Bilal Philips – Patience

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of patient patience and understanding the spiritual path in achieving spiritual health is emphasized. The need for patient empathy and willingness to commit to the truth is also emphasized. The importance of patientism and faith in actions and events is emphasized, as it is crucial for graduation and graduation is a means of graduation. Regular worship and avoiding mistakes and adversity are also emphasized. The importance of patientity and faith in actions and events is emphasized, and the need to be careful and patient in worshipping a law is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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I said he would try us and test us with fear, hunger,

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loss of life, wealth, the

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fruits of our labors, but give glad tidings to those

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wonderful thing. So having patience in times of trial and adversity is relatively easy

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us to be patient in worshiping a law when things are going well.

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That is the difficulty.

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wonderful thing

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Alhamdulilah e

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la HeMan saurian fusina minchah Dr. Molina de la hufa la Mattila woman usually Allahu Allah, Allah, Masha Allah Allah hi La la la la sharika lah washer Anna Mohammed and Abu rasuluh Who am I but

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vain hierarchy tabula rasa de Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Pasha Morimoto Tato ha akula Matata invada Bukola Allah Allah, Allah Allah Allah wa

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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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All praises due to Allah. I welcome you all to this evening's lecture by Dr. abominable Philips. This topic patients in Sharla will throw a lot of light into what Islam speaks about patients. I would request Bilal Philips to deliver a speech

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Kareem Karim?

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Allah Allah was Hobie woman is Stan Levison, Attila Ahmed Deen, all praise due to a line my last piece investing is beyond the last messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.

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Patience as my brother introduced the topic

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is a key element in the life of the believer.

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When we looked at the search for inner peace,

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this evening, I will elaborate on it further patience, mentioned in the 100 and third chapter of the Quran about which a mama Shafi had said

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that were no other chapter of the Quran to have been revealed.

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That chapter would have been sufficient for humankind, for them to be guided.

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That chapter

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our Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa last

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by time

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in Santa Fe.

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Indeed, humankind is in a state of loss Illallah de la mano y mano solly had except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, what a wild soul been Huck

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and advise each other

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in truthfulness, what a while sober, sober, and advise each other to be patient.

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So lots of irons Allah,

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in this chapter, small chapter from the end of the crime,

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identify patients

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and advice to each other to be patient as being among the keys for success in this life.

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He stressed it above many other characteristics which are important also. generosity, kindness,

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loving kindness, compassion. There are many other wonderful characteristics, but he chose out of all of them to truthfulness

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and patience because, first and foremost, for anyone

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To attain

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the proper relationship with God with a law subhanho wa Taala

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that person has to be true

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has to be about truth.

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Accepting the truth when it comes to him or her.

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And following that truth, they have to commit themselves to that truth.

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is based

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on truth,

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truth, which has come from the creator of this world.

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He did not leave us

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to wander around blindly in this world on our own.

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But he sent

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the truth to us the truth, which we know as Islam,

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our acceptance of that truth.

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Living in accordance with it

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is the righteous leads. Illallah Dena amanu

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lasala hat

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holding on firmly through to the truth throughout our lives is a requirement, even if that truth

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is against us.

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If Muslims in the world, commit evil,

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they cut off people's heads on television and hold it up,

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blow up children.

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We know this is not right.

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No matter what the circumstance, it's not right. And we have to stand up for the truth. Because we're about the truth. Ultimately,

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we may try to understand the reasons behind people doing this and educate others about them. But still, the truth must stand out clear from falsehood, as Allah told us,

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and we come back to patience,

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because once a person has committed himself or herself to the truth

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in all aspects of his or her life,

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he or she has to be patient, because that truth will be tried and tested.

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So patience, what is patience? If this is required of us, it is important for us to understand it. If no km had said

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that patience in the spiritual sense means that in times of grief, we stop ourselves from despairing. panicking. We stop ourselves, our tongues from complaining and we stop our hands from striking our faces and cheering our clothes.

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In times of grief and stress, we stop ourselves from falling into despair.

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Feeling the situation is hopeless

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feeling that a law has burdened us beyond our capacity. There is no way out. When the last month Allah has already told us Romania tequila, he ajala who Maharajah whoever fears are law, a law will make a way out for them.

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And we stop our tongues from complaining.

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about the trials of life.

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complaint destroys patients.

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There is a difference. However, when we look at patients and complaint

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where one complains to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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This is not considered

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the complaint which destroys patience.

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The complaint which destroys patience is like the woman problems are seldom passed by her

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when she was at her son's grave, crying, screaming wailing.

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And the Prophet said to her or woman

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Get a hold of yourself.

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And she turned angrily to him and said You haven't suffered what I have suffered.

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The prophet SAW Selim turned and walked away.

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Then some other women ran up to her and said that was the messenger of a law. So she got up quickly and rented all messenger. Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yes, you're right. You're right, I have to control myself. I control myself. He said, patience is at the time of the calamity.

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Patience is at the time of the calamity. Her complaint, you haven't suffered what I've suffered. That is the complaint to human beings, human beings who can do nothing about the trials of our lives. But turning to Allah subhanaw taala.

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This is acceptable, because we found, for example, in the Quran, surah Yusuf verse 86, we find prophet yaku, saying in NEMA school, Betsy, was Nina law, I only complain of my destruction, and anguish to Allah,

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after his son's had

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caused us

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to be lost,

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pretending that he had been killed by a wolf.

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Prophet Yaqoob could only turn to Allah subhanaw taala. And that's what he did. And that is perfectly legitimate. And that's who we should take our complaints to.

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So patience

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is real. And it's maintained, as long as we stay away from complaining to people,

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people who cannot do anything for us, we're just looking for sympathy, or you poor individual. That's really not good. It's unfair, really, this shouldn't have happened to you. No, that's not true. If it happened to you, it is because Allah wrote it for you. Because a lot shows you, too.

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experience this particular trial. A lot tailors the trials for each and every individual. When the prophet SAW Selim was asked, Who among humankind has the most trials and calamities in their lives, he replied, the prophets, then there are those most like them than those most like them. And the law looks into an individual's level of faith. And if he sees that his faith is strong, then he puts a strong trial on him. And if he sees that his faith is weak, he puts a week trial on them, a lot tailors each and every for each and every individual particular trials. And we talked about the purpose of the trials that these droughts ultimately are to bring out the best in us

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to bring out the best and the highest of our spiritual qualities.

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But unfortunately, most of us don't realize that. So when the trial comes, we complain,

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we ball we cry,

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we blame everybody.

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It's not my fault. It's everybody else's fault. Or we might even reach the stage where we blame a loss of

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a very evil stage.

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A very evil stage. But what we are called to do is to be patient, to be patient under all of the various circumstances of life, as the Lord said, we'll enter blue and accomplish a mental health he will jewelry will not perceive mental and while he will amphis what famalaro Murat

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about shit is slavery in la de la Saba Tomasi baton kalu in LA he was in LA he Roger.

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Allah said he would try us and test us

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with fear, hunger, loss of life, wealth, the fruit of our labors,

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but give glad tidings to those who are patient.

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Those who when a calamity strikes them say in the law he were in, in a garage, we belong to a law and to him is our return. Usually we only end up saying this when somebody dies.

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That's fine. somebody dies to say in that in that hey, we're in LA Roger and it's good.

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But we should remember to say it whenever a calamity strikes us

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and this is what we forget

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Time of death, okay, but the rest of the times as if they're different, no, they all fall into the same category.

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So, when the calamity strikes, this is the expression of our patience. In gnarly law, we belong to a law.

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Allah owns us. So whatever he puts on us, he has the right to do. And it ultimately is the best for us.

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No matter how harmful, how evil, it may seem to us, we have to believe ultimately, that it is what is best for us.

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Or it not best for us, then this implies that a law is unfair, dangerous door to go through. To say that a law is unfair, is to deviate.

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Our faith in a law

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is destroyed.

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No, a law is the most just

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and whatever he has given us is exactly what we need. So how does a person

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learn patience? Can we learn it? Or is it just that some people are born patient and others are not? Yes, we see some people seem to be quite patient. From the time they were kids, they're able to handle things they have grown up patients, or other kids just seem to fly off the handle. They're here they're there don't can't seem to be patient.

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It's patient something we can learn. Yes, Prophet Mohammed Sasa limit said well maybe hit the sub bar, u sub zero law. If no claimant said, if a person does not naturally possess the characteristic of patience, he can attain this characteristic by acting as if he does possess it, until it eventually becomes second nature to him, or Mayor or whoever pretends to be patient, use a beautiful law, a law will give him patience.

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it is something that we all can achieve. And that is logical, because why would a law then put patience as one of the keys for success in this life? If we are unable to learn it? If it is only those who are born with it, meaning Allah has destined for you patience

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and then he gives you success in life because your patient? No, that would be unfair,

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if we couldn't learn it, so obviously, it is something which we can learn.

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Now, let us look briefly, at the times when patience is needed, there are three basic times if no Chi m identified them one in worshiping a law and following his commands to in abstaining from wrong actions. And three in accepting the decree and ruling of a law allows other

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one in worshiping a law and following his commands to in abstaining from wrong actions. And three in accepting a laws decree.

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These three areas are mentioned in sorta lokman

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verse 17,

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when he said

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yagoona Akemi Sala what mobile maruf one handle Moncure was there allama saw back in the day come in as mill

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Oh my son, establish regular prayer

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and join what is just and forbid what is wrong and bear with patient constancy whatever befalls you.

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For this is firmness of purpose in the conduct of affairs. Oh my son,

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establish regular prayer, this advice of look man to his son

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and join what is just and forbid what is wrong. And bear with patient constancy whatever befalls you.

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And joining what is just involves doing what is good for bidding what is wrong

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includes abstaining from wrong action. So, let us look at patients in worshipping a law.

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which is not performed regularly is of no value if no fan said

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worship not performed regularly is of no value, meaning those people who worship Allah subhanaw taala in Ramadan,

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the Ramadan Muslims throughout the year they don't worship a law. But when Ramadan comes, you see them in the masjid spraying Torah we fasting

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or the Friday Muslim.

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He doesn't pray all during the week. But when Friday comes, you see him in the masjid

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the Friday Muslim. This is a person who does not worship a law regularly. So when you ask that person, why don't you worship or law regularly? Why do you worship Him in frequently? Only on Fridays or only during Ramadan?

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And there are some people

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who only worship on the last Friday in Ramadan, a

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few years back, somebody who was we're talking about the preferable things to do in Ramadan. And they told me they said oh yes, it's also good to catch Juma to Louisa.

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I said what?

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Yeah, Juma Tony with

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the farewell Juma. So, what is that? He do the last Juma in Ramadan.

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That is known as the farewell Juma. I said, Oh, somebody made that up. We know of the farewell pilgrimage hedger deal with that we know of the farewell toe off too often with that the last time you go around the debates if the Kaaba before leaving Mecca, but too much.

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Never heard of it. Something people made up say yeah, if you catch Juma till we die, you know all of your sins are forgiven. No. Prophet Muhammad wa sallam didn't say that if your appear or your shape or your Willie or your whatever told you that he lied.

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There is no Juma to Louie da.

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So the person who only worships Fridays, Ramadan, or Laila to Qatar, that's the other day isn't the 27th of Ramadan. Because prayer on the 27th of Ramadan, if you catch Nana to the other,

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that is worth

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1000 months of worship.

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So are in frequent worship? or What does he do? He takes out his calculator, it puts in 1000 months divide that by 12. That comes out to 83 points so many years. That's a lifetime.

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You catch Laila to powder you're covered for a lifetime.

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People who worship in frequently

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this worship is not really acceptable to our law. Because when you go back and you look at the root

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of why they're worshipping like this, we call this in reality.

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in Arabic They call it strt or precautionary worship,

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precautionary worship, what does that mean? It means that just in case

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just in case there is a law

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and he asked me what did you do you are a Muslim and I did worship in Ramadan I did do Fridays you know I I did have some a bother some worship. That's precautionary worship, based on a person's doubt about the loss of annual gala.

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If one doubts about the loss of Hana with eila doubts about the existence of a law

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he has disbelieved in a law

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is the same thing. Belief in a law is certain belief,

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belief base based on certainty.

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not doubt. Maybe there could be just in case no

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That is not true belief in Allah not acceptable. So worship naturally based on these thoughts has no value. It's just a physical exercise. Just like people who are obliged to make Hajj.

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The time for Hajj comes when when you reach puberty, and you have the economic means. But what we do we find in the Muslim community, if a young man who is 21 years old, he's got this started out in life, whatever. He's got a business going, he's got some money ready to go and make Hodge what is the what is his parents? What is his friends and uncles that tell him No, no, don't make Hodge now. You're young.

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You're still young.

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Meaning what? Meaning you better to leave Hajj until the end of your life. Right, because Hajj washes away your sins. So if you make Hajj, now you come back, you got a bunch of sins, you lost your Hajj.

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So better to leave it, delay your Hajj till you run out of steam. You can't do any more sins. Now is the time to go and purify yourself at the gabaa but the reality is that you won't be able to make the Hajj mob rule or the acceptable hats, you won't be able to do it. Why? Because you've lived the life of sin, a life where you curse people, you swore at them, you cheated them and did all these things. Do you think you're gonna be able to go to Mecca? With all those people, 3 million people from all around the world and be a good boy. No, no.

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That's why

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I've been to Hajj a number of times. And I've seen old brothers long white beards, acting in the most violent ways. I was shocked. People stepped on their toes, their elbowing, screaming, shouting, cursing, whether you're on Hodge Shut up.

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Hey, what's happened to hedge

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because they had thought that they could come through and do an acceptable hedge but a lot of said had you know that's acceptable louder Fatah. Wa La suka Balaji de la village. Now Rafa, no bad language.

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Well, now for suka no bad dealings with people. Will RG dalla know argumentation, finance

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won't be able to get through heads that way possible.

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Because it must be based on true faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So

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as we said,

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worship has to be regularly performed.

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Therefore, ancients in worshipping a law. This is a primary requirement. And it's not easy.

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worshiping Him regularly, it's not easy. Because

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what happens when people do things regularly is that

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they take it for granted.

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You lose your sincerity.

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You get up for tahajud every night, every night, every night, every night, the first night you got up, there's a good feeling strong feeling there, but after you started doing it regularly, it becomes a norm for you. Then the sincerity of it tends to go

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and this is something very serious, because what is the use? Though regular prayer is required of us? What is the use of this regular prayer? If our hearts are not really in it?

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What the law has prescribed is not achieved.

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So we have to stop. We have to reflect we have to regularly renew our intentions. We have to question ourselves. What are we doing? Is this really for a law? Or is it just a habit?

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Let me renew my intention.

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And let us ask the last one to Allah to give us sincerity in our prayers in all of the various acts of our worship.

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being patient in worshipping a law, we have to make sure that we don't deviate from the way prescribed by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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we have to make sure we don't deviate from that way.

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if we have deviated, then we have lost the value of our prayer. So we may be praying regularly, but we are praying a prayer, which is not according to what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to do.

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So we have to maintain sincerity.

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And we have to maintain the Sunnah, the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So, patience in worshipping a law.

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It is natural for us to have an aversion

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to carry out certain acts of worship getting up for fudger in the morning.

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Our body tells us, we need more sleep.

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Our mind tells us, I'm still tired.

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The pillow feels softest. At the time, we need to get up in the morning.

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So naturally, it's difficult.

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We have to struggle. And that's why the prophet SAW Solomon said, among the signs of the hypocrites, is their inability to pray. fudger.

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So we have to be patient here patient meaning holding restraining our desires

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and fulfilling the commandments of a loss of Hannah wadala. Secondly, we have to be patient in abstaining from wrong actions.

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We have to have within ourselves a fear of punishment.

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And this is something that most of us have lost.

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As a child growing up, we have a sense of fear of punishment from our parents,

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in school, fear of punishment from our teachers. But when we become mature, and there's nobody who is over us, then the fear of punishment is gone. Although the fear of punishment from Allah Subhana Allah should remain,

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it should be there.

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And if we really fear the loss of Allah,

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then our lives would be

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We would be following the straight path, but is because of a lack of fear, weakness of our fear that we disobey a law and we engage in wrong actions.

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Also, we should have a shyness higher

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shame before a loss of

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shame in using the blessings which Allah has given us, our strength, our minds, our bodies, using them in a way which is displeasing to him.

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We should feel ashamed, knowing that he is watching us he sees us knowing that we will have to stand before him and give a count for whatever we have done. We should have higher

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in order for us

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to stop doing wrong actions,

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smoking cigarettes and know that smoking cigarettes is haram.

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It's not just mcru as some people say, it is harm.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam Sallam had told us that whoever

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kills himself in this life using a knife, throwing himself off a mountain. However, he killed himself. He will remain in the Hellfire killing himself in the same way over and over again.

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So smoking,

00:34:56 --> 00:34:59

killing ourselves by smoking

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Will do us to * killing ourselves over and over with cigarettes. If we love cigarettes that much,

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00:35:13 --> 00:35:14

I feel very sorry.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:21

When we have bad habits, how do we break them

00:35:24 --> 00:35:26

we have to tackle them head on,

00:35:27 --> 00:35:28


00:35:29 --> 00:35:33

commit ourselves, for the sake of a law to give it up.

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We may use what is available to help us. But in the end, we just have to break these habits. Whatever we have become used to doing continually we have to tackle them, whether it is smoking, whether it is cheating, whether it is lying, whatever bad habits we have developed, we have to break these habits in order to develop patience.

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From abstaining, to abstain from wrong actions, the last category

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in accepting a laws, decree and ruling

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patience in times of trial and adversity.

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This one

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is actually among the easiest ones.

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having patience in times of trial and adversity is relatively easy.

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Because even the non believer, one who doesn't believe in God, in a law

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can decide to be patient, and times of trial and adversity. calamity strikes him, he says, What's the point in screaming and hollering, it's not gonna do anything. So I'll just

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bite the bullet.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:10

Take it.

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That's life.

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But for us to be patient, in worshiping a law, when things are going well. That's the big trial.

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That is the difficulty.

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And if you notice, people in general, when calamity strikes, they're in the masjid, praying, begging along. When things are going well, you don't see them anymore. So you can see this, it's easy to turn to a law in times of trial. But still, it is for us to do so.

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That is required.

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And the last one to Allah

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has promised a great reward for those of us who turn to Him in times of adversity, as I mentioned from Surah Baqarah before or bestiaries sabihin give glad tidings to the patient ones. So there is a great reward and that should encourage us to be patient. Also, the fact that the law is so behind the Allah told us in the mallows, to use raw with every difficulty comes ease, that should also help us to be patient because we know that whatever calamity is struck us will end it will not continue forever. There's a difficult time then ease comes that is the promise of Allah Allah. And then

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if we think of all of the other blessings that Allah has put in our lives, then this calamity becomes very small. When we forget all of the blessings and the calamity seems so great and so big.

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So in the time of calamity, think about all of the good that has come and that will help us to be patient.

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with regards to

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the blessings of Allah Subhana Allah,

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we have to also be careful that we're not fooled by them. As we said before, when things go good, we forget the law. We have

00:39:25 --> 00:39:43

the verse in Surah munafo in the chapter of the hypocrites verse nine and which are last ones I said there Yeah. Dena amanu, la Toluca, mamanuca. Allah Allah Cucamonga karela or mediafile Delica hola como hacer una

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

or you will believe. Let not your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of a law in any act Thus, the loss is their own or you will believe Do not let

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Your riches or your children, divert you from the remembrance of a law.

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If anyone acts this way, the loss is their own, if not boss, when he was asked about this verse, He said

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it was in reference to some Meccans some people from Mecca, who, when the command for Hydra had come,

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and they had decided to migrate, along with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, their wives and their children, suggested to them not to go

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beg them not to go. They would be abandoning their homes, their wealth, the comfortable life. So they stayed back. Later on when they went to Medina, and join the rest of Muslims when Medina was established.

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They saw that those who had gone ahead and made the hedgerow with the prophet SAW Salem had learned so much had gone so far ahead, they became upset, and they wanted to punish their wives and children. So Allah revealed the verse, or you will believe, do not let your riches or your children divert you from the remembrance of the law, if any acts this way, the loss is their own. This is the danger. We need to keep this in mind. This is part of the trial and the test for us for patients in this life. So patients should be in worshiping a law and following his commands.

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Even in the best of times, we said it's easy in times of difficulty, difficult in times of ease, and abstaining from wrong actions.

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Fearing a law fearing his punishment, and avoiding doing what is displeasing to him. And finally, in accepting the decree of a law, whatever a law has decided, believing that ultimately it is the best the tsunami which has hit us hit Muslims, over 100,000 Muslims have lost their lives. Somebody says well where is the good in all of this?

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What possible good could there be

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as Muslims, we say, Allah knows best. He knows that there is good in it

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and that is why he permitted it to take place.

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Whether we can see that good or not.

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A law knows best.

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He doesn't do anything except for a good reason. So my brothers and sisters, let us reflect on Surah Al Asad

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while Asad Say it with me while acid

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in in Santa Fe.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:19

lol Edina Ave

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

well I'm a little salty hot.

00:43:24 --> 00:43:25

Water was so we'll hop

00:43:27 --> 00:43:29

what was ob sobre?

00:43:31 --> 00:43:34

Let's put it in our hearts make it real.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:38

Let's make that core and real.

00:43:40 --> 00:43:41

As the last one Jada said

00:43:45 --> 00:43:55

Will they not reflect on the meanings of the Quran? Allah Columbian of aloha or are their hearts locked up?

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open those hearts. Brothers and sisters. Reflect on the meanings and May Allah give us all patience.

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