Hamzah Wald Maqbul – Hayat alSahabah He Pointed to The Noble Grave.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including the implementation of the new Islam policy and the loss of control from the juniorial leadership. They also mention the significance of the four Doorbited (the leaders of the Sahaba) and their desire to be political in their age. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from the experiences of the four Doorbited and their potential for insight into the culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Abu Naim

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narrates that somebody once asked

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Sayna Abdullah bin Amawadi wa ta'ala Anhu.

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Hadul Abadulal Arba'a. There are 4 Abdulal's who

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carried the knowledge of the hadith of the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and the traditions

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of Islam from amongst the junior levels of

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the Sahaba radiAllahu ta'ala and when all the

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elders had passed away. It was a very

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different time. During the time of the elders,

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Said Abu Bakr, Saidna Umar, Saidna Uthman, Saidna

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Ali radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu.

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There was a fair degree of order. As

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you see during the the last of the

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reign of Sayid Ali

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that there's chaos starts to ensue, but still

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the Sahaba they

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control the state.

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The junior Sahaba, the the ones that were

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teenagers or in their twenties when the prophet

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passed away,

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a large portion of their life afterwards

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afterwards was spent

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under the rule of other people,

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some of whom were not the greatest of

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Muslims in the world and some of whom

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were outright corrupt people.

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And so what happens is that you see

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there's a hikmah in all of these things

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as well. 1 of the hikmas in the

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losing rule was that now they no longer

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are commanders and governors and judges.

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Rather what happens is that other people take

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all these government positions and the Sahaba

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that are still alive because they still have

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spiritual authority amongst people, they will spend most

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of their time teaching and learning. And if

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they didn't do that, then it's quite possible

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that a large amount of the knowledge of

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Islam would have been, lost to posterity.

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So for that reason, you see these 4

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Saidna Abdullah bin Amr bin Asr Radiallahu Anhu,

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who is a little bit older than the

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other 3.

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He accepted Islam in Makkamu Karam, he's an

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adult, albeit a very young one when he

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Islam. Saidna,

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Abdullah bin Abbas radiAllahu ta'ala Anhuma and Saidna

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Abdul Abin Zubair radiAllahu ta'ala Anhuma.

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These 4, Abadullah Arba'a,

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all of whom their fathers were also Muslims.

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They, live a long life, and they narrate

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a great number of hadiths. And so they're

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seen as authorities, they're seen as mashaikh of

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the qawb even though they're not politically in

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when they,

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when they get older. And so somebody asked

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Ibn Abdul Umar Radhi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu,

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who are the people who are the ones

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who turn away from the dunya and the

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people who have,

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rahba and akhira. They have,

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longing and desire for the akhira. And so

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he points in Madin al Munawwala, he points

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to the grave of the prophet

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then to the grave of Sayna Abu Bakr

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and then to the grave of Sayna Umar

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radiAllahu ta'ala Anhuma. And

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in their being together in that place is

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the hand of providence. It's a sign from

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regarding the rank of these, 3 companions that

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they were together in this world, and they're

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together in the they're together in death as

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well, and they'll be together in the akhira

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as well. And it's something that we can

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take benefit from and learn from.

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