Why the UK should NOT BAN Hizbut Tahrir

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The speaker discusses the dangerous precedent of the legal process and the importance of letting people know about it. They also mention the defense of one's victory and the reasons behind a trial. The speaker warns against har haringous anti- semstanders and warns against anti- Islam offenses.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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This is a very dangerous precedent. Why? Because we don't see

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legal due process. And you know it if it is even a British values to follow the rule of law. So what is the rule of law here? Have they held his victory accountable before a court? And they accused them of what they accused them? And then they listen to the defense of his victory? This should be this should be the case.

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If they managed to do that, then what does that mean? It means that they are infringing on a very basic right. British citizens have already have and they are trying to limit this right, which is freedom of speech.

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Yes, we agree that certain elements of freedom of speech should be controlled limited, but that doesn't mean that you criminalize anyone who is observing freedom of speech as far as he did not incite

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a criminal offense or he is promoting, promoting crimes. They also said that has with the harir is an anti semitic, okay. These are the two main reasons now anti semitic, they could not prove it. What is where is the proof that has been realism, anti semitic. And see the government wants to make any criticism of Islam eel? Yeah, not any criticism. They want. Slowly, slowly to stop any criticism for this trial by starting by threatening people that once you criticize Israel openly and strongly,

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then you might be labeled as anti Semite, hence, you have to be careful not to criticize Islam him