Hamzah Wald Maqbul – 20150218 Hayat alSahabah Seal of the Prophets s.mp4

Hamzah Wald Maqbul
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the title of the book "the Messenger of Allah" and its use as a sign of Islam. The title is a combination of multiple elements, including the use of the word "the" and the use of "the" to describe the title. The title also includes references to a man named Sayiidna Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam who is the messenger of Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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We start a new chapter of the book

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We start the chapter regarding the description of

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who is the Messenger of Allah

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and who are his companions

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on whom?

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He is not the father of any of

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your men

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Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam he is

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not the father of any of your men

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rather he is the messenger of Allah Sallallahu

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wa Salam and he is the seal of

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the prophets

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or he is the finisher, the end of

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the prophets in Allah Ta'ala.

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Allah Ta'ala is has knowledge of all things.

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This ayah

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ayah is beautiful for a number of reasons.

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Every ayah of the Quran is beautiful for

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so many reasons that that that we cannot

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But some of the specific things about this

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ayah is that it's one of the 4

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ayaats of the Quran in which the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is mentioned by name.

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People are very surprised. They think that the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is mentioned by name

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so many places in the Quran, but he's

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He's only mentioned 4 times. The most frequently

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then after him, Sayna Ibrahim alaihis salam.

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And Sayna Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is

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mentioned only

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four times.

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And it says that he's he's not the

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father of one of your men. He doesn't

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fit neatly into your system.

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He doesn't fit neatly into your system. And,

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there's an eye of Surat Al Ahab that

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will expound upon that point as well, tomorrow,

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But he is the messenger of Allah. He's

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not like like other people.

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Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam,

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he's not like other people

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Allah says to him commands and say I'm

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nothing but a

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person like you

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but obviously he's not like he's not like

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us you understand what I'm saying

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and the Farqah between

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him and us is what?

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That He receives the wahi of Allah and

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we don't.

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In all other ways, He is a human

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being, but that one thing is the thing

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that makes like a day night difference, so

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that the the poet says that Muhammadun Basarullahqal

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Bashari. Uh-uh right? The Muhammad,

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the the man but like under

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unlike other men

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I apologize for my complete, like, literary fail.

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Allah forgive all of us.

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Say Amin. So Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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the man, but unlike other men, just like

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a ruby is a stone, but unlike other

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stones. So the Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasalam was

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is who? Rather he is the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alaihi wasalam, and he is the

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seal of the prophets. He is the seal

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of the prophets.

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Interestingly enough, right, this is one of the

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reasons that the teraa'at, the different teraa'at, you

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know, like you say

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Sometimes there's a little change in it between

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the different

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sometimes it contains so much meaning. Right? The

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reading is what? Khatamun nabi'i. Khatam is what?

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It's a seal. It's a seal, and it's

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also a definition of it as something that's

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raised. Right? Because the seals in the old

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days used to be what? You put wax

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there and then you stamp your ring in

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it. And so the wax is a little

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bit raised. It's a little higher than the

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other than the other letters. Right? So they're

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all kind of crazy people. It says I'm

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I'm a Messenger of Allah also. Right? There's

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many imitators, many fakers, but only one original,

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Right? And so some

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of them are still, you know, some of

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them are here. You may meet some of

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them. Right? So what they say, they say,

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look, see, the book of Allah says he's

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a khatim, meaning he's raised. He has a

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higher level than everyone else. And this other

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dude from Punjab, his name is Mirza. He's

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a messenger also but his maqam is a

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little bit lower. That's all. That's all. The

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Quran doesn't discount the possibility of someone else

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being Nabi. And what do we say? What?

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We say the all of them are canonical.

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All the

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they're all wahi from Allah

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Whoever doesn't believe in any of them, it's

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like he didn't believe in any of the

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Quran at all. They're outside of the pale

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of Islam. So the qiya'a of Kufa, one

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of the qiya'a of Kufa says khatam, which

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is true, he's higher than all the other

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mbia, he's higher than the other creations sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. Nakila'a of Medina says what?

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Instead of khatam.

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There's a kasra instead of

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and the kasra

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means what? The one who finishes nubuwa. Nubuwa

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finishes with him

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instruction that needed to become or come or

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something went wrong before and it needed to

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be fixed,

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right? Allata would send another Nabi. This Ummah

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no more

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It's preserved with us and there's a whole

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mechanism for that preservation. We don't have time

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to get into it because

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we don't right now. But that's something to

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keep in mind that the explicit text of

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the Quran does say he is the last

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nabi, and by extension, he's also the last

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Rasul. Anybody else who claims that they're anything

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that person is nothing. He claims they're anything,

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that person is nothing.

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A beautiful description of our Nabi sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam and Allah had all knowledge of

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all things

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