Hacene Chebbani – Authority of the Sunnah – Part 1

Hacene Chebbani
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the headache in Hainan's mission and the headache from his hadiths. They emphasize the need for people to be aware of the headache and the importance of understanding the hadiths.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala ashrafi masani Sina Mohammed. While he was savvy he urged me to be talking in sha Allah about the authority of the Sunnah.

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It's called in Arabic * to sooner.

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And this issue was not raised in the past. During the early days actually our what I mean during the early days of Islam,

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the Sahaba of the allow the tambourine

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and those who came after them did not did not have an issue did not have a problem with the authority of the sooner or with the issue of following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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or obeying the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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However, in the last century, we had some orientalist, people who were studying Islam, they were non Muslims and they had students, Muslim students in the Muslim world who follow them.

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We actually, you know, raised this issue and they talked about the authority of the Sunnah. And in addition to that, we had some groups within the Muslim Ummah they call themselves and put on the Eucharist, or the Quran only movement, or their Hadith rejecters.

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So they have this problem of wholesale rejection of the sooner they claim that the Quran is enough for Muslims as a source of guidance. And there is no need for Muslims to go back to the sooner as a source of guidance.

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So now we need to clarify this issue.

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And I know this group of people

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never enjoy the large volume of followers. However, because of the easy access to internet and social media, these people were able to confuse some Muslims about this issue or this subject in general. And you find sometimes some Muslims who argue and the sad thing we tell them about something that is found in the Sunnah of our messenger sallallahu wasallam, clearly mentioning the Hadith. And we tell you, but this is not in the Quran. There is no idea

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about this requirement, or this command, it was only mentioned in the sunlight was only mentioned in the Hadith.

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So now as Muslims, we need to know what is our relationship with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam? How do we connect to his commands to his sayings to his axe to his way of life.

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Now here I have some definitions about so now I would like to mention them.

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We have a definition of the scholars of Hadith, the definition of the Summa, within the science of Hadith. And we have the definition of Sunnah and del fuqaha. With the scholars.

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They have a different definition. And we have the scholars of rodella or Solon for those who deal with the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, or the principles of Islamic faith.

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So they don't deal with a single matters of fact, but they deal with the Quran as a source of guidance, the Sunnah as a source of guidance, the consensus of the roadmap. So these measure these principles, major principles of Islamic jurisprudence. Now, when we come to the ruler of Hades, where terrorists their definition for asuna Calma ofera. And in evisa, Solomon Colin, our Imani

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outer carry our siefert in culty Loki, so they said any word that was spoken

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for an act that was done or an approval, the confirmation that was made by him, some has some allow us to sell them

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as well as his physical appearance and his manners.

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So physical appearance is not something that we we are concerned with it, in fact, right. It's nice to know about the physical appearance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But what is more important for you as a Muslim is to know his commands his sayings his lifestyle, the way he used to pray, the way he used to give a cat the way he used to foster Ramadan. But for the aroma of Hades we are concerned about with all these things, any Hadith that talks about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tell us he said this, or he did this or that was the color of his skin or that was the way he used to walk down the street. So the ruler of Hades are concerned with all these pieces of data. If you

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want to

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Call them they are Hadith about the life of our Prophet Mohammed Salah lordosis. When it comes to fuqaha, the ruler many scholars have they have a different definition.

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We said Matthew better tala boo boo Deline, inshallah a min higher if you're out in Waterloo, and what was required by Sherry approves without an obligation. So that's why the Find people they say oh this is only sooner. So, this is the definition of sooner with the fuqaha it means that this is not an obligation because another definition for that manual saboo fairyloot aku Jericho, it is any deed the door of which will be rewarded,

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but the one who does not do it will not be punished

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right. So, this is the definition of sooner within the books of the sources of fic fuqaha are concerned with these things. This is worship, or this is Sunnah, Sunnah that means if you don't do it, you will not be punished. If it is worship or further you will be punished if you do it, it will be a sin. So they are concerned with this definition.

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And we are concerned with the third tonight we're concerned with the third

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definition. We're talking here about the principles of Islamic jurisprudence rodella or sulan fifth, so we said acquire and Nevis asylum evaluator three rato allottee, you said eluvial and akademischer a. So these are here, the aroma of porcelain faculty said they are the same, the definition of sweetener for them, the sayings of the Prophet and his actions as well as his approvals.

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Use a Sherry approves, do they have an authority or not? This is what we are concerned with tonight, approvals. For example, He would look at someone in front of him doing something and he says nothing. So this is an approval from him because if it was Hara, then also less has seen him would have said something against it. Right? He would listen to something listen to someone saying something. And he doesn't say anything. So this is a confirmation from him and he Salatu wassalam about you know, correcting giving mfn legitimacy. So some sort of legitimacy to what that person said. It's an approval from him and it is part of his son, Ali salatu salam.

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before we talk that we deal with this issue, we need to understand as Muslims, the status of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his role as a prophet, what was his role? What was his job? What was his mission? Le Salatu center

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and this will well described in the book of Allah subhana wa Tada, Medina we have four if they have the same meaning to them in Surah Baqarah, one of them in Surah, lm Ron, and one of them in sola to Joomla.

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All of them confirming the mission or the details, giving us the details about his mission and his Salatu was Silla. So in Surah, Emraan Allah subhana wa Taala said, lotman Allahu Allah, meaning Allah surely bless the believers.

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So the mission of our Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem is a blessing for this ummah is a blessing for many evac Effie Masood, and when he sent to them, and messenger from among themselves, which means they know him, especially those who lived with him. They were familiar with his Allah familiar with his family lineage. We knew him very well is not someone who came from the moon, someone who came from another society, another culture. No, they knew him very well. So this is I mean, those people who should be included first in this area, they are the Sahaba. They allow I know because they live doing it with him and they knew him. But these blessings was given for all people who followed Hamad

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he said, Allah subhanaw taala told us why why his mission was a blessing is because yet you Allah him if he would recite the verses of Allah to the believers, this is number one.

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This is number one. Number two, we use a key Him He will make them pure.

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through what how does he make him does he make them pure?

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He lived with them. And he taught them how to pray and how to fast and how to read the Quran and what kind of car what kind of

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the issue decide. So he was training them right? To be closer to Allah subhanaw taala to have a better relationship with Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and anyone who thinks

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He's sooner because he's so nice preserved.

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He will be he will be actually included in this purification. If you pray the way of life as lm used to pray, use his daughters and his supplications you follow his Sunnah when it comes to fasting, you follow him sooner when it comes to paying the cat doing hedge and all these things, you will be actually following this path of purification and you will be purified because you'll be following the methodology of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in purifying himself and purifying the believers. Then he said, Well, you're a limo monkey Tebow and hikma so in the beginning, it was the recitation of the verses when the purification of their souls number two, and then terylene he would

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teach them the book and their wisdom.

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When Ken Omen Kabbalah, Vitaly Medina, las panatela said, well, they were before in a clear error. Yeah, and Ebola and morphine, they were following misguidance they were worshipping idols, they were confused. They will not worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala they will not following the path of tawheed. Anyway Rasulullah Salim came and he changed their life. But Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in this ayah and some other similar verses, about something very important that he did not only recite the verses to them, he taught them the book, what does it mean? That means he explained to book to them. He became an authority when it comes to the interpretation of the verses of the Quran,

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and he should be the only authority. That's why the aroma of TFC whenever they want to make a Tafseer of any at the first the first thing to check is if there is any Tafseer that was reported that was attributed to the prophets on the low it was sent him first, before they check the diff zero Abdullah Ibis, or the rest of the Sahaba or the rest of the Muslim scholars of Tafseer. The first thing we check is, is there any Tafseer for this ayah that was collected or that was preserved within his sandali salado center. So he is the authority when it comes to interpreting and understanding the meanings of the verses of the Quran. What is in hikma here? And hekima is his

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sooner the 11th. He said whenever hikma is mentioned with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala is something separate. And it is his son Allah salatu wa sallam, the way he applied the book, the way he acted on the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is called the hikma that is called the wisdom because Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam is the best person to understand the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he was the best person to act upon the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala found in this book

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so these are proves that Russell likes Arsalan was not a mere messenger. Okay, what they mean by me and messenger, someone who was, you know, employed as a messenger, used as a messenger to deliver the message and that's it, because this is what the people that are people so some people are saying, I saying no, we should not be concerned with the sooner we shouldn't study the sooner the Quran is enough. He brought the Quran to us we should understand the Quran, as it is as a source of guidance, and that should be enough for us. And this is clearly false. I mean, when we study all the Hadith we come up with this conclusion. It's something very clear.

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Now, as I said,

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it was translated or interpreted by the Obama here at his Sumner, but he cannot the general, the general meaning of Al hikma is one oshi female V, this is the general definition of achema in the Arabic language, you need to place things in their proper places.

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So it also lies in the word come to Mathurin from the Quran. And Allah subhanaw taala will tell us methoden

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was karula remember Allah subhanaw taala in the morning in the evening, it's a general command from Allah subhanho wa Taala that we should remember Allah subhana wa Taala with kurapika bukata na sila and he remember Allah your load in the morning and the evening. But we don't have details of this car. We know there is a test B that was mentioned in the Quran, but who taught us the beautiful this beautiful expressions of test B or to Hamid or jakobi or the different EMF and we have the morning supplications and the evening supplications we did not learn these morning supplications from the Quran we did not know this evening supplications from

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Quran they are not in the book of Allah subhana wa

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sallam told us, the ayah is there but it has a general no meaning. It's a general command from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah they we should remember Allah Subhana Allah to Allah in the morning in the evening, but who taught us how to do it? It is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now there are other proofs there are many proofs

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from the Quran above the authority of the sooner

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our about the authority of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now the Quran uses two terms, a ta relativa. What is a TA is obedience, le teba is to follow someone coming from a tablet or phone or tablet or whatever to land or terracotta Sudan is to follow the way fly for the lifestyle of the path of someone.

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And we have the term ta which means obedience and both of them were mentioned when it comes to our relationship with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and the word appeal if you check the Quran, you check the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So so basically the Quran is defending here the status of the sooner the Quran is defending the status of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is confirming his authority as a messenger of God, and that we Muslims, you should obey our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he shouldn't have any doubt about it. But then in one is saying well to Allah, how are Rasool Allah, Allah come to hamoed obey Allah and His Messenger so that you may be blessed. If you want the blessing of Allah. If you want to be included in his Rama, then you should obey Allah and obey His Messenger AlLahi salatu wa

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sallam another I am at Han in Surah till alfalfa Tacoma wa sallahu, that urbini como te o la hora Sula, who, in many, so Allah Subhana Allah saying, Fear Allah, and restore friendly relationship among yourselves and obey Allah and His Messenger if you are really believers.

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So if you claim that you are a believer, you believe in the last panel to Allah, Allah saying you should obey Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the other ayah Allah subhanaw taala is saying, In surah, to nowhere into the room who he was talking about the Messenger of Allah data do, but if you you obey Him, you will be guided, you obey Him, you will be guided. Now, there is something important I would like to mention here.

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When we mentioned these things, we're not exaggerating about the status of the Messenger of Allah.

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Now, something very important here, we Sunni Muslims, we need to understand our aqeedah and our methodology. And we have a clean we should have a clear

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picture about what we are talking about. And what you need, what what we need to know, when it comes to these things. here when it comes to this issue, there are two extremes,

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two extremes

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and there is a middle path here, which we are trying here we are trying to explain the middle path which is the middle path The path of Anna Sundar Jamal, what are the other two extremes? The first extreme is to accept

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is the uncritical you can call it the uncritical acceptance of surrender, which means there are people who accept everything that is called the Hadith, even if it is fabricated, even if it is very weak.

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They accept it makes sense to them. The alleys is a beautiful, it can.

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It included a beautiful story, the story is very beautiful. It's very deep, I like it. So the headings must be correct, must be authentic. And there is nothing wrong with it. I heard someone one time he was planning to give a halaqa or a lecture. And someone was helping him when we were discussing the you know, the the subject of the telephone.

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And he said I'm planning to use this ad the brother told him, but this ad is very visible to everyone is using weak Hadith. And this cannot be the attitude of a Muslim or a student of knowledge or someone who wants to know the truth. So the first deviation here is to accept the sooner in general without any

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without any, no.

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You have to have principles we have to have rules. If the Hadeeth is not authentic, we shouldn't be accepted. So this uncritical acceptance of sadhana is refused the other deviation in this side here that

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Are people who give this authority to their shoe to their to other people other than the Messenger of Allah. But I know people personally, who believe that their master there she is because he or she have a tariqa Sufi group. So their leader meets as soon as I see them in person.

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He meets him in person. And as soon as I see them in person tells him what to do and tell him about new rulings. Now the master the leader became not infallible because he's taking knowledge directly from her. So lies a lot sallallahu wasallam.

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And one time I was listening to a program made by Al Jazeera.

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These things are

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things that are found only this is not these are not made up stories here. What

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there's something I was watching this program made by LG zerah, about the Sophie groups and the reporters, Jazeera reporters were trying to meet with these leaders.

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And one of them is very famous, and he has a big number of people who follow Him, especially from Europe and North America. He doesn't live here in North America, live in a different country. And they were in touch with his aides, the people who work with him and they're there who work in this in his office.

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And he told him that our shape

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formed, received a phone call from the Messenger of Allah.

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And he told him that it's okay you can meet Al Jazeera people.

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You can meet these people from Al Jazeera the reports

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and there are people who believe them and to give them this authority, you know, this authority that we're talking about the status of our prophets, Allah seldom is given to other people. So this is a deviation. This is very extreme. And we need to be aware of this methodology. The other problem the other extreme is those who have the problem of wholesale rejection of the Hadeeth wholesale rejection of the Sunnah of our prophet SAW Selim. These are people who are called for an East said Quran is enough. We don't have to study the Sunnah of our Prophet Mohammed Salim. It is not a source of guidance for us, and so on and so forth. So now we are inviting people to the middle path, which

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is the path that the last panel what Allah is inviting us to follow. Look at this is from the Quran, we are not using the Hadees to confirm the status of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we are using as from the Quran, the ayat Allah is telling us how to behave, how to connect to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in a different area. Last pet Allah said we may use the aerosol sakata Allah

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whoever obeys the messenger, he has obey the law.

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whoever obeys a messenger he has a base I mean, there is now this has this idea does not need any explanation. Right? It doesn't need any Tafseer you don't need a Muslim scholar and professor to come and tell you the meaning of this ayah whoever obeys the messenger he has obeyed Allah subhana wa. Allah is telling us there is no difference between your obedience to Allah or obedience to the messenger.

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His Messenger Annie salatu salam. Now there is a claim that was made by chef Taqi Usmani it's a lie. It's a big statement. I was not able to verify it. Because to verify this claim, I have to go through the Quran write the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. And to go through every area is difficult. It's time consuming, but he is a great scholar. I have I respect the scholar. And anyone can check this claim it is in his book, it's available online. I can download it for free. It's called authority of the summer.

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And this book is very beneficial authority of the sooner written by Shea Taqi Usmani or Muhammad Taqi Usmani, right. In his statement, this statement, he said, there is no verse, there is no verse in the entire book. He's talking about the Quran, where the obedience of Allah has been mentioned, alone, with no reference to the obedience of the messenger.

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And this is page 15. You can check it yourself.

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PAGE 15, one five. He's saying there is no verse in the entire book with the obedience of Allah has been mentioned alone, with no reference to the obedience of the Messenger of Allah. He said

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On the contrary, what's the opposite? There are some verses where only the obedience of the messenger has been mentioned. And there is no reference to the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Why? Because Allah knows that when people obey the messenger, they will be obeying Allah. I'll give you an example here in Surah, Nisa, Allah, Allah said, you may even hear what do levena cafaro was our soul, low to silver behemoth.

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So Allah, Allah is not talking about disobeying Allah is talking about the disobedience of the messenger. He said on that day on the Day of Judgment, those who disbelieved and disobeyed the messenger and this would be the messenger will wish that the earth might be leveled with them.

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They will wish that they did not exist, because they know their fate.

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So of course, he's talking about those who disbelieved in the message, rejected the message of our Prophet Mohammed Salah. But the point is, Allah is not talking about the disobedience of Allah because he knows when people disobey the messenger they will be disobeying Allah, when they obey the messenger they will be disobeying Allah.

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And what confirms this year? Why? Because Allah, Allah told us basically that he is Maxim Rasulullah, saw Selim is muscle when it comes to the matters of religion, he might make a mistake with some other matters, right matters of dunya.

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And there are some examples right? But when it comes to the matters of religion, he is Muslim, he's infallible.

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Whatever he says, He says it with guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the Quran is confirming the status of our prophet SAW Selim in Surah 10 measuring for example, where Maryam the who Anil Hauer in who knew her and he does not speak from his own desires, Judo, karate, saying, so he bought the Messenger of Allah he doesn't speak from his own desires. It is Bertie revelation revealed to him which means if he says something, and he makes a mistake, Allah will not keep quiet about it. Allah will correct it. Right It will be corrected right away.

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And that's his whole life. His his sayings are part of why when they are approved by Allah subhana wa.

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Well, they are approved by Allah Subhana Allah to Allah we know there are some instances from examples, where as soon as I send them into miscalculations, Allah subhanaw taala right away corrected him.

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But in general, he was mad assume that's why they said the sooner is a thought week, Alma Nikita Villa azzawajal is the infallible application of the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the sooner or the essence of his sooner Allah salatu salam.

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So when it comes to Le t bear, so we talked about obedience, now we'll talk about following.

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So obedience is related to his sayings and his commands. Following his acts and his way of life and his the way he practiced the deen following we follow what he did le salatu salam. Now there are many verses I'm not going to mention you know, these verses, but maybe the most important of them among these verses talking about Tibet, following the messenger of Allah or following his way of life is what the last part Allah says in Surah t le MRR.

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Allah Subhana Allah is saying to the Messenger of Allah say, oh Mohammed, tell your followers tell the believers in contempt to hipbone Allah. If you really love Allah,

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what you should do, what should you do? Right?

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What should you do? If you claim that you love Allah subhanho wa Taala What am I telling him to tell the believers phetchaburi Rooney, so follow me. So Follow me Follow the Sunnah of your messenger, you will come along what will happen, Allah will love you.

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If you follow his way of life, you follow his son now what will happen? You will be following the center of the best person who lived on the surface of this earth. And then the end result will be you become discouraged. I'm not talking about using my own language here. This is the sort of lamb that you become Allah, Allah will love you.

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And we forgive you since we have a lacuna, but what do you want more than that?

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That Allah will love you forgive your sins.

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Now there are some other messages here who on some other ayat there is a strong message here in Sorrento

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this story in this ayah las panatela says 65 Fela waarop deca lair you may know

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the story they said there was a disagreement between Abdullah and his were not Abdullah observa his father as well.

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And another person from an answer

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that was dispute about something

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he had,

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you know, they were neighbors, and they were doing some

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agricultural activities, they were planting some palm trees and doing some planting some vegetables and, and there was a disagreement between them. So they went to Ross who lives I sell them

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asking for a judgment to judge between the two of them. Zubaydah Well, of course was related to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was the son of his aunt, Sophie have been to the mortality

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and the other Ansari was not related to the prophet SAW Selim. So personalized SLM

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gave the right first to zubayr to water because the water was coming through his land to water his his trees and his his gardens first and then allow the other person to benefit from that water.

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So the other person was not satisfied with the judgment of our Prophet Mohammed Sawsan. And he made the statement he said because he's your, your cousin.

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enemy's face became red, because that not that is not something expected from him from the end sorry to say about his messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said low enough are a matter of inter Mohammed in set up at La Jolla, a Fatima he said a father mother was the daughter of Mohammed still something I would apply the Sherry judgment upon her.

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Right? The Sheree I ruling upon this upon her crime if Fatima so as soon as I seen him would never do something like that. Right? But the person was not satisfied with his judgment azubu right away and do this during that time. I don't know in the same day and the next day law Allah revealed this iron solid to me sir. But there are some rules that he said this area could be another

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another to two other people, a Jewish man and a Muslim who was deemed to be hypocrite who has a problem of measuring hypocrisy. They had a dispute and they didn't want to go to law school life and sell them for a judgment they yahoodi Jewish man wanted to go to the Messenger of Allah but the other person refused he wanted someone else to judge between them.

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But now we are concerned with the general meaning the general message and it is a very strong message. In this ayah Allah Singh fella wore a beaker, Allah yuksom Allah is making an oath by himself. Usually Allah subhanaw taala was making an oath in the Quran by his creation, right? He was Allah Subhana Allah made it permissible for himself to make an oath by his creation, we are not allowed to make an oath by anything other than Allah subhanho wa Taala right we cannot make an oath by the name of your mother or the prophet SAW Selim over the life of the prophet or the life of your father or dead. No, this is a minor act of sherek you know that we're not supposed to do it.

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But Allah subhana wa tada there is nothing greater than him. So Allah when he wants to bring it to our intense attention the importance of something or the status of something, he would make an oath by it in the Quran, but here here in this case, he made an oath by himself. Bella follower of deca by name by root V will never believe or they will not truly believe me No, Hatter, you hacky McAfee Mashallah by now, and if we make you over hammer the judge

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over which are that over which they have the disputed about any dispute they had, they need to come back to you that they don't have the right to go to someone else when you are alive when you are present. And, you know, when when we think about ourselves, we think about his son Natalie salatu salam, right we should we should use his Sunnah as a source of guidance. He's not with us, he's not present. But we still concerned with this a and we are included in this ayah. So he said Allah subhanho wa Taala and then find within themselves no discomfort with your judgment.

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We find no adverse feelings against your judgment against you decision. So that means if they are really believers, they should be fully satisfied with your judgment with your decision.

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And this applies to all

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Muslims all times. And Allah Subhana Allah at the end of the ayah he said when you suddenly move to Lima and submit in full submission, so the only thing is for us is to make sure that the Hadith is authentic, and we have the correct understanding of the Hadith and then we have no choice but to follow the Sunnah of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now there is a concept that some rula talked about.

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And I give you some examples of this concept. Tonight in sha Allah, some examples, one of them is a shift of Eros, Manny, he mentioned our route maybe 16. Examples of this part of why that is called the N recited revelation, the N recited so we have the recited revelation, which is the Quran, but we have the N recited revelation which is not found in the Quran, but it is revelation. It is a way the guidance that came from Russell lies and Salim and the Unum are telling us that this is something that the Quran confirmed. The Quran is giving us examples of this and recited revelation exists and you have to follow it and it has authority right method in the example of the change of

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the table.

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When Muslims migrated to the city of Medina, they were facing beighton mark this for how long

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1617 months

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they will not facing Aqaba.

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In their prayer whenever they pray for us or Maverick. They did not face in Canada for 16 months in the city of Medina in the beginning when they migrated to El Medina.

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So they use the word face baitul Mac This is the opposite right? Basically Mac This is the in the north and a Kava is in the south of Medina. So it's the opposite direction.

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And if you tell me why would the last panel to Allah prescribe for them to face Betamax for 16 months and then

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change it for them?

00:37:14 --> 00:38:03

I commend them to to face acaba, Allah subhanaw taala told us in the Quran, he wanted to test the believers to see who will obey the messenger and who will disobey Him. Right? So in this if you go to sawtell bacara Circle Baqarah from a 143 142 until maybe the whole page he's talking about this subject. If you go to this page from 140 to maybe better here, Allah subhanaw taala said we're measure Anil kipple, Atletico de la ilaha illa Allah Allah yet hubiera sola nimmanhaemin kalibo Allah ke v. So Allah is talking, telling us here about the testing, that he wanted to test the believers, right. So he said, and we did not appoint the table

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on which you were earlier, you will facing in the beginning, so he's talking about the previous table. That's why we say about waiting Magnus ullo cable attain the first of the two fabulous. So he said we did not appoint the Stabler who appointed it.

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Allah subhanaw taala is clear, right?

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We, Allah, Allah is saying what measure I know he's talking about himself. First, when Allah used we is what we have, what of majesty doesn't mean that we have many gods that are Muslim to ask this question. I mean, it's, it's obvious, that we have we have people here human beings who are kings and, and females who are queens, and they say we the Queen of England, decided to do this and this and this. So if it is, if this is what humans do on earth, and they refer to himself with this pronoun, we, Allah subhanaw taala is more deserving of this pronoun, right? So Allah subhanaw taala is saying here we did not appoint the Qibla which you were facing in the beginning, but that we

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might know who would follow the messenger and who would not and who would disobey him right? So Allah, Allah was testing them. Now after six months, 17 months Allah told him clearly for when he was Shaka Shaka mercy del Hara. So now face towards Turn your face towards Allah Masjid al Haram. msgid haraguchi is an in Makkah. Now the point is how can we use this story as a proof that this and recited why anybody say and recite it and recite the revelation exists and it is there and Muslims are bound to believe in it and and and and follow it?

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How can we use it

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The point here is there is no area in the Quran that says all Muslims you need to face bait and muck this.

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It was a message that was conveyed by

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by the Messenger of Allah. Muslims came to Almudena.

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Rasulullah told them we need to face Jerusalem. They were facing all of them were facing Jerusalem bait and map this with him. But there is no ayah that tells them you need to face Jerusalem.

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Why did he follow the Prophet sallallahu Sallam?

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Because they believe that he doesn't speak from his own self. It is a revelation from Allah. If he's telling us to follow to you know face your Islam or beighton Magnus It must be a command from Allah subhana wa Tada. But Allah is saying we did not appoint the Scribbler. So the appointment of the tablet came from Allah but there is no I am talking about it. It came through the message was conveyed by by the Messenger of Allah.

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Right, you see the point here that the scholars are trying to make, but there is a word a part of why that is not found in the Quran that Muslims are bound to follow and believe in and that's why the Muslims these Muslims were amazing the Sahaba of the Alolan group of them were praying Salah Thor or Lhasa in masjidul, calculating the message of to to countless. Now people when they go for Amazon has you to visit that place and visit that machine there is nothing special in that machine. the only the only thing that is special is the history of the machine, the history of the place that this group of Muslims

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it's a different machine. It was not the mercy to fossilize, I sell them they will pray in a different neighborhood. They will not with the Messenger of Allah. When he received the command that he should face and mercy they'll Hara. Someone came passing by them.

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He knew about the new command. They were offering the prayer,

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praying towards beta and mark this in the middle of the prayer he told them Russell lies as Ellen, they were praying, don't ever assume lies as Ellen was commanded to face to face and Kaaba and Miss Eden Hara, what happened? All of them a group of people turning in the Salah, the Imam turned in the Salah, and the group who will be hiding turned and face the opposite direction which is which is Aqaba? It's amazing.

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One time he was praying sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leading the prayer. And he was wearing his

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In the brain, we are allowed to do that if your shoes or sandals are clean, not in the masjid here on the carpet. But if you are outside, you can do it.

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So he was leading the prayer, as you breathe came to him in the middle of the prayer told him that there is some naza

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on your sandals.

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It was not supposed to pray with the nushares I didn't pay attention to it. So what did he do la salatu salam

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threw his sandals away in the middle of the prayer.

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Right? took them off in the middle of the prayer, all this behind a wall of them, taking off their shoes and throwing them to the side. That's it. That was an authority for them. And in salatu salam, a source of guidance. He's the Messenger of Allah, we do what he does, and he salatu wa sallam. That was their methodology. I don't be alone. I know that and that's why Allah Subhana Allah was pleased with them.

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So this is the first example. The second example is I was with bogra Matheran, Allah, Allah says in Surah amphawa is here at como la, the power if attorney and the halochem one a lot of promise to you. So Allah is talking about the briefest promise, because this sort of Empire was revealed after so what better talking about previous promise that was given to Muslims.

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So when Allah promised you that the one of the two groups will be shall be yours, that means you will be victorious against one of the two groups. What are the two groups? The first group is the caravan the trading caravan that was coming back from Syria. It was a Mexican caravan under the leadership of Abu Sofia. And the Muslims had the right to attack this caravan because they wanted to take their wealth. He took their wealth he took their homes, their properties in Makkah, they had the right allow them to take but he did not attack they didn't attack this caravan. They had to face the other group. What was the other group, the meccan army, which came from Makkah to face Muslims.

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But they're also wise I sell him when he was consulting with his when he was consulting with his

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With his companions, after the consultation, the session of consultation is was over. He told them a Pew siru ushiro move forward and be and receive the glad tidings

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fucka dhwani lo, the Thai fitting Allah has promised me one of the two groups that will be victorious against one of the two groups.

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This is something that is not found in the Quran.

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But the Quran is telling us is telling the believers I promised you a lie telling you, I promised you but the promise they did not. It not is not found in the book of Allah. The promise came through the Messenger of Allah. So Allah is giving what

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is actually confirming the status of the promise, or the saying of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it's part of why he said it. That means I said it because this promise came from masala.

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You see the point here? This is one example. The third example I'll finish with this about a salaat Allah subhanho wa Taala is or Jazakallah Baqarah said

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hello Allah Salatu was slaughtered rooster Baku la carnitine Fein Clifton very Jalan O'Rourke burner for either I mean Tim Firth, Kuru, la cama I'll never come, it's very important to you.

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So little Baqarah, Allah Subhana, Allah said, take care of the prayers. So Allah is telling us talking about prayers and number of prayers. He did not tell us about this number. He didn't he did not Allah did not tell us in the Quran that they are five prayers. It is a messenger sallallahu Sallam who told us you need to pray five prayers and he used to pray five prayers with the Muslims and all of them know these five prayers from him.

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And Allah, Allah said in the middle prayer, salata Wooster, but he decided not to tell us which salaat is solid rooster. He left it to the messenger to make this ban to tell us which we salaat is a salata booster, and based on some authentic hadith it is salata Lhasa, the Astra pray, right.

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And then last night, Allah said thanks to him

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for his Yellin odo cabana, so he said, but if you are in fear and you're facing fighting with your enemy, you are in fear. You cannot pray properly, offer your prayer and prayer in a normal way. Then he said pray on foot or writing. So they were if they were facing their enemy, and they couldn't properly offer their prayer, they were allowed to pray while walking or riding their horses so they can offer their prayer while writing their look at the importance we can include from this area here the importance of the prayer.

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There are people who get sick, they go to the hospital, they stay there for 15 days, they say okay, I was sick. I didn't pray for 15 days. But I will see you can pray well, while laying on the bed, or sitting.

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You can make to a mum if you are not able to use the water can make a mum if you're not able to move your your hands or you are not able to sit down or stand up or to move around. You can pray with your eyes. Do not Do not abandon the prayer. Like here this is a state of war, state of fear. And the last part Allah is saying you can offer your prayer you still have to pray offer your prayer, either walking or riding. But he said at the end, which is more important here is the mean time first Corolla comm alhama COMM But if you are in peace, then recite the name of Allah in a way, in the way he taught you. He taught you who taught us here, let's talk about himself. Now Allah is

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talking about himself, come out and never confessed Corolla come and knock meeting say come and knock on the messenger. But who taught us the prayer?

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In reality, the Messenger of Allah, he's the one who taught the Sahaba

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there is no I have a tell us you should start with the community and then recite Surah Fatiha in the recite a short surah and then say Allahu Akbar and go into position of ruku and they say semi Allah holy Mohammed and then say, our callaham and then go into position of sujood and say Subhana Allah there is no III in the Quran. That gives us this details. He left it to the Messenger of Allah, little by iannelli Nascimento Zilla Adam so you can explain to people what has been

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revealed to them that was the mission of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So this is very important the one and that's why Rasulullah Salim said, Son Luca ma II to Mooney, who suddenly and he prayed the way you have seen me praying. Now, there are people who say these people who deny the authority of the Sunnah.

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So some of them, he said, Yes, the obedience of the Messenger of Allah is mentioned in the Quran.

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But he was supposed to be obeyed in the capacity of a ruling authority

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of a ruler.

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So Muslims were supposed to, he was supposed to convey the message of the Quran, and leave,

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give the people freedom to, to worship Allah subhanaw taala, based on the guidance of the Quran, but when he lived with Muslims, he was supposed to be obeyed in the capacity of a ruler, not a messenger.

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He didn't have the authority of a messenger, he had an authority of a ruler.

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And it's very easy to to refute this shubha it's very easy. Because you're one, if you go back to this as his ad versus into Cora,

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all of them, all of them. Whenever our last panel tells us to obey Him,

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He would mention his mission or his his title as a messenger. And I give you an example, if I tell you, you need to obey your father.

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What do you understand from this statement?

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You need to obey your father.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:05

What do I understand, I understand that I need to obey my father because he is my father.

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I don't obey my neighbor, I might treat my I'm supposed to treat my neighbor with respect. But I don't obey Him. Because I don't have this relationship of a parent a child with him. But I have this specific relationship with my father.

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I obey Him because He is my father.

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So there is a title here, there is a status. There is a position, right? If I tell a person a student, you need to obey your teacher.

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He's not someone who is different than people from the street. He's not like any other person. He's your teacher. So he has a status here. Right? You need to obey Him because He is your teacher. Rasul Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whenever he commands us to obey Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't mention his name.

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He did not select him as a leader because he's from kurush. Or he's one of the descendants of Ibrahim alayhis salam or because he was an Arab. All these things are not important because we are we know that some descendants of Abraham Salah will go far.

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We know that some of his ankles from Banu Hashim

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died as non Muslims. But as soon as Assalam deserves to be obeyed, because he is the Messenger of Allah.

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And Allah subhanaw taala distinguishes between the messenger and people in authority methadone in Surah Nisa. Yeah, you live in Amarillo to Allah, wa t o Rasulullah. We're only Emory minco. Allah subhanaw taala said you you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the messenger and those who are in authority among you.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is distinguishing between our obedience to the Messenger of Allah because he is a messenger and between people who are in authority among us within the Muslim community or in Ammar and they have administrative authority, they don't have the power to come up with a new sheriff or ruling people in authority. They don't have the same authority of the Messenger of Allah. And that's why Allah subhanaw taala did not say and obey he did not repeat the word, obey and obey those who are in authority among you. He included it because it is part of obeying Allah and obeying the messenger.

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When we have a ruler halifa for example, who is following the keytab and sooner we need to listen to him. But his power, his administrative power, his authority is only to administrative matters method traffic laws. We have a ruler who will come and we say okay, we need to manage our traffic in this town. And then this is how we do we're supposed to do and

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This is what what are the laws that we need to obey and follow then this is an administrative authority has nothing to do with Sharia. But still we need to obey them. If they are following the book of Allah subhana wa tada and the Sunnah of our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like Muslims at the time, they used to obey and listen to Abu Bakar. So definitely allow I know a lot of hip hop, man refer in an alley and so on and so forth.

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Now, some people say his obedience was only prescribed upon those who lived with him.

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Because he was again, a leader among them. And he was he was the head of the state. And he was the ruler, the best scholar who distinguished between these different things in the life of our Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem his capacity as an, as a messenger, as a ruler, as a normal human being who likes things and certain types of food, who does things because they are part of his culture that they have nothing to do with religion is an enamel coffee, and enamel coffee, he wrote a book about these kinds of things, how to distinguish between these different things. methylene used to wear a mama, because the MMR turban was part of his culture. It has no religious significance. Right? It

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has no religious significance, he used to wear it, because it was the culture of his people. But when it comes to the beef, no, the beard is, is is required by Sharia because he commanded us, he did not command us to wear a turban. And I saw him, but he commanded us to have to grow the beard, for example, this is how we distinguish between these things. Now those people who say his obedience was only for those was prescribed upon those who lived with him. Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala, telling us many, I think the Quran

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that Rasulullah saw, Selim was a messenger who was sent to all people,

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even non Muslims, and even if even the Christians and the Jews and the Buddhists and the Hindus, or people who lived after the time of our Prophet during his time, or those who came after him, all of all of them as opposed to believe in his message in his message if we want to be saved on the Day of Judgment, how about those who came before him? That's obvious didn't have to believe in him. But they had the obligation to believe in their own prophets and messengers. How about those who lived in between, like, there were 600 years between a Sally Solomon and Mohammed sallallahu wasallam. Those people are called the people who will fattura if we then did not have access to any divine

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message from a Sally seller for example, they didn't know about the message of a Sally salon for example, then these people will be tested on the day of judgement, Allah subhanho wa Taala will not punish them before he before testing them. So Allah Subhana Allah will treat everyone with ultimate justice on the Day of Judgment. But here we have one ayah which says, Yeah, you Kalia you Hannah's in near rasuluh la la comme Jamia ally, selling the messenger cold say, oh, Mohamed, all people, all mankind, I am the messenger of Allah to all of you.

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So he he was a messenger during his time. He was he is a messenger to us. And his authority is the same. And we shouldn't have any doubt

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about his authority. Now people that are people who matter, they don't have a problem with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They say this is what they claim. But we have problem with even though most of the people who talk about this subject don't have knowledge.

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And they have some silly arguments. Sorry to use this term, but basically, about matalin say Buhari. They have doubt about the collection, the process, the way the sooner was collected, right? And they don't have knowledge didn't study method and Roman Hadith. It's a science by itself. We might talk a little bit take, give you an idea maybe next halaqa about the methodology of Hadith, or the way the Hadith was collected. The Rama Rama had strict rules. And Buhari Rahmatullah na is not someone who came from nowhere. And he said, I wrote this book for people and even you need to believe me, and it's full of ahaadeeth and these Hadith are authentic, and he just brought them from nowhere right.

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Now he used to meet other scholars here the other scholars verified he's had he verified his book. He used to travel and meet with other scholars. There are many scholars who narrated this the his body the same a Hadith, but with different

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Change of narration. So there is a process there. There is a science, it's a branch of knowledge. But when you go to any Islamic University, you find that they have the faculty of Hadith. In this faculty people study about the history of Hadith, the history of method Hadees methodology, the study of both these books of Sunnah and the way the Sunnah was preserved. Because when we talk about the preservation of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala promise that you will prime

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preserve the Quran, right? And our rule and I believe that since he promised to preserve the Quran, this should include it must include the preservation of the Sunnah. And the sooner was preserved, was preserved through the efforts of the scholars who were able to sort out what is authentic from the other heidy that are weak and fabricated. So the only thing that you should make sure when you deal with a heavy is it authentic or not?

01:01:02 --> 01:01:42

Number one, before you share it on WhatsApp, or Facebook, before you share it, make sure that you are dealing with an authentic hadith. This is number one. Number two, if you are deriving some conclusions from the head, if make sure that you are deriving the right conclusions that are taken from authority scholars have had to understand the meaning you're taking from a source a well known source, you know what a mean, before you share or don't use the head of yourself and say, Okay, okay, I got this hadith here. So you derive a conclusion. And then you believe all the other scores were wrong, because their conclusions are against you know, the conclusion that you were able to

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derive from this hadith. So it's okay to be skeptical to research to know if the Hadith is authentic or not, but be skeptical with humbleness because if I am arrogant in the process, if I am arrogant right, and I believe okay at some key what's what's wrong with this people will tell will Emma Matic is clearly going against this idea of going against this I start making the statement here. This is a sign that I'm an ignorant person. So it's okay to study but study with humbleness, do your research with humbleness, don't try to label all the scholars there are people who believe that these scholars are stupid. Right. Well, I these these terms, these these terms about great scholars

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in history, you know, immigrant Buhari, say Buhari, it was his book was studied and researched by many scholars. Like we take one of them, you know Hazara last colony, who died in 1442, or 842, and his yearly calendar. So he lived 600 years he died 16 years after the death of Emmanuel Buhari. He studied his book, and he wrote a huge book about the explanation of all that had if he went through every heady is a Buhari study, that is not the chain of narration. He studied the content of the Hadith. And he wrote his book, we have a book here we have it in this library, set out 14 volumes, 14 volumes. I challenge anyone.

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People who live at this time to study it and explain this head this this this, this book for us. And tell us you know about the work of a man who has given us Kalani who lived in Palestine as I said he lived 600 years after Buhari has no Muslim, no interest within emammal Buhari to come and tell us that old ahaadeeth inside Buhari are authentic, except for a hadith were controversial. Maybe we'll mention that. In the next half hour we'll talk a little bit about the methodology of the scholars of the Hadith. And here the Muslims who are trying to confirm the status of the Sunnah they are not saying that Buhari is Michael Pollan. First they talk about Buhari because it is the best source of

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Hadith. But there are some other sources of Hadith accepted Muslim soon anteriormente soon and Abbey down soon anybody measure and many sources, but of course the other books they are not like Sahih Bukhari and Muslim. If you compare between them, the best among them is sahadi. But they are not saying that what is inside Buhari is like the Quran is like the book of Allah subhana wa Tada. No, they're not saying that. But why don't we stand up in the in the salaat? Are we allowed to recite the Hadith after In fact, no, this is the saying of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam even the Hadith we're not allowed to recite it in the Salah. coochie Hadith. And you know, what is the difference

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between a punchy, Hadith and irregular and if you're gonna have something that was was s&m said and it is part of why you have to believe in it and follow it when it when the ad is authentic.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:45

All as insulin is telling us this is the message I got from Allah, I'm just conveying the message in my words. So the content, the content of the message is coming from Allah directly the message is coming from Allah. But instead of it being part of the Quran, it is classified as a coochie Hadith, because also licensing a mooch a common law, a law said, but it is not correct. But even this he had if we don't treat it like Parag. Right. So we're not saying that we should treat this Howdy, like the Quran, the Book of Allah subhanaw taala. But the Sunnah is another major source of guidance, and it is the second source of guidance, and it has authority and we should obey the prophet SAW Selim.

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So tonight we're trying to establish you know, the authority of the messenger himself and in salatu salam, talking about his role and his status, maybe inshallah, next halakha. We'll talk about you know, the the science of Hadith in general. And so why, why do we need to know these things in details here what the problem is, as I said, maybe you don't have a problem you are here. Maybe you don't have problem with the authority of the center. Right? But I'm sure you meet someone. This person could be your son. Could be your daughter could be your neighbor. Could be your cousin who will tell you I don't believe in this. Oh, no. I don't believe in Hetty. Okay, but this is not

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mentioned in the Quran. It's only mentioned in Buhari, why people are exaggerating about Buhari and all these kinds of statements, right? Because these people don't understand the status of our Prophet Mohammed Salah Salem and the nature of his mission, right. So when he does say, We have no choice by to follow, if we of course, if we have the correct understanding. The problem is, when we have a headache, we have also we need to have the correct understanding of the headache. And here we need to go back to the books written about the explanations and the meanings of this hadith. And what the scholars said about this hadith. Right Giacomo quaden Baraka lofi comb Atlas. Allah bless

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you bless your time.

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