Hacene Chebbani – Burdened with Decision Making – The Power of Istikharah

Hacene Chebbani
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding one's past and future life, particularly in regards to past and future experiences. They also mention the use of "has been" in the title of Hara, and how it can bring information to the "has been praised by the Sun" concept. They also discuss the importance of praying for Islam's success and the end of one's life. The segment also touches on the use of "has been" in the past and future experiences, and mentions a phone call from a sister with a bad experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Shafi Moosonee so you know Mohammed while early he was sacked me he may.

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So as I said, as it was announced before we talk in sha Allah tonight about driverless Tahara or solidly Sahara.

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And this topic is very important for many people. Everyone has his own issues, everyone. I mean, every human being has family problems has business problems, and they like to make important decisions in their life. And Al Hamdulillah, Allah subhanaw taala has guided us through the sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, through the right way to make decisions, and what is the best way to make decision and actually the during the time of JD, during the pre Islamic era, people, when they were confused about making important decisions, they would look into signs in nature.

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And they would look at the use to be pessimistic about few things. But other things that do not suit them, like when they see a crow or a black dog or a black donkey, or an animal that has a tail that was cut or something like that they used to be they used to feel pessimistic about these things. And sometimes they may choose the change the they may choose to cancel their plans, or change their plans based on this, you know scenes. And they used to believe that these are signs for bad omen, or they used to call them birds of ill omen. One of their famous ways of making the right decision about any plant

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it was such that a person would go outside and then look for a bird and then grab a stone and throw it at the bird. If the bird flies towards the right side and this is a good sign and they would go ahead with their plants. If the bird flies towards the left side and they would cancel, you will feel pessimistic and they would cancel the their plants completely. So that's why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called it a tiara.

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When Islam came, people learned that there are better ways of making decisions.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them that a three year Ashok in a hadith a famous Hadith that was narrated by Abdullah Habemus Rudra the Allahu Anhu Rasul Allah is seldom said it for three times or three years to shirk a tiara to shake a tree or to shirk. Wimmer, Mina INLA are lacking Allah Who He will be token. So in this hadith, Abdullah having Massoud are the Allahu Anhu said that rasool Allah is SLM said a tiara which is believing in bad omens or believing in birds of ill omen is a form of shirk. And also Allah Selim repeated this statement three times. And then numerous rules continue, women Amina Illa, he said there is all of us sometimes feel superstitious,

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but Allah subhanaw taala will cause it to disappear when we place our trust in Him.

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So this is a Hadith Midrash many people will read sometimes the text of the Hadith in Arabic and there is no call of numerous rules in the middle and they will feel they will or might think that Rasul Allah as I send them would feel or used to feel superstitious sometimes know the power. The last part. The second part of the hadith is the statement of guna Massoud when he said women I mean that l were like in Allah, You who the will will be Toku he said all of us is talking about other human beings with the exception for a Zulu Lysa Salah because Allah says Allah did not say this. So Allah says I just said a tiara to share Kathira to share Katya to Sheikh then the second part of the

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hadith is the statement of Abdullah having a soul. He said all of us would feel sometimes superstitious, but Allah subhanaw taala causes it to disappear when we place our trust in Him subhanho wa Taala so this is an example of a hadith Midrash the hadith is sorry but this the last part is called the Roma are very intelligent very smart. They're really beautiful Hadith we have greater number of honey liqueur, Bukhari and Muslim to me, the Masha Allah Most likely here when the goddess when received the texts of this hadith, they had some questions. Wait a minute, that's all there is not be fit the Messenger of Allah to feel superstitious. He's a messenger of Allah right.

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So then we start looking into different total different chain of narrations of this hadith. And we found actually that this the last statement, was not the statement for Salah Salem

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was the segment of Abdullah happiness ruled

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by when our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, he taught people that there are better ways, you know to reach the make for making the right decision. And about any important matter one of these beautiful ways is praying illest the hara praying is the hara to rock as you pray to rock as other than the obligatory prayers and you recite your Duran Duran is the hara at the end we'll talk about these few key issues in this halacha Inshallah, but our own amount of metal Allah Allah you have told us about the right process of making any decision. We may call it the only decision making process. We might call it this way like chicken slam retain me here. He told us he mentioned he made

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the statement, and this statement has included the whole process all the steps or elements of this process. He said mana Dima Minister Hara Allah as Elisha will shower and Mark Loki, whatever battery Emery. He said the person he mentioned three elements. He said a person will never regret his decision will never regret his decision. This is the statement of someone who had experience in life. And he was extremely knowledgeable chef his level of TV Rahmatullah alley, so he's giving us the conclusion of his knowledge and experience regarding is Tahara and making decisions. So he said the person a person would never regret his decision, if he prayed is to Hara and consulted other

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people will talk about whom we should consult and consulted other people with FM better fee Emery and thought and looked carefully into his options. So here he is talking about three steps The first step is looking carefully in two different options. And this is the subtotal amor using your intellect, you're using your information,

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collecting information about any decision that you want to make, whether it is a business project, or a marriage that you want to, you know, another person that you want to get married with, or any relationship that you want to establish a house you buy or a house, you rent or a car, you bought any decision in your life. And the second element here or step is seeking counsel from other people. And the third one seeking guidance and help through the Rakata animalistic Hara solid list from ALLAH SubhanA wa tan. Now when it comes to the first step, at the sub Bucha will amor you know, thinking deeply about your decision?

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Here, I don't want to be very technical about it, because some people try like to make it very like to be very technical about it. I believe that this step is normal is a natural step. Any thinking about the right decision, collecting the information? Anyone would do the same thing? Anyone who is who's not insane? Who is not crazy, before making any important decision in his life? It's not true. It's not it's normal, that he would think about it, and he would collect him some information. Now, the problem is not this. The problem? Are you thinking in the right way, you're not

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you collecting enough information about that project, who that person you want to get married with or you want to establish a business relationship with?

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This is the problem here and this is not the topic of our Halaqa the skills of you know, critical thinking are the way to think clearly and rationally. This is not our the topic of our Halaqa today, but I have good news for you. And this is what I believe I strongly believe that even if there is a mistake in your data collection, or you collected the wrong information, or you already consulted the wrong person,

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Sahara is a safety net. Allah subhanho wa Taala is Tahara should increase your chances of making insha Allah the right decision, because you are placing your trust in Allah subhanaw taala and you are making a dua beautiful DUA

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and the DUA a was taught by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if you use this dua This is the hara will increase inshallah your chances for making the right decision. So it is basically a divine gifts are help given by Allah subhanho wa Taala to those who purify their to a could because it's the Hara is strongly linked to a cool and we'll talk about it today in sha Allah. So whether you are a person who

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who is able to, you know, think clearly and rationally or someone who does not have the skills of you know, critical thinking is the Hara is there to help you but it doesn't mean

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But I'm not encouraging people not to think here.

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Now, I'm not saying this actually, this is one of the ASVAB that's why she has level Tamia said that her battery Emery Yeah. And he thought about it.

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He thought about it looked carefully into it. So I'm not saying no, close your mind, don't think just do is the Hara. And Allah subhana, Allah will guide you to the No, actually we will talk about the formula of typical tonight. And the formula of Torquil is it's equal to right action plus tau could or plus I would say if I say Tawakkol doesn't make sense, in math, it doesn't make sense, they will call is equal to this, they'll call is equal to right action and this is external, this is the action that you need to do. Following the path of due diligence and everything you do your homework. And the second part is to reliance of your heart on Allah subhanaw taala to reliance of your heart

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upon Allah subhanaw taala

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and this is the formula of Tolkien. So here when you think and you look into your information and everything, and you talk to the right people about your matter, then you are actually following is where you are following the path of toe to toe coalition. And this is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now seeking that counsel from other people. It's a well established sunnah. It's a good sunnah it's something that was prescribed upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is the messenger of Allah.

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He is the messenger of Allah he used to receive why he was infallible. He does not commit sins Ali Salah to a sinner.

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And yet Allah subhanho wa Taala told him in the Quran in surah t le Imran will share with whom Phil amor

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either as mtef at our Callaghan, Allah, in Allahu Hibben with our killing, consult them

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and then when you make a decision on a matter that will lie upon Allah subhanaw taala Verily Allah loves those who place their trust on him. So now here, this is

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in recommendation Allah subhanaw taala actually, actually some rudimentary said this is not a recommendation. This is a command coming from Allah to his messenger that you have to make matura with your companions. And here this is the right action. So Allah says psyllium is confused about something, right like Mithuna has word should he leave the city of Medina and meet the mannequins outside the city of Medina or stay in Medina and wait for them? He was his opinion Ali salatu salam was to stay in Medina and wait for McCain's to come to Mecca and army to come to the city of Medina. Most of these servers were in favor of the other opinion, you should go outside and meet them

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outside. And they were about to be defeated. It was not complete defeat, but it was kind of they were they were somehow they were defeated the Muslims in that battle. But also let's SLM did not point his fingers to anyone after that. But he did. He followed the Command of Allah subhanho wa Taala he made my shoulder with his Sahaba and this is what we are supposed to do here. So either as I'm telling you make a decision for telecoil Allah Allah your heart has to rely upon Allah subhanho wa taala. So then seeking Matura is a well established sunnah. And here the route they said what are the qualities of those whom you seek counsel from

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most of the odema they were talking about a Muslim environment like living in a Muslim society, and they will live in a different environment all talk about this a little bit. But you the basically mentioned two conditions or two qualities, I would say the first quality, we have to be knowledgeable about the matter at hand. And if you want to buy a car,

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most likely you will consult you need to consult a mechanic or a salesman who works with a dealership right in the dealership, right? You don't consult a teacher you don't consult an imam. You don't go to a medical doctor and ask him about what kind of car you want to buy, right. So you talk to the people who are knowledgeable, have knowledge in the field.

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And if you want to get married with the lady, you most likely will talk to maybe some of her family members or ask her neighbors about their athletic or classmates maybe but her o'clock and their behavior and the dean their religious practices and so on.

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The second quality they said that they need to be people of Taqwa and honesty. And, you know, here I may Takua the word choco I don't want you to be picky about it because I'm, I'm sure that you will think about going to Walmart and buying a machine and you will be talking to someone who is in the customer service, and that is not a Muslim. And then you think about the number of Muslims

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assaulting someone who is not Muslim, I don't want you to be picky about these terms here. If you are dealing with Muslims, then you look for these qualities. But if you are dealing with a non Muslim, then you're not going to think about Taqwa. But what do you think about his? Here you need to make your personal judgment, personal judgments, you're feeling that you feel that this person is honest, because there could be some conflict of interest there, right? He might be, he might be planning to increase his sales or earn your business. So he will be promoted promoting that product. So here, it's your personal judgement, you're making matura with someone right? Who walks in Walmart

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or Safeway or whatever. I mean, Safeway usually consult people, but if you go to the break, or to the stores, where you buy a piece of furniture or something that is expensive, then you usually talk to someone right. So, here you need to use your personal judgment. Now what is beautiful again about listi Hara is that even if you consult in sha Allah, the wrong person,

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and he got the wrong advice, you still have the power of istikhara, you have the DUA that you will make. And Allah subhanaw taala is able to protect you from the bad outcomes of your consultation through these two, because you have still have the prayer of lista Hara before before you make the final decision. Let's say you talk to people you thought about it but you couldn't make a decision. Then you have the Toorak as of listed Hara, and that beautiful dress that you will make and you place your trust on Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhana wa Taala most likely insha Allah you will be guided to the right decision.

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Now, the first step here in this process, decision making process, we talked about using your God given intellect, you know the power of your intellect to using the information think about it.

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You look into your different options. This is the first step we said the second step as matura consulting the right people about your decision. The third step is brings the hara before we talk about the derive Felicity Hara, and we explain it and we explain the process. I would like to mention few basic points here. And there are some few key differences. I know people who researched this topic, might find different information on the internet. I tried my best in sha Allah, I'll try my best to give you the best Let's say hi tonight in sha Allah about this subject. Now the first basic point here there is no is the hara for the obligatory act of a bed.

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If you have to pray, Lord, do you need to make it harder?

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You don't, you don't make the hara about making hash. It's an obligation, but you might. Okay, you might make the Hara. If you'd go this year or next year, you might if you're not sure, you don't have enough money, or maybe you have enough money. But there are some other issues. You're not sure about them? Yes, but you don't make the Sahara about making a hedge per se.

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In itself, it's an obligation it has to be fulfilled when the conditions are

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there. And also what is recommended, if something gets recommended, you don't need to make Sahara. Unless you are confused about two recommended x let's say method and tomorrow you know, tomorrow there will be a Janessa after us or for example, at the same time which is recommended. It's 55 But it is recommended for you to go and participate. It becomes an individual obligation if no one is there, no one is available and you are the only one then you have to pray Janessa otherwise you'd be sinful. But if there is a group of people who are praying offerings Janessa pray then for the rest of Muslims, it is recommended for them to go but at the same time there is a Halaqa that you like to

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and it is only recommended for you to attend the this halacha is not

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a knowledge that you have to you know get from that halacha like someone and you muslim who wants to learn about Salat, and this Halaqa is the only way for him to learn the salah then it's an obligation now here to attend this halacha to learn Salah because he has to start spraying right away after he take the shahada takes the shahada, but now we're talking about recommended us here you can make a Sahara if you want and there is no istikhara is basically for permissible things things that are permissible you're confused about it about them. You don't know what is the right decision. Then you make us the Hara. There is no Sahara for haram anything that is haram that is

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forbidden or disliked even disliked if something he disliked the last pantalla does not like it is not a sin, but it is mcru then you don't make history.

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Hara for doing it. Number three, don't recite Alice the hara doll is the hara after an obligatory prayer.

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But you are allowed based on the photos of some scholars to combine between the staccato prayer and another voluntary prayer. Another Nafisa likes a lot of the higher combine between the Sahara and the Doha prayer and after the tour has you make your DUA and you had the intention for both. This is permissible based on the photos of many scholars who Allahu Allah Allah Allah because Allah says salam said mineral for you. We will talk about the Hadith we'll mention the Hadith today about Elissa Hara Katainen radian for either any other than the obligatory prayers, so he didn't mention the other prayers, but the best scenario will Allahu Allah is that you pray to separate track as

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follows the hara, and then you recite to ally Sahara after Number Four Do not do not offer solidly Sahara, between fajr prayer and sunrise and between acid and Madrid, and a time of zero Well five or 10 minutes before they will say these days over prayer is 1250. Avoid praying solid serata between 1240 to 1250. These are forbidden times

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for Salaat. We're not supposed to pray during these prayers. During this time. Sorry, unless there is a seven there is a need than the ruler, Maddy said if there is an emergency,

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you have to make a decision between acid and moderate. That's okay you can offer your your solid Istikhara prayer and make the DUA if there is an emergency. But if you can wait. And you can make the decision in sha Allah between Maghrib and Isha. So you wait until Maghrib. And then you pray your istikhara After Maghrib and then make your decision.

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Number five, if you do not memorize the DUA list the hara, you are allowed to read it from a book, you hold the book in your hand, and you read it in Arabic.

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Now, if you don't know how to read, you are not able to read it in Arabic, you can use transliteration. You look into the transliterated text, and you can pronounce it you will you'll be pronouncing like someone who is reading Arabic, talking to meet new Muslims here. And you go to his non Muslim, the fortress of the Muslim. Just go to Mr. Google type the fortress of the Muslim. And you'll find it in the first website, which is Islam awareness.net. You look at the list, you get the list of all the doors that are available and has no Muslim look for prayer for seeking counsel, Allah's counsel. You'll find it there, the Arabic text, the transliteration, and then the meaning in

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English. So you look into the meaning in English, you're comfortable with it, like it, you understand it, and then you can read it when you do the DUA. You have to use the transliterated text. Because there is a reason for that. We'll talk about it when we talk about the text of the Hadith. Can I live on a surah terminal Quran he used to teach us solidly istikhara as he used as he would use to teach us a surah from the Quran. So the old ama I know they're not really sure about the meaning of the statement, but they said it's better to you say it in Arabic the way it was taught by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Number six, it is permissible to recite this before salah or after sell him. But I have to be honest with you majority of scholars believe that these two has to be recited after seller after seller. We have a point because Allah says him in the Hadith said Sue Medallia cool. Yeah, and he would pray the Toorak as then he would say, so they understood from this statement from the Hadith, that the person has to finish the Torah cause, say the Salah, I'm offering salah, and then recite the DUA raising your hands. By default, raising the hands when making dua is one of the etiquettes of making dua unless it is dictated otherwise. Like we know that it was not the habit or the Sunnah of

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Rasulullah salam to raise his hand after the obligatory prayers.

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It was his habit, Ali salatu salam to make vicar to focus on this V and to Hamid and Takbeer and tell him internally and maybe reciting AYATUL kursi and the other shortsword has like sort of the philosophy that it was not his habit to make dua it was his habit, Ali salatu salam to make dua before Salaam and ensued while making sujood. So here, the majority of scholars from the former head from the form of their head V said it is better to do recite these two after Salem. Some other scholars like Sharon slam Jamia

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He said no, he should recite it before Salem, because he's in prayer is still in prayer. And it's more virtuous. Because no, there is a big difference decide between someone who's making dua in the prayer and someone making dua outside the prayer.

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That was his appoint Rahmatullahi la Sol and he looked at the Sunnah of Rasulullah Salam. So I would say can I call cathedral mineralium, XL Masurian Canterbury scholars, they said there is flexibility here Allameh was your own if you want to make this to our before salah. And after you make the shadow and then you recite the solitary Ibrahimi. And then you mentioned the famous to outlaw maniac who became an either Abuja hidden I mean, as I will cover frequently Mario mama to assure refit, nuttin, Mercy Dasia. Then here you recite the dua of list Hara, and then you say me and you offer your Salah, this is one way. But of course, at the end of the show what before salami don't raise

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your hands, you still moving your finger, or just doing the way you do to shout, your hand is still on your on your on your knee.

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But if you do it after Salam, you're allowed to raise your hands, Allahu taala, Allah and this way,

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After you pray, Salat, lista Hara, then move ahead with your plants. You don't have to wait for a dream.

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You don't have to wait for him. So it's not necessary. It's not part of the process is not part of the package. And the common belief, the common belief that the person who makes the harder has to see something the answer has to receive the answer in his dreams, or he has to do it before he goes to bed. And then he has to wait for a dream. And if he doesn't see anything, he has to do it again tomorrow and after tomorrow and so on. This is is not correct. It's a misconception, because the hadith of Rasulillah Salam did not mention anything about dreams. But however, there is a possibility that you might get some help, you might get some information in one of your dreams. And

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I will tell you, I will tell you something, Allah subhanaw taala would help you and answer your DUA and guide you to the right decision in different ways, in different ways. You might see something you don't feel good about it, and then you cancel your plans. And this is different from a tiara, because here is seeking counsel from Allah subhanaw taala. At the time of Jay Haley, they used to believe that these things have power. And they affect the decisions or they affect their plans. Here you are expecting the answer from Allah subhanaw taala. I will give you an example. These are personal examples. But that's okay. A

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couple of weeks ago, I had to make a decision about something I was planning to do something your project with someone.

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And I got accidentally I got some feedback, some negative feedback about that person.

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And it was not sure I was debating with myself.

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you know, I didn't want to act upon knowledge about you know, the opinion of someone else about that person, I want everyone. I wanted to deal with him as a Muslim brother. And that's it without any prejudice without any background, where they had to seek Allah's guidance. So I prayed to God and this place, here in this corner. And then I went to the office to continue to do some work. Within two, three minutes, I received the call from the same person

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to three minutes. And he asked me a weird question. And he made a weird request. And it was something like I was not expecting from him. And I said, this is the answer from Allah, I'm not going to go ahead with this project.

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And I made my decision. And if you comfortable with it.

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One time, I was planning to buy a car, and the person told me take it, try it in town, drive it for 1015 minutes. And if you like it, bring it back. So I drove it for 1015 minutes. I wanted I think to do something at home.

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I made the sticker Hamdulillah. And I parked my car in front of the house. But the key I had problems with

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and I stay like I waited for 15 minutes to get it out from the switch. And I said no, I'm not going to buy this car. And I said this is the answer from Allah subhanaw taala sometimes you don't see anything. You don't receive a dream. You don't see a sign. You just made the Sahara a couple of days about something. And I went and did it Hamdulillah I was happy everything was fine. I was not sure about it if I'm supposed to do it or not.

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And I went and made this the Hara. I turned on my car and went I did it handle. Everything was fine. I was happy about it, but I didn't

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see any sign? This is a different way.

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So they're already said you move ahead with your plan. This is one option or if you don't want to move ahead with your plans you don't, you couldn't make any decision. You didn't have any feeling about it. It's neutral. You don't feel good about it. You don't feel bad about it. Some rude MIT said, you might repeat the istikhara if you want. There are people other scholars or students for honest I would say students knowledge. They said there could be a problem with that because when you seek is too hot or you are supposed to have to rely on Allah subhanaw taala go ahead with your plans. You shouldn't repeat the istikhara but many scholars said if you don't feel

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comfortable, or you didn't you couldn't reach any conclusion. This is their statement. You are allowed to repeat the Sahara what is there Delete? There, delete is Rasulillah Salam Khanna Yulia COVID da This is ill Hafeet Dr. Salah used to repeat his dua that he used to repeat his two or three times. And he said it is ill half of dua repeating your DUA it's a sign of your true servitude, that you are a servant of Allah waiting for Allah's help all the time. This is their analysis. Will Allah Allah Allah

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I would say Yanni, this is the opinion of maturity if you feel that you need to repeat it you can repeat it with Allahu Taala now will enable Felicity Hara Inaba, no one can praise the hara on your behalf. I received people who came here to me and he said Amen Praise to God on my behalf. I say they cannot do it. You do it yourself. I can pray for you.

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Anyone can pray for you ask your mom or dad to pray for you. Your friends that's okay, that's fine.

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But no one can pray offers a lot of this data on your behalf this is something that you do it by yourself.

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List the hara the ruler Maddy said it is not an obligatory act of Riba. It is sunnah. That means if you don't do it, that's fine. You won't be sinful.

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But there are some beautiful meanings within the hara one and it's, we'll talk about it tonight in sha Allah, the owner Maddy said the greater wisdom the greater wisdom of praying is the Hara is that the believer is following the true path of reliance. Because when you What are you doing with Dr. Alice taharah you are you recognize you admit your weakness, your ignorance, and you recognize His unlimited knowledge Subhana wa, unlimited power and you recognize and you admit your your incapacity, you lack of ability. So you're coming to Allah subhanho wa Taala as a poor servant to Allah, I need your help, I cannot decide for myself. And this is a beautiful because Allah subhanaw

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taala knows that you are weak.

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Even if you are educated, you have the highest degree

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in this world, even if you are the wealthiest person on this earth, you still need the help of your Lord, because you are a weak human being. So when you come to Allah subhanaw taala with this attitude, you deserve his help. And Allah subhanaw taala does not like arrogant people. Now the hadith of listi Hara, we'll be talking about it now and we go through it part by part insha Allah

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will try to discover the beauty of this dua and the power of this to her and I selected the Hadith that is inside Buhari. It's narrated by Javid collected or narrated by Jabara the Allahu Anhu the Imam Al Bukhari collected or

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placed this hadith in three chapters. So the first number is 1162. And then in somewhere after 6000 something and 7000 something there are more than 7000 Hadith. So in three places, elemental Buhari, and all of them I believe, were narrated by Jabba the Allah who I know but there are some others or habits who narrated this. Do Atlas the hara, if you find them, ignore them, because they are different. They are different and most of the odema when we advise people to do us the Hara. We mentioned the hadith of Jabber, which is in Sahih al Bukhari and this is the best version of this hadith Allah hota Allah Allah, so jabber of the Allahu Anhu con Cana rasool Allah is SLM you

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eliminate istikhara tefillah Ohmori kuliah. Cameo limoneira Surah terminal Quran, Jabulani Allah and who said in this hadith that Rasulillah Salam used to teach us at least the hara in for all of our affairs, all of our affairs, as He will teach us a surah from the Quran. Now, when you say all of our affairs, you told me this is a general statement. That should include everything obligatory act of a bad or recommended acts of a bad rule or

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Am I also the accordion had removed on euro to be Hill hustles? What does it mean those who study a solid faculty will understand these terms. These are technical terms in solo effect. They mean that it's obvious because it's obvious this as a hobby he knows that the rest of the Sahaba and the rest of Muslims will listening to him. We know that he was not talking about every single thing including our prayer, our hedgewars Zakat, and the things that we have to do. So these are the Roman Euro bill hustles. It is a general statement that includes specific you know, items you ought to be he'll also see any

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any generalization is not is not meant here.

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And then Jabulani Allah who could either hammer Yanni according Rasulillah is SLM Carl either hammer hydrocodone Bill Emery failure, titanium is ideal for either

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and he said if one of you is deliberating over a matter, then he should pray to cause other than the obligatory praise.

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So you don't do it here. This is clearly don't do it after an obligatory prayer Sumali Acle Allahumma inni as the hero Kabir ill Miko Issac DeLuca quadratic, so you need to memorize these terms. Unless you are planning to do it with Heslin Muslim in your hand, that's a different story. But here we need it. It's better if we memorize this, this di one Allahumma inni as the hero Kabir l mc was stuck neroca Quadratic mean means Oh Allah, I seek the counsel of your knowledge and I seek the help of your omnipotence. Omnipotence means the quality of having a limited power all powerful. So because of the Hadith or the DUA is talking about Todra The Quadra of Allah subhanaw taala then

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the next part will come in fugly Calabi loneliness the hero copywritten MC was stuck to the look of your quadratic whereas alchemy and finally caladium fame Nick attack do well up there to do well academia will tell me Well Alan, we're into Alam will who you and I beseech you for your magnificent grace as alchemy family Kalani, I beseech you for your magnificent grace. Surely you are capable and I am not you know, and I know not and you are the Knower of the unseen so here you are praising Allah subhanho wa taala. Now you find some scholars if you go to the internet, or students of knowledge telling you that before you do that you have listed Hara you need to follow the Sunnah of

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the DUA. What is the Sunnah of making dua he got it didn't get it from the dua of list Hara the Hadith list ACARA. They got it from a general Hadith that says masala Selim the Hadith football of neuroaid. He heard the man making dua, and he did not praise Allah subhanaw taala didn't start by praising Allah, and he did not send His prayers and salutation upon Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Susan same color for the statue Allah had any he has hastened in his dua, he should he should have praised Allah subhanaw taala and then make solid recited salah upon the Prophet SAW Selim method for example, select the brainy and then express his needs, and make dua to Allah

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subhanaw taala so we said before you do to us the Hara. This is one opinion I'm telling you because you might find it on the internet. I don't want you to be confused.

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They said you need to praise Allah. So you praise Allah and with whatever way you want, you choose words of praise. And then you send your prayers and salutations upon the prophets of Allah and Islam and then you recite your holistic Hara. But when you think about it, actually you were praying to recurse you were actually praising Allah subhanaw taala remembering Allah and your Salat? Did you do Salah did you offer your salah upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Yes, you did select li Brahimi after a t shirt. So there is no need for this edition. Because people will be confused. And in fact these two opinions and people will tell you just recite this to you don't recite something

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else and other people know you need to praise Allah subhanaw taala say salat? No, you don't need that. Because you were praying you were praising Allah subhanaw taala you mentioned the salah Ibrahimi salad. And here in the beginning of the DUA, you're not asking in the beginning, you are actually praising Allah

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ILAHA Iniesta Hiroko bailiwick was stuck the quadratic you're not asking here where Salah come from the cloudify Nikita Corolla you're able I'm not what's that LM? Lm you know and I know not want to alarm on who you are the Knower of the unseen. So we are praising Allah subhanaw taala. Now here when you look at these things, the servant of Allah subhana wa Taala is showing his humbleness, his weakness, admitting his weaknesses, his modesty. And number two he's amplifying his drama through praising Allah subhanho wa Taala through

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expressions of words of praise. This is how we amplify our

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praise Allah subhanaw taala. And then we know Certainly Allah rasool Allah Salam, then we make our dua. So number two and number three, he's recognizing the unlimited power of Allah subhanaw taala as well as his limited knowledge. And Allah subhanaw taala has repeatedly emphasized these concepts in the Quran. How do we often read in the Quran in Allah Allah Cooley, Shane, Kadena verily, Allah is Able to do all things. Now here when you make these two are you you need to have these feelings that Allah subhanaw taala is able to answer your DUA. Allah subhanaw taala is able to guide you to the right decision. Allah subhanaw taala is able to make this project happen.

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These things happen to you. So when you have these feelings, while making the DUA most likely your DUA will be answered insha Allah and also we know that Allah Spanish Allah has ultimate knowledge, absolute knowledge, yeah animal nabina ad him Rama Khalifa home Allah subhanaw taala knows what is presently before them, and what will be after them. And there is a beautiful area in the Quran, when Allah has knowledge encompasses everything in this universe. There is a beautiful area that expresses the ultimate knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala and so little and this idea is amazing.

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And everyone has to contemplate this idea to know the completeness in the fullness of Allah's knowledge subhanho wa Taala in Surah Al anomalous pantalla said we're in the Houma vertical Xavi lair in

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the only Allah subhanaw taala with him are the keys of the unseen no one knows them except him subhanho wa Taala and then he said in this IOL Murphy will bury will bar and he knows what is on the land and what is in the sea.

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Every single he has knowledge about every single thing that is happening in this universe. And then you think about it okay, I know that within Allah subhanaw taala goes further. When Mata Scotto me were rocketing in.

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This is amazing. He said not a leaf, not a leaf falls, except that he knows it. Or he knows about it Subhanallah Tad, just think about the leaf coming down from a tree. One leaf there are billions of tree leaves right in the fall season, coming down from trees. So Allah subhanaw taala knows about every single leaf

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and then he continued Allah subhanaw taala wala habit infused automatically

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without been well aibs in elaphiti Tabby movie will inhabit in fetal pneumatic Earth, and he said no grain is there within the darkness of the earth. And no moist or dry. Think that it is recorded or written in a in a clear record.

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Now clear records could be a local man for the protected tablet. And he told me okay that does the record the tablet include every single thing. And it wants you to think about the computer.

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Right? Aren't you amazed when you use your computer, you type any word and you get plenty of information, huge amount of information about that single thing. And you don't become amazed why?

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Because you're growing up with it. Now, with this technology.

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It's normal to you, you don't think about it, it's part of your life. But yet this machine can bring you bring to you any information you want. So Allah subhanho wa taala, the creator of the universe, the heavens and earth, Who created this knowledge and these laws of physics. He's not able to include all this information about every single thing. In local muffle. We don't know the nature of this hello Hellmuth. But we it's part of our RP that we have to believe in it, because we got knowledge about it in authentic hadith. And Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in this in this is that he knows about every single thing that is happening in this universe. Now when you know that,

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you know that he's able to he knows everything and he's able to guide you to the right decision. Then rasool Allah is our Selim said Here comes the dua after you praise Allah subhanaw taala you recognize His unlimited power, unlimited knowledge, then it comes and you recognize now your limitations and your weaknesses. When it comes to do our Allahumma income tax Allah we're going to tell him on the hurdle amor

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and then here you mentioned your your your matter, the matter that has to that you need to make a decision about now he told me if I don't know Arabic and I'm reading the transliterated text, you might this is my first

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if you want you can brothers new Muslims who don't speak Arabic You can mention your, your,

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your problem in English or older or any other language that's fine because it will be difficult for you to express yourself. You want to buy a car and you want to describe this car in your DUA and you don't speak Arabic it will be difficult for you to to come up with this language right?

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Or or a person you want to get married with or a house you want to buy and you mentioned the house that belong to so and so. And it is located in Marlborough Randall. Anyone say it in Arabic? Maybe it could be difficult for you if you don't speak Arabic. So you have the transliteration when it comes to this part. Hola my quintet Alamanda hudl Amharic means Oh ALLAH if you know that this matter and then you mentioned the matters to be decided about is good for me in my religion. How you leafy dini.

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So, religion comes first, where my actually my livelihood, where are people at Emery activity Emery for my life in the hereafter. This is one translation will want understanding. But the matter there is a better understanding activity every could mean the welfare of my life of the life to come. And it would include your future on this earth and your life in the hereafter. And this is a better understanding activity Emery because there is

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an addition that the narrator has added he said, Oh, Carla, actually he will actually actually he could include your life, your future life on earth. What G li your future life on the Day of Judgment will occur. And this is a better actually. Explanation because I'm really confused about this part, because you're Rahmatullah and he said, this doubt is from the narrator is not from Rasul Allah says Elam so Rasul Allah says Allah must have said Dini or Matthew Aki but he Emery, my religion, my livelihood, and my life in the hereafter activity, Emery or my welfare or for the welfare of my life to come, which includes my life on this earth, my life on the Day of Judgment,

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right. And he did not cut it didn't say the other parts. Or maybe he said the other part, not the first I don't want to confuse you. The best solution is you follow what is in Hefner Muslim. They came up with a good arrangement. The mentioned this, Hiram LiFi Dini, when I asked you Why keep it, Emery, and then they included the other one, actually, he will actually between two hyphens so include them in your diet if you want and that's fine. So you say how you leafy Dini well my ashy, wacky Betty Emery between two hyphens you find it on the internet in Muslim as he was in that will include your future on this life? And your your future life on an era insha Allah? Did you get it?

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Yeah, one will or will leave your question. So the end

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time after you mentioned this, you say fuck, dude, holy, where's your holy thermobaric Leafy, then ordain it for me? Make it easy for me and bless me in it. You could do it holy. Are they in it for me? Medically yessir Hooli make it easy for me and bless me in it.

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And then the second part of the DUA where you couldn't attack Level A when Quinta Alamo

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and Heather Amara Sharon LiFi Dini oh my gosh you Aki but to me the same thing and if you know that this matter is bad for me in my religion, my livelihood and

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for my welfare in the life to come

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for to do root for serif mu and ni was serif neon, so take me away from it or keep me away from it and take me away from it or keep it away from me that's the best translation here. Keep it away from me and take me away from it for three four Annie was certainly on any keep me away from this. If you know that this is bad for me. Then at the end, you would say what could do little higher highs who can and bless me with higher with goodness. ordained for me goodness hyphema can wherever it is to Maldini be and make me pleased with it out of the bag. Inside al Bukhari, there is another term tomorrow of the Navy. Both of them are correct. Either you say or the Navy or the Maroc Beanie Baby

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both of them are correct. And they mean the same thing make me pleased with it. Make me satisfied with it. So whatever choice you make for me, help me to be satisfied with it because there is a problem. There are people who makes it harder and the outcome is not

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Good or is not good in their understanding and their understanding in their view. I got here a phone call from a sister one time complaining, like she said, I'll give if we do is the hara, Allah will choose the best for you, right? So I said yes. And she said, I made this to her about going back back home, I think in Africa, I bought a ticket and I went there and it was horrible. The trip was horrible. And I said, Okay, wait a minute here. It could be horrible new site, maybe it's good in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. Maybe Allah subhanaw taala has played some higher in it. Maybe you went through a bad experience. But you learned from it, you become more mature. I mean, you

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never know. Allah Subhana Allah knows. And I know people who made this the quarter before marriage. And the end, you know, divorcing that lady, the person divorced that lady after two years when I asked him Did you make scar? I said, Yes. hamdulillah maybe he had to learn through that marriage. He learned lessons he became more mature. Now he's insha Allah qualified to have a good love family life with another woman. You never know. You never know. So here it's very important that when you make a staccato, whatever decision you make, be prepared to be satisfied with it, to accept it and to be happy with it.

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Well, Allahu Allah, Allah

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