Q&A – Ruling on Missed Salah

Haifaa Younis


Channel: Haifaa Younis

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The speaker discusses the use of masks for preventing infection during COVID-19 and the need for people to practice social distancing. They also mention the potential for treatments to be effective in the future. The conversation is unclear and does not contain a specific agent or product.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:01--> 00:00:07

Bismillah your Walkman you're walking I'm

00:00:10--> 00:00:15

rolling about a sauna that was missed the

00:00:16--> 00:00:23

there is reason why we must sauna which is valid reasons. Either we are We slept

00:00:25--> 00:00:50

or we were under in a state where the not enough in the state of sound mind for example, a Muslim person is under anesthesia. So these conditions are actually legitimate reasons to masala and we're the teaching of roswaal risotto Silla is to do with immediately when we wake up or when the anesthesia is done, then immediately you do it.