Hamza Yusuf – 40 Hadith Of Imam Nawawi – Part 2

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the announcement of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the use of verification through charity, and the importance of the heart of the Christian movement. The speakers emphasize the need for fear and control over words and actions, as well as following the nicely guided qualifiers of Islam, praying in a spirit of fear and helping those who need help, and following the nicely guided qualifiers of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's midnight. Mama, he was ferrata Sarah Mara Shara and Dr. Evil nursery.

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Today inshallah, we're going to look at the 20th Hadith or prophetic tradition from Emma know his great book, The 40 Hadith.

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It begins on the authority of humbleness.

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Now be pleased with him who said, the messenger about Bob May the blessings and peace be upon him said, among the first words, people obtained from the first prophesy are, if you feel no shame, then do as you wish, it was related by Audible hottie this heavy, though very short, very few words, contains an essential meaning in the teachings of Islam. The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, is telling us here that one of the first words that people understood from prophecies that the Prophet imparted to mankind

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is that if one feels no shame, then he should do as he wishes.

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This there's two meanings. The first meaning is that every human being knows in reality, what's right and what's wrong. Allah subhana wa Tada. He has shown man, what is right and what is wrong. Allah subhana wa Tada. He says in the Quran, that he guided men down the two paths, the path of right and wrong, that he knows in his intercell, if he would only listen to his heart, what is right and what is wrong, that this is something that is intrinsically bound inside the nature of the human being. So that if a person sees something or wants to do an action, if he only would reflect, then he would see in reality, whether or not that action was something that he can do, or he can't do. So

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many people, when they do an action, they, in the beginning, have a doubt about whether or not it's correct. But then the cell or chef on begins to whisper to the man, and you'll take them to wrong action. And this is how a man is continually falling into wrong action, simply because he doesn't reflect in the beginning about an action. So he says to us, this is the this is the first thing that man took from prophecies that he understood from prophecy. This is what was being imparted by the messengers to man. So that we find in the teachings of s&m when we look at the story of Adam, or they sit down with his two sons, Cain and Abel, that one of them was given farming, he was a farmer

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who was harvesting the land and the other was a nomad. He was pastoring his sheep, and so that, at that time, every human being, he married according in the beginning, to the two sisters that were born, so that each time that Hara or he had a child, she had twins, one was a girl, and one was a boy. And that according to the wisdom of Allah, in the first study, or law that Allah gave the man, the boy of the first verse would marry the girl from the second birth, and the boy from the second birth would marry the girl from the first birth. So that when Cain wanted from Abel, he desired his own wife, he desired the wife of April, and immediately he approached it, he said, No, this is

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wrong, because he knew that it wasn't the way that Allah Subhana Allah had arranged things for man. And this was the beginning of man's fall his corruption, that when he left this original teaching, so that he desired, he covered his, his brother's rice. And then he said, Let's make a sacrifice. So he made a sacrifice, the one bringing the sheep and the other bringing the harvest. And Allah accepted the one that was on the truth. Because he was following the way of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that the other he didn't, so he killed his brother, when Allah accepted his,

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his what he was bringing to him. And in this teaching, we see that man, he knew what was right and what was wrong. But he had his cell, his own desire, his own greed was what drove him to that action. And then, because of his shame, he buried the body because he was afraid that when Adam his father would see it, he knew that it was a wrong action. So he buried the bodies. So when Adam said, Where is your brother, he said, I'm not I don't keep my brother. I'm not looking after him. But he knew and for that reason, he had shame. So that this in this teaching, we see

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Did it from the very beginning, men have this primal shame, he had this thing that stopped him from doing wrong action. And if he should do wrong actions, he had a shame that would prevent him from telling the people about it. So in this Hadith, we're saying that anything that a man is not ashamed of doing that he basically can do it. But then from another point of view, they had they had these needs or indicates that if a man doesn't have shame, then he should do what he wants. In other words, when a man loses this basic shame for hire, from Allah Subhana, WA, tada, and from the creatures of our law, then he can do whatever he wants. This isn't saying that he should do whatever

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he wants. No, it's saying that he's arrived to a point where he no longer has bounced, he no longer has values that stopped him that prevent him from doing things, he's lost his own in her heart is lost his criterion in which he bases his actions on he's lost the knowledge of right and wrong. And this is, this is the state of man when he arrived at the lowest degree. And we're seeing this so much. Now in this time we're living in, people no longer know what's right and wrong. They, they go to hospitals, and they have children ripped out of their stomach, killing their children, because they have no discrimination, they've lost a basic humanity. And they go, they now the wars that

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happen are based only on desire for more land for more wealth. People that have no they don't have principles in which they fight on and people used to, in the past fight on things that were based on, on values on on traditions, on defending their homeland, or on establishing justice. People in this age have lost this basic criterion in which they base their life on so that he's saying, Do what you want. At that point, once you've lost this, then you have no humanity. And this is what we see that people know because they've lost this basic human criterion between right and wrong, that the world has entered a state of anarchy, a State of Decay that it's never known before. We see

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people blowing up innocent people on airplanes, we see terrorism widespread. We see civil strife, we see riots, we see all of these things, and they're based on the fact that men has lost this criterion. But this criterion cannot be gained unless we go back to the teachings of the Prophet. When we have the criterion of the progress, we have something with which to base our lives on, which is based on the truth. It's not based on something we decide for ourselves is not based on something we think is right or we think is wrong, because none of us has lost this criterion. It can only be gained by going back to the people of the house, to the people of truth, and alive, he says in the

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Orion journal was

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in the past that I can as I hope the truth has come, and folks it has vanished. Surely falsehood is vanishing. So that all of what we see now in the world, in all of these things that are Botha's, they're completely vain, they're vanishing. And the truth is coming, Allah Subhana, WA Tada. He tells us that he's going to raise us up on the Day of Judgment, and he's going to judge us for our actions, our actions will be judged, every single thing we've done will be judged. And for this reason, the men will look at his action. If he has shame in doing it, he must avoid it. And if he has no shame, either with a law or with mankind, then he can do it based on a true cost criterion of

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right and wrong. And in doing this and taking this he will have success in the settlement aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Rahman Rahim salam, WA salatu

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today inshallah, we're going to look at the 21st hubby's prophetic tradition from him know his famous book, The 40 Hadith. It begins on the authority of Lima and he has also given us a Rama sufian is an Abdullah. May Allah be pleased with him who said, I said, O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islam, which I can ask of no one but you. He said say, I believe in Allah, and thereafter be apprised. It was related by Muslim.

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This Hadith is an extraordinary heavy, because it's an advice from the Prophet of Allah to one of his companions. When he asked him Tell me something about Islam, which I can ask for no one but you and he says two very, very short words. And these this, this hadith is from his Joanna as Kevin or his company.

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have words, that this is one of the miracles of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that he spoke to people in very concise language. And yet that language was filled with meanings. This this hadith alone, people have written pages and pages on the meaning and he says, I am and to be that the mistaken say I believe in our mouth and then be correct the upright is straight. Then the man was Mr. Theme it comes from, from the word karma, which means to stand or be erect to be straight. So, the man who's straight in his life, he's the one that Allah subhana wa tada has given Sophia or success, because his actions are correct. His he believes in Allah subhanho

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wa Taala and this belief is what gives him the capacity to be upright in his life. When he says I am meant to be daresay I believe in Allah. This means to believe in Allah subhana wa Tada. And in everything that Allah Subhana Allah Allah has decreed for the believer in his life. Allah subhana wa Tada. He has told us in the Koran that even the messengers, they believe that our ma,

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ma, ma ma, ma,

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ma ma, de la casa de la ciudad

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de negocio de la to Santa Ana la franja Katana, what do they get Matthew, it says that the messenger he believes, and the believers in our law, and in his books, and in His messengers, and he believes in the last day, and he says, He says this seminar Ravana a lot of these hurts and we obey that this is the believer in yours in your base, Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is because of this is tiama.

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We have in the examples of the lives of the prophets, the profits, all of the profits, and in particularly of the life of the Prophet Mohammed for life, for the last messenger, and is the messenger that we know about every single aspect of his life, and we have in the lives of his own companions. An example of is the farmer or apply a virtuous action. This hearing and obeying is to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah because we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala is commanded us in our lives, to do our pride things. Allah subhana wa Tada. He commands yet a little bit I had to deal with XM, what is the quarterback, Lilian hand is Sasha it would mean karma. Allah subhana wa Tada.

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He says in the Quran, that he commands to good action and he forbids wrong action, and he commands for giving out to the poor, and to those near to you and he forbids any bad action and he forbids oppression and aggression. So this this, when we believe in Allah subhana wa Tada, the All Merciful Lord, who set down his laws, through His messengers, as a way of creating human beings who are virtuous and upright in their lives who don't go astray who don't go in error like so many people, when we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala, this belief this Eman in Allah subhana wa tada he is giving the believer a strength in his life to do good action. Because he knows Allah subhana wa

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Tada. He knows a lot of power. He knows a lot of capacity. He knows a lot subhana wa Tada. He is going to raise him up. On the last day, he's going to recreate him again, like He created him the first time and take him to account for every single thing that he did in his life is with this knowledge that he becomes upright and correct. Because of this knowledge of Allah subhana wa Tada. So he says, say I believe in Allah, and then be upright, and then be virtuous, and the purpose, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He is the embodiment of this teaching his life if one looks from the beginning of his life, to before from even before the message before he was given the

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message of Islam until the point where he was given the message and after that he was the most upright of people. He was the most virtuous of people. He was the kindness of people. He was of all people, the the most correct in his behavior with mankind with the creatures and with his relationship to his Lord. The Prophet is told in the Quran that Allah subhana wa tada forgave all of his actions, massacred the man in Dominica, not what has come You brought forward from your

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Wrong action and what will come later. So he's promised in the forum that every single thing in his life was forgiven. Even though we see that the Prophet himself, he has no wrong action, other than the things that was better to do the perfect it's impossible for the prophet or any of the process to do wrong action, according to our own knowledge of what wrong action is. They're wrong action, or they're dumb, is things like needing something that is more virtuous, doing a virtuous act, in doing it, leaving something that is more virtuous. This is the wrong action of the puppet, so that he's told that he's forgiven his wrong actions. Despite that, he spent the night in prayer until his feet

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became swollen. When I said his beloved wife came in and she found Him in prayer until his feet has become swollen, she said, Yara sudama, a messenger of Allah, do you? Do you find yourself in this way and everything has been forgiven for you? He said, am I not a faithful slave? So this is a higher degree of knowledge that knows the men believes in our lives. He is doing good action, really, because he sees a massive hand Without his generosity. He's left the level where he sees only doing action, desiring a low reward.

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It says in the Quran, the

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Quran, Allah, Allah makes his face illuminated on the Day of Judgment. He says that he said that a poor and he said a prisoner, and he said, are orphans. And he said, we don't know nobody. Lincoln does that. And what Ashoka we don't do this for any favor or any things. We only do it out of fear of this day which is coming, so that his uprightness was not for any worldly benefits. But it was simply because he had this knowledge of our law from his deep.

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So this, in this Hadith, we see that belief in Allah and there after being a bride, Allah He says him and Nadine are

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the ones that they say Our Lord is Allah And after that, they were strange. We asked every single day the Muslim asks in his prayers, and constantly in the source data for the opening surah in the Quran, is Idina, setup and mustafina. Guide us to the straight path. And the straight path is Islam. And if the armor or uprightness and virtuous action is to be found in the teachings, and in the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. So we ask that our life gives us this uprightness in our lives, and that we take the Prophet as our example. And we fulfill the trust with which Allah subhana wa tada has demanded of us in good action for ceramah aleikum wa

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Wa Salatu was salam wa Shabbat and even more study.

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Today insha Allah we're going to look at the 22nd hubby's prophetic tradition from him know his famous book before the heavy. It begins on the authority of the day he Jabba the son of Abdullah on Friday, May Allah be pleased with them both. A man as the Messenger of Allah, May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him. Do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadan, treat as lots of that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter Paradise. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him replied, Yes, it was related by Muslims.

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This Hadith

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came about by a man coming, who believes in Amman, the last day he believed in the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. And this image that he had brought him to ask the Messenger of Allah, perhaps knowing his incapacity and doing too much or doing more than he could do, he asked the messenger, do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, and then he mentioned fasting in Ramadan, and and you mentioned treating what is lawful that which is lawful? And not? He said, doing nothing further, you think if I do these things, will I enter the paradise? The Prophet said, Yes.

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And the out of this hadith tells us that Islam in its nature is very simple. It's not a difficult thing. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says in the Quran, you read the Komodo yusaku that you redo the Komodo Astra Allah. He wants for

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You eat and doesn't work for you hardship. So that Allah subhanho wa Taala. He tells us in the Quran that the deen is his ease.

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And so the movement, he knows that if he does these things, and he finds hardship, he finds something that he's not able to do. He knows Allah subhana wa tada says, isn't around. Now you take the former, who knows?

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A lot he doesn't take to account itself except what its capacity is. In one tradition, another man came to the purpose, who was an older man, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, the rules of Islam have become so many. He said, I'm worried that I won't be able to learn them all. So tell me something that will enter me into the paradise. The Prophet said, make your tone continually be in the remembrance of Allah. So the purpose is constantly

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in his heaviness in the prophetic traditions, he's speaking to people according to their capacity. So that perhaps for one man, this hadith is true. And yet for another man, it's Allah Subhana, WA, Tada. He wants more from him, because he's self has more to give. And every person knows the capacity of his self. He knows what his capability is. So that this idea is when he says, you'll enter the paradise. He knows that each one of these things, in reality are great things. Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, the sign of the somebody was brought up in the hurricane era, so in the

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past, or take refuge, or take health, in patients and in prayer about which is mentioned here. But then you said surely it's a great thing. It's a difficult thing, except for those who fear Allah. So that the prayer in itself, though, doing it five times a day may seem very simple. In reality, it's something difficult except for those who have fear of Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says in the Quran, in La serata, Sangha and Sasha even mooncup surely the prayer

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that action and wrongdoing, so that the prayer in itself that a person who does the prayer, this doing the prayer continually is going to purify himself.

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In one story, one of the, you know, the fear, people realized that there was a mom, who in a mosque, who had a very beautiful life, and this wife was out in the market one day, and her veil through the wind was lifted up. And one of the men in the market saw this woman, and he desired her, so that he began to follow her until he found where she lived. And then he used to, when she would come out to go to the market, he used to follow her. And he speak to her and try to seduce her. And this woman was fearful of a law. So she went to her husband and told her and her husband that he mom said, Tell this man, if he comes to you again, if he approaches you, that you can do what you wish with me

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under one condition that you pray behind my husband in this model for 30 days. So this man said this is very simple. So he went to the mosque, and he began to pray every day, for 40 days. At the end of the 40 days, when he was coming out of the mosque, he saw this woman and he immediately lowered his eyes and turned the other way. Because this transformative acts of praying had changed his nature. It had changed his heart, so that he no longer desire that thing. And this wisdom that Imam knew that because the is true, Allah, He says in the Quran, in the ferrata Sangha, and in such a way, that the prayer it stops, wrong action stops bad action, so that a person's doing the press, it's

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going to change his life. It's going to revolutionize the way he behaves. And then he says, and if I batch in Ramadan, so that the person who fasts in a real way, the prophet said, How many of you your fast is simply stopping eating, and stopping drinking, so that all you benefit from it is hunger and thirst. So he tells the man here, that so many people, they fast, and it has no effect on them because they're not fasting properly. In other words, when a person fast, he's concerning himself with those who are less fortunate than him. He feels hunger. He feels what other people feel. He feels the pain that someone who doesn't have food feels many people experiences every day in their

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lives. So it changes the way he's used these people and makes him more kind towards them wanting to help them. Then he says she does not want that which is wrong. In other words, anything that's thoughtful he sees it as an awful food. That's permissible. He

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Takes it as permissible and eat at closing and seeing what's unlawful or forbidden that which is forbidden. So that what is hot on by Allah Subhana, WA tada he leaves it, he no longer goes to things that are not acceptable with Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is an extraordinary thing if a man is able to do this, so that sitting with women who are not from a man's, either his wife, or someone that has a close relationship with him, he leaves this. And this changes the way he lives. He won't take interest from banks, he stops, he stops lying, his speech becomes truthful, so that his life becomes in the parameters of our lives, way of his Hadoop of the things that he's set down.

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And then he says, If I do nothing further, and it's important here to note that this Hadees was related before there's a cat for the for tax was made obligatory on the Muslims, so and also the Hajj before the Hajj was made obligatory, so that we must add to this heavy, the poor tax and the Hajj, or the pilgrimage to Mecca, once in a man's life if he's able to do because the rules of Islam came down to the Prophet slowly. And for this reason, he had mentioned that, but they must be immense mentioned according to what the commentator said, then he says, shall I answer paradise will I enter paradise? And the Prophet says to him, Yes, you will. If you do these things, then it means

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that if you do them in a real way to Nizam if you do if you pray in a real way, if you pray to Allah subhana wa tada if you thought if you pay this is your attempt to make Hajj, if you treat that which is lawful, lawful and that which is haram Haram, so that doing these things a man is promised by the Messenger of Allah, the one that doesn't speak except for these orders that you will have the paradise in the next world and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to give us strength in doing these things with ceramides

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even more serene.

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Today inshallah, we're going to look at the 23rd hobbies or prophetic tradition among some imamo his book, The 40 happy it begins on the authority of of rheumatic heart is an awesome minute Saudis may Allah be pleased with him who said, the Messenger of Allah know the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said, purity is have a faith at 100. Phase D to Allah fills the scales and supernova, how far is the bar from every imperfection and then handle the phase D to Allah filled that which is between the heaven and the earth? Fair is life. Charity is approved. Patience is illumination. and Iran is an argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day, and as a vendor of his soul, either

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freeing it, or bringing about its ruin.

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This Hadith contains in it many many wisdoms and it begins by saying purity is half of the mind. This purity is a purity which contains many different meanings. It has the aspect of the purification of the heart. Allah subhana wa tada he says in the Koran, concerning the Quran, lay a muscle in Denmark,

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that they don't touch it except those who have been purified. In other words, that they shouldn't touch the four iron in the outward meaning those who aren't in the ritual purification that one does before the prayer and in a stronger meaning. Those won't understand it except those whose hearts have been terrified. So that Allah subhana wa tada is telling us that the Koran is a book for those who have been purified. And in this Hadith, we see the purity is have an image.

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Purity is something which the Muslim is constantly concerned with. He asked Allah subhana wa tada in the suffocation of the Prophet where he said that or allow make me from those who ask forgiveness of you and make me from those that you purify. And Allah subhana wa Tada. He's the he's the one who purifies he, he purifies his creation. So that the moment he is constantly working on the purification of his heart, and this is done primarily through good action, that by doing good actions, the purification of demand comes about and through prayer, through worship, through helping the poor through helping the needy through stopping aggression, through stopping oppression. All of

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things combined, purify and create a pure human being or fire. This is the name that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him gave to his son, the most beloved to him, he called him upon him, the purified one. And this is something that the movement is desiring continually. Then he says 100, phase D to our bar fills the scale.

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In other words, this word, the seams light on the tongue is heavy in the scale. So that in the amounts of handleless added began his book, The four iron by saying, and hum do these guys are up there on phase D to Allah, the Lord of all the world. And this is how the Koran after bissman, nada, begins Alhamdulillah dihydropyridine in this is constantly on the tongue of the Muslim, the Muslim is continuous any Alhamdulillah Praise be to Allah, because he's thanking a lot continually for the blessings and for the good things that our law has given him.

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Also, the process of Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said that we should even say this when we find difficulties. So therefore the man he says, add him to the data. He has phase D to Allah in any condition in any state. And then he says to Pamela, how far is the law from every imperfection. So Pamela in the Quran, Allah He says, how the law he merges somehow to what he is saying, Subhana Allah, what is in the heaven than in the earth. During the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He was once working and picked up a handful of pebbles, and we put them up to his companions, and they heard the pebble saying subhana wa, and this is one of the miracles of the

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process. But this is an indication that there isn't continual of praising his creation is continually praising the Creator, all of creation, the rocks, the trees, the animals, except that we don't. In the Koran, it says that we don't understand their test VA, or they're saying Subhana Allah, it has different languages, but Allah subhana wa tada he's created all things, to worship him to praise him for manhood up to gender with insert it then a man he says, we haven't created the gin and the mankind except that they should worship me. Allah subhana wa tada is continually showing the slave things that create an honest and awareness of Allah and from this, it comes forth from him.

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subhana wa, this is something that a Muslim says when he's amazed at something so powerful, because he's his intellect, his being Allah subhana wa tada is continually showing his the wonders in his creation, and it's causing him to say this thing.

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Then he says, prayer is light upon you, for us. prayer to Allah subhana wa tada is new, it's alive. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. He gives the movement light.

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In the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, haven't they seen the one who's who Allah subhanho wa Taala brought back to life and he gave him a light that he walked with it.

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So the movement has a light and inward light, and it comes from the prayer. And then he says, charity is approved, giving Subbu helping poor people. This is approved for the man on the family on the last day. And he says patience is illumination. Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, in the law, my father, surely Allah, he's with those who are patients, that when a man has patience, he becomes illuminated by it because he sees the wisdom. It's only that man, he's in continual agitation. When he loses his patience, he can't see the wisdom in what Allah has placed for him in his creation. And then he says, everyone starts his day, and as a vendor of his soul, or either freeing it or bringing

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about its ruin. So when the man begins his day, he's either bringing about his ruin, or he's doing things which are going to benefit him Yeoman Fiamma.

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And then he also says Oran is an argument for or against you, so that the Oran, he said that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the books that the Orion is the user, I'm in Canada, hi, do you have

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charity to warn the one who was alive, the one who was alive, his heart was alive, he could hear these signs that alarm was showing him it's a warning for him. And it's an older that Allah subhanho wa Taala his word may be fulfilled concerning the disbelievers so that the four iron is approved either for the man or against the man. It's approved for

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The one who believes in and who acts according to it, and it's a proof against the one who rejects it. And the Casio or the disbeliever, the one who rejects the signs of our loss. He's the one who is hired. In this he says, he's, he's the one who is he brings about his ruin, so that the man who doesn't take the form of Ireland as his basis, his criterion in his life, this man in the actor, or the next slide, he's from those who have lost who've been destroyed. So that we see in this hubby's the saying and 100 even though his night on the tongue has great meaning, thanks to the handlebar and 100 EDA Phil was between the heavens and the earth. And this prayer is light, that is a light in

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which man's he uses in his life to illuminate his his life and his matters, and that the four iron is an argument for or against a man. And for this reason, you must see that the Koran is to be as a message for the man to take to himself and implement it in his life. And in doing this, he has success and in leaving this is destroyed himself, like the Hadith tells us was set on modicon matoba Guevara council

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Mr. Rosman Rahim, Saraswati Ramana, Shara, India even more serene, as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. In sha Allah, today, we're going to look at the 24th Hadees, or prophetic tradition, come in and know his book, The 40 Hadith, it begins on the authority of Alberta as a party, may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet, May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, that from amongst the things he released from his Lord, may he be glorified, is that he said, All my servants, I have forbidden oppression for myself, and have made it forbidden amongst you. So do not oppress one another, or my service. All of you are astray, except for those I have guided. So seek

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guidance of me, and I shall guide you, all my servants, all of you are hungry, except for those I have failed. So seek food of me, and I shall feed you, all my servants, all of you are naked, except for those I have closed. So seek clothing of me, and I shall close you are my servants, you sin by night and by day, and I forgive all sins, so seek forgiveness of me, and I shall forgive you, oh, my service, you will not attain harming me, so as to harm me, and you will not attain benefiting me, so as to benefit me, all my servants, will the first of you, and the last of you, the human of you, and the jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any one man of you, that would not

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increase my kingdom in anything out of my servants, know the first of you, and the last of you, the human of you, and the gym of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any one man have you. That would not decrease my kingdom in anything. Oh, my service was the first of you and the last of you, that human of you and the jinn of you to rise up in one place, and make a request of me and where I to give everyone when you request it, that would not decrease that I have any more than a needle decreases the fees, if put into it, are my servants it is by your deeds that I reckon up for you, and then recompense you for so let him who finds good. Praise Allah, and let him who finds

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anything that blame no one but himself. It was related by Muslim.

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This Hadith begins by telling us that it's from one of the sayings he relates from his Lord, in other words, is the Hadees Coetzee's. This type of Hadith is not the it's a prophetic tradition. But it's not from the words of the Prophet is from the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala directly to the Prophet, except that the Prophet is relating it. So it's not from the Quran, and this is an important distinction. He begins by telling us, Allah subhana wa tada Oh my servant. He's talking to all mankind because we're all slaves of Allah subhana wa Tada. He says, I have forbidden oppression for myself, and Nate is forbidden amongst you. So do not press a press one another. Allah He tells

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us that he's made haram

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and that is oppression. And the one is from a word in Arabic which means darkness, because darkness, oppression is darkness. In one Hadith, the Prophet he tells us, our oppression vumat Yama, Yama is many darknesses on the date of death.

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he's telling us here Allah subhana wa tada that he is forbidden himself to oppress you say, Allah, He says in the Quran, neither of whom Anakin whom unfortunately can remove. We haven't oppressed them, but they themselves were oppressing. So Allah subhanho wa Taala he hasn't oppressed who says it's better themselves to oppress Allah also we are told by the Messenger of Allah, that there doesn't appear in a people fornication and interest taking interest amongst one another except that people have allowed or made permissible the punishment of Allah so that Allah subhana wa tada only sends calamities and trials and tribulations, because of the wrong actions of the people. And when

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the people begin to turn to Allah, Allah, He promises that he turns on them.

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So he tells us not to oppress one another. In the Arabic it says the lack of Alamo. This type of verb in Arabic is is a social verb. It's something that can only be done with people together. It says don't oppress one another, each other. So that in this heavy, he's telling us Allah subhanho wa Taala that we mustn't oppress one another. We mustn't take from this, what's not rightly ours. We mustn't steal from this, we must fight someone, except if we have right to find him. We mustn't do anything to another human being that we have no right to do. Allah subhana wa Tada. He tells us in the Quran that he isn't an oppressor. And this is because oppression is when a person takes

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something, or does something to someone, he has no right to do. Whereas, if we look at a loss of data in his creation, he can do what he wants around he says him for now, you said that you said I'm my bad news? No, he's not asked about what he does. But they will be asked, because Allah He created mankind he created the heavens and the earth. So there his property that he managed somehow to what Allah to Allah is what is in the heavens and the earth. This is what the Quran says. So we know that our mind is not a person who says, and he tells us not to impress one another. And then he says, Oh, my servants, our viewer astray. Except for those I've guided, so seek guidance of me. I shall guide

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you, or my session, or I

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did that for who I must test. So whoever Allah guides, he's the guide is one. So he's telling us to seek guidance. In the beginning prayer, we say Idina said our friend was talking guidance to the straight path to believer he's asking a lot for guidance. And he promised us, He promises that he'll guide us. Then he says, All my sermons are of you are hungry, hungry, except those icy, so ask me and I'll give you food. So Allah, he's telling us that we're all hungry, except those who feed a lie, he brings out the vegetables of the earth, or law, he creates the cattle, the sheep, the livestock that we take our provision from Allah, he's the one that creates them. So we have to turn

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to him and asked him,

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then he says that all of us are naked, except those who he has close to see clothing of him. And then he says that we stand by night and day, so seek forgiveness of Allah and Neil, forgive us. And then he says, we can't harm him. Allah cannot be harmed by what we do, nor can we benefit him. And he says, If every one of you was the most pious of all mankind, that that doesn't increase in a lot of Kingdom anything. Because Allah subhana wa Tada. He's about his creation. So our piety our good actions only benefit us. And then he says, if a man's wicked, it doesn't take from us kingdom, anything. So Allah, he's telling us about his vastness. And then he says, that, if a man he says,

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the deeds, that is that your deeds that I recommend up for you, and then recompense you for so let him go by his good praise Allah, and that him who finds other than that blame no one but himself. So basically, what we're being told in this hobby is that everything is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. But anything we find that is good, we must praise Allah for and anything that we find that is bad, we have no one to blame but ourselves. It's our own wrong actions. So that we blame oneself and turn to Allah and ask him to purify us, and we praise Allah subhana wa sarrah for anything good that we find. And in this hadith

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We have a principle in which Allah subhana wa tada is telling us to turn to him and seek him and him alone and not associate with him anything. And for that we ask Allah only and no other was said our modicum

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of our attention

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, salam wa Shara India even more serene. At brahmakumaris rahmatullah wa barakato. In sha Allah. Today we're going to look at the 25th prophetic tradition or Hadith. from the book of Eman, know the 40 Hadith, it begin on the 30th of May Allah be pleased with him. He said, some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah Mehta blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said to the Prophet, May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon his own messenger of Allah, the athletes have made officer rewards, they pray as we pray, they fast as we pass, and they give away in charity, the excess of the well. He said, has not Allah made things for you to give away and

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charities, truly every to see her are saying so the Hanover is the charities, every set Veera for saying Allahu Akbar is a charity, every time neither some saying 100 that is a charity, and every time leader or saying that

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there's a charity, to enjoy a good action is a charity. to forbid an evil action is a charity. And in the sexual acts of each of you, there is a charity. They said, a messenger of Allah, when one of us fulfills his sexual desire. Will he have some reward for that? He said, Do you not think that we need to act upon it unlawfully, he would be sinning. Likewise, if he has acted upon it lawfully, he will have a reward. This is related by Muslims. The hobbies begin by a group of the companions from the poor people of the companions. They came to the prophet and complained about the wealthy people that are fluent ones, that they did the same prayer that the poor ones did, that they fasted like

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the for people, but yet they had well to give out because getting out well in Islam is one of the best ways of drawing near to Allah subhana wa tada in the Koran, he's always telling us to give out the CBD dough. So this is a way of drawing close to our love.

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So they complain saying that they have this well, so the Messenger of Allah told them that every single thing that you give away in charity, that it's not just giving out from money that charity is saying Subhana Allah, it's a South Africa and South Africa is a word which comes from the Arabic word to speak the truth. So South Africa, which is translated charity is actually means a verification of someone's Eman his belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he says, saying Subhan Allah are saying Allahu Akbar are saying and 100 ido are saying that

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all of these things are charities with Allah subhanho wa Taala and they're considered

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As Hasina or good action on the Day of Judgment, and then he said to enjoy the good action is a charity. So that anytime you tell somebody even by saying to somebody stand out from your wealth, or help this poor man or do this, even though he doesn't have the capacity to do it, by simply telling a man to do it, he is getting a reward for that. Then he says, forbidding an evil action is a charity, so that by seeing something wrong, a man he's getting a good action if he stops it, or he tells somebody to stop it. Or if he speaks out with his tongue, that this is a charity. And then he says, and in the sexual app, of each of you, there is a charity. So he's telling us, and this is a

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very important point, that should be made, as if the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He tells us here that in the sexual act as a charity, and this brings to mind something that's very important to remember is that the Muslim does not view sexuality, like the Christian views, that in Christianity, sexuality is considered a bad thing is considered impure. And this is based on the false doctrine of the original sin. The Muslim does not believe in the original sin. And the Muslim believes that every child is born cure. The Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said in one Hadees every child is born a Muslim, meaning submitted to our law. And it's his father

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and mother that makes him a Jew, or a Christian, or a fire worshiper. So that in this Hadith, we're told that the human being when he's born, is born pure, is not born in original sin, that this is one of the great errors of the Christian. And the Muslim doesn't accept this. So that he tells us that in proper sexual relations with someone who's permissible for you, for the woman with her husband, and for the husband, with his wife, so that in this there's a charity, and this is saying that because it's a pure act, because it's not outside the parameters which Allah subhana wa tada has laid down and forbidden for man, so that a man when he goes to commit fornication, it's a wrong

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act, and therefore, he has his punished for it. If he doesn't make a Toba or repentance to Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is one of the best things of the Prophet of Allah, Mohammed Salah lighters had done, that he came to teach mankind all aspects of his life. So that this aspect is not put aside. In one tradition, the prophet tells his companions, and all of the Muslims, he says, Don't go to your women, like the camel goes to the she camel, that you take your pleasure and then leave her. The Prophet told the man that he must be with his wife in a good way. And then he shouldn't simply use her, like the camera would use the she camel, but he should treat her well. And he should give

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her pleasure in this app. And then he says, one of the companions, he's amazed at what the Prophet he tells him, he says, All messenger of Allah, out of an amazement, none of us fulfills his sexual desire, when he has some reward for that. So he's, he's surprised at this, because he gets a pleasure out of this. And usually things that have big rewards in them or have a reward in them are difficult things. So that giving out money might be a difficult thing, because a person tends to hold on to his money, or getting up in the night to do prayers is a difficult thing. So he asked them in this thing, well, we get pleasure, do we get our award? And he says, Do you not think that

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if you were to do it unlawfully, there would be a wrong action. So that doing it lawfully, you get a right action, so that this is a sadhaka, or a charity, and it goes in the your, on the last day from your house or not or from your good actions. So that this Heidi's from the beginning. He's turning us these simple things like saying Subhan Allah are saying and humbly that this is praising Allah, that the human being that the Muslim is in continual praise of Allah. And for this reason, he is continually increasing his good action. He's increasing his good actions for the Day of Judgment, where he will meet Miss Lord and allow him to challenge the Prophet he said that,

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that everything has a purpose or a charity, and that he said the highest of it is setting law.

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And he said, believing in our law that this is the highest aspect. And we said the lease is taking something out of the road, like a rock or a stone so that other people can walk by so that the Muslim is all always constantly gathering good actions.

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He's constantly doing right action and doing things that he knows on the day of judgment will be put in the book of good deeds. So that in this hadith we see that all of these small things are able to be done by the format, that the wealth the people are well have their wealth to give out. The format has so many other chances to Jane Fonda are getting charity with Allah subhana wa Tada. So that by saying Subhan Allah by saying Allahu Akbar, even by going to your wife, if she's halau for you, if she's permissible, and experiencing that pleasure that he gets a right action written for him. So in all of these things, we see that the saga can be gathered up through these small actions, and that

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continuously rather Muslim is doing these he's gaining in his good deeds on the piano. And so he comes on the piano and finds mountains of good actions based on these small things that he doesn't see being that big. So we asked Allah subhana wa Taala to give us success in these things, and we thank Allah subhana wa tada for this opportunity for salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah R Rahman, Rahim,

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salam, WA Salatu dandiya even more serene, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today, inshallah, we're going to look at the 25th hadith of prophetic tradition from him now with both the 40 Hadith. It begins on the authority of Abu huraira. May Allah be pleased with him who said, the Messenger of Allah May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said, each person, every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up. To add just in between two people is a charity to help a man with his mouth, lifting him onto it, or hoisting up his belongings onto it is a charity. A good word is a charity. every step you take to prayers is a charity. and removing a harmful thing

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from the road is a charity. This Hadees was related by edible hottie and Muslim.

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The Hadith begins by the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him telling us that each person, every joint in his body has a charity or a sadhaka obligatory on him to the net must do every day. So that he begins by saying to adjust the between two people as a charity. In other words, when you find two people that there's trouble between them or dissension to actually resolve that trouble or to help resolve that trouble is a charity. And he tells us that to help a man with his mounds, if you see a man who's trying to get on to his mouth, his camel or his horse, or in this age, we could say, into his car, and he has things he needs to load or things helping that man do

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that is a charity, or Subbu. Then he says,

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a good word is a charity, so that having good speech to people, in other words, giving people counsel having a smiling face to people, showing people sincerity in one's words and one's actions. All of this is charity. He says every step you take the prayer is a charity, and removal, removing the harmful thing from the road is a charity. So this finding something like broken glass, or a stone in the road that might harm somebody removing that is a charity. This has been, according to him, No, he is one of the great principles of Islam. And he says that every Muslim must be concerned about fulfilling these charities each day. Some of the scholars of Islam mentioned that there were

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360 parts of the body that were obligatory each day to do a charity or sadaqa wisdom. So in this Hadith, the pope is telling us that the charity isn't perhaps what we might think, immediately that its wealth, giving out wealth or something, know that it's in fact many simple things that is composed of helping people in one's daily life, we find that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. None of the things that they didn't accept was charity. And the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, neither accepted charity, nor allowed the people of his immediate family that Allah Bay to accept charity. And there's a story that comes the Sandman

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and fantasy, one of the great companions who was from Persia, who had been seeking this last prophet, because he had heard of the coming of this prophet had been told by a priest in Syria, that the three signs of this prophet One was that he would come out from the arrows in the city that had dates that was known for us to date. And that to you wouldn't accept charity that he wouldn't accept South Africa.

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And three that he had between his his shoulder blades, the Seal of processes. So when Sandman was later taken as a slave, during on his passage from Syria, to what's now Saudi Arabia, he was taken as a slave by a Jew that he's given money for to give him passes safe passage. When he arrived in Medina, or at that time yesterday, he had heard about a man who was saying, to be a prophet. And we immediately thought perhaps this is the Prophet that I was told about in Syria. So the first day he went to see this prophet, and he spoke to him. And the thing, what he did was, he came with the date. And he said, this is sadaqa. And the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, took

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the day, and pass them out amongst his companions, but he himself didn't eat from them. And then he said, The next day, he came also with dates. And he said, this is a gift idea. And the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him aid from these dates. So then he knew the first time that this was the sign of the prophecy of Mohammed, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him that he didn't take South Africa. And then the next day, he came back, and we spoke with him about this matter. And then the Prophet lifted the back of his cloak and showed him the seal of prophecy. And Sandman and Pharisees immediately became Muslim. From this, we say that the reason that the Prophet didn't

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accept the charity was because first he was commanded by Allah. And the wisdom in it was that the Prophet said that charity was from the bad things that people's wealth. In other words, charity was a way of purifying one's wealth, and one's actions. So that doing this other path, in fact, is purifying one's self, one's body, that each, the hand has a charity, so that anything that the hand does, which is bad, it must be followed out by some good action. And this is why we saw in a previous Hadith, that the Prophet commanded his companions to follow up a bad action with a good action in order to wipe it out. So that doing these charities every day, is a way of keeping oneself

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in continual purification.

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The sellers of Islam see that that cat is divided into two categories, that counts of the wealth, which is the cost of giving out the poor tax, which is obligatory on every Muslim from one of the pillars of Islam, which is that God, so it's paying out the tax for poor people. But this sebata is, in fact, what's called the cause of the body. So that it's, it's obligatory, but on a lesser degrees. In other words, it is on each human being on each Muslim individually, to go out and give this Subbu or this record, and the word comes from a word which means to purify. So Allah subhana wa sallam is he says that, that he said, from the non believers

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in Jena rasuna, he said, from the, from the illiterate ones, a messenger, who he said that he uses a key him that he terrifies them, that this Tez kiya or purification is what the messenger did. And he did it by showing people how to behave. So he tells them in this hobby that every single person must perform according to every joint in his body, a charity. And he's saying that the charities are things like acting just that, in fact, it's helping people that is going out to people so that it's being aware of each other's needs, that when you see someone in need, you go out to him, you attempt to help him in, in what he's doing, someone might be in need of well, so the Muslim, he goes out to

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this person, and he helps them. One of the great things in the Islamic Sharia is what's called Getting out for the people whose hearts are being found that the Muslim should be correct and kind to someone who's close to becoming Muslim, or is living amongst the Muslims, he should be extra aware of that person's needs. Because he's, he's trying to, to draw his heart near to the truth, so that when a person is difficult, or when he's not open to people, then this is a way of sending people away, so that the Muslim is continually giving charity giving Sabah and South Africa is a word which comes from the word verification or to verify. So it's in a way it's a verification of

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one's Eman.

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So the purpose he's in blessings of Allah be upon him says any step that a person takes to prayers is a sebata. So going to your prayer is there and that will move

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harmful things from the road is a SATA path. So each one of these things we see that in our lives we must be giving sadaqa because Allah has given us the blessing of the party we're able to use it and wrong and for that reason we must attempt in our lives to continually do every day these things these acts these charitable ads for our bodies in order in the next world that we have success was said on Friday from masala

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Rahim was

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even more serene. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato insha. Allah Today we're going to look at the 27th. Habib or prophetic tradition from No, no his book, The 40 Hadees. It begins by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him telling us righteousness is good morality and wrongdoing is that which wavers in your soul and what you dislike people finding out about? It was related by Mr.

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Then on the authority of lobbyists, it didn't matter that may Allah be pleased with him who said, I came to the Messenger of Allah, Allah blessings and peace of Allah be upon him. And he said, You have come to ask about righteousness. I said, Yes. He said, consult your heart. righteousness is that about which the heart feels tranquil and the soul feels tranquil. And wrongdoing is that which wavers in the soul and moves to and fro in the breath, even though people again and again have given you their legal opinion in its favor. This was related by Mr. Smith.

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It begins by telling us at dinner officinal hudak. That righteousness is good morality. And this word in Arabic fussiness not just means good morality, but means good character. It means noble qualities. It has all of these meanings contained in it. And the best description of this bill comes in the form. Instead of that Baccarat, or the cow where our law he says, that righteousness or build is not that you turn your faces to the east or the west, but truly righteous are those who believe in Allah, and the last day, and the angels and the books and the prophets, and spend their wealth for the love of him on the kindred, the wayfarer, and those who asked, and for procuring the freedom

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of captives, and we'll observe prayer and faith as a cause. And whenever they make a promise, carry it out, and are steadfast in adversity, and who have proved faithful, and it is these who are righteous. So that in the Quran, Allah explains or tells us what there is. And this is what the prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him is saying in this Hadees, that his personal huddle, and all of these things described in the Quran, are things to do with the good character of man. So that Allah He said that there for righteousness is not simply praying or turning one direction or facing Mecca in our prayers, but it's actually the behavior of the man. So many people they pray,

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and they think that this is what's making them a good Muslim, because they pray five prayers a day, and then in their behavior, their daily behavior to people is abominable. It has nothing to do with the behavior of the Beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, his character with the best character, we have in one story that came down in the true Hadith or tradition, that one of the Bedouin people who are known to be very rough people came into the mosque in Medina, and he went into a corner and began to urinate in the mosque. And many of the Sahaba immediately pulled out their swords, wanting to cut this man's head off, because he was urinating in a in a holy place in

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the mouth. And the Prophet immediately stopped them. And he took his clothes, and he raised it up and covered this man, until he completed his act. When he finished that, he spoke to him in a very kind way, and explained to him that this place was a pure place, and that we didn't do those things in it. And then he told his companions to cover it with water to purify the place, this bedroom and then went, and he raised his hands and he said, Allah, Allah have mercy on Mohammed and army and no one else. And the Prophet he said, You've made narrow what is why, what is that? In other words, Allah is over everything. But in this story, the COVID, showing his companions, the good character,

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how to behave towards people, and this is what he's telling us that righteousness is not simply praying. It's not simply thinking that one's a good Muslim or believing, like so many people now do but it's good. It's moral character is good qualities. And we see that this is one of the great problems of the Christians is that they think that just simply in believing in something that doesn't actually affect human they, how they behave towards people that this is what gets a person into paradise, and the Muslim does not believe

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This, he sees that good action is what takes a man to paradise. So so many people, they come on to Yama, Yama, with their prayers, and with the fasting and the Prophet, he said, but they curse this one, or they swore at this one, or they struck this one. And so all of that praying and fasting goes, it's useless has no value, because it doesn't change their behavior. So the prophets telling us in this Hadith, that is good behavior, that this is what righteousness is. And then he says, and wrongdoing, in other words, what other than that is that was wavers in your soul, and what you dislike people finding out about, so that the heart of the movement is a believer, His heart is

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healthy. And it's a it's a, it's something that he uses as an indicator in his life. So that if he's about to do an action, and he feels that his heart wavers about it, then he knows that he should stop and not do that action. And we find in the early community, so many stories of this, so many stories, where they, when they found doubt about something, they stopped doing it. And this is something that people have lost in this time, because their hearts are no longer in tune. The heart is an organ, that like any other muscle in the body, it needs exercise, or it gets slapped. So that the exercise of the heart is good action, it's remembering our love. And when people do this, their

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emotion increases, and the heart becomes clear. And he begins to use it as his way his guide in his life. Then he says in the next section of the Hadith, that a man came to the Prophet, and before he asked him, the prophet said to him, you've come to ask about righteousness. And this is one of the miracles of the purpose is that he, he continually knew when he spoke to somebody, he knew what was in their heart, he knew how to speak to them. So he said, You've come to ask about righteousness. And the man said, Yes, he said, consult your hearts. In other words, look at what your heart is telling you. And this is, again, a very fundamental principle. According to the Muslims, the Muslim

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believes that the healthy heart is an indicator, it knows right and wrong. And so he's saying, consult your heart. Look at what your heart says. And in doing this, you'll find what's right or what's wrong. And he says, even if people again and again, give you legal opinion, saying that this is a correct thing to do, are saying that this is something that is permissible, so that if a man wants to know about something, and he goes, he feels that there's doubt in it, and then he goes to a mystery or someone about legal opinion, and he says, No, it's perfectly halau, or perfectly correct. And then he feels in his heart, that there's doubt, because there's some doubtful matter concerning

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this thing, then he should follow his heart, even if this man is telling him that it's all right. The only people would always ask the people a vicar or remembrance about things. It comes in the book of law, or scrupulousness, are admitted and Hanban that one man asked him about honey that was coming from the land of the Romans, or the land of the Christians, was it permissible for him to eat it? And he said, Yes. But this is from a deep, deep scrupulousness and awareness of his Lord, he's afraid even to eat something that the bees have made, because it's coming from a land that it has doubtful matters in it. And this was the way that early Muslims were, they were concerned about

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their hearts a lie. He says, in the Koran, the hearts have become corrupted because of what the hand has been doing because of what people have been doing in their own actions. And so that in this Hadith, again, we're reminded like so many times by the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that righteousness is good behavior. It is moral behavior. And that this is how the human being draws near to Allah, by doing righteous acts by doing acts that have noble qualities of men in them, by giving out by helping the people by helping the oppressed by stopping aggression, these this is the way that the man arrives to his Lord. And so in looking at this Hadith, the important

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thing is that the Prophet is telling us look to your hearts. And if your heart says that it's all right, then it's alright. But this is based on a healthy heart that only comes from remembering one's Lord. And we hope that

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gives us the strength to purify our hearts, in our lives through the Kabbalah was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim o salat wa salam wa Shara and even more serene assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today inshallah tada we're going to look at the 20th hadith of prophetic tradition from him know his book, The 40 Hadith. It begins on the authority of abode Nadia,

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may Allah be pleased with him who said the Messenger of Allah

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May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, gave us a sermon by which our hearts were filled with fear and tears came to our eyes. We said, O Messenger of Allah. It is as though this is a farewell sermon, so counsel us, he said, I counsel you to fear of mine, then he'd be glorified, and to give him an absolute obedience,

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and to give absolute obedience, even if a state becomes your leader, Verily, he among you who lives long will see great controversy. So you must keep to my sooner and to the sooner of the rightly guided Rashida, the Kelly's thing to them stubbornly beware of newly invented matters. For every inventive matter is an innovation. And every innovation is a going astray, and every going astray is in the hellfire. This was related by Abu Dhabi and the Navy. It begins by one of the companions telling us that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave them a sermon. This sermon was so strong, that it caused the great fear to come about in the hearts of those listening

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of the believers. And they realize that perhaps this was the last sermon of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. There was this approach that was near to going to his Lord. So they said, Give us some counsel.

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From we see from this, that the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that when he spoke because of the truthfulness of his words, it affected the people listening. So many people who give talks or who give sermons have seen the hearts they don't have the sincerity, so it has no effect. The actual effect is that somebody who's talking who's speaking with the truth, it creates a fear, it arises a fear because the President was reminding people that are going back to their Lord, that they're going to be taken to account for their actions. And then he said, Give us some counsel. So he said, Fear Allah,

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may Allah maybe be glorified. This feeling of Allah subhana wa tada is the tough love. It's the support of Allah. It's an awareness of Allah, that he is with us constantly, that he knows every single action of the human being. So the Prophet is reminding us be fearful of him. Because fearing of Allah, in the Quran, Allah says, In the mayor shall allow him in a bed here. Surely those who fear around from his faves are the ones who know. And then another, it says, we're suffering now when you allow, Fear Allah, Allah and Allah will teach you so that Allah is telling us that those who know Allah have the greatest fear of him. But yet having fear of Allah is one of the ways of

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gaining knowledge of Allah subhana wa Tada. So he's telling us to fear Allah. And then he says, and give absolute obedience, even if a slave becomes your leader. In other words, those who have been saved over us, some of those we must have absolute obedience to them. But this obedience is based on their obedience to Allah subhana wa Tada. In one Hadith, the Prophet says, that there is no obedience to a creative thing, in the disobedience of the creator of Creative things. So that as a man is been placed over us, as an Amir, or as a leader, and he leaves the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he commands people to disobedience, then it's no longer obligatory for the movement to be

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obedient to Him. In one prophetic tradition, we find that almost even after he had become the mayor, or the halifa of the Muslims, he was once giving a talk in the mosque. And previous to the talk, he had distributed amongst the people of Medina cloth from the Yemen. And this cloth was justly distributed amongst the people of Medina, because it was a gift from one of the rulers in the Yemen. When Omar gave the speech, he was telling people you must have obedience to those who lead and one of the men stepped up from the the followers and said, there is no hearing and there is no obedience to you are almost. And he was shocked at this. And he said, Why is that? And he said, You

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distributed amongst the people of Medina cloth and we see that you've taken two portions for yourself because his robe was long.

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At that point, Omar looked down, and his son, even Omar, who was in the crowd stood up and he said, My father's a tall man. And the cloth wasn't enough for him to make a full row. So I gave him my portion. And when he said back, the man said to him, we hear and we obey. And Omar another time while he was on the minbar. He said, What do you say if your leader goes astray? Alma isn't a top and one of the men stood up and he pulled his sword out and he said, then we'll straighten you with this and armor or the Aloha

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Who said, *. Praise be to Allah that there are still people in this oma, that will straighten that Amir if he goes astray, so that this obedience to the Amir is based on the Amir's obedience to Allah and His Messenger, so that the Muslim when he sees that the leaders are following the teachings of Islam, he must hear and obey them in what they say, because they have been placed over us, and that there's a wisdom in Allah placing them over us.

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In the Koran, Allah tells us that he said to the angels, I'm placing in the earth atellica for a leader who was Adam, and the angel said, You place one in the earth that's going to spread blood, shed and spill the blood of people and do corrupt things. And Allah says, I know what you don't know. So Allah is telling us that he has a wisdom in those places over that even the angels though they just agreed, Allah He says, I know what you don't know. So that the Muslim, he must hear and obey the rulers of the Muslim, if they are hearing and obeying Allah Subhana, WA tada and His Messenger, that the point that they go outside of the parameters of our line is messenger, and

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command people to do things against a lion is messenger, then the movement must, at that point, only follow Allah and His Messenger, but yet not creating sedition that Islam is, is a theme or a way that is continually avoiding separation, avoiding sedition, the sinner, the sedition amongst people is the worst thing. And it's not, it's worse than killing. So the splitting of Muslims is the worst thing that can take place that can come about in the Muslim society. And this is one of the great downfalls of the Muslims, when they began to fight one another. And the President was continually telling us that we must hold together. And our law he says in or as a personal habit is that we're

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there to hold close to the rope of Allah and don't split it up. So separate, that this is the obligation of the Muslim. And then he tells us, that we must follow the rightly guided qualifiers. And there are the four of the worker, and Omar and earthman, and Ali, and some add to that Omar, even Abdul Aziz as the fifth right, the guy that Khalifa, these have certain things that they initiated, and these are signals that are accepted by the Muslims because of their he has, or they're struggling to arrive at a correct in the murder. And then he says, beware of newly invented matters, or in other words, that that and these methods or data or innovations must be avoided at

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all costs. Because the Prophet is warning us in innovating in the deen because the dean is perfect. Allah subhana wa Tada. He says that he completed the deen and Yom admits with

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the nickel, he said, Today I've completed for you, your dean. So that Islam is a complete game, it's it's in its entirety, it has nothing left out and needs nothing to be added to it. And for this reason, he says beware of new these matters. So that each one of these things, this is in very important councils because this is one of the last sermons of the Prophet and in its contains essential councils that we must follow the leaders when they follow along his messenger and that we must avoid innovation and that we must fear Allah subhana wa tada and in doing that, we have success was set out by the

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MDR even more serene, Rama Rama Toma.

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Today inshallah, we're going to look at the 29th hajis, or prophetic tradition from him know his book, The 40 Hadees. It begins on the authority of wise evangelists, male while displeased with him who said, I said, O Messenger of Allah, tell me of an act, which will take me into paradise and keep me away from * fire. He said, You have asked me about a major matter. Yet it is easy for him for whom Allah Almighty makes it easy. You should worship Allah, associating nothing with him, you should pretend the prayers you should pay this icon. You should pay you should fast in Ramadan, and you should make the pilgrimage to the house. Then he said, shall I not show you the gates of

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goodness, fasting, which is a shield charity, which extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire, and the praying of a man in the depths of the night. Then you recite it from the man who forsakes their beds to cry on to their Lord in fear and hope and stand up that we have bestowed on them. No soul knows what is kept hid for them of joy.

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As a reward, so what they used to do that he said, shall I not tell you the truth of the matter? Its pillar and its top most part. I said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said, The fact of the matter is Islam. The pillar is prayer, and its top most part is jihad. Then he said, Sharon not tell you at the controlling of all that. I said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He took hold of his tongue and said, restrain this. I said, Oh prophet of Allah, will what we say be held against us. He said, may your mother be bereaved of you? Is there anything that topples people on their faces, when he said on their noses into Hellfire, other than the harvest of their tone that was related by a tirmidhi. And

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it's a good unsound heavy. This heavy begins by wiser than Jabba who was one of the great companions of the Prophet. And the Prophet sent him to the Yemen to teach Islam and to act as a judge over the people.

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He asked the prophet to tell him something which is going to take into the garden, to paradise, and to keep them away from the fire. So the Prophet responded, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, he said, this is a great matter. And he means in that this is the matter of our lives, that a man was created, he was born to worship Allah Subhana, WA Tada. And because of that worship, he is going to enter the garden. And by leaving that worship, he is going to answer the fire, that there's only two alternatives A man has in his life, these two choices, either paradise, or the fire. And the moment that the person is conceived in the womb, that his mother, these things are written for him,

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so that when he comes out and has been born, he is going to die. This is the one inevitable thing that we all share, as human beings that we were born and that we will die. And that this, what he's asking him about is what this affair is about. It's the reason that man was created. And there's no other reason or law, he says that he hasn't created the gym in the in except to worship Him. And that is worshiping is this awareness that Allah subhana wa tada is going to take each individual human being on the Day of Judgment, to account for their actions. So he says, This is easy for him, Allah makes it easy. In other words, the men who are allowed to have success in this matter, find

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ease. And then he says, You should worship a bomb, associating nothing with him. So that this worshipping of Allah doesn't simply mean to play, and doesn't simply mean to pass. But it means to be aware of Allah subhanho wa Taala continuously in our lives, so that every action is done in accordance with this awareness. When the man has an awareness of Allah subhanho wa Taala, it will take him to good action to correct behavior. And then he says he should pay this out money, helping the poor, helping the needy, helping those who are less than we do in this life. And how many of them in this time that we're living in there, so that by simply somebody giving something that they

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don't need, they can create. And then he says, fast in Ramadan, so that he pray, fasting, stopping eating in the one month, the next person, so those who are hungry, those in need, and he says, making pilgrimage physically, that the five pillars of Islam, that this is one of the this will get a mess, shall I not tell you or show you the gates of goodness, in other words, into paradise by these days, and he says, charity, South Africa, which we spoke about in an earlier has been giving out helping people.

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And then he says that it's the passing is a shield, that, in other words, it protects a man from wrong actions. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the in the Quran that fasting was written upon it was prescribed for you that perhaps you might have fear, so that fasting is brings about a fear in the heart. And then he says charity extinguishes sin, as a fire is extinguished by water. And then pray a man praying in the depths of the Knights turning to his Lord, that this is a matter it's this is the most important matter that we are going back to Allah, Allah Subhana, Allah, God is going to take us to account. So he's saying that those who get up and Allah He says, Who forsake their beds

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to cry on to their Lord with fear and hope. In other words, they have fear of Allah because they know his power, they know his greatness, and if they have hope in them, because they know His mercy. And then he says, No Solon before I know so notice what is kept hid for them a joy for the one doing this. He doesn't know our lives is as made paradise his garden under which rivers flow that Allah has made this for those who believe in him and struggling as well. And then he tells him that this Chai not tell you what the the filler is and the matter and the uppermost part.

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He said, the peak of the matter is Islam these five things. And the pillar is the prayer. And the top most part is jihad. jihad is struggling in the way of Allah to stop oppression, to completely eradicate aggression. And to stop the the the passion, the exploitation on this earth, or last isn't foreign for that as one in the other body means that there is no passion, there is no aggression, except on those who are oppressing. So this is Jihad stopping oppression. And this is the uppermost This is the highest aspect of Islam is establishing social justice. And this is what man is, is required to do as a Muslim, he must stop social oppression, he must stop exploitation. This is part

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of his Deen of his way. It's not simply praying and fasting. No, it's establishing social justice. And then he says, shall I not tell you how to control all of that? And he says, Yes, or message out our love. And he took hold of his tone. And we said this, take hold of this. And why he was shocked. He said, What are people going to be taken to account for what their tongues say? And he said, may your mother be bereaved of you? Was he surprised that was doesn't understand this, this principle? And he says, Is there anything that troubled people on their faces in the fire except for the harvest of their tones, so that people are aware that the tone is taking them either to the garden

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or the fire, and this goes back to the Hadees whoever believes in our mind the last day said him speak good or Be quiet. And he mentioned the last day, because on the last day, every single word is recorded. Allah subhana wa tada has angels recording these words, and he knows what the man is saying. So that he's telling us here, take hold of your tone, be silent, if you want to say bad things, be silent about it. The tone is what creates dissension. The tone is what splits people. Each one of these things in this Hadith, the prophet, male especially NPC, a province is telling us how to gain the garden, how to gain paradise, and how to stay away from the fire. And he's saying

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that it's based on following the principles of Islam and struggling in the way of our bond, and on holding the tongue and burning the tongue and the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. never spoke bad about people. And he ordered his companions not to speak out about people and he said, Whoever is silence has success. For said Ahmad Aiko matoba

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