Haitham al-Haddad – Student Encampment – Fighting the Injustice of the Century

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of balancing powers in any state and creating a balance of powers. They also mention the global injustice that took place in Aceks upon the 2nd World War and the need for support from students in universities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of educating Muslims and non Muslims to stand for justice and avoid evil behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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So many people,

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so many students

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are asking and they ask me

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the ruling and,

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the Islamic

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the incumbents

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that is taking place

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in many

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all over the world and here in the

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We need to know that,

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in any,

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in any state,

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in any country, even from an Islamic perspective,

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an Islamic state, or a caliphate, or an

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Islamic system.

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There has to be a balance of powers.

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What do I mean by that?

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I mean that,

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okay, there is the administration

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of the

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or the government of the state,

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and there are there are there is the

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there is also the execution,

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yeah? And they say that the and the

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legislation. These are the 3 main components

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in a modern state. From an Islamic perspective,

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this matter has some flexibility.

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Allah also my dear brothers and sisters says,

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all you who believe,

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for justice.

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justice. Therefore,

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if Muslims

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there is

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a local or

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a global injustice,

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they should be among the first people to

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that injustice.

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All know that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam

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in Mecca,

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the Meccan

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environment, the Meccan system

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was not Islamic,

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but he stood up with justice and there

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were there is helpful football and there are

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a few other incidents where the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam

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or took certain

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stances in order to establish

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that is taking place

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in Gaza is,

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you can say it is the biggest

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that took place

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maybe after the 2nd World War. Now so

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many people are marching,

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to stop that injustice,

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Muslims and non Muslims,

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all over the world.

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Now the peak of this these diminished

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rations took place by students

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America and in some other

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places. It is very unfortunate.

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It is really very sad

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to see that,

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countries like the US

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and some other countries, especially the US who

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always claim

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that they want to,

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to to to preserve, and they want to

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the champions of human rights and freedom of

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speech, and they are acting

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against those values. Our students here in the

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they started to also

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to support the cause of those students, which

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is what? Which is to support

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to support or to stand to stand against

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the injustice that is taking place

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in Gaza,

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in Palestine.

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So they started to

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demonstrate in the universities

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to have vigils.

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They started the incumbents

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as well.

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as far as I know, most of the

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in the UK are dealing

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with them according to

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maybe the rule of law.

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There were some reports that some of those

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students were not allowed to

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go out to the university,

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and some of them even, they were not

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to, if they go out, they cannot

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come back.

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There were reports that they are unable to

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those students

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in campers,

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and and they are unable to provide them

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with other necessities.

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Those students, whether Muslims or non Muslims,

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the least to say

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about them that they are courageous.

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They are standing for the values

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that they have been taught in university,

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which is what? In university

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and outside

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the university.

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Sisters, those students,

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they are the teachers. They are our teachers.

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They are the teachers

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maybe of the whole world. In fact, they

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have understood, from my perspective,

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they have understood

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the purpose of

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That the purpose of university

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the purpose of university education

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is not to fill your

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mind with information

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that are not useful.

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The purpose of university

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is stand for human rights,

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stand for justice,

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stand for fairness,

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to sacrifice,

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to stop injustice.

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This world that we wanted to be a

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better world

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for all of us students, but they they

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really need to be saluted.

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Now from an Islamic perspective, we have mentioned

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that the prophet

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said, aid your brother whether he is an

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or he is an oppressed.

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If he's an oppressor, we need to stop

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his oppression.

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If he is oppressed, we need to support

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We need to support those students,

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of course, in a legal way.

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Okay? And, Inshallah, they are not breaking

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the law. We need to support them by

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all means. We need to support them politically,

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my dear brothers and sisters. We need to

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support them,

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by talking about on the media. In the

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media, the big celebrities, they should speak about

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about them. They should send messages of support.

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I am here sending a message of support.

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I will try to visit them, Insha'Allah,

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if they if that is okay with them.

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We need, to support them from an economic

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from financial perspective.

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Muslim students should be also in the forefront

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of that.

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Brothers and sisters, some Muslim students, some,

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some Muslims, they are saying that

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did not take place during the time of

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the prophet

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Who said to you brothers?

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Who said to you that demonstrations,

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should be they are

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among the listed Ibadat.

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They are like the salah, sayam,

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zakah Sadaqa Hajj, that

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we cannot do it unless it was done

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by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Who told you

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that there are an act of Ibadah?

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Ibadah, we always say that there are 2

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types of Ibadah. Listed Ibadah,

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yes. We should take it directly from the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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and the Sahaba, etcetera.

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But there are none listed Ibadad

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where there is

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in doing them as far as they are

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under certain

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which is not committing,

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any harm, not committing any

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not harming others.

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No one, yeah, should say that unless the

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prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam demonstrated,

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we should demonstrate. If the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wasallam and the companions did not demonstrate, we

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should not demonstrate.

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This is madness, and there is no proof

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for that. There is no Dalil for that.

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