Faaik Gamieldien – 173 – Jumuah

Faaik Gamieldien
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the challenges faced by African countries, including low credit ratings and poor lives, and the importance of valuing one's behavior and finding ways to make it impactful. They emphasize the need for people to give money to help them live, and for a community involvement in building schools and infrastructure. They also emphasize the importance of evaluating one's behavior and finding ways to make it more impactful. The speakers emphasize the need for a community involvement and building schools and infrastructure, while also acknowledging the importance of giving money to help people live.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah anathema to Havana Stein, who

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will be here on a taco LA, when I will be learning in Sudan sushi now. Marina Maria de la la la la la la la,

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la de la

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la la la la la la la sharika wanna shadow under Mohammed abu allah sola sola Watanabe, he was Salam O Allah, Allah Allah. He was heavy woman da da da da, da, da da, because brothers and sisters in Islam assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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allows for how Natasha speaks to us as soon as Allah speaks to us every single Friday from the member, Allah says in the La Jolla Montevideo lesson what he thought he will warn her until Sasha he or moon curry was very lukewarm La La con taco, the whole sort of the be the 90th surah of the Quran, verse 16. Allah says, Allah commands justice in the lawyer model, the laddle Allah commands, justice, one lesson, and Allah commands, the doing of good

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work. It's a little Cordoba and Allah commands, liberality or compassion or generosity towards your family and your friends.

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Why noninfectious? Allah forbids all shameful deeds

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and Allah for birds all injustice, and Allah forbids all rebellion.

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Yeah, I do comme la la comida de karoun

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and allows her Lola says, I am saying this to you all mankind

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so that you may be instructed and so that you may receive admonition from allows for hangleton What does Allah C'mon, Allah como justice, justice, starting right at the top, there is Hadith of the NaVi salatu salam, which you all know and are familiar with. The seven persons will be in the shade of the throne of Laos. panatela. We heard this last week also, the day when there will be no shade except the shade provided by the throne of our last high Matala. And in that Hadees that we saw Salaam says the first person who will be in the shadow or rather in the shade of the throne of Allah will be Mr. Moon idol.

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And Imam, a leader, meaning this Imam is the leader of the people, a government leader or a halifa of the muslimeen if he is just he will be the first person to enjoy this the

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the shade of the throne of our last

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word Yolanda Harbor, Elijah Marley

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was the father of Harley and to people who meet for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and leave one another for the sake of Allah. I was ever good friend. And he were friends for one reason only. And that is that you share your love for Laos, when you meet and when you leave each other. Whereas you know

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what Angela was alone. Alva Humala can build machine and a man whose art remains in the mystery.

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When he comes when he leaves the matches, he leaves his heart behind. What does it mean? It means when he leaves the masjid, his intention is to return to the mastery. What did you know that we Morocco, origin on the Corolla hollyanne for photo Dinah and a man who remembers Allah alone in his room, in his car wherever he is, with nobody around

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and tears come out of his eyes out of the fear of a loss.

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What was the love of Allah? So he's not a crybaby in front of everybody to see him now. He is a man who sits here alone between him and allows panatela and nobody else knows about what agenda to him Ratan Tata has there been a man

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and a man who is tempted by a beautiful woman

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with great lineage. And he says to India,

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he says to her I fear Allah

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azza wa jal Casa de cabeza de Botton

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hatte Allah tala Shima Lu Martin Chico yummy, and a man who gives charity with his right hand so that his left hand doesn't know what he had given both his physical lifter and anybody else for that matter. In other words, when you give charity gives it he tries to give it as much as possible so that nobody else knows except Him and Allah subhanahu wa

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Heidi then this I have the Quran and the Hadith confirms the high of the Quran of being charitable, of being just of being kind of being good. And so today inshallah we will try and concentrate on these themes

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because we in this country are also have a great challenge.

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We are we have a great political challenge and the political challenge that we are confronted with brings about be the other challenges and will bring for us as Muslims and as citizens of South Africa many, many challenges. I know sometimes the mindset is still in the past the days that the white man will see to it and he will bring everything right. That being said, we should change. We are now part of a democratic South Africa and we are affected directly or indirectly by what is happening in the political arena. So then Elisa allows her associate of Hadid

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lacar Santa Susana will begin at one Jana ma Makita.

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One Misa Leah COO, manasu militarist, allow song that talks about justice in the Quran, Allah says, la Sol now rasuna built by ina and we have seen to you Our Messengers with clear, clear, clear clear signs with clear clear words with clear advice with clear admonition everything in the Quran is as clear as daylight and allows farmer said that he sent every single messenger with this kind of messy, one zone, Mount Makita and he sent with every Rasool a book because we know that for us, we sent alpha one meezan and he sent down the balance of right and wrong.

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The Rasul ambia of Allah Spano tala came to teach us how to measure what is right and what is wrong.

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We don't need to be taught this. This is part of our sutra. This is part of what Allah has placed within us, that when we see injustice, we can see it. It's visible, no matter what it is they might have between Muslims and non Muslims between non Muslims and non Muslim doesn't matter. injustice is something which is frowned upon an injustice is which allows for health Allah condemns Leah to Manasa bill, please allow Sandra says and we send the messengers with books and the balance of what is right and wrong in order to establish justice on there. So the mission of Muslims

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the mission of Mohammed, Salah, Salah, and we spoke about the first 53 years of his life

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some weeks ago, and we established very clearly that for 53 years of his life from the age of birth until 53, until the hegira. And of course, we know that after the hegira it's been only 10 years in Medina. So for 40 years when you received y plus 13 years.

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The only Sunnah that we know from him is that he allows for Han tala developed in him The sooner Amana that he became an amine, he became trustworthy, he became a person who want to trust. And we know that today that is the foundation of every single relationship that we have.

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Whether it is relationship with my father, or my mother, or my brother, or my sister, when it starts, if there is no trust, there can be no relationship

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sembly between you and your wife, or between you and your husband, if there is no trust in the relationship, you just move along. But if the trust is gone, everything goes business most of the time today, we know that we get contract lawyers draws up everything and you know, they see or read the fine print and sign on 20 or 30 pages, and four witnesses, etc, etc. But there is always the basis is always trust. If there is no common trust between two people to enter into a contract, there is no contract. There is no relationship. And so the relationship of the citizen or the state with the powers that be should also be a relationship of trust. And we know now that this

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relationship of trust there's

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irrevocably as they say, in marriage evoke probably broken down

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whether you support one party or against another party. That is not the that's not the point. The point is, there has been a leakage of trust over the years, maybe the last 10 years, eight years. And that has brought us to the position where we are today. And I say to you that this will affect us terribly as citizens of South

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So when Mohammed salatu salam came Elisa to Salaam this great man

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was sent by

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Allah who described himself as Allahu Akbar. And we spoke about

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the greatness of allowes Karnataka, and how great Bahamas asylum must have been to have been chosen but allows Panama is called Mustafa

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is called Mustafa not because he chose himself is called Mustafa because he was chosen. He was chosen by he who created the heavens India. For Panama Pavlova, he was chosen by you created life. He was chosen by he sustains humanity every day of their life. So yes, we depend on a lot of our sustenance. But we also need to look after the means of that sustenance.

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So in the province of Saddam came, we came with three things basically, he came first crypto heat,

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that man recognizes

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the sovereignity of Allah alone.

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That man recognizes

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that the journey that we all is a journey from Allah to Allah

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is no other journey. No other path.

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No call the * the one straight road from Allah vektron.

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Second, we recognize that allowes Mohan tala is the creator of Evanson.

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And Allah created us.

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Thirdly, the NaVi sobre la sala, k came to make us aware

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of the invisible people in the community.

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Who are the invisible people in the community?

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Who are the people present every saw Allahu alayhi wa sallam came to uplift to the status of Sahaba and came to bring them the news that they are people of paradise.

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Invisible people in the community are the downtrodden people in the commune, the press people in the community, the poor people in the community, the people without food and drink, those are the people that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam came to uplift. That was the mission of Muhammad Ali, so to Salah. And if we say that we love Mohammed salatu salam, if we say that we recognize that evisa salaam to be

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the person to elevate the person to praise

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then we should look at his easter eggs I said two weeks ago and find the purposes that he had in life. And those purposes that he had in life was chosen for him but allows for harmattan

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yet despite his elevation,

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and grandia

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and the fact that he will be the first to enter Jannah paradise and the fact that he's the Beloved of Allah so how to tala he is and will remain the human being created like Allah created everybody.

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And that is the beauty of Islam.

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The true clear and absolute distinction between the creator and everything else that he created, the duality of that. Allah is Allah and men and everything else is separate from our last.

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Even when we put salatu salam wa sallam,

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we don't put salata nonobese we don't say Oh, suddenly Allah Muhammad I don't say I put blessings

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on the Navy salah and peace I don't say that we did we don't say that. What do we say? We say Allah cendana Oh Allah. I make dua to you to put salata Mohammed Salah

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What do I say, Oh Allah. I asked you to put salata Muhammad Allah.

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Everything has to go via

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a loss.

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Everything comes to us via

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the rain comes via the sun shines via our physical soil. Our life comes from Allah, no death comes from our logs.

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And that is the heap

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and with this immense responsibility

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that Allah is placed on the shoulders

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of those who believe in the story, who believe in the afterlife. As we heard last week, the opponent lecture such a beautiful talk that was given. We are the people who must establish social justice.

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This in our community, and in our society and in our nation.

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And the place that we must start is justice begins at home, like charity begins at home, everything begins in your house first begins with your partner, your wife, or your husband, then your children, then your extended family. But that is where everything begin. We cannot speak about justice, as Muslims, unless we are just inside our home.

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We cannot say somebody is corrupt, we are corrupt inside our homes. We cannot accuse somebody of stealing, if we steal from our own wife from our wives or husbands and our child, we deprive them, we spend money on things that we are not supposed to spend money. So it means it is a process of teskey it's over, you have to stand and say, you know, this one must go that one must go. But what about me?

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Am I not maybe in my small way contributing to the chaos that I see around me.

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And it is very easy for me to have come here this morning. And to condemn this one and condemn that one and condemn this and condemn that. You know, that you see that on the news on n seven, whatever they call it, you see it on BBC, you see it everywhere. You read about it in newspapers. Now with the Internet, and your cell phone and your whatever phone, you have apple and guava, bananas.

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I mean, all these things out there, I don't know what the names are. But it's in your face. For me to repeat all that nothing is sustainable. I need to

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reflect it make us reflect on what we have.

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And how we are going to face the future.

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Now for you are economists which are not.

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And financial experts, which I'm not.

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I don't even know how to spend my money properly, my wife does that.

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We have now been downgraded to junk status.

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And very simply, that means that for our government, everything will become much more expensive. Now, you know, for you to buy a house for you to buy a car you need, you don't have cash money. So you need a loan to go to the bank.

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So if you're in good standing with a bank, they're going to give you maybe prime less to prime this one or whatever they say. And then you will pay less stuck little interest than the other person.

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But if you're in bad standing, you're blacklisted, you have to go on the black market

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and ask some some loan sharks to give you a loan at 25%. Now we reaching loan shark status.

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And what does it mean? It means that if our government goes to lend money to build a

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nuclear reactor, for example, some big development in the country, they have to come back alone. And we're done status the people who give us money or give us money at a very high rate of interest. And who pays that interest and who pays the loan? Not the government.

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Government doesn't pay said we pay the taxpayers pay.

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So it means that everything will go first it will go up now is the interest rate.

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Which is part of the Western circle democratic circle. Economy.

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So the interest that goes up your house payments go up your car payments go up, everything else goes up. And that is why they've always said

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that we should try and become interest free. That should be the goal of every single person. The goal of every single young man sitting in this mansion today should be that he or she should try and become industry as soon as possible. You start in Sharla amin and you start with the small things. You start with your cards, the whole

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whatever the cards

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sorry, Oh

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those are the things that you start with.

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Those are the things you start with. If you buy something time buy it over a period as cash.

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Don't dabble in interest.

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When you buy a house, car and pay it off as soon as you possibly can, not in order to use the water they call that excess bond. But in order to free yourself. Why? Because when times like this is going to eat you people

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and lose their homes. People are gonna lose their car. Why? Because they so heavily indebted, but those people are not so heavily indebted, they will survive. So we find them that

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this downgrading and if Moody's is also going to downgrade or the other credit agencies will downgrade to Africa.

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It will have tremendous ripple effect. Fortunately, we are so called middle class

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to some of our savings. Most of us have jobs, we don't realize that more than 50% of South Africans do not have jobs.

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For more than 50% of people do not have jobs.

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So we have this great imbalance

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and that 50% of people love on grants.

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They love on the largesse of the of the of the government. If the government doesn't get money, those people are going to starve.

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Because most of our people are not like Zimbabwe.

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in Zimbabwe, when the credit

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credit agencies started refusing Zimbabwe knows most of Zimbabweans their agricultural, their rural people 90% of we have two small cities, our RA and Bulawayo otherwise, it's a one massive farm. The Bible is a massive farm. So people could go back to the villages and put something in the ground and eat from the ground. We are urbanized.

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If we stopped we starve,

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don't have money to buy, you have to stand on the street corner and big. We can't go back to the to the GAO

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back they do in India, or to the compound like they do in Malaysia, even as a compound they will but it goes back to the compound the village with a very average as I'm Indian in Indonesia, you want to go there will

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cost us money to get there. So Africa is then in a very unique situation.

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We also know that because of the low credit ratings of African countries.

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More than 700 million people in Africa live on less than $1 a day

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50 years ago,

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they lived on double that amount, in

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other words, was all the assistance, all the organizations, all the food that the USDA gives to Africa, Africans become poorer and poorer and poorer.

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We don't have to go to the rest of Africa. If you go to people in Cape Town, the poor people in Cape Town you will find that they've also become poorer and they getting poorer by the day.

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So we are sitting on the tinderbox I know this sounds like I've heard this before.

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But the whole country is now in this not like the colors okay? The whites, okay, it only the black people, and they can't come to us because they live out there and we live here. Now we now live in a very, very integrated world.

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And you know, what happened?

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In Uganda,

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you know, what happened in Kenya, in many African countries to the so called rich people that were there, what happened to them even in Zimbabwe.

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So, we are not going to be immune.

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And what is going to happen is you can have riots after right after rice is eventually going to turn into

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what do you call it phobia

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xenophobia, xenophobia will come for you and for me, anything in skin? Maybe we first name whose skin is not black enough. identifiable spillover. Alright. So what do we do? What do we have? And what do we do?

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We are very generous people. People are generally gentle whether a Muslim or non Muslim or Jewish or Christian or Muslim.

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Muslims are also very generous.

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And we give a lot

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we pay out the car.

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When somebody puts up a hand and says people are suffering in stereo make a quick collection balisong make collections or is it to give.

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In other words, we have a very strong compassion industry. an industry that feels sorry for poor people and people who are oppressed people who don't have any.

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we believe that this compassion industry that we have marijuana means

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lots of organizations in our community, they sprout like,

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like liens, where, from the time that I grew up to now for analyzing their organizations I've probably never heard of so many of them collecting and collecting and collecting

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and giving and giving and giving. And

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when these organizations have some of them

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when they report back to us about the monies, which they collect from us, from the community,

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what are they? What are they tell us? They tell us what's collected X amount, and we spent X amount on these people who needed this, their

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bursaries, the school fees, rental payments, we've done all that with your money.

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But what they never do is and what we should encourage them to do.

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They never evaluate what they've done.

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Easy to collect more intuitive and easy to collect money and to get an auditor to say, well, I've spent the money correctly. I got sociedade, a fiver and to that 110 right to that point five oh, Mashallah signed off.

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But what we see effect of that money? If you click 100 million Rand, or 50 million Rand, that money should have some effect some way? Why is it that people are getting poorer instead of richer?

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Why is it that before, we didn't have queues of people standing at the magic collecting, and it was a childhood, nobody sat in front of the magic collecting when I was a single person. And I can guarantee you that people were poor at the time when I was when I was growing up, including myself.

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Today, we have queues that every month people are queuing on Muslim non Muslim all kinds of white black race.

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It's because we give and we never examine what is happening. Yeah, the money is given Mashallah given billionaire In fact, 1,400,000 for that, but what was the effect of that money?

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What are we doing if people are getting poorer, it means that we're creating people who are more dependent on handouts like the 50 40% 25 million people in South Africa that depend on government handouts to under that amount for every child, old age pension, this kind of pension, that kind of patient if, and the whole political system will collapse if that pension system is stopped.

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for the efforts that we make to eliminate poverty, because the organization talk about don't talk about elimination of poverty in any organized whether it's a church organization, a Muslim organization, a Jewish organization, the word elimination is out of the dictionary. We talk about the alleviation of poverty, we talk about a levy although as Muslims, we should talk about the elimination of poverty. We also on the bandwagon of eliminate poverty, we can only alleviate poverty, but it is our mission.

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established the first bank, which he called the by Toma, in his own lifetime, he eliminated poverty.

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Because he said like the prophets of Salaam said, If a man comes you should give him an X, do not give him

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charity. Unless of course it's in dire need

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all teach a man to fish so that he will have

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food every single day.

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And maybe a good example for us to look at is the cue that we have.

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Outside the magic of that side, of

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course, it's very

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easy to go out that door and ignore the people standing that side as much. But I can tell you, in 10 years time of happiness that there will be standing that side door, the magic at that door, the magic, this door, the message and the writer out

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key will go right around and you will not be able to

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not notice that. You know what's gonna happen, some of us will be in the queue.

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I'm not making bedok

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But Thomas will be in the queue.

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So what do we do

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as the as a Muslim candidate community and I know that many of you are members of Muslim organizations like myself

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that we should really look very, very carefully at where our money is going.

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It's very important

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when we give people money

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even if

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somebody gives you something as a gift, and you're a rich man, you still feel something you still feel

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I'm receiving something

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you don't. The feeling that you get when you give Subhanallah is not the feeling you have when you take from somebody, even if it's a gift on your birthday, you always feel somebody giving to me, I'm already I've already got so much.

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And yet people are still giving to me. panela. So what are we doing we give to people.

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We take away the initiative

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to improve the situation. Because when a man comes to you and ask for help, he has a situation.

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Sometimes he doesn't need our monetary help. He needs help to figure out how he himself can improve the situation.

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What do we do we throw money at problems.

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Our children eat something. And we want them to be good children to throw money at them.

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And they became worse, become worse and throw more money at them. And we throw more money they make up they just become worse and worse and worse. Instead of looking at why do they need the money? So because we have, we do not evaluate the charity that we give.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:34

How do we evaluate it? If you give somebody to somebody, and I know I've been in the welfare field, I'm a social worker by profession. That was my first job. I worked as a social worker to give people vouchers and money and food.

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And then I got involved I started this the car Finally, we gave more money and more stuff. And it's good. I felt good. As a Muslim as a human being I felt good.

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But on reflection

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on reflection,

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which I'ma share with you

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is I evaluated what I gave in terms of how I felt, not in terms of other person that gave to itself. It was about me, it wasn't about him or her. It was about Oh, I've given my soccer now I'm gonna go to Geneva. I've given somebody who's always looking CLM giving no put 20 grand in the magic box. So I put 15 and always want to look don't look at the other people look at me now I'm giving it's all about me. So I go outside and I see somebody and I gave him five somehow I'd given him a smart marshawn I think about my Jana about my goodness, about my good good feeling you know that good feel feeling. But I never considered the person if I gave him the tender in which I gave him what happens

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to him. Where does he go with a tailor? We can either go with a tender I

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think we can I go with the tender? If I'm hungry. And you give me a tender?

00:32:57 --> 00:32:58

What can I do with the tender?

00:33:00 --> 00:33:02

Really? Can I have a good meal with a tin

00:33:04 --> 00:33:07

can I have a meal that is not only satisfying, but

00:33:08 --> 00:33:13

and not only take the hunger away, but to feed me good food. All I have to buy junk food

00:33:14 --> 00:33:15

just to fill my stomach.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:20

So we evaluate

00:33:21 --> 00:33:27

what we give. Not by looking at the purpose we see the poor man and we say go wasted.

00:33:28 --> 00:33:30

But I feel good. I'm alive.

00:33:31 --> 00:33:31


00:33:32 --> 00:33:40

in desperate circumstances. If I say to you now, you know they bomb people in Syria and

00:33:43 --> 00:33:52

ammonia bombs and you've seen it on the TV. I want you to eat give me so much and we're gonna send it to Syria. Fine. We will do it. It will sorry.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:56

But what about the long term things that we need to do?

00:33:57 --> 00:33:58

What about

00:34:00 --> 00:34:10

there's a lot of long term needs in our community we need to do that we don't do the long term development of people. So our compassion becomes what I call toxic.

00:34:12 --> 00:34:16

Toxic I look at these people every Friday setting out here

00:34:18 --> 00:34:20

you can see they don't have a place to wash.

00:34:23 --> 00:34:26

They don't they're not dirty because they want to be no human being wants to look like that.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:36

The way dirty clothes not because they want you to give you give them more read more than what you gave them last week. They don't have other clue.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:42

And even the innovative they had other clothes. They wouldn't know where to put it. Where do they keep it they couldn't wait to stay.

00:34:45 --> 00:34:53

So our compassion becomes toxic we give them and we keep them in that situation for the whole life

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

study was made by Princeton University

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

In the United States of America, the American survey made by Princeton,

00:35:06 --> 00:35:11

they looked at the charity industry in the Christian Church in America.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:15

The study was made in 2005.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:23

In 2005, and the you know, the Americans are very high on charity they like to, to give charity

00:35:25 --> 00:35:34

1.6 million Christian church members were sent all over the world in 2005, to guide and assist people, particularly in Asia and in Africa.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:39

1.6 million church members were sent to Africa to Asia,

00:35:41 --> 00:35:42

to help the people there

00:35:43 --> 00:35:44

was whatever they helped him.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:53

On average, they stayed eight days in wherever they went. Africa, Asia,

00:35:55 --> 00:35:56

what do you think was the cost

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

of just a travel expenses

00:36:01 --> 00:36:04

and staying expenses in those countries $2.8 billion.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:11

So $2.8 million was spent. Not a cent of that went to any poor person.

00:36:14 --> 00:36:22

It's called religious tourism. We also know in that field, which is also known as fear. We also have Muslim organizations that tour the world.

00:36:24 --> 00:36:30

As if they're clouds or magic capital, they get free tickets from Norway. It all comes from the money which is new give.

00:36:33 --> 00:36:56

If you have to have a doctor, doctors in a particular country, you have to have accommodation for them, you have to have so many things for them, not saying it's wrong, and I'm not saying it's right either. I am saying that. And this Princeton University have made the survey said that it would be 75% cheaper to use the people who are in their country to do the work for their own people.

00:37:04 --> 00:37:10

And this is my gripe in sending money to places like Palestine and Syria no people dislike me for that. Colleagues dislike me for that.

00:37:13 --> 00:37:21

But it was an informed decision. I was there. I visited I saw what they were doing. I saw the money we were giving went to

00:37:23 --> 00:37:27

the 100,000 landed we take the is not even to peanuts

00:37:29 --> 00:37:34

not even to peanut for the serious it was zero because they need billions

00:37:37 --> 00:37:44

our contribution to the Palestinian since the Syrians can be that we can go there and do developmental work giving people money.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:51

The citizens will need the money now after the show is over in Sharla may be over soon, inshallah.

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Then they're going to need a lot of assistance. They're gonna need carpenters, builders, doctors, lawyers, so many people, not money, don't give money. You want to go go there and do something constructive. havalim such a slob left Medina they didn't say America top when the coffers of the two numbers overflowing in Medina.

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Medina was the richest city at the time in the whole known civilized world.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:30

What do you think they did? The researchers have a you take a million routes, and you take 500,000 routes. You go to India, you go to Palestine, you got no.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:35

You said udv. You go yourself, take yourself and go and build the world.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:58

Take yourself outside my organization to come here from nowhere and build houses and furniture. We have builders that come out of our ears. People are qualified in so many fields. How many houses have we built in highly charged for free? Does Norwegians come here for free? They birthed out of out of the pockets for free.

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00:39:02 --> 00:39:28

that is the way forward. And that's what we must do. We must enter into partnerships with the poor people that we give them. You can't just do this. Give down to somebody who will expect you to crush him. You destroy his self worth. You make him feel like he's nothing by giving him a plate of food. You have to go in there and you have to start with individuals and then look at the takes years.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:59

But eventually we build communities repolarization so charity must not be a giving and receiving charity must be a relationship with a person a partnership. In fact, those are the people that must sit in the boardrooms of our big Muslim charitable organization. The recipients. Half the people sitting around table must be recipients. They must be received. They must tell you what they want. They must

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You must call these people in, then use it and say, No, no, no, no, you're not allowed in this room, this is only for the board members.

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Those people must sit down, negotiate with them, ask them what they want. So maybe Salam de Sahaba did, this is the way forward that we should go. But it's easy to imagine, because I, if I'm with a big organization collect lots of monies on my money.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:31

Sometimes I get a job also from the organization, they pay me. So they pay me and and I get take your people and I give them money. How long are we going to do this?

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To resolve?

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And if you have no results, what do you do to change the methodology? have to change the methodology? So today, inshallah we are

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there is a national day of conscience, I think we call it

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00:40:55 --> 00:40:59

I thought at least one person in this community will forgive me to say, Chef, you know, we need to do something, we need to have a match.

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So I'm going to stop now and after the drama with a too much Sharma. Well, I mean, what whoever wants to go with me, you're welcome to do so. We are not going to march to Cape Town. No, no Martin on the block. And I'm doing it not for others, I'm doing it for us. We need to show also that we part of this country, we are part of this community. We are part and parcel in allows for handling in Africa, you saw injustice, the least you could have done was to match with the other people of your society of your nation, to show that you also have the same and this is not about the ANC is thought about the DA This is about the fact that we have more than 50% of people in this country.

00:41:50 --> 00:42:12

And we have a wave and we've got a rich government not doing anything about systematically. So now allows for a little guidance. Now allows hamdulillah give us insight. We allow someone to give that the message we give that our children are growing up young people want organization to start organization. And I think there's a big need in a community for an organization like

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build houses what is what are they called Habitat, habitat International, for that kind of organization, to build schools to build infrastructure, rather than giving people

00:42:25 --> 00:42:27

if a man is hungry is going to find food.

00:42:28 --> 00:42:47

But if you build a classroom for his children to learn it, they will eventually be able to earn their own food. When our last one guy does not bring the leaf inshallah carnation Allah give us the rain inshallah. Maybe, maybe it's because we don't do what we supposed to do this for our last one is not giving a thing baltal Allah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

173. April 7, 2017

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