Faaik Gamieldien – Ramadaan lecture Whosoever seeks knowledge Allah will make the road to Jannah easy for him
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So that's a really important point that I want to make. We worship Allah and not only
we fast for Allah we don't fast for him.
Now you know the famous Hadith
of the prompts are similar.
But it's not
to say that the first 10 days of Ramadan,
the Mercy of Allah is under attack
is the thing laziness. The second thing is someone will dawn on the 10 days of forgiveness allow family to give useful time that is the level and state of the forgiveness is much greater than 10 days.
And then the final 10 days of Ramadan is at covenant Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala sets free
people who should have been designed by Allah on the basis of this will determine Shall
I just put this in here for good measure, and also the doer command. Let's honeytrap Buddha rated interestingly,
he's the first Hadith that the prophets of Allah Allah taught someone that had it came right down to us first Hadith that was taught to someone on Abba that had just come right down 1440 Yes.
Have you read this?
It's been rated by a banker in the ambulance.
Called dollar civilizer Allah Salam al Rahim Allah hammelmann Rahman, also a freshman, his lectures actually is about is about rational or rough man who those who show mercy Allah to the harlot another rough man will show mercy to
machines Yeah.
Let's do it. How who minefield out there come to Manchester, Robbie salaam say
Be merciful to those of the dunya and allow So Hunter the diversity to you on there.
And all the data on the open consider myself to be amongst the photos is a term that I consider myself and my surroundings. But you know, time goes goes on.
It will become more concerned about do I understand my Islam properly? That's my question. Did I understand my Islam, they don't understand my son the proper dinner. And I go back I sit with my books and ID
all these three things in the maintenance, Mercy.
and saving us from the handling
of all the attributes of this process is as Merciful. Allah is forgiving. And Allah is the only one who can save us from time.
Not your mother, not your father, say nine was passed one day if you had a choice on the piano, that your mother should question you all Allah should question you will you choose?
I will choose Allah says in my family is humanities but somewhat misleading since he loves you it's it is interesting to put in a good word for your center, this is
the most basic in Alaska there is no more merciful than Allah. So, we went to the list let's say my mother, my co
investor says This is punishment the letter shall defend me and the data. So we
so the setting of this lecture is revolves around
I will be taking the basic story which is told the story many many times
but you know,
we live in a world of skeptics.
People are skeptical about Islam. People are skeptical about certain things they hear,
especially when it comes from the Quran and the Sunnah. And it doesn't sound like it's a normal thing.
It's important for us to understand and to know that we have out of the 455 videos
In the world, Islam is dealing with the destiny. But how do we confirm this? So I want to tell you a story now I don't think this is the Hadith release
that's folded on the calendar but it sums up the caging so I will do How is it how can we how can we be convinced
that we have the game that allows to have done once you manage it and that is the this the is the only path to salvation. There is no other path to salvation. There's no other path of acceptance
I'm gonna give a few examples of what I'm going to be speaking about. And that is,
is the invasion in which you can measure
towards was outcome content contact with Allah is what
So if we want to find the connection between us and Allah, any we want to confirm that this deen is the deen without any down the array must be no we must first go
look at them
I want to look into Quran through the ranges of a man who learns in 2023 we invaded
look at the Quran
because this half of the Prophet looted the Quran
then the use of
this Quran Lucy but this and the fundamental view but they didn't have computers
they don't even have for us
to memorize.
So, what is this point on that will convince us since 1414 is 444 1445 1145 this for nine
as you begin
so we can apply some mathematics
so they know better than that the mighty says we have you know our database on computers the computer is out oh somebody interesting
gentlemen jokes with me.
All right. So this
that I'm going to speak to them now could not ever
have been found in the Quran without a
without a computer,
the window now is absolutely independent that there has to be a computer to find this out
after 1400
Allah saw the
computers some salary I think I can afford to see
a loved one that says May will look up and you will look down in around him
until he will see that this is a pretty familiar
so what would you look at
the only putative class I will never be known by any person before.
We the brain
living authentically
something that brings us
the question is what are the chances
that could medical pick up any book
you ask yourself
how? How many times does this book contain the word NDA? Why not? Da da why? haram to say da
da y for you should also many Americans have admitted this book saying the word yoga today
I'm gonna do is
pose a question to them then
how many days are they in the
to another time
300 to 365 days in the year so yeah
365 days
in the time of the Prophet SAW Salem police officer from the beginning of time with 365 days
but what challenges is that any book
any book
will have exactly the word Dave 365 facts
even the person who writes the book
we will normally tell you the certain words you have to check me when you say I'll be done. But Allah Muhammad Allah
put the foot on the word yo 368
This is part of the many others from time to time. This is what
allows for hunting and you know, it's not just this is not just taken out of the sky somebody counted they could have ran off to the computer to computer to pick up all the days
before the computer they couldn't do that.
But as Allah mentioned, this is
the whole amazing thing about numbers in the Quran. In the Quran itself yes Surah Jin
so the G which is the 72nd Sulaco
in the last last
it took me a week to put this together
with anytime I mean I come across some internal ID that from person, typically that was people's contact ID for what that simple thing. It takes a long time.
So the last verse of Sarah to Jean says
Allah Allah says
well aside from the shading
of circulation
because of the memorize the Quran
they memorize the Quran, nothing can get out of the meaning of what does Allah say, it is filled with Allah's following the same
Listen to listen to the words.
Allah says that Allah has calculated on Assamese to calculate. Well let's calculate it because it means compute forcing me to count. So Allah says, Allah has counted computed
conduct Shane
is given a number Indeed, Allah has given a number. So many things, Allah gives the number so many prophets Allah is the number so many humans are was given the number, so many stars in the sky Allah knows the number.
So alone, so half of it has to be a person who knows
recommended to
build this universe perfectly.
So, this the PISA or the
for the Hadith, which on the triangle
a beautiful Hadith which is narrated both in Makati and in Muslim
know give you the
the places where they're mentioned in these to go from you're quite aware of the authenticity of these books.
Now this hadith, which is validated by
it see,
underlying muscular
like you know things slowly
over time
who wants to say give it to him two fingers
when you when you heard this name a lot isn't that Angola
probably like my spoon said
he was known to be the best man.
And one day he said I know when every surah was revealed in the context of the solar
trust the happy planners
were with me so reveal when in which context number one what happened that allows one to reveal bets.
Such a brilliant man he was.
He was one of the first six men
to accept some returns
what is his job? He was a slave
looking at the sheep in the desert
and he accepted Islam
and he was you know, slammed into what was called Anglo man with the best of the heart and better one day the beginning of Islam from the salon was sitting in the in the hot tub and
somebody was with the Sahaba Fatima does not stop reading the Quran to the police they look over to reading
you should read the skin ratios
so I'm delighted us all said
Rasul Allah somebody needs some vinegar and I'm
going to give him he just wanted you to know that we're dealing with a contract with the SEC and I want to say wait
a second you can read to us when you complete those 200 200 So some of you are you You are slave look at you and they became known as its opposite they
came back to the province of Salem Harbor City to
say Does Allah want to go back
to the Abdullah he was older.
So remember the three things about he was one of the first six articles was in the first half a dozen
so this hadith
reaches to be found in Sahih Muslim in volume one from
page 174 to 175. That is a good fit. It is Hadith number 6571.
And I do this and I go into this but now it's more more important for me to do it because there are many people who just do this.
There are many other monks
students story about the story of a black man
and they never come with the book don't do they see where they come from these days. So my first response is I reject the story
even by the so called Adi Maldonado. They know about that as long as you're not split when there's a shift to mashallah that we should reject anything then I
remember we had this particular person the Dean comes in talking stone but if you do somebody's eyes, when you see paradise syndrome, which is actual rubbish, is rubbish because it is not connected to the Quran nor the Sunnah of 100 so I'm sorry, I'm not going to stand in front of Allah. Allah says, Hi, can you tell people you look in somebody's face, the same people were given an ICM
in Allah if you don't know me and Allah forgives all sins, we've taken over the role of Allah. Allah said the duty to take in the role of Allah you are forgiving people by telling them that up to the face of somebody sent me something.
So let's get back
to it.
So this hadith
is an amazing
it's an amazing
it is a story of intimate conversation between Allah
and one of the most significant human beings have ever lived on the face of the earth.
When the Soviet students
were 33rd is that this story tells us about the Majesty of Allah.
You know when you are in charge of something
So you you've got people working for you
how will you show them
your majesty? Thank you I think
I think that's true I think kindness
by being forgiving that talking to them nicely by listening to what they say and allows how does all this
so, this is it can also be as close as close to as close family somebody that can already come down to that level of speed into a person who is who is the least recognized person since a time as
this will be done
but that is awesome says
about gathered and saved
I know the last person
who will come out of Jannah and integer
the processing which is stored your buying process I was going to talk about the last person to come out and Jen jaaneman and Bucha
is even abusive
Of course he's been
it remember that but some Muslims some Muslims have been wanting so different go to Metro
so this Miss Miss man, he was the last job man worse than fixing time
with your mind
so he comes up
and I know he started
he's exhausted he comes out we stumbled upon stumbled, stumbled
and he stumbled by me and he called
me completely out in the garden
he sits there and looks about
and he says and he says
he looks at the chart and he says
this must be the best gift that almost ever given to anyone
and so I get so grateful so grateful so last time
so he looked up to the ceiling in the distance season what also we realize really testament
that he's a great husband into the fire
so he
he wants water shade she sees
the traces of love
He says oh my god Allah I believe in had each other after leaving the building you're not gonna recall that he said
my Lord
when you allow me that I can go close to the three and sit under the tree and enjoy the comfort of the tree and drink from the water
call Allah who is diligent
these minerals this person is just getting on with them running in looks like
sometimes people not gonna know
we look to the window
when he's standing at the gate
when we say oh this
person Washington 10 person shoot
the vice president
always people begging
Then he said to me, but if it's a person whose messages
how do you fit the person with the roster nicely does. Somebody you know they put up there
is a victim.
This is what this man probably looked like.
We tend to we tend to personally think about a loss on
so this is how
will you will they just came up with the handle the handle
the melty speak to me last time
and this is to jump
on some
if I'm going to allow you to sit under that tree and maybe even a hospital for something
just to
make a deal
well I admittedly I did is
I will not ask for anything
tables some of the key
things to water the Nexus is personally
how do they eat you know he's Retta Monday's
so since then after the why the seasonality auto with but that was actually
quite shallow
and the water loop Vaseline
can I just don't sit
under that tree the last one is in between
you been aboard with me
seeing how to do no just just a little bit just
sitting there
so he's status
the status of the refugee
No it's on but it's a flicker of
face to face
is to use a person that to me is an awful lot of questions.
But now this is the last
last time they gave
the tree and disease we looked in the restaurants and he sees another T
but behind the scene is a dog
it's interesting since
we are on the cover to seven Allah says
We both we sit under the tree and what happens to them now we know what is the golden
years people are having a jolly time on the other side
people are celebrating
their having a good time
us know the epi reveal the happiness with a dog
and he says to himself
concept object he made me seem like a longer once you get like
basic human you said Lila in other words the labor environment for
the Muslim Union
but as I said micro
block countries in other places the entrepreneur right today we're going to talk about other things
nice is
nice is another
so allows policies to you
welcome to
the dawn comm
golden time is
full of anyone who you name the full name of
this project
but he squeezed against the since there's no place he's like squeezed
so he's telling these different girls how to get
are you come on to the musical to come up
This is why I can't feel your love or be in a position to be there
it already is short of breath
so I'm not
going to be second time
comes up again
tablespace will be in the right places for
so long it's part of the system
for myself
what will you say the maintaining
the agenda I prepared for you this didn't
last long enough telling him that don't worry the agenda that I prepared only for you only for you the last night into only for you is as big as this dunya and another to him
right he was he was a cable guy with
us to call them again men
so you say what is the same for
understand you need us
we say
are you playing the full three and You are the Lord of the universe this conversation
so you listen to the conversation imagine
imagine somebody says to you no
doubt I'm going to build you is
of a certain place along the sea and the old beach Franco deals
for free.
But if we think
the afterlife because old is now telling this hadith
to other people, group of people studying the bank is not the Prophet
this the hadith is a prophet told him then and now he's repeating it to these people
for the
self image much older
when he came here to this point where the main thing that will be done with our this the job for
this credit is impossible.
So until he started laughing,
humbling us who he started laughing
when people look
Why, Why is he laughing? But you're not asking him?
To often wonder why you're asking me why I'm laughing.
So he said, and laugh laughing because when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
told us this hadith when it came to this fortune when this man saved this to allow somebody he laughed
but I wanted to go back to though and even think about how long
with the military
because nobody needs to see what was in only the vehicle to tell the profit about this thing. And what's coming known
as about something called Aflac
almost perfect.
But the way he handled this person, it chose a
a luck which is
which is not human
but this is to basis decent, decent decent for us.
And the lesson for us is how close Allah can get to us.
We think in our last verse in the Quran, Allah will say that you don't have no
more farmers to feed with
and we know that we can speak to our life simple language I don't have to make an Arabic dua for you to be accepted all the time.
I can live by my heart
and Allah will take us
a little bit Hello respond to
the love me laughed.
So when someone says So why, why did the
Why did the profit
so we said
my top half years we look
pinata from Atlanta we digress. So we save the Prophet love because Allah Allah
Allah says when he says you don't We don't say how much
he then says hola hola
look at what is the Europe
the EU
but last
we see his
look at the benefit of being under the law serious serious business with our universe which are located
so Allah subhanho wa Taala
for the kingdom Allama show
you want to know why I have given you the dunya and another dinner with you because I'm capable of giving you anything I wanted
so, this is the lesson was in the basis that alongside him give him what he wants to be whatever he was most he was always alone
and nobody can help you been in the presence of advance planning
when Christians
so this is the Mercy of Allah
the forgiveness of Allah and the removal of some doubt in time
the three things
the three things that Ramadan consists of the first thing days is editing things in the last day
why is the nature so long?
Actually, I have a just immediate go to go to our undermine humbly
so what we're going to do now is we're going to ask people if they want to ask me questions
right relating
to the question to move on to bigger common
that doesn't make it simpler Allah feels close
questions about Ramadan about anything whatsoever about
No, no I said we are we're not worshipping
we are worshipping
the opposite of that is we worship Allah 12 months of the year inclusive of Ramadan Ramadan is the name of a month in the name of a holy man
but we do in Ramadan what we can do outside of Ramadan
we can find out to the Ramadan we still fought the number one it is still no no.
No without both in Java
if I'm walking in
by do I say? Shabbat Novara? Are you fasting?
Yes Shavon
because you laugh at you
then you realize that the past is removed
from Allah is to move forward
so when we make saliva stone you get out of this this time it's not for Ramadan if you do it for Ramadan. Ramadan doesn't exist anyway in the way of the armor. It's amazing over
wherever it is, other than
our bodies really
great funds.
Around because
what's happening in the Northeast and the Saudis are kind of like
the Jews. Is it
that you want to
give this money to these people?
Yeah, that's a question somebody
Often I couldn't do it give the person an answer and I can't do it once as well and give her comments when you're talking about Saudi Arabia particular particular
Yeah, and they in charge and they are not helping the Palestinians right off the bat nothing absolutely zero
so it should be the the Word of God
the Word is should we boycott or not boycott in Saudi Arabia in boycotting
and to me that is not permissible
because those are to a Baghdad that is nothing to do with the Saudis had nothing to do with the Palestinians because that my my Ramadan has nothing to start.
So my salah, so my so my heart
so we have to separate our feedings, then we have to say, maybe we can say I'm not going for obrah Because I'm going to be fooling around money for the participants.
But those are not being followed up because I'm boycotting content because we
do need observers of the data of a lot this planet either at any cost
and you can't even say it you can say I'm not gonna go from
* I'm not gonna go for hikes this year
with a different upbringing another time because I won't be able to stand there and do something
but you cannot say I'm not
because if you know that no, now you should never go because the Saudis long as Eggman is going to be fighting to God the evening's proceedings is sorted out because it's the metric because dates a while back it's all over now. Whether you should continue and you can't do that but be consistent in your love of Allah
so that I think is what I would say now that you thought about the guy I think he was right about the dunya issues not involved issues that have a lot
to cover
is exactly
how this
is optional
and you're supposed to do
agree with me that
we have another five minutes seven minutes
yes, it's fine it's fine
our system
here cinnamon
is good
the question is does the hardware used to six months before Ramadan makes a lot of fun?
The facility to the income
And the second part is that six months afterwards the hospitals
because it takes off too
whether they're going to get sick.
I have not heard of the first time I've not heard of a hadith saying that the Sahaba used to go out and a lot of times to
make them
I can't say that they don't because it sounds logical. But logic of course.
I've heard about the Hadith about six months after about the Sahaba living the same lab as they love in the month of Ramadan for six months after.
They were so inspired by what they really know Madame Baker
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