Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #21

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallran's success as a scholarly figure and the importance of learning from his success are discussed. The segment discusses the misunderstandings of certain people and their actions, as well as the need for women to be aware of their own actions and not just wait for others to correct them. The segment also touches on the history of the Hadith movement, including the importance of knowledge and investment in women, and the need for attention to be given to women in public. The speakers emphasize the importance of not just waiting for others to correct mistakes and the need for a class that focuses on the life of Asia and not just a general class.
AI: Transcript ©
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Oh, I should I should.

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I should, I should.

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She was

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peace be upon him. We

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are amazing father

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known as the truth.

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You smilla Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah the sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to this the 21st class, the penultimate class inshallah, of the life of a shell of the man how the life and scholarship of Ayesha ivyland,

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almost Orman momineen. And today we're really going to start trying to take a look at the scholarship of our mother, Aisha, or the law. And

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if you remember, a few weeks ago, we started to highlight what some of the reasons might have been for her emergence as a scholarly figure. Can you remember any of those points? Or are there any points that you'd like to mention? If there are please mentioned them in the chat causes for her emergence as a scholarly figure? Or what what was it that made her so well placed?

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To become a scholar, you know, to to be able to spread knowledge etc?

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Well, the first thing we could mention, of course, is the terribie of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right, that we have the Prophet, she literally grew up

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in the house of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, from the age of nine.

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She knew him from even before that, but in terms of living with him from the age of nine, until the age of 18, those are like the most crucial years of your life, honestly. Think about it.

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The most formative years of your life.

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If there are any points that sisters want to mention, let me have a look.

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It was a bit of a delay. So

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also, if you reflect on the fact that she lived right next to the space, where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give his headbutts, right? So she would actually listen to the hot the buzz of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from her house from behind the curtain.

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So can you imagine the amount of knowledge the number of what was the number of speeches or conversations she was privy to? It must have been a huge number, right?

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She also had excellent memory, and excellent memory, sharp observation skills. And she was intelligent. We know that.

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And, you know, intelligence, you can see somebody's intelligence by when they speak, the way they work things out. And you can see that I actually didn't, I used to use very logical, logical arguments to work to explain things to people. And even when she was correcting people, her style was to say, Well, that doesn't make sense because of this, right? Because of this clear proof, for example. So she had a very, she had very logical way of thinking, and somebody written her background growing up in the home of, of Bucher, yes, of course, growing up in the home of the best man after I saw laughs and allowed him asylum, and then in the home of the, of the best man himself.

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also her

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she was articulate, you know, last minute that Allah blessed her to be articulate to be able to express herself.

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And to be very eloquent in speech. She was curious, and she was always questioning, right? So if there was something she didn't understand, you don't just leave it. She asked us when the last the last time Why Why is it like this? Or what or is it like this, etc, right? She didn't just, she wasn't just a sponge. She was literally reflecting things back and asking about them as well. And she had critical thinking skills, you know, in other words,

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she was able to when she received information, even like I'm talking after the prophet SAW someone's death when people brought her opinions or sayings or something that they'd heard. She was able to take here.

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scrutinize it. And then replay, you know,

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she was very confident. And that's really, you know, something that we can praise her parents for, right? Because they obviously instilled in her, although some of that is probably innate, you know, something that last panatela puts in people. And I think her parents definitely played a part in raising her to be confident.

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A sense of responsibility, and our mana for the prophet SAW love while he was selling his legacy was very acute.

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You know, especially after his death, and especially after all the kind of issues that happen and fitten that happened. I think she really felt that, you know, her role is really to be the conduit between the people and the prophets are selling sooner, right? Because that's what she how she could serve the my best by conveying the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah, what he was selling them.

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And she was also very tough on bidda, I would say. So, when we talk about beta, we mean, any newly invented things in the religion, right? So when she observed a new trend, or somebody tried to do something that was sort of lustful, allow someone didn't do. For example, somebody came and asked her about celibacy. You know, is it a good thing? And she really like, was quite tough against that.

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When when people came and you know, somebody asked her about

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the menstruation Is it okay? If I pray during menstruation, she, she would kind of, you know, react in a way that you could see that she really did not want new approaches, new things to be injected into matters of the religion, and she was really any protective over the summer, and that they should be preserved.

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And I remember in one of my classes that I had with them, Chef Mohammed Akram nadwi. One of the things that he highlighted, and we've kind of highlighted this in the previous class, and that is that, you know, I should have been actually put conveying knowledge.

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She put that ahead of or she meant that was more important to her, then her own emotions and feelings, right. And you know, that was very obvious when we narrated the Hadith that she mentioned about

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adjust ruler, right after her brother Mohammed bin abubaker was assassinated by one of the governors of Maria bin Abu Sufyan.

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Somebody had traveled from Egypt, hadn't they, to visit her and to seek knowledge and they came to ask her something and she asked, you know, what is your governor like? And the man praised the governor and said, You know, you're such a very nice to the people in you treats the people well, he gives us whatever we need. And he, you know, takes care of the affairs of the people.

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I should have Dylan has said, didn't she that

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what he did to her brother, Mohammed, even boubakeur does not prevent her from narrating a hadith that she heard from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam about anyone who was put in charge of the affairs of the Muslims, and treated them well, that Allah Subhana Allah would, you know, bless such a person, right. So I should have done how she,

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you know, she didn't allow the fact that she obviously felt personal pain at the death of her brother. And

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with regards to anyone who would have caused that death, it didn't prevent her from the reading this idea that, in a way, it could be seen as being a positive message for even for the person who was responsible for killing her brother.

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And we also noticed that she didn't only talk about women's issues, you know,

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sometimes in our times,

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something that I've just noticed is that as, as Muslim women, when especially if you have completed a certain level of studies, you're often invited to speak about things.

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But you're often only invited to talk about issues to do with women.

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And, you know, that's kind of unfortunate because human beings have different interests, don't they? And just because

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Somebody is a woman doesn't mean that that's the area that they're going to have the most expertise in. Although I do understand, you know why people would encourage sisters to speak about issues to do with women, I think we have to recognize that people can specialize and have knowledge about different things. Right. And,

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you know, one of the things when I share

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a Chrome, he always said was, you know, you don't need to demand respect from people. You don't need to demand respect from people, if you have knowledge. And if you have accurate knowledge, and you have the right understanding, and you and you convey that people will respect you anyway. Right. Just make sure you have proper knowledge that's more important, then trying to kind of demand respect from people or demanding titles and these kinds of things, right. And that's what we find without it should have been on her and refined with her students as well. Their excellence in knowledge, spoke volumes, right, it spoke for itself, they didn't need to kind of muscle their way,

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or anything like that, right into, like the public consciousness or something like this. At the end of the day, they were doing it for the sake of Allah. And they got the recognition

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that was due to them. Right.

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Some of the great things that some of the scholars have said about each other the land how with regards to her knowledge.

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Let me see if you've written if you said anything that I can. Yeah, one of this is saying she had a very inquisitive mind. Yes.

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And you need that, don't you if you want to really seek knowledge? You know, it's the students who ask the questions, you are not afraid to show that they don't know. They are the ones who usually benefit the most from a class, right.

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And so,

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one of the scholars in Malaysia, he said,

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when I showed him and he was faced with something that she did not know,

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she was not able to stand without learning more.

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And how Kim said, a quarter of knowledge came to us throughout Asia, while the learner will also lash out he said as companions of the Messenger of Allah. Whenever we came across a complicated issue, we took it to Ayesha because she always had the information that could solve a difficulty.

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He Shamblin odawara then a Zubair so

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the logins are bears, brother's son is a sham benowa. He said I didn't and he's a narrator of added he said, I did not see anyone more well informed in Arusha in medicine, phip, or poetry.

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And we said that, you know, the way that she knew about medicinal kind of

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things, you know, about herbal medicines and things like that is because,

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you know, people would come and visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from all over Arabia. And whenever they came, she would ask them, or they would share some knowledge, some information about some herbal remedy or some, you know, something that was the norm in their area of Arabia. And so through that she would gain all of that kind of experience and insight into different herbs and medicines.

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I'm also

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one of the scholars I thought he said, I should have done who was the most intelligent, scholarly person and the one who had the best thoughts and opinions amongst people.

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Enough in the face, he said, I heard the sermons the hood was of abubaker Omar of man and Ollie and all the other Caleb's up until today.

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Yet, from them, I did not hear such fluent beautiful utterances as I heard from Arusha of the Lana.

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Right. And so how did she teach? How did I show to Dylan? Hmm. Teach? sisters often asked me this, you know, is okay for a woman to teach in public where men may be able to hear it, we'll see.

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we know that there were extra rules for the likes of it shut down and the mothers of the believers, not only did they have to wear the hijab, and you know, make sure that they were covered properly

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in front of non morons, but they were also not allowed to physically appear in front of non Muslims like this, for example, right? They would have to have a curtain

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or That's why, you know, I sure had the whole edge right when she was on the camel

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Whenever she traveled,

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and so for I should have around her she would teach. And it says, from the sources that I read, she would teach from her house, you know, from the,

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the Hydra that she had next to the machine number we were the prophet SAW someone was buried, she would teach from there, or maybe the courtyard of that house, you know, I don't know, if you remember, in one of the early classes, we looked at some of the various models that explained what that house looked like.

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So some had, you know, the room, and then a little bit of open space outside, you know, it's not 100% clear, which of those is the most accurate, but at some kind of space from that house, from behind the curtain, people would gather, and I'm imagining that it was probably, you know, from the masjid, you know, outside her house, behind the curtain, they would gather there, and you know, they would be able to ask her questions, and she would sit behind that curtain. And those people who are Muslims to her, or young children, etc, who have students, they were able to come inside the curtain and sit directly in front of her. Right.

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So it said that boys, girls and men who

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would go in

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others sat in the courtyard of the mosque close to the curtain.

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Okay. And her style of teaching was a mixture of talks, and discussions. You know, it wasn't just lecturing, and everyone's just silently listening. There was back and forth, there were people asking questions, instead, cetera, right.

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It said that when somebody spoke, and they made a mistake, in the way they spoke that Arabic, she would correct them. So she was quite particular about, you know, the Arabic grammar and the way they spoke.

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And it's also said that she was very kind to students, she was known for really looking out for students, especially the younger ones. And she was like a mother to them, you know, especially the younger ones. And she gave special attention to orphans, who would come and seek knowledge from her panela

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it's even said that those of them that were girls who got to a certain age, who would actually really be she really like take care of their affairs and be concerned about them, getting them married, you know, and things like that. So Pamela, so she was a very caring and loving Maura via, in that sense. So, you know, she did used to teach, and men and women came to learn from her, as we know, and the poor and last 100, Allah tells the mothers of the believers not to soften their voices, not to soften the way they speak.

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Lest you know, somebody who has a disease in their heart, you know, their heart may be attracted, etc. So, of course, when they were teaching, they were doing it behind the curtain, and they would make sure they spoke in a very direct way, you know, they will not kind of making their voices sound attractive, or anything like that, they will try to be as formal as possible. And I think in that is a message for us, you know, when we are making any dealings with the opposite *, when we're, even if we're teaching, we're having to teach and we want to teach, and we're doing it, you know, we dress in the way that we can, the best way that we can. And also we speak in a way that is direct

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and formal. You know, we don't, and we all know in every culture, you know, we know that there are certain things that are seen as alluring, certain ways of using your voice, it cetera, you know.

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And so we avoid that. And we speak in a direct manner. And of course, at the end of the day, women and men are regarded as, and it's their duty to have Taqwa. Right, we have to have that. But without that core, it doesn't matter how much of hijab you wear, right? It doesn't matter how careful you are, you will fall into her arm and you'll fall into since. So the focus should be on developing dakhla fear and consciousness of Allah and purifying our hearts. So that when we are dealing with the opposite *, if a particular thought comes into our mind, or if you know shape and plant some kind of seed of attraction or something, then we know how to deal with that immediately. And we

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don't allow that to take root.

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So I think I hope that that's any a good summary of of the issue.

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You know, in our times we tend to put barriers up, we tend to kind of think that the barriers will act as our taqwa. Right? But at the end of the day, you have to have duck walk. You know, I lived in Egypt.

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And Egypt has a very big problem when it comes to, you know, molesting women, men molesting women. And as young students, it didn't matter how we were dressed, you know, you could be wearing the cord, you could be wearing the thickest of material and the longest of Jill Bob's.

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But if people don't have Taqwa, it doesn't make a difference. You know, they'll, they'll violate

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the bounce, you know, the boundaries. So,

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more or less

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any purify our hearts. And, you know, may we become people of taqwa. And so, you know, when I'm, when I'm teaching this class, I know that perhaps some brothers might be listening. Maybe not live. But you know, when it goes on to YouTube, there might be some brothers who, who listen and I would urge them to have Taqwa. Right? And may Allah Subhana, Allah forgive us, you know, even when we try our best, sometimes we fall short. Because we're human beings, and it's very difficult to, you know, to behave in a formal way all of the time. So, I asked a lot of Allah to purify our intentions and to forgive us our shortcomings and help us to all develop that part. I mean, from I mean,

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I should have Dylan Has she had many, many students, you know, hundreds of people have narrated had the from her.

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Okay. But the ones that she used to give a lot of attention to were especially orphans. I've already mentioned that. And one of those orphans, okay, was none other than her brother's son. So her brother, Hamad bin abubaker, who said was assassinated, used to be the governor of Egypt on the

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Ali adila. And who remember he was brought up by Ali.

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Although he was the son of aboubaker, or the alignable. He, his son, awesome. bin Mohammed was one of our ishara Dylan has key students, and he became one of the seven famous fuqaha off Medina.

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So although he was the son of Mohammed bin Avi Becker, because his father was killed, he was brought up by Aisha, he was brought up by Arusha. And he used to say about her, you know, I did not meet anyone as eloquent as Asia,

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or anyone who was as cognizant of Islamic theology as her among men or women, both before and after her. So he was a key student of hers. And then he became one of the big jurists of Medina. Right. Another key student of hers was odawara Vina Zubair, so he's the brother of Abdullah bin as Dubai. Right.

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Um, he was born in the Philippines of Omar little delanco. And I believe he was also one of the seven folk out of Medina.

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I need to check that, okay.

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But he was brought up I heard he stayed very close to it, shut it down her

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in one narration, you know, one of the top inset odawara was the one amongst us who knew each other the LAN has had the the best, and her knowledge because he was the only one amongst us who entered the presence of Arusha without difficulty, right. So you can see that those who were her nephews, right, so otherwise, obviously, her nephew barsoum, bin Mohammed is her nephew, and also her nieces, but I'm just mentioning her nephews, because they became some of the senior fuqaha of Medina.

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You know, they had that ease, right, right. From a young age, they could just listen to their Auntie's house, and not have to worry about a curtain, and all of that, right. So, of course, they have the opportunity to learn from her. And you notice here that I showed the learner she didn't have children of her own right? She didn't have children of her own. And there might be sisters in our times, you know, and brothers, who do not become mothers and fathers. And, you know, I think there's a real message in this for

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for all of us, but also for people who don't have children. And that is that you know, regardless of whether you have children

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you can give attention to the next generation, you know, you can give attention to the next generation and building and you should give attention to the next generation because the children of the oma, they are all of our children, right? It takes a village to raise a child. And sometimes unfortunately, in our times, you know, we've become so kind of individualistic, that we sometimes think, will we only concerned about our immediate children with the children in our immediate families, right? But actually, we should be concerned about the children of the oma. Right? Your children and my children, we should be concerned about each other's children and nurturing them.

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Right, not just about your own blood, children. So one of the things that you see from I showed that is that, although she didn't have children of her own, she actually had ended up having many children because she took it upon herself to raise children. Right. So if we have nephews and nieces, we have children in our communities, we should spend some time even if we have children of our own, spend some time nurturing other children. Right? That's fine. Like there's some brothers and sisters who foster Muslim children who don't have a home who might end up going to, you know, a non Muslim family.

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We need brothers and sisters who care you know, beyond their own immediate families who care for the online that way.

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So I should have did on her, ended up being a mother to so many, and you know, fulfilling the function or the blessing of motherhood in in a different way.

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One of her students also was able Salima son of, of the recommande been out of the Sahabi.

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He was also an orphan.

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He said I did not see anyone who knew the sun or better than Asia and who was deeper than her in flip, and who was acquainted with where each verse or Declaration was revealed? More than Ayesha, right.

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One of her female students, very famous lady, somebody who became a very senior

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source or source of knowledge in her times was Amara, Vince Abdur Rahman.

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I'm gonna beat up the ramen and the other famous female student of hers was Arusha bin Talal, have been Obaidullah.

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charlo we'll talk about both of them. I'm gonna be up there, man.

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You know, she lived to quite an old age. And so she actually was even there at the time of Omar bin Abdulaziz.

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And Omar bin Abdulaziz used to say about her. No one alive now is more knowledgeable about the Hadith about Yeshua. Then Umbra.

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And Eman is already the famous scholar he said he went to class in bin Mohammed, right, who obviously had become a great judge and a great

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scholar of Medina

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who was also a student of eye shows we mentioned he went to pass him and

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he was he wanted to seek knowledge pass him actually advised him to go and join the assembly or palapa off.

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I'm gonna bent up the rack man. Okay. And Mr. Missouri went to her class. And he later described her as a boundless ocean of knowledge that has no bottom has no end, you know, when you go deep into it. So Pamela,

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and the scholars described her as orlimar fucky. her and she was from the inside. And they said she was literally raised in the lap of Ayesha Dylan has Pamela raised in the arms and the lap of Asia.

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They said that when I showed them how raised girls, when girls were her students, and she raised them, she would take really good care of them. And especially if they had some money, if they had some wealth, maybe they inherited it or be under whatever. She would actually invest it for them and be like a safe keeper. She would keep their money safe for them until they reached, you know, a certain age.

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Umbra was the most knowledgeable of people regarding the heads of age and she was very reliable.

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He must have been Oh, yeah. Now, he said the most knowledgeable people have Hadith narrated

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By I shot a deal on her with three of Kasim bin Mohammed, even abubaker.

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Although I've been Isabel and Umbra bent of the Rama,

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and you know, later on, we find that the one of the judges of Medina, he ruled that it was like somebody, a Christian man had stolen something, okay. And

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he had ruled that this person's hand should be

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cut off, okay? The punishment for stealing. When I'm going to beat up, the rat man heard of this decision, she immediately told one of her students to go to the judge and say that the man's hand cannot be cut off, as he had stolen something that had a value less than a dinar, meaning gold coin. You know,

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as soon as the judge heard his message, he ordered that the man be released unharmed.

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And he didn't question or authority like this is how well established she was as a puppy. Right? If she's sending this message, and she's saying, No, this isn't allowed, or you've got the wrong understanding, then the judge would just take that

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you didn't question her authority, nor did you seek a second opinion from other scholars,

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who were quite numerous in Medina at that time. Okay, my Malik

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records this incident in more than the motto of Mr. Malik, right. So, suddenly, you can see here that she kind of inherited the attitude of Ayesha, right that, you know,

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Subhana Allah is, it's a certain personality, isn't it, that you don't just, when you see something that's gonna happen in front of you, that's wrong, or that you have some knowledge about? You don't just leave it. Right. And what that kind of shows you is, just because she was a woman, she didn't think, well, there's like, lots of fuqaha in Medina, they can, they can go and they can correct this, this judge, right. She didn't wait for them, she had some knowledge. And she sent somebody to go and

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Yanni informed them of that knowledge.

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And I think in that is a message for us as women, you know, sometimes, oftentimes, if there's a situation where, you know, you have some knowledge, you have some insight, you can see something that is going wrong, or something that needs to be spoken up about.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:50

There's nothing wrong with you speaking up about that, you know, you can't just always wait for the men to sort things out, you know,

00:32:51 --> 00:33:35

sometimes you might be left waiting a long time, if you do that. Right. And, you know, I'm not saying that as a criticism of men, I'm just saying that we as women have also been given a responsibility By Allah, you know, if we have knowledge about something, or maybe allows giving us an insight into something that other people are not noticing. And that could be in our families. So panela, you know, I know a sister, one of my good friends, she recently her father passed away. And, you know, usually, if somebody's father passes away, they would think maybe their brothers will sort everything out, right, their brothers will sort the funeral out and, you know, etc, etc. But in her

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36

family situation,

00:33:38 --> 00:34:23

she was the most religious, if you like, or the most knowledgeable, or the one who had the most kind of emotional intelligence, right? To deal with the situation. So she is the one who organized her father's funeral, made sure everything was done according to the Sunnah. Right? Sometimes the men and the family, they, they couldn't live up to that, you know, they couldn't, they didn't have the knowledge or they were emotionally so broken, that they weren't able to do it properly. You know, that can happen sometimes. So it's up to the women then to do their duty. Sometimes you have to step up as a woman and do the right thing. And handle um, you know, my my Allah bless my friend, she

00:34:23 --> 00:34:33

actually arranged everything and when you see when we saw her in the janazah, she was like the most level headed of the whole family, you know?

00:34:34 --> 00:34:51

And so it shows you that a lot of Allah has created us with different personalities, whether you're a man or a woman. You know, sometimes as a woman, you might have the personality you might have the ability to deal with a situation where men crumble

00:34:52 --> 00:35:00

you have to step up right. So here we see the camera. She don't wait for other people to cook to correct a potential.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:12

injustice, she stepped in. And I think she loved the attitude from I shot I didn't write because I showed her that it was never afraid to speak up when it comes to something, you know, an injustice, etc.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:23

Another student of I showed a guy who was swept beneath. And he was very, he integrated many ideas as well.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:34

And he was the one who, you know, he said, I ask that you share what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do in his house. And she said he would serve his family.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:43

You know, he was always in the service of his family. And when it was time for the prayer, he would go for the prep, he would exit for the prep.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:48

So a lot comes first. And then family. Right. So Pamela,

00:35:50 --> 00:36:00

so, and he was, and you know, some of the male students of Asia, Medina, when those who were not myrams.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:53

I believe that, because they were studying with her from a young age, when it probably didn't matter, when it didn't matter that they were Muslims or not. When they got to a certain age, and, you know, they were going to be her longtime students. She actually asked her sister, a smart, then Toby Becker, and it could also be uncle form the younger sister to give some of that breast milk to her right in a container. And she would give it to specific students to drink. Okay. So that they would in her opinion, so the opinion that she followed was that they would become apparent to her, right, so they would become like her.

00:36:54 --> 00:37:12

Annie suckling brothers, right? Or suckling nephews, right, suckling nephews, and then they would be allowed to come into her, you know, space were, in other words, they didn't have to be behind the curtain, they could be with the, with her nephews, for example,

00:37:14 --> 00:37:15

you know, in front of her.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:21

And this was an opinion that it should have given her followed because

00:37:22 --> 00:37:41

there was an incident at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. were one of the Sahaba he had a slave, right, who he had freed. And he was like a son to him. He was literally like a son, you know, you brought him up as a son. But now that slave had, or that

00:37:42 --> 00:38:40

boy had grown up so this asylum right Salim Mola, before they for he had grown to an age where he was reaching puberty or he had reached puberty. And now they fight was not comfortable with silence, being in front of his wife, you know, his wife, who had really brought up salad. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had told the wife of a bodega that give some of your milk to sullom and then he will become your maharam. So, this is obviously not not the normal way for somebody to become a suckling son, right? Usually, it's supposed to be when the baby is under the age of two, right? Baby has to be under the age of two and you know, has to drink a certain amount of breast

00:38:40 --> 00:39:02

milk for it to then be considered a suckling son for the relationship. So regarding suckling to be established. Now, this was a situation where it was very difficult because Salim was part of the family would enter a lot, enter and exit the house a lot. And it was causing some friction between

00:39:03 --> 00:39:20

Dave and his wife. And so the prophets on the lower center had given this ruling that she could give him some of her milk. And when he drank it, then he would become like their son, right, suckling son.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:50

Now, I shut it down her she took this ruling as a general ruling, okay. She considered this ruling to be a general allowance. So anyone who has an adult, an adult male, could be even at that age, become like a suckling son or suckling relative if they took the milk of a lady, right, but the otherwise of the profits on a lot of what he was selling them,

00:39:51 --> 00:39:57

and the majority opinion is that no,

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

this was specific to

00:40:01 --> 00:40:02

Are they fat and his situation?

00:40:04 --> 00:40:04


00:40:05 --> 00:41:00

But I show that on her HD hard was that no, there was no evidence that this was only for that situation. And so she applied it generally, we find that the scholars of the form of a bit in in the end, they did not follow the opinion of Ayesha in this regard. So the majority established opinion did become that. And it was even at that time that no as an adult, you can't become a suckling sign of anyone, you know, and it was only in that extreme situation that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had given that allowance. Okay, but it kind of explains why I should have done I had students who were like she considered to be like a nephews, because she gave them the milk of her sisters.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:25

I believe a lesson was I saw it was one of those I need to find out more accurately, but there were a number and I believe all so there's one of those I should be install have been obey the law. Who was I should have been stolen? Huh? Who can tell us? Who is this tell her? Do you remember from

00:41:26 --> 00:41:29

any previous classes? The significance of pearl? Ha

00:41:31 --> 00:41:38

ha, how was I should this call her been Obaidullah related to Ayesha or the Lana?

00:41:47 --> 00:41:59

Does anybody have any clue? her niece? Yes. So if you remember they'll have been a baby love. One of these one of the 10 promised paradise one of the greatest of the Sahaba right.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:22

He was also I shudder bill and his brother in law. He was married to it shut it down his little sister on macula form on called form who was born after the death of abubaker. Remember, we said and tell her was obviously shahidi was killed at the time of the Battle of the camel. Right. Now.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:27

So again, you know, this is another

00:42:28 --> 00:42:34

another often right? Who I should have been on ha is giving special attention to

00:42:35 --> 00:42:37

and it's also a nice

00:42:38 --> 00:42:43

now this it shouldn't have been Obaidullah. So she was the daughter of uncle film and Paul how

00:42:44 --> 00:42:58

they say that she was like a secretary to Russia. You know, whenever somebody visited, she was like the person in between, right? Maybe like, like a personal assistant, almost right. Um, and

00:43:01 --> 00:43:30

she narrated a lot of heavy from Arusha. And she was considered to be very reliable. They said she was thicker, or just, you know, the way they described in the books of Hadith. Or, you know, there are books of Hadith that go through every single narrator and their attributes, and you know, how trustworthy they were, how reliable they had the word cetera, et cetera. And she was considered very reliable. She was raised by Asha Mandela and her

00:43:31 --> 00:43:48

she was married three times in her life. And she was really known for her beauty. So, you know, everyone knew that she was a very, very attractive woman. And she was very sought after, in terms of marriage.

00:43:49 --> 00:44:01

At first, she was married to Abdullah bin of the recommande bin Abu Bakar. So that's her cousin. So I show his brother was up the rat, man remember? and his son. So in other words,

00:44:02 --> 00:44:03

I shouldn't follow his cousin.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:08

She married him first. And then

00:44:10 --> 00:44:19

she married most up even as Zubair, the Emir of Iraq who gave her a huge dowry, you gave her 100,000 dinar.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:33

And this you know is kind of indicative of the fact that she was very sought after and known. Especially for her beauty. They said she was the most beautiful woman of her time.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:59

And her third husband was Omar bin Obaidullah Tammy gave her a dowry of a million dinar. Wow. Okay, so and the reason why that's mentioned I think is because there are actually famous lines of poetry about this, you know, a million dinar that was paid as dowry for Isha bill.

00:45:02 --> 00:45:18

So it became like a legendary, kind of, you know, mythical story or not mythical True story. But it became like something that people would, you know, talk about became proverbial few, like, um,

00:45:19 --> 00:45:26

she narrated a lot from I should we said, especially about some fostering the verb virtues for a while and

00:45:29 --> 00:45:31

now, okay.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:44

There is a very famous book that in which you'll find it shows the corrections that it showed of their own homemade of the Sahaba. Right.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:54

And it is, it is called Le jabber er, the mustard rocket who are Isha Allah Sahaba, right?

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

But your mama's Kashi, I believe this

00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

got the name, right.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:15

And this book is basically like a collection of all the incidents with the major Sahaba, in which I should have corrected them.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:31

And in shallow, what we're going to do next time is we're going to go through at least, you know, a few examples of some of the big kind of corrections that she made of, for example of data,

00:46:32 --> 00:46:42

faulty my bins, ice, Omar bin al Shabaab, and some of the big Sahaba. You know, and that have been recorded in that book.

00:46:43 --> 00:46:47

And inshallah, that will be very interesting. And then we're going to round up with

00:46:48 --> 00:46:54

the last day is about a shot of the man Hmm, maybe just reflect on the impact that she's had

00:46:56 --> 00:46:59

on Islam, but also on knowledge.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:06

So if there are any questions, I'm going to leave the last few minutes for questions and comments.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:10

And next time, we're going to

00:47:11 --> 00:47:19

wave goodbye to our mother, I shut it down her. So I really hope everybody attends. And next class, the last class.

00:47:21 --> 00:48:05

Perhaps in the future, we could do a class, that's that just focuses on the fifth of I show, you know, in more detail, because this class is more about her life, and we're telling it in a more biographical way, we're not going to be able to go into the details of her fifth, right. So for example, this opinion that she had about the breast, the breast milk for adults, I wrote a paper on this for my undergraduate study, and it is interesting, it's interesting how she came to that conclusion and how the other scholars and even the wives of the Prophet reacted to that. Um, and it would be interesting to go into that, but obviously, that's kind of advanced, right? And it's more

00:48:06 --> 00:48:11

more specialists kind of subject. It's not the scope of this class.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:25

Okay, one of this is saying, I attended the majority of the lectures, and I learned a lot from them. However, what is one or a few things you would like us to never forget about Asia?

00:48:27 --> 00:48:59

Um, I think there are a few things. And I will save them for next time. You know, since it's the last class, and please also think you know, yourself, like, what are some of the things that have really stood out for you? I'll mention the next time in Sharla, the ones that stood out for me, but I think, you know, what, when it comes to the life of any person, it's very personal. When you hear the life of somebodies, you know, the way that somebody lived their life, it's very personal, what resonates with you, right?

00:49:03 --> 00:49:08

I know, I'm gonna be asking my husband to get me a personal assistant. Like,

00:49:11 --> 00:49:14

that's what I've got from the class. I need a personal assistant.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

Like, I shouldn't call her.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:25

Oh, I see. So I think this is saying that

00:49:27 --> 00:49:37

somebody was saying that I should have used to breastfeed men stuff a lot, you know, of course, she didn't. She wasn't a mother. You can't breastfeed if you've never

00:49:39 --> 00:49:42

you cannot have the function of breastfeeding. Okay.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:45

Unless you get pregnant

00:49:46 --> 00:49:59

and unless you know, that faculty becomes possible for you due to the hormones produced in pregnancy and childbirth and after childbirth, right. So

00:50:00 --> 00:50:08

Normally, a woman cannot breastfeed unless she's been pregnant and had a child, right, normally.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:27

So that's obviously an inaccurate representation of that situation. The point was that she used to ask her sisters to provide her with the milk, okay, container and give it to

00:50:28 --> 00:50:46

specific people to drink. Because she believed that that would make them maharam and she had her. It was heavy to hard, right. It was s&c HD high, then, you know, she had reason to believe that it was a general in her opinion.

00:50:48 --> 00:50:50

So she acted on that.

00:50:52 --> 00:50:52


00:50:56 --> 00:50:59

So inshallah, I think I'm going to leave it there for today.

00:51:00 --> 00:51:11

Um, I wish we had a few more sessions to be honest, then we would have gone into more of the fifth, you know, and like, how she came to certain conclusions, etc.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:55

But I really hope that this has been like a good taster for all of you, you know, in terms of like, you know, when you attend a class, what you can do is, you can think of all of the different aspects of that classes, hooks, right? hooks that might kind of pique your interest for you to then go on and do your own research and your own study. But I really do think that in the future, you know, having a class where we really just focus on the flip of Ayesha would be very, very interesting. Um, yeah, it would be very, very interesting. But that would need to be a kind of class of its own. The reason why I felt that we should be going through the life of Asia is because people don't even know

00:51:55 --> 00:52:15

the life of our mother is shut down properly, right. So going into her fear is secondary, we should know about the person that we're studying first, their life and the different aspects of their life. And also people have a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about aspects of her life, because,

00:52:16 --> 00:52:30

of course, there are certain groups that have spread misinformation about Russia, or the line, huh, so we need to clarify all of that. So in Sharla, my dear sisters.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:40

Yeah. Um, so yeah, my dear sisters, inshallah, I hope that that's been a beneficial class for you.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:46

One thing I will say at the end of this class is, you know, think of the children in your life, you know,

00:52:47 --> 00:53:07

look how a mother if she really like hand picked, and she really cared about all fairness, she cared about children, and nurturing them and raising them. Sometimes there are children in our lives that we're ignoring, even if you've got your own children. What about your brother's children? What about your sister's children? You know, what about the children in the neighborhood?

00:53:08 --> 00:53:37

One of the things I would notice about my mom is, when we were growing up, she would just invite the kids of the neighborhood to our house and teach them around, wherever my mom lived. Children knew the Quran because they would come to our house, and she would teach them for free, who became their place to come regularly, right. And sometimes some of us we treat our own nephews or nieces and the children, in our extended families. We treat them like you know that somebody else's children

00:53:38 --> 00:54:00

until they grow up. And then they become like strangers to us, or they fall off the path. You know, I've heard of people, you know, so many sisters, you say, Tell me about that. But where were you when they were young? You know, if you're the knowledgeable person in your family, or if you've got some knowledge, and if you've got the kind of

00:54:01 --> 00:54:22

the ability to give Serbia. Then don't just give that beer to your own children. Reach out. Think about your brothers and sisters, children. You know, invite them to your house. let them soak up the deen and love of the deen from the love that they feel from you and your home.

00:54:23 --> 00:54:27

You know, I think we really need to start thinking beyond our own little households.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:50

We need to think about the whole community children of the entire community because when the children of the community get corrupt, it affects our own children. Right? It affects your own home as well. It's not good enough that your your children are okay. Your children are going to be affected by the wider community so

00:54:51 --> 00:54:59

hamdulillah Okay, okay, this is I'm going to wind up now. inshallah, I will see you next week. For our

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

final session. I hope they give me a bit more time next week. I lost them in Sharla

00:55:06 --> 00:55:25

so that we can Annie bid farewell to our mother Aisha adequately does that come on life Aaron? See you next time. szczepanik Allahu morbihan the eye shadow Allah Illa Illa into a star field feels to be like a salaam aleikum. Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

00:55:26 --> 00:55:27

was the

00:55:28 --> 00:55:29


00:55:30 --> 00:55:30

woman scholar.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:37

She was in love

00:55:40 --> 00:55:41

third graders

00:55:46 --> 00:55:46

she was

00:55:54 --> 00:55:55

I should I should

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