Haitham al-Haddad – The Virtues of Hajj – The Best Ten Days #08

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the importance of fasting during the AD and the Prophet sallahu Sallam. The speaker also touches on the hedge program, including a proposal to bring in a man as a candidate for a lawsuit, and the importance of the leadger and the upcoming weekend. The speaker addresses a question about abandoning everything and dedicating time to HUD and liquor, as well as the upcoming hedge demo and shaving act.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah nmba on mursaleen Vietnam Hamad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sallam he was a llama cinnamon kathira he respected the brothers and sisters As salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And let us continue our discussion regarding the virtues of the first 10 days of the mighty respected brothers and sisters, we said that the first 10 days of the hijjah are

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among the days that Allah Allah, Allah selected. And Allah, Allah, Allah wanted us to do specific about that on those 10 days in these 10 days of the hedger, Allah, Allah Allah selected them as he selected other days, and the Lord Allah, Allah specified certain good deeds to be performed in these 10 days of the ledger. The best of those deeds that can be performed in these 10 days of the ledger is of course I had

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had to go for head. Yes, in Ramadan, the best deed to be performed during the month of Ramadan is fasting, Ramadan, which is one of the pillars of Islam, and Al Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam as well.

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my dear respected brothers and sisters, normally their time of pillars is the most virtuous time of that period. So the time of Ramadan is the most virtuous time of that specific period. And the time of head is very, very virtuous or is among the very virtuous times because of l had.

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Now Subhana Allah it is the wisdom of Allah, Allah Allah, that Allah Allah Allah gives alternatives for people who can't perform that act for whatever reason. So in the month of Ramadan, those who cannot fast

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due to any reason either due to illness or due to traveling Allah Allah Allah says from Academy committee on Oh Allah seven in fact the two main aim and o for those who are on journey or sick, they can make up in later on, but it doesn't mean that they lose completely. No, it still they can perform am ln the steps they can perform a bad in the days themselves. Similarly, Allah Allah Allah gave some alternative for those who cannot go for Hajj.

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Yes, so those who cannot go for Hajj, it doesn't mean that they lose no still they have the first 10 days of the ages in which they can make a lot of liquid a lot of a bother for Allah, Allah, Allah and there is also the sacrifice over here, which is one of the most beloved acts to Allah, Allah Allah, it can be performed or it should be performed by those who cannot go for a hedge. Many scholars said that in order for people to want to simulate the people who went for HUD in order for people who cannot go for Hajj to simulate the people who go for Hajj. Subhana vida de and this is out of Lima of Allah, Allah Allah. And this shows how Allah Allah how much Allah Allah Allah is so

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merciful, and how much Allah Allah Allah is giving us opportunities to get into gender, not just to get into gender to get into the highest places in gender.

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The first 10 days of the hijab are the days that we can do the height, perform the height, and if before performing before performing the height we can do the AMA, my dear, my dear brothers and sisters had

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as we all know, it is one of the most virtuous activities that we can do. One companion came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he said to him, what is the best of deeds? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Amen and build up. Then, what trs will allow the man asked, he said, the prophet SAW Selim said, Do you have them? He said he did. And then he said, what your rasulillah after that. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said had

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had in their their Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Alhamdulillah brutalize Allah, which is our own internal agenda. The Muhammad Muhammad means that how did that was done according to the Sunnah, and free from committing sins in it. This is how the scholars define that headroom abroad. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Alhamdulillah growth. lace Allah who does our own alien gender means has no reward less than gender. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said also about the one who goes for Hajj. Yes, and he does not involve himself in sins, and he does not involve himself in sexual activities during specific times. man had Flm er for me of shock. Raja

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amin, do nobuhiko mula de tomo, he will come out,

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he will come out to head as a new born person in terms of his sins means he will have his sins cleaned out somehow and a lot. And there is a long Hadith that talks about the virtues of Alhaji when the person leaves his house, every single step he takes towards Alhaji towards el Beit El haram or his car, his his camel or his his, his mount takes towards a head, then every single step will give him one Hashanah and remove once a year from him and so on. So these are some of the virtues of a hedge. When do we do as we all know that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that Allah Allah Allah says, Allah had to asuran Alma del Hajj is performed in specific times. And the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, I'll head you out of the main pillar of El Hajj is, is staying in alpha on the day of alpha, which is what the ninth day of the hijab which is among the first 10 days of the idea, and then

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on the day of eight, we do what we do, which is the day of eight, which is the 10th day of the ledger. We do

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stoning around mula Murat and Rama Rama Rajan that long Hadith we just mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said As for you, when you stone, it will be kept for you means it will have a great reward. So we do a mural demo. We also do shaving the head, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said as for shaving your head, you will receive a single has an A for each thread of hair that folds down. Okay, we also do what we do the sacrifice and the sacrifice is one of the most beloved act to Allah. Allah when it comes to meeting gentleman secondly at Carlos mon LA, Atlanta, Georgia coming back from Atlanta for each oma, we made we appointed a man second place and the time for them to

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sacrifice the animals for the sake of a law and jell O Allah. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said the best of hedges I do, I do when you raise your voice by tell by Italia. And third when you sacrifice animals for the sake of Allah, Allah, Allah, all these to be done on the day of an eat the 10th day of the Hydra for the Hajaj. And also on that today, we can do the tawaf, which is one of the pillars of hedge, and then we go back to stay in minute. Anyway, these are some of what we do in the first 10 days of the ledger. So we'll have the other stain was delicate takes place in the ninth day of the ledger. In the night of the 10th day of the ledger, we perform the stank and was Delica

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Lee, of course, Malaya live koala and del Machado, Harlem and much other Harlem and the staying in. Miss Delica takes place in what in them in the night of the 10th day of the ledger. And on the 10th day of the ledger, we perform the acts that we have mentioned. That's why the last period of the last 10 days of the ledger is very, very virtuous.

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But what about those who cannot go for Hajj? That's why the whole period is left for every single one who wants to come closer to Allah, Allah Allah. That's why the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, as we said in one narration, he said there are no deeds that Allah Allah Allah likes more than the deeds that are performed.

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In what, in the first 10 days of the ledger, when the Sahaba said, even they will be more beloved to Allah, Allah Allah than jihad. He said yes, they will be more beloved to Allah, Allah Allah than jihad, except for a person who went for Jihad with his wealth, and he lost his self, and he lost that, or he lost his life, and he lost his his wealth as well.

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And in the other Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, there are no days in which the good deeds are greater and more beloved to Allah, Allah, Allah to be performed than the days of these 10 days of the ledger. So increase that or do plenty of delille and tech we

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need so

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Allah, Allah, Allah left those 10 days for every single one, those who can go for HUD, and those who cannot go for HUD, which means that the first deed to be performed by all is to do plenty of liquor of a law, the law, and especially saying La la la la, la la la la la la, la La, La La Cucina, Kadir, saying, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, saying Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah in particular, those as God and you can add to them Subhana Allah Subhana Allah because it is mentioned in some other Hadith and the vicar of Allah, Allah, Allah in general, should be our main focus in these 10 days of the lecture.

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Whether we are doing head or whether we are not doing HUD, that should be our focus. Now we have a question, shall we abandon everything else?

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And just dedicate our time during these 10 days to do dhikr of Allah, Allah Allah, the question that may come here, shall we stop working in these 10 days and just do plenty of liquor? do plenty of Nevada.

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This is a very valid question, and inshallah we will answer it in the coming episode. There's a Camelot Island Santa Monica.

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