Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – September 3, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The importance of spending time with family to reflect on one's life and learn from struggles with recitation is emphasized. The use of the internet and practice recitation is essential to improve fluidity and memory. The speakers discuss the use of shaded places in modern times, cautioning people about dangerous behavior, and avoiding washing hands. The speakers also touch on the use of hot water in showering and washing dishes, and the importance of avoiding discomfort and bringing papers and documents to avoid losing them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Sam who Elena v Hill Karim Ali a follow Salah to atomic tasleem Frobisher, he saw the rewear Siddeley Emily Washington orchidectomy lissoni of Coco Kohli, my brothers and my sisters Sena Moretti, Kumara de la, he was about our cattle. I hope that you're all well, I hope that everyone enjoys having a week off last week. From the classes, I know that I enjoyed it. Not to say that I don't like doing the classes, but I just really enjoyed having some time off. And being able to de stress being able to get away a little bit. I completely and entirely, almost, I would say 97%

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of myself was disconnected in terms of responding to emails, messages, WhatsApp, text messages, and so on and so forth. Of course, there's a few things here and there that you obviously can't ignore. But somehow a lot, I really had a great opportunity to spend some time with my family spend some time, you know, just not working Ruby. And it's really an eye opener. So one thing that I'll share from that experience is that when we do have some time off, not only should we spend some time away from work, but we should spend some time reflecting and pondering upon ourselves in our lives, where we are, what we're doing, who we are at that point in time, where we're going in terms of what our

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plans are, and what we plan on doing intentions that we've always had it go that we've always had added goals that we've always had as well. And have we even achieved some of those goals? And are we on track to achieve those goals? Or have they completely been forgotten? So these are some of the things that I wanted to share with everyone with regards to who we are and having some time off and benefiting from the time that we do spend away from work sometimes, but giving us that ability, a chunk of, of time, days or hours to sit and to ponder and to reflect upon our own selves. And of course, we learn that in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he encouraged this

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habit of the Allaha at home to give everything its do right. So to spend time with your Quran, right? reciting the Quran and revising the Quran and memorizing the Quran.

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Spend time with your family, Allah Subhana Allah says, Yeah, you are living at home and we'll go and forsaken what alikum Now, sometimes we spend so much time thinking about our family, we spend so much time trying to earn to provide for our family, sometimes we spend so much time running around doing things for the family, but we don't actually spend time with the family. And that's important because our children grow up and they become who they become. And we sometimes regret the time that we didn't spend with them. And so it's important for us to think about that it's important for us to reflect and to ponder upon the time that Allah Subhana Allah has blessed us with and to use it in

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the right way. So give some time to your Quran. How many hours in the week do we revise the Quran? How many you know some How about one of the uncle's after salata? Asada was encouraging the people, you know, to, to recite surah to the calf, because if they haven't already done so on a Friday, then well, you know, it's after also, why not take the opportunity to revise or to recite, I should say, that bless it saw on a Friday that we are encouraged to do. And one of the uncles comes to me and he says, You know what, I feel really embarrassed to say this, but my recitation of the Quran is so slow, that I it would take me hours, hours to finish sort out to kind of like a he literally goes

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letter by letter by letter.

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And he struggles with it. And he was asking me, he says, you know, could I could I simply recite the English translation. And I of course reminded him of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the person who recites the Quran fluently, you know, and with ease, you know, they recite it, they get up and they go, and then the person who's struggling with it way to add to our fee, right, that person who is really struggling trying to recite Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah blesses them with double the reward of the people who recite quickly who will be with those who are in an elevated status. Those who are righteous, those who are pious, Allah Subhana. Allah blesses

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the person who struggles with double the reward of that person. And so struggle a little bit, it doesn't matter even if we try

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Recite one page, right one page, at least we tried, right? but also an encouragement is to listen to the court. And so that's what I told this uncle is if you can't recite it at least open the Quran, and listen to some recitation of the surah and follow along with it that will help you in sha Allah when you move your mouth you move your tongue towards, with the recitation of what you're listening to, that will encourage you to recite a lot quicker and to help you to increase in your

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fluidity of your recitation of Quran. So that's something to keep in mind. How much time do we spend with the Quran with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala? How much time do we spend with our family not providing for our family or, you know, doing things for the family, but actually with the family? And how much time do we spend for ourselves? Right do we give to ourselves?

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Of course when I say time given with the Quran, I'm also referring to time given to Allah subhanho wa Taala in many of the other aspects of our life as a believer, do we make a drop a dua a day, one day, right as in, sit down and raise your hands and make at least once every single day? That should be done? And some people will say we never make to our like we never raise our hands make do we say said Mr. Ajay Kumar likoma. Salaam JazakAllah. Okay, on this Milla when we're about to eat, you know, Alhamdulillah when we're done eating, yes, those are due out. But

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does this person do these, you know, do we actually sit and raise our hands and make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala, even for a minute, a day. And that's important to think of Allah subhanho wa Taala says, The Rooney esta gibler calm. So these are some of the things that, you know, I was thinking about over the last week, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Today is Friday, September 3 2021, we will continue with our class on the etiquettes of relieving ourselves. So we finished the chapter on eating. And of course, after we eat, a little bit of time passes, and we feel like we need to go relieve ourselves. So we learned how to eat and what to eat and how much to

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eat and when to eat and what's important with regards to eating, standing, sitting drinking right hand left hand, you know, Bismillah Alhamdulillah, beginning ending all of that stuff. But now we're going to focus on the next chapter, which is relieving one's self, how do we relieve ourselves, right? Like, what what can we do? What Can't we do? What is permissible islamically? What's not permissible statically now I know some people say why are we even learning about this? Right? Like, this is what came up a few weeks ago, someone posted, you know, comments and said, Why are we spending time with this stuff? Right? Well, here's a beautiful example, that starts off this chapter

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of relieving ourselves. It is a hadith of Solomon or the Allah and

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her story narrated by Salman it'll be a loved one where he says

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call Elena almost recall that the polytheist the non believers emotionally call in at the time of the Sahaba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they said to the Sahaba call l&l mushy Guan, they said to us,

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we see that your companion,

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he teaches you a lot.

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He even teaches you how to relieve yourself.

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And so sellman are the logo and he says, Yes,

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he has also forbidden us from

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cleaning our selves, our private parts and so on with our right hand

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or he has also forbidden us from facing the Qibla the direction of the dibbler when we are receiving when we are relieving ourselves and he has forbidden us from using done which is like you know feces from an animal that has dried up and become solid and almost looks like a stone. He says he's also forbidden us from using dung and from using bones. And he said to us meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to us to the Sahaba of the lava and home

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none of you shall clean yourselves with less than three stones.

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Right none of you shall clean yourselves with less than three stones. Now when we look at this Hadeeth and we think of what people say why are we even learning this?

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The Sahaba the long run home were asked by the machete Kuhn

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you know your your companion your Prophet, right he

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We noticed that he teaches you guys a lot of stuff. And he even teaches you how to go to the bathroom and how to relieve yourself. And so this is where segmental of the lava, and he says yes. And he's forbidding us from, you know, washing ourselves with our right hand from facing the Qibla, when we're relieving ourselves from using dung to wipe ourselves or to use a bone to clean ourselves. And he said, that none of us show us shall shall clean ourselves with less than three stones. So what do we learn from this Hadeeth? First of all, we learned the importance of learning about this topic. But we're leaving ourselves why because purity is half of our event, as in, it's a

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huge portion of our belief.

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as Muslims, we need to be clean, we need to be pure. When we stand in Salah, our clothing is clean, our mouth is clean, our nose is clean, our face is clean, our hands, of course are clean, right? our ears are clean our head and hair is clean. Our beard, if you have one is clean from dust, right? our arms are clean, our feet are clean, and our private parts are clean. And you know, when you think of this, it's like, Why do you talk about it, but we talk about it because it's important. If you don't talk about it, how will anybody know how to clean themselves. And this goes back to thinking about our children. I guess parents a lot of the time we think about, Okay, I need to educate our children

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about math and science and physics and chemistry and earn and you know, Heidi's and fichte and all of these topics. But at the same time, we rarely think about things that are super important, that come up at times when we're not ready for it. Like our child becomes mature, and starts to ask us questions about

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what they should do. Right? Hold on, let me just see what's going on here with Instagram.

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Okay, hopefully that cameras back on.

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So, as I was saying, a lot of the time as parents, you know, we are scared to talk about certain topics with our children. And then a time comes where they either question us about it, or we feel you know, we don't have a choice, we have to be the ones to educate them about it. We have to be the ones to tell them how to, you know, clean themselves wash, take a hosel and so on and so forth. What what constitutes, like we learned in the essential fifth class on Sunday night, becoming mature, right? And how do we then go about cleaning ourselves. And so

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the first thing we learn here is that our belief requires us to know how to stay clean. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned certain things in this Hadeeth that we're going to go through over the next few weeks in sha Allah, and learn some of them. But just in a nutshell, to, you know, just cover the topics of some of the things that were mentioned in this Hadeeth. You know, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam First of all, was not shy to talk about these topics, he was not shy or embarrassed to share this information with others, we see that he used technical terms, some longer, it was seldom he use technical terms as in scientific terms, right?

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Like specific bodily parts, he used those words.

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And there was nothing wrong with it, like, for example, seeing urine, or saying, you know, when someone dedicates within, they have to do stuff like that, you know, not beating around the bush. And that's important for us as as Muslims, but as teachers as well, and students of knowledge that we don't feel shy talking about these topics.

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And we see that it is prohibited to use certain things. But it was encouraged to use stone. Now, none of us today use stones to wipe ourselves and that's because the stones are what were present and available to the Muslims to the people at the time in order to clean themselves. There were some that would use bones, right, like a long bone that was, you know, shave it off and it's nice and smooth and wipe themselves clean. Right? as Muslims we use water as well and pour it on our private areas to wash ourselves completely clean. Don't just wipe it, but the stones could be stone, it could be paper, toilet paper that we use today. Right? So these are things that we need to keep in

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mind and discuss as well. Insha Allah to Allah now let's jump right into it. The first thing that we're going to learn with regards to the etiquettes of relieving ourselves is

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to stay away from relieving ourselves in certain places. Okay, I'll go through this and then ask you a question. So be ready to type. Okay, be ready to type an answer. Okay.

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says, Be on your guard against three things as in Be careful of doing three things which provoke cursing, which encourage others to curse us and to say something bad about us. He says some longer it he was seldom relieving oneself in the watering places, like their time they used to go to the well and take water out of the well. Right It's forbidden for us to urinate or to throw in some sort of waste from our body. In the well the place where water is retrieved Trump

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he continues to say some Allahu Allah He was sending them

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and in the middle of the road, or the walkway, the path the sidewalks, and in the shade, as in the shade of the trees or buildings, places where people would rest. So here we see an example from the profits on a longer it he was seldom where he discourages us as believers from from relieving ourselves in three places. The place where water is retrieved from right the place where

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where people pass like a walkway, a pathway, and the place where there is some shade will take the next Hadeeth as well. Another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This one is narrated by

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Ravi Allahu Allah and where he says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it took a Latin n. Sorry, it took a letter and name. Okay. Be careful, be on your guard of two things that provoke cursing. Once again, the first Hadeeth was three things. This one is two things. So be careful of doing these things that encourage other people to say something bad about us or to curse us. Okay?

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He says some longer any us alum, Be on your guard Be careful of two things that provoke cursing. So they asked him the Sahaba the Allahu Allah they questioned calu omala nanny Yasuda law and what are these two things that if we do, people will curse us. He says some Allahu Allahu wa sallam

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The one who relieves himself or herself in the walkways, along walkways, or in the place of shade where people rest.

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Okay, so now these two Heidi's sort of solidify this thing like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam, in the first narration mentions this, and that first narration was from one of the bingeable about the Allah and the second one is about what era of the Allahu Allah and first one he says three things right, the the, the water, the place you retrieve water from, he also mentions the, the walkway, and the shade. And in the second one, he mentioned the last two things, right, the walkway, the pathway and the shade. So the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam is discouraging us from putting something unpleasant in a place where other people go to and frequent.

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Does that make sense?

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So now,

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I said Be ready to type.

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The problem with that is, I don't remember what I was going to ask you.

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Okay, yes. Now remember,

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in modern times,

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how does this apply? Like we don't have a well that we go and get water from, we just open the tab.

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We don't go and sleep under the trees. We have a room inside our home with a bed in it and we go and we sleep in it. And the walkways, the sidewalk the streets? Well,

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none of us really go outside and urinate to relieve ourselves

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on the sidewalk. So how would you apply this in modern times? Well, I want some of you to write in and type in. How would you apply these two Hadeeth that mentioned three things and then two things that we should not do and avoid being cursed by others. And you know, when someone says something bad about another person, because they're upset because of them, then that actually is something that is dangerous and bad for us to do. Right. So what would you say?

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Or how would you say that these headings apply in 2021. Can we have examples with smilla

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and the fact that it's the summertime that you

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You should know,

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at least one example

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smilla waiting for some responses. We have

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two Facebook accounts, a YouTube account, a two YouTube accounts, one Facebook account,

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two Instagram accounts and a Twitter account. That's like six different platforms. We're live streaming on. Right? I know you're probably watching from one platform, but we've got six going, Okay, so, hey, are Bismillah Alright, Jasim says sewage directed into oceans. Okay. It's good guess what else? Anyone else? How do you think these two Hadees apply in modern times? That we should be careful of doing these two or these three things to avoid being cursed by others. Avoid relieving ourselves in the waterways, right? Where waters retrieved from in the pathways. And in places of shade. Allah. Come on. Just guess Don't be shy.

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Some of you should, like pick this up just like that. I'll give you a hint. Have any of you gone? hiking?

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back country? camping? before?

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I just gave you the answer, right? Because none of you are saying anything. So the answer that I would share with you to begin this discussion is when you go camping, when you go hiking, when you are somewhere on a trail, you may not find a bathroom. So you now may need to relieve yourself somewhere.

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And you don't have a choice but to do it somewhere in public. Okay? Yes, very true. My wife is saying that people do urinate on the sidewalks at events when drunk, right? Even not when drunk. I remember being in Manchester, England, staying in a nice, nice, beautiful hotel,

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right at the heart of the old town, and looking out my window and seeing a parking lot. And people walking through the parking lot going to work doing their thing. And in the middle of the day, this guy just goes up to the wall and urinates and keeps walking on his way. I was like, Okay, that was just really strange. Like it's pure daylight right in the middle of the day, even though it's not really much sunshine in the UK. But somehow I noticed that then a little bit later, I noticed another person did the exact same thing. I'm thinking to myself, okay, this must really be a thing. But I've handed out here in Canada, I know drink COVID things would become a little bit more

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difficult for us because, you know, bathrooms are closed restaurants are not letting people through in order to use the bathroom and stuff like that. But somehow when we think of it, there are many countries on Earth where if you want to use the bathroom, a public bathroom, you have to pay, you have to pay, it's not free. So we're blessed with that here in Canada, right? Some people are saying okay, while you're swimming very good, right while you're swimming, that's a common waterway a place but we're going to get to that inshallah. Tada, okay, we're gonna get to that.

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Jasim says outhouses. Okay, an outhouse is the place to go and relieve yourself. Okay, even though it's shaded, that is the place to go that is basically that's the place to go and relieve yourself.

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Say it

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has not says

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clean picnic benches.

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Okay, clean picnic benches had a lot. Someone else said I can send out a lot better care to Yes, they do. Always in the UK, unfortunately, right? People urinate on the streets, like people going in an alleyway urinate against the wall of a building and move on with their day. Right? Why? Because there are many countries especially in Europe where the bathrooms are not free. Okay, so you might be hiking, you might be camping, you might be you know, really need to relieve yourself. You know, wherever it is that you are, sometimes we don't have a choice as human beings and you just need to go Where are you going to go? So here the prophet SAW her I need to send them shows us the places we

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should not go places that would disturb other people's. You know, he is being at ease, being comforted with the space and the air and everything is nice and clean and beautiful. And all of a sudden someone comes in relieves themselves. I've seen even in mcsa

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in mcsa and of course this was at a time when the place was packed. I don't remember if it was during HUD

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Season or during Ramadan. But someone really needed to relieve themselves.

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And I've seen it so many times where, outside of the Harlem on the white marble area, you have these grills, right, the sewage grills, I've seen people go over lift up their home and just relieve themselves there because they can't hold any more, they can't make it to the bathroom. And they figure you know what, I better do it in the drain, as opposed to doing it somewhere else. But again, you're right in front of many people. And so this Hadeeth shows us.

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And when we are going to relieve ourselves, that we make sure we do it in a way that is not going to be disturbing of other people, that other people would not come across it, whether it's while we are relieving ourselves or

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a long time later, right? And so

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this habit of the lover at home would go far away from Medina. Okay, they would walk into the desert area, of course, remember, they didn't have bathrooms like us. So they would go away into the desert area, until they couldn't see the people which means that people couldn't see them. And therefore, they would be at a distance far enough to be able to relieve themselves. Okay, so there are times when, even in modern times, as all of you pointed out hamdulillah that we may be in need of relieving ourselves but we should not do it in places that are commonly used by people like walkways, alleyways, you know, passages through the back of buildings, and you know, behind homes

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and stuff like that, those are not places that we should use to relieve ourselves. Okay.

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So reminders for the soul says Sorry, brother, but in the UK, most places have free toilets, they have no excuse.

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ESN No, I've, you know, when you when you when you're a local in the UK, you might know which restaurants and places to go into, or you can simply use the bathroom. And you're right, most restaurants will allow you to come in and use the bathroom. But if using public transport, for example, you're taking the train, like I take the train, from city to city from Piccadilly to you know, wherever else I was going, going to London, go to Manchester, Birmingham, Bradford, all these different places, you actually have to pay Switzerland, you have to pay Germany, you have to pay I remember the times that I was in Germany, so kind of like make sure that I have either a credit card

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on me or some change, right, some euros so that you can pay to use the bathroom. And in some places, you pay one price if you want to use a urinal, and you pay another price if you want to use a toilet and flush. And in some countries as well, you can use the bathroom for free. But if you want toilet paper you need to pay. And then some places I've been to you can, you can't use the bathroom for free, you have to pay to use the bathroom. If you want toilet paper, that's an extra premium price on top of it. So that's the way the world is. So we'll handle and Canada are a little bit spoiled in that sense that hamdulillah we can go places, you know, even when push comes to shove, you pretty

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much could stop in front of someone's house, knock on their door and say, You know what, I'm really sorry. But I you know, seek your help and request to use your bathroom. And I'm pretty sure that most Canadians would be okay with that. Right? Most people in Canada would be okay with that. A lot of them I don't know I've not done it and don't want to do it. Okay, let's move on and shot a lot of data

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from this Hadeeth what we learn as well is

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that a place that is shaded is not a place that one can relieve themselves. Now there's a contradiction within the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because he used to take like the branch of a date tree, right the date palm tree, and he would use that to cover himself and it would be shaded. So what's meant here is not that it is impermissible to relieve ourselves while under shade.

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What's mentioned here is that we should not be in shaded places that people go to to rest when it's really hot. And of course, in Canada, it's not really a big deal. But when you're in the desert, there are certain places that people will go to for shade and seek shelter to rest in the middle of the day. Because there's no other place. It's too hot, especially when you're thinking of the desert in traditional times, and even the desert in modern times.

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Now, the scholars say that if a person cannot relieve themselves in places that people go to to rest in the shade in the summer, then by default, it is not permissible to relieve ourselves in places of sunshine during the winter months.

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And I know and we're thinking like what are you talking about, but in the desert pauwela there are places that people would go and sit down and chill. Not every single piece of land everywhere is a comfortable place to sit there might be rocks, it's uneven, the ground is not you know a nice place to sit, but a place that is commonly used by people to get some sunshine

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And some warmth from the sun is not a place that is permitted for us to use. So just keep that in mind sometimes we go camping and we're like oh just go over there. We just stopped the car on the side of the road you know, if you're driving, you know, through long country roads and stuff like that I'll just use a bathroom here. No, should find an area that is not commonly used by the people. Okay, on us, we'll move on and Sharla The next thing that we're going to learn is

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a nephew Anil bowl, filmer Anwar kid, how it is impermissible, it is not permissible. It's forbidden within Islam, for us to urinate in water that is still or stagnant. And sister Houma brought up a very important example related to this, while someone is swimming, if you're swimming in a swimming pool, it is a sin islamically to urinate in the swimming pool. And I know none of us do that, right. None of us have ever done that when we were kids as well. We never ever urinated in a swimming pool, hopefully. And if you have, please don't type it in the comments or chat section. Okay.

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But here we see a hadith of jabesh or the Allah and where he says verily the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us from

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the Prophet, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade

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urinating in still water, in water that is not moving, that is stagnant. So of course, modern times, that's a swimming pool, or a small lake or a splash pad, right? Like some splash pads have some water in it, right? Like, if you go to celebration square in Mississauga, there's like, you know, an area where there's a few inches to maybe even about a foot of water, right? Cannot islamically we're not allowed to urinate in that. And of course, scholars say, Well, if you can't urinate in it, then by default, one should not relieve themselves as in go number two, in still water. Now you might be camping, you might be, you know, somewhere in the country, in the forest in the woods. And

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you know, you feel that it's okay to dump the waste there. Now, some people have cottages right country homes, like, for example, my brother and my uncles, you know, they have a country home, up north of Montreal, about eight hours north.

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one thing that my brother was telling me about the other time he was there was that the they have an outhouse. There's no running water in that cottage. So the outhouse is a hole dug in the ground. And it has a waist drain that goes out into the lake. And it's a big lake. But the problem that they noticed was because there's not enough rain, the water level had receded and gone down. And the waste was coming out and staying in the area of the cabin, and what they go and they take water from the lake, and they boil it, and they drink it and they use that water. Well, they don't drink it. But they use it to wash their dishes and stuff like that. And most of the time, they just drink

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bottled water right to drink. So what happens is, even if it's a lake, even a larger size Lake, the contaminants from relieving ourselves stays in the area. And this is where you're thinking in your mind, okay, I'm going in an outhouse, and it's going down in the ground, but it may be seeping down into the ground into the lake, and then people swim in it.

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And some may go in the mouth, some water might go in someone's mouth, and they get sick from it. And this is why sonically it's not permissible for us to do that.

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The last thing that we'll look at and shout Allahu Allah is

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that it is disliked

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islamically to enter into the bathroom or the place person goes to relieve themselves thing that has the name of written on it. Okay, whether it's a paper or a document or a book, and we're not talking about the Koran here, okay, we'll talk about the most half in a few minutes. We'll start with talking about general papers and documents. For example, some countries their current currency might have a law hook written on it.

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Can you bring that into the bathroom now? Like your money is in your pocket? And the money has a lot about written on it. So now what do you do?

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Do you leave your money outside of the bathroom and you go in

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Use the bathroom.

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Right? Sometimes we don't think of these things you go for how'd you go for I'm gonna you travel the world, you go to so many countries, sometimes we don't realize that the money has the name of a law written on it. Right? So what do we do?

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Well, this is where

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it is disliked islamically to bring papers, it could be a document. Sometimes it's a, you know, test kiya could be some sort of paper that a test city that allows you to travel or something of that sort. And it says Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim on the top of it. So what do you do? Now, this is where the scholars say, look, a person may lose that item, if they leave it out of the bathroom, it might get stolen, it might blow away in the wind, they might even forget about it and walk away and leave it there. And this is where we have to be responsible with our stuff. And try to either ask someone to keep it for us until we are done using the bathroom, or put it inside of something and close it

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so that it is not, you know, exposed and leave it somewhere off of us while we're using the bathroom. The point is that you try your best not to have something on you. And it could even be sometimes people have a necklace, pendant, right? That has the name of a law written on it. Right or it is in the form of the name of Allah subhana wa Tada, right might say Bismillah, right, or a ring on it that says that has the name of Allah. Those are things that we should avoid bringing into the bathroom, when a person is relieving themself.

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I see a few questions coming up. I'll get to them as soon as I'm done this part and then we'll just open it up for some questions. And Shawn long before the event for it sold out to Asia. So the first thing that we looked at is papers, documents, random paper items that have the name of a law on it, it could be not only paper, but like I said a pendant to ring, you know, a bag something, a shirt even, it might even be a shirt that has the name of a lot printed on it. It's disliked to wear that to go into use the bathroom. Now what about the most half? What if you have the Quran, right? The Book of a Quran is called the most half. What if you have that on you,

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or in your bag, or in your pocket with you and you need to use the bathroom. While the scholars agree that it is not permissible to bring the Quran the most half into the bathroom.

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except in the case that a person fears that it will be stolen from them. If they leave it out. They put on the counter or leave it outside, it will be stolen someone will take it someone might do something to it, they might thrown in the garbage. So if you fear that, then that's a different story. But generally speaking, I don't really think we have this issue. Okay, usually you can find a ledge up high, that you can just put it on somewhere or counter just outside the bathroom, you know, the stall and you can put your your most half there. Most people are not like, Oh, this is a core and let me take it and do something bad with it. No people are, that's not how the average human

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being is right? And so we need to just be careful of that. And try our best not to have something With the name of Allah on it or on us or to have the Quran the must have with us when going and using the bathroom and relieving our selves. Okay, that's all that we're going to cover for today. In short, a lot of Tat, I see a few questions. So I'm going to look into them and trying to answer these inshallah, first thing is one of the teachers told us that we should not urinate while in the shower. Is that from the teachings? Yes, that we should not urinate in the shower. Why?

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So islamically

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and this is something I'll get into and we covered in our essential fifth class, the place that we relieve ourselves is usually different than the place that we shower and purify ourselves. Okay, so the place we relieve ourselves is usually a separate outhouse or like in the UK. I know what we have some British, like no bathrooms are not like that. Yes, there are many homes where there's just a toilet in that room and right next to it. So there's, you know, a door you open it, there's just a toilet in there. You go in, use the bathroom, come out and go into the next door, and there's a sink in a bathtub.

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That's very common in many countries. I remember even our apartment in Malaysia that we lived in, we actually had the sink outside of the bathroom. So the bathroom had the toilet in the deep end right in the far end of it and the shower, right and then outside of the door in the regular part of the home was the sink. And so this is a

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Very common thing in Medina as well as the older homes in Medina, you'll find this to be the case as well, where there's a sink outside of the bathroom. So you go and use the bathroom, you come out and you wash your hands. I remember going to one of our friends, Muncie, from Jamaica, he used to go to his house, you know, in the evenings on the weekends, and I remember going in to use his bathroom the very first time I went in, and I'm like,

00:40:24 --> 00:40:33

Where's the sink? It was just, it was just, you know, the, the eastern toilets that are flat on the ground, which I actually think are the most awesome toilets to use.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:39

That's it, and it was just a tap to fill up the water, right to fill up the jug.

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And that was it. Like he didn't even have a hose or anything.

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And then the sink was on the outside. So I was like, well wait a second. So when your hands are dirty, and you're going to open the door, then everyone's touching the door anyways, don't think about that. Right? The point is that within the deen

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we see that the place that you relieve yourself should be considered different than the place that you clean and purify yourself. Now you use the modern or the Canadian style bathroom is you open a door you go inside there's a sink, there's a toilet, there's a shower and a bathtub most likely okay. There could be more that could be a hot tub, whatever sauna you know, Michelle, lots of Article if some of you are really wealthy and you have that in your homes now Allah bless you with more and more and more. I mean, but the point there being you consider the area where the toilet is the place that is forbidden for you to do those things like you can't bring that name of allah

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there. You don't recite the Quran and there you don't do a scout and Vicar there and so on. You see or do I before stepping into it you say your door I when you step out of it out of that area. But now you're still in the bathroom, the main room and you go over to the sink and you say Bismillah Oh, I'm in the bathroom? No. The bathroom, you would consider the place where the toilet is. So the shower now getting to Brother artists question you know about using

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saying someone will have bad memory if they urinate in the shower, along with a man that I don't know, I think that's just a traditional cultural thing like, tail. Alo Adam, I really don't know, I've never heard of that in the deen.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:54

So the shower is a place that we take a hustler that we purify ourselves, we clean ourselves. And so that should be a place that we do not urinate in and do not relieve ourselves in and keep clean. Okay? Remember, most of the time the shower acts as a bathtub as well. And sometimes people will sit down and lay down in it and fill it with water and take a bath. And if someone is urinating in, it's not really the nicest thing to do for them. That's a common area where people go to to relax, right? So we shouldn't urinate in the shower. There was another question here.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:10

Yeah, I know. For some reason, the video keeps freezing. And I have no idea why it's just on this one device.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:58

Another question is, what about in the ocean? If you're at a beach, that is salt water, it's moving water? And it's huge. Yes, that is permitted. Okay, when the water is flowing, or it's a large body of water, that's a different story. Okay, which we will look at, we did look at in our essential fit class, we spoke about that when we're talking about the hotter the chapters on purity, the amounts of water that we need in order to purify something in order to make room right, the amount of water that that is needed to be pure, as opposed to the amount of contaminants within the water. We looked at that quite some time ago, over a year and a half ago, almost two years ago, right. But if it is a

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river, or a ocean that is large, that is flowing, that is moving, then that's a different story. You know, if someone urinates in it, or you know, some sort of feces is seen in it, and the waters flowing and it flows away, how long should you wait until the fresh water comes in front of you and you can use that water to make your oval.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:31

Okay, good.

00:44:33 --> 00:45:00

Just like a low fade and art if that makes sense, right? The person was mentioning that with regards to urinating in the shower and it affects the memory that it is sinful and not good to do that in the shower and acts of sin affect a person's memory. Okay, so that makes sense. Hello Adam, Allah subhana wa Tada. Bless that teacher and all of our teachers with the

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wisdom that they share with us which is beautiful, how Allah so much wisdom in a lot of the teachings that we get from being with the teacher and learning from them. That's all the time that we have in sha Allah to Allah the event for Asia is going to be called in five minutes sought out today it shows at 930 here in the masjid for those of you that are able to make it here within 15 minutes, please do make your way over to iccm those of you that are further away or unable to make it Jazakallah Haden for attending. Please make sure that you pray a lot today actually at home and an encouragement call the then before the sauna so that the entire family comes and prays together

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botica lo fi calm I'll see all of you on Sunday evening in sha Allah who data at 830 for our essential fick class. Giacomo halen roboticle off ecommerce and along with senemo Baraka Bina mahamadou, Allah Allah USA, USA Lim, or seller more Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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