> 00:14:00

to them, that we're just

00:14:01 --> 00:14:02


00:14:02 --> 00:14:04

And, but there's a great as

00:14:05 --> 00:14:07

well, the person who comes to Allah broken

00:14:08 --> 00:14:10

and with nothing and can see that. This

00:14:10 --> 00:14:13

is also a very great gift and a

00:14:13 --> 00:14:14

very great state from Allah

00:14:15 --> 00:14:16

make us from amongst

00:14:20 --> 00:14:21


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